Esempio n. 1
static Res MFSInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
  Size extendBy = MFS_EXTEND_BY_DEFAULT;
  Bool extendSelf = TRUE;
  Size unitSize;
  MFS mfs;
  ArgStruct arg;
  Res res;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  UNUSED(klass); /* used for debug pools only */
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE);
  unitSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MFSExtendSelf))
    extendSelf = arg.val.b;

  AVER(unitSize > 0);
  AVER(extendBy > 0);
  AVERT(Bool, extendSelf);

  res = NextMethod(Pool, MFSPool, init)(pool, arena, klass, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failNextInit;
  mfs = CouldBeA(MFSPool, pool);

  mfs->unroundedUnitSize = unitSize;

  if (unitSize < UNIT_MIN)
    unitSize = UNIT_MIN;
  unitSize = SizeAlignUp(unitSize, MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  if (extendBy < unitSize)
    extendBy = unitSize;
  extendBy = SizeArenaGrains(extendBy, arena);

  mfs->extendBy = extendBy;
  mfs->extendSelf = extendSelf;
  mfs->unitSize = unitSize;
  mfs->freeList = NULL;
  mfs->tractList = NULL;
  mfs->total = 0;
  mfs->free = 0;

  SetClassOfPoly(pool, CLASS(MFSPool));
  mfs->sig = MFSSig;
  AVERC(MFS, mfs);

  EVENT5(PoolInitMFS, pool, arena, extendBy, BOOLOF(extendSelf), unitSize);
  return ResOK;

  AVER(res != ResOK);
  return res;
Esempio n. 2
static Res MFSInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Size extendBy = MFS_EXTEND_BY_DEFAULT;
  Bool extendSelf = TRUE;
  Size unitSize;
  MFS mfs;
  Arena arena;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE);
  unitSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  else {
    if (extendBy < unitSize)
      extendBy = unitSize;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MFSExtendSelf))
    extendSelf = arg.val.b;

  AVER(extendBy >= unitSize);
  AVERT(Bool, extendSelf);
  mfs = PoolPoolMFS(pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  mfs->unroundedUnitSize = unitSize;

  if (unitSize < UNIT_MIN)
    unitSize = UNIT_MIN;
  unitSize = SizeAlignUp(unitSize, MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  extendBy = SizeAlignUp(extendBy, ArenaAlign(arena));

  mfs->extendBy = extendBy;
  mfs->extendSelf = extendSelf;
  mfs->unitSize = unitSize;
  mfs->freeList = NULL;
  mfs->tractList = NULL;
  mfs->sig = MFSSig;

  AVERT(MFS, mfs);
  EVENT5(PoolInitMFS, pool, arena, extendBy, BOOL(extendSelf), unitSize);
  return ResOK;
Esempio n. 3
static Res DebugPoolInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  PoolDebugOptions options;
  PoolDebugMixin debug;
  TagInitMethod tagInit;
  Size tagSize;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  /* TODO: Split this structure into separate keyword arguments,
     now that we can support them. */
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_POOL_DEBUG_OPTIONS);
  options = (PoolDebugOptions)arg.val.pool_debug_options;
  AVERT(PoolDebugOptions, options);

  /* @@@@ Tag parameters should be taken from options, but tags have */
  /* not been published yet. */
  tagInit = NULL; tagSize = 0;

  res = SuperclassOfPool(pool)->init(pool, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  debug = DebugPoolDebugMixin(pool);
  AVER(debug != NULL);

  /* fencepost init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type/#addr.use>. */
  debug->fenceSize = options->fenceSize;
  if (debug->fenceSize != 0) {
    if (debug->fenceSize % PoolAlignment(pool) != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    /* Fenceposting turns on tagging */
    if (tagInit == NULL) {
      tagSize = 0;
      tagInit = TagTrivInit;
    debug->fenceTemplate = options->fenceTemplate;

  /* free-checking init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type#addr.use>. */
  debug->freeSize = options->freeSize;
  if (debug->freeSize != 0) {
    if (PoolAlignment(pool) % debug->freeSize != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    debug->freeTemplate = options->freeTemplate;

  /* tag init */
  debug->tagInit = tagInit;
  if (debug->tagInit != NULL) {
    debug->tagSize = tagSize + sizeof(tagStruct) - 1;
    /* This pool has to be like the arena control pool: the blocks */
    /* allocated must be accessible using void*. */
    MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(pcArgs) {
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY, debug->tagSize); /* FIXME: Check this */
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE, debug->tagSize);
      res = PoolCreate(&debug->tagPool, PoolArena(pool), PoolClassMFS(), pcArgs);
    } MPS_ARGS_END(pcArgs);
    if (res != ResOK)
      goto tagFail;
    debug->missingTags = 0;
    SplayTreeInit(&debug->index, TagComp, NULL);