Esempio n. 1
 * Initialize function loads first data sets, and allocates memory for structure.
void gps_airspeedInitialize()
    // This method saves memory in case we don't use the GPS module.
    gps = (struct GPSGlobals *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct GPSGlobals));

    // GPS airspeed calculation variables
    VelocityStateData gpsVelData;

    gps->gpsVelOld_N = gpsVelData.North;
    gps->gpsVelOld_E = gpsVelData.East;
    gps->gpsVelOld_D = gpsVelData.Down;

    gps->oldAirspeed = 0.0f;

    AttitudeStateData attData;

    float Rbe[3][3];
    float q[4] = { attData.q1, attData.q2, attData.q3, attData.q4 };

    // Calculate rotation matrix
    Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);

    gps->RbeCol1_old[0] = Rbe[0][0];
    gps->RbeCol1_old[1] = Rbe[0][1];
    gps->RbeCol1_old[2] = Rbe[0][2];
Esempio n. 2
 * Calculate airspeed as a function of GPS groundspeed and vehicle attitude.
 *  From "IMU Wind Estimation (Theory)", by William Premerlani.
 *  The idea is that V_gps=V_air+V_wind. If we assume wind constant, =>
 *  V_gps_2-V_gps_1 = (V_air_2+V_wind_2) -(V_air_1+V_wind_1) = V_air_2 - V_air_1.
 *  If we assume airspeed constant, => V_gps_2-V_gps_1 = |V|*(f_2 - f1),
 *  where "f" is the fuselage vector in earth coordinates.
 *  We then solve for |V| = |V_gps_2-V_gps_1|/ |f_2 - f1|.
void gps_airspeedGet(AirspeedSensorData *airspeedData, AirspeedSettingsData *airspeedSettings)
    float Rbe[3][3];

    {   // Scoping to save memory. We really just need Rbe.
        AttitudeStateData attData;

        float q[4] = { attData.q1, attData.q2, attData.q3, attData.q4 };

        // Calculate rotation matrix
        Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);

    // Calculate the cos(angle) between the two fuselage basis vectors
    float cosDiff = (Rbe[0][0] * gps->RbeCol1_old[0]) + (Rbe[0][1] * gps->RbeCol1_old[1]) + (Rbe[0][2] * gps->RbeCol1_old[2]);

    // If there's more than a 5 degree difference between two fuselage measurements, then we have sufficient delta to continue.
    if (fabsf(cosDiff) < cosf(DEG2RAD(5.0f))) {
        VelocityStateData gpsVelData;

        if (gpsVelData.North * gpsVelData.North + gpsVelData.East * gpsVelData.East + gpsVelData.Down * gpsVelData.Down < 1.0f) {
            airspeedData->CalibratedAirspeed = 0;
            airspeedData->SensorConnected    = AIRSPEEDSENSOR_SENSORCONNECTED_FALSE;
            return; // do not calculate if gps velocity is insufficient...

        // Calculate the norm^2 of the difference between the two GPS vectors
        float normDiffGPS2 = powf(gpsVelData.North - gps->gpsVelOld_N, 2.0f) + powf(gpsVelData.East - gps->gpsVelOld_E, 2.0f) + powf(gpsVelData.Down - gps->gpsVelOld_D, 2.0f);

        // Calculate the norm^2 of the difference between the two fuselage vectors
        float normDiffAttitude2 = powf(Rbe[0][0] - gps->RbeCol1_old[0], 2.0f) + powf(Rbe[0][1] - gps->RbeCol1_old[1], 2.0f) + powf(Rbe[0][2] - gps->RbeCol1_old[2], 2.0f);

        // Airspeed magnitude is the ratio between the two difference norms
        float airspeed = sqrtf(normDiffGPS2 / normDiffAttitude2);
        if (!IS_REAL(airspeedData->CalibratedAirspeed)) {
            airspeedData->CalibratedAirspeed = 0;
            airspeedData->SensorConnected    = AIRSPEEDSENSOR_SENSORCONNECTED_FALSE;
        } else {
            // need a low pass filter to filter out spikes in non coordinated maneuvers
            airspeedData->CalibratedAirspeed = (1.0f - airspeedSettings->GroundSpeedBasedEstimationLowPassAlpha) * gps->oldAirspeed + airspeedSettings->GroundSpeedBasedEstimationLowPassAlpha * airspeed;
            gps->oldAirspeed = airspeedData->CalibratedAirspeed;
            airspeedData->SensorConnected    = AIRSPEEDSENSOR_SENSORCONNECTED_TRUE;

        // Save old variables for next pass
        gps->gpsVelOld_N    = gpsVelData.North;
        gps->gpsVelOld_E    = gpsVelData.East;
        gps->gpsVelOld_D    = gpsVelData.Down;

        gps->RbeCol1_old[0] = Rbe[0][0];
        gps->RbeCol1_old[1] = Rbe[0][1];
        gps->RbeCol1_old[2] = Rbe[0][2];
Esempio n. 3
 * Initialise the module, called on startup
 * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed
int32_t AttitudeInitialize(void)

    // Initialize quaternion
    AttitudeStateData attitude;
    attitude.q1 = 1;
    attitude.q2 = 0;
    attitude.q3 = 0;
    attitude.q4 = 0;

    // Cannot trust the values to init right above if BL runs
    gyro_correct_int[0] = 0;
    gyro_correct_int[1] = 0;
    gyro_correct_int[2] = 0;

    q[0] = 1;
    q[1] = 0;
    q[2] = 0;
    q[3] = 0;
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            R[i][j] = 0;

    trim_requested = false;

    return 0;
int8_t VtolFlyController::UpdateStabilizationDesired(bool yaw_attitude, float yaw_direction)
    uint8_t result = 1;
    StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired;
    AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
    StabilizationBankData stabSettings;
    float northCommand;
    float eastCommand;


    controlNE.GetNECommand(&northCommand, &eastCommand);

    float angle_radians = DEG2RAD(attitudeState.Yaw);
    float cos_angle     = cosf(angle_radians);
    float sine_angle    = sinf(angle_radians);
    float maxPitch = vtolPathFollowerSettings->MaxRollPitch;
    stabDesired.Pitch = boundf(-northCommand * cos_angle - eastCommand * sine_angle, -maxPitch, maxPitch); // this should be in the controller
    stabDesired.Roll = boundf(-northCommand * sine_angle + eastCommand * cos_angle, -maxPitch, maxPitch);

    ManualControlCommandData manualControl;

    // TODO The below need to be rewritten because the PID implementation has changed.
#if 0
    // DEBUG HACK: allow user to skew compass on purpose to see if emergency failsafe kicks in
        attitudeState.Yaw += 120.0f;
        if (attitudeState.Yaw > 180.0f) {
            attitudeState.Yaw -= 360.0f;

    if ( // emergency flyaway detection
        ( // integral already at its limit
            vtolPathFollowerSettings.HorizontalVelPID.ILimit - fabsf(global.PIDvel[0].iAccumulator) < 1e-6f ||
            vtolPathFollowerSettings.HorizontalVelPID.ILimit - fabsf(global.PIDvel[1].iAccumulator) < 1e-6f
        ) &&
        // angle between desired and actual velocity >90 degrees (by dot product)
        (velocityDesired.North * velocityState.North + velocityDesired.East * velocityState.East < 0.0f) &&
        // quad is moving at significant speed (during flyaway it would keep speeding up)
        squaref(velocityState.North) + squaref(velocityState.East) > 1.0f
        ) {
        vtolEmergencyFallback += dT;
        if (vtolEmergencyFallback >= vtolPathFollowerSettings->FlyawayEmergencyFallbackTriggerTime) {
            // after emergency timeout, trigger alarm - everything else is handled by callers
            // (switch to emergency algorithm, switch to emergency waypoint in pathplanner, alarms, ...)
            result = 0;
    } else {
        vtolEmergencyFallback = 0.0f;
#endif // if 0

    if (yaw_attitude) {
        stabDesired.Yaw = yaw_direction;
    } else {
        stabDesired.Yaw = stabSettings.MaximumRate.Yaw * manualControl.Yaw;

    // default thrust mode to cruise control

    if (mManualThrust) {
        stabDesired.Thrust = manualControl.Thrust;
    } else {
        stabDesired.Thrust = controlDown.GetDownCommand();


    return result;
Esempio n. 5
static filterResult filter(stateFilter *self, stateEstimation *state)
    struct data *this = (struct data *)self->localdata;

    if (reloadSettings) {
        reloadSettings = false;

    if (this->first_run) {
        // Initialize to current altitude reading at initial location
        if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_baro)) {
            this->first_run = 0;
            this->initTimer = xTaskGetTickCount();
    } else {
        // save existing position and velocity updates so GPS will still work
        if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_pos)) {
            this->pos[0]  = state->pos[0];
            this->pos[1]  = state->pos[1];
            this->pos[2]  = state->pos[2];
            state->pos[2] = -this->altitudeState;
        if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_vel)) {
            this->vel[0]  = state->vel[0];
            this->vel[1]  = state->vel[1];
            this->vel[2]  = state->vel[2];
            state->vel[2] = -this->velocityState;
        if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_accel)) {
            // rotate accels into global coordinate frame
            AttitudeStateData att;
            float Rbe[3][3];
            Quaternion2R(&att.q1, Rbe);
            float current = -(Rbe[0][2] * state->accel[0] + Rbe[1][2] * state->accel[1] + Rbe[2][2] * state->accel[2] + this->gravity);

            // low pass filter accelerometers
            this->accelState = (1.0f - this->settings.AccelLowPassKp) * this->accelState + this->settings.AccelLowPassKp * current;
            if (((xTaskGetTickCount() - this->initTimer) / portTICK_RATE_MS) < INITIALIZATION_DURATION_MS) {
                // allow the offset to reach quickly the target value in case of small AccelDriftKi
                this->accelBiasState = (1.0f - this->settings.InitializationAccelDriftKi) * this->accelBiasState + this->settings.InitializationAccelDriftKi * this->accelState;
            } else {
                // correct accel offset (low pass zeroing)
                this->accelBiasState = (1.0f - this->settings.AccelDriftKi) * this->accelBiasState + this->settings.AccelDriftKi * this->accelState;
            // correct velocity and position state (integration)
            // low pass for average dT, compensate timing jitter from scheduler
            float dT = PIOS_DELTATIME_GetAverageSeconds(&this->dt1config);
            float speedLast = this->velocityState;

            this->velocityState += 0.5f * (this->accelLast + (this->accelState - this->accelBiasState)) * dT;
            this->accelLast      = this->accelState - this->accelBiasState;

            this->altitudeState += 0.5f * (speedLast + this->velocityState) * dT;

            state->pos[0]   = this->pos[0];
            state->pos[1]   = this->pos[1];
            state->pos[2]   = -this->altitudeState;
            state->updated |= SENSORUPDATES_pos;

            state->vel[0]   = this->vel[0];
            state->vel[1]   = this->vel[1];
            state->vel[2]   = -this->velocityState;
            state->updated |= SENSORUPDATES_vel;
        if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_baro)) {
            // correct the altitude state (simple low pass)
            this->altitudeState = (1.0f - this->settings.BaroKp) * this->altitudeState + this->settings.BaroKp * state->baro[0];

            // correct the velocity state (low pass differentiation)
            // low pass for average dT, compensate timing jitter from scheduler
            float dT = PIOS_DELTATIME_GetAverageSeconds(&this->dt2config);
            this->velocityState = (1.0f - (this->settings.BaroKp * this->settings.BaroKp)) * this->velocityState + (this->settings.BaroKp * this->settings.BaroKp) * (state->baro[0] - this->baroLast) / dT;
            this->baroLast  = state->baro[0];

            state->pos[0]   = this->pos[0];
            state->pos[1]   = this->pos[1];
            state->pos[2]   = -this->altitudeState;
            state->updated |= SENSORUPDATES_pos;

            state->vel[0]   = this->vel[0];
            state->vel[1]   = this->vel[1];
            state->vel[2]   = -this->velocityState;
            state->updated |= SENSORUPDATES_vel;

 * Compute desired attitude from the desired velocity for fixed wing craft
uint8_t FixedWingFlyController::updateFixedDesiredAttitude()
    uint8_t result = 1;

    const float dT = fixedWingSettings->UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f;

    VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired;
    VelocityStateData velocityState;
    StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired;
    AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
    FixedWingPathFollowerStatusData fixedWingPathFollowerStatus;
    AirspeedStateData airspeedState;
    SystemSettingsData systemSettings;

    float groundspeedProjection;
    float indicatedAirspeedState;
    float indicatedAirspeedDesired;
    float airspeedError;

    float pitchCommand;

    float descentspeedDesired;
    float descentspeedError;
    float powerCommand;

    float airspeedVector[2];
    float fluidMovement[2];
    float courseComponent[2];
    float courseError;
    float courseCommand;



     * Compute speed error and course
    // missing sensors for airspeed-direction we have to assume within
    // reasonable error that measured airspeed is actually the airspeed
    // component in forward pointing direction
    // airspeedVector is normalized
    airspeedVector[0]     = cos_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Yaw);
    airspeedVector[1]     = sin_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Yaw);

    // current ground speed projected in forward direction
    groundspeedProjection = velocityState.North * airspeedVector[0] + velocityState.East * airspeedVector[1];

    // note that airspeedStateBias is ( calibratedAirspeed - groundspeedProjection ) at the time of measurement,
    // but thanks to accelerometers,  groundspeedProjection reacts faster to changes in direction
    // than airspeed and gps sensors alone
    indicatedAirspeedState = groundspeedProjection + indicatedAirspeedStateBias;

    // fluidMovement is a vector describing the aproximate movement vector of
    // the surrounding fluid in 2d space (aka wind vector)
    fluidMovement[0] = velocityState.North - (indicatedAirspeedState * airspeedVector[0]);
    fluidMovement[1] = velocityState.East - (indicatedAirspeedState * airspeedVector[1]);

    // calculate the movement vector we need to fly to reach velocityDesired -
    // taking fluidMovement into account
    courseComponent[0] = velocityDesired.North - fluidMovement[0];
    courseComponent[1] = velocityDesired.East - fluidMovement[1];

    indicatedAirspeedDesired = boundf(sqrtf(courseComponent[0] * courseComponent[0] + courseComponent[1] * courseComponent[1]),

    // if we could fly at arbitrary speeds, we'd just have to move towards the
    // courseComponent vector as previously calculated and we'd be fine
    // unfortunately however we are bound by min and max air speed limits, so
    // we need to recalculate the correct course to meet at least the
    // velocityDesired vector direction at our current speed
    // this overwrites courseComponent
    bool valid = correctCourse(courseComponent, (float *)&velocityDesired.North, fluidMovement, indicatedAirspeedDesired);

    // Error condition: wind speed too high, we can't go where we want anymore
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 0;
    if ((!valid) &&
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Wind > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 1;
        result = 0;

    // Airspeed error
    airspeedError = indicatedAirspeedDesired - indicatedAirspeedState;

    // Vertical speed error
    descentspeedDesired = boundf(
    descentspeedError = descentspeedDesired - velocityState.Down;

    // Error condition: plane too slow or too fast
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 0;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed  = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState > systemSettings.AirSpeedMax * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Overspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Overspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState > fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMax * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Highspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState < fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMin * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Lowspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState < systemSettings.AirSpeedMin * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Stallspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Stallspeed = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired thrust command

    // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation
    float speedErrorToPowerCommandComponent = boundf(
        (airspeedError / fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMin) * fixedWingSettings->AirspeedToPowerCrossFeed.Kp,

    // Compute final thrust response
    powerCommand = pid_apply(&PIDpower, -descentspeedError, dT) +

    // Output internal state to telemetry
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Power    = descentspeedError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Power = PIDpower.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Power  = powerCommand;

    // set thrust
    stabDesired.Thrust = boundf(fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand,

    // Error condition: plane cannot hold altitude at current speed.
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand >= fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Max && // thrust at maximum
        velocityState.Down > 0.0f && // we ARE going down
        descentspeedDesired < 0.0f && // we WANT to go up
        airspeedError > 0.0f && // we are too slow already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Lowpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 1;
        result = 0;
    // Error condition: plane keeps climbing despite minimum thrust (opposite of above)
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand <= fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Min && // thrust at minimum
        velocityState.Down < 0.0f && // we ARE going up
        descentspeedDesired > 0.0f && // we WANT to go down
        airspeedError < 0.0f && // we are too fast already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Highpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired pitch command
    // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation
    float verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent = boundf(-descentspeedError * fixedWingSettings->VerticalToPitchCrossFeed.Kp,

    // Compute the pitch command as err*Kp + errInt*Ki + X_feed.
    pitchCommand = -pid_apply(&PIDspeed, airspeedError, dT) + verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent;

    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Speed    = airspeedError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Speed = PIDspeed.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Speed  = pitchCommand;

    stabDesired.Pitch = boundf(fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand,

    // Error condition: high speed dive
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand >= fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Max && // pitch demand is full up
        velocityState.Down > 0.0f && // we ARE going down
        descentspeedDesired < 0.0f && // we WANT to go up
        airspeedError < 0.0f && // we are too fast already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Pitchcontrol > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired roll command
    courseError = RAD2DEG(atan2f(courseComponent[1], courseComponent[0])) - attitudeState.Yaw;

    if (courseError < -180.0f) {
        courseError += 360.0f;
    if (courseError > 180.0f) {
        courseError -= 360.0f;

    // overlap calculation. Theres a dead zone behind the craft where the
    // counter-yawing of some craft while rolling could render a desired right
    // turn into a desired left turn. Making the turn direction based on
    // current roll angle keeps the plane committed to a direction once chosen
    if (courseError < -180.0f + (fixedWingSettings->ReverseCourseOverlap * 0.5f)
        && attitudeState.Roll > 0.0f) {
        courseError += 360.0f;
    if (courseError > 180.0f - (fixedWingSettings->ReverseCourseOverlap * 0.5f)
        && attitudeState.Roll < 0.0f) {
        courseError -= 360.0f;

    courseCommand = pid_apply(&PIDcourse, courseError, dT);

    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Course    = courseError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Course = PIDcourse.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Course  = courseCommand;

    stabDesired.Roll = boundf(fixedWingSettings->RollLimit.Neutral +

    // TODO: find a check to determine loss of directional control. Likely needs some check of derivative

     * Compute desired yaw command
    // TODO implement raw control mode for yaw and base on Accels.Y
    stabDesired.Yaw = 0.0f;




    return result;