Esempio n. 1
BOOL plDistributor::ISpaceClear(int iRepNode, const Matrix3& l2w, Box3& clearBox, plMeshCacheTab& cache) const
    if( !fDistTree )
        return true;

    // If we have high isolation,
    //      clearBox = Box3(Point3(-fSpacing*0.5f, -fSpacing*0.5f, 0), Point3(fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing));
    // Else if we have medium isolation
    //      clearBox = cache[iRepNode]->getBoundingBox(); // The mesh's bounds
    // Else if we have low isolation or None isolation
    //      clearBox = Box3(Point3(-kSmallSpace, -kSmallSpace, 0), Point3(kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace)); // kSmallSpace ~= 0.5f or one or something

    // We want to set up the box (for high, low and none) in Post OTM space. So instead of multiplying
    // by l2w, we want to multiply box = box * invOTM * l2w (because l2w already has OTM folded in). When using
    // the mesh bounds (Medium), l2w is the right transform.
    // objectTM = otm * nodeTM
    // invOTM * objectTM = nodeTM
    // invOTM = nodeTM * invObjectTM
    const float kSmallSpace = 0.5f;
    switch( fIsolation )
    case kIsoHigh:
            INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode];
            Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0));
            Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0));
            Matrix3 invOTM = nodeTM * Inverse(objectTM);
            clearBox = Box3(Point3(-fSpacing*0.5f, -fSpacing*0.5f, 0.f), Point3(fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing));
            clearBox = clearBox * invOTM;
    case kIsoMedium:
        clearBox = cache[iRepNode].fMesh->getBoundingBox(); // The mesh's bounds
    case kIsoLow:
    case kIsoNone:
            INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode];
            Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0));
            Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0));
            Matrix3 invOTM = nodeTM * Inverse(objectTM);
            clearBox = Box3(Point3(-kSmallSpace, -kSmallSpace, 0.f), Point3(kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace)); 
            clearBox = clearBox * invOTM;

    clearBox = clearBox * l2w;

    return fDistTree->BoxClear(clearBox, fFade);
Esempio n. 2
BOOL plDistributor::IConformCheck(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const
    Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode);
    Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh;

    Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
    dir = FNormalize(dir);

    const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f;
    Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f);
    scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt);
    float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length();

    Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM;
    bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max());
    bnd = bnd * l2w;
    Tab<int32_t> faces;
    IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces);

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ )
        Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM;
        pt.z = 0;

        pt = pt * l2w;

        Point3 projPt;
        if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) )
            return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 3
Box3 plDistributor::ISetupGrid(const Point3& p0, const Point3& p1, const Point3& p2) const
    // Add half spacing to max's to protect against precision errors.
    Box3 box(p0, p0);
    box += p1;
    box += p2;

    Point3 mins, maxs;
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        float t = box.Min()[i];
        t /= fSpacing;
        t = floor(t);
        t *= fSpacing;
        mins[i] = t;

        t = box.Max()[i];
        t /= fSpacing;
        t = ceil(t);
        t *= fSpacing;
        maxs[i] = t + fSpacing*0.5f;
    box = Box3(mins, maxs);

    return box;
Esempio n. 4
* Renders the modifier's visual representation and computes its bounding box.
Box3 SliceModifier::renderVisual(TimePoint time, ObjectNode* contextNode, SceneRenderer* renderer)
	TimeInterval interval;

	Box3 bb = contextNode->localBoundingBox(time);
		return Box3();

	Plane3 plane = slicingPlane(time, interval);

	FloatType sliceWidth = 0;
	if(_widthCtrl) sliceWidth = _widthCtrl->getFloatValue(time, interval);

	ColorA color(0.8f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
	if(sliceWidth <= 0) {
		return renderPlane(renderer, plane, bb, color);
	else {
		plane.dist += sliceWidth / 2;
		Box3 box = renderPlane(renderer, plane, bb, color);
		plane.dist -= sliceWidth;
		box.addBox(renderPlane(renderer, plane, bb, color));
		return box;
Esempio n. 5
* Computes the bounding box of the visual representation of the modifier.
Box3 SliceModifier::boundingBox(TimePoint time, ObjectNode* contextNode, ModifierApplication* modApp)
		return renderVisual(time, contextNode, nullptr);
		return Box3();
Box3 plDistribComponent_old::GetFade()
    Point3 pmin;
    if( fCompPB->GetInt(kFadeInActive) )
        pmin.Set(fCompPB->GetFloat(kFadeInTran), fCompPB->GetFloat(kFadeInOpaq), 0);
        if( pmin[0] == pmin[1] )
            pmin[2] = 0;
        else if( pmin[0] < pmin[1] )
            pmin[2] = -1.f;
            pmin[2] = 1.f;

    Point3 pmax;
    pmax.Set(fCompPB->GetFloat(kFadeOutTran), fCompPB->GetFloat(kFadeOutOpaq), 0);
    if( pmax[0] == pmax[1] )
        pmax[2] = 0;
    else if( pmax[0] < pmax[1] )
        pmax[2] = -1.f;
        pmax[2] = 1.f;

    return Box3(pmin, pmax);
Esempio n. 7
void PointHelpObject::GetWorldBoundBox(
		TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp* vpt, Box3& box )

	if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )

	Matrix3 tm;
	tm = inode->GetObjectTM(t);
	Box3 lbox;

	GetLocalBoundBox(t, inode, vpt, lbox);
	box = Box3(tm.GetTrans(), tm.GetTrans());
	for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
		box += lbox * tm;
	if(!(extDispFlags & EXT_DISP_ZOOM_EXT) && showAxis)
		box = GetAxisBox(vpt,tm,showAxis?axisLength:0.0f, FALSE);
		box = Box3(tm.GetTrans(), tm.GetTrans());
Esempio n. 8
BOOL plDistributor::IConformAll(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const
    Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode);
    Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh;

    Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
    dir = FNormalize(dir);

    const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f;
    Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f);
    scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt);
    float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length();

    Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM;
    bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max());
    bnd = bnd * l2w;
    Tab<int32_t> faces;
    IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces);

    // l2w, iRepNode, cache, &iCache, maxScaledDist, dir
    iCache = cache.Count();
    cache.SetCount(iCache + 1);
    cache[iCache] = cache[iRepNode];
    cache[iCache].fMesh = new Mesh(*mesh);

    mesh = cache[iCache].fMesh;

    Matrix3 v2w = OTM * l2w;
    Matrix3 w2v = Inverse(v2w);

    BOOL retVal = true;
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ )
        Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM;
        pt.z = 0;

        pt = pt * l2w;

        Point3 projPt;
        if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) )
            retVal = false;

        Point3 del = w2v.VectorTransform(projPt - pt);
        mesh->getVert(i) += del;
    if( !retVal )
//      delete cache[iCache].fMesh;
        delete mesh;
        iCache = iRepNode;
    return retVal;
Esempio n. 9
void MainState::layoutScreen() {
    int w = _game->window()->width();
    int h = _game->window()->height();
    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
                           Vector3(  0,           0, -1),
                           Vector3(640, 640 * h / w,  1)
Esempio n. 10
Box3 Sphere::getBoundingBox( ) const {

  auto result = Box3();

  getBoundingBox( result );

  return result;

Esempio n. 11
static void
computeBestFitOBB(TheaArray<Vector3> const & points, Box3 & result, bool has_up, Vector3 const & up)
  if (points.empty())
    result = Box3();
  else if (points.size() == 1)
    result = Box3(AxisAlignedBox3(points[0]));

  Vector3 centroid;
  CoordinateFrame3 cframe;

  if (has_up)
    centroid = CentroidN<Vector3, 3>::compute(points.begin(), points.end());
    Vector3 u, v;
    up.createOrthonormalBasis(u, v);
    cframe = CoordinateFrame3::_fromAffine(AffineTransform3(basisMatrix(u, v, up), centroid));
    Plane3 plane;
    LinearLeastSquares3<Vector3>::fitPlane(points.begin(), points.end(), plane, &centroid);
    planeToCFrame(plane, centroid, cframe);

  OBB best_obb;
  computeOBB(points, cframe, best_obb, true);

  Matrix3 rot = Matrix3::rotationAxisAngle((has_up ? up : Vector3::unitY()), Math::degreesToRadians(10));
  for (int a = 10;  a < 180; a += 10)
    cframe._setRotation(cframe.getRotation() * rot);
    computeOBB(points, cframe, best_obb, false);

  result = Box3(AxisAlignedBox3(best_obb.lo, best_obb.hi), best_obb.cframe);
Esempio n. 12
    Line::Line(float x, float y, float toX, float toY){
        this->x = x;
        this->y = y;
        this->toX = toX;
        this->toY = toY;
		drawLine(x, y, toX, toY, 0, 0);

        _bounds = Box3(x, y, toX - x, toY - y);
Esempio n. 13
Sphere& Sphere::setFromPoints( const std::vector<Vector3>& points) {

  auto box = Box3();
  auto center = Vector3();

  box.setFromPoints( points ).center( center );

  return setFromPoints(points, center);

Esempio n. 14
* Computes the bounding box of the the 3D visual elements
* shown only in the interactive viewports.
Box3 ViewportSceneRenderer::boundingBoxInteractive(TimePoint time, Viewport* viewport)
	Box3 bb;

	// Visit all pipeline objects in the scene.
	renderDataset()->sceneRoot()->visitObjectNodes([this, viewport, time, &bb](ObjectNode* node) -> bool {

		// Ignore node if it is the view node of the viewport or if it is the target of the view node.
		if(viewport->viewNode()) {
			if(viewport->viewNode() == node || viewport->viewNode()->lookatTargetNode() == node)
				return true;

		// Evaluate geometry pipeline of object node.
		const PipelineFlowState& state = node->evalPipeline(time);
		for(const auto& dataObj : state.objects()) {
			for(DisplayObject* displayObj : dataObj->displayObjects()) {
				if(displayObj && displayObj->isEnabled()) {
					TimeInterval interval;
					bb.addBox(displayObj->viewDependentBoundingBox(time, viewport,
							dataObj, node, state).transformed(node->getWorldTransform(time, interval)));

		if(PipelineObject* pipelineObj = dynamic_object_cast<PipelineObject>(node->dataProvider()))
			boundingBoxModifiers(pipelineObj, node, bb);

		return true;

	// Include visual geometry of input mode overlays in bounding box.
	MainWindow* mainWindow = viewport->dataset()->mainWindow();
	if(mainWindow) {
		for(const auto& handler : mainWindow->viewportInputManager()->stack()) {
				bb.addBox(handler->overlayBoundingBox(viewport, this));

	// Include construction grid in bounding box.
	if(viewport->isGridVisible()) {
		FloatType gridSpacing;
		Box2I gridRange;
		std::tie(gridSpacing, gridRange) = determineGridRange(viewport);
		if(gridSpacing > 0) {
			bb.addBox(viewport->gridMatrix() * Box3(
					Point3(gridRange.minc.x() * gridSpacing, gridRange.minc.y() * gridSpacing, 0),
					Point3(gridRange.maxc.x() * gridSpacing, gridRange.maxc.y() * gridSpacing, 0)));

	return bb;
Esempio n. 15
void PointHelpObject::GetLocalBoundBox(
		TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp* vpt, Box3& box ) 
	if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )

	Matrix3 tm = inode->GetObjectTM(t);	
	float size;
	int screenSize;
	pblock2->GetValue(pointobj_size, t, size, FOREVER);
	pblock2->GetValue(pointobj_screensize, t, screenSize, FOREVER);

	float zoom = 1.0f;
	if (screenSize) {
		zoom = vpt->GetScreenScaleFactor(tm.GetTrans())*ZFACT;
	if (zoom==0.0f) zoom = 1.0f;

	size *= zoom;
	box =  Box3(Point3(0,0,0), Point3(0,0,0));
	box += Point3(size*0.5f,  0.0f, 0.0f);
	box += Point3( 0.0f, size*0.5f, 0.0f);
	box += Point3( 0.0f, 0.0f, size*0.5f);
	box += Point3(-size*0.5f,   0.0f,  0.0f);
	box += Point3(  0.0f, -size*0.5f,  0.0f);
	box += Point3(  0.0f,  0.0f, -size*0.5f);

	//JH 6/18/03
	//This looks odd but I'm being conservative an only excluding it for
	//the case I care about which is when computing group boxes
	//	box.EnlargeBy(10.0f/zoom);
	if(!(extDispFlags & EXT_DISP_GROUP_EXT)) 

	if (showAxis)
		box = GetAxisBox(vpt,tm,showAxis?axisLength:0.0f, TRUE);
		box = Box3(Point3(0,0,0), Point3(0,0,0));
Esempio n. 16
 ptr<Box3> Box3::create( glm::vec3 min_vec, glm::vec3 max_vec ){
     return make_shared<Box3>( Box3(min_vec, max_vec) );
Esempio n. 17
Box3 CJRenderMapsContext::ObjectSpaceBoundingBox()
	return Box3();// TBD
Esempio n. 18
    InputField::InputField(float x, float y, float width, float height, Color color) : _hasFocus(false), _text("") {
        setPosition(Vector3(x, y));
        _color = color;

        this->setBoundingBox(Box3(x, y, width, height));
Esempio n. 19
Box3 Box3::clone() const {

  return Box3(*this);

Esempio n. 20
 Box3 Box3::clone() {
     return Box3(*this);
Box3            plMaxNodeBase::GetFade()                { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetFade() : Box3(Point3(0,0,0), Point3(0,0,0)); }
void BufferGeometry::computeBoundingBox() {

  if ( !boundingBox ) {

      boundingBox = Box3();


  const auto& p = attributes.get( AttributeKey::position() );

  if ( p ) {
    const auto& positions = p->array;
    auto& bb = *boundingBox;

    if( positions.size() >= 3 ) {
      bb.min.x = bb.max.x = positions[ 0 ];
      bb.min.y = bb.max.y = positions[ 1 ];
      bb.min.z = bb.max.z = positions[ 2 ];

    for ( size_t i = 3, il = positions.size(); i < il; i += 3 ) {

      float x = positions[ i ];
      float y = positions[ i + 1 ];
      float z = positions[ i + 2 ];

      // bounding box

      if ( x < bb.min.x ) {

        bb.min.x = x;

      } else if ( x > bb.max.x ) {

        bb.max.x = x;


      if ( y < bb.min.y ) {

        bb.min.y = y;

      } else if ( y > bb.max.y ) {

        bb.max.y = y;


      if ( z < bb.min.z ) {

        bb.min.z = z;

      } else if ( z > bb.max.z ) {

        bb.max.z = z;




  if ( p == nullptr || p->array.size() == 0 ) {

    boundingBox->min.set( 0, 0, 0 );
    boundingBox->max.set( 0, 0, 0 );

