Esempio n. 1
static void rpcCallback(struct AdminClient_Promise* p, struct AdminClient_Result* res)
    struct Context* ctx = p->userData;
    Allocator_adopt(ctx->alloc, p->alloc);
    ctx->currentResult = res;
Esempio n. 2
static Iface_DEFUN sendTo(struct Message* msg,
                          struct Iface* dest,
                          struct TestFramework* srcTf,
                          struct TestFramework* destTf)
    Assert_true(!((uintptr_t)msg->bytes % 4) || !"alignment fault");
    Assert_true(!(msg->capacity % 4) || !"length fault");
    Assert_true(((int)msg->capacity >= msg->length) || !"length fault0");

    Log_debug(srcTf->logger, "Transferring message to [%p] - message length [%d]\n",
              (void*)dest, msg->length);

    // Store the original message and a copy of the original so they can be compared later.
    srcTf->lastMsgBackup = Message_clone(msg, srcTf->alloc);
    srcTf->lastMsg = msg;
    if (msg->alloc) {
        // If it's a message which was buffered inside of CryptoAuth then it will be freed
        // so by adopting the allocator we can hold it in memory.
        Allocator_adopt(srcTf->alloc, msg->alloc);

    // Copy the original and send that to the other end.
    // Can't use Iface_next() when not sending the original msg.
    struct Message* sendMsg = Message_clone(msg, destTf->alloc);
    Iface_send(dest, sendMsg);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static uint8_t sendTo(struct Message* msg, struct Interface* iface)
    struct TestFramework_Link* link =
        Identity_cast((struct TestFramework_Link*)iface->senderContext);

    struct Interface* dest;
    struct TestFramework* srcTf;
    if (&link->destIf == iface) {
        dest = &link->srcIf;
        srcTf = link->dest;
    } else if (&link->srcIf == iface) {
        dest = &link->destIf;
        srcTf = link->src;
    } else {

    printf("Transferring message to [%p] - message length [%d]\n", (void*)dest, msg->length);

    // Store the original message and a copy of the original so they can be compared later.
    srcTf->lastMsgBackup = Message_clone(msg, srcTf->alloc);
    srcTf->lastMsg = msg;
    if (msg->alloc) {
        // If it's a message which was buffered inside of CryptoAuth then it will be freed
        // so by adopting the allocator we can hold it in memory.
        Allocator_adopt(srcTf->alloc, msg->alloc);

    // Copy the original and send that to the other end.
    struct Message* sendMsg = Message_clone(msg, dest->allocator);
    return dest->receiveMessage(sendMsg, dest);
Esempio n. 4
int PeerLink_send(struct Message* msg, struct PeerLink* peerLink)
    struct PeerLink_pvt* pl = Identity_check((struct PeerLink_pvt*) peerLink);
    Allocator_adopt(pl->alloc, msg->alloc);
    ArrayList_Messages_add(pl->queue, msg);
    return pl->queue->length;
Esempio n. 5
static void checkRunningInstanceCallback(struct AdminClient_Promise* p,
                                         struct AdminClient_Result* res)
    struct CheckRunningInstanceContext* ctx = p->userData;
    // Prevent this from freeing until after we drop out of the loop.
    Allocator_adopt(ctx->alloc, p->alloc);
    ctx->res = res;
Esempio n. 6
static uint8_t receiveMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Interface* iface)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) iface->receiverContext);

    struct Sockaddr_storage source;
    Message_pop(msg, &source, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen, NULL);
    if (Bits_memcmp(&source, ctx->targetAddr, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen)) {
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Got spurious message from [%s], expecting messages from [%s]",
                 Sockaddr_print(&source.addr, msg->alloc),
                 Sockaddr_print(ctx->targetAddr, msg->alloc));
        return 0;

    // we don't yet know with which message this data belongs,
    // the message alloc lives the length of the message reception.
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(msg->alloc);

    struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(msg->bytes, msg->length, alloc);
    Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, alloc, d)) {
        return 0;

    String* txid = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("txid"));
    if (!txid || txid->len != 8) {
        return 0;

    // look up the result
    uint32_t handle = ~0u;
    Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&handle, 4, txid->bytes, 8);
    int idx = Map_OfRequestByHandle_indexForHandle(handle, &ctx->outstandingRequests);
    if (idx < 0) {
        return 0;

    struct Request* req = ctx->outstandingRequests.values[idx];

    // now this data will outlive the life of the message.
    Allocator_adopt(req->promise->alloc, alloc);

    req->res.responseDict = d;

    int len =
        (msg->length > AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) ? AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE : msg->length;
    Bits_memset(req->res.messageBytes, 0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
    Bits_memcpy(req->res.messageBytes, msg->bytes, len);
    done(req, AdminClient_Error_NONE);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
static Iface_DEFUN receiveMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* addrIface)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_containerOf(addrIface, struct Context, addrIface);

    struct Sockaddr_storage source;
    Message_pop(msg, &source, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen, NULL);
    if (Bits_memcmp(&source, ctx->targetAddr, ctx->targetAddr->addrLen)) {
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Got spurious message from [%s], expecting messages from [%s]",
                 Sockaddr_print(&source.addr, msg->alloc),
                 Sockaddr_print(ctx->targetAddr, msg->alloc));
        return NULL;

    // we don't yet know with which message this data belongs,
    // the message alloc lives the length of the message reception.
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(msg->alloc);

    int origLen = msg->length;
    Dict* d = NULL;
    char* err = BencMessageReader_readNoExcept(msg, alloc, &d);
    if (err) { return NULL; }
    Message_shift(msg, origLen, NULL);

    String* txid = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("txid"));
    if (!txid || txid->len != 8) { return NULL; }

    // look up the result
    uint32_t handle = ~0u;
    Hex_decode((uint8_t*)&handle, 4, txid->bytes, 8);
    int idx = Map_OfRequestByHandle_indexForHandle(handle, &ctx->outstandingRequests);
    if (idx < 0) { return NULL; }

    struct Request* req = ctx->outstandingRequests.values[idx];

    // now this data will outlive the life of the message.
    Allocator_adopt(req->promise->alloc, alloc);

    req->res.responseDict = d;

    int len =
        (msg->length > AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) ? AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE : msg->length;
    Bits_memset(req->res.messageBytes, 0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
    Bits_memcpy(req->res.messageBytes, msg->bytes, len);
    done(req, AdminClient_Error_NONE);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 8
static int handleOutgoing(struct DHTMessage* dmessage, void* vcontext)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_check((struct Ducttape_pvt*) vcontext);

    // Sending a message to yourself?
    // Short circuit because setting up a CA session with yourself causes problems.
    if (!Bits_memcmp(dmessage->address->key, context->myAddr.key, 32)) {
        struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(context->alloc);
        Allocator_adopt(alloc, dmessage->binMessage->alloc);
        incomingDHT(dmessage->binMessage, dmessage->address, context);
        return 0;

    struct Message* msg = dmessage->binMessage;

        Message_push(msg, (&(struct Headers_UDPHeader) {
            .srcPort_be = 0,
            .destPort_be = 0,
            .length_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian16(msg->length),
            .checksum_be = 0,
        }), Headers_UDPHeader_SIZE, NULL);