Esempio n. 1
// Try the media types of |aEnum| when connecting to |aPin| with type limiter
// of |aFilter|. If |aFilter| is specified, we will only attempt to connect
// with media types from |aEnum| which partially match |aFilter|.
BasePin::TryMediaTypes(IPin *aPin,
                         const MediaType *aFilter,
                         IEnumMediaTypes *aEnum)
  // Reset enumerator.
  HRESULT hr = aEnum->Reset();
  if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

  while (true) {
    AM_MEDIA_TYPE* amt = NULL;
    ULONG mediaCount = 0;
    HRESULT hr = aEnum->Next(1, &amt, &mediaCount);
    if (hr != S_OK) // No more media types...

    assert(mediaCount == 1 && hr == S_OK);

    MediaType* mediaType = reinterpret_cast<MediaType*>(amt);
    if (!aFilter || mediaType->MatchesPartial(aFilter)) {
      // Either there's no limiter, or we partially match it,
      // attempt connection.
      if (SUCCEEDED(AttemptConnection(aPin, mediaType)))
        return S_OK;
Esempio n. 2
ErrorCode BasePinImpl::AgreeMediaType(IPin *pReceivePin, MediaType* mt)
	ErrorCode hr = Error;	// Assume failure at first

	// TODO
#if 0
	if (mt && FALSE)	// The mediatype is fully specified
		ErrorCode hr = AttemptConnection(pReceivePin, mt);
		if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

	// Try the input pins preferred types
	IEnumMediaTypes* pEnumIn = pReceivePin->EnumMediaTypes();
	if (pEnumIn)
		hr = TryMediaTypes(pReceivePin, mt, pEnumIn);
		if (hr >= 0)
			return hr;

	// Try the output pins preferred types
	IEnumMediaTypes* pEnumOut = EnumMediaTypes();
	if (pEnumOut)
		hr = TryMediaTypes(pReceivePin, mt, pEnumOut);
		if (hr >= 0)
			return hr;

	return hr;
Esempio n. 3
ErrorCode BasePinImpl::TryMediaTypes(IPin *pReceivePin, MediaType* mt, IEnumMediaTypes *pEnum)
	MediaType* mt2;//(TRUE);
	while (pEnum->Next(1, &mt2/*.GetAddress()*/) == 1)
		If the pmt parameter is non-NULL, the pin skips media types that do not
		match this type. The pmt parameter can specify a partial media type
		// TODO, improve this
		bool bSkip = false;
#if 1
		if (mt)
			if (mt->GetMajorType() != GUID_NULL)
				if (mt2->GetMajorType() != mt->GetMajorType())
					bSkip = true;

		if (!bSkip)
			ErrorCode hr = AttemptConnection(pReceivePin, mt2);
			if (hr >= 0) return hr;

	return Error;//E_FAIL;
Esempio n. 4
// This pin attempts to connect to |aPin| with media type |aMediaType|.
// If |aMediaType| is fully specified, we must attempt to connect with
// that, else we just enumerate our types, then the other pin's type and
// try them, filtering them using |aMediaType| if it's paritally
// specificed. Used by Connect().
BasePin::Connect(IPin * aPin,
                   const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* aMediaType)
  if (!aPin)
    return E_POINTER;

  CriticalSectionAutoEnter monitor(*mLock);

  if (IsConnected())

  // Can't connect when filter is not stopped.
  if (!IsStopped())
    return VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED;

  // Find a muatually acceptable media type. First try the media type
  // suggested, then try our media types, then the other pin's media types.

  const MediaType* mediaType = reinterpret_cast<const MediaType*>(aMediaType);

  if (aMediaType && !mediaType->IsPartiallySpecified()) {
    // Media type is supplied and not partially specified, we must try to
    // connect with that.
    return AttemptConnection(aPin, mediaType);

  // Try this pin's media types...
  IEnumMediaTypesPtr enumMediaTypes;
  HRESULT hr = EnumMediaTypes(&enumMediaTypes);
  if (enumMediaTypes) {
    hr = TryMediaTypes(aPin, mediaType, enumMediaTypes);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      return S_OK;

  // Can't connect with our media types, try other pins types...
  enumMediaTypes = NULL;
  hr = aPin->EnumMediaTypes(&enumMediaTypes);
  if (enumMediaTypes) {
    hr = TryMediaTypes(aPin, mediaType, enumMediaTypes);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      return S_OK;

  // Nothing connects.
Esempio n. 5
HRESULT CBasePin::AgreeMediaType(
								 IPin *pReceivePin,
								 const CMediaType *pmt)
	IEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMediaTypes = NULL;

	// if the media type is fully specified then use that
	if ( (pmt != NULL) && (!pmt->IsPartiallySpecified())) {

		// if this media type fails, then we must fail the connection
		// since if pmt is nonnull we are only allowed to connect
		// using a type that matches it.

		return AttemptConnection(pReceivePin, pmt);

	/* Try the other pin's enumerator */


	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		if (i == (int)m_bTryMyTypesFirst) {
			hr = pReceivePin->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMediaTypes);
		} else {
			hr = EnumMediaTypes(&pEnumMediaTypes);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			hr = TryMediaTypes(pReceivePin,pmt,pEnumMediaTypes);
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
				return NOERROR;
			} else {
				// try to remember specific error codes if there are any
				if ((hr != E_FAIL) &&
					(hr != E_INVALIDARG) &&
					(hr != VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED)) {
						hrFailure = hr;

	return hrFailure;
Esempio n. 6
void TCPCmd::Exec(std::string str)
	bool success = false;
	bool stop = false;
	int argc = 0;
	char ** argv = NULL;
	int mode = 0; // 0=default, 1=config, 2=connect, 3=stop
	Context* ct = Context::Get();
	if( ct == NULL )
		NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("No context found");
		return; // no context

	// parse the arguments
	g_shell_parse_argv( str.c_str(), &argc, &argv, NULL );


	// must reset optind to 0 in case of previous call
	// this resets the arg list and the argv index
	optind = 0;

	if( argc > 0 )
		// find the mode
		if( strcmp(argv[0],"config") == 0)
			mode = 1; // config mode
		else if( strcmp(argv[0], "connect") == 0 )
			mode = 2; // connect
		else if( strcmp(argv[0], "stop") == 0 )
			mode = 3; // stop
			stop = true;
		else if( strcmp(argv[0], "send") == 0 )
			mode = 4; // send
			mode = 0; // default

		int c;

		case 1: // config

			while (  (c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:a:vq") ) != -1) 
    				switch (c) 
        			case 'p':
					sscanf(optarg, "%d", &ct->m_DPort); 
				case 'a':
					inet_aton(optarg, &ct->m_Sa.sin_addr);
				case 'v':
					ct->m_TCPThread->m_Verbose = true;
				case 'q':
					ct->m_TCPThread->m_Verbose = false;
        			case '?':
				default :
					//NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Unknown argument ");	

		case 2: // connect
			while (  (c = getopt(argc, argv, "s") ) != -1) 
    				switch (c) 
        			case 's':
					stop = true;
        			case '?':
				default :
					NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Unknown argument ");	
		case 4:	
			if( !ct->m_TCPThread->m_Connected )
				success = false;
				success = true;	
				// we will expect the string to be in the form
				// XX XX XX XX, where XX is an 8 byte hex number
				// they will be separated by spaces
				std::list<char> data;
				int tdata;
				for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
					tdata = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 16);

				// lets provide feedback
				char* sdata = new char[data.size()*3 +1];
				sdata[data.size()*3] = 0; // null terminate it
				char tsdat[3];

				int k = 0;
				for( std::list<char>::iterator it = data.begin();
					it != data.end(); it++ )
					int a = (*it);
					a = a&0x000000FF;
					sprintf(tsdat, "%02X", a);

					sdata[k*3] = tsdat[0];
					sdata[k*3+1] = tsdat[1];
					sdata[k*3+2] = ' ';
				NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Sending: ");

				delete [] sdata;

				// now we allocate the stream to send
				// allocate the data stream
				char * stream = new char[data.size()];
				k = 0;
				for( std::list<char>::iterator it = data.begin(); 
					it != data.end(); it++ )
					stream[k] = (*it);
				// create a message for this one
				Message msg;
				msg.m_Data = stream;
				msg.m_Len = data.size();

				// add the message to the outbox

				//int fd = ct->m_TCPThread->m_Sockfd;
				//size_t sent = send( fd, stream, data.size(), 0 );
				//if( sent != data.size() )
				//	NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Error sending");

				// clean up the stream 
				//delete [] stream;

		case 0:
		case 3:
			// do nothing

		// default mode
		mode = 0;

	// work based on mode
	switch( mode )	
	case 1: // config
			char portBuff[10];
			sprintf(portBuff, "%d", ct->m_DPort);
			// print the configuration
			std::string ret = _S("---- TCP CONFIGURATION ------\n") +
			  		  _S(" Port: ") + _S(portBuff) + _S("\n") +
					  _S(" IP  : ") + inet_ntoa(ct->m_Sa.sin_addr) + _S("\n") +

	case 2: // connect
	case 3: // stop

		if( stop )
			NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Stopping TCP Connection");
			// stop
			success = ConnectToServer(*Context::Get(), Context::Get()->m_TCPThread, true);
			NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("Starting TCP Connection");
			// retry or connect
			success = ConnectToServer(*Context::Get(), Context::Get()->m_TCPThread, false);
			success &= AttemptConnection(*Context::Get(), Context::Get()->m_TCPThread);


	case 4: // send

		if( success )
	case 0: // default
		if( ct->m_TCPThread->m_Connected )
			NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("TCP Status = Connected");
			NTerminal::Get()->PrintToStdout("TCP Status = Disconnected");


Esempio n. 7
float GetBodyRates(float elapsedMe, float elapsedSim, int counter, void* refcon)

	pendingElapsedTime += elapsedMe;


	if (pendingElapsedTime < 0.025) // Don't run faster than 40Hz
		return -1;

	union intbb Temp2;
	float phi, theta, psi;
	float alpha, beta;
	float P_flight, Q_flight, R_flight;
	float ax, ay, az;
	float gravity_acceleration_x, gravity_acceleration_y, gravity_acceleration_z;

	// Angular rates in X-Plane are specified relative to the flight path, not to the aircraft,
	// for reasons unknown. So that means we need to rotate by alpha and beta to get angular rates
	// in the aircraft body frame, which is what the UDB measures.

	// Retrieve rates and slip angles, and convert to radians
	P_flight = XPLMGetDataf(drP)  / 180 * PI;
	Q_flight = XPLMGetDataf(drQ)  / 180 * PI;
	R_flight = XPLMGetDataf(drR)  / 180 * PI;
	alpha = XPLMGetDataf(drAlpha) / 180 * PI;
	beta = XPLMGetDataf(drBeta)   / 180 * PI;

    // On 25th Jan 2015, Bill Premerlani confirmed with Austin Meyer, author of X-Plane
    // that P, Q and R are rotations in the body frame. So they do not need to be rotated into
    // any other frame of reference, other than a small sign correction for the UDB frame conventions.
    // Austin Meyer said: "now, i CAN say that P is roll, Q is pitch, and R is yaw, all in degrees per second
    //about the aircraft axis,..... (i just looked at the code to confirm this)"

	P_plane = P_flight;
	Q_plane = -Q_flight;   // convert from NED to UDB
	R_plane = R_flight;

	// Angular rate
	// multiply by 5632 (constant from UDB code)
	// Divide by SCALEGYRO(3.0 for red board)
	// 1 * 5632 / 3.0 = 1877.33
	Temp2.BB = (int)(P_plane * 1877.33);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[6], Temp2);
	Temp2.BB = (int)(Q_plane * 1877.33);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[8], Temp2);
	Temp2.BB = (int)(R_plane * 1877.33);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[10], Temp2);

	// Our euler angles:
	// X-Plane angles are in degrees.
	// Phi is roll, roll to right is positive
	// Theta is pitch, pitch up is positive
	// Psi is yaw, relative to north. North is 0/360.

	// Convert these angles to radians first.
	phi =   (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drPhi)   / 180) * PI);
	theta = (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drTheta) / 180) * PI);
	psi =   (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drPsi)   / 180) * PI);

	// set up a vertical reference for the plotting computations
	// vertical in earth frame:
	ax = 0;
	ay = -(float)9.8;
	az = 0;

	// get the acceleration loading (gravity-acceleration) in the body frame in "g"s,
	// and convert to meter/sec/sec
	// x, y, and z are "UDB" coordinates, x is left wing, y is forward, and z is down.
	gravity_acceleration_x = (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drg_side)) * 9.8);
	gravity_acceleration_y = (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drg_axil)) * 9.8);
	gravity_acceleration_z = (float)((XPLMGetDataf(drg_nrml)) * 9.8);

	// Convert from OGL frame to Aircraft body fixed frame
	// This produces a vertical reference in body frame
	OGLtoBCBF(ax, ay, az, phi, theta, psi);

	ax_plane =  ax;
	ay_plane = -ay;     // convert from NED to UDB
	az_plane =  az;

	// Lastly we need to convert from X-Plane units (m/s^2) to the arbitrary units used by the UDB

	// Accelerations are in m/s^2
	// Divide by 9.8 to get g's
	// Multiply by 5280 (constant from UDB code)
	// Divide by SCALEACCEL (2.64 for red board)
	// 1 / 9.8 * 5280 / 2.64 = 204.8
	Temp2.BB = (int)(gravity_acceleration_x * 204.8);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[12], Temp2);
	Temp2.BB = (int)(gravity_acceleration_y * 204.8);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[14], Temp2);
	Temp2.BB = (int)(gravity_acceleration_z * 204.8);
	Store2LE(&NAV_BODYRATES[16], Temp2);


	while (pendingElapsedTime >= 0.025) // Don't run slower than 40Hz
		if (!IsConnected())
			if (ConnectionCount % 160 == 0) // attempt reconnection every 4 seconds when disconnected
				ConnectionCount = 0;
		if (GPSCount % 10 == 0)
			GPSCount = 0;
		pendingElapsedTime -= (float)0.025;

//	float ThrottleSetting = 0;	//SurfaceDeflections[CHANNEL_THROTTLE];
//	float throttle[8] = {ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting,
//	                     ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting, ThrottleSetting};
	XPLMSetDatavf(drThro, ThrottleSettings, 0, 8);

	static float prevBrakeSetting = PARKBRAKE_ON;
	if (BrakeSetting != prevBrakeSetting)
		prevBrakeSetting = BrakeSetting;
		XPLMSetDataf(drBrake, BrakeSetting);
//		LoggingFile.mLogFile << "Set parkbrake to " << BrakeSetting << endl;
	return -1;  // get called back on every frame
Esempio n. 8
HRESULT CBasePin::TryMediaTypes(
								IPin *pReceivePin,
								const CMediaType *pmt,
								IEnumMediaTypes *pEnum)
	/* Reset the current enumerator position */

	HRESULT hr = pEnum->Reset();
	if (FAILED(hr)) {
		return hr;

	CMediaType *pMediaType = NULL;
	ULONG ulMediaCount = 0;

	// attempt to remember a specific error code if there is one
	HRESULT hrFailure = S_OK;

	for (;;) {

		/* Retrieve the next media type NOTE each time round the loop the
		enumerator interface will allocate another AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure
		If we are successful then we copy it into our output object, if
		not then we must delete the memory allocated before returning */

		hr = pEnum->Next(1, (AM_MEDIA_TYPE**)&pMediaType,&ulMediaCount);
		if (hr != S_OK) {
			if (S_OK == hrFailure) {
			return hrFailure;

		ASSERT(ulMediaCount == 1);

		// check that this matches the partial type (if any)

		if ((pmt == NULL) ||
			pMediaType->MatchesPartial(pmt)) {

				hr = AttemptConnection(pReceivePin, pMediaType);

				// attempt to remember a specific error code
				if (FAILED(hr) &&
					SUCCEEDED(hrFailure) &&
					(hr != E_FAIL) &&
					(hr != E_INVALIDARG) &&
					(hr != VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED)) {
						hrFailure = hr;
		} else {


		if (S_OK == hr) {
			return hr;