Esempio n. 1
 void del(A0& a0, A1 & a1, const char& orient, boost::mpl::long_<2> const&) const
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r1, boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(q1, boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1));
    static inline void apply(Polygon const& polygon_in, ring_identifier id,
                Polygon& polygon_out, MarkMap const& mark_map)
        typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;

        typedef range_remove_marked<ring_type, MarkMap> per_range;
        id.ring_index = -1;
        per_range::apply(exterior_ring(polygon_in), id, exterior_ring(polygon_out), mark_map);

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon const>::type rings_in
                    = interior_rings(polygon_in);
        typename interior_return_type<Polygon>::type rings_out
                    = interior_rings(polygon_out);

        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(out, boost::begin(rings_out));

        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings_in));
            it != boost::end(rings_in);
            ++it, ++out)
            per_range::apply(*it, id, *out, mark_map);
Esempio n. 3
    static inline void apply(Polygon1 const& source, Polygon2& destination)
        // Clearing managed per ring, and in the resizing of interior rings


        // Container should be resizeable
        typename pdalboost::remove_reference
        typename traits::interior_mutable_type<Polygon2>::type
        >::apply(interior_rings(destination), num_interior_rings(source));

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon1 const>::type rings_source
            = interior_rings(source);
        typename interior_return_type<Polygon2>::type rings_dest
            = interior_rings(destination);

        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it_source, pdalboost::begin(rings_source));
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it_dest, pdalboost::begin(rings_dest));

        for ( ; it_source != pdalboost::end(rings_source); ++it_source, ++it_dest)
            per_ring::apply(*it_source, *it_dest);
Esempio n. 4
 static void evenx2(A0& out, std::size_t n)
   value_type nn = n;
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p, nt2::_(value_type(1), nn));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(j, nt2::trunc(nt2::mod(p,nt2::Four<value_type>())*nt2::Half<value_type>()));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(k, nt2::sx(nt2::tag::is_equal_(), j, nt2::colvect(j)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p1, colvect(nt2::_(value_type(1), nn, nt2::sqr(nn))));
   out =  nt2::sx(nt2::tag::plus_(),p1,nt2::minusone(p));
   out(k) = nt2::oneplus(sqr(nn)) - out(k);
Esempio n. 5
 static void compute(A0& out,const C& c, const R& r)
   size_t p = numel(r);
   size_t m = numel(c);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(idx, nt2::_(ptrdiff_t(p), ptrdiff_t(-1), ptrdiff_t(2)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(ridx, nt2::colvect(r(idx)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(x, catv(ridx, c)); //build vector of user data
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(v1, nt2::fliplr(nt2::cif(m, p, meta::as_<ptrdiff_t>())));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(v2, nt2::ric(m, p, meta::as_<ptrdiff_t>()));
   out(nt2::_) = x(v1+v2);
Esempio n. 6
      static void matrix_compute(const size_t & n, const size_t & k, A1 & a1)
      typedef typename boost::proto::result_of::child_c<A1&,0>::type       a_t;
      a_t & a = boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1);
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(c, nt2::cumprod(nt2::_(value_t(2), value_t(n+1))));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(d, nt2::cumprod(nt2::_(value_t(n+1), value_t(2*n)))*c(n-1));

      a = nt2::hankel(c, d);
      if (k) a = nt2::rec(a);
Esempio n. 7
 static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0& y)
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(test, nt2::is_ltz(a0));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(test, nt2::logical_or(nt2::is_ltz(a0), nt2::is_nan(a0)));
   A0 y1 = nt2::if_nan_else(test, y);
   y1 = if_else(nt2::is_equal(a0, nt2::Inf<A0>()), a0, y1);
   return if_else(is_eqz(a0), nt2::Minf<A0>(), y1);
Esempio n. 8
 value_t compute(const  FUNC &f, const X&ranges, const input_t & vol,  input_t fact)
     size_t n = size(ranges, 1);
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r1, ranges(nt2::_, begin_));
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r1ex, nt2::expand_to(r1,   nt2::of_size(n, nbpts_)));
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r2ex, nt2::expand_to(fact, nt2::of_size(n, nbpts_)));
     rtab_t rnd = nt2::quasi(n, nbpts_, nt2::meta::as_<real_t>());
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(x, nt2::fma(rnd, r2ex, r1ex));
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(z, f(x));
     if (compute_err_)
         real_t fnbpt = real_t(nbpts_);
         err_ += nt2::pow(nt2::log(fnbpt), real_t(n))*nt2::Three<real_t>()*vol*nt2::real(nt2::globalstdev(z))/fnbpt;
     return vol*nt2::globalmean(z);
Esempio n. 9
    static inline void apply(PolygonInput const& polygon, PolygonOutput& buffered,
            typename coordinate_type<PolygonOutput>::type distance,
            JoinStrategy const& join_strategy
            , Mapper& mapper

        typedef typename ring_type<PolygonInput>::type input_ring_type;
        typedef typename ring_type<PolygonOutput>::type output_ring_type;

        typedef ring_buffer<input_ring_type, output_ring_type, JoinStrategy> policy;
        policy::apply(exterior_ring(polygon), exterior_ring(buffered),
                distance, join_strategy
                , mapper

        typename interior_return_type<PolygonInput const>::type rings
                    = interior_rings(polygon);
        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings)); it != boost::end(rings); ++it)
            output_ring_type ring;
            policy::apply(*it, ring, distance, join_strategy
                , mapper
Esempio n. 10
 static inline void apply(MultiGeometry& multi, Functor& f)
     for(BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(multi)); it != boost::end(multi); ++it)
         Policy::apply(*it, f);
Esempio n. 11
 BOOST_FORCEINLINE static void conf_bounds(const A0& a0, A1& a1,
                                           const value_type& alpha )
   nt2::container::table<value_type> pcov =  boost::proto::child_c<3>(a0);
   const In0& x  = boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0);
   const In1& mu = boost::proto::child_c<1>(a0);
   const In2& sigma = boost::proto::child_c<2>(a0);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(z, (x-mu)/sigma);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(zvar, pcov(1,1) + (Two<value_type>()*pcov(1,2) + pcov(2,2)*z)*z);
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(nt2::globalall(nt2::is_gez(zvar)), "Covariance matrix must be positive");
   value_type normz = -nt2::norminv(alpha*nt2::Half<value_type>());
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(halfwidth, normz*nt2::sqrt(zvar)/sigma);
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = Half<value_type>()*nt2::erfc(-Sqrt_2o_2<value_type>()*z);
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = Half<value_type>()*nt2::erfc(-Sqrt_2o_2<value_type>()*(z-halfwidth));
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = Half<value_type>()*nt2::erfc(-Sqrt_2o_2<value_type>()*(z+halfwidth));
Esempio n. 12
  template<class TAG, class F, class X> BOOST_FORCEINLINE
  typename details::integration<F, X, TAG>::result_type
  primitive(F f, X x)
    typedef details::integration<F, X, TAG>        i_t;
    typedef typename i_t::input_t              input_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_t            result_t;
    typedef typename i_t::real_t                real_t;
    typedef container::table<input_t>           itab_t;
    typedef container::table<result_t>          rtab_t;
    typedef typename details::h2_t<input_t>::ab_t ab_t;
    typedef typename i_t::result_type      result_type;

    size_t nbres = nt2::numel(x);
    rtab_t res(of_size(1, nbres));
    real_t  err = Zero<real_t>();
    size_t warn = 0;
    size_t fcnt = 0;
    if (numel(x) == 0)
      result_type r = { nt2::zeros(nt2::of_size(1, 0)), err, 0, true, 0};
      return r;
    res(1) =  nt2::Zero<result_t>();
    for(size_t i=2; i <= nbres; i++)
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r, (details::integration<F, ab_t, TAG>::call(f, nt2::cath(x(i-1), x(i)))));
      res(i) = res(i-1)+r.integrals(end_);
      err  = nt2::max(err, r.errors);
      warn = nt2::max(warn, r.warning);
      fcnt += r.eval_count;
    result_type r = { res, err, fcnt, warn == 0, warn};
    return r;
Esempio n. 13
 void compute( const FUNC& f, const X & x, const o_t & o)
   real_t tmptol = tol_;
   init(o, x);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(dif, nt2::abs(nt2::diff(nt2::rowvect(wpts_))));
   real_t tol1= tol_/nt2::globalasum1(dif);
   size_t l = numel(dif);
   res_(1) = nt2::Zero<value_t>();
   tol_ = tol1*dif(1);
   res_(2) = compute<true>(f, wpts_(1), wpts_(2));
   for(size_t i=2; i < l; ++i)
     tol_ = tol1*dif(i);
     res_(i+1) = res_(i)+compute<false>(f, wpts_(i), wpts_(i+1));
   if (l >= 2)
     tol_ = tol1*dif(l);
     res_(l+1) = res_(l)+compute<true>(f, wpts_(l), wpts_(l+1));
   tol_ = tmptol;
   if (!o.return_waypoints)
     res_(begin_) = res_(end_);
     res_.resize(nt2::of_size(1, 1));
Esempio n. 14
    static inline void apply(Range& range, Functor& f)
        typedef typename add_const_if_c
                typename point_type<Range>::type
            >::type point_type;

        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(range));
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(previous, it++);
        while(it != boost::end(range))
            model::referring_segment<point_type> s(*previous, *it);
            previous = it++;
Esempio n. 15
    BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename Target::type
    operator()(Pos const& p, Size const& sz, Target const&) const
      typedef typename Target::type                                         type;
      typedef typename meta::as_index<type>::type                            i_t;
      typedef typename meta::call<tag::enumerate_(Pos,meta::as_<i_t>)>::type p_t;
      typedef typename nt2::result_of::as_subscript<Size,p_t>::type          s_t;
      typedef typename s_t::value_type                                       v_t;

      // Retrieve 2D position from the linear index
      s_t const pos = as_subscript(sz,nt2::enumerate<i_t>(p));
      // Return a 1 where it belongs
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(ii, nt2::splat<v_t>(i_));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(jj, nt2::splat<v_t>(j_));
      return nt2::if_else(nt2::logical_and(nt2::eq(pos[0],ii),
                          nt2::One<type>(), nt2::Zero<type>());
Esempio n. 16
 BOOST_FORCEINLINE static void conf_bounds(const A0& a0, A1& a1,
                                           const value_type& alpha )
   typedef typename boost::proto::result_of::child_c<A0&,1>::type          In1;
   value_type pcov =  boost::proto::child_c<2>(a0);
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(pcov >= Zero<value_type>(), "Variance pcov must be non-negative");
   const In0& q  = boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0);
   const In1& mu = boost::proto::child_c<1>(a0);
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(nt2::globalall(nt2::is_gtz(mu)), "mu parameter must be positive");
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(x, (-nt2::log1p(-q)*mu));
   //      nt2::container::table<value_type> logx = nt2::log(q*mu);
   value_type normz = -nt2::norminv(alpha*nt2::Half<value_type>());
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(halfwidth, normz * nt2::sqrt(pcov/nt2::sqr(mu)));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(exp_halfwidth, exp(halfwidth));
   boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1) = x;
   boost::proto::child_c<2>(a1) = x*exp_halfwidth;
   boost::proto::child_c<1>(a1) = x/exp_halfwidth;
Esempio n. 17
 static inline ReturnType sum_interior_rings(Rings const& rings, Strategy const& strategy)
     ReturnType sum = ReturnType();
     for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings)); it != boost::end(rings); ++it)
         sum += Policy::apply(*it, strategy);
     return sum;
Esempio n. 18
 static inline Functor apply(
                 typename add_const_if_c<IsConst, MultiGeometry>::type& multi,
                 Functor f)
     for(BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(multi)); it != boost::end(multi); ++it)
         f = Policy::apply(*it, f);
     return f;
Esempio n. 19
 result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
   size_t k = boost::proto::child_c<1>(in);
   size_t m = boost::proto::child_c<2>(in);
   size_t n = numel(x);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(a, nt2::expand(nt2::from_diag(x), nt2::of_size(m, n)));
   tab_t aa;
   if (!k)
     tab_t q = nt2::qmult(n, nt2::meta::as_<value_t>());
     aa = nt2::mtimes(nt2::mtimes(q, a),nt2::transpose(q));//Not exploiting symmetry here.
     aa = a;
     tab_t diaga = nt2::diag_of(aa);
     nt2::table<ptrdiff_t> y = nt2::find(nt2::lt(diaga, nt2::One<value_t>()));
     nt2::table<ptrdiff_t> z = nt2::find(nt2::gt(diaga, nt2::One<value_t>()));
     if(nt2::isempty(y) || nt2::isempty(z)) break;
     size_t i = y(nt2::iceil(nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>())*nt2::numel(y)));
     size_t j = z(nt2::iceil(nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>())*nt2::numel(z)));
     if (i > j) std::swap(i, j);
     value_t aij = aa(i, j);
     value_t alpha = nt2::sqrt(nt2::sqr(aij)- nt2::minusone(diaga(i))*nt2::minusone(diaga(j)));
     value_t t1 = (aij + nt2::signnz(aij)*alpha)/nt2::minusone(diaga(j));
     value_t t2 =  nt2::oneminus(diaga(i))/(nt2::oneminus(diaga(j))*t1);
     value_t t = (nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>()) >  Half<value_t>()) ? t1 : t2;//Choose randomly from the two roots.
     value_t c =  nt2::rsqrt(nt2::oneplus(nt2::sqr(t))) ;
     value_t s =  t*c ;
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL( ij, nt2::cath(i, j));
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL(rot, nt2::catv(nt2::cath(c, s), nt2::cath(-s, c)));
     aa(nt2::_,ij)  =   nt2::mtimes(aa(nt2::_,ij), rot) ;
     aa(ij, nt2::_) =   nt2::mtimes(nt2::transpose(rot), aa(ij, nt2::_));
     aa(i, i) = nt2::One<value_t>();  //Ensure (i,i) element is exactly 1.
   } while (true);
   out =  aa;
   return out;
Esempio n. 20
    static inline void apply(Polygon& poly, Functor& f)
        fe_range_per_segment::apply(exterior_ring(poly), f);

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon>::type rings
                    = interior_rings(poly);
        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings)); it != boost::end(rings); ++it)
            fe_range_per_segment::apply(*it, f);
Esempio n. 21
 result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
   std::size_t k = boost::proto::child_c<1>(in);
   std::size_t m = boost::proto::child_c<2>(in);
   std::size_t n = numel(x);
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(a, nt2::expand(nt2::from_diag(x), nt2::of_size(m, n)));
   table<value_t> aa;
   if (!k)
     // A = U*A*V where U and V are two random orthogonal matrices.
     aa = nt2::transpose(nt2::qmult(nt2::transpose(qmult(a))));
     aa = a;
   table<value_t> suma = nt2::sum(nt2::sqr(aa));
     nt2::table<ptrdiff_t> y = nt2::find(nt2::lt(suma, nt2::One<value_t>()));
     nt2::table<ptrdiff_t> z = nt2::find(nt2::gt(suma, nt2::One<value_t>()));
     if(nt2::isempty(y) || nt2::isempty(z)) break;
     std::size_t i = y(nt2::iceil(nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>())*nt2::numel(y)));
     std::size_t j = z(nt2::iceil(nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>())*nt2::numel(z)));
     if (i > j) std::swap(i, j);
     value_t aij = nt2::dot(aa(nt2::_, i), aa(nt2::_, j));
     value_t alpha = nt2::sqrt(nt2::sqr(aij)- nt2::minusone(suma(i))*nt2::minusone(suma(j)));
     value_t t1 = (aij + nt2::signnz(aij)*alpha)/nt2::minusone(suma(j));
     value_t t2 =  nt2::oneminus(suma(i))/(nt2::oneminus(suma(j))*t1);
     value_t t = (nt2::rand(nt2::meta::as_<value_t>()) >  Half<value_t>()) ? t1 : t2;
     value_t c =  nt2::rsqrt(nt2::oneplus(nt2::sqr(t))) ;
     value_t s =  t*c ;
     BOOST_AUTO_TPL( ij, nt2::cath(i, j));
     aa(nt2::_,ij) =   nt2::mtimes(aa(nt2::_,ij), nt2::catv(nt2::cath(c, s), nt2::cath(-s, c))) ;
     suma(j) +=  nt2::minusone(suma(i));
     suma(i) = nt2::One<value_t>();
   } while (true);
   out =  aa;
   return out;
Esempio n. 22
    static inline bool apply(Polygon1 const& poly1, Polygon2& poly2,
                Strategy const& strategy)
        typedef typename ring_type<Polygon1>::type ring1_type;
        typedef typename ring_type<Polygon2>::type ring2_type;
        typedef typename point_type<Polygon2>::type point2_type;


        if (!transform_range_out<point2_type>(exterior_ring(poly1),
                    std::back_inserter(exterior_ring(poly2)), strategy))
            return false;

        // Note: here a resizeable container is assumed.
                typename boost::remove_reference
                    typename traits::interior_mutable_type<Polygon2>::type
            >::apply(interior_rings(poly2), num_interior_rings(poly1));

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon1 const>::type rings1
                    = interior_rings(poly1);
        typename interior_return_type<Polygon2>::type rings2
                    = interior_rings(poly2);
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it1, boost::begin(rings1));
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it2, boost::begin(rings2));
        for ( ; it1 != boost::end(interior_rings(poly1)); ++it1, ++it2)
            if (!transform_range_out<point2_type>(*it1,
                std::back_inserter(*it2), strategy))
                return false;

        return true;
Esempio n. 23
    static inline void apply(std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& os,
        Polygon const& polygon, std::string const& style, int size)
        typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;
        typedef typename boost::range_iterator<ring_type const>::type iterator_type;

        bool first = true;
        os << "<g fill-rule=\"evenodd\"><path d=\"";

        ring_type const& ring = geometry::exterior_ring(polygon);
        for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(ring);
            it != boost::end(ring);
            ++it, first = false)
            os << (first ? "M" : " L") << " "
                << geometry::get<0>(*it)
                << ","
                << geometry::get<1>(*it);

        // Inner rings:
            typename interior_return_type<Polygon const>::type rings
                        = interior_rings(polygon);
            for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(rit, boost::begin(rings));
                rit != boost::end(rings); ++rit)
                first = true;
                for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(*rit)); it != boost::end(*rit);
                    ++it, first = false)
                    os << (first ? "M" : " L") << " "
                        << geometry::get<0>(*it)
                        << ","
                        << geometry::get<1>(*it);
        os << " z \" style=\"" << style << "\"/></g>";

Esempio n. 24
 result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
   _2D siz =  boost::proto::value(boost::proto::child_c<1>(in));
   size_t n = siz[0];
   size_t m = siz[1];
   tab_t rnd = nt2::rand(n*m, 1, nt2::meta::as_<value_t>());
   value_t p = nt2::numel(x);
   out(nt2::_) = x(nt2::iceil(rnd*p));
   return out;
Esempio n. 25
    static inline Functor apply(
                typename add_const_if_c<IsConst, Range>::type& range,
                Functor f)
        typedef typename add_const_if_c
                typename point_type<Range>::type
            >::type point_type;

        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(range));
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(previous, it++);
        while(it != boost::end(range))
            model::referring_segment<point_type> s(*previous, *it);
            previous = it++;

        return f;
Esempio n. 26
NT2_TEST_CASE_TPL ( toeplitzexpr, NT2_REAL_TYPES)

  nt2::table<T> v1 = nt2::cons(T(1), T(1), T(1));
  nt2::table<T> v2 = nt2::cons(T(1), T(1), T(0));
  nt2::table<T> v =  nt2::toeplitz(v1, v2);
  T delta =  T(0);
  BOOST_AUTO_TPL( vv, nt2::toeplitz(v1, v2)+delta*nt2::ones(3, 3, nt2::meta::as_<T>()));
  NT2_DISPLAY( nt2::toeplitz(v1, v2));
  NT2_TEST_EQUAL(v, nt2::toeplitz(v1, v2));
Esempio n. 27
    static inline void apply(Polygon& polygon, ComparePolicy const& policy)
        typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;

        range_unique::apply(exterior_ring(polygon), policy);

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon>::type rings
                    = interior_rings(polygon);
        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings)); it != boost::end(rings); ++it)
            range_unique::apply(*it, policy);
Esempio n. 28
    eval( type& sub, type_t const& p
        , Size const& s, N const&, M const& m
        , boost::mpl::true_ const&
        ) const

      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(dim, boost::fusion::at_c<N::value>(s));
      type_t ls     = splat<type_t>(dim?dim:1);

      sub[N::value]   = p % ls;
      sub[N::value+1] = p / ls;
Esempio n. 29
    static inline void apply(Polygon const& poly_in, Polygon& poly_out,
                    Distance const& max_distance, Strategy const& strategy)
        typedef typename ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;

        int const Minimum = core_detail::closure::minimum_ring_size

        // Note that if there are inner rings, and distance is too large,
        // they might intersect with the outer ring in the output,
        // while it didn't in the input.
        simplify_range<ring_type, Strategy, Minimum>::apply(exterior_ring(poly_in),
                        max_distance, strategy);

                typename boost::remove_reference
                    typename traits::interior_mutable_type<Polygon>::type
            >::apply(interior_rings(poly_out), num_interior_rings(poly_in));

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon const>::type rings_in
                    = interior_rings(poly_in);
        typename interior_return_type<Polygon>::type rings_out
                    = interior_rings(poly_out);
        BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it_out, boost::begin(rings_out));
        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it_in,  boost::begin(rings_in));
            it_in != boost::end(rings_in);
            ++it_in, ++it_out)
            simplify_range<ring_type, Strategy, Minimum>::apply(*it_in,
                        *it_out, max_distance, strategy);
Esempio n. 30
    static inline void apply(Polygon& polygon)
        typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;

        typedef range_remove_spikes<ring_type> per_range;

        typename interior_return_type<Polygon>::type rings
                    = interior_rings(polygon);
        for (BOOST_AUTO_TPL(it, boost::begin(rings)); it != boost::end(rings); ++it)