Esempio n. 1
      // AfsAdmSvr_CrackCredentials
      // ...queries the specified AFS credentials token for its cell, user
      //    and expiration date.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_CrackCredentials (UINT_PTR idClient, UINT_PTR hCreds, STRING pszCell, STRING pszUser, SYSTEMTIME *pstExpiration, ULONG *pStatus)
   ULONG status;
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: CrackCredentials (0x%08lX)"), idClient, hCreds);

   unsigned long dateExpirationQuery;
   int fHasKasTokenQuery;
   char szUser[ cchSTRING ];
   char szUser2[ cchSTRING ];
   char szCell[ cchSTRING ];
   char *pszCellQuery = (pszCell) ? (char *)pszCell : szCell;
   char *pszUserQuery = (pszUser) ? (char *)pszUser : szUser;
   if (!afsclient_TokenQuery ((PVOID)hCreds, &dateExpirationQuery, pszUserQuery, szUser2, pszCellQuery, &fHasKasTokenQuery, (afs_status_p)&status))
      return FALSE_(status, pStatus, iOp);

   if (pstExpiration)
      AfsAppLib_UnixTimeToSystemTime (pstExpiration, dateExpirationQuery);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
      // AfsAdmSvr_ChangeCell
      // ...changes a cell's properties.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_ChangeCell (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idCell, LPAFSADMSVR_CHANGECELL_PARAMS pChange, ULONG *pStatus)
   ASACTION Action;
   Action.Action = ACTION_CELL_CHANGE;
   Action.idClient = idClient;
   Action.idCell = idCell;
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient, &Action);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: ChangeCell (idCell=0x%08lX)"), idClient, idCell);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   // Call AfsClass to actually do it
   PTSPROPERTIES PtsProperties;
   PtsProperties.idUserMax = (int)(pChange->idUserMax);
   PtsProperties.idGroupMax = (int)(pChange->idGroupMax);

   ULONG status;
   if (!AfsClass_SetPtsProperties ((LPIDENT)idCell, &PtsProperties, &status))
      Print (dlERROR, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: ChangeCell failed; error 0x%08lX"), idClient, status);
      return FALSE_(status,pStatus,iOp);

   AfsAdmSvr_TestProperties (idCell);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: ChangeCell succeeded"), idClient);
   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_GetObjects (UINT_PTR idClient, AFSADMSVR_GET_TYPE GetType, AFSADMSVR_GET_LEVEL GetLevel, LPASIDLIST pListObjects, LPASOBJPROPLIST *ppListObjectProperties, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObjects (Type=%lu, Level=%lu, nObjects=%lu)"), idClient, (LONG)GetType, (LONG)GetLevel, (pListObjects) ? (pListObjects->cEntries) : 0);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   *ppListObjectProperties = NULL;
   for (size_t iObject = 0; iObject < pListObjects->cEntries; ++iObject)
      ASOBJPROP ObjectProperties;

      ULONG status;
      if (AfsAdmSvr_GetObject (idClient, GetType, GetLevel, pListObjects->aEntries[ iObject ].idObject, pListObjects->aEntries[ iObject ].lParam, &ObjectProperties, &status))
         if (ObjectProperties.idObject == pListObjects->aEntries[ iObject ].idObject)
            if (!*ppListObjectProperties)
               *ppListObjectProperties = AfsAdmSvr_CreateObjPropList();

            if (*ppListObjectProperties)
               AfsAdmSvr_AddToObjPropList (ppListObjectProperties, &ObjectProperties, 0);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObjects succeeded; returning %lu properties"), idClient, (*ppListObjectProperties) ? ((*ppListObjectProperties)->cEntries) : 0);
   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
      // AfsAdmSvr_CloseCell
      // ...used by client to open a cell for administration.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_CloseCell (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idCell, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: CloseCell (idCell=0x%08lX)"), idClient, idCell);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (GetAsidType (idCell) != itCELL)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   CELL::CloseCell ((LPIDENT)idCell);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObjects (UINT_PTR idClient, LPASIDLIST pListObjects, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: RefreshObjects (nObjects=%lu)"), idClient, (pListObjects) ? (pListObjects->cEntries) : 0);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   for (size_t iObject = 0; iObject < pListObjects->cEntries; ++iObject)
      ULONG status;
      AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObject (idClient, pListObjects->aEntries[ iObject ].idObject, &status);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
      // AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObject
      // AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObjects
      // ...invalidates the server's cache of information about the specified
      //    object or objects.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObject (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idObject, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: RefreshObject (idObject=0x%08lX)"), idClient, idObject);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_InvalidateObjectProperties (idObject, pStatus))
      AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
      return FALSE;

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 7
      // AfsAdmSvr_GetLocalCell
      // ...obtains the name of the primary cell used by the admin server
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_GetLocalCell (UINT_PTR idClient, STRING pszCellName, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetLocalCell"), idClient);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (!CELL::GetDefaultCell (pszCellName, pStatus))
      AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
      return FALSE;

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 8
      // AfsAdmSvr_GetObject
      // AfsAdmSvr_GetObjects
      // ...returns server-cached information about the specified object (or
      //    objects).
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_GetObject (UINT_PTR idClient, AFSADMSVR_GET_TYPE GetType, AFSADMSVR_GET_LEVEL GetLevel, ASID idObject, UINT_PTR verProperties, LPASOBJPROP pProperties, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL2, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObject (Type=%lu, Level=%lu, idObject=0x%08lX, ver=%ld)"), idClient, (LONG)GetType, (LONG)GetLevel, idObject, verProperties);

   memset (pProperties, 0x00, sizeof(ASOBJPROP));

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   LPASOBJPROP pCurrentProperties;
   if ((pCurrentProperties = AfsAdmSvr_GetCurrentProperties (idObject, pStatus)) == NULL)
      Print (dlERROR, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObject failed; no properties"), idClient, idObject);
      AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
      return FALSE;

   // At this point pCurrentProperties may just be rudimentary properties.
   // If the user has requested GET_ALL_DATA, we'll have to get full properties.
   if ( (GetLevel == GET_ALL_DATA) && (pCurrentProperties->verProperties < verPROP_FIRST_SCAN) )
      if (!AfsAdmSvr_ObtainFullProperties (pCurrentProperties, pStatus))
         Print (dlERROR, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObject failed; no full properties"), idClient, idObject);
         AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
         return FALSE;

   // Now determine if we need to return anything at all; if the user specified
   // RETURN_IF_OUT_OF_DATE, it's possible that there's no need to do so.
   if ((pCurrentProperties->verProperties > verProperties) || (GetType == RETURN_DATA_ALWAYS))
      memcpy (pProperties, pCurrentProperties, sizeof(ASOBJPROP));

   Print (dlDETAIL2, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: GetObject succeeded (idObject=0x%08lX)"), idClient, idObject);
   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
      // AfsAdmSvr_SetCredentials
      // ...obtains new AFS credentials within the administrative server process
      //    on behalf of the specified user. if successful, returns a nonzero
      //    token {hCreds}, suitable for use in AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell().
extern "C" UINT_PTR AfsAdmSvr_SetCredentials (UINT_PTR idClient, STRING pszCell, STRING pszUser, STRING pszPassword, ULONG *pStatus)
   ULONG status;
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: SetCredentials (%s,%s)"), idClient, pszCell, pszUser);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   const char *pszCellSet = (pszCell && *pszCell) ? (const char *)pszCell : NULL;

   UINT_PTR hCreds;
   if (!afsclient_TokenGetNew (pszCellSet, (const char *)pszUser, (const char *)pszPassword, (PVOID *)&hCreds, (afs_status_p)&status))
      return FALSE_(status,pStatus,iOp);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return hCreds;
Esempio n. 10
      // AfsAdmSvr_PushCredentials
      // ...requests that the specified AFS credentials be used hereafter
      //    when manipulating the specified cell. You should follow this
      //    call with a Refresh request if necessary.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_PushCredentials (UINT_PTR idClient, UINT_PTR hCreds, ASID idCell, ULONG *pStatus)
   ULONG status;
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: PushCredentials (hCreds=0x%08lX, idCell=0x%08lX)"), idClient, hCreds, idCell);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (GetAsidType (idCell) != itCELL)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   LPCELL lpCell;
   if ((lpCell = ((LPIDENT)idCell)->OpenCell (&status)) == NULL)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   lpCell->SetCurrentCredentials ((PVOID)hCreds);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 11
      // AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell
      // ...opens a cell for administration.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell (UINT_PTR idClient, UINT_PTR hCreds, STRING pszCellName, DWORD dwScopeFlags, ASID *pidCell, ULONG *pStatus)
   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: OpenCell"), idClient);

   AfsAdmSvr_AddToMinScope (dwScopeFlags);

   LPIDENT lpiCell;
   if ((lpiCell = CELL::OpenCell ((LPTSTR)pszCellName, (PVOID)hCreds, pStatus)) == NULL)
      AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
      return FALSE;

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: OpenCell succeeded (idCell=0x%08lX)"), idClient, lpiCell);

   *pidCell = (ASID)lpiCell;
   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return TRUE;
void AfsAdmSvr_Action_StartRefresh (ASID idScope)
   switch (GetAsidType (idScope))
      case itCELL:
         AfsAdmSvr_MarkRefreshThread (idScope);
         // fall through

      case itSERVER:
         ASACTION Action;
         memset (&Action, 0x00, sizeof(Action));
         Action.Action = ACTION_REFRESH;
         Action.idCell = (ASID)( ((LPIDENT)idScope)->GetCell() );
         Action.u.Refresh.idScope = idScope;
         (void)AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (0, &Action);

         // Don't bother listing status-refreshes as ongoing operations
         // for any granularity smaller than the server; they'll occur
         // really frequently, and finish really quickly.
Esempio n. 13
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_FindObjects (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idSearchScope, ASOBJTYPE ObjectType, AFSADMSVR_SEARCH_REFRESH SearchRefresh, STRING szPattern, LPAFSADMSVR_SEARCH_PARAMS pSearchParams, LPASIDLIST *ppList, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   ULONG status = 0;

   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObjects (scope=0x%08lX, type=%lu, pat='%s')"), idClient, idSearchScope, ObjectType, szPattern);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (GetAsidType (idSearchScope) == itUNUSED)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   // First see if we need to refresh this cell/server
   if (!AfsAdmSvr_SearchRefresh (idSearchScope, ObjectType, SearchRefresh, &status))
      return FALSE_(status,pStatus,iOp);

   // Prepare an ASIDLIST, and call whatever subroutine is necessary to
   // perform the actual search.
   if ((*ppList = AfsAdmSvr_CreateAsidList()) == NULL)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY,pStatus,iOp);

   LPTSTR pszPattern = (szPattern && szPattern[0]) ? (LPTSTR)szPattern : NULL;

   switch (GetAsidType (idSearchScope))
      case itCELL:
         if (ObjectType == TYPE_ANY)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_AllInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVER)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServersInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVICE)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServicesInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_PARTITION)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_PartitionsInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumesInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_USER)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_UsersInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_GROUP)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_GroupsInCell (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
            rc = FALSE;
            status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

      case itSERVER:
         if (ObjectType == TYPE_ANY)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_AllInServer (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVICE)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServicesInServer (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_PARTITION)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_PartitionsInServer (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumesInServer (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
            rc = FALSE;
            status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

      case itAGGREGATE:
         if (ObjectType == TYPE_ANY)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumesInPartition (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
         else if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
            rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumesInPartition (ppList, idSearchScope, pszPattern, &status);
            rc = FALSE;
            status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

   if (rc && (*ppList) && (pSearchParams))
      AfsAdmSvr_Search_Advanced (ppList, pSearchParams);

   if (!rc && (*ppList))
      AfsAdmSvr_FreeAsidList (ppList);
   if (!rc && pStatus)
      *pStatus = status;

   if (!rc)
      Print (dlERROR, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObjects failed (status=0x%08lX)"), idClient, status);
   else // (rc)
      Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObjects succeeded; returning %lu item(s)"), idClient, (*ppList)->cEntries);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return rc;
Esempio n. 14
      // AfsAdmSvr_FindObject
      // AfsAdmSvr_FindObjects
      // ...used to search through all objects in the cell, obtaining a list
      //    of those which match the specified criteria. For FindObjects, the
      //    {*ppList} parameter will be filled in with an allocated list of
      //    ASIDs, and should be freed using the AfsAdmSvr_FreeAsidList()
      //    routine (clients using the TaAfsAdmSvrClient.lib library should
      //    call asc_AsidListFree(), which is a wrapper for that routine).
      //    The _FindObject routine can be used to find exactly one object--
      //    for instance, finding the ASID for a particular user or volume--
      //    while the _FindObjects routine returns a list of all objects
      //    which match the specified criteria--all volumes on a partition,
      //    or all users named "b*" within a cell.
extern "C" int AfsAdmSvr_FindObject (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idSearchScope, ASOBJTYPE ObjectType, AFSADMSVR_SEARCH_REFRESH SearchRefresh, STRING szName, ASID *pidObject, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   ULONG status = 0;

   size_t iOp = AfsAdmSvr_BeginOperation (idClient);

   Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObject (scope=0x%08lX, type=%lu, name='%s')"), idClient, idSearchScope, ObjectType, szName);

   if (!AfsAdmSvr_fIsValidClient (idClient))
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   if (GetAsidType (idSearchScope) == itUNUSED)
      return FALSE_(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,pStatus,iOp);

   // We've got a special case here: if possible, we don't want to have to
   // refresh the contents of the entire cell. So if the client is looking
   // for a user or group, we can just try to grab that object by its name;
   // afsclass supports an interface for just this case.
   switch (ObjectType)
      case TYPE_USER:
         rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_OneUser (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);

      case TYPE_GROUP:
         rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_OneGroup (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);

         // We'll have to do the search the hard way. First
         // see if we need to refresh this cell/server.
         if (!AfsAdmSvr_SearchRefresh (idSearchScope, ObjectType, SearchRefresh, &status))
            return FALSE_(status,pStatus,iOp);

         // Look for the specified object.
         switch (GetAsidType (idSearchScope))
            case itCELL:
               if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVER)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServerInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVICE)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServiceInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_PARTITION)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_PartitionInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumeInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_USER)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_UserInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_GROUP)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_GroupInCell (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
                  rc = FALSE;
                  status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            case itSERVER:
               if (ObjectType == TYPE_SERVICE)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_ServiceInServer (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_PARTITION)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_PartitionInServer (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
               else if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumeInServer (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
                  rc = FALSE;
                  status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            case itAGGREGATE:
               if (ObjectType == TYPE_VOLUME)
                  rc = AfsAdmSvr_Search_VolumeInPartition (pidObject, idSearchScope, szName, &status);
                  rc = FALSE;
                  status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

   if (!rc && pStatus)
      *pStatus = status;

   if (!rc)
      Print (dlERROR, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObject failed (status=0x%08lX)"), idClient, status);
   else // (rc)
      Print (dlDETAIL, TEXT("Client 0x%08lX: FindObject succeeded; returning idObject=0x%08lX"), idClient, *pidObject);

   AfsAdmSvr_EndOperation (iOp);
   return rc;