Esempio n. 1
	ModuleDebug::ModuleDebug() : ModuleBase("Debug")
		VarMemcpySrc = AddVariableInt("MemcpySrc", "memcpy_src", "Allows breakpointing memcpy based on specified source address filter.", eCommandFlagsHidden, 0, MemcpySrcFilterUpdate);
		VarMemcpyDst = AddVariableInt("MemcpyDst", "memcpy_dst", "Allows breakpointing memcpy based on specified destination address filter.", eCommandFlagsHidden, 0, MemcpyDstFilterUpdate);
		VarMemsetDst = AddVariableInt("MemsetDst", "memset_dst", "Allows breakpointing memset based on specified destination address filter.", eCommandFlagsHidden, 0, MemsetDstFilterUpdate);

		Hook memcpyHook = Hook("Memcpy", 0xBEF260, Debug_MemcpyHook, HookType::Jmp);
		Hook memsetHook = Hook("Memset", 0xBEE2E0, Debug_MemsetHook, HookType::Jmp);

		patches->EnableHook(&memcpyHook, true);
		patches->EnableHook(&memsetHook, true);
Esempio n. 2
	ModuleInput::ModuleInput() : ModuleBase("Input")
		VarInputRawInput = AddVariableInt("RawInput", "rawinput", "Enables raw mouse input with no acceleration applied", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableInputRawInputUpdate);
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Bind", "bind", "Binds a command to a key", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandBind, { "key", "[+]command", "arguments" });

		AddCommand("UIButtonPress", "ui_btn_press", "Emulates a gamepad button press on UI menus", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandUIButtonPress, { "btnCode The code of the button to press" });

		CommandBindControllerAction = AddCommand("ControllerAction", "controller", "Binds an in-game action to a controller button", eCommandFlagsNone, ::CommandBindControllerAction, { "action The name of the action to bind", "button The button name" });
		CommandBindKeyboardAction = AddCommand("KeyboardAction", "keyboard", "Binds an in-game action to keyboard keys or mouse buttons", eCommandFlagsNone, ::CommandBindKeyboardAction, { "action The name of the action to bind", "[primary] The primary key name", "[secondary] The secondary key name" });

#ifdef _DEBUG
		AddCommand("DebugBindings", "debugbindings", "Dumps the input bindings table", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDumpBindings);

		VarControllerSensitivityX = AddVariableFloat("ControllerSensitivityX", "xsens", "Horizontal controller look sensitivity", eCommandFlagsArchived, 120, VariableControllerSensitivityXUpdated);
		VarControllerSensitivityY = AddVariableFloat("ControllerSensitivityY", "ysens", "Vertical controller look sensitivity", eCommandFlagsArchived, 60, VariableControllerSensitivityYUpdated);


		// Default command bindings (TODO: port bind saving code from recode)
		commandBindings[eKeyCodeA].command = { "ui_btn_press", "0" };      // A
		commandBindings[eKeyCodeB].command = { "ui_btn_press", "1" };      // B
		commandBindings[eKeyCodeEnd].command = { "ui_btn_press", "1" };    // B
		commandBindings[eKeyCodeHome].command = { "ui_btn_press", "2" };   // X
Esempio n. 3
	ModuleUPnP::ModuleUPnP() : ModuleBase("UPnP")
		upnpDevice = upnpDiscover(2000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 2, &upnpDiscoverError);

		VarUPnPEnabled = AddVariableInt("Enabled", "upnp_enabled", "Enables UPnP to automatically port forward when hosting a game.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarUPnPEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarUPnPEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;
Esempio n. 4
	ModuleInput::ModuleInput() : ModuleBase("Input")
		VarInputRawInput = AddVariableInt("RawInput", "rawinput", "Enables raw mouse input with no acceleration applied", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableInputRawInputUpdate);
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Bind", "bind", "Binds a command to a key", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandBind, { "key", "[+]command", "arguments" });
Esempio n. 5
	ModuleWeapon::ModuleWeapon() : ModuleBase("Weapon")
		AddCommand("Offset", "weap_off", "This changes weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponOffset, { "Weapon Name", "I Offset", "J Offset", "K Offset" });
		AddCommand("Offset.Reset", "weap_off_res", "This resets weapon offset to default.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponOffsetReset, { "Weapon Name" });
		VarAutoSaveOnMapLoad = AddVariableInt("AutoSaveOnMapLoad", "weap_auto_save", "This determines if the offsets get saved on map load.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarWeaponJSON = AddVariableString("JSON.File", "weap_json_file", "The file weapon changes are saved to.", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default");
		AddCommand("JSON.Load", "weap_json_load", "This loads weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandLoadWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("JSON.Save", "weap_json_save", "This saves weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSaveWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("JSON.List", "weap_json_list", "This lists all available weapon offset configs.", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsHidden), CommandListWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("List", "weap_list", "Lists all weapons available in the mulg tag.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponList);
		AddCommand("Equipped", "weap_equipped", "Gives info on the currently equipped weapon.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGetEquippedWeaponInfo, { "Format: null, json, csv" });
Esempio n. 6
	ModuleServer::ModuleServer() : ModuleBase("Server")
		engine->OnEvent("Core", "Game.End", CallbackEndGame);
		// TODO: move [Port, Announce, Unannounce] to ServerPlugin once HttpRequest is exposed via interface

		VarServerCountdown = AddVariableInt("Countdown", "countdown", "The number of seconds to wait at the start of the game", eCommandFlagsArchived, 5, VariableServerCountdownUpdate);
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMax = 20;

		VarServerMaxPlayers = AddVariableInt("MaxPlayers", "maxplayers", "Maximum number of connected players", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu), 16, VariableServerMaxPlayersUpdate);
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMin = 1;
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMax = 16;

		VarServerCheats = AddVariableInt("Cheats", "sv_cheats", "Allows/blocks using cheat commands", eCommandFlagsReplicated, 0);
		VarServerCheats->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerCheats->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Connect", "connect", "Begins establishing a connection to a server", eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu, CommandServerConnect, { "host:port The server info to connect to", "password(string) The password for the server" });

		AddCommand("AnnounceStats", "announcestats", "Announces the players stats to the masters at the end of the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerAnnounceStats);
Esempio n. 7
	ModuleVoIP::ModuleVoIP() : ModuleBase("VoIP")
		//Push To Talk
		VarVoIPPushToTalk = AddVariableInt("PushToTalk", "voip_ptt", "If push to talk is enabled.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariablePushToTalkUpdate);
		VarVoIPPushToTalk->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPPushToTalk->ValueIntMax = 1;

		//Volume Modifier
		VarVoIPVolumeModifier = AddVariableInt("VolumeModifier", "voip_vm", "Modify the volume of other speakers (db)."
												"0 = no modification, negative values make the signal quieter,"
												"greater than zero boost the signal louder. High positive values = really bad audio quality."
												, eCommandFlagsArchived, 6, VariableVolumeModifierUpdate);

		VarVoIPVolumeModifier->ValueInt64Min = -15;
		VarVoIPVolumeModifier->ValueInt64Max = 30;

		//Automatic Gain Control
		VarVoIPAGC = AddVariableInt("AGC", "voip_agc", "Automatic Gain Control keeps volumes level with each other. Less really soft, and less really loud.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableAGCUpdate);
		VarVoIPAGC->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPAGC->ValueIntMax = 1;

		//Echo Cancellation
		VarVoIPEchoCancellation = AddVariableInt("EchoCancellation", "voip_ec", "Reduces echo over voice chat", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableEchoCancellationUpdate);
		VarVoIPEchoCancellation->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPEchoCancellation->ValueIntMax = 1;

		//Voice Activation Detection Level
		VarVoIPVADLevel = AddVariableFloat("VoiceActivationLevel", "voip_vadlevel", "A high voice activation level means you have to speak louder into the microphone"
			"in order to start transmitting. Reasonable values range from -50 to 50. Default is -45."
			, eCommandFlagsArchived, -45.0f, VariableVADLevelUpdate);

		VarVoIPVADLevel->ValueFloatMin = -50.0f;
		VarVoIPVADLevel->ValueFloatMax = 50.0f;

		//Should we start a VoIP Server?
		VarVoIPServerEnabled = AddVariableInt("ServerEnabled", "voip_server", "Enabled or disable the VoIP Server.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableServerEnabledUpdate);
		VarVoIPServerEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPServerEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		//Are we talking right now?
		VarVoIPTalk = AddVariableInt("Talk", "voip_Talk", "Enables or disables talking (for push to talk)", eCommandFlagsNone, 0);
		VarVoIPTalk->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPTalk->ValueIntMax = 1;

		//Should we start a VoIP client?
		VarVoIPEnabled = AddVariableInt("Enabled", "voip_enabled", "Enabled or disable the VoIP Client.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableEnabledUpdate);
		VarVoIPEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoIPEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("MutePlayer", "mute", "Toggles mute on a player in VoIP", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandVoIPMutePlayer, { "playername/UID The name or UID of the player to mute or unmute" });

Esempio n. 8
	ModuleForge::ModuleForge() : ModuleBase("Forge")
		VarCloneDepth = AddVariableFloat("CloneDepth", "forge_clone_depth", "Depth at which the object will be cloned", eCommandFlagsNone, 1.0f);
		VarCloneMultiplier = AddVariableInt("CloneMultiplier", "forge_clone_multiplier", "Number of consecutive times the object will be cloned", eCommandFlagsNone, 1);
		VarRotationSnap = AddVariableFloat("RotationSnap", "forge_rotation_snap", "Angle in degrees at which object rotation will be snapped", eCommandFlagsNone, 0);
		VarRotationSensitivity = AddVariableFloat("RotationSensitivity", "forge_rotation_sensitivity", "Controls the sensitivity of object rotation", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1.0f);
		VarMonitorSpeed = AddVariableFloat("MonitorSpeed", "forge_monitor_speed", "Controls the movement speed of the monitor", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1.0f);
		VarSelectionRenderer = AddVariableInt("SelectionRenderer", "forge_selection_renderer", "Set the selection renderer to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSelectionRenderer->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSelectionRenderer->ValueIntMax = 1;
		VarMagnetsEnabled = AddVariableInt("Magnets", "forge_magnets", "Controls whether magnets are enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarMagnetsEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarMagnetsEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;
		VarMagnetsVisible = AddVariableInt("MagnetsVisible", "forge_magnets_visible", "Controls whether magnets are shown (1) or hidden (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarMagnetsVisible->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarMagnetsVisible->ValueIntMax = 1;
		VarMaxGrabDistance = AddVariableFloat("GrabDistance", "forge_grab_distance", "Controls the maximum distance from which objects can be grabbed", eCommandFlagsArchived, 5.0f);
		VarMagnetsStrength = AddVariableFloat("MagnetsStrength", "forge_magnets_strength", "Controls the minimum distance at which magnets snap", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0.3f);
		VarShowInvisibles = AddVariableInt("ShowInvisibles", "forge_show_invisibles", "When enabled forces invisible materials to be visible", eCommandFlagsNone, 0.0f);
		VarShowInvisibles->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarShowInvisibles->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("DeleteAll", "forge_delete_all", "Delete all objects that are the same as the object under the crosshair", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandDeleteAll);
		AddCommand("Canvas", "forge_canvas", "Delete all objects on the map", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandCanvas);
		AddCommand("SelectAll", "forge_select_all", "Select all objects that are the same as the object under the crosshair", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSelectAll);
		AddCommand("DeselectAll", "forge_deselect_all", "Deselect all selected objects", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeselectAll);
		AddCommand("DeselectAllOf", "forge_deselect_all_of", "Deselect all selected objects that are the same as the object under the crosshair", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeselectAllOf);
		AddCommand("SavePrefab", "forge_prefab_save", "Save prefab to a file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSavePrefab);
		AddCommand("LoadPrefab", "forge_prefab_load", "Load prefab from a file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandLoadPrefab);
		AddCommand("DumpPrefabs", "forge_prefab_dump", "Dump a list of saved prefabs in json", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDumpPrefabs);

		AddCommand("DumpPalette", "forge_dump_palette", "Dumps the forge palette in json", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDumpPalette);
		AddCommand("SpawnItem", "forge_spawn", "Spawn an item from the forge palette", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSpawnItem);

		AddCommand("SetPrematchCamera", "forge_set_prematch_camera", "Set the position/orientation of the prematch camera", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandPrematchCamera);
Esempio n. 9
	ModuleTweaks::ModuleTweaks() : ModuleBase("Tweaks")
		VarIntelBloomPatch = AddVariableInt("IntelBloomPatch", "intelbloompatch", "Fixes excessive bloom when using Intel integrated graphics", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarIntelBloomPatch->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarIntelBloomPatch->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarAggressiveAudioDiscarding = AddVariableInt("AggressiveAudioDiscarding", "aggressiveaudiodiscarding", "Discard sounds more aggressively to prevent audio latency. This is a workaround, not a fix.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarAggressiveAudioDiscarding->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarAggressiveAudioDiscarding->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarDisableReactorFog = AddVariableInt("DisableReactorFog", "disablereactorfog", "Disable the fog effects around the moving platforms on the Reactor map to increase performance.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarDisableReactorFog->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarDisableReactorFog->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarDisableWeaponOutline = AddVariableInt("DisableWeaponOutline", "disableweaponoutline", "Disables the outline effect on weapons and equipment.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarDisableWeaponOutline->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarDisableWeaponOutline->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarDisableHeadshotEffect = AddVariableInt("DisableHeadshotEffect", "disableheadshoteffect", "Disables the *ping* effect and sound on headshots.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarDisableHeadshotEffect->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarDisableHeadshotEffect->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarDisableHitMarkers = AddVariableInt("DisableHitMarkers", "disablehitmarkers", "Disables weapon hitmarkers.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarDisableHitMarkers->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarDisableHitMarkers->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarGruntBirthdayParty = AddVariableInt("GruntBirthdayParty", "gruntbirthdayparty", "Hooray! Tweaks.DisableHeadshotEffect will disable this.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarGruntBirthdayParty->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarGruntBirthdayParty->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarReachStyleFrags = AddVariableInt("ReachStyleFrags", "reachstylefrags", "Adds a Halo: Reach style trail effect to frag grenades.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarReachStyleFrags->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarReachStyleFrags->ValueIntMax = 1;;

		VarFlatHUD = AddVariableInt("FlatHUD", "flathud", "Removes distortion from the HUD.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableFlatHUDUpdated);
		VarFlatHUD->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarFlatHUD->ValueIntMax = 1;;

Esempio n. 10
	ModuleVoIP::ModuleVoIP() : ModuleBase("VoIP")
		VarVoipEnabled = AddVariableInt("Enabled", "enabled", "Toggle voip on or off", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarVoipEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoipEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarPTTEnabled = AddVariableInt("PTT_Enabled", "ptt_enabled", "Enable PTT(1) or voice activation(0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarPTTEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarPTTEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarMicrophone = AddVariableString("MicrophoneID", "microphoneid", "microphone label to use for voip, blank is default device", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarEchoCancellation = AddVariableInt("EchoCancelation", "echocancellation", "Toggle echo cancellation", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarEchoCancellation->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarEchoCancellation->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarAGC = AddVariableInt("AGC", "agc", "Toggle automatic gain control", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarAGC->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarAGC->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarNoiseSupress = AddVariableInt("NoiseSupress", "noisesupress", "Toggle noise supression", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarNoiseSupress->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarNoiseSupress->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Update", "voip_update", "Updates the voip screen layer with variable states", eCommandFlagsNone, UpdateVoip);

		VarPTTSoundEnabled = AddVariableInt("PTTSoundEnabled", "ptt_sound_enabled", "Toggles the sound played when using Push-To-Talk.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarPTTSoundEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarPTTSoundEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD = AddVariableInt("SpeakingPlayerOnHUD", "speaking_player_hud", "Shows the speaking player on the HUD, rather than the web overlay.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarStereoVoice = AddVariableInt("StereoVoice", "stereo_voice", "Allow stereo voice chat", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarStereoVoice->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarStereoVoice->ValueIntMax = 1;

Esempio n. 11
	ModuleInput::ModuleInput() : ModuleBase("Input")
		VarInputRawInput = AddVariableInt("RawInput", "rawinput", "Enables raw mouse input with no acceleration applied", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableInputRawInputUpdate);
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarInputRawInput->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Bind", "bind", "Binds a command to a key", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandBind, { "key", "[+]command", "arguments" });

		AddCommand("UIButtonPress", "ui_btn_press", "Emulates a gamepad button press on UI menus", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandUIButtonPress, { "btnCode The code of the button to press" });

		// Default keybindings (TODO: port bind saving code from recode)
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesEnter].command = { "ui_btn_press", "0" };  // A
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesSpace].command = { "ui_btn_press", "0" };  // A
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesEscape].command = { "ui_btn_press", "1" }; // B
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesBack].command = { "ui_btn_press", "1" };   // B
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesEnd].command = { "ui_btn_press", "1" };    // B
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesHome].command = { "ui_btn_press", "2" };   // X
		bindings[Blam::Input::eKeyCodesDelete].command = { "forge_delete" };
Esempio n. 12
	ModuleSettings::ModuleSettings() : ModuleBase("Settings")
		VarFullscreen = AddVariableInt("Fullscreen", "fullscreen", "Controls whether the game is windowed or fullscreen", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsFullscreenUpdate);
Esempio n. 13
	ModuleSettings::ModuleSettings() : ModuleBase("Settings")
		VarAntialiasing = AddVariableInt("Antialiasing", "antialiasing", "Controls whether antialiasing is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsAntialiasingUpdate);
		VarAutoCentering = AddVariableInt("AutoCentering", "autocenter", "Controls whether auto-centering is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsAutoCenteringUpdate);
		VarBrightness = AddVariableInt("Brightness", "brightness", "Controls the brightness level (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsBrightnessUpdate);
		VarContrast = AddVariableInt("Contrast", "Contrast", "Controls the contrast level (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsContrastUpdate);
		VarDetailsQuality = AddVariableString("DetailsQuality", "details", "Controls whether the details quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsDetailsQualityUpdate);
		VarDisplayHints = AddVariableInt("DisplayHints", "hints", "Controls whether displaying of hints is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsDisplayHintsUpdate);
		VarEffectsQuality = AddVariableString("EffectsQuality", "effects", "Controls whether the effects Quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsEffectsQualityUpdate);
		VarFullscreen = AddVariableInt("Fullscreen", "fullscreen", "Controls whether the game is windowed (0) or fullscreen (1)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsFullscreenUpdate);
		VarScreenResolution = AddVariableString("ScreenResolution", "resolution", "Controls the screen resolution", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default", VariableSettingsScreenResolutionUpdate);
		VarHUDShake = AddVariableInt("HUDShake", "hud_shake", "Controls whether hud shake is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsHUDShakeUpdate);
		VarInvertLook = AddVariableInt("InvertLook", "invert_look", "Controls whether look-inversion is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsInvertLookUpdate);
		VarInvertMouse = AddVariableInt("InvertMouse", "invert_mouse", "Controls whether mouse-inversion is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsInvertMouseUpdate);
		VarLightingQuality = AddVariableString("LightingQuality", "lighting", "Controls whether the lighting quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsLightingQualityUpdate);
		VarLookSensitivity = AddVariableInt("LookSensitivity", "look_sensitivity", "Controls the controller look sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsLookSensitivityUpdate);
		VarMotionBlur = AddVariableInt("MotionBlur", "motion_blur", "Controls whether motion blur is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsMotionBlurUpdate);
		VarMouseAcceleration = AddVariableInt("MouseAcceleration", "mouse_accel", "Controls the level of mouse acceleration (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsMouseAccelerationUpdate);
		VarMouseFilter = AddVariableInt("MouseFilter", "mouse_filter", "Controls whether mouse-filtering is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsMouseFilterUpdate);
		VarGamepadEnabled = AddVariableInt("Gamepad", "gamepad", "Controls whether gamepad is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsGamepadEnabledUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityHorizontal = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityHorizontal", "mouse_sensitivity_hor", "Controls the horizontal mouse sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityHorizontalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVertical = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVertical", "mouse_sensitivity_vert", "Controls the vertical mouse sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVerticalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontal = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontal", "mouse_sensitivity_vehicle_hor", "Controls the horizontal mouse sensitivity for vehicles (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVehicleVertical = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVehicleVertical", "mouse_sensitivity_vehicle_vert", "Controls the vertical mouse sensitivity for vehicles (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVehicleVerticalUpdate);
		VarPlayerMarkerColors = AddVariableString("PlayerMarkerColors", "markers", "Controls whether the player marker colors are default, ally or armor", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default", VariableSettingsPlayerMarkerColorsUpdate);
		VarPostprocessingQuality = AddVariableString("PostprocessingQuality", "postprocessing", "Controls whether the postprocessing quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsPostprocessingQualityUpdate);
		VarShadowQuality = AddVariableString("ShadowQuality", "shadows", "Controls whether the shadow quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsShadowQualityUpdate);
		VarTextureFilteringQuality = AddVariableString("TextureFilteringQuality", "texture_filtering", "Controls whether the texture-filtering quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsTextureFilteringQualityUpdate);
		VarTextureResolution = AddVariableString("TextureResolution", "textures", "Controls whether the texture resolution level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsTextureResolutionUpdate);
		VarToggleCrouch = AddVariableInt("ToggleCrouch", "toggle_crouch", "Controls whether crouch-toggling is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsToggleCrouchUpdate);
		VarVSync = AddVariableInt("VSync", "vsync", "Controls whether vertical sync is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsVSyncUpdate);
		VarMasterVolume = AddVariableInt("MasterVolume", "volume", "Controls the master volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsMasterVolumeUpdated);
		VarSfxVolume = AddVariableInt("SfxVolume", "volume_sfx", "Controls the sfx volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsSfxVolumeUpdated);
		VarMusicVolume = AddVariableInt("MusicVolume", "volume_music", "Controls the music volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsMusicVolumeUpdated);
		VarAudioOutputDevice = AddVariableInt("AudioOutputDevice", "audio_out", "Sets the audio output device to use (0) being system default", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableAudioOutputDeviceUpdated);

		AddCommand("AudioOutputDeviceList", "audio_out_devs", "List available audio output devices", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandAudioOutputDeviceList);
		AddCommand("Reset", "settings_reset", "Restores default settings", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandResetSettings);
Esempio n. 14
	ModuleGame::ModuleGame() : ModuleBase("Game")
		AddCommand("LogLevel", "loglevel", "Debug log verbosity level", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogLevel, { "trace|info|warning|error|none The log verbosity level" });

		AddCommand("LogTypes", "logtypes", "Chooses which kinds of debug messages to print to the log file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogTypes, { "game|network|graphics|memory|sound|input|debug|all|none The message types to log" });

		AddCommand("LogFilter", "debug_filter", "Allows you to set filters to apply to the debug messages", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogFilter, { "include/exclude The type of filter", "add/remove Add or remove the filter", "string The filter to add" });

		AddCommand("Info", "info", "Displays information about the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameInfo);

		AddCommand("Exit", "exit", "Ends the game process", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameExit);

		AddCommand("ForceLoad", "forceload", "Forces a map to load", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameForceLoad, { "mapname(string) The name of the map to load", "gametype(int) The gametype to load", "gamemode(int) The type of gamemode to play", });

		AddCommand("ShowUI", "show_ui", "Attempts to force a UI widget to open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameShowUI, { "dialogID(int) The dialog ID to open", "arg1(int) Unknown argument", "flags(int) Unknown argument", "parentdialogID(int) The ID of the parent dialog" });

		AddCommand("Map", "map", "Loads a map or map variant", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLoadMap, { "name(string) The internal name of the map or Forge map to load" });

		AddCommand("GameType", "gametype", "Loads a gametype", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameType, { "name(string) The internal name of the built-in gametype or custom gametype to load" });

		AddCommand("Start", "start", "Starts or restarts the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStart);

		AddCommand("Stop", "stop", "Stops the game, goes back to lobby", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStop);

		AddCommand("Version", "version", "Displays the game's version", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameVersion);

		AddCommand("SetMenuEnabled", "set_menu", "Sets whether the server browser is currently open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameSetMenuEnabled);

		AddCommand("DeleteForgeItem", "forge_delete", "Delete the Forge item under the crosshairs", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeleteForgeItem);

		AddCommand("ListMaps", "maps", "List all available map files", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandListMaps);
		VarMenuURL = AddVariableString("MenuURL", "menu_url", "url(string) The URL of the page you want to load inside the menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarLanguageID = AddVariableInt("LanguageID", "languageid", "The index of the language to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMax = 11;

		VarSkipLauncher = AddVariableInt("SkipLauncher", "launcher", "Skip requiring the launcher", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarSkipTitleSplash = AddVariableInt("SkipTitleSplash", "titlesplash", "Skip the ElDewrito splash screen and go straight to the main menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipTitleSplash->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipTitleSplash->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarLogName = AddVariableString("LogName", "debug_logname", "Filename to store debug log messages", eCommandFlagsArchived, "dorito.log");

		VarRconPort = AddVariableInt("RconPort", "rcon_port", "The port to use for rcon in this instance of the game", eCommandFlagsArchived, 11776);

		VarMedalPack = AddVariableString("MedalPack", "medals", "The name of the medal pack to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default");

		// Level load patch
		Patch::NopFill(Pointer::Base(0x2D26DF), 5);

		/*EXAMPLES: adds a variable "Game.Name", default value ElDewrito, calls VariableGameNameUpdate when value is updated
		AddVariableString("Name", "gamename", "Title of the game", "ElDewrito", VariableGameNameUpdate);

		// adds a variable "Game.Year", default value 2015, clamped to [1994..3030]
		auto cmd = AddVariableInt("Year", "gameyear", "The current year", 2015);
		cmd->ValueIntMin = 1994;
		cmd->ValueIntMax = 3030;

		// adds a variable "Game.Money", default value 1.86
		AddVariableFloat("Money", "gamemoney", "Your mothers hourly rate", 1.86f);*/
Esempio n. 15
	ModuleGame::ModuleGame() : ModuleBase("Game")
		AddCommand("LogMode", "debug", "Chooses which debug messages to print to the log file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogMode, { "network|ssl|ui|game1|game2|all|off The log mode to enable" });

		AddCommand("LogFilter", "debug_filter", "Allows you to set filters to apply to the debug messages", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogFilter, { "include/exclude The type of filter", "add/remove Add or remove the filter", "string The filter to add" });

		AddCommand("Info", "info", "Displays information about the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameInfo);

		AddCommand("Exit", "exit", "Ends the game process", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameExit);

		AddCommand("ForceLoad", "forceload", "Forces a map to load", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameForceLoad, { "mapname(string) The name of the map to load", "gametype(int) The gametype to load", "gamemode(int) The type of gamemode to play", });

		AddCommand("ShowUI", "show_ui", "Attempts to force a UI widget to open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameShowUI, { "dialogID(int) The dialog ID to open", "arg1(int) Unknown argument", "flags(int) Unknown argument", "parentdialogID(int) The ID of the parent dialog" });

		AddCommand("Map", "map", "Loads a map or map variant", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLoadMap, { "name(string) The internal name of the map or Forge map to load" });

		AddCommand("GameType", "gametype", "Loads a gametype", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameType, { "name(string) The internal name of the built-in gametype or custom gametype to load" });

		AddCommand("Start", "start", "Starts or restarts the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStart);

		AddCommand("Version", "version", "Displays the game's version", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameVersion);

		AddCommand("SetMenuEnabled", "set_menu", "Sets whether the menu is currently open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameSetMenuEnabled);

		AddCommand("DeleteForgeItem", "forge_delete", "Delete the Forge item under the crosshairs", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeleteForgeItem);
		VarMenuURL = AddVariableString("MenuURL", "menu_url", "url(string) The URL of the page you want to load inside the menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarLanguageID = AddVariableInt("LanguageID", "languageid", "The index of the language to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMax = 11;

		VarSkipLauncher = AddVariableInt("SkipLauncher", "launcher", "Skip requiring the launcher", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMax = 0;

		VarLogName = AddVariableString("LogName", "debug_logname", "Filename to store debug log messages", eCommandFlagsArchived, "dorito.log");

		// Level load patch
		Patch::NopFill(Pointer::Base(0x2D26DF), 5);

		//populate map list on load
		WIN32_FIND_DATA Finder;
		HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile((ElDorito::Instance().GetDirectory() + "\\maps\\*.map").c_str(), &Finder);
				if (!(Finder.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
					std::string MapName(Finder.cFileName);
					//remove extension
					MapList.push_back(MapName.substr(0, MapName.find_last_of('.')));
			} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &Finder) != 0);

		/*EXAMPLES: adds a variable "Game.Name", default value ElDewrito, calls VariableGameNameUpdate when value is updated
		AddVariableString("Name", "gamename", "Title of the game", "ElDewrito", VariableGameNameUpdate);

		// adds a variable "Game.Year", default value 2015, clamped to [1994..3030]
		auto cmd = AddVariableInt("Year", "gameyear", "The current year", 2015);
		cmd->ValueIntMin = 1994;
		cmd->ValueIntMax = 3030;

		// adds a variable "Game.Money", default value 1.86
		AddVariableFloat("Money", "gamemoney", "Your mothers hourly rate", 1.86f);*/
Esempio n. 16
	ModuleServer::ModuleServer() : ModuleBase("Server")
		VarServerName = AddVariableString("Name", "server_name", "The name of the server", eCommandFlagsArchived, "HaloOnline Server");

		VarServerPassword = AddVariableString("Password", "password", "The server password", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarServerCountdown = AddVariableInt("Countdown", "countdown", "The number of seconds to wait at the start of the game", eCommandFlagsArchived, 5, VariableServerCountdownUpdate);
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMax = 20;

		VarServerMaxPlayers = AddVariableInt("MaxPlayers", "maxplayers", "Maximum number of connected players", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu), 16, VariableServerMaxPlayersUpdate);
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMin = 1;
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMax = 16;

		VarServerPort = AddVariableInt("Port", "server_port", "The port number the HTTP server runs on, game uses different one", eCommandFlagsArchived, 11775);
		VarServerPort->ValueIntMin = 1;
		VarServerPort->ValueIntMax = 0xFFFF;

		VarServerShouldAnnounce = AddVariableInt("ShouldAnnounce", "should_announce", "Controls whether the server will be announced to the master servers", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableServerShouldAnnounceUpdate);
		VarServerShouldAnnounce->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerShouldAnnounce->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Connect", "connect", "Begins establishing a connection to a server", eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu, CommandServerConnect, { "host:port The server info to connect to", "password(string) The password for the server" });
		AddCommand("Announce", "announce", "Announces this server to the master servers", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerAnnounce);
		AddCommand("Unannounce", "unannounce", "Notifies the master servers to remove this server", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerUnannounce);

		AddCommand("AnnounceStats", "announcestats", "Announces the players stats to the masters at the end of the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerAnnounceStats);

		AddCommand("KickPlayer", "k", "Kicks a player from the game by name (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayer, { "playername The name of the player to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanPlayer", "kb", "Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by name (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayer, { "playername The name of the player to ban" });

		AddCommand("KickUid", "ku", "Kicks players from the game by UID (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayerUid, { "uid The UID of the players to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanUid", "kbu", "Kicks and IP bans players from the game by UID (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayerUid, { "uid The UID of the players to ban" });

		AddCommand("KickIndex", "ki", "Kicks a player from the game by index (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayerIndex, { "index The index of the player to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanIndex", "kbi", "Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by index (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayerIndex, { "index The index of the player to ban" });

		AddCommand("AddBan", "addban", "Adds to the ban list (does NOT kick anyone)", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerBan, { "type The ban type (only \"ip\" is supported for now)", "val The value to add to the ban list" });
		AddCommand("Unban", "unban", "Removes from the ban list", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerUnban, { "type The ban type (only \"ip\" is supported for now)", "val The value to remove from the ban list" });

		AddCommand("ListPlayers", "list", "Lists players in the game (currently host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerListPlayers);

		AddCommand("Ping", "ping", "Ping a server", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerPing, { "[ip] The IP address of the server to ping. Omit to ping the host." });
		VarServerMode = AddVariableInt("Mode", "mode", "Changes the game mode for the server. 0 = Xbox Live (Open Party); 1 = Xbox Live (Friends Only); 2 = Xbox Live (Invite Only); 3 = Online; 4 = Offline;", eCommandFlagsNone, 4, CommandServerMode);
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMax = 4;

		VarServerLobbyType = AddVariableInt("LobbyType", "lobbytype", "Changes the lobby type for the server. 0 = Campaign; 1 = Matchmaking; 2 = Multiplayer; 3 = Forge; 4 = Theater;", eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial, 2, CommandServerLobbyType);
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMax = 4;

		VarServerSprintEnabled = AddVariableInt("SprintEnabled", "sprint", "Controls whether sprint is enabled on the server", static_cast<CommandFlags>(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsReplicated), 1);
		VarServerSprintEnabledClient = AddVariableInt("SprintEnabledClient", "sprint_client", "", eCommandFlagsInternal, 1, SprintEnabledChanged);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(VarServerSprintEnabled, VarServerSprintEnabledClient);

		VarServerSprintUnlimited = AddVariableInt("UnlimitedSprint", "unlimited_sprint", "Controls whether unlimited sprint is enabled on the server", static_cast<CommandFlags>(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsReplicated), 0);
		VarServerSprintUnlimitedClient = AddVariableInt("UnlimitedSprintClient", "unlimited_sprint_client", "", eCommandFlagsInternal, 0, UnlimitedSprintEnabledChanged);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(VarServerSprintUnlimited, VarServerSprintUnlimitedClient);

#ifdef _DEBUG
		// Synchronization system testing
		auto syncTestServer = AddVariableInt("SyncTest", "synctest", "Sync test server", eCommandFlagsHidden);
		auto syncTestClient = AddVariableInt("SyncTestClient", "synctestclient", "Sync test client", eCommandFlagsHidden);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(syncTestServer, syncTestClient);
