Esempio n. 1
static void DoFastaTrans (
  SeqFeatPtr sfp,
  Pointer userdata

  ByteStorePtr   bs;
  CSpeedFlagPtr  cfp;
  CharPtr        seq, str;

  if (sfp == NULL) return;
  cfp = (CSpeedFlagPtr) userdata;
  if (cfp == NULL) return;

  if (sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_CDREGION) return;
  bs = ProteinFromCdRegion (sfp, FALSE);
  if (bs == NULL) return;

  seq = (CharPtr) BSMerge (bs, NULL);
  BSFree (bs);
  if (seq == NULL) return;

  if (cfp->ofp != NULL) {
    str = SeqLocPrint (sfp->location);
    if (str != NULL) {
      fprintf (cfp->ofp, "> (%s)\n", str);
      MemFree (str);
    fprintf (cfp->ofp, "%s\n", seq);

  MemFree (seq);
Esempio n. 2
*   StdAuthListNamesPrint(dvp)
*   	prints just Auth-list.names to a string
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr StdAuthListNamesPrint(DataValPtr dvp)
	AuthListPtr alp;
	Boolean 	first = TRUE;
	ValNodePtr   vnp;
	PersonIdPtr  pip;
	AuthorPtr    ap;
	ByteStorePtr bsp;
	CharPtr str;
	Char buf[60];

	if (dvp == NULL) return NULL;
	alp = (AuthListPtr)(dvp->ptrvalue);
	if (alp == NULL) return NULL;

	bsp = BSNew(80);

	for (vnp = alp->names; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next)
		if (! first)     /* separators for names after first one */
			if (vnp->next != NULL)
				BSPutByte(bsp, (Int2)',');
				BSPutByte(bsp, (Int2)' ');
				BSPutByte(bsp, (Int2)'&');
			BSPutByte(bsp, (Int2)' ');

		first = FALSE;
		if (alp->choice == 3 || alp->choice == 2)  /* ml or str */
			BSWrite(bsp, vnp->data.ptrvalue, (Int4)(StringLen((CharPtr)(vnp->data.ptrvalue))));
		else if (alp->choice == 1)   /* std */
			ap = (AuthorPtr) (vnp->data.ptrvalue);
			if (ap != NULL)
				pip = ap->name;
				PersonIdPrint(pip, buf);
				BSWrite(bsp, buf, (Int4)StringLen(buf));
				BSPutByte(bsp, (Int2)'?');

	str = BSMerge(bsp, NULL);
	return str;
Esempio n. 3
static Pointer AsnLexReadStringEx (AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, Uint1 fix_non_print)
	Int2 token;
	ByteStorePtr ssp;
	CharPtr result=NULL;
	Int4 bytes;

	token = AsnLexWordEx (aip, fix_non_print);      /* read the start */
	if (token != START_STRING)
		AsnIoErrorMsg(aip, 43, AsnErrGetTypeName(atp->name), aip->linenumber);
		return NULL;

	ssp = BSNew(0);
	if (ssp == NULL) return result;
	token = AsnLexWordEx (aip, fix_non_print);   /* read the string(s) */
	while (token == IN_STRING)
		bytes = BSWrite(ssp, aip->word, (Int4)aip->wordlen);
		if (bytes != (Int4)(aip->wordlen))
			return result;
		token = AsnLexWord(aip);

	if (token == ERROR_TOKEN) return NULL;

	if (token != END_STRING)
		AsnIoErrorMsg(aip, 44, AsnErrGetTypeName(atp->name), aip->linenumber);
		return NULL;
	if (AsnFindBaseIsa(atp) == STRSTORE_TYPE)    /* string store */
		return ssp;

	result = (CharPtr) BSMerge(ssp, NULL);

	return result;
Esempio n. 4
*   StdFormatPrint(data, func, templatename, options)
NLM_EXTERN Boolean StdFormatPrint (Pointer data, AsnWriteFunc func, CharPtr templatename, StdPrintOptionsPtr options)
	PrintStackPtr psp;
	CharPtr ptr = NULL;
	PrintFormatListPtr pflp;

	if ((data == NULL) || (func == NULL) || (templatename == NULL) || (options == NULL))
		return FALSE;

	pflp = PrintFormatListGet(templatename);

	if (pflp == NULL) return FALSE;

	if (options->fp == NULL)
		options->bstp = BSNew(80);
		options->ptr = NULL;
	psp = PrintStackBuild(data, func, pflp);

	printf("Before sort\n");
	PrintStackDump(psp, stdout, 0);
	printf("After sort\n");
	PrintStackDump(psp, stdout, 0);

	PrintStackPrint(psp, options);

	if (options->fp == NULL)
		if (BSLen(options->bstp))
			options->ptr = BSMerge(options->bstp, NULL);
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
static void Get_Sequence (FILE *f, SeqRecPtr seqrp)

  Char      ch;
  CharPtr   chptr;
  Boolean   goOn;
  IdRecPtr  last;
  Int4      len;
  Char      str [256];
  IdRecPtr  this;
  Int4      total;

  if (f != NULL && seqrp != NULL) {
    if (seqrp->rawSeq == NULL) {
      seqrp->rawSeq = BSNew (1000);
    if (seqrp->segLens == NULL) {
      seqrp->segLens = BSNew (10);
    len = 0;
    total = 0;
    goOn = TRUE;
    while (goOn && ReadNextLine (f, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (str [0] == '&') {
        goOn = FALSE;
      } else if (str [0] == '!') {
        goOn = FALSE;
      } else if (str [0] == '>') {
        if (len > 0) {
          if (seqrp->lookForStop) {
            BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) '*');
          BSWrite (seqrp->segLens, &len, sizeof (Int4));
          total += len;
          len = 0;
        chptr = StringChr (str, ' ');
        if (chptr != NULL) {
          *chptr = '\0';
        if (seqrp->ids != NULL) {
          last = seqrp->ids;
          while (last->next != NULL) {
            last = last->next;
          this = MemNew (sizeof (IdRec));
          if (this != NULL) {
            this->id.accn = StringSave (str + 1);
          last->next = this;
        } else {
          last = MemNew (sizeof (IdRec));
          if (last != NULL) {
            last->id.accn = StringSave (str + 1);
          seqrp->ids = last;
      } else if (str [0] != '\0') {
        chptr = str;
        while (*chptr != '\0') {
          ch = TO_UPPER (*chptr);
          if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
            if (seqrp->nuc) {
              if (ch == 'U') {
                ch = 'T';
              if (StringChr ("BDEFHIJKLMOPQRSUVWXYZ", ch) == NULL) {
                BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) ch);
            } else {
              if (StringChr ("JOU", ch) == NULL) {
                BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) ch);
    if (seqrp->nuc) {
      BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) 'N');
      BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) 'N');
      BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) 'N');
      len += 3;
    if (len > 0) {
      if (seqrp->lookForStop) {
        BSPutByte (seqrp->rawSeq, (Int2) '*');
      BSWrite (seqrp->segLens, &len, sizeof (Int4));
      total += len;
      len = 0;
    if (total > 0) {
      seqrp->sequence = BSMerge (seqrp->rawSeq, NULL);
      seqrp->length = total;
    } else {
      seqrp->sequence = NULL;
      seqrp->length = 0;