Esempio n. 1
sRGBAfloat cRenderWorker::LightShading(const sShaderInputData &input, cLights::sLight light,
		int number, sRGBAfloat *outSpecular)
	sRGBAfloat shading;

	CVector3 d = light.position - input.point;

	double distance = d.Length();

	//angle of incidence
	CVector3 lightVector = d;

	double intensity = 100.0 * light.intensity / (distance * distance) / number;
	double shade = input.normal.Dot(lightVector);
	if (shade < 0) shade = 0;
	shade = shade * intensity;
	if (shade > 500.0) shade = 500.0;

	CVector3 half = lightVector - input.viewVector;
	double shade2 = input.normal.Dot(half);
	if (shade2 < 0.0) shade2 = 0.0;
	shade2 = pow(shade2, 30.0) * 1.0;
	shade2 *= intensity * params->specular;
	if (shade2 > 15.0) shade2 = 15.0;

	//calculate shadow
	if ((shade > 0.01 || shade2 > 0.01) && params->shadow)
		double light = AuxShadow(input, distance, lightVector);
		shade *= light;
		shade2 *= light;
		if (params->shadow)
			shade = 0;
			shade2 = 0;

	shading.R = shade * light.colour.R / 65536.0;
	shading.G = shade * light.colour.G / 65536.0;
	shading.B = shade * light.colour.B / 65536.0;

	outSpecular->R = shade2 * light.colour.R / 65536.0;
	outSpecular->G = shade2 * light.colour.G / 65536.0;
	outSpecular->B = shade2 * light.colour.B / 65536.0;

	return shading;
Esempio n. 2
sRGBAfloat cRenderWorker::VolumetricShader(
	const sShaderInputData &input, sRGBAfloat oldPixel, sRGBAfloat *opacityOut)
	sRGBAfloat output;
	float totalOpacity = 0.0;

	output.R = oldPixel.R;
	output.G = oldPixel.G;
	output.B = oldPixel.B;
	output.A = oldPixel.A;

	// volumetric fog init
	double colourThresh = params->volFogColour1Distance;
	double colourThresh2 = params->volFogColour2Distance;
	double fogReduce = params->volFogDistanceFactor;
	double fogIntensity = params->volFogDensity;

	// visible lights init
	int numberOfLights = data->lights.GetNumberOfLights();
	if (numberOfLights < 4) numberOfLights = 4;

	// glow init
	double glow = input.stepCount * params->glowIntensity / 512.0 * params->DEFactor;
	double glowN = 1.0 - glow;
	if (glowN < 0.0) glowN = 0.0;
	double glowR = (params->glowColor1.R * glowN + params->glowColor2.R * glow) / 65536.0;
	double glowG = (params->glowColor1.G * glowN + params->glowColor2.G * glow) / 65536.0;
	double glowB = (params->glowColor1.B * glowN + params->glowColor2.B * glow) / 65536.0;

	double totalStep = 0.0;

	// qDebug() << "Start volumetric shader &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&";

	sShaderInputData input2 = input;
	for (int index = input.stepCount - 1; index > 0; index--)
		double step = input.stepBuff[index].step;
		double distance = input.stepBuff[index].distance;
		CVector3 point = input.stepBuff[index].point;
		totalStep += step;

		input2.point = point;
		input2.distThresh = input.stepBuff[index].distThresh;

		// qDebug() << "i" << index << "dist" << distance << "iters" << input.stepBuff[index].iters <<
		// "distThresh" << input2.distThresh << "step" << step << "point" << point.Debug();

		if (totalStep < CalcDelta(point))
		step = totalStep;
		totalStep = 0.0;

		//------------------- glow
		if (params->glowEnabled)
			double glowOpacity = glow / input.stepCount;
			if (glowOpacity > 1.0) glowOpacity = 1.0;
			output.R = glowOpacity * glowR + (1.0 - glowOpacity) * output.R;
			output.G = glowOpacity * glowG + (1.0 - glowOpacity) * output.G;
			output.B = glowOpacity * glowB + (1.0 - glowOpacity) * output.B;
			output.A += glowOpacity;
		// qDebug() << "step" << step;
		//------------------ visible light
		if (params->auxLightVisibility > 0)
			double miniStep = 0.0;
			double lastMiniSteps = -1.0;

			for (double miniSteps = 0.0; miniSteps < step; miniSteps += miniStep)
				double lowestLightSize = 1e10;
				double lowestLightDist = 1e10;
				for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; ++i)
					const cLights::sLight *light = data->lights.GetLight(i);
					if (light->enabled)
						CVector3 lightDistVect = (point - input.viewVector * miniSteps) - light->position;
						double lightDist = lightDistVect.Length();
						double lightSize = sqrt(light->intensity) * params->auxLightVisibilitySize;
						double distToLightSurface = lightDist - lightSize;
						if (distToLightSurface < 0.0) distToLightSurface = 0.0;
						if (distToLightSurface <= lowestLightDist)
							if (lightSize < lowestLightSize)
								lowestLightSize = lightSize;
							lowestLightDist = distToLightSurface;

				miniStep = 0.1 * (lowestLightDist + 0.1 * lowestLightSize);
				if (miniStep > step - miniSteps) miniStep = step - miniSteps;
				// qDebug() << "lowDist:" << lowestLightDist << "lowSize" << lowestLightSize << "miniStep"
				// << miniStep;

				for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLights; ++i)
					const cLights::sLight *light = data->lights.GetLight(i);
					if (light->enabled)
						CVector3 lightDistVect = (point - input.viewVector * miniSteps) - light->position;
						double lightDist = lightDistVect.Length();
						double lightSize = sqrt(light->intensity) * params->auxLightVisibilitySize;
						double r2 = lightDist / lightSize;
						double bellFunction = 1.0 / (1.0 + pow(r2, 4.0));
						double lightDensity = miniStep * bellFunction * params->auxLightVisibility / lightSize;

						output.R += lightDensity * light->colour.R / 65536.0;
						output.G += lightDensity * light->colour.G / 65536.0;
						output.B += lightDensity * light->colour.B / 65536.0;
						output.A += lightDensity;
				if (miniSteps == lastMiniSteps)
					// qWarning() << "Dead computation\n"
					//		<< "\npoint:" << (point - input.viewVector * miniSteps).Debug();
				lastMiniSteps = miniSteps;

		// fake lights (orbit trap)
		if (params->fakeLightsEnabled)
			sFractalIn fractIn(point, params->minN, params->N, params->common, -1);
			sFractalOut fractOut;
			Compute<fractal::calcModeOrbitTrap>(*fractal, fractIn, &fractOut);
			double r = fractOut.orbitTrapR;
			r = sqrt(1.0f / (r + 1.0e-30f));
			double fakeLight = 1.0 / (pow(r, 10.0 / params->fakeLightsVisibilitySize)
																	 * pow(10.0, 10.0 / params->fakeLightsVisibilitySize)
																 + 1e-100);
			output.R += fakeLight * step * params->fakeLightsVisibility;
			output.G += fakeLight * step * params->fakeLightsVisibility;
			output.B += fakeLight * step * params->fakeLightsVisibility;
			output.A += fakeLight * step * params->fakeLightsVisibility;

		//---------------------- volumetric lights with shadows in fog

		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			if (i == 0 && params->volumetricLightEnabled[0])
				sRGBAfloat shadowOutputTemp = MainShadow(input2);
				output.R += shadowOutputTemp.R * step * params->volumetricLightIntensity[0]
										* params->mainLightColour.R / 65536.0;
				output.G += shadowOutputTemp.G * step * params->volumetricLightIntensity[0]
										* params->mainLightColour.G / 65536.0;
				output.B += shadowOutputTemp.B * step * params->volumetricLightIntensity[0]
										* params->mainLightColour.B / 65536.0;
				output.A += (shadowOutputTemp.R + shadowOutputTemp.G + shadowOutputTemp.B) / 3.0 * step
										* params->volumetricLightIntensity[0];
			if (i > 0)
				const cLights::sLight *light = data->lights.GetLight(i - 1);
				if (light->enabled && params->volumetricLightEnabled[i])
					CVector3 lightVectorTemp = light->position - point;
					double distanceLight = lightVectorTemp.Length();
					double distanceLight2 = distanceLight * distanceLight;
					double lightShadow = AuxShadow(input2, distanceLight, lightVectorTemp);
					output.R += lightShadow * light->colour.R / 65536.0 * params->volumetricLightIntensity[i]
											* step / distanceLight2;
					output.G += lightShadow * light->colour.G / 65536.0 * params->volumetricLightIntensity[i]
											* step / distanceLight2;
					output.B += lightShadow * light->colour.B / 65536.0 * params->volumetricLightIntensity[i]
											* step / distanceLight2;
					output.A += lightShadow * params->volumetricLightIntensity[i] * step / distanceLight2;

		//----------------------- basic fog
		if (params->fogEnabled)
			double fogDensity = step / params->fogVisibility;
			if (fogDensity > 1.0) fogDensity = 1.0;
			output.R = fogDensity * params->fogColor.R / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.R;
			output.G = fogDensity * params->fogColor.G / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.G;
			output.B = fogDensity * params->fogColor.B / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.B;
			totalOpacity = fogDensity + (1.0 - fogDensity) * totalOpacity;
			output.A = fogDensity + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.A;

		//-------------------- volumetric fog
		if (fogIntensity > 0.0 && params->volFogEnabled)
			double densityTemp = (step * fogReduce) / (distance * distance + fogReduce * fogReduce);

			double k = distance / colourThresh;
			if (k > 1) k = 1.0;
			double kn = 1.0 - k;
			double fogRtemp = (params->volFogColour1.R * kn + params->volFogColour2.R * k);
			double fogGtemp = (params->volFogColour1.G * kn + params->volFogColour2.G * k);
			double fogBtemp = (params->volFogColour1.B * kn + params->volFogColour2.B * k);

			double k2 = distance / colourThresh2 * k;
			if (k2 > 1) k2 = 1.0;
			kn = 1.0 - k2;
			fogRtemp = (fogRtemp * kn + params->volFogColour3.R * k2);
			fogGtemp = (fogGtemp * kn + params->volFogColour3.G * k2);
			fogBtemp = (fogBtemp * kn + params->volFogColour3.B * k2);

			double fogDensity = 0.3 * fogIntensity * densityTemp / (1.0 + fogIntensity * densityTemp);
			if (fogDensity > 1) fogDensity = 1.0;

			output.R = fogDensity * fogRtemp / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.R;
			output.G = fogDensity * fogGtemp / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.G;
			output.B = fogDensity * fogBtemp / 65536.0 + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.B;
			// qDebug() << "densityTemp " << densityTemp << "k" << k << "k2" << k2 << "fogTempR" <<
			// fogRtemp << "fogDensity" << fogDensity << "output.R" << output.R;

			totalOpacity = fogDensity + (1.0 - fogDensity) * totalOpacity;
			output.A = fogDensity + (1.0 - fogDensity) * output.A;

		// iter fog
		if (params->iterFogEnabled)
			int L = input.stepBuff[index].iters;
			double opacity =
				IterOpacity(step, L, params->N, params->iterFogOpacityTrim, params->iterFogOpacity);

			sRGBAfloat newColour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			if (opacity > 0)
				// fog colour
				double iterFactor1 = (L - params->iterFogOpacityTrim)
														 / (params->iterFogColor1Maxiter - params->iterFogOpacityTrim);
				double k = iterFactor1;
				if (k > 1.0) k = 1.0;
				if (k < 0.0) k = 0.0;
				double kn = 1.0 - k;
				double fogColR = (params->iterFogColour1.R * kn + params->iterFogColour2.R * k);
				double fogColG = (params->iterFogColour1.G * kn + params->iterFogColour2.G * k);
				double fogColB = (params->iterFogColour1.B * kn + params->iterFogColour2.B * k);

				double iterFactor2 = (L - params->iterFogColor1Maxiter)
														 / (params->iterFogColor2Maxiter - params->iterFogColor1Maxiter);
				double k2 = iterFactor2;
				if (k2 < 0.0) k2 = 0.0;
				if (k2 > 1.0) k2 = 1.0;
				kn = 1.0 - k2;
				fogColR = (fogColR * kn + params->iterFogColour3.R * k2);
				fogColG = (fogColG * kn + params->iterFogColour3.G * k2);
				fogColB = (fogColB * kn + params->iterFogColour3.B * k2);

				for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
					if (i == 0)
						if (params->mainLightEnable && params->mainLightIntensity > 0.0)
							sRGBAfloat shadowOutputTemp = MainShadow(input2);
							newColour.R += shadowOutputTemp.R * params->mainLightColour.R / 65536.0
														 * params->mainLightIntensity;
							newColour.G += shadowOutputTemp.G * params->mainLightColour.G / 65536.0
														 * params->mainLightIntensity;
							newColour.B += shadowOutputTemp.B * params->mainLightColour.B / 65536.0
														 * params->mainLightIntensity;

					if (i > 0)
						const cLights::sLight *light = data->lights.GetLight(i - 1);
						if (light->enabled)
							CVector3 lightVectorTemp = light->position - point;
							double distanceLight = lightVectorTemp.Length();
							double distanceLight2 = distanceLight * distanceLight;
							double lightShadow = AuxShadow(input2, distanceLight, lightVectorTemp);
							double intensity = light->intensity * 100.0;
							newColour.R += lightShadow * light->colour.R / 65536.0 / distanceLight2 * intensity;
							newColour.G += lightShadow * light->colour.G / 65536.0 / distanceLight2 * intensity;
							newColour.B += lightShadow * light->colour.B / 65536.0 / distanceLight2 * intensity;

				if (params->ambientOcclusionEnabled
						&& params->ambientOcclusionMode == params::AOmodeMultipeRays)
					sRGBAfloat AO = AmbientOcclusion(input2);
					newColour.R += AO.R * params->ambientOcclusion;
					newColour.G += AO.G * params->ambientOcclusion;
					newColour.B += AO.B * params->ambientOcclusion;

				if (opacity > 1.0) opacity = 1.0;

				output.R = output.R * (1.0 - opacity) + newColour.R * opacity * fogColR / 65536.0;
				output.G = output.G * (1.0 - opacity) + newColour.G * opacity * fogColG / 65536.0;
				output.B = output.B * (1.0 - opacity) + newColour.B * opacity * fogColB / 65536.0;
				totalOpacity = opacity + (1.0 - opacity) * totalOpacity;
				output.A = opacity + (1.0 - opacity) * output.A;

		if (totalOpacity > 1.0) totalOpacity = 1.0;
		if (output.A > 1.0) output.A = 1.0;
		(*opacityOut).R = totalOpacity;
		(*opacityOut).G = totalOpacity;
		(*opacityOut).B = totalOpacity;

	} // next stepCount

	return output;
Esempio n. 3
sRGBAfloat cRenderWorker::LightShading(
	const sShaderInputData &input, const cLights::sLight *light, int number, sRGBAfloat *outSpecular)
	sRGBAfloat shading;

	CVector3 d = light->position - input.point;

	double distance = d.Length();

	// angle of incidence
	CVector3 lightVector = d;

	double intensity = 100.0 * light->intensity / (distance * distance) / number;
	double shade = input.normal.Dot(lightVector);
	if (shade < 0) shade = 0;
	shade = (1.0 - input.material->shading) + shade * input.material->shading;

	shade = shade * intensity;
	if (shade > 500.0) shade = 500.0;

	// specular
	CVector3 half = lightVector - input.viewVector;
	double shade2 = input.normal.Dot(half);
	if (shade2 < 0.0) shade2 = 0.0;

	double diffuse =
		10.0 * (1.1
						 - input.material->diffussionTextureIntensity
								 * (input.texDiffuse.R + input.texDiffuse.G + input.texDiffuse.B) / 3.0);

	shade2 = pow(shade2, 30.0 / input.material->specularWidth / diffuse) / diffuse;
	shade2 *= intensity * input.material->specular;
	if (shade2 > 15.0) shade2 = 15.0;

	// calculate shadow
	if ((shade > 0.01 || shade2 > 0.01) && params->shadow)
		double auxShadow = AuxShadow(input, distance, lightVector);
		shade *= auxShadow;
		shade2 *= auxShadow;
		if (params->shadow)
			shade = 0;
			shade2 = 0;

	shading.R = shade * light->colour.R / 65536.0;
	shading.G = shade * light->colour.G / 65536.0;
	shading.B = shade * light->colour.B / 65536.0;

	outSpecular->R = shade2 * light->colour.R / 65536.0;
	outSpecular->G = shade2 * light->colour.G / 65536.0;
	outSpecular->B = shade2 * light->colour.B / 65536.0;

	return shading;