Esempio n. 1
|    AlsaOutput_PutPacket
AlsaOutput_PutPacket(BLT_PacketConsumer* _self,
                     BLT_MediaPacket*    packet)
    AlsaOutput*             self = ATX_SELF(AlsaOutput, BLT_PacketConsumer);
    const BLT_PcmMediaType* media_type;
    BLT_ByteBuffer          buffer;
    BLT_Size                size;
    BLT_Result              result;

    /* check parameters */
    if (packet == NULL) {

    /* check the payload buffer and size */
    buffer = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(packet);
    size = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadSize(packet);
    if (size == 0) return BLT_SUCCESS;

    /* get the media type */
    result = BLT_MediaPacket_GetMediaType(packet, (const BLT_MediaType**)(const void*)&media_type);
    if (BLT_FAILED(result)) return result;

    /* check the media type */
    if (media_type-> != BLT_MEDIA_TYPE_ID_AUDIO_PCM) {

    /* configure the device for this format */
    result = AlsaOutput_Configure(self, media_type);
	if (BLT_FAILED(result)) return result;
    /* update the media time */
        BLT_TimeStamp ts = BLT_MediaPacket_GetTimeStamp(packet);
        ATX_UInt64    ts_nanos = BLT_TimeStamp_ToNanos(ts);
        BLT_TimeStamp packet_duration;
        if (media_type->sample_rate   && 
            media_type->channel_count && 
            media_type->bits_per_sample) {
            unsigned int sample_count = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadSize(packet)/
            packet_duration = BLT_TimeStamp_FromSamples(sample_count, media_type->sample_rate);            
        } else {
            packet_duration = BLT_TimeStamp_FromSeconds(0);
        if (ts_nanos == 0) {
            self->media_time = self->next_media_time;
        } else {
            self->media_time = ts_nanos;
        self->next_media_time = self->media_time+BLT_TimeStamp_ToNanos(packet_duration);
    /* write the audio samples */
    return AlsaOutput_Write(self, buffer, size);
Esempio n. 2
|   AacDecoderInput_PutPacket
AacDecoderInput_PutPacket(BLT_PacketConsumer* _self,
                          BLT_MediaPacket*    packet)
    AacDecoder* self = ATX_SELF_M(input, AacDecoder, BLT_PacketConsumer);
    ATX_Result  result;

    /* check to see if this is the end of a stream */
    if (BLT_MediaPacket_GetFlags(packet) & 
        self->input.eos = BLT_TRUE;

    /* check to see if we need to create a decoder for this */
    if (self->helix_decoder == NULL) {
        AacDecoderConfig             decoder_config;
        AACFrameInfo                 aac_frame_info;
        const BLT_MediaType*         media_type;
        const BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType* mp4_media_type;

        BLT_MediaPacket_GetMediaType(packet, &media_type);
        if (media_type == NULL || media_type->id != self->mp4es_type_id) {
            return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE;
        mp4_media_type = (const BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType*)media_type;
        if (mp4_media_type->base.stream_type != BLT_MP4_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) {
            return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE;
        if (BLT_FAILED(AacDecoderConfig_Parse(mp4_media_type->decoder_info, mp4_media_type->decoder_info_length, &decoder_config))) {
        if (decoder_config.object_type != BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_AAC_LC &&
            decoder_config.object_type != BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_SBR) {
        /* create the decoder */
        self->helix_decoder = AACInitDecoder();
        if (self->helix_decoder == NULL) return BLT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        /* configure the decoder */
        ATX_SetMemory(&aac_frame_info, 0, sizeof(aac_frame_info));
        aac_frame_info.nChans       = AacDecoderConfig_GetChannelCount(&decoder_config);
        aac_frame_info.sampRateCore = AacDecoderConfig_GetSampleRate(&decoder_config);
        if (decoder_config.object_type == BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_AAC_LC) {
            aac_frame_info.profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
        self->sample_buffer_size = BLT_AAC_FRAME_SIZE*2*aac_frame_info.nChans*2; /* the last *2 is for SBR support */
        AACSetRawBlockParams(self->helix_decoder, 0, &aac_frame_info);        

        unsigned char*   in_buffer;
        int              in_size;
        short*           out_buffer;
        BLT_MediaPacket* out_packet;
        AACFrameInfo     aac_frame_info;
        /* create a PCM packet for the output */
        result = BLT_Core_CreateMediaPacket(ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).core,
        if (BLT_FAILED(result)) return result;

        /* copy the timestamp */
        BLT_MediaPacket_SetTimeStamp(out_packet, BLT_MediaPacket_GetTimeStamp(packet));

        /* decode the packet as a frame */
        in_buffer  = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(packet);
        in_size    = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadSize(packet);
        out_buffer = (short*)BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(out_packet);
        result = AACDecode(self->helix_decoder, &in_buffer, &in_size, out_buffer); 
        if (result != 0) {

        /* check that the sample buffer matches our current media type */
        AACGetLastFrameInfo(self->helix_decoder, &aac_frame_info);
        if (self->output.media_type.channel_count == 0) {
            /* first time, setup our media type */
            self->output.media_type.channel_count   = aac_frame_info.nChans;
            self->output.media_type.sample_rate     = aac_frame_info.sampRateOut;
            self->output.media_type.bits_per_sample = 16;
            self->output.media_type.sample_format   = BLT_PCM_SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT_NE;
            self->output.media_type.channel_mask    = 0;

            /* update the stream info */
            if (ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).context) {
                BLT_StreamInfo stream_info;
                stream_info.data_type     = "MPEG-4 AAC";
                stream_info.sample_rate   = aac_frame_info.sampRateOut;
                stream_info.channel_count = aac_frame_info.nChans;
                stream_info.mask = BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_DATA_TYPE    |
                                   BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_SAMPLE_RATE  |
                BLT_Stream_SetInfo(ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).context, &stream_info);

            /* update the packet media type */
            BLT_MediaPacket_SetMediaType(out_packet, (BLT_MediaType*)&self->output.media_type);
        } else {
            /* we've already setup a media type, check that this is the same */
            if (self->output.media_type.sample_rate   != (unsigned int)aac_frame_info.sampRateOut || 
                self->output.media_type.channel_count != aac_frame_info.nChans) {
                return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT;

        /* add to the output packet list */
        BLT_MediaPacket_SetPayloadSize(out_packet, aac_frame_info.outputSamps*2);
        ATX_List_AddData(self->output.packets, out_packet);

    return BLT_SUCCESS;
|    OsxAudioUnitsOutput_RenderCallback
static OSStatus     
OsxAudioUnitsOutput_RenderCallback(void*						inRefCon,
                                   AudioUnitRenderActionFlags*	ioActionFlags,
                                   const AudioTimeStamp*		inTimeStamp,
                                   UInt32						inBusNumber,
                                   UInt32						inNumberFrames,
                                   AudioBufferList*			    ioData)
    OsxAudioUnitsOutput* self = (OsxAudioUnitsOutput*)inRefCon;
    ATX_ListItem*        item;
    unsigned int         requested;
    unsigned char*       out;
    ATX_Boolean          timestamp_measured = ATX_FALSE;
    /* sanity check on the parameters */
    if (ioData == NULL || ioData->mNumberBuffers == 0) return 0;
    /* in case we have a strange request with more than one buffer, just return silence */
    if (ioData->mNumberBuffers != 1) {
        unsigned int i;
        ATX_LOG_FINEST_1("strange request with %d buffers", 
        for (i=0; i<ioData->mNumberBuffers; i++) {
            ATX_SetMemory(ioData->mBuffers[i].mData, 0, ioData->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize);
        return 0;
    /* init local variables */
    requested = ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize;
    out = (unsigned char*)ioData->mBuffers[0].mData;
    ATX_LOG_FINEST_2("request for %d bytes, %d frames", (int)requested, (int)inNumberFrames);

    /* lock the packet queue */
    /* return now if we're paused */
    //if (self->paused) goto end;
    /* abort early if we have no packets */
    if (ATX_List_GetItemCount(self->packet_queue) == 0) goto end;
    /* fill as much as we can */
    while (requested && (item = ATX_List_GetFirstItem(self->packet_queue))) {
        BLT_MediaPacket*        packet = ATX_ListItem_GetData(item);
        const BLT_PcmMediaType* media_type;
        BLT_Size                payload_size;
        BLT_Size                chunk_size;
        BLT_TimeStamp           chunk_duration;
        BLT_TimeStamp           packet_ts;
        unsigned int            bytes_per_frame;
        unsigned int            sample_rate;
        /* get the packet info */
        BLT_MediaPacket_GetMediaType(packet, (const BLT_MediaType**)&media_type);
        packet_ts = BLT_MediaPacket_GetTimeStamp(packet);
        bytes_per_frame = media_type->channel_count*media_type->bits_per_sample/8;
        sample_rate = media_type->sample_rate;
        /* record the timestamp if we have not already done so */
        if (!timestamp_measured) {
            self->media_time_snapshot.rendered_packet_ts = packet_ts;
            self->media_time_snapshot.rendered_host_time = 
            BLT_TimeStamp_Set(self->media_time_snapshot.rendered_duration, 0, 0);
            timestamp_measured = ATX_TRUE;
            ATX_LOG_FINEST_2("rendered TS: packet ts=%lld, host ts=%lld",
        /* compute how much to copy from this packet */
        payload_size = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadSize(packet);
        if (payload_size <= requested) {
            /* copy the entire payload and remove the packet from the queue */
            chunk_size = payload_size;
            ATX_CopyMemory(out, BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(packet), chunk_size);
            ATX_List_RemoveItem(self->packet_queue, item);
            packet = NULL;
            media_type = NULL;
            ATX_LOG_FINER_1("media packet fully consumed, %d left in queue",
        } else {
            /* only copy a portion of the payload */
            chunk_size = requested;
            ATX_CopyMemory(out, BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(packet), chunk_size);            
        /* update the counters */
        requested -= chunk_size;
        out       += chunk_size;
        /* update the media time snapshot */
        if (bytes_per_frame) {
            unsigned int frames_in_chunk = chunk_size/bytes_per_frame;
            chunk_duration = BLT_TimeStamp_FromSamples(frames_in_chunk, sample_rate);
        } else {
            BLT_TimeStamp_Set(chunk_duration, 0, 0);
        self->media_time_snapshot.rendered_duration = 
            BLT_TimeStamp_Add(self->media_time_snapshot.rendered_duration, chunk_duration);
        /* update the packet unless we're done with it */
        if (packet) {
            /* update the packet offset and timestamp */
            BLT_MediaPacket_SetPayloadOffset(packet, BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadOffset(packet)+chunk_size);
            BLT_MediaPacket_SetTimeStamp(packet, BLT_TimeStamp_Add(packet_ts, chunk_duration));
    /* fill whatever is left with silence */    
    if (requested) {
        ATX_LOG_FINEST_1("filling with %d bytes of silence", requested);
        ATX_SetMemory(out, 0, requested);
    return 0;