BCPressureData *NewBCPressureData()
   BCPressureData    *bc_pressure_data;

   bc_pressure_data = ctalloc(BCPressureData, 1);

   BCPressureDataNumPhases(bc_pressure_data) = 0;

   BCPressureDataNumPatches(bc_pressure_data) = -1;

   BCPressureDataTypes(bc_pressure_data) = NULL;

   BCPressureDataCycleNumbers(bc_pressure_data) = NULL;

   BCPressureDataPatchIndexes(bc_pressure_data) = NULL;

   BCPressureDataBCTypes(bc_pressure_data) = NULL;

   BCPressureDataValues(bc_pressure_data) = NULL;

   return bc_pressure_data;
Esempio n. 2
void LBInitializeBC(
                    Lattice *    lattice,
                    Problem *    problem,
                    ProblemData *problem_data)
  * Local variables

  /* Lattice variables */
  Grid  *grid = (lattice->grid);
  Vector *pressure = (lattice->pressure);
  Vector *perm = (lattice->perm);
  CharVector *cellType = (lattice->cellType);
  double time = (lattice->t);

  /* Structures */
  BCPressureData *bc_pressure_data = ProblemDataBCPressureData(problem_data);
  TimeCycleData   *time_cycle_data;
  SubgridArray   *subgrids = GridSubgrids(grid);
  GrGeomSolid    *gr_domain;

  /* Patch variables */
  double       ***values;
  double         *patch_values = NULL;
  int            *fdir;

  /* Grid parameters */
  Subgrid   *subgrid;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx_v, ny_v, nz_v;

  /* Indices and counters */
  int num_patches;
  int num_phases;
  int ipatch, is, i, j, k, ival;
  int cycle_number, interval_number;
  int r;

  /* Physical variables and coefficients */
  Subvector *sub_p;
  double    *pp;
  Subvector *sub_perm;
  double    *permp;
  Subcharvector *sub_cellType;
  char      *cellTypep;
  double rho_g;

  /* Communications */
  VectorUpdateCommHandle *handle;

   *  Initializations
  rho_g = ProblemGravity(problem) * RHO;
  num_patches = BCPressureDataNumPatches(bc_pressure_data);
  gr_domain = ProblemDataGrDomain(problem_data);
  num_phases = BCPressureDataNumPhases(bc_pressure_data);
  if (num_patches > 0)
    time_cycle_data = BCPressureDataTimeCycleData(bc_pressure_data);
    values = ctalloc(double **, num_patches);

    for (ipatch = 0; ipatch < num_patches; ipatch++)
      values[ipatch] = ctalloc(double *, SubgridArraySize(subgrids));

      cycle_number = BCPressureDataCycleNumber(bc_pressure_data, ipatch);
      interval_number = TimeCycleDataComputeIntervalNumber(problem, time,
                                                           time_cycle_data, cycle_number);

      switch (BCPressureDataType(bc_pressure_data, ipatch))
        case 0:
          BCPressureType0 *bc_pressure_type0;

          GeomSolid       *ref_solid;

          double z, dz2;
          double         **elevations;
          int ref_patch, iel;

          bc_pressure_type0 = (BCPressureType0*)BCPressureDataIntervalValue(
                                                                            bc_pressure_data, ipatch, interval_number);
          ref_solid = ProblemDataSolid(problem_data,
          ref_patch = BCPressureType0RefPatch(bc_pressure_type0);

          /* Calculate elevations at (x,y) points on reference patch. */
          elevations = CalcElevations(ref_solid, ref_patch, subgrids, problem_data);

          ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
            /* subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, is); */
            subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);
            sub_p = VectorSubvector(pressure, is);
            sub_perm = VectorSubvector(perm, is);
            sub_cellType = CharVectorSubcharvector(cellType, is);

            nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
            ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
            nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

            ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
            iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
            iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

            /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
            r = SubgridRX(subgrid);

            pp = SubvectorData(sub_p);
            permp = SubvectorData(sub_perm);
            cellTypep = SubcharvectorData(sub_cellType);

            nx_v = SubvectorNX(sub_p);
            ny_v = SubvectorNY(sub_p);
            nz_v = SubvectorNZ(sub_p);

            values[ipatch][is] = patch_values;

            dz2 = RealSpaceDZ(0) / 2.0;

            GrGeomPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, gr_domain, ipatch,
                            r, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
              ival = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_p, i, j, k);
              iel = (i - ix) + (j - iy) * nx;
              z = RealSpaceZ(k, 0) + fdir[2] * dz2;

              pp[ival] = BCPressureType0Value(bc_pressure_type0)
                         - rho_g * (z - elevations[is][iel]);

              cellTypep[ival] = 0;

          }       /* End subgrid loop */


        case 1:
          BCPressureType1 *bc_pressure_type1;
          int num_points;
          double x, y, z, dx2, dy2, dz2;
          double unitx, unity, line_min, line_length, xy, slope;
          int ip;

          bc_pressure_type1 = (BCPressureType1*)BCPressureDataIntervalValue(bc_pressure_data, ipatch, interval_number);

          ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
            /* subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, is); */
            subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);
            sub_p = VectorSubvector(pressure, is);
            sub_perm = VectorSubvector(perm, is);
            sub_cellType = CharVectorSubcharvector(cellType, is);

            nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
            ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
            nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

            ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
            iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
            iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

            /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
            r = SubgridRX(subgrid);

            pp = SubvectorData(sub_p);
            permp = SubvectorData(sub_perm);
            cellTypep = SubcharvectorData(sub_cellType);

            nx_v = SubvectorNX(sub_p);
            ny_v = SubvectorNY(sub_p);
            nz_v = SubvectorNZ(sub_p);

            values[ipatch][is] = patch_values;

            dx2 = RealSpaceDX(0) / 2.0;
            dy2 = RealSpaceDY(0) / 2.0;
            dz2 = RealSpaceDZ(0) / 2.0;

            /* compute unit direction vector for piecewise linear line */
            unitx = BCPressureType1XUpper(bc_pressure_type1) - BCPressureType1XLower(bc_pressure_type1);
            unity = BCPressureType1YUpper(bc_pressure_type1) - BCPressureType1YLower(bc_pressure_type1);
            line_length = sqrt(unitx * unitx + unity * unity);
            unitx /= line_length;
            unity /= line_length;
            line_min = BCPressureType1XLower(bc_pressure_type1) * unitx
                       + BCPressureType1YLower(bc_pressure_type1) * unity;

            GrGeomPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, gr_domain, ipatch,
                            r, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
              ival = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_p, i, j, k);

              x = RealSpaceX(i, 0) + fdir[0] * dx2;
              y = RealSpaceY(j, 0) + fdir[1] * dy2;
              z = RealSpaceZ(k, 0) + fdir[2] * dz2;

              /* project center of BC face onto piecewise line */
              xy = (x * unitx + y * unity - line_min) / line_length;

              /* find two neighboring points */
              ip = 1;
              /* Kludge; this needs to be fixed. */
              num_points = 2;
              for (; ip < (num_points - 1); ip++)
                if (xy < BCPressureType1Point(bc_pressure_type1, ip))

              /* compute the slope */
              slope = ((BCPressureType1Value(bc_pressure_type1, ip) - BCPressureType1Value(bc_pressure_type1, (ip - 1)))
                       / (BCPressureType1Point(bc_pressure_type1, ip) - BCPressureType1Point(bc_pressure_type1, (ip - 1))));

              pp[ival] = BCPressureType1Value(bc_pressure_type1, ip - 1)
                         + slope * (xy - BCPressureType1Point(
                                                              bc_pressure_type1, ip - 1))
                         - rho_g * z;

              cellTypep[ival] = 0;
          }      /* End subgrid loop */