Esempio n. 1
static void erot_state_ex(const BMEdge *e, int v_index[2], int f_index[2])
	BLI_assert(BM_vert_in_edge(e, e->l->prev->v)              == false);
	BLI_assert(BM_vert_in_edge(e, e->l->radial_next->prev->v) == false);

	/* verts of the edge */
	v_index[0] = BM_elem_index_get(e->v1);
	v_index[1] = BM_elem_index_get(e->v2);
	EDGE_ORD(v_index[0], v_index[1]);

	/* verts of each of the 2 faces attached to this edge
	 * (that are not apart of this edge) */
	f_index[0] = BM_elem_index_get(e->l->prev->v);
	f_index[1] = BM_elem_index_get(e->l->radial_next->prev->v);
	EDGE_ORD(f_index[0], f_index[1]);
Esempio n. 2
/* recalc an edge in the heap (surrounding geometry has changed) */
static void bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(
        BMEdge *e, Heap *eheap, HeapNode **eheap_table, GSet **edge_state_arr,
        /* only for testing the edge is in the array */
        const BMEdge **edge_array, const int edge_array_len,

        const short flag, const short method)
	if (edge_in_array(e, edge_array, edge_array_len)) {
		const int i = BM_elem_index_get(e);
		GSet *e_state_set = edge_state_arr[i];

		if (eheap_table[i]) {
			BLI_heap_remove(eheap, eheap_table[i]);
			eheap_table[i] = NULL;

		/* check if we can add it back */
		BLI_assert(BM_edge_is_manifold(e) == true);

		/* check we're not moving back into a state we have been in before */
		if (e_state_set != NULL) {
			EdRotState e_state_alt;
			erot_state_alternate(e, &e_state_alt);
			if (BLI_gset_haskey(e_state_set, (void *)&e_state_alt)) {
				// printf("  skipping, we already have this state\n");

			/* recalculate edge */
			const float cost = bm_edge_calc_rotate_beauty(e, flag, method);
			if (cost < 0.0f) {
				eheap_table[i] = BLI_heap_insert(eheap, cost, e);
			else {
				eheap_table[i] = NULL;
Esempio n. 3
static bool bmo_recalc_normal_loop_filter_cb(const BMLoop *l, void *UNUSED(user_data))
  return BM_edge_is_manifold(l->e);