pascal void PrebufTimerProc(EventLoopTimerRef inTimer, void *inUserData) { // monitor prebuffering progress DWORD progress=BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_BUFFER) *100/BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_END); // percentage of buffer filled if (progress>75 || !BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_CONNECTED)) { // over 75% full (or end of download) RemoveEventLoopTimer(prebuftimer); // finished prebuffering, stop monitoring { // get the broadcast name and URL const char *icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_ICY); if (!icy) icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_HTTP); // no ICY tags, try HTTP if (icy) { for (;*icy;icy+=strlen(icy)+1) { if (!strncasecmp(icy,"icy-name:",9)) SetStaticText(31,icy+9); if (!strncasecmp(icy,"icy-url:",8)) SetStaticText(32,icy+8); } } else SetStaticText(31,""); } // get the stream title and set sync for subsequent titles DoMeta(); BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_META,0,&MetaSync,0); // Shoutcast BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE,0,&MetaSync,0); // Icecast/OGG // set sync for end of stream BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_END,0,&EndSync,0); // play it! BASS_ChannelPlay(chan,FALSE); } else { char text[20]; sprintf(text,"buffering... %d%%",progress); SetStaticText(31,text); } }
void BassPlayer::playPreproccessing() { emit statusChanged(media_title, LoadedMedia); BASS_CHANNELINFO info; if (BASS_ChannelGetInfo(chan, &info)) channelsCount(info.chans); else channelsCount(2); if (eq_in_use) registerEQ(); #ifdef BASS_USE_TEMPO applyTempoToChannel(); newTempoProcessing(tempo()); #endif setSampleRateQuality(); newVolumeProcessing(volume()); newPanProcessing(pan()); if (BASS_ChannelPlay(chan, true)) { // stalled with big sized video files playPostprocessing(is_paused); syncHandle = BASS_ChannelSetSync((HSYNC)chan, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, &endTrackSync, this); syncDownloadHandle = BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan, BASS_SYNC_DOWNLOAD, 0, &endTrackDownloading, this); // BASS_SYNC_STALL // mixtime only Sync when playback of the channel is stalled/resumed. // param : not used. data : 0 = stalled, 1 = resumed. } else { proceedErrorState(); qCritical() << "IS NOT PLAYED"; } }
gboolean PrebufTimerProc(gpointer data) { // monitor prebuffering progress DWORD progress=BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_BUFFER) *100/BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_END); // percentage of buffer filled if (progress>75 || !BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_CONNECTED)) { // over 75% full (or end of download) { // get the broadcast name and URL const char *icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_ICY); if (!icy) icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_HTTP); // no ICY tags, try HTTP if (icy) { for (;*icy;icy+=strlen(icy)+1) { if (!strncasecmp(icy,"icy-name:",9)) gtk_label_set_text_8859(GTK_LABEL(GetWidget("status2")),icy+9); if (!strncasecmp(icy,"icy-url:",8)) gtk_label_set_text_8859(GTK_LABEL(GetWidget("status3")),icy+8); } } else gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(GetWidget("status2")),""); } // get the stream title and set sync for subsequent titles DoMeta(); BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_META,0,&MetaSync,0); // Shoutcast BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE,0,&MetaSync,0); // Icecast/OGG // set sync for end of stream BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_END,0,&EndSync,0); // play it! BASS_ChannelPlay(chan,FALSE); return FALSE; // stop monitoring } else { char text[20]; sprintf(text,"buffering... %d%%",progress); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(GetWidget("status2")),text); return TRUE; // continue monitoring } }
void CClientSound::ThreadCallback ( HSTREAM pSound ) { if ( pSound ) { m_pSound = pSound; if ( m_b3D ) { BASS_3DVECTOR pos ( m_vecPosition.fX, m_vecPosition.fY, m_vecPosition.fZ ); BASS_ChannelSet3DPosition ( pSound, &pos, NULL, NULL ); BASS_ChannelSet3DAttributes ( pSound, BASS_3DMODE_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.5f, 360, 360, 1.0f ); } // Set a Callback function for download finished BASS_ChannelSetSync ( pSound, BASS_SYNC_DOWNLOAD, 0, &DownloadSync, this ); BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, &m_fDefaultFrequency ); BASS_ChannelPlay ( pSound, false ); } else g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in PlayStream b3D = %s path = %s", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), m_b3D ? "true" : "false", m_strPath.c_str() ); // Call onClientSoundStream LUA event CLuaArguments Arguments; Arguments.PushBoolean ( pSound ? true : false ); Arguments.PushNumber ( GetLength () ); this->CallEvent ( "onClientSoundStream", Arguments, true ); }
void KNMusicBackendBassThread::establishSyncHandle() { HSYNC handle=BASS_ChannelSetSync(m_channel, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, onActionEnd, this); m_syncHandles.append(handle); }
// returns true when buffering is done bool net_radio_updateBuffering() { QWORD progress=BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_BUFFER) *100/BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_END); // percentage of buffer filled if (progress>75 || !BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(chan,BASS_FILEPOS_CONNECTED)) { // over 75% full (or end of download) KillTimer(win,0); // finished prebuffering, stop monitoring { // get the broadcast name and URL const char *icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_ICY); if (!icy) icy=BASS_ChannelGetTags(chan,BASS_TAG_HTTP); // no ICY tags, try HTTP if (icy) { for (; *icy; icy+=strlen(icy)+1) { if (!_strnicmp(icy,"icy-name:",9)) { //MESS(31,WM_SETTEXT,0,icy+9); // TODO pass this text to user } if (!_strnicmp(icy,"icy-url:",8)) { //MESS(32,WM_SETTEXT,0,icy+8); // TODO pass this text to user } } } else { //MESS(31,WM_SETTEXT,0,""); // TODO pass this text to user } } // get the stream title and set sync for subsequent titles doMeta(); BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_META,0,&metaSync,0); // Shoutcast BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE,0,&metaSync,0); // Icecast/OGG // set sync for end of stream BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_END,0,&endSync,0); // play it! BASS_ChannelPlay(chan,FALSE); // done buffering, so return true return true; } else { char text[20]; sprintf_s(text,"buffering... %d%%",progress); // TODO tell the user 'text' how much has buffered // not finished buffering, so return false return false; } }
// select a file to play, and start scanning it BOOL PlayFile() { char file[MAX_PATH]=""; OPENFILENAME ofn={0}; ofn.lStructSize=sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner=win; ofn.nMaxFile=MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrFile=file; ofn.Flags=OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_EXPLORER; ofn.lpstrTitle="Select a file to play"; ofn.lpstrFilter="Playable files\0*.mp3;*.mp2;*.mp1;*.ogg;*.wav;*.aif;*.mo3;*.it;*.xm;*.s3m;*.mtm;*.mod;*.umx\0All files\0*.*\0\0"; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return FALSE; if (!(chan=BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,file,0,0,0)) && !(chan=BASS_MusicLoad(FALSE,file,0,0,BASS_MUSIC_RAMPS|BASS_MUSIC_POSRESET|BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN,1))) { Error("Can't play file"); return FALSE; // Can't load the file } { BYTE data[2000]={0}; BITMAPINFOHEADER *bh=(BITMAPINFOHEADER*)data; RGBQUAD *pal=(RGBQUAD*)(data+sizeof(*bh)); int a; bh->biSize=sizeof(*bh); bh->biWidth=WIDTH; bh->biHeight=-HEIGHT; bh->biPlanes=1; bh->biBitCount=8; bh->biClrUsed=bh->biClrImportant=HEIGHT/2+1; // setup palette for (a=1;a<=HEIGHT/2;a++) { pal[a].rgbRed=(255*a)/(HEIGHT/2); pal[a].rgbGreen=255-pal[a].rgbRed; } // create the bitmap wavebmp=CreateDIBSection(0,(BITMAPINFO*)bh,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&wavebuf,NULL,0); wavedc=CreateCompatibleDC(0); SelectObject(wavedc,wavebmp); } bpp=BASS_ChannelGetLength(chan,BASS_POS_BYTE)/WIDTH; // bytes per pixel { DWORD bpp1=BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(chan,0.001); // minimum 1ms per pixel if (bpp<bpp1) bpp=bpp1; } BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_END|BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME,0,LoopSyncProc,0); // set sync to loop at end BASS_ChannelPlay(chan,FALSE); // start playing { // create another channel to scan DWORD chan2=BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,file,0,0,BASS_STREAM_DECODE); if (!chan2) chan2=BASS_MusicLoad(FALSE,file,0,0,BASS_MUSIC_DECODE,1); scanthread=_beginthread(ScanPeaks,0,(void*)chan2); // start scanning in a new thread } return TRUE; }
BOOL CBassMusicEngine::Play(HSTREAM hStream,bool bRestart/* = false*/) { Stop(m_hStream); m_hStream = hStream; //开始播放 BOOL bResult = BASS_ChannelPlay(hStream, bRestart); //if ( m_pMusicState != NULL ) m_pMusicState->OnPlaying(); BASS_ChannelSetSync(hStream, BASS_SYNC_END, (QWORD)MAKELONG(10,0), &CBassMusicEngine::MySyncProc, 0); return bResult; }
HRESULT CBSoundBuffer::SetLoopStart(DWORD Pos) { m_LoopStart = Pos; if (m_Stream) { if (m_Sync) { BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(m_Stream, m_Sync); m_Sync = NULL; } if (m_LoopStart > 0) { QWORD len = BASS_ChannelGetLength(m_Stream, BASS_POS_BYTE); m_Sync = BASS_ChannelSetSync(m_Stream, BASS_SYNC_POS | BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME, len, CBSoundBuffer::LoopSyncProc, (void*)this); } } return S_OK; }
void CBassAudio::SetFinishedCallbacks ( void ) { m_hSyncEnd = BASS_ChannelSetSync ( m_pSound, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, &EndSync, m_uiCallbackId ); m_hSyncFree = BASS_ChannelSetSync ( m_pSound, BASS_SYNC_FREE, 0, &FreeSync, m_uiCallbackId ); }
// // Called from the main thread during DoPulse // void CBassAudio::CompleteStreamConnect ( HSTREAM pSound ) { if ( pSound ) { m_pSound = pSound; BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, &m_fDefaultFrequency ); BASS_ChannelSetAttribute ( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, m_fPlaybackSpeed * m_fDefaultFrequency ); if ( !m_b3D ) BASS_ChannelSetAttribute( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, m_fVolume ); ApplyFxEffects (); // Set a Callback function for download finished or connection closed prematurely m_hSyncDownload = BASS_ChannelSetSync ( pSound, BASS_SYNC_DOWNLOAD, 0, &DownloadSync, m_uiCallbackId ); SetFinishedCallbacks (); if ( BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet ( pSound, (BPMPROC*)&BPMCallback, 1, 0, 0, m_uiCallbackId ) == false ) { g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print ( "BASS ERROR in BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet" ); } if ( BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet ( pSound, (BPMBEATPROC*)&BeatCallback, m_uiCallbackId ) == false ) { g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print ( "BASS ERROR in BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet" ); } // get the broadcast name const char* szIcy; szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_ICY ); if ( ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_ICY ) ) || ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_WMA ) ) || ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_HTTP ) ) ) { if ( szIcy ) { for ( ; *szIcy; szIcy += strlen ( szIcy ) + 1 ) { if ( !strnicmp ( szIcy, "icy-name:", 9 ) ) // ICY / HTTP { m_strStreamName = szIcy + 9; break; } else if ( !strnicmp ( szIcy, "title=", 6 ) ) // WMA { m_strStreamName = szIcy + 6; break; } //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS STREAM INFO %s", szIcy ); } } } // set sync for stream titles m_hSyncMeta = BASS_ChannelSetSync( pSound, BASS_SYNC_META, 0, &MetaSync, m_uiCallbackId ); // Shoutcast //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_META", BASS_ErrorGetCode() ); //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE,0,&MetaSync,this); // Icecast/OGG //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE", BASS_ErrorGetCode() ); //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_WMA_META,0,&MetaSync,this); // script/mid-stream tags //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_WMA_META", BASS_ErrorGetCode() ); //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_WMA_CHANGE,0,&WMAChangeSync,this); // server-side playlist changes //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_WMA_CHANGE", BASS_ErrorGetCode() ); } else g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in PlayStream b3D = %s path = %s", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), m_b3D ? "true" : "false", m_strPath.c_str() ); OutputDebugLine ( "[Bass] stream connect complete" ); AddQueuedEvent ( SOUND_EVENT_STREAM_RESULT, m_strStreamName, GetLength (), pSound ? true : false ); }
void CFusicCartsDlg::OnBnClickedBtnLogout() { //ensure we want to logout: int res = MessageBox("Are you sure you want to log out?\nNOTE: All user carts will be " "halted when you logout.", "Fusic", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION); if(res == IDNO) { //don't logout: return; } //stop all user carts: //(stop all nav buttons): for(std::vector<SNavigationStreams>::iterator i = m_vecNavStreamsBottom.begin(); i != m_vecNavStreamsBottom.end(); i++) { //fade out the cart (500 ms): BASS_ChannelSlideAttribute(i->stream, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, 0, 500); //also remove from the map: for(T_mapCallback::iterator j = g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j != g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j++) { if(j->first == i->syncHandle) { g_mapCartCallbacks.erase(j); break; } } //remove old end sync: BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(i->stream, i->syncHandle); //create a new sync at the end of the slide: //NOTE: We should be safe to call this callback function, it is a part of a class //that will be destroyed when the window is, however, it is a static function and //therefore //does not need a class to be created in order to use the function: BASS_ChannelSetSync(i->stream, BASS_SYNC_SLIDE, 0, &CCallbackButton::fnSlideCallback, NULL); } //(stop page buttons): for(mapCart::iterator i = m_mapBtnCartBottom.begin(); i != m_mapBtnCartBottom.end(); i++) { i->second->fnStop(true); } //add all the currently playing fuse carts: //(current wall): for(mapCart::iterator i = m_mapBtnCartTop.begin(); i != m_mapBtnCartTop.end(); i++) { if(i->second->fnGetCurrentStream() != 0) { CString strTitle; SCartsList lst; HSYNC callbackSync; //remove the callback from the global map: for(T_mapCallback::iterator j = g_mapCartCallbacks.begin(); j != g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j++) { if(j->first == i->second->fnGetCurrentSync()) { g_mapCartCallbacks.erase(j); break; } } //reset the callback: BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(i->second->fnGetCurrentStream(), i->second->fnGetCurrentSync()); callbackSync = BASS_ChannelSetSync(i->second->fnGetCurrentStream(), BASS_SYNC_END, 0, CFusicLoginDlg::fnLoginDialogCartCallback, m_pLoginDlg); //create a new cart list element: i->second->GetWindowTextA(strTitle); lst.hstCartsStream = i->second->fnGetCurrentStream(); lst.hsyCartsSync = 0; lst.strTitle = strTitle; lst.hsyCartsSync = callbackSync; lst.intPageNumber = m_intCurrnetDialogPageTop; lst.strCartPosistion = i->first; m_pLoginDlg->fnAddCartToList(lst); }//if }//for //(nav walls): for(std::vector<SNavigationStreams>::iterator ii = m_vecNavStreamsTop.begin(); ii != m_vecNavStreamsTop.end(); ii++) { CString strTitle; SCartsList lst; HSYNC callbackSync; lst.hstCartsStream = ii->stream; lst.intPageNumber = ii->intPageNumber; lst.strCartPosistion = ii->btnIterator->first; //remove the callback from the global map: for(T_mapCallback::iterator j = g_mapCartCallbacks.begin(); j != g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j++) { if(j->first == ii->syncHandle) { g_mapCartCallbacks.erase(j); break; } } //change the callbacks: BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(ii->stream, ii->syncHandle); callbackSync = BASS_ChannelSetSync(ii->stream, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, CFusicLoginDlg::fnLoginDialogCartCallback, m_pLoginDlg); lst.hsyCartsSync = callbackSync; //to get the title we will need to do an SQL query :-( CString strQuery; CString strPageNumber; strPageNumber.Format("%d", ii->intPageNumber); strQuery = "SELECT Cart_Title FROM tbl_carts WHERE Show_ID = 0 AND Cart_ID = "; strQuery += strPageNumber; strQuery += ii->btnIterator->first; //do the query: mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = fnGetResultSetForQuery(strQuery); lst.strTitle = res[0]["Cart_Title"]; m_pLoginDlg->fnAddCartToList(lst); } //kill the main dialog: m_pMainDlg->doOk(); //logout of the fusic carts screen: OnOK(); }
BOOL CFusicCartsDlg::OnInitDialog() { mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult resFuse; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult resUser; CDialog::OnInitDialog(); //set the stop all button dialog pointer: m_ctlBtnStopall.fnSetCartsDialogPointer((void*)this); //set up button maps: fnSetupButtonMaps(); //set up all nav buttons: for(mapNav::iterator i = m_mapBtnNavBottom.begin(); i != m_mapBtnNavBottom.end(); i++) { i->second->fnSetupNavButtonForPage(i->first, USERCARTS, (void*)this); } for(mapNav::iterator i = m_mapBtnNavTop.begin(); i != m_mapBtnNavTop.end(); i++) { i->second->fnSetupNavButtonForPage(i->first, FUSECARTS, (void*)this); } //setup all carts buttons: for(mapCart::iterator i = m_mapBtnCartBottom.begin(); i != m_mapBtnCartBottom.end(); i++) { i->second->fnSetDefaultButton(); } for(mapCart::iterator i = m_mapBtnCartTop.begin(); i != m_mapBtnCartTop.end(); i++) { i->second->fnSetDefaultButton(); } //setup stopall button: m_ctlBtnStopall.fnSetBackColour(255,0,0, true); m_ctlBtnStopall.fnSetFontColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnStopall.fnSetEdgeColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnStopall.fnSetClickColourChange(true); //setup logout button: m_ctlBtnLogout.fnSetBackColour(255,0,0,true); m_ctlBtnLogout.fnSetFontColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnLogout.fnSetEdgeColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnLogout.fnSetClickColourChange(true); //setup reconnect button: m_ctlBtnReconnect.fnSetBackColour(255,0,0,true); m_ctlBtnReconnect.fnSetFontColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnReconnect.fnSetEdgeColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnReconnect.fnSetClickColourChange(true); //setup refresh button: m_ctlBtnRefresh.fnSetBackColour(255,0,0,true); m_ctlBtnRefresh.fnSetFontColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnRefresh.fnSetEdgeColour(255,255,0); m_ctlBtnRefresh.fnSetClickColourChange(true); //create the connection to mysql: if(!connect()) { //we didnt connect: CString strError; strError = "Error: could not connecto the mysql database: "; strError += m_PMYSQLConn->error(); strError += "."; MessageBox(strError, "Carts Pane", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } //need to get all fuse carts: resFuse = fnGetResultSetForQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl_carts where Show_ID = 0 and Cart_ID like '1%'"); //setup fuse carts: fnSetupButtonForPageData(resFuse, FUSECARTS); //do the query for user carts: CString strQuery; CString strShowID; strShowID.Format("%d", g_intShowID); strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tbl_carts where Show_ID = "; strQuery += strShowID; strQuery += " and Cart_ID like '1%'"; //do the query: resUser = fnGetResultSetForQuery(strQuery); //setup the user buttons: fnSetupButtonForPageData(resUser, USERCARTS); //we need now to get carts that where left playing on logout: for(std::vector<SCartsList>::iterator i = m_pLoginDlg->m_vecCartsList.begin(); i != m_pLoginDlg->m_vecCartsList.end(); i++) { //we want to set all current first buttons up (as these will be displaied first): //get the button we firstly need to change: CCartsButton* curBtn = NULL; if(i->intPageNumber == 1) { curBtn = m_mapBtnCartTop[i->strCartPosistion]; if(curBtn == NULL) break; for(T_mapCallback::iterator j = g_mapCartCallbacks.begin(); j != g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j++) { if(j->first == i->hsyCartsSync) { g_mapCartCallbacks.erase(j); break; } } //set all settings back; curBtn->fnPageMoveOn(i->hstCartsStream, i->hsyCartsSync); //also reset the callback: BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(i->hstCartsStream, i->hsyCartsSync); //set the new callback for the button: HSYNC callback = BASS_ChannelSetSync(i->hstCartsStream, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, &CCallbackButton::fnEndCallback, 0); //add to the callback map: g_mapCartCallbacks[callback] = (CCallbackButton*)curBtn; } else { //the other buttons arn't on the first page. //so we need to put them back into the Navigation stream vector: //fist find the nav button that this cart will corrispond to: CNavigationButton* navBtn = m_mapBtnNavTop[i->intPageNumber]; //remove the callback before we change it from the map: for(T_mapCallback::iterator j = g_mapCartCallbacks.begin(); j != g_mapCartCallbacks.end(); j++) { if(j->first == i->hsyCartsSync) { g_mapCartCallbacks.erase(j); break; } } BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(i->hstCartsStream, i->hsyCartsSync); HSYNC synx = BASS_ChannelSetSync(i->hstCartsStream, BASS_SYNC_END,0, &CCallbackButton::fnEndCallback, 0); SNavigationStreams sNav; sNav.intPageNumber = i->intPageNumber; = i->hstCartsStream; sNav.syncHandle = i->hsyCartsSync; sNav.syncHandle = synx; //sNav. //now the tricky part, we need to create a std::mapCart::iterator for the //button that we can store in the struct; the only way I can see of doing this //is to iterate over the buttons untill we find one with the appropriate ID: for(mapCart::iterator ii = m_mapBtnCartTop.begin(); ii != m_mapBtnCartTop.end(); ii++) { if(ii->first == i->strCartPosistion) { sNav.btnIterator = ii; break; } } //reset the callback: g_mapCartCallbacks[i->hsyCartsSync] = navBtn; //incrase the reference count on the nav button (to start it flashing): navBtn->fnIncreasePlayCount(); //also add to the nav stream map: m_vecNavStreamsTop.push_back(sNav); } } //allow the window to be changed. AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY); //clear out the vector on the login dialog for the next logout population: m_pLoginDlg->m_vecCartsList.clear(); //begin the fader start timer: SetTimer(WM_USER + 10, 10, NULL); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
void SetLoopEnd(QWORD pos) { loop[1]=pos; BASS_ChannelRemoveSync(chan,lsync); // remove old sync lsync=BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan,BASS_SYNC_POS|BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME,loop[1],LoopSyncProc,0); // set new sync }
void bmx_bass_setsync(DWORD handle, DWORD stype, QWORD param, MaxSyncData * syncData, DWORD * channel, DWORD * data, int * set) { syncData->channel = channel; syncData->data = data; syncData->set = set; syncData->handle = BASS_ChannelSetSync(handle, stype, param, bmx_sync_callback, syncData); }