Esempio n. 1
int main() {

	BinaryenModuleRef module = BinaryenModuleCreate();

#if 1
#if 0
	BinaryenType params[4] = { BinaryenInt32(), BinaryenInt64(), BinaryenFloat32(), BinaryenFloat64() };
	BinaryenFunctionTypeRef iiIfF = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "iiIfF", BinaryenInt32(), params, 4);
	BinaryenExpressionRef callOperands4[] = { makeInt32(module, 13), makeInt64(module, 37), makeFloat32(module, 1.3f), makeFloat64(module, 3.7) };
	BinaryenExpressionRef  c = BinaryenCallImport(module, "importname", callOperands4, 4, BinaryenInt32());
	BinaryenFunctionTypeRef i = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "i", BinaryenInt32(), 0, 0);
	BinaryenAddImport(module, "importname", "WScript.Shell", "CurrentDirectory", i);
	BinaryenExpressionRef  c = BinaryenCallImport(module, "importname", 0, 0, BinaryenInt32());
	BinaryenExpressionRef b = BinaryenReturn(module, makeInt32(module, 123));
	BinaryenFunctionRef fiiIfF = BinaryenAddFunction(module, "fiiIfF", iiIfF, NULL, 0, b);
	BinaryenExpressionRef callOperands4[] = { makeInt32(module, 13), makeInt64(module, 37), makeFloat32(module, 1.3f), makeFloat64(module, 3.7) };
#if 0
	BinaryenExpressionRef  c = BinaryenCall(module, "fiiIfF", callOperands4, 4, BinaryenNop(module));
	BinaryenExpressionRef  c = BinaryenCallIndirect(module, makeInt32(module, 123), callOperands4, 4, iiIfF);
	BinaryenFunctionTypeRef v = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "v", BinaryenNone(), NULL, 0);
	BinaryenFunctionRef f = BinaryenAddFunction(module, "f", v, NULL, 0, c);
	BinaryenExpressionRef  s = BinaryenCall(module, "f", NULL, 0, BinaryenNone());
	BinaryenFunctionRef starter = BinaryenAddFunction(module, "starter", v, NULL, 0, s);

	//	BinaryenSetStart(module, starter);
	BinaryenAddExport(module, "starter", "starter");

	printf("validate module\n");

	char buffer[1024];
	size_t size;
	printf("write module\n");
	size = BinaryenModuleWrite(module, buffer, 1024);
	assert(size > 0); // must have non-zero size
	assert(size < 512); // must be very small

#if 1
	// must Dispose, BinaryenModuleRead to populate unimplemented param properties, maybe others
	printf("dispose module\n");

	printf("read module\n");
	module = BinaryenModuleRead(buffer, size);

	printf("validate module\n");

	printf("print module\n");

	struct BinaryenLiteral retVal;
	BinaryenRun(module, "starter", &retVal);

	char printbuf[64];
	printf("retVal: %s\n", BinaryenLiteralPrint(printbuf, sizeof(printbuf), retVal));

	printf("dispose module\n");
Esempio n. 2
int main() {
  std::map<size_t, BinaryenFunctionTypeRef> functionTypes;
  std::map<size_t, BinaryenExpressionRef> expressions;
  std::map<size_t, BinaryenFunctionRef> functions;
  std::map<size_t, RelooperBlockRef> relooperBlocks;
  BinaryenModuleRef the_module = NULL;
  RelooperRef the_relooper = NULL;
  the_module = BinaryenModuleCreate();
  expressions[size_t(NULL)] = BinaryenExpressionRef(NULL);
    const char* segments[] = { 0 };
    int8_t segmentPassive[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenExpressionRef segmentOffsets[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenIndex segmentSizes[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenSetMemory(the_module, 256, 256, "memory", segments, segmentPassive, segmentOffsets, segmentSizes, 0, 0);
  the_relooper = RelooperCreate(the_module);
    BinaryenExpressionRef children[] = { 0 };
    expressions[1] = BinaryenBlock(the_module, "bb0", children, 0, BinaryenTypeAuto());
  relooperBlocks[0] = RelooperAddBlock(the_relooper, expressions[1]);
  expressions[2] = BinaryenGetLocal(the_module, 0, 1);
  expressions[3] = BinaryenConst(the_module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(0));
  expressions[4] = BinaryenStore(the_module, 4, 0, 0, expressions[3], expressions[2], 1);
  expressions[5] = BinaryenReturn(the_module, expressions[0]);
    BinaryenExpressionRef children[] = { expressions[4], expressions[5] };
    expressions[6] = BinaryenBlock(the_module, "bb1", children, 2, BinaryenTypeAuto());
  relooperBlocks[1] = RelooperAddBlock(the_relooper, expressions[6]);
  RelooperAddBranch(relooperBlocks[0], relooperBlocks[1], expressions[0], expressions[0]);
    BinaryenType paramTypes[] = { 0 };
    functionTypes[0] = BinaryenAddFunctionType(the_module, "rustfn-0-3", 0, paramTypes, 0);
  expressions[7] = BinaryenConst(the_module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(0));
  expressions[8] = BinaryenLoad(the_module, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, expressions[7]);
  expressions[9] = BinaryenSetLocal(the_module, 0, expressions[8]);
  relooperBlocks[2] = RelooperAddBlock(the_relooper, expressions[9]);
  RelooperAddBranch(relooperBlocks[2], relooperBlocks[0], expressions[0], expressions[0]);
  expressions[10] = RelooperRenderAndDispose(the_relooper, relooperBlocks[2], 1);
    BinaryenType varTypes[] = { 1, 1, 2 };
    functions[0] = BinaryenAddFunction(the_module, "main", functionTypes[0], varTypes, 3, expressions[10]);
  BinaryenAddFunctionExport(the_module, "main", "main");
    BinaryenType paramTypes[] = { 0 };
    functionTypes[1] = BinaryenAddFunctionType(the_module, "__wasm_start", 0, paramTypes, 0);
    const char* segments[] = { 0 };
    int8_t segmentPassive[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenExpressionRef segmentOffsets[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenIndex segmentSizes[] = { 0 };
    BinaryenSetMemory(the_module, 1024, 1024, NULL, segments, segmentPassive, segmentOffsets, segmentSizes, 0, 0);
  expressions[11] = BinaryenConst(the_module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(65535));
  expressions[12] = BinaryenConst(the_module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(0));
  expressions[13] = BinaryenStore(the_module, 4, 0, 0, expressions[12], expressions[11], 1);
    BinaryenExpressionRef operands[] = { 0 };
    expressions[14] = BinaryenCall(the_module, "main", operands, 0, 0);
    BinaryenExpressionRef children[] = { expressions[13], expressions[14] };
    expressions[15] = BinaryenBlock(the_module, NULL, children, 2, BinaryenTypeAuto());
  BinaryenAddFunctionExport(the_module, "__wasm_start", "rust_entry");
    BinaryenType varTypes[] = { 0 };
    functions[1] = BinaryenAddFunction(the_module, "__wasm_start", functionTypes[1], varTypes, 0, expressions[15]);
  // check that binary read-write works
    char buffer[1024];
    size_t size = BinaryenModuleWrite(the_module, buffer, 1024);
    printf("%d\n", size);
    BinaryenModuleRef copy = BinaryenModuleRead(buffer, size);
  return 0;