Esempio n. 1
  Get PCD name.

  @param[in]    OnlyTokenSpaceName  If TRUE, only need to get the TokenSpaceCName.
                                    If FALSE, need to get the full PCD name.
  @param[in]    Database            PCD database.
  @param[in]    TokenNumber         The PCD token number.

  @return       The TokenSpaceCName or full PCD name.
GetPcdName (
  IN BOOLEAN            OnlyTokenSpaceName,
  IN PEI_PCD_DATABASE   *Database,
  IN UINTN              TokenNumber
  UINT8             *StringTable;
  PCD_NAME_INDEX    *PcdNameIndex;
  CHAR8             *TokenSpaceName;
  CHAR8             *PcdName;
  CHAR8             *Name;

  // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER.
  // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable
  // as the array index.

  StringTable = (UINT8 *) Database + Database->StringTableOffset;

  // Get the PCD name index.
  PcdNameIndex = (PCD_NAME_INDEX *)((UINT8 *) Database + Database->PcdNameTableOffset) + TokenNumber;
  TokenSpaceName = (CHAR8 *)&StringTable[PcdNameIndex->TokenSpaceCNameIndex];
  PcdName = (CHAR8 *)&StringTable[PcdNameIndex->PcdCNameIndex];

  if (OnlyTokenSpaceName) {
    // Only need to get the TokenSpaceCName.
    Name = AllocateCopyPool (AsciiStrSize (TokenSpaceName), TokenSpaceName);
  } else {
    // Need to get the full PCD name.
    Name = AllocateZeroPool (AsciiStrSize (TokenSpaceName) + AsciiStrSize (PcdName));
    ASSERT (Name != NULL);
    // Catenate TokenSpaceCName and PcdCName with a '.' to form the full PCD name.
    AsciiStrCat (Name, TokenSpaceName);
    Name[AsciiStrSize (TokenSpaceName) - sizeof (CHAR8)] = '.';
    AsciiStrCat (Name, PcdName);

  return Name;
Esempio n. 2
// Returns parsed hex integer key.
// Plist - kext pist
// Key - key to find
// WholePlist - _PrelinkInfoDictionary, used to find referenced values
// Searches for Key in Plist and it's value:
// a) <integer ID="26" size="64">0x2b000</integer>
//    returns 0x2b000
// b) <integer IDREF="26"/>
//    searches for <integer ID="26"... from WholePlist
//    and returns value from that referenced field
// Whole function is here since we should avoid ParseXML() and it's
// memory allocations during ExitBootServices(). And it seems that
// ParseXML() does not support IDREF.
// This func is hard to read and debug and probably not reliable,
// but it seems it works.
GetPlistHexValue (
    CHAR8 *Plist,
    CHAR8 *Key,
    CHAR8 *WholePlist
    CHAR8     *Value;
    CHAR8     *IntTag;
    UINT64    NumValue;
    CHAR8     *IDStart;
    CHAR8     *IDEnd;
    UINTN     IDLen;
    CHAR8     Buffer[48];

    NumValue = 0;

    // search for Key
    Value = AsciiStrStr (Plist, Key);
    if (Value == NULL) {
        return 0;
    // search for <integer
    IntTag = AsciiStrStr (Value, "<integer");
    if (IntTag == NULL) {
        return 0;
    // find <integer end
    Value = AsciiStrStr (IntTag, ">");
    if (Value == NULL) {
        return 0;
    // normal case: value is here
    if (Value[-1] != '/') {
        NumValue = AsciiStrHexToUint64 (Value + 1);
        return NumValue;
    // it might be a reference: IDREF="173"/>
    Value = AsciiStrStr (IntTag, "<integer IDREF=\"");
    if (Value != IntTag) {
        return 0;
    // compose <integer ID="xxx" in the Buffer
    IDStart = AsciiStrStr (IntTag, "\"") + 1;
    IDEnd = AsciiStrStr (IDStart, "\"");
    IDLen = IDEnd - IDStart;
    if (IDLen > 8) {
        return 0;
    AsciiStrCpy (Buffer, "<integer ID=\"");
    AsciiStrnCat (Buffer, IDStart, IDLen);
    AsciiStrCat (Buffer, "\"");
    // and search whole plist for ID
    IntTag = AsciiStrStr (WholePlist, Buffer);
    if (IntTag == NULL) {
        return 0;
    // got it. find closing >
    Value = AsciiStrStr (IntTag, ">");
    if (Value == NULL) {
        return 0;
    if (Value[-1] == '/') {
        return 0;
    // we should have value now
    NumValue = AsciiStrHexToUint64 (Value + 1);

    return NumValue;
Esempio n. 3
Open a device named by PathName. The PathName includes a device name and
path separated by a :. See file header for more details on the PathName
syntax. There is no checking to prevent a file from being opened more than
one type.

SectionType is only used to open an FV. Each file in an FV contains multiple
sections and only the SectionType section is opened.

For any file that is opened with EfiOpen() must be closed with EfiClose().

@param  PathName    Path to parse to open
@param  OpenMode    Same as EFI_FILE.Open()
@param  SectionType Section in FV to open.

@return NULL  Open failed
@return Valid EFI_OPEN_FILE handle

EfiOpen (
  IN        CHAR8               *PathName,
  IN  CONST UINT64              OpenMode,
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  EFI_OPEN_FILE             *File;
  EFI_OPEN_FILE             FileData;
  UINTN                     StrLen;
  UINTN                     FileStart;
  UINTN                     DevNumber = 0;
  EFI_OPEN_FILE_GUARD       *GuardFile;
  BOOLEAN                   VolumeNameMatch;
  UINTN                     Size;
  EFI_IP_ADDRESS            Ip;
  CHAR8                     *CwdPlusPathName;
  UINTN                     Index;
  EFI_SECTION_TYPE          ModifiedSectionType;

  EblUpdateDeviceLists ();

  File = &FileData;
  ZeroMem (File, sizeof (EFI_OPEN_FILE));

  StrLen = AsciiStrSize (PathName);
  if (StrLen <= 1) {
    // Smallest valid path is 1 char and a null
    return NULL;

  for (FileStart = 0; FileStart < StrLen; FileStart++) {
    if (PathName[FileStart] == ':') {

  // Matching volume name has precedence over handle based names
  VolumeNameMatch = EblMatchVolumeName (PathName, FileStart, &DevNumber);
  if (!VolumeNameMatch) {
    if (FileStart == StrLen) {
      // No Volume name or device name, so try Current Working Directory
      if (gCwd == NULL) {
        // No CWD
        return NULL;

      // We could add a current working directory concept
      CwdPlusPathName = AllocatePool (AsciiStrSize (gCwd) + AsciiStrSize (PathName));
      if (CwdPlusPathName == NULL) {
        return NULL;

      if ((PathName[0] == '/') || (PathName[0] == '\\')) {
        // PathName starts in / so this means we go to the root of the device in the CWD.
        CwdPlusPathName[0] = '\0';
        for (FileStart = 0; gCwd[FileStart] != '\0'; FileStart++) {
          CwdPlusPathName[FileStart] = gCwd[FileStart];
          if (gCwd[FileStart] == ':') {
            CwdPlusPathName[FileStart] = '\0';
      } else {
        AsciiStrCpy (CwdPlusPathName, gCwd);
        StrLen = AsciiStrLen (gCwd);
        if ((*PathName != '/') && (*PathName != '\\') && (gCwd[StrLen-1] != '/') && (gCwd[StrLen-1] != '\\')) {
          AsciiStrCat (CwdPlusPathName, "\\");

      AsciiStrCat (CwdPlusPathName, PathName);
      if (AsciiStrStr (CwdPlusPathName, ":") == NULL) {
        // Extra error check to make sure we don't recurse and blow stack
        return NULL;

      File = EfiOpen (CwdPlusPathName, OpenMode, SectionType);
      FreePool (CwdPlusPathName);
      return File;

    DevNumber = EblConvertDevStringToNumber ((CHAR8 *)PathName);

  File->DeviceName = AllocatePool (StrLen);
  AsciiStrCpy (File->DeviceName, PathName);
  File->DeviceName[FileStart - 1] = '\0';
  File->FileName = &File->DeviceName[FileStart];
  if (File->FileName[0] == '\0') {
    // if it is just a file name use / as root
    File->FileName = "\\";

  // Use best match algorithm on the dev names so we only need to look at the
  // first few charters to match the full device name. Short name forms are
  // legal from the caller.
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  if (*PathName == 'f' || *PathName == 'F' || VolumeNameMatch) {
    if (PathName[1] == 's' || PathName[1] == 'S' || VolumeNameMatch) {
      if (DevNumber >= mFsCount) {
        goto ErrorExit;
      File->Type = EfiOpenFileSystem;
      File->EfiHandle = mFs[DevNumber];
      Status = EblFileDevicePath (File, &PathName[FileStart], OpenMode);

    } else if (PathName[1] == 'v' || PathName[1] == 'V') {
      if (DevNumber >= mFvCount) {
        goto ErrorExit;
      File->Type = EfiOpenFirmwareVolume;
      File->EfiHandle = mFv[DevNumber];

      if ((PathName[FileStart] == '/') || (PathName[FileStart] == '\\')) {
        // Skip leading / as its not really needed for the FV since no directories are supported

      // Check for 2nd :
      ModifiedSectionType = SectionType;
      for (Index = FileStart; PathName[Index] != '\0'; Index++) {
        if (PathName[Index] == ':') {
          // Support fv0:\DxeCore:0x10
          // This means open the PE32 Section of the file
          ModifiedSectionType = (EFI_SECTION_TYPE)AsciiStrHexToUintn (&PathName[Index + 1]);
          PathName[Index] = '\0';
      File->FvSectionType = ModifiedSectionType;
      Status = EblFvFileDevicePath (File, &PathName[FileStart], ModifiedSectionType);
  } else if ((*PathName == 'A') || (*PathName == 'a')) {
    // Handle a:0x10000000:0x1234 address form a:ADDRESS:SIZE
    File->Type = EfiOpenMemoryBuffer;
    // 1st colon is at PathName[FileStart - 1]
    File->Buffer = (VOID *)AsciiStrHexToUintn (&PathName[FileStart]);

    // Find 2nd colon
    while ((PathName[FileStart] != ':') && (PathName[FileStart] != '\0')) {

    // If we ran out of string, there's no extra data
    if (PathName[FileStart] == '\0') {
      File->Size = 0;
    } else {
      File->Size = AsciiStrHexToUintn (&PathName[FileStart + 1]);

    // if there's no number after the second colon, default
    // the end of memory
    if (File->Size == 0) {
      File->Size =  (UINTN)(0 - (UINTN)File->Buffer);

    File->MaxPosition = File->Size;
    File->BaseOffset = (UINTN)File->Buffer;

  } else if (*PathName== 'l' || *PathName == 'L') {
    if (DevNumber >= mLoadFileCount) {
      goto ErrorExit;
    File->Type = EfiOpenLoadFile;
    File->EfiHandle = mLoadFile[DevNumber];

    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (File->EfiHandle, &gEfiLoadFileProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&File->LoadFile);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto ErrorExit;

    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (File->EfiHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&DevicePath);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto ErrorExit;
    File->DevicePath = DuplicateDevicePath (DevicePath);

  } else if (*PathName == 'b' || *PathName == 'B') {
    // Handle b#:0x10000000:0x1234 address form b#:ADDRESS:SIZE
    if (DevNumber >= mBlkIoCount) {
      goto ErrorExit;
    File->Type = EfiOpenBlockIo;
    File->EfiHandle = mBlkIo[DevNumber];
    EblFileDevicePath (File, "", OpenMode);

    // 1st colon is at PathName[FileStart - 1]
    File->DiskOffset = AsciiStrHexToUintn (&PathName[FileStart]);

    // Find 2nd colon
    while ((PathName[FileStart] != ':') && (PathName[FileStart] != '\0')) {

    // If we ran out of string, there's no extra data
    if (PathName[FileStart] == '\0') {
      Size = 0;
    } else {
      Size = AsciiStrHexToUintn (&PathName[FileStart + 1]);

    // if a zero size is passed in (or the size is left out entirely),
    // go to the end of the device.
    if (Size == 0) {
      File->Size = File->Size - File->DiskOffset;
    } else {
      File->Size = Size;

    File->MaxPosition = File->Size;
    File->BaseOffset = File->DiskOffset;
  } else if ((*PathName) >= '0' && (*PathName <= '9')) {

    // Get current IP address
    Status = EblGetCurrentIpAddress (&Ip);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Device IP Address is not configured.\n");
      goto ErrorExit;

    // Parse X.X.X.X:Filename, only support IPv4 TFTP for now...
    File->Type = EfiOpenTftp;
    File->IsDirty = FALSE;
    File->IsBufferValid = FALSE;

    Status = ConvertIpStringToEfiIp (PathName, &File->ServerIp);

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto ErrorExit;

  GuardFile = (EFI_OPEN_FILE_GUARD *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_OPEN_FILE_GUARD));
  if (GuardFile == NULL) {
    goto ErrorExit;

  CopyMem (&(GuardFile->File), &FileData, sizeof (EFI_OPEN_FILE));

  return &(GuardFile->File);

  FreePool (File->DeviceName);
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
EblFileCopyCmd (
  IN UINTN  Argc,
  IN CHAR8  **Argv
  EFI_OPEN_FILE *Source      = NULL;
  EFI_OPEN_FILE *Destination = NULL;
  EFI_STATUS    Status       = EFI_SUCCESS;
  VOID          *Buffer      = NULL;
  UINTN         Size;
  UINTN         Offset;
  UINTN         Chunk        = FILE_COPY_CHUNK;
  UINTN         FileNameLen;
  CHAR8*        DestFileName;
  CHAR8*        SrcFileName;
  CHAR8*        SrcPtr;

  if (Argc < 3) {

  DestFileName = Argv[2];
  FileNameLen = AsciiStrLen (DestFileName);

  // Check if the destination file name looks like a directory
  if ((DestFileName[FileNameLen-1] == '\\') || (DestFileName[FileNameLen-1] == ':')) {
    // Set the pointer after the source drive (eg: after fs1:)
    SrcPtr = AsciiStrStr (Argv[1], ":");
    if (SrcPtr == NULL) {
      SrcPtr = Argv[1];
    } else {
      if (*SrcPtr == '\\') {

    if (*SrcPtr == '\0') {
      AsciiPrint("Source file incorrect.\n");

    // Skip the Source Directories
    while (1) {
      SrcFileName = SrcPtr;
      SrcPtr = AsciiStrStr (SrcPtr,"\\");
      if (SrcPtr != NULL) {
      } else {

    if (*SrcFileName == '\0') {
      AsciiPrint("Source file incorrect (Error 2).\n");

    // Construct the destination filepath
    DestFileName = (CHAR8*)AllocatePool (FileNameLen + AsciiStrLen (SrcFileName) + 1);
    AsciiStrCpy (DestFileName, Argv[2]);
    AsciiStrCat (DestFileName, SrcFileName);

  Source = EfiOpen(Argv[1], EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
  if (Source == NULL) {
    AsciiPrint("Source file open error.\n");
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  if (Destination == NULL) {
    AsciiPrint("Destination file open error.\n");
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  Buffer = AllocatePool(FILE_COPY_CHUNK);
  if (Buffer == NULL) {
    goto Exit;

  Size = EfiTell(Source, NULL);

  for (Offset = 0; Offset + FILE_COPY_CHUNK <= Size; Offset += Chunk) {
    Chunk = FILE_COPY_CHUNK;

    Status = EfiRead(Source, Buffer, &Chunk);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Read file error %r\n", Status);
      goto Exit;

    Status = EfiWrite(Destination, Buffer, &Chunk);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Write file error %r\n", Status);
      goto Exit;

  // Any left over?
  if (Offset < Size) {
    Chunk = Size - Offset;

    Status = EfiRead(Source, Buffer, &Chunk);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Read file error %r\n", Status);
      goto Exit;

    Status = EfiWrite(Destination, Buffer, &Chunk);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Write file error %r\n", Status);
      goto Exit;

  if (Source != NULL) {
    Status = EfiClose(Source);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Source close error %r\n", Status);
  if (Destination != NULL) {
    Status = EfiClose(Destination);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      AsciiPrint("Destination close error %r\n", Status);

    // Case when we have concated the filename to the destination directory
    if (DestFileName != Argv[2]) {
      FreePool (DestFileName);

  if (Buffer != NULL) {

  return Status;