void test_try_sharable_mutex() { SM mtx; data<SM> s1(1); data<SM> e1(2); data<SM> e2(3); // We start with some specialized tests for "try" behavior shared_val = 0; // Writer one launches, holds the lock for 3*BaseSeconds seconds. boost::thread tw1(thread_adapter<SM>(try_exclusive,&e1,mtx)); // Reader one launches, "clearly" after writer #1 holds the lock // and before it releases the lock. boost::thread::sleep(xsecs(1*BaseSeconds)); boost::thread thr1(thread_adapter<SM>(try_shared,&s1,mtx)); // Writer two launches in the same timeframe. boost::thread tw2(thread_adapter<SM>(try_exclusive,&e2,mtx)); tw2.join(); thr1.join(); tw1.join(); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(e1.m_value == 10); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(s1.m_value == -1); // Try would return w/o waiting BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(e2.m_value == -1); // Try would return w/o waiting }
inline void dont_create_and_open() { //Try to open it without creating try{ NamedResource nresource1(open_only); } catch(interprocess_exception &err){ BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(err.get_error_code() == not_found_error); return; } //The mutex should not exist BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(false); }
inline void open_or_create_then_create() { //Create it with open_or_create and try to create it twice NamedResource nresource1(open_or_create); try{ NamedResource nresource2(create_only); } catch(interprocess_exception &err){ BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(err.get_error_code() == already_exists_error); } }
void test_timed_sharable_mutex() { SM mtx; data<SM> s1(1,1*BaseSeconds); data<SM> s2(2,3*BaseSeconds); data<SM> e1(3,3*BaseSeconds); data<SM> e2(4,1*BaseSeconds); // We begin with some specialized tests for "timed" behavior shared_val = 0; // Writer one will hold the lock for 3*BaseSeconds seconds. boost::thread tw1(thread_adapter<SM>(timed_exclusive,&e1,mtx)); boost::thread::sleep(xsecs(1*BaseSeconds)); // Writer two will "clearly" try for the lock after the readers // have tried for it. Writer will wait up 1*BaseSeconds seconds for the lock. // This write will fail. boost::thread tw2(thread_adapter<SM>(timed_exclusive,&e2,mtx)); // Readers one and two will "clearly" try for the lock after writer // one already holds it. 1st reader will wait 1*BaseSeconds seconds, and will fail // to get the lock. 2nd reader will wait 3*BaseSeconds seconds, and will get // the lock. boost::thread thr1(thread_adapter<SM>(timed_shared,&s1,mtx)); boost::thread thr2(thread_adapter<SM>(timed_shared,&s2,mtx)); tw1.join(); thr1.join(); thr2.join(); tw2.join(); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(e1.m_value == 10); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(s1.m_value == -1); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(s2.m_value == 10); BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(e2.m_value == -1); }
inline void create_then_open_then_open_or_create() { try{ //Create it and open it twice NamedResource nresource1(create_only); NamedResource nresource2(open_only); NamedResource nresource3(open_or_create); } catch(...){ //This shouldn't throw so show the error BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK( false ); } }
void test_plain_sharable_mutex() { { shared_val = 0; SM mtx; data<SM> s1(1); data<SM> s2(2); data<SM> e1(1); data<SM> e2(2); // Writer one launches, holds the lock for 3*BaseSeconds seconds. boost::thread tw1(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_exclusive, &e1, mtx)); // Writer two launches, tries to grab the lock, "clearly" // after Writer one will already be holding it. boost::thread::sleep(xsecs(1*BaseSeconds)); boost::thread tw2(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_exclusive, &e2, mtx)); // Reader one launches, "clearly" after writer two, and "clearly" // while writer 1 still holds the lock boost::thread::sleep(xsecs(1*BaseSeconds)); boost::thread thr1(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_shared,&s1, mtx)); boost::thread thr2(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_shared,&s2, mtx)); thr2.join(); thr1.join(); tw2.join(); tw1.join(); //We can only assure that the writer will be first BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(e1.m_value == 10); //A that we will execute all BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(s1.m_value == 20 || s2.m_value == 20 || e2.m_value == 20); } { shared_val = 0; SM mtx; data<SM> s1(1, 3); data<SM> s2(2, 3); data<SM> e1(1); data<SM> e2(2); //We launch 2 readers, that will block for 3*BaseTime seconds boost::thread thr1(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_shared,&s1, mtx)); boost::thread thr2(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_shared,&s2, mtx)); //Make sure they try to hold the sharable lock boost::thread::sleep(xsecs(1*BaseSeconds)); // We launch two writers, that should block until the readers end boost::thread tw1(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_exclusive,&e1, mtx)); boost::thread tw2(thread_adapter<SM>(plain_exclusive,&e2, mtx)); thr2.join(); thr1.join(); tw2.join(); tw1.join(); //We can only assure that the shared will finish first... BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK(s1.m_value == 0 || s2.m_value == 0); //...and writers will be mutually excluded after readers BOOST_INTERPROCES_CHECK((e1.m_value == 10 && e2.m_value == 20) || (e1.m_value == 20 && e2.m_value == 10) ); } }