Esempio n. 1
 * Create random unique keys starting from firstkey 
void *
random_unique_gen_thread(void * args) 
    create_arg_t * arg      = (create_arg_t *) args;
    relation_t *   rel      = & arg->rel;
    int64_t        firstkey = arg->firstkey;
    int64_t        maxid    = arg->maxid;
    uint64_t i;

    value_t randstart = 5; /* rand() % 1000; */

    /* for randomly seeding nrand48() */
    unsigned short state[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    unsigned int seed       = time(NULL) + * (unsigned int *) pthread_self();
    memcpy(state, &seed, sizeof(seed));
    for (i = 0; i < rel->num_tuples; i++) {
        rel->tuples[i].key     = firstkey;
        rel->tuples[i].payload = randstart + i;

        if(firstkey == maxid)
            firstkey = 0;

        firstkey ++;

    /* randomly shuffle elements */
    /* knuth_shuffle48(rel, state); */

    /* wait at a barrier until all threads finish initializing data */
    int rv;
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(arg->barrier, rv);

    /* parallel synchronized knuth-shuffle */
    volatile char * locks   = (volatile char *)(arg->locks);
    relation_t *    fullrel = arg->fullrel;

    uint64_t rel_offset_in_full = rel->tuples - fullrel->tuples;
    uint64_t k = rel_offset_in_full + rel->num_tuples - 1;
    for (i = rel->num_tuples - 1; i > 0; i--, k--) {
        int64_t  j = RAND_RANGE48(k, state);
        lock(locks+k);  /* lock this rel-idx=i, fullrel-idx=k */
        lock(locks+j);  /* lock full rel-idx=j */

        intkey_t tmp           = fullrel->tuples[k].key;
        fullrel->tuples[k].key = fullrel->tuples[j].key;
        fullrel->tuples[j].key = tmp;


    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * The main thread of parallel radix join. It does partitioning in parallel with
 * other threads and during the join phase, picks up join tasks from the task
 * queue and calls appropriate JoinFunction to compute the join task.
 * @param param 
 * @return 
void * 
prj_thread(void * param)
    arg_t * args   = (arg_t*) param;
    int32_t my_tid = args->my_tid;

    const int fanOut = 1 << (NUM_RADIX_BITS / NUM_PASSES);
    const int R = (NUM_RADIX_BITS / NUM_PASSES);
    const int thresh1 = MAX((1<<D), (1<<R)) * THRESHOLD1(args->nthreads);

    uint64_t results = 0;
    int i;
    int rv;    

    part_t part;
    task_t * task;
    task_queue_t * part_queue;
    task_queue_t * join_queue;
    task_queue_t * skew_queue;

    int32_t * outputR = (int32_t *) calloc((fanOut+1), sizeof(int32_t));
    int32_t * outputS = (int32_t *) calloc((fanOut+1), sizeof(int32_t));
    MALLOC_CHECK((outputR && outputS));

    part_queue = args->part_queue;
    join_queue = args->join_queue;
    skew_queue = args->skew_queue;

    args->histR[my_tid] = (int32_t *) calloc(fanOut, sizeof(int32_t));
    args->histS[my_tid] = (int32_t *) calloc(fanOut, sizeof(int32_t));

    /* in the first pass, partitioning is done together by all threads */

    args->parts_processed = 0;

    if(my_tid == 0){
        PCM_initPerformanceMonitor(NULL, NULL);

    /* wait at a barrier until each thread starts and then start the timer */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

    /* if monitoring synchronization stats */
    SYNC_TIMERS_START(args, my_tid);

#ifndef NO_TIMING
    if(my_tid == 0){
        /* thread-0 checkpoints the time */
        gettimeofday(&args->start, NULL);
    /********** 1st pass of multi-pass partitioning ************/
    part.R       = 0;
    part.D       = NUM_RADIX_BITS / NUM_PASSES;
    part.thrargs = args;
    part.padding = PADDING_TUPLES;

    /* 1. partitioning for relation R */
    part.rel          = args->relR;
    part.tmp          = args->tmpR;
    part.hist         = args->histR;
    part.output       = outputR;
    part.num_tuples   = args->numR;
    part.total_tuples = args->totalR;
    part.relidx       = 0;

    /* 2. partitioning for relation S */
    part.rel          = args->relS;
    part.tmp          = args->tmpS;
    part.hist         = args->histS;
    part.output       = outputS;
    part.num_tuples   = args->numS;
    part.total_tuples = args->totalS;
    part.relidx       = 1;

    /* wait at a barrier until each thread copies out */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

    /********** end of 1st partitioning phase ******************/

    /* 3. first thread creates partitioning tasks for 2nd pass */
    if(my_tid == 0) {
        for(i = 0; i < fanOut; i++) {
            int32_t ntupR = outputR[i+1] - outputR[i] - PADDING_TUPLES;
            int32_t ntupS = outputS[i+1] - outputS[i] - PADDING_TUPLES;

            if(ntupR > thresh1 || ntupS > thresh1){
                DEBUGMSG(1, "Adding to skew_queue= R:%d, S:%d\n", ntupR, ntupS);

                task_t * t = task_queue_get_slot(skew_queue);

                t->relR.num_tuples = t->tmpR.num_tuples = ntupR;
                t->relR.tuples = args->tmpR + outputR[i];
                t->tmpR.tuples = args->relR + outputR[i];

                t->relS.num_tuples = t->tmpS.num_tuples = ntupS;
                t->relS.tuples = args->tmpS + outputS[i];
                t->tmpS.tuples = args->relS + outputS[i];

                task_queue_add(skew_queue, t);
            if(ntupR > 0 && ntupS > 0) {
                task_t * t = task_queue_get_slot(part_queue);

                t->relR.num_tuples = t->tmpR.num_tuples = ntupR;
                t->relR.tuples = args->tmpR + outputR[i];
                t->tmpR.tuples = args->relR + outputR[i];

                t->relS.num_tuples = t->tmpS.num_tuples = ntupS;
                t->relS.tuples = args->tmpS + outputS[i];
                t->tmpS.tuples = args->relS + outputS[i];

                task_queue_add(part_queue, t);

        /* debug partitioning task queue */
        DEBUGMSG(1, "Pass-2: # partitioning tasks = %d\n", part_queue->count);


    /* wait at a barrier until first thread adds all partitioning tasks */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);
    /* global barrier sync point-3 */
    SYNC_GLOBAL_STOP(&args->globaltimer->sync3, my_tid);

    /************ 2nd pass of multi-pass partitioning ********************/
    /* 4. now each thread further partitions and add to join task queue **/

    /* If the partitioning is single pass we directly add tasks from pass-1 */
    task_queue_t * swap = join_queue;
    join_queue = part_queue;
    /* part_queue is used as a temporary queue for handling skewed parts */
    part_queue = swap;
#elif NUM_PASSES==2

    while((task = task_queue_get_atomic(part_queue))){

        serial_radix_partition(task, join_queue, R, D);


#warning Only 2-pass partitioning is implemented, set NUM_PASSES to 2!
    /* Partitioning pass-2 for skewed relations */
    part.R         = R;
    part.D         = D;
    part.thrargs   = args;
    part.padding   = SMALL_PADDING_TUPLES;

    while(1) {
        if(my_tid == 0) {
            *args->skewtask = task_queue_get_atomic(skew_queue);
        BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);
        if( *args->skewtask == NULL)

        DEBUGMSG((my_tid==0), "Got skew task = R: %d, S: %d\n", 

        int32_t numperthr = (*args->skewtask)->relR.num_tuples / args->nthreads;
        const int fanOut2 = (1 << D);


        outputR = (int32_t*) calloc(fanOut2 + 1, sizeof(int32_t));
        outputS = (int32_t*) calloc(fanOut2 + 1, sizeof(int32_t));


        args->histR[my_tid] = (int32_t*) calloc(fanOut2, sizeof(int32_t));
        args->histS[my_tid] = (int32_t*) calloc(fanOut2, sizeof(int32_t));

        /* wait until each thread allocates memory */
        BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

        /* 1. partitioning for relation R */
        part.rel          = (*args->skewtask)->relR.tuples + my_tid * numperthr;
        part.tmp          = (*args->skewtask)->tmpR.tuples;
        part.hist         = args->histR;
        part.output       = outputR;
        part.num_tuples   = (my_tid == (args->nthreads-1)) ? 
                            ((*args->skewtask)->relR.num_tuples - my_tid * numperthr) 
                            : numperthr;
        part.total_tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relR.num_tuples;
        part.relidx       = 2; /* meaning this is pass-2, no syncstats */

        numperthr = (*args->skewtask)->relS.num_tuples / args->nthreads;
        /* 2. partitioning for relation S */
        part.rel          = (*args->skewtask)->relS.tuples + my_tid * numperthr;
        part.tmp          = (*args->skewtask)->tmpS.tuples;
        part.hist         = args->histS;
        part.output       = outputS;
        part.num_tuples   = (my_tid == (args->nthreads-1)) ? 
                            ((*args->skewtask)->relS.num_tuples - my_tid * numperthr)
                            : numperthr;
        part.total_tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relS.num_tuples;
        part.relidx       = 2; /* meaning this is pass-2, no syncstats */

        /* wait at a barrier until each thread copies out */
        BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

        /* first thread adds join tasks */
        if(my_tid == 0) {
            const int THR1 = THRESHOLD1(args->nthreads);

            for(i = 0; i < fanOut2; i++) {
                int32_t ntupR = outputR[i+1] - outputR[i] - SMALL_PADDING_TUPLES;
                int32_t ntupS = outputS[i+1] - outputS[i] - SMALL_PADDING_TUPLES;
                if(ntupR > THR1 || ntupS > THR1){

                    DEBUGMSG(1, "Large join task = R: %d, S: %d\n", ntupR, ntupS);

                    /* use part_queue temporarily */
                    for(int k=0; k < args->nthreads; k++) {
                        int ns = (k == args->nthreads-1)
                                 ? (ntupS - k*(ntupS/args->nthreads))
                                 : (ntupS/args->nthreads);
                        task_t * t = task_queue_get_slot(part_queue);

                        t->relR.num_tuples = t->tmpR.num_tuples = ntupR;
                        t->relR.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->tmpR.tuples + outputR[i];
                        t->tmpR.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relR.tuples + outputR[i];

                        t->relS.num_tuples = t->tmpS.num_tuples = ns; //ntupS;
                        t->relS.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->tmpS.tuples + outputS[i] //;
                                         + k*(ntupS/args->nthreads);
                        t->tmpS.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relS.tuples + outputS[i] //;
                                         + k*(ntupS/args->nthreads);

                        task_queue_add(part_queue, t);
                if(ntupR > 0 && ntupS > 0) {
                    task_t * t = task_queue_get_slot(join_queue);

                    t->relR.num_tuples = t->tmpR.num_tuples = ntupR;
                    t->relR.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->tmpR.tuples + outputR[i];
                    t->tmpR.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relR.tuples + outputR[i];

                    t->relS.num_tuples = t->tmpS.num_tuples = ntupS;
                    t->relS.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->tmpS.tuples + outputS[i];
                    t->tmpS.tuples = (*args->skewtask)->relS.tuples + outputS[i];

                    task_queue_add(join_queue, t);

                    DEBUGMSG(1, "Join added = R: %d, S: %d\n", 
                           t->relR.num_tuples, t->relS.num_tuples);


    /* add large join tasks in part_queue to the front of the join queue */
    if(my_tid == 0) {
        while((task = task_queue_get_atomic(part_queue)))
            task_queue_add(join_queue, task);



    /* wait at a barrier until all threads add all join tasks */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);
    /* global barrier sync point-4 */
    SYNC_GLOBAL_STOP(&args->globaltimer->sync4, my_tid);

#ifndef NO_TIMING
    if(my_tid == 0) stopTimer(&args->timer3);/* partitioning finished */

    DEBUGMSG((my_tid == 0), "Number of join tasks = %d\n", join_queue->count);

    if(my_tid == 0){
        PCM_log("======= Partitioning phase profiling results ======\n");
    /* Just to make sure we get consistent performance numbers */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

    while((task = task_queue_get_atomic(join_queue))){
        /* do the actual join. join method differs for different algorithms,
           i.e. bucket chaining, histogram-based, histogram-based with simd &
           prefetching  */
        results += args->join_function(&task->relR, &task->relS, &task->tmpR);
        args->parts_processed ++;

    args->result = results;
    /* this thread is finished */

#ifndef NO_TIMING
    /* this is for just reliable timing of finish time */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);
    if(my_tid == 0) {
        /* Actually with this setup we're not timing build */
        stopTimer(&args->timer2);/* build finished */
        stopTimer(&args->timer1);/* probe finished */
        gettimeofday(&args->end, NULL);

    /* global finish time */
    SYNC_GLOBAL_STOP(&args->globaltimer->finish_time, my_tid);

    if(my_tid == 0) {
        PCM_log("=========== Build+Probe profiling results =========\n");
    /* Just to make sure we get consistent performance numbers */
    BARRIER_ARRIVE(args->barrier, rv);

    return 0;