 * Returns the value of the specified 64 bits general purpose register
DISDECL(int) DISFetchReg64(PCCPUMCTXCORE pCtx, unsigned reg64, uint64_t *pVal)
    AssertReturnStmt(reg64 < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aReg64Index), *pVal = 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

    *pVal = DIS_READ_REG64(pCtx, reg64);
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * Returns the pointer to the specified 64 bits general purpose register
DISDECL(int) DISPtrReg64(PCPUMCTXCORE pCtx, unsigned reg64, uint64_t **ppReg)
    AssertReturnStmt(reg64 < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aReg64Index), *ppReg = NULL, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

    *ppReg = DIS_PTR_REG64(pCtx, reg64);
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
RTDECL(ssize_t) RTLinuxFindDevicePathV(dev_t DevNum, RTFMODE fMode, char *pszBuf, size_t cchBuf,
                                       const char *pszSuggestion, va_list va)
    AssertReturnStmt(cchBuf >= 2, errno = EINVAL, -1);
    AssertReturnStmt(   fMode == RTFS_TYPE_DEV_CHAR
                     || fMode == RTFS_TYPE_DEV_BLOCK,
                     errno = EINVAL, -1);

    if (pszSuggestion)
         * Construct the filename and read the link.
        char szFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
        int rc = rtLinuxConstructPathV(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "/dev/", pszSuggestion, va);
        if (rc == -1)
            return -1;

         * Check whether the caller's suggestion was right.
        RTFSOBJINFO Info;
        rc = RTPathQueryInfo(szFilename, &Info, RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX);
        if (   RT_SUCCESS(rc)
            && Info.Attr.u.Unix.Device == DevNum
            && (Info.Attr.fMode & RTFS_TYPE_MASK) == fMode)
            size_t cchPath = strlen(szFilename);
            if (cchPath >= cchBuf)
                errno = EOVERFLOW;
                return -1;
            memcpy(pszBuf, szFilename, cchPath + 1);
            return cchPath;

        /* The suggestion was wrong, fall back on the brute force attack. */

    return rtLinuxFindDevicePathRecursive(DevNum, fMode, "/dev/", pszBuf, cchBuf);
/** Allocate (and return) a buffer for a device list in VRDP wire format,
 * and populate from a PUSBDEVICE linked list.  @a pLen takes the length of
 * the new list.
 * See @a Console::processRemoteUSBDevices for the receiving end. */
static void *buildWireListFromDevices(PUSBDEVICE pDevices, int *pLen)
    char *pBuf;
    unsigned cDevs, cbBuf, iCurrent;
    uint16_t iNext;
    PUSBDEVICE pCurrent;

    cDevs = countUSBDevices(pDevices);
    cbBuf = cDevs * DEV_ENTRY_SIZE + 2;
    pBuf = (char *)xmalloc(cbBuf);
    memset(pBuf, 0, cbBuf);
    for (pCurrent = pDevices, iCurrent = 0; pCurrent;
         pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext, iCurrent += iNext, --cDevs)
        unsigned i, cZeros;

        AssertReturnStmt(iCurrent + DEV_ENTRY_SIZE + 2 <= cbBuf,
                         free(pBuf), NULL);
        fillWireListEntry(pBuf + iCurrent, pCurrent, &iNext);
            DevListEntry *pEntry = (DevListEntry *)(pBuf + iCurrent);
        /* Sanity tests */
        for (i = iCurrent + sizeof(DevListEntry), cZeros = 0;
             i < iCurrent + iNext; ++i)
             if (pBuf[i] == 0)
        AssertReturnStmt(cZeros ==   RT_BOOL(pEntry->oManufacturer)
                                   + RT_BOOL(pEntry->oProduct)
                                   + RT_BOOL(pEntry->oSerialNumber),
                         free(pBuf), NULL);
        Assert(pEntry->oManufacturer == 0 || pBuf[iCurrent + pEntry->oManufacturer] != '\0');
        Assert(pEntry->oProduct == 0 || pBuf[iCurrent + pEntry->oProduct] != '\0');
        Assert(pEntry->oSerialNumber == 0 || pBuf[iCurrent + pEntry->oSerialNumber] != '\0');
        AssertReturnStmt(cZeros == 0 || pBuf[iCurrent + iNext - 1] == '\0',
                         free(pBuf), NULL);
    *pLen = iCurrent + iNext + 2;
    Assert(cDevs == 0);
    Assert(*pLen <= cbBuf);
    return pBuf;
Esempio n. 5
 * Constructs the path of a sysfs file from the format parameters passed,
 * prepending a prefix if the path is relative.
 * @returns The number of characters returned, or -1 and errno set to ERANGE on
 *          failure.
 * @param   pszPrefix  The prefix to prepend if the path is relative.  Must end
 *                     in '/'.
 * @param   pszBuf     Where to write the path.  Must be at least
 *                     sizeof(@a pszPrefix) characters long
 * @param   cchBuf     The size of the buffer pointed to by @a pszBuf.
 * @param   pszFormat  The name format, either absolute or relative to the
 *                     prefix specified by @a pszPrefix.
 * @param   va         The format args.
static ssize_t rtLinuxConstructPathV(char *pszBuf, size_t cchBuf,
                                     const char *pszPrefix,
                                     const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
    size_t cchPrefix = strlen(pszPrefix);
    AssertReturnStmt(pszPrefix[cchPrefix - 1] == '/', errno = ERANGE, -1);
    AssertReturnStmt(cchBuf > cchPrefix + 1, errno = ERANGE, -1);

    /** @todo While RTStrPrintfV prevents overflows, it doesn't make it easy to
     *        check for truncations. RTPath should provide some formatters and
     *        joiners which can take over this rather common task that is
     *        performed here. */
    size_t cch = RTStrPrintfV(pszBuf, cchBuf, pszFormat, va);
    if (*pszBuf != '/')
        AssertReturnStmt(cchBuf >= cch + cchPrefix + 1, errno = ERANGE, -1);
        memmove(pszBuf + cchPrefix, pszBuf, cch + 1);
        memcpy(pszBuf, pszPrefix, cchPrefix);
        cch += cchPrefix;
    return cch;
Esempio n. 6
RTDECL(ssize_t) RTLinuxSysFsGetLinkDestV(char *pszBuf, size_t cchBuf, const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
    AssertReturnStmt(cchBuf >= 2, errno = EINVAL, -1);

     * Construct the filename and read the link.
    char szFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
    int rc = rtLinuxSysFsConstructPath(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), pszFormat, va);
    if (rc == -1)
        return -1;

    char szLink[RTPATH_MAX];
    rc = readlink(szFilename, szLink, sizeof(szLink));
    if (rc == -1)
        return -1;
    if ((size_t)rc > sizeof(szLink) - 1)
        errno = ERANGE;
        return -1;
    szLink[rc] = '\0'; /* readlink fun. */

     * Extract the file name component and copy it into the return buffer.
    size_t cchName;
    const char *pszName = RTPathFilename(szLink);
    if (pszName)
        cchName = strlen(pszName); /* = &szLink[rc] - pszName; */
        if (cchName >= cchBuf)
            errno = ERANGE;
            return -1;
        memcpy(pszBuf, pszName, cchName + 1);
        *pszBuf = '\0';
        cchName = 0;
    return cchName;
 * Add an entry for an I/O stream using a passthru stream.
 * The passthru I/O stream will hash all the data read from or written to the
 * stream and automatically add an entry to the manifest with the desired
 * attributes when it is released.  Alternatively one can call
 * RTManifestPtIosAddEntryNow() to have more control over exactly when this
 * action is performed and which status it yields.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   hManifest           The manifest to add the entry to.
 * @param   hVfsIos             The I/O stream to pass thru to/from.
 * @param   pszEntry            The entry name.
 * @param   fAttrs              The attributes to create for this stream.
 * @param   fReadOrWrite        Whether it's a read or write I/O stream.
 * @param   phVfsIosPassthru    Where to return the new handle.
RTDECL(int) RTManifestEntryAddPassthruIoStream(RTMANIFEST hManifest, RTVFSIOSTREAM hVfsIos, const char *pszEntry,
                                               uint32_t fAttrs, bool fReadOrWrite, PRTVFSIOSTREAM phVfsIosPassthru)
     * Validate input.
    uint32_t cRefs = RTManifestRetain(hManifest);
    AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
    cRefs = RTVfsIoStrmRetain(hVfsIos);
    AssertReturnStmt(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, RTManifestRelease(hManifest), VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);

     * Create an instace of the passthru I/O stream.
    int rc = RTVfsNewIoStream(&g_rtManifestPassthruIosOps, sizeof(*pThis), fReadOrWrite ? RTFILE_O_READ : RTFILE_O_WRITE,
                              NIL_RTVFS, NIL_RTVFSLOCK, &hVfsPtIos, (void **)&pThis);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        pThis->hVfsIos          = hVfsIos;
        pThis->pHashes          = rtManifestHashesCreate(fAttrs);
        pThis->hManifest        = hManifest;
        pThis->fReadOrWrite     = fReadOrWrite;
        pThis->fAddedEntry      = false;
        pThis->pszEntry         = RTStrDup(pszEntry);
        if (pThis->pszEntry && pThis->pHashes)
            *phVfsIosPassthru = hVfsPtIos;
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

    return rc;
 * Does the deferred loading of the real data (image and/or debug info).
 * @param   pMod                The generic module instance data.
 * @param   fForcedRetry        Whether it's a forced retry by one of the
 *                              pfnTryOpen methods.
static int rtDbgModDeferredDoIt(PRTDBGMODINT pMod, bool fForcedRetry)

    int rc;
    if (!pMod->fDeferredFailed || fForcedRetry)
        bool const fDbgVt = pMod->pDbgVt == &g_rtDbgModVtDbgDeferred;
        bool const fImgVt = pMod->pImgVt == &g_rtDbgModVtImgDeferred;
        AssertReturnStmt(fDbgVt || fImgVt, RTCritSectLeave(&pMod->CritSect), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5);

        PRTDBGMODDEFERRED pThis = (PRTDBGMODDEFERRED)(fDbgVt ? pMod->pvDbgPriv : pMod->pvImgPriv);

        /* Reset the method tables and private data pointes so the deferred loading
           procedure can figure out what to do and won't get confused. */
        if (fDbgVt)
            pMod->pvDbgPriv = NULL;
            pMod->pDbgVt    = NULL;

        if (fImgVt)
            pMod->pvImgPriv = NULL;
            pMod->pImgVt    = NULL;

        /* Do the deferred loading. */
        rc = pThis->pfnDeferred(pMod, pThis);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            Assert(!fDbgVt || pMod->pDbgVt != NULL);
            Assert(!fImgVt || pMod->pImgVt != NULL);

            pMod->fDeferred       = false;
            pMod->fDeferredFailed = false;

            if (fImgVt && fDbgVt)
            /* Failed, bail out and restore the deferred setup. */
            pMod->fDeferredFailed = true;

            if (fDbgVt)
                pMod->pDbgVt    = &g_rtDbgModVtDbgDeferred;
                pMod->pvDbgPriv = pThis;

            if (fImgVt)
                pMod->pImgVt    = &g_rtDbgModVtImgDeferred;
                pMod->pvImgPriv = pThis;

    return rc;
 * Returns the value of the specified segment register including a pointer to the hidden register in the supplied cpu context
    AssertReturnStmt((unsigned)sel < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRegSegIndex), *ppSelReg = NULL, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
    *ppSelReg = (CPUMSELREG *)((uintptr_t)pCtx + g_aRegHidSegIndex[sel]);
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 10
static ssize_t rtLinuxFindDevicePathRecursive(dev_t DevNum, RTFMODE fMode, const char *pszBasePath,
                                              char *pszBuf, size_t cchBuf)
     * Check assumptions made by the code below.
    size_t const cchBasePath = strlen(pszBasePath);
    AssertReturnStmt(cchBasePath < RTPATH_MAX - 10U, errno = ENAMETOOLONG, -1);

    ssize_t rcRet;
    PRTDIR  pDir;
    int rc = RTDirOpen(&pDir, pszBasePath);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; /** @todo 4K per recursion - can easily be optimized away by passing it along pszBasePath
                                           and only remember the length. */
        memcpy(szPath, pszBasePath, cchBasePath + 1);

        for (;;)
            RTDIRENTRYEX Entry;
            rc = RTDirReadEx(pDir, &Entry, NULL, RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX, RTPATH_F_ON_LINK);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                errno = rc == VERR_NO_MORE_FILES
                      ? ENOENT
                      : rc == VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
                      ? EOVERFLOW
                      : EIO;
                rcRet = -1;
            if (RTFS_IS_SYMLINK(Entry.Info.Attr.fMode))

            /* Do the matching. */
            if (   Entry.Info.Attr.u.Unix.Device == DevNum
                && (Entry.Info.Attr.fMode & RTFS_TYPE_MASK) == fMode)
                rcRet = rtLinuxConstructPath(pszBuf, cchBuf, pszBasePath, "%s", Entry.szName);

            /* Recurse into subdirectories. */
            if (!RTFS_IS_DIRECTORY(Entry.Info.Attr.fMode))
            if (Entry.szName[0] == '.')

            szPath[cchBasePath] = '\0';
            rc = RTPathAppend(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 1, Entry.szName); /* -1: for slash */
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
                rcRet = -1;
            strcat(&szPath[cchBasePath], "/");
            rcRet = rtLinuxFindDevicePathRecursive(DevNum, fMode, szPath, pszBuf, cchBuf);
            if (rcRet >= 0 || errno != ENOENT)
        rcRet = -1;
        errno = RTErrConvertToErrno(rc);
    return rcRet;