Esempio n. 1
Int2 Nlm_Main(void) {
    Boolean use_new_engine=FALSE;
    char buf[256] = { '\0' };

    StringCpy(buf, "mgblast ");
    StringNCat(buf, BlastGetVersionNumber(), sizeof(buf)-StringLen(buf)-1);
    if (! GetArgs (buf, NUMARG, myargs))
       return (1);

    UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg ();

    if (! SeqEntryLoad())
        return 1;

    if (myargs[ARG_FORCE_OLD].intvalue == 0 &&
                  myargs[ARG_OUTTYPE].intvalue > 1 &&
                      myargs[ARG_GILIST].strvalue == NULL)
          use_new_engine = readdb_use_new_blast(myargs[ARG_DB].strvalue);
    if (myargs[ARG_MASKEDQUERY].strvalue)
        use_new_engine = FALSE;
    /*if (use_new_engine)
        return Main_new();
    else */
        return Main_old();
Esempio n. 2
Int2 Main (void)

    Char buf[256] = { '\0' };  /* Used below for name and version. */
    Int2 status = 0;    /* return value of function. */

    StringCpy(buf, "bl2seq ");
    StringNCat(buf, BlastGetVersionNumber(), sizeof(buf)-StringLen(buf)-1);
    if (! GetArgs (buf, NUMARG, myargs)) {
        return (1);

    UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg ();

    if (! SeqEntryLoad())
                return 1;


    if (myargs[ARG_FORCE_OLD].intvalue != 0)
        status = Main_old();
        status = Main_new();

    FreeArgs(NUMARG, myargs);

    return status;
Esempio n. 3
/** Creates the header part of an XML report for a BLAST search.
 * @param program Program name [in]
 * @param database Database name [in]
 * @param query_loc Query Seq-loc [in]
 * @param flags Flag to indicate whether query sequence should be included in
 *              the output. [in]
 * @param search_param Search parameters [in]
static BlastOutput* 
s_CreateBlastOutputHead(const char* program, const char* database, 
                        SeqLoc* query_loc, Int4 flags, 
                        const Blast_SearchParams* search_param)
    BlastOutput* boutp;
    Char buffer[1024];
    char* program_to_use = NULL;
    if((boutp = BlastOutputNew()) == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    if (strcmp(program, "rpsblast") == 0)
        program_to_use = strdup("blastp");
    else if (strcmp(program, "rpstblastn") == 0)
        program_to_use = strdup("blastx");
        program_to_use = strdup(program);

    /* For optimization BLOSUM62 may be loaded ones */
    if (query_loc) {
       SeqId* sip = SeqLocId(query_loc);
       Bioseq* bsp;
       SeqIdWrite(sip, buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, sizeof(buffer));
       boutp->query_ID = strdup(buffer);

       bsp = BioseqLockById(sip);

       if(bsp != NULL) {
          if (BioseqGetTitle(bsp) != NULL)
             boutp->query_def = strdup(BioseqGetTitle(bsp));
             boutp->query_def = strdup("No definition line found");

       boutp->query_len = SeqLocLen(query_loc);

       if(flags & BXML_INCLUDE_QUERY) {
           boutp->query_seq = (char *) calloc(boutp->query_len+1, 1);
                            STREAM_EXPAND_GAPS | STREAM_CORRECT_INVAL,
                            boutp->query_seq, NULL);
       } else {
          boutp->query_seq = NULL;    /* Do we need sequence here??? */
    /* Program name. Use the local version of the program. No need to copy it
       since it was locally allocated. */
    boutp->program = program_to_use;

    /* Database name */
    if (database)
        boutp->db = strdup(database);

    /* Version text */
    sprintf(buffer, "%s %s [%s]", program_to_use, BlastGetVersionNumber(), 
    boutp->version = strdup(buffer);

    /* Reference */
    boutp->reference = BlastGetReference(FALSE);

    /* Filling parameters */
    boutp->param = ParametersNew();    
    boutp->param->expect = search_param->expect;
    boutp->param->gap_open = search_param->gap_open;
    boutp->param->gap_extend = search_param->gap_extension;
    if (search_param->matrix)
        boutp->param->matrix = strdup(search_param->matrix);
    boutp->param->sc_match = search_param->match;
    boutp->param->sc_mismatch = search_param->mismatch;
    boutp->param->include = search_param->ethresh;
    if (search_param->filter_string)
        boutp->param->filter = strdup(search_param->filter_string);
    return boutp;