Esempio n. 1
int FKINLapackBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                      N_Vector uu, N_Vector fval, 
                      DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                      N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2)
  realtype *uu_data, *fval_data, *jacdata, *v1_data, *v2_data;
  long int eband;
  int ier;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  uu_data = fval_data = jacdata = v1_data = v2_data = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  uu_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(uu);
  fval_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(fval);
  v1_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);

  eband = (J->s_mu) + mlower + 1;
  jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FK_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband,
          uu_data, fval_data, 
          v1_data, v2_data, &ier);

Esempio n. 2
int FCVBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
               BandMat J, realtype t,
               N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, void *jac_data,
               N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
    int ier;
    realtype *ydata, *fydata, *jacdata, *v1data, *v2data, *v3data;
    realtype h;
    long int eband;
    FCVUserData CV_userdata;

    CVodeGetLastStep(CV_cvodemem, &h);

    ydata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
    fydata  = N_VGetArrayPointer(fy);
    v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
    v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);
    v3data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp3);

    eband = (J->smu) + mlower + 1;
    jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

    CV_userdata = (FCVUserData) jac_data;

    FCV_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband, &t, ydata, fydata, jacdata, &h,
             CV_userdata->ipar, CV_userdata->rpar, v1data, v2data, v3data, &ier);

Esempio n. 3
void FCVBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                BandMat J, realtype t,
                N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, void *jac_data,
                N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  N_Vector ewt;
  realtype *ydata, *fydata, *jacdata, *ewtdata, *v1data, *v2data, *v3data;
  realtype h;
  long int eband;

  ewt = N_VClone(y);

  CVodeGetErrWeights(CV_cvodemem, ewt);
  CVodeGetLastStep(CV_cvodemem, &h);

  ydata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  fydata  = N_VGetArrayPointer(fy);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);
  v3data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp3);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);

  eband = (J->smu) + mlower + 1;
  jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

  FCV_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband, 
           &t, ydata, fydata, jacdata, 
           ewtdata, &h, v1data, v2data, v3data);


Esempio n. 4
static void PVBBDDQJac(integer Nlocal, integer mudq, integer mldq, 
                     integer mukeep, integer mlkeep, real rely,
                     PVLocalFn gloc, PVCommFn cfn, BandMat J,
                     void *f_data, real t, N_Vector y,
                     N_Vector ewt, real h, real uround,
		     N_Vector gy, N_Vector gtemp, N_Vector ytemp)
  real    gnorm, minInc, inc, inc_inv;
  integer group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  real *y_data, *ewt_data, *gy_data, *gtemp_data, *ytemp_data, *col_j;

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for all vectors */
  y_data     = N_VDATA(y);
  ewt_data   = N_VDATA(ewt);
  gy_data    = N_VDATA(gy);
  gtemp_data = N_VDATA(gtemp);
  ytemp_data = N_VDATA(ytemp);

  /* Load ytemp with y = predicted solution vector */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);

  /* Call cfn and gloc to get base value of g(t,y) */
  cfn (Nlocal, t, y, f_data);
  gloc(Nlocal, t, ytemp_data, gy_data, f_data);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of g */
  gnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(gy, ewt);
  minInc = (gnorm != ZERO) ?
           (MIN_INC_MULT * ABS(h) * uround * Nlocal * gnorm) : ONE;

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing */
  width = mldq + mudq + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, Nlocal);

  /* Loop over groups */  
  for (group=1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Increment all y_j in group */
    for(j=group-1; j < Nlocal; j+=width) {
      inc = MAX(rely*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      ytemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate g with incremented y */
    gloc(Nlocal, t, ytemp_data, gtemp_data, f_data);

    /* Restore ytemp, then form and load difference quotients */
    for (j=group-1; j < Nlocal; j+=width) {
      ytemp_data[j] = y_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(J,j);
      inc = MAX(rely*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mukeep);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlkeep, Nlocal-1);
      for (i=i1; i <= i2; i++)
	BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) =
	  inc_inv * (gtemp_data[i] - gy_data[i]);
Esempio n. 5
static void Jac2(long int N, long int mu, long int ml, BandMat J,
                 realtype tn, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, void *jac_data,
                 N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  long int i, j, k;
  realtype *kthCol;

     The components of f(t,y) which depend on y    are
     f    , f      , and f      : 
      i,j    i+1,j        i,j+1

     f    = -2 y    + alpha1 * y      + alpha2 * y
      i,j       i,j             i-1,j             i,j-1

     f      = -2 y      + alpha1 * y    + alpha2 * y
      i+1,j       i+1,j             i,j             i+1,j-1

     f      = -2 y      + alpha1 * y        + alpha2 * y
      i,j+1       i,j+1             i-1,j+1             i,j

  for (j=0; j < P2_MESHY; j++) {
    for (i=0; i < P2_MESHX; i++) {
      k = i + j * P2_MESHX;
      kthCol = BAND_COL(J,k);
      BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k,k) = -TWO;
      if (i != P2_MESHX-1) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+1,k) = P2_ALPH1;
      if (j != P2_MESHY-1) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+P2_MESHX,k) = P2_ALPH2;
Esempio n. 6
static void CVBandPDQJac(CVBandPrecData pdata, 
                         realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                         N_Vector ftemp, N_Vector ytemp)
  CVodeMem cv_mem;
  realtype    fnorm, minInc, inc, inc_inv, srur;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  realtype *col_j, *ewt_data, *fy_data, *ftemp_data, *y_data, *ytemp_data;

  cv_mem = (CVodeMem) pdata->cvode_mem;

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for ewt, fy, ftemp, y, ytemp. */
  ewt_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  fy_data    = N_VGetArrayPointer(fy);
  ftemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ftemp);
  y_data     = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  ytemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);

  /* Load ytemp with y = predicted y vector. */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of f. */
  srur = RSqrt(uround);
  fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, ewt);
  minInc = (fnorm != ZERO) ?
           (MIN_INC_MULT * ABS(h) * uround * N * fnorm) : ONE;

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing. */
  width = ml + mu + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, N);
  for (group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Increment all y_j in group. */
    for(j = group-1; j < N; j += width) {
      inc = MAX(srur*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      ytemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate f with incremented y. */

    f(t, ytemp, ftemp, f_data);

    /* Restore ytemp, then form and load difference quotients. */
    for (j = group-1; j < N; j += width) {
      ytemp_data[j] = y_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(savedJ,j);
      inc = MAX(srur*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mu);
      i2 = MIN(j+ml, N-1);
      for (i=i1; i <= i2; i++)
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) =
          inc_inv * (ftemp_data[i] - fy_data[i]);
int mtlb_IdaBandJac(long int Neq, long int mupper,
                    long int mlower, realtype tt,
                    N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
                    realtype c_j, void *jac_data, BandMat Jac,
                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2,
                    N_Vector tmp3)
    double *J_data;
    long int eband, i;
    int ret;
    mxArray *mx_in[8], *mx_out[3];

    /* Inputs to the Matlab function */
    mx_in[0] = mxCreateScalarDouble(1.0);         /* type=1: forward ODE */
    mx_in[1] = mxCreateScalarDouble(tt);          /* current t */
    mx_in[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current yy */
    mx_in[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current yp */
    mx_in[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current rr */
    mx_in[5] = mxCreateScalarDouble(c_j);         /* current c_j */
    mx_in[6] = mx_JACfct;                         /* matlab function handle */
    mx_in[7] = mx_data;                           /* matlab user data */

    /* Call matlab wrapper */
    GetData(yy, mxGetPr(mx_in[2]), N);
    GetData(yp, mxGetPr(mx_in[3]), N);
    GetData(rr, mxGetPr(mx_in[4]), N);


    /* Extract data */
    eband =  mupper + mlower + 1;
    J_data = mxGetPr(mx_out[0]);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
        memcpy(BAND_COL(Jac,i) - mupper, J_data + i*eband, eband*sizeof(double));

    ret = (int)*mxGetPr(mx_out[1]);

    if (!mxIsEmpty(mx_out[2])) {

    /* Free temporary space */

Esempio n. 8
int mxW_CVodeBandJacB(long int NeqB, long int mupperB, long int mlowerB, realtype t, 
                       N_Vector y, N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
                       DlsMat JB, void *user_dataB, 
                       N_Vector tmp1B, N_Vector tmp2B, N_Vector tmp3B)
  cvmPbData fwdPb, bckPb;
  double *JB_data;
  mxArray *mx_in[6], *mx_out[3];
  long int ebandB, i;
  int ret;

  /* Extract global interface data from user-data */
  bckPb = (cvmPbData) user_dataB;
  fwdPb = bckPb->fwd;

  /* Inputs to the Matlab function */
  mx_in[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(t);           /* current t */
  mx_in[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current y */
  mx_in[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NB,1,mxREAL); /* current yB */
  mx_in[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NB,1,mxREAL); /* current fyB */
  mx_in[4] = bckPb->JACfct;                     /* matlab function handle */
  mx_in[5] = bckPb->mtlb_data;                  /* matlab user data */
  /* Call matlab wrapper */
  GetData(y, mxGetPr(mx_in[1]), N);
  GetData(yB, mxGetPr(mx_in[2]), NB);
  GetData(fyB, mxGetPr(mx_in[3]), NB);


  ebandB =  mupperB + mlowerB + 1;
  JB_data = mxGetPr(mx_out[0]);
  for (i=0;i<NB;i++)
    memcpy(BAND_COL(JB,i) - mupperB, JB_data + i*ebandB, ebandB*sizeof(double));
  ret = (int)*mxGetPr(mx_out[1]);

  if (!mxIsEmpty(mx_out[2])) {
    UpdateUserData(mx_out[2], bckPb);

  /* Free temporary space */

Esempio n. 9
int mxW_CVodeBandJac(long int Neq, long int mupper, long int mlower, realtype t,
                     N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                     DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                     N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  cvmPbData fwdPb;
  double *J_data;
  long int eband, i;
  int ret;
  mxArray *mx_in[5], *mx_out[3];

  /* Extract global interface data from user-data */
  fwdPb = (cvmPbData) user_data;

  /* Inputs to the Matlab function */
  mx_in[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(t);           /* current t */
  mx_in[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current y */
  mx_in[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current fy */
  mx_in[3] = fwdPb->JACfct;                     /* matlab function handle */
  mx_in[4] = fwdPb->mtlb_data;                  /* matlab user data */
  /* Call matlab wrapper */
  GetData(y, mxGetPr(mx_in[1]), N);
  GetData(fy, mxGetPr(mx_in[2]), N);


  /* Extract data */
  eband =  mupper + mlower + 1;
  J_data = mxGetPr(mx_out[0]);
  for (i=0;i<N;i++)
    memcpy(BAND_COL(J,i) - mupper, J_data + i*eband, eband*sizeof(double));

  ret = (int)*mxGetPr(mx_out[1]);
  if (!mxIsEmpty(mx_out[2])) {
    UpdateUserData(mx_out[2], fwdPb);

  /* Free temporary space */

Esempio n. 10
static int jac(long int N, long int mu, long int ml, 
	       N_Vector u, N_Vector f, 
	       DlsMat J, void *user_data,
	       N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2)
  realtype dx, dy;
  realtype hdc, vdc;
  realtype *kthCol;

  int i, j, k;

  dx = ONE/(NX+1);  
  dy = ONE/(NY+1);
  hdc = ONE/(dx*dx);
  vdc = ONE/(dy*dy);

     The components of f(t,u) which depend on u_{i,j} are
     f_{i,j}, f_{i-1,j}, f_{i+1,j}, f_{i,j+1}, and f_{i,j-1}.
     Thus, a column of the Jacobian will contain an entry from
     each of these equations exception the ones on the boundary.

     f_{i,j}   = hdc*(u_{i-1,j}  -2u_{i,j}  +u_{i+1,j})   + vdc*(u_{i,j-1}  -2u_{i,j}  +u_{i,j+1})
     f_{i-1,j} = hdc*(u_{i-2,j}  -2u_{i-1,j}+u_{i,j})     + vdc*(u_{i-1,j-1}-2u_{i-1,j}+u_{i-1,j+1})
     f_{i+1,j} = hdc*(u_{i,j}    -2u_{i+1,j}+u_{i+2,j})   + vdc*(u_{i+1,j-1}-2u_{i+1,j}+u_{i+1,j+1})
     f_{i,j-1} = hdc*(u_{i-1,j-1}-2u_{i,j-1}+u_{i+1,j-1}) + vdc*(u_{i,j-2}  -2u_{i,j-1}+u_{i,j})
     f_{i,j+1} = hdc*(u_{i-1,j+1}-2u_{i,j+1}+u_{i+1,j+1}) + vdc*(u_{i,j}    -2u_{i,j+1}+u_{i,j+2})


  for (j=0; j <= NY-1; j++) {
    for (i=0; i <= NX-1; i++) {

      /* Evaluate diffusion coefficients */

      k = i + j*NX;
      kthCol = BAND_COL(J, k);
      BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k,k) = -2.0*hdc - 2.0*vdc;
      if ( i != (NX-1) ) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+1,k) = hdc;
      if ( i != 0 )      BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k-1,k) = hdc;
      if ( j != (NY-1) ) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+NX,k) = vdc;
      if ( j != 0 )      BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k-NX,k) = vdc;

Esempio n. 11
int FIDALapackBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                      realtype t, realtype c_j, 
                      N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
                      DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                      N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *jacdata, *ewtdata, *v1data, *v2data, *v3data;
  realtype h;
  long int eband;
  int ier;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = jacdata = ewtdata = NULL;
  v1data = v2data = v3data = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  IDAGetLastStep(IDA_idamem, &h);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);
  v3data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp3);

  eband = (J->s_mu) + mlower + 1;
  jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) user_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband, &t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data,
            &c_j, jacdata, ewtdata, &h, 
            IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
            v1data, v2data, v3data, &ier);

Esempio n. 12
int mxW_KINBandJac(int Neq, int mupper, int mlower,
                   N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                   DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2)
  kimInterfaceData kimData;
  double *J_data;
  mxArray *mx_in[4], *mx_out[3];
  int eband, i, ret;

  /* Extract global interface data from user-data */
  kimData = (kimInterfaceData) user_data;

  /* Inputs to the Matlab function */
  mx_in[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current y */
  mx_in[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current fy */
  mx_in[2] = kimData->JACfct;                   /* matlab function handle */
  mx_in[3] = kimData->mtlb_data;                /* matlab user data */
  /* Call matlab wrapper */

  GetData(y, mxGetPr(mx_in[0]), N);
  GetData(fy, mxGetPr(mx_in[1]), N);


  eband =  mupper + mlower + 1;
  J_data = mxGetPr(mx_out[0]);
  for (i=0;i<N;i++) memcpy(BAND_COL(J,i) - mupper, J_data + i*eband, eband*sizeof(double));
  ret = (int)*mxGetPr(mx_out[1]);
  if (!mxIsEmpty(mx_out[2])) {
    UpdateUserData(mx_out[2], kimData);

  /* Free temporary space */

Esempio n. 13
static int Jac(long int N, long int mu, long int ml,
               realtype t, N_Vector u, N_Vector fu, 
               DlsMat J, void *user_data,
               N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  int i, j, k;
  realtype *kthCol, hordc, horac, verdc;
  UserData data;
   * The components of f = udot that depend on u(i,j) are
   * f(i,j), f(i-1,j), f(i+1,j), f(i,j-1), f(i,j+1), with
   *   df(i,j)/du(i,j) = -2 (1/dx^2 + 1/dy^2)
   *   df(i-1,j)/du(i,j) = 1/dx^2 + .25/dx  (if i > 1)
   *   df(i+1,j)/du(i,j) = 1/dx^2 - .25/dx  (if i < MX)
   *   df(i,j-1)/du(i,j) = 1/dy^2           (if j > 1)
   *   df(i,j+1)/du(i,j) = 1/dy^2           (if j < MY)

  data = (UserData) user_data;
  hordc = data->hdcoef;
  horac = data->hacoef;
  verdc = data->vdcoef;

  /* set non-zero Jacobian entries */
  for (j=1; j <= MY; j++) {
    for (i=1; i <= MX; i++) {
      k = j-1 + (i-1)*MY;
      kthCol = BAND_COL(J,k);

      /* set the kth column of J */

      BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k,k) = -TWO*(verdc+hordc);
      if (i != 1)  BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k-MY,k) = hordc + horac;
      if (i != MX) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+MY,k) = hordc - horac;
      if (j != 1)  BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k-1,k)  = verdc;
      if (j != MY) BAND_COL_ELEM(kthCol,k+1,k)  = verdc;

Esempio n. 14
	void KernelBand<NLSSystemObject>::CalculatesNormOfJacobianRows(Eigen::VectorXd& row_norms)

		for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
			for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
				double* col_j = BAND_COL(J_, j);
				int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
				int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));

				for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
					const double J = BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j);
					row_norms(i) += J*J;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->ne_; i++)
			row_norms(i) = std::sqrt(row_norms(i));
Esempio n. 15
static int KBBDDQJac(KBBDPrecData pdata,
                     N_Vector uu, N_Vector uscale,
                     N_Vector gu, N_Vector gtemp, N_Vector utemp)
  realtype inc, inc_inv;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  KINMem kin_mem;
  realtype *udata, *uscdata, *gudata, *gtempdata, *utempdata, *col_j;
  int retval;

  kin_mem = (KINMem) pdata->kin_mem;

  /* set pointers to the data for all vectors */

  udata     = N_VGetArrayPointer(uu);
  uscdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(uscale);
  gudata    = N_VGetArrayPointer(gu);
  gtempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(gtemp);
  utempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(utemp);

  /* load utemp with uu = predicted solution vector */

  N_VScale(ONE, uu, utemp);

  /* call gcomm and gloc to get base value of g(uu) */

  if (gcomm != NULL) {
    retval = gcomm(Nlocal, uu, user_data);
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  retval = gloc(Nlocal, uu, gu, user_data);
  if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  /* set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing */

  width = mldq + mudq + 1;
  ngroups = SUNMIN(width, Nlocal);

  /* loop over groups */
  for (group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* increment all u_j in group */

    for(j = group - 1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      inc = rel_uu * SUNMAX(SUNRabs(udata[j]), (ONE / uscdata[j]));
      utempdata[j] += inc;
    /* evaluate g with incremented u */

    retval = gloc(Nlocal, utemp, gtemp, user_data);
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

    /* restore utemp, then form and load difference quotients */

    for (j = group - 1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      utempdata[j] = udata[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(PP,j);
      inc = rel_uu * SUNMAX(SUNRabs(udata[j]) , (ONE / uscdata[j]));
      inc_inv = ONE / inc;
      i1 = SUNMAX(0, (j - mukeep));
      i2 = SUNMIN((j + mlkeep), (Nlocal - 1));
      for (i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
	BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j) = inc_inv * (gtempdata[i] - gudata[i]);

Esempio n. 16
int kinDlsBandDQJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                    N_Vector u, N_Vector fu,
                    DlsMat Jac, void *data,
                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2)
    realtype inc, inc_inv;
    N_Vector futemp, utemp;
    int retval;
    long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
    realtype *col_j, *fu_data, *futemp_data, *u_data, *utemp_data, *uscale_data;

    KINMem kin_mem;
    KINDlsMem kindls_mem;

    /* data points to kinmem */
    kin_mem = (KINMem) data;
    kindls_mem = (KINDlsMem) lmem;

    /* Rename work vectors for use as temporary values of u and fu */
    futemp = tmp1;
    utemp = tmp2;

    /* Obtain pointers to the data for ewt, fy, futemp, y, ytemp */
    fu_data    = N_VGetArrayPointer(fu);
    futemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(futemp);
    u_data     = N_VGetArrayPointer(u);
    uscale_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(uscale);
    utemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(utemp);

    /* Load utemp with u */
    N_VScale(ONE, u, utemp);

    /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing */
    width = mlower + mupper + 1;
    ngroups = MIN(width, N);

    for (group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++)

        /* Increment all utemp components in group */
        for (j = group - 1; j < N; j += width)
            inc = sqrt_relfunc * MAX(ABS(u_data[j]), ABS(uscale_data[j]));
            utemp_data[j] += inc;

        /* Evaluate f with incremented u */
        retval = func(utemp, futemp, user_data);
        if (retval != 0)

        /* Restore utemp components, then form and load difference quotients */
        for (j = group - 1; j < N; j += width)
            utemp_data[j] = u_data[j];
            col_j = BAND_COL(Jac, j);
            inc = sqrt_relfunc * MAX(ABS(u_data[j]), ABS(uscale_data[j]));
            inc_inv = ONE / inc;
            i1 = MAX(0, j - mupper);
            i2 = MIN(j + mlower, N - 1);
            for (i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
                BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j) = inc_inv * (futemp_data[i] - fu_data[i]);

    /* Increment counter nfeDQ */
    nfeDQ += ngroups;

Esempio n. 17
int idaDlsBandDQJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                    realtype tt, realtype c_j,
                    N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
                    DlsMat Jac, void *data,
                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
    realtype inc, inc_inv, yj, ypj, srur, conj, ewtj;
    realtype *y_data, *yp_data, *ewt_data, *cns_data = NULL;
    realtype *ytemp_data, *yptemp_data, *rtemp_data, *r_data, *col_j;
    N_Vector rtemp, ytemp, yptemp;
    long int i, j, i1, i2, width, ngroups, group;
    int retval = 0;

    IDAMem IDA_mem;
    IDADlsMem idadls_mem;

    /* data points to IDA_mem */
    IDA_mem = (IDAMem) data;
    idadls_mem = (IDADlsMem) lmem;

    rtemp = tmp1; /* Rename work vector for use as the perturbed residual. */

    ytemp = tmp2; /* Rename work vector for use as a temporary for yy. */

    yptemp = tmp3; /* Rename work vector for use as a temporary for yp. */

    /* Obtain pointers to the data for all eight vectors used.  */

    ewt_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
    r_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
    y_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
    yp_data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);

    rtemp_data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(rtemp);
    ytemp_data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);
    yptemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yptemp);

    if (constraints != NULL)
        cns_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(constraints);

    /* Initialize ytemp and yptemp. */

    N_VScale(ONE, yy, ytemp);
    N_VScale(ONE, yp, yptemp);

    /* Compute miscellaneous values for the Jacobian computation. */

    srur = RSqrt(uround);
    width = mlower + mupper + 1;
    ngroups = MIN(width, N);

    /* Loop over column groups. */
    for (group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++)

        /* Increment all yy[j] and yp[j] for j in this group. */

        for (j = group - 1; j < N; j += width)
            yj = y_data[j];
            ypj = yp_data[j];
            ewtj = ewt_data[j];

            /* Set increment inc to yj based on sqrt(uround)*abs(yj), with
            adjustments using ypj and ewtj if this is small, and a further
            adjustment to give it the same sign as hh*ypj. */

            inc = MAX( srur * MAX( ABS(yj), ABS(hh * ypj) ) , ONE / ewtj );

            if (hh * ypj < ZERO)
                inc = -inc;
            inc = (yj + inc) - yj;

            /* Adjust sign(inc) again if yj has an inequality constraint. */

            if (constraints != NULL)
                conj = cns_data[j];
                if (ABS(conj) == ONE)
                    if ((yj + inc)*conj <  ZERO)
                        inc = -inc;
                else if (ABS(conj) == TWO)
                    if ((yj + inc)*conj <= ZERO)
                        inc = -inc;

            /* Increment yj and ypj. */

            ytemp_data[j] += inc;
            yptemp_data[j] += cj * inc;

        /* Call res routine with incremented arguments. */

        retval = res(tt, ytemp, yptemp, rtemp, user_data);
        if (retval != 0)

        /* Loop over the indices j in this group again. */

        for (j = group - 1; j < N; j += width)

            /* Reset ytemp and yptemp components that were perturbed. */

            yj = ytemp_data[j]  = y_data[j];
            ypj = yptemp_data[j] = yp_data[j];
            col_j = BAND_COL(Jac, j);
            ewtj = ewt_data[j];

            /* Set increment inc exactly as above. */

            inc = MAX( srur * MAX( ABS(yj), ABS(hh * ypj) ) , ONE / ewtj );
            if (hh * ypj < ZERO)
                inc = -inc;
            inc = (yj + inc) - yj;
            if (constraints != NULL)
                conj = cns_data[j];
                if (ABS(conj) == ONE)
                    if ((yj + inc)*conj <  ZERO)
                        inc = -inc;
                else if (ABS(conj) == TWO)
                    if ((yj + inc)*conj <= ZERO)
                        inc = -inc;

            /* Load the difference quotient Jacobian elements for column j. */

            inc_inv = ONE / inc;
            i1 = MAX(0, j - mupper);
            i2 = MIN(j + mlower, N - 1);

            for (i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
                BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j) = inc_inv * (rtemp_data[i] - r_data[i]);



Esempio n. 18
static int cpBBDDQJacImpl(CPBBDPrecData pdata, realtype t, realtype gamma,
                          N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector gref, 
                          N_Vector ytemp, N_Vector yptemp, N_Vector gtemp)
  CPodeMem cp_mem;
  realtype inc, inc_inv;
  int  retval;
  int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  realtype *ydata, *ypdata, *ytempdata, *yptempdata, *grefdata, *gtempdata;
  realtype *ewtdata;
  realtype *col_j, yj, ypj, ewtj;

  cp_mem = (CPodeMem) pdata->cpode_mem;

  /* Initialize ytemp and yptemp. */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);
  N_VScale(ONE, yp, yptemp);

  /* Obtain pointers as required to the data array of vectors. */
  ydata     = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  ypdata    = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  gtempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(gtemp);
  ewtdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  ytempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);
  yptempdata= N_VGetArrayPointer(yptemp);
  grefdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(gref);

  /* Call cfn and glocI to get base value of G(t,y,y'). */
  if (cfn != NULL) {
    retval = cfn(Nlocal, t, y, yp, f_data);
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  retval = glocI(Nlocal, t, y, yp, gref, f_data); 
  if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing. */
  width = mldq + mudq + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, Nlocal);

  /* Loop over groups. */
  for(group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Loop over the components in this group. */
    for(j = group-1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      yj = ydata[j];
      ypj = ypdata[j];
      ewtj = ewtdata[j];
      /* Set increment inc to yj based on rel_yy*abs(yj), with
         adjustments using ypj and ewtj if this is small, and a further
         adjustment to give it the same sign as hh*ypj. */
      inc = dqrely*MAX(ABS(yj), MAX( ABS(h*ypj), ONE/ewtj));
      if (h*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
      inc = (yj + inc) - yj;
      /* Increment yj and ypj. */
      ytempdata[j]  += gamma*inc;
      yptempdata[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate G with incremented y and yp arguments. */
    retval = glocI(Nlocal, t, ytemp, yptemp, gtemp, f_data); 
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

    /* Loop over components of the group again; restore ytemp and yptemp. */
    for(j = group-1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      yj  = ytempdata[j]  = ydata[j];
      ypj = yptempdata[j] = ypdata[j];
      ewtj = ewtdata[j];

      /* Set increment inc as before .*/
      inc = dqrely*MAX(ABS(yj), MAX( ABS(h*ypj), ONE/ewtj));
      if (h*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
      inc = (yj + inc) - yj;

      /* Form difference quotients and load into savedP. */
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      col_j = BAND_COL(savedP,j);
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mukeep);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlkeep, Nlocal-1);
      for(i = i1; i <= i2; i++) 
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) = inc_inv * (gtempdata[i] - grefdata[i]);
Esempio n. 19

 This routine generates a banded difference quotient approximation to
 the Jacobian of f(t,y). It assumes that a band matrix of type
 DlsMat is stored column-wise, and that elements within each column
 are contiguous. This makes it possible to get the address of a column
 of J via the macro BAND_COL and to write a simple for loop to set
 each of the elements of a column in succession.
static int ARKBandPDQJac(ARKBandPrecData pdata, 
			 realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
			 N_Vector ftemp, N_Vector ytemp)
  ARKodeMem ark_mem;
  realtype fnorm, minInc, inc, inc_inv, srur;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  realtype *col_j, *ewt_data, *fy_data, *ftemp_data, *y_data, *ytemp_data;
  int retval;

  ark_mem = (ARKodeMem) pdata->arkode_mem;

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for ewt, fy, ftemp, y, ytemp. */
  ewt_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(ark_mem->ark_ewt);
  fy_data    = N_VGetArrayPointer(fy);
  ftemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ftemp);
  y_data     = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  ytemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);

  /* Load ytemp with y = predicted y vector. */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of f. */
  srur = SUNRsqrt(ark_mem->ark_uround);
  /* fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, ark_mem->ark_ewt); */
  fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, ark_mem->ark_rwt);
  minInc = (fnorm != ZERO) ?
    (MIN_INC_MULT * SUNRabs(ark_mem->ark_h) * ark_mem->ark_uround * pdata->N * fnorm) : ONE;

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing. */
  width = pdata->ml + pdata->mu + 1;
  ngroups = SUNMIN(width, pdata->N);
  for (group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Increment all y_j in group. */
    for(j = group-1; j < pdata->N; j += width) {
      inc = SUNMAX(srur*SUNRabs(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      ytemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate f with incremented y. */
    retval = ark_mem->ark_fi(t, ytemp, ftemp, ark_mem->ark_user_data);
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

    /* Restore ytemp, then form and load difference quotients. */
    for (j = group-1; j < pdata->N; j += width) {
      ytemp_data[j] = y_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(pdata->savedJ,j);
      inc = SUNMAX(srur*SUNRabs(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = SUNMAX(0, j-pdata->mu);
      i2 = SUNMIN(j+pdata->ml, pdata->N-1);
      for (i=i1; i <= i2; i++)
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) =
          inc_inv * (ftemp_data[i] - fy_data[i]);

int mtlb_IdaBandJacB(long int NeqB,
                     long int mupperB, long int mlowerB,
                     realtype tt,
                     N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp,
                     N_Vector yyB, N_Vector ypB, N_Vector rrB,
                     realtype c_jB, void *jac_dataB,
                     BandMat JacB,
                     N_Vector tmp1B, N_Vector tmp2B,
                     N_Vector tmp3B)
    double *JB_data;
    long int ebandB, i;
    mxArray *mx_in[10], *mx_out[3];
    int ret;

    /* Inputs to the Matlab function */
    mx_in[0] = mxCreateScalarDouble(-1.0);        /* type=-1: backward ODE */
    mx_in[1] = mxCreateScalarDouble(tt);          /* current t */
    mx_in[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current yy */
    mx_in[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);  /* current yp */
    mx_in[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NB,1,mxREAL); /* current yyB */
    mx_in[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NB,1,mxREAL); /* current ypB */
    mx_in[6] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NB,1,mxREAL); /* current rrB */
    mx_in[7] = mxCreateScalarDouble(c_jB);        /* current c_jB */
    mx_in[8] = mx_JACfctB;                        /* matlab function handle */
    mx_in[9] = mx_data;                           /* matlab user data */

    /* Call matlab wrapper */
    GetData(yy, mxGetPr(mx_in[2]), N);
    GetData(yp, mxGetPr(mx_in[3]), N);
    GetData(yyB, mxGetPr(mx_in[4]), NB);
    GetData(ypB, mxGetPr(mx_in[5]), NB);
    GetData(rrB, mxGetPr(mx_in[6]), NB);


    ebandB =  mupperB + mlowerB + 1;
    JB_data = mxGetPr(mx_out[0]);
    for (i=0; i<NB; i++)
        memcpy(BAND_COL(JacB,i) - mupperB, JB_data + i*ebandB, ebandB*sizeof(double));

    ret = (int)*mxGetPr(mx_out[1]);

    if (!mxIsEmpty(mx_out[2])) {

    /* Free temporary space */

Esempio n. 21
	void KernelBand<NLSSystemObject>::NumericalJacobian(const Eigen::VectorXd& x, const Eigen::VectorXd& f, Eigen::VectorXd& x_dimensions, const bool max_constraints, const Eigen::VectorXd& xMax)
		if (pre_processing_ == false)

		const double tstart = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime();

		const double ZERO_DER = 1.e-8;
		const double ETA2 = std::sqrt(OpenSMOKE::OPENSMOKE_MACH_EPS_DOUBLE);

		// Save the original vector
		x_plus_ = x;

		// Loop
		for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
			if (max_constraints == false)
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					const double xh = std::fabs(x(j));
					const double xdh = std::fabs(x_dimensions(j));
					hJ_(j) = ETA2*std::max(xh, xdh);
					hJ_(j) = std::max(hJ_(j), ZERO_DER);
					hJ_(j) = std::min(hJ_(j), 0.001 + 0.001*std::fabs(xh));

					x_plus_(j) += hJ_(j);
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					const double xh = std::fabs(x(j));
					const double xdh = std::fabs(x_dimensions(j));
					hJ_(j) = ETA2*std::max(xh, xdh);
					hJ_(j) = std::max(hJ_(j), ZERO_DER);
					hJ_(j) = std::min(hJ_(j), 0.001 + 0.001*std::fabs(xh));

					if (xh + hJ_(j) > xMax(j))
						hJ_(j) = -hJ_(j);

					x_plus_(j) += hJ_(j);

			this->Equations(x_plus_, f_plus_);

			for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
				x_plus_(j) = x(j);

				double* col_j = BAND_COL(J_, j);
				int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
				int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));
				for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
					BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j) = (f_plus_(i) - f(i)) / hJ_(j);

		const double tend = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime();

		numberOfSystemCallsForJacobian_ += this->ngroups_;
		cpuTimeSingleJacobianFullAssembling_ = tend - tstart;
		cpuTimeJacobianFullAssembling_ += cpuTimeSingleJacobianFullAssembling_;
Esempio n. 22
	void KernelBand<NLSSystemObject>::QuasiNewton(const Eigen::VectorXd& dxi, const Eigen::VectorXd& dfi)
		const double tstart = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime();

			// The auxiliary vector named x_plus is used here
			Eigen::VectorXd* normSquared = &x_plus_;
			for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
					int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));

					for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
						(*normSquared)(i) += dxi(j)*dxi(j);

			// The auxiliary vector named x_plus is used here
			Eigen::VectorXd* sum_vector = &f_plus_;

			(*sum_vector) = dfi;

			for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					double* col_j = BAND_COL(J_, j);
					int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
					int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));

					for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
						(*sum_vector)(i) -= BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j)*dxi(j);

			for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					double* col_j = BAND_COL(J_, j);
					int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
					int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));

			const double eps = 1.e-10;
			for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j++)
				(*sum_vector)(j) /= ((*normSquared)(j) + eps);

			for (int group = 1; group <= ngroups_; group++)
				for (int j = group - 1; j < static_cast<int>(this->ne_); j += width_)
					double* col_j = BAND_COL(J_, j);
					int i1 = std::max(0, j - J_->nUpper());
					int i2 = std::min(j + J_->nLower(), static_cast<int>(this->ne_ - 1));

					for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
						BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j, i, j) += (*sum_vector)(i)*dxi(j);

		const double tend = OpenSMOKE::OpenSMOKEGetCpuTime();

		cpuTimeSingleJacobianQuasiAssembling_ = tend - tstart;
		cpuTimeJacobianQuasiAssembling_ += cpuTimeSingleJacobianQuasiAssembling_;
static int IBBDDQJac(IBBDPrecData pdata, realtype tt, realtype cj,
                     N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector gref, 
                     N_Vector ytemp, N_Vector yptemp, N_Vector gtemp)
  IDAMem IDA_mem;
  realtype inc, inc_inv;
  int  retval;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  realtype *ydata, *ypdata, *ytempdata, *yptempdata, *grefdata, *gtempdata;
  realtype *cnsdata = NULL, *ewtdata;
  realtype *col_j, conj, yj, ypj, ewtj;

  IDA_mem = (IDAMem) pdata->ida_mem;

  /* Initialize ytemp and yptemp. */

  N_VScale(ONE, yy, ytemp);
  N_VScale(ONE, yp, yptemp);

  /* Obtain pointers as required to the data array of vectors. */

  ydata     = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  ypdata    = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  gtempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(gtemp);
  ewtdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  if (constraints != NULL) 
    cnsdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(constraints);
  ytempdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);
  yptempdata= N_VGetArrayPointer(yptemp);
  grefdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(gref);

  /* Call gcomm and glocal to get base value of G(t,y,y'). */

  if (gcomm != NULL) {
    retval = gcomm(Nlocal, tt, yy, yp, res_data);
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  retval = glocal(Nlocal, tt, yy, yp, gref, res_data); 
  if (retval != 0) return(retval);

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing. */

  width = mldq + mudq + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, Nlocal);

  /* Loop over groups. */
  for(group = 1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Loop over the components in this group. */
    for(j = group-1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      yj = ydata[j];
      ypj = ypdata[j];
      ewtj = ewtdata[j];
      /* Set increment inc to yj based on rel_yy*abs(yj), with
         adjustments using ypj and ewtj if this is small, and a further
         adjustment to give it the same sign as hh*ypj. */
      inc = rel_yy*MAX(ABS(yj), MAX( ABS(hh*ypj), ONE/ewtj));
      if (hh*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
      inc = (yj + inc) - yj;
      /* Adjust sign(inc) again if yj has an inequality constraint. */
      if (constraints != NULL) {
        conj = cnsdata[j];
        if (ABS(conj) == ONE)      {if ((yj+inc)*conj <  ZERO) inc = -inc;}
        else if (ABS(conj) == TWO) {if ((yj+inc)*conj <= ZERO) inc = -inc;}

      /* Increment yj and ypj. */
      ytempdata[j] += inc;
      yptempdata[j] += cj*inc;

    /* Evaluate G with incremented y and yp arguments. */

    retval = glocal(Nlocal, tt, ytemp, yptemp, gtemp, res_data); 
    if (retval != 0) return(retval);

    /* Loop over components of the group again; restore ytemp and yptemp. */
    for(j = group-1; j < Nlocal; j += width) {
      yj  = ytempdata[j]  = ydata[j];
      ypj = yptempdata[j] = ypdata[j];
      ewtj = ewtdata[j];

      /* Set increment inc as before .*/
      inc = rel_yy*MAX(ABS(yj), MAX( ABS(hh*ypj), ONE/ewtj));
      if (hh*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
      inc = (yj + inc) - yj;
      if (constraints != NULL) {
        conj = cnsdata[j];
        if (ABS(conj) == ONE)      {if ((yj+inc)*conj <  ZERO) inc = -inc;}
        else if (ABS(conj) == TWO) {if ((yj+inc)*conj <= ZERO) inc = -inc;}

      /* Form difference quotients and load into PP. */
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      col_j = BAND_COL(PP,j);
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mukeep);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlkeep, Nlocal-1);
      for(i = i1; i <= i2; i++) BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) =
                                  inc_inv * (gtempdata[i] - grefdata[i]);
Esempio n. 24
int cvDlsBandDQJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                   realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                   DlsMat Jac, void *data,
                   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  N_Vector ftemp, ytemp;
  realtype fnorm, minInc, inc, inc_inv, srur;
  realtype *col_j, *ewt_data, *fy_data, *ftemp_data, *y_data, *ytemp_data;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  int retval = 0;

  CVodeMem cv_mem;
  CVDlsMem cvdls_mem;

  /* data points to cvode_mem */
  cv_mem = (CVodeMem) data;
  cvdls_mem = (CVDlsMem) lmem;

  /* Rename work vectors for use as temporary values of y and f */
  ftemp = tmp1;
  ytemp = tmp2;

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for ewt, fy, ftemp, y, ytemp */
  ewt_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  fy_data    = N_VGetArrayPointer(fy);
  ftemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ftemp);
  y_data     = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  ytemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);

  /* Load ytemp with y = predicted y vector */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of f */
  srur = RSqrt(uround);
  fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, ewt);
  minInc = (fnorm != ZERO) ?
           (MIN_INC_MULT * ABS(h) * uround * N * fnorm) : ONE;

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing */
  width = mlower + mupper + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, N);

  /* Loop over column groups. */
  for (group=1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Increment all y_j in group */
    for(j=group-1; j < N; j+=width) {
      inc = MAX(srur*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      ytemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate f with incremented y */

    retval = f(tn, ytemp, ftemp, user_data);
    if (retval != 0) break;

    /* Restore ytemp, then form and load difference quotients */
    for (j=group-1; j < N; j+=width) {
      ytemp_data[j] = y_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(Jac,j);
      inc = MAX(srur*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mupper);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlower, N-1);
      for (i=i1; i <= i2; i++)
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) = inc_inv * (ftemp_data[i] - fy_data[i]);
Esempio n. 25
static void CVBBDDQJac(CVBBDPrecData pdata, realtype t, 
                       N_Vector y, N_Vector gy, 
                       N_Vector ytemp, N_Vector gtemp)
  CVodeMem cv_mem;
  realtype    gnorm, minInc, inc, inc_inv;
  long int group, i, j, width, ngroups, i1, i2;
  realtype *y_data, *ewt_data, *gy_data, *gtemp_data, *ytemp_data, *col_j;

  cv_mem = (CVodeMem) pdata->cvode_mem;

  /* Load ytemp with y = predicted solution vector */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);

  /* Call cfn and gloc to get base value of g(t,y) */
  if (cfn != NULL)
    cfn (Nlocal, t, y, f_data);
  gloc(Nlocal, t, ytemp, gy, f_data);

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for various vectors */
  y_data     =  N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  gy_data    =  N_VGetArrayPointer(gy);
  ewt_data   =  N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  ytemp_data =  N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);
  gtemp_data =  N_VGetArrayPointer(gtemp);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of g */
  gnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(gy, ewt);
  minInc = (gnorm != ZERO) ?
           (MIN_INC_MULT * ABS(h) * uround * Nlocal * gnorm) : ONE;

  /* Set bandwidth and number of column groups for band differencing */
  width = mldq + mudq + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, Nlocal);

  /* Loop over groups */  
  for (group=1; group <= ngroups; group++) {
    /* Increment all y_j in group */
    for(j=group-1; j < Nlocal; j+=width) {
      inc = MAX(dqrely*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      ytemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Evaluate g with incremented y */
    gloc(Nlocal, t, ytemp, gtemp, f_data);

    /* Restore ytemp, then form and load difference quotients */
    for (j=group-1; j < Nlocal; j+=width) {
      ytemp_data[j] = y_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(savedJ,j);
      inc = MAX(dqrely*ABS(y_data[j]), minInc/ewt_data[j]);
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mukeep);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlkeep, Nlocal-1);
      for (i=i1; i <= i2; i++)
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) =
          inc_inv * (gtemp_data[i] - gy_data[i]);
Esempio n. 26
int cpDlsBandDQJacImpl(int N, int mupper, int mlower,
                       realtype t, realtype gm, 
                       N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector r,
                       DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
                       N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  N_Vector ftemp, ytemp, yptemp;
  realtype inc, inc_inv, yj, ypj, srur, ewtj;
  realtype *y_data, *yp_data, *ewt_data;
  realtype *ytemp_data, *yptemp_data, *ftemp_data, *r_data, *col_j;
  int i, j, i1, i2, width, group, ngroups;
  int retval = 0;

  CPodeMem cp_mem;
  CPDlsMem cpdls_mem;

  /* jac_data points to cpode_mem */
  cp_mem = (CPodeMem) jac_data;
  cpdls_mem = (CPDlsMem) lmem;

  ftemp = tmp1; /* Rename work vector for use as the perturbed residual. */
  ytemp = tmp2; /* Rename work vector for use as a temporary for yy. */
  yptemp= tmp3; /* Rename work vector for use as a temporary for yp. */

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for all vectors used.  */
  ewt_data    = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  r_data      = N_VGetArrayPointer(r);
  y_data      = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);
  yp_data     = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  ftemp_data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(ftemp);
  ytemp_data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(ytemp);
  yptemp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yptemp);

  /* Initialize ytemp and yptemp. */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, ytemp);
  N_VScale(ONE, yp, yptemp);

  /* Compute miscellaneous values for the Jacobian computation. */
  srur = RSqrt(uround);
  width = mlower + mupper + 1;
  ngroups = MIN(width, N);

  /* Loop over column groups. */
  for (group=1; group <= ngroups; group++) {

    /* Increment all y[j] and yp[j] for j in this group. */
    for (j=group-1; j<N; j+=width) {
        yj = y_data[j];
        ypj = yp_data[j];
        ewtj = ewt_data[j];

        /* Set increment inc to yj based on sqrt(uround)*abs(yj), with
           adjustments using ypj and ewtj if this is small, and a further
           adjustment to give it the same sign as h*ypj. */
        inc = MAX( srur * MAX( ABS(yj), ABS(h*ypj) ) , ONE/ewtj );

        if (h*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
        inc = (yj + inc) - yj;

        /* Increment yj and ypj. */
        ytemp_data[j]  += gamma*inc;
        yptemp_data[j] += inc;

    /* Call ODE fct. with incremented arguments. */
    retval = fi(tn, ytemp, yptemp, ftemp, f_data);
    if (retval != 0) break;

    /* Loop over the indices j in this group again. */
    for (j=group-1; j<N; j+=width) {

      /* Reset ytemp and yptemp components that were perturbed. */
      yj = ytemp_data[j]  = y_data[j];
      ypj = yptemp_data[j] = yp_data[j];
      col_j = BAND_COL(Jac, j);
      ewtj = ewt_data[j];
      /* Set increment inc exactly as above. */
      inc = MAX( srur * MAX( ABS(yj), ABS(h*ypj) ) , ONE/ewtj );
      if (h*ypj < ZERO) inc = -inc;
      inc = (yj + inc) - yj;
      /* Load the difference quotient Jacobian elements for column j. */
      inc_inv = ONE/inc;
      i1 = MAX(0, j-mupper);
      i2 = MIN(j+mlower,N-1);
      for (i=i1; i<=i2; i++) 
        BAND_COL_ELEM(col_j,i,j) = inc_inv*(ftemp_data[i]-r_data[i]);