void CLASSB_ClockTestTimer (void)
        BANKSEL (_CLASSB_timerCount)
        MOVF BANKMASK(_CLASSB_timerCount)+1,W
        SUBWF TMR1H,W
        BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
        GOTO IncCounter
//        NOP
        BANKSEL _CLASSB_timerCount
        MOVF BANKMASK(_CLASSB_timerCount),W
        SUBWF TMR1L, W
        BTFSC STATUS, 0x0
        GOTO TimerTestEnd
        BANKSEL (_CLASSB_Clockcount)
        INCF BANKMASK(_CLASSB_Clockcount),F
        BTFSC STATUS, 0x2
        INCF BANKMASK(_CLASSB_Clockcount)+1,F
        GOTO TimerTest
Esempio n. 2
void WS2812Write(void)
    // The data pin must be low for at least 50uS to reset the LED drivers
    PIN_WS2812_LATCH = 0;
//    mainDerp=(char*)derp2;
    //replace 0 with 0 if anything fails to work
    int var=4;
            MOVLB   HIGH(_tmpData)          // select memory bank 12, so we can access the relevant variables

            MOVLW   LED_ARRAY_SIZE          // ledCount = total number of leds
            MOVWF   BANKMASK(_ledCount),b

            LFSR    0, _ledData             // initialise the ledData pointer to the start of the array (FSR0 = address of _ledData)

byteLoop:   MOVF    POSTINC0,W,c            // get the next byte of ledData and increment the FSR0 pointer
            MOVWF   BANKMASK(_tmpData),b    // save it in tmpData

            MOVLW   0x08;                   // bitCount = 8;
            MOVWF   BANKMASK(_bitCount),b

bitLoop:    BSF     LATB,0,c               // set the output high
            BTFSS   BANKMASK(_tmpData), 7,b // test the m.s. bit of tmpData.
            BRA     writeZero
             // logic ONE  (long HIGH output, followed by short LOW)

writeOne:   RLNCF   BANKMASK(_tmpData),b   // shift tmpData left one place
            BCF     LATB,0,c                // set the output pin low
            DECFSZ  BANKMASK(_bitCount),b   // decrement the bit counter
            BRA     bitLoop                 // if not zero, process the next bit.
            BRA     endByte                 // zero - goto the next byte

             // logic ZERO (short HIGH output, followed by long LOW)
writeZero:  BCF     LATB,0,c                // set output low
            RLNCF   BANKMASK(_tmpData),b    // shift tmpData left one place
            DECFSZ  BANKMASK(_bitCount),b   // decrement the bit counter
            BRA     bitLoop                 // if not zero process the next bit

            // Move on to the next byte if any
endByte:    DECFSZ  BANKMASK(_ledCount),b   // decrement the byte counter
            BRA     byteLoop                // if non-zero, process the next byte

                                            // finished

* Description  : This function implements the March C or March C Minus test.
* It is a complete and irredundant test capable of detecting stuck-at faults,
* addressing faults, transition faults, and coupling faults. This test is of complexity
* 11n (Where n is the number of bits), 10n for March C Minus test.
* This test is a destructive test!!! CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress is used as a an array to save user
* memory during the test!
* Input:
*     CLASSB_MarchstartAddress     :  pointer to an array declared in user memory for test
*     CLASSB_MarchLength            :  value indicating the number of bytes to test
*     CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress    :  pointer to location in memory where array will be stored during test
*     MARCHCMINUS                   :  designates the test is a March C Minus test.
* Return Values:
*     CLASSB_TEST_PASS 	:  return value = 0
*     CLASSB_TEST_FAIL 	:  return value = 1
    volatile unsigned char testResult;

 * Run March C Test on global RAM used by March C test.
    if (CLASSB_MarchstartAddress < (char*)0x27)
        testResult = MarchCGlobalTest();
        if (testResult)
//            MarchCFailure();
            return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;
        CLASSB_MarchLength -= (0x28 - (char)CLASSB_MarchstartAddress);
        CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = (char*)0x27;

 * Save memory for test in a known location designated by *CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress
 * The ClassB_March... variables will not be saved.
    if (CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress != NULL)
        CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress = CLASSB_MarchstartAddress;
        for (WREG_SHAD = CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD != 0; WREG_SHAD--)
            *CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress++ = *CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress++;
 * Wr0 - write zero to all memory for test
    CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress = CLASSB_MarchstartAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=0; WREG_SHAD<CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD++)

    FSR1L_SHAD = 0;

 * Rd0Wr1 - read zero, write one - ascending
    CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=0; WREG_SHAD<CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD++)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0x00;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W       //read zero
            MOVLW   0X01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD

            MOVF    INDF1, W
            BSF     STATUS, 0x00
            RLF     FSR0H_SHAD, F       //rotate a 1 into bitMask
            IORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVWF   INDF1               //write 1
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;

 * Rd1Wr0 - read one, write zero - ascending
    CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=0; WREG_SHAD<CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD++)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0xFF;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVLW   0X01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD

            MOVF    INDF1, W
            LSLF    FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVWF   INDF1

            LSLF    FSR0H_SHAD, F
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;

 * For March C Minus test this section is skipped
 * Rd0 - read zero - descending

    CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=0; WREG_SHAD < CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD++)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0x00;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W       //Read 0
            MOVLW   0x01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;


 * Rd0Wr1 - read zero, write one - descending
    CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress = CLASSB_MarchstartAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD>0; WREG_SHAD--)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0x00;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W       //Read 0
            MOVLW   0x01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD

            MOVF    INDF1, W
            BSF     STATUS, 0x00
            RRF     FSR0H_SHAD, F       //rotate a 1 into bitMask
            IORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVWF   INDF1               //write 1
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;

 * Rd1Wr0 - read one, write zero - descending
    CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD>0; WREG_SHAD--)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0xFF;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVLW   0x01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD

            MOVF    INDF1, W
            LSRF    FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVWF   INDF1

            LSRF    FSR0H_SHAD, F
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return CLASSB_TEST_FAIL;

 * Rd0 - read zero - descending
    CLASSB_MarchstartAddress = CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress;
    for (WREG_SHAD=(CLASSB_MarchLength-1); WREG_SHAD>0; WREG_SHAD--)
        FSR0H_SHAD = 0x00;
        for (FSR0L_SHAD=0; FSR0L_SHAD<8; FSR0L_SHAD++)
            MOVLB   0x00
            MOVF    BANKMASK(_CLASSB_MarchstartAddress), W
            MOVWF   FSR1L
            MOVF    INDF1, W
            MOVLB   0x1F
            XORWF   FSR0H_SHAD, W
            MOVLW   0x01
            BTFSS   STATUS, 0x02
            MOVWF   FSR1L_SHAD
            if (FSR1L_SHAD)
                return 1;
 * March C (Minus) Test Passed
 * Restore User data from the buffer.
    if (CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress != NULL)
        CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress = (CLASSB_MarchbufferAddress - CLASSB_MarchLength);
        for (WREG_SHAD = CLASSB_MarchLength; WREG_SHAD != 0; WREG_SHAD--)
            *CLASSB_MarchstartAddress++ = *CLASSB_MARCHtempAddress++;
    return CLASSB_TEST_PASS;

} // End of function