Esempio n. 1
struct Flist *nCopyFlistStruct(struct Flist *src, int srcnum)
    struct Flist *flist = NULL;

    flist = AllocFlistStruct(src->portion);
    flist->num = srcnum;
    flist->max = srcnum;
    if ((flist->list = (float *)calloc(flist->max, sizeof(float))) == NULL)
        fatal("calloc failed on (float)!");
    memcpy(flist->list, src->list, srcnum * sizeof(float));

    return flist;
Esempio n. 2
void GetBladeAnglesPlotData(struct radial *rr, float *xpl, float *ypl, float *xy)
	int i, num, pcount;
	float dl, ds, rad2deg, alpha;

	struct Flist *le_ang;
	struct Flist *te_ang;

	struct Point *cl;

	le_ang = AllocFlistStruct(rr->be_num+1);
	te_ang = AllocFlistStruct(rr->be_num+1);

	rad2deg = 180.0f/(float)M_PI;
	pcount	= 0;

	// calc blade angles at inlet & outlet
	for(i = 0; i < rr->be_num; i++) {
		if( (cl	 = rr->be[i]->cl))
			num = cl->nump-1;
			// le angle
			dl	= sqrt(pow(cl->x[1]-cl->x[0],2) + pow(cl->z[1]-cl->z[0],2));
			ds	= 0.5*(cl->x[1] + cl->x[0]) * (cl->y[0] - cl->y[1]);
			if( (alpha = atan(dl/ds)*rad2deg) < 0.0) alpha += 180.0;
			Add2Flist(le_ang, alpha);
			// te_angle
			dl	= sqrt(pow(cl->x[num]-cl->x[num-1],2) +
			ds	= 0.5*(cl->x[num] + cl->x[num-1]) * (cl->y[num-1] - cl->y[num]);
			if( (alpha = atan(dl/ds)*rad2deg) < 0.0) alpha += 180.0;
			Add2Flist(te_ang, alpha);
	if((rr->be_num != le_ang->num) ||(rr->be_num != te_ang->num)) {
		fatal("point number mismatch for blade angles!");
	// fill plot vectors
	xpl[pcount] = rr->be[0]->para;
	xy[1] = xy[3] = ypl[pcount] = le_ang->list[0];
	for(i = 1; i < rr->be_num; i++) {
		xpl[pcount] = rr->be[i]->para;
		if(xy[1] > (ypl[pcount] = le_ang->list[i])) xy[1] = ypl[pcount];
		else if (xy[3] < ypl[pcount]) xy[3] = ypl[pcount];
		if(i < rr->be_num-1)
			xpl[pcount] = rr->be[i]->para;
			ypl[pcount] = le_ang->list[i];
	xpl[pcount] = rr->be[0]->para;
	ypl[pcount] = te_ang->list[0];
	for(i = 1; i < rr->be_num; i++) {
		xpl[pcount] = rr->be[i]->para;
		if(xy[1] > (ypl[pcount] = te_ang->list[i])) xy[1] = ypl[pcount];
		else if (xy[3] < ypl[pcount]) xy[3] = ypl[pcount];
		if(i < rr->be_num-1)
			xpl[pcount] = rr->be[i]->para;
			ypl[pcount] = te_ang->list[i];
	//xy[1]	 *=	 (1.0 - PLOT_SCALE_ENLARGE);
	xy[1]	= 0.0;
	//xy[3]	 *=	 (1.0 + PLOT_SCALE_ENLARGE);
	xy[3]	= 90.0;
	xy[0]	=  0.0;
	xy[2]	=  1.0;
Esempio n. 3
int CreateRR_BladeEdge(struct edge *e)
	int i;
	float angle, roma[2][2];
	float hub[3], shroud[3], inter[3], mid1[3], mid2[3];
	float h_vec[3], s_vec[3];
	float sec, p[3];
	struct Point *poly;				   // edge spline polygon
	struct Flist *knot;				   // edge spline knot vector

	// for backward compatibility
	if(!e->spara[0] && !e->spara[1]) {
		e->spara[0] = e->spara[1] = 0.6f;

	mid1[1] = 0.0;
	mid2[1] = 0.0;
	hub[1]	= 0.0;
	shroud[1] = 0.0;
	inter[1]  = 0.0;
	h_vec[1]  = 0.0;
	s_vec[1]  = 0.0;
	// point and gradient hub side
	hub[0]	   = e->c->p->x[0];
	hub[2]	   = e->c->p->z[0];
	angle	   = e->angle[0] - M_PI_2;
	roma[0][0] =  cos(angle);
	roma[0][1] = -sin(angle);
	roma[1][0] =  sin(angle);
	roma[1][1] =  cos(angle);
	h_vec[0]   = e->h_norm[0] * roma[0][0] + e->h_norm[2] * roma[0][1];
	h_vec[2]   = e->h_norm[0] * roma[1][0] + e->h_norm[2] * roma[1][1];
	// move hub point to properly intersect with meridian contour
	hub[0] -= (0.01 * h_vec[0]);
	hub[2] -= (0.01 * h_vec[2]);
	// point and gradient shroud side
	shroud[0]  = e->c->p->x[e->c->p->nump-1];
	shroud[2]  = e->c->p->z[e->c->p->nump-1];
	angle	   = e->angle[1] - M_PI_2;
	roma[0][0] =  cos(angle);
	roma[0][1] = -sin(angle);
	roma[1][0] =  sin(angle);
	roma[1][1] =  cos(angle);
	s_vec[0]   = e->s_norm[0] * roma[0][0] + e->s_norm[2] * roma[0][1];
	s_vec[2]   = e->s_norm[0] * roma[1][0] + e->s_norm[2] * roma[1][1];
	// move shroud point to properly intersect with meridian contour
#ifdef GAP
	shroud[0] += (0.05 * s_vec[0]);
	shroud[2] += (0.05 * s_vec[2]);
	shroud[0] += (0.01 * s_vec[0]);
	shroud[2] += (0.01 * s_vec[2]);
	// intersection and partition points
	LineIntersectXZ(hub, h_vec, shroud, s_vec, inter);
	mid1[0]	 = hub[0]	 + e->spara[0] * (inter[0] - hub[0]);
	mid1[2]	 = hub[2]	 + e->spara[0] * (inter[2] - hub[2]);
	mid2[0]	 = shroud[0] + e->spara[1] * (inter[0] - shroud[0]);
	mid2[2]	 = shroud[2] + e->spara[1] * (inter[2] - shroud[2]);
	poly = AllocPointStruct();
	AddVPoint(poly, hub);
	AddVPoint(poly, mid1);
	AddVPoint(poly, mid2);
	AddVPoint(poly, shroud);
	// calculate spline and points for curve (overwrite)
	knot = AllocFlistStruct(0);
	knot = BSplineKnot(poly, BSPLN_DEGREE);
	e->c->p->nump = 0;
	for (i = 0; i <= NPOIN_EDGE; i++) {
		sec = (float)i/(float)NPOIN_EDGE;
		BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, poly, knot, sec, p);
		AddCurvePoint(e->c, p[0], p[1], p[2], 0.0, sec);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int SurfacesAR_BladeElement(struct be *be, float bangle, float /*ref*/,
int clock, int clspline)
// caller: CreateAR_BladeElements()
   int i, t_sec;
   float phi_r, cl_sec, scale_te, te, t, tmax, angle, factor;
   float p1[3], p2[3], p3[3], p4[3], q1[3], q2[3], q3[3],q4[3],roma[2][2];
   float qeq_a, qeq_b, qeq_c, qeq_r, s[3], m[3];
   float ratio, len, alpha = 0.0;
   struct Point *he_poly = NULL;
   struct Flist *he_knot = NULL;
   struct Point *cl_poly = NULL;
   struct Flist *cl_knot = NULL;
   FILE *fp=NULL, *fp2=NULL;
   char fname[255];
   char *fn;
   static int nbe = 0;

   sprintf(fname, "ar_beplane_%02d.txt", nbe++);
   fn = DebugFilename(fname);
       fp = fopen(fn, "w");

   // delete previous data and allocate new
   if (cl_poly)
      cl_poly = NULL;
   if (cl_knot)
      cl_knot = NULL;

   // solve quadratic equation to determine p2 and p4
   s[0]  = s[1]  = s[2]  = 0.0;
   qeq_a = qeq_b = qeq_c = qeq_r = 0.0;

   qeq_a  = (1.0 - be->camb_pos) * pow(tan(RAD(be->angle[0])), 2);
   qeq_a += (2.0 * be->camb_pos - 1.0) * tan(RAD(be->angle[0])) * tan(RAD(be->angle[1]));
   qeq_a -= be->camb_pos * pow(tan(RAD(be->angle[1])), 2);

   qeq_b  = (1.0 - 2.0 * be->camb_pos) * tan(RAD(be->angle[0])) * tan(RAD(be->angle[1]));
   qeq_b += 2.0 * (be->camb_pos - 1.0) * pow(tan(RAD(be->angle[0])), 2);
   qeq_b -= 1.0;

   qeq_c  = (1.0 - be->camb_pos) * pow(tan(RAD(be->angle[0])), 2);
   qeq_c += (1.0 - be->camb_pos);

   qeq_r = pow(qeq_b, 2) + 4.0 * qeq_a * qeq_c;
   if (qeq_r < 0.0)
      fatal("ERROR-calc. of quadratic eqn. for camber position: only complex solutions.");
      s[0] = (-qeq_b + sqrt(pow(qeq_b, 2) - 4.0 * qeq_a * qeq_c)) / (2.0 * qeq_a);
      s[1] = s[0] * tan(RAD(be->angle[1]));
      if ((s[0] < (0.0 - TOLERANCE)) || (s[0] > (1.0 + TOLERANCE)))
         s[0] = (-qeq_b - sqrt(pow(qeq_b, 2) - 4.0 * qeq_a * qeq_c)) / (2.0 * qeq_a);
         s[1] = s[0] * tan(RAD(be->angle[1]));
         if ((s[0] < (0.0 - TOLERANCE)) || (s[0] > (1.0 + TOLERANCE)))
            fatal("ERROR-calc. of camber position: solutions are outside [0.0;1.0].");

   // calculate blade triangle points, scale to arc length
   phi_r = be->bl_wrap * be->rad;

   p1[0] = p1[1] = p1[2] = 0.0;
   p2[0] = p2[1] = p2[2] = 0.0;
   p3[0] = p3[1] = p3[2] = 0.0;
   p4[0] = p4[1] = p4[2] = 0.0;

   p1[0] = phi_r;
   p1[1] = phi_r * (s[0] * tan(RAD(be->angle[1])) + (1.0 - s[0]) *

   p2[0] = s[0] * phi_r;
   p2[1] = s[1] * phi_r;

   p3[0] = p3[1] = p3[2] = 0.0;

   p4[0] = (1.0 - be->camb_pos) * p1[0];
   p4[1] = (1.0 - be->camb_pos) * p1[1];

   // rotate blade triangle around TE point, base to x-axis
   q1[0] = q1[1] = q1[2] = 0.0;
   q2[0] = q2[1] = q2[2] = 0.0;
   q3[0] = q3[1] = q3[2] = 0.0;
   q4[0] = q4[1] = q4[2] = 0.0;

   angle      = M_PI - atan(p1[1]/p1[0]);
   roma[0][0] =  cos(angle);
   roma[0][1] = -sin(angle);
   roma[1][0] =  sin(angle);
   roma[1][1] =  cos(angle);

   q1[0] = roma[0][0] * p1[0] + roma[0][1] * p1[1];
   q1[1] = roma[1][0] * p1[0] + roma[1][1] * p1[1];

   q2[0] = roma[0][0] * p2[0] + roma[0][1] * p2[1];
   q2[1] = roma[1][0] * p2[0] + roma[1][1] * p2[1];

   q3[0] = roma[0][0] * p3[0] + roma[0][1] * p3[1];
   q3[1] = roma[1][0] * p3[0] + roma[1][1] * p3[1];

   q4[0] = roma[0][0] * p4[0] + roma[0][1] * p4[1];
   q4[1] = roma[1][0] * p4[0] + roma[1][1] * p4[1];

   cl_poly = AllocPointStruct();
   // **************************************************
   // create curve from two single splines
      // move q4 according to blade element camber and skew param.
      q4[0] += (be->le_part[2]-0.5)*(q1[0]-q3[0]);
      q4[1] = be->camb * q2[1];
      // le point (q1) and first two le points on cl polygon
      AddVPoint(cl_poly, q1);
      ratio = be->camb / 12.0;
      s[0]  = q1[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q1[0]);
      s[1]  = q1[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q1[1]);
      AddVPoint(cl_poly, s);
      /*ratio = be->camb / 4.0;
        s[0]  = q1[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q1[0]);
        s[1]  = q1[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q1[1]);
        s[2]  = 0.0;
        AddVPoint(cl_poly, s);*/
      // help polygon from third le point to q4 (max camber point)
      m[1] = q4[1];                               // always
      m[2] = 0.0;                                 // always
      m[0] = q1[0] + (q2[0] - q1[0]) / (q2[1] - q1[1]) * (m[1] - q1[1]);
      he_poly = CurvePolygon(s, m, q4, be->le_part[0], be->le_part[1]);
      he_knot = BSplineKnot(he_poly, BSPLN_DEGREE);
      for(i = 1; i < NPOIN_HELP_POLY; i++)
         ratio = (float)i / (float)(NPOIN_HELP_POLY-1);
         BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, he_poly, he_knot, ratio, s);
         AddVPoint(cl_poly, s);
      // help polygon from q4 to third last te point
      he_poly = AllocPointStruct();
      he_knot = AllocFlistStruct(INIT_PORTION);
      m[0]  = q3[0] + (q2[0] - q3[0]) / (q2[1] - q3[1]) * (m[1] - q3[1]);
      ratio = be->camb / 8.0;
      s[0]  = q3[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q3[0]);
      s[1]  = q3[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q3[1]);
      s[2]  = 0.0;
      he_poly = CurvePolygon(q4, m, s, be->te_part[0], be->te_part[1]);
      he_knot = BSplineKnot(he_poly, BSPLN_DEGREE);
      for (i = 1; i < NPOIN_HELP_POLY; i++)
         ratio = (float)i / (float)(NPOIN_HELP_POLY-1);
         BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, he_poly, he_knot, ratio, m);
         AddVPoint(cl_poly, m);
      // last two te points on cl polygon and te point (q3)
      AddVPoint(cl_poly, s);
      /*ratio = be->camb / 8.0;
        s[0]  = q3[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q3[0]);
        s[1]  = q3[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q3[1]);
        s[2]  = 0.0;
        AddVPoint(cl_poly, s);*/
      // only one spline in triangle
      cl_poly->nump = 0;
      AddVPoint(cl_poly, q1);
      ratio = be->camb / 12.0;
      s[0]  = q1[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q1[0]);
      s[1]  = q1[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q1[1]);
      ratio = be->camb / 8.0;
      m[0]  = q3[0] + ratio * (q2[0] - q3[0]);
      m[1]  = q3[1] + ratio * (q2[1] - q3[1]);
      he_poly = CurvePolygon(s, q2, m, be->le_part[0], be->le_part[1]);
      he_knot = BSplineKnot(he_poly, BSPLN_DEGREE);
      for (i = 1; i < 2*NPOIN_HELP_POLY; i++)
         ratio = (float)i / (float)(2*NPOIN_HELP_POLY-1);
         BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, he_poly, he_knot, ratio, m);
         AddVPoint(cl_poly, m);
   AddVPoint(cl_poly, q3);

   // INDEX 0: cl polygon points, construction
   for (i = 0; fp && i < cl_poly->nump; i++)
      if(i < cl_poly->nump-1)
         alpha = atan((cl_poly->y[i]-cl_poly->y[i+1])/
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f   %f\n", cl_poly->x[i], cl_poly->y[i],
   if (fp)  fprintf(fp, "\n\n");

   // rotate back cl polygon points, calculate arc length
   roma[0][0] =  cos(-angle);
   roma[0][1] = -sin(-angle);
   roma[1][0] =  sin(-angle);
   roma[1][1] =  cos(-angle);
   for(i = 0; i < cl_poly->nump; i++)
      s[0]          = roma[0][0] * cl_poly->x[i] + roma[0][1] * cl_poly->y[i];
      s[1]          = roma[1][0] * cl_poly->x[i] + roma[1][1] * cl_poly->y[i];
      s[2]          = 0.0;
      cl_poly->x[i] = s[0];
      cl_poly->y[i] = s[1];
      cl_poly->z[i] = s[2];
      if (i)
         len  = pow((cl_poly->x[i] - cl_poly->x[i-1]), 2);
         len += pow((cl_poly->y[i] - cl_poly->y[i-1]), 2);
         len += pow((cl_poly->z[i] - cl_poly->z[i-1]), 2);
         len  = sqrt(len);
         be->cl_len += len;

   // INDEX 1: cl polygon points, rotated back
   if(fp) fprintf(fp,"# cl polygon points, INDEX 1\n");
   for (i = 0; fp && i < cl_poly->nump; i++)
      if(i < cl_poly->nump-1)
         alpha = atan((cl_poly->y[i]-cl_poly->y[i+1])/
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f    %f\n", cl_poly->x[i], cl_poly->y[i],
   if (fp)  fprintf(fp, "\n\n");

   be->cl  = AllocPointStruct();
   be->clg = AllocPointStruct();
   cl_knot = BSplineKnot(cl_poly, BSPLN_DEGREE);
   // cl points and gradient
   sprintf(fname, "ar_becl_%02d.txt", nbe-1);
   fn = DebugFilename(fname);
   fp2 = fopen(fn, "w");
   for (i = 0; i < be->bp->num; i++)
      cl_sec = pow(be->bp->c[i], be->bp_shift);
      BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, cl_poly, cl_knot, cl_sec, &s[0]);
      AddVPoint(be->cl, s);
      BSplineNormal(BSPLN_DEGREE, cl_poly, cl_knot, cl_sec, &s[0]);
      AddVPoint(be->clg, s);
      if(fp2) fprintf(fp2,"%f %f %f\n",s[0], s[1], s[2]);
   if(fp2) fclose(fp2);

   // scale_te is tot. profile thickness scale up
   be->ss  = AllocPointStruct();
   be->ps  = AllocPointStruct();
   t_sec   = be->bp->t_sec;
   tmax    = be->bp->t[t_sec] * be->cl_len + be->bp->c[t_sec] * be->te_thick;
   scale_te = be->p_thick / tmax;
   for (i = 0; i < be->bp->num; i++)
      // pressure side (-) and suction side (+), machine size
      te   = 0.5 * be->bp->c[i] * be->te_thick;
      t    = 0.5 * be->cl_len   * be->bp->t[i];
      s[0] = be->cl->x[i] - be->clg->x[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      s[1] = be->cl->y[i] - be->clg->y[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      s[2] = be->cl->z[i] - be->clg->z[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      AddVPoint(be->ps, s);
      s[0] = be->cl->x[i] + be->clg->x[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      s[1] = be->cl->y[i] + be->clg->y[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      s[2] = be->cl->z[i] + be->clg->z[i] * (scale_te * t + te);
      AddVPoint(be->ss, s);

   // INDEX 2: cl, ps/ss surfaces
   for (i = 0; fp  && i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      if(i < be->cl->nump-1)
         alpha = atan((be->cl->y[i]-be->cl->y[i+1])/

      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->cl->x[i], be->cl->y[i], alpha*180.0/M_PI);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->ps->x[i], be->ps->y[i], be->ps->z[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f\n", be->ss->x[i], be->ss->y[i], be->ss->z[i]);
   if (fp)  fprintf(fp, "\n\n");

   // calculate pivot coords, translate blade elements
   BSplinePoint(BSPLN_DEGREE, cl_poly, cl_knot, be->pivot, &s[0]);
   for (i = 0; i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      be->cl->x[i] -= s[0];
      be->cl->y[i] -= s[1];
      be->cl->z[i] -= s[2];
      be->ps->x[i] -= s[0];
      be->ps->y[i] -= s[1];
      be->ps->z[i] -= s[2];
      be->ss->x[i] -= s[0];
      be->ss->y[i] -= s[1];
      be->ss->z[i] -= s[2];

   // INDEX 3: cl, ps/ss surfaces, translated
   for (i = 0; fp && i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->cl->x[i], be->cl->y[i], be->cl->z[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->ps->x[i], be->ps->y[i], be->ps->z[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f\n", be->ss->x[i], be->ss->y[i], be->ss->z[i]);
   if (fp)  fprintf(fp, "\n\n");

   // rotate blade element around pivot
   roma[0][0] =  cos(RAD(bangle));
   roma[0][1] = -sin(RAD(bangle));
   roma[1][0] =  sin(RAD(bangle));
   roma[1][1] =  cos(RAD(bangle));
   for (i = 0; i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      s[0] = roma[0][0] * be->cl->x[i] + roma[0][1] * be->cl->y[i];
      s[1] = roma[1][0] * be->cl->x[i] + roma[1][1] * be->cl->y[i];
      s[2] = 0.0;
      be->cl->x[i] = s[0];
      be->cl->y[i] = s[1];
      be->cl->z[i] = s[2];
      s[0] = roma[0][0] * be->ps->x[i] + roma[0][1] * be->ps->y[i];
      s[1] = roma[1][0] * be->ps->x[i] + roma[1][1] * be->ps->y[i];
      s[2] = 0.0;
      be->ps->x[i] = s[0];
      be->ps->y[i] = s[1];
      be->ps->z[i] = s[2];
      s[0] = roma[0][0] * be->ss->x[i] + roma[0][1] * be->ss->y[i];
      s[1] = roma[1][0] * be->ss->x[i] + roma[1][1] * be->ss->y[i];
      s[2] = 0.0;
      be->ss->x[i] = s[0];
      be->ss->y[i] = s[1];
      be->ss->z[i] = s[2];

   // INDEX 4: cl, ps/ss surfaces, translated and rotated
   for (i = 0; fp && i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      if(i < be->cl->nump-1)
         alpha = atan((be->cl->y[i]-be->cl->y[i+1])/
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->cl->x[i], be->cl->y[i], alpha*180.0/M_PI);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f  ", be->ps->x[i], be->ps->y[i], be->ps->z[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "%f %f  %f\n", be->ss->x[i], be->ss->y[i], be->ss->z[i]);
   if (fp)  fprintf(fp, "\n\n");

   // transform into cartesian coords
   be->cl_cart = AllocPointStruct();
   be->ps_cart = AllocPointStruct();
   be->ss_cart = AllocPointStruct();
   for (i = 0; i < be->cl->nump; i++)
      if(clock) factor = -1.0/be->rad;
      else factor = 1.0/be->rad;
      s[0] = be->rad * cos(be->cl->x[i]*factor);
      s[1] = be->rad * sin(be->cl->x[i]*factor);
      s[2] = be->cl->y[i];
      AddVPoint(be->cl_cart, s);
      s[0] = be->rad * cos(be->ps->x[i]*factor);
      s[1] = be->rad * sin(be->ps->x[i]*factor);
      s[2] = be->ps->y[i];
      AddVPoint(be->ps_cart, s);
      s[0] = be->rad * cos(be->ss->x[i]*factor);
      s[1] = be->rad * sin(be->ss->x[i]*factor);
      s[2] = be->ss->y[i];
      AddVPoint(be->ss_cart, s);
   if (fp)  fclose(fp);
   return 1;