Esempio n. 1
Main function loops through all of the data sets, loads each one
into a vector, then runs that data set on both Insertion Sort and
Bubble Sort, then outputs algorithm step counts and runtimes for 
both Insertion Sort and Bubble Sort, then repeats with the next 
data set until the "content" vector is finished
int main(){
  std::string filename;
  filename = "dus-";
  std::string fileExtension;
  fileExtension = "_SORTED.txt";
  std::vector<std::string> content = {"2","4","6","8","10","12","16","20","24"};
  int fileNum = content.size();
  std::cout<<"File Name__________________Algorithm_______________Number of Steps_____________Duration\n\n";
  for(int i=0; i<fileNum; i++){
    std::string file = filename+content[i]+fileExtension;
    std::vector<int> data;
    read_file(file, data);
    std::vector<int> data_copy = data;
    std::vector<int> data_copy_copy = data;
    beforeInsertion = clock();
    afterInsertion = clock();
    insertionTime = double(afterInsertion-beforeInsertion)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout<<file<<"                 Insertion Sort             "<<insertionCount<<"                    "<<insertionTime<<" Seconds\n";

    beforeBubble = clock();
    afterBubble = clock();
    bubbleTime = double(afterBubble-beforeBubble)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout<<file<<"                 Bubble Sort                "<<bubbleCount<<"                    "<<bubbleTime<<" Seconds\n";
Esempio n. 2
void bubble() {
	extern int *input;
	int *copy_input[LOOP_COUNT];
	int i, j;

	// Time check variable
	double time;
	BOOL err;

	for (i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++){
		copy_input[i] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * DATA_SIZE);
		for (j = 0; j < DATA_SIZE; j++) { // copy data
			copy_input[i][j] = input[j];

	for (i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++) {

		//		if(x%(LOOP_COUNT/10) == 0) printf("*");
		//		printf("Selecting Result --> input[%d] : %d\n", result, input[result]);
	CHECK_TIME_END(time, err);

//	// data output check
//	for (i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++) {
//		if(i%(DATA_SIZE/10) == 0) printf("%d : %d, ", i, copy_input[i]);
//	}

	//	printf(" Calc Time = %.0fus\n", time/LOOP_COUNT);
	printf("%.0f\n", time / LOOP_COUNT);
void Test_Bubble_Sort()
    int len = ARRARY_SIZE;
    int *nArrary = new int[len] ;

    assert(GetRandArray(nArrary, len));
    DumpArray(nArrary, len);
    int interval = GetTickCount();
    Bubble_Sort(nArrary, len);
    interval = GetTickCount() - interval;
    printf("Bubble_Sort with InsertionSort: Consume %d millisecond to sort %d items \r\n", interval, len);
    DumpArray(nArrary, len);
    delete nArrary;
    nArrary = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
int main()
	int A[7]={89,45,68,90,29,34,17};
	return 0;