Esempio n. 1
void TestBedSetupMods()

    if( AppRandom() % 10 > 3 && 
        g_modSystem->m_mods.Size() > 0 )
        // Pick a random Mod to run with

        int modIndex = AppRandom() % g_modSystem->m_mods.Size();
        InstalledMod *mod = g_modSystem->m_mods[modIndex];
        g_modSystem->ActivateMod( mod->m_name, mod->m_version );

Esempio n. 2
void Authentication_GenerateKey( char *_key, bool _demoKey )
    int counter = 0;
    int total = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < AUTHENTICATION_KEYLEN; ++i )
        if( i == AUTHENTICATION_KEYLEN-1 )
            // Terminator
            _key[i] = '\x0';
        else if( i == AUTHENTICATION_KEYLEN-2 )
            // The last byte is a checking byte
            _key[i] = 'A' + (total % 26);
        else if( counter == 6 )
            // Every 6th letter is a dash for easy reading
            _key[i] = '-';
            counter = 0;
        else if( _demoKey && i < 4 )
            // This is a DEMO key, so put DEMO at the start
            static char demoMarker[5] = "DEMO";            
            _key[i] = demoMarker[i];
            // Every other letter is random
            _key[i] = 'A' + (AppRandom() % 26);

        total += _key[i];
// _gradient=1 means flat, _gradient=0 means vertical
// x and z are only passed in as a means to get predicatable noise
void LandscapeRenderer::GetLandscapeColour( float _height, float _gradient, 
											unsigned int _x, unsigned int _y, RGBAColour *_colour )
	float heightAboveSea = _height;
    float u = iv_pow(1.0 - _gradient, 0.4);
	float v = 1.0 - heightAboveSea / m_highest;
    AppSeedRandom(_x | _y + AppRandom());
	if (heightAboveSea < 0.0) heightAboveSea = 0.0;
	v += sfrand(0.45 / (heightAboveSea + 2.0));

    int x = u * m_landscapeColour->m_width;
    int y = v * m_landscapeColour->m_height;

    if( x < 0 ) x = 0;
    if( x > m_landscapeColour->m_width - 1) x = m_landscapeColour->m_width - 1;
    if( y < 0 ) y = 0;
    if( y > m_landscapeColour->m_height - 1) y = m_landscapeColour->m_height - 1;

    *_colour = m_landscapeColour->GetPixel(x, y);    
    if( g_app->m_negativeRenderer ) _colour->a = 0;
void SoulDestroyer::Attack( Vector3 const &_pos )
    int numFound;
    g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->GetEnemies( s_neighbours, _pos.x, _pos.z, SOULDESTROYER_DAMAGERANGE, &numFound, m_id.GetTeamId() );

    for( int i = 0; i < numFound; ++i )
        WorldObjectId id = s_neighbours[i];
        Entity *entity = (Entity *) g_app->m_location->GetEntity( id );        
        bool killed = false;

        Vector3 pushVector = ( entity->m_pos - _pos );
        double distance = pushVector.Mag();       
        if( distance < SOULDESTROYER_DAMAGERANGE )
            g_app->m_soundSystem->TriggerEntityEvent( this, "Attack" );

            pushVector.SetLength( SOULDESTROYER_DAMAGERANGE - distance );
            g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->RemoveObject( id, entity->m_pos.x, entity->m_pos.z, entity->m_radius );
            entity->m_pos += pushVector;
            g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->AddObject( id, entity->m_pos.x, entity->m_pos.z, entity->m_radius );
            bool dead = entity->m_dead;
            entity->ChangeHealth( (SOULDESTROYER_DAMAGERANGE - distance) * -50.0 );            
            if( !dead && entity->m_dead ) killed = true;

        if( killed )
            // Eat the spirit
            int spiritIndex = g_app->m_location->GetSpirit( id );
            if( spiritIndex != -1 )
                g_app->m_location->m_spirits.RemoveData( spiritIndex );
                if( m_spirits.NumUsed() < SOULDESTROYER_MAXSPIRITS )
                    m_spirits.PutData( (double) GetHighResTime() );
                    // Doesnt need to be sync safe
                    int index = AppRandom() % SOULDESTROYER_MAXSPIRITS;
                    m_spirits.PutData( (double) GetHighResTime(), index );
			if(entity->m_type == TypeDarwinian )
				// Create a zombie
				Zombie *zombie = new Zombie();
				zombie->m_pos = entity->m_pos;
				zombie->m_front = entity->m_front;
				zombie->m_up = g_upVector;
				zombie->m_up.RotateAround( zombie->m_front * syncsfrand(1) );
				zombie->m_vel = m_vel * 0.5;
				zombie->m_vel.y = 20.0 + syncfrand(25.0);
				int index = g_app->m_location->m_effects.PutData( zombie );
				zombie->m_id.Set( id.GetTeamId(), UNIT_EFFECTS, index, -1 );
void EclRegisterWindow ( EclWindow *window, EclWindow *parent )
//    DebugAssert( window );

    if ( EclGetWindow ( window->m_name ) )

    if( parent && window->m_x == 0 && window->m_y == 0 )
        // We should place the window in a decent location
        int left = screenW / 2 - parent->m_x;
        int above = screenH / 2 - parent->m_y;
        if( left > window->m_w / 2 )    window->m_x = int( parent->m_x + parent->m_w * (float) AppRandom() / (float) APP_RAND_MAX );
        else                            window->m_x = int( parent->m_x - window->m_w * (float) AppRandom() / (float) APP_RAND_MAX );
        if( above > window->m_h / 2 )   window->m_y = int( parent->m_y + parent->m_h * (float) AppRandom() / (float) APP_RAND_MAX );
        else                            window->m_y = int( parent->m_y - window->m_h/2 * (float) AppRandom() / (float) APP_RAND_MAX );

    windows.PutDataAtStart ( window );
    EclDirtyWindow( window );
