static void _set_data_renderer (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	CairoDataRendererAttribute *pRenderAttr = NULL;  // attributes for the global data-renderer.
	CairoGaugeAttribute aGaugeAttr;  // gauge attributes.
	CairoGraphAttribute aGraphAttr;  // graph attributes.
	double fHighColor[CD_DISKS_NB_MAX_VALUES*3]; // attributes for the graph
	double fLowColor[CD_DISKS_NB_MAX_VALUES*3];  // (but have to be declared here to force GCC to keep data)
	if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_DISKS_GAUGE)
		memset (&aGaugeAttr, 0, sizeof (CairoGaugeAttribute));
		pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (&aGaugeAttr);
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "gauge";
		pRenderAttr->iRotateTheme = myConfig.iRotateTheme;
		aGaugeAttr.cThemePath = myConfig.cGThemePath;
	else if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_DISKS_GRAPH)
		memset (&aGraphAttr, 0, sizeof (CairoGraphAttribute));
		pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (&aGraphAttr);
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "graph";
		pRenderAttr->iMemorySize = (myIcon->fWidth > 1 ? myIcon->fWidth : 32);  // fWidth peut etre <= 1 en mode desklet au chargement.
		aGraphAttr.iType = myConfig.iGraphType;
		aGraphAttr.bMixGraphs = myConfig.bMixGraph;
		gsize i;
		for (i = 0; i < myData.iNumberDisks * 2; i+=2)
			memcpy (&fHighColor[3*i], myConfig.fHigholor, 3*sizeof (double));
			memcpy (&fLowColor[3*i], myConfig.fLowColor, 3*sizeof (double));
			memcpy (&fHighColor[3*i+3], myConfig.fHigholor, 3*sizeof (double));
			memcpy (&fLowColor[3*i+3], myConfig.fLowColor, 3*sizeof (double));
		aGraphAttr.fHighColor = fHighColor;
		aGraphAttr.fLowColor = fLowColor;
		memcpy (aGraphAttr.fBackGroundColor, myConfig.fBgColor, 4*sizeof (double));

	const gchar *labels[CD_DISKS_NB_MAX_VALUES] = {};
	if (myConfig.iNumberParts > 0)
		gsize i;
		for (i = 0; i < myConfig.iNumberParts; i++)
		/// Ca non plus je suppose :)
			double *pSize;
			pSize = g_new0 (double, 1);
			myData.lParts = g_list_append (myData.lParts, pSize);
			labels[i] = myConfig.cParts[i];
static void _set_data_renderer (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	CairoDataRendererAttribute *pRenderAttr = NULL;  // generic attributes of the data-renderer.
	switch (myConfig.iDisplayType)
			CairoGaugeAttribute *pGaugeAttr = g_new0 (CairoGaugeAttribute, 1);
			pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (pGaugeAttr);
			pRenderAttr->cModelName = "gauge";
			pGaugeAttr->cThemePath = myConfig.cGThemePath;
			CairoGraphAttribute *pGraphAttr = g_new0 (CairoGraphAttribute, 1);
			pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (pGraphAttr);
			pRenderAttr->cModelName = "graph";
			pRenderAttr->iMemorySize = (myIcon->fWidth > 1 ? myIcon->fWidth : 32);  // fWidth peut etre <= 1 en mode desklet au chargement.
			pGraphAttr->iType = myConfig.iGraphType;
			pGraphAttr->fHighColor = myConfig.fHigholor;
			pGraphAttr->fLowColor = myConfig.fLowColor;
			memcpy (pGraphAttr->fBackGroundColor, myConfig.fBgColor, 4*sizeof (double));
			myData.iOnBatteryImage = -1;  // we'll set the image when we know the current state.
			CairoProgressBarAttribute *pBarAttr = g_new0 (CairoProgressBarAttribute, 1);
			pRenderAttr->cModelName = "progressbar";
	if (myConfig.quickInfoType != 0)
		pRenderAttr->bWriteValues = TRUE;
		pRenderAttr->format_value = (CairoDataRendererFormatValueFunc)cd_powermanager_format_value;
		pRenderAttr->pFormatData = myApplet;
	g_free (pRenderAttr);
void cd_shortcuts_add_progress_bar (Icon *pIcon, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
    // set a progress bar to display the disk space
    CairoProgressBarAttribute attr;
    memset (&attr, 0, sizeof (CairoProgressBarAttribute));
    if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_SHOW_USED_SPACE || myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_SHOW_USED_SPACE_PERCENT)
        attr.bInverted = TRUE;
    CairoDataRendererAttribute *pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (&attr);
    pRenderAttr->cModelName = "progressbar";
    cairo_dock_add_new_data_renderer_on_icon (pIcon, pIcon->pContainer, pRenderAttr);
static void _set_data_renderer (CairoDockModuleInstance *myApplet, gboolean bReload)
	CairoDataRendererAttribute *pRenderAttr;  // les attributs du data-renderer global.
	if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_POWERMANAGER_GAUGE)
		CairoGaugeAttribute attr;  // les attributs de la jauge.
		memset (&attr, 0, sizeof (CairoGaugeAttribute));
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "gauge";
		attr.cThemePath = myConfig.cGThemePath;
	else if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_POWERMANAGER_GRAPH)
		CairoGraphAttribute attr;  // les attributs du graphe.
		memset (&attr, 0, sizeof (CairoGraphAttribute));
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "graph";
		pRenderAttr->iMemorySize = (myIcon->fWidth > 1 ? myIcon->fWidth : 32);  // fWidht peut etre <= 1 en mode desklet au chargement.
		attr.iType = myConfig.iGraphType;
		attr.iRadius = 10;
		attr.fHighColor = myConfig.fHigholor;
		attr.fLowColor = myConfig.fLowColor;
		memcpy (attr.fBackGroundColor, myConfig.fBgColor, 4*sizeof (double));
	else if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_POWERMANAGER_ICONS)
	if (pRenderAttr != NULL)
		//pRenderAttr->bWriteValues = TRUE;
		if (! bReload)
static void _set_data_renderer (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_SYSMONITOR_BAR)
		return; /// TODO

	CairoDataRendererAttribute *pRenderAttr = NULL;  // attributes for the global data-renderer.
	CairoGaugeAttribute aGaugeAttr;  // gauge attributes.
	CairoGraphAttribute aGraphAttr;  // graph attributes.
	double fHighColor[CD_SYSMONITOR_NB_MAX_VALUES*3]; // attributes for the graph
	double fLowColor[CD_SYSMONITOR_NB_MAX_VALUES*3];  // (but have to be declared here to force GCC to keep data)
	int iNbValues = myConfig.bShowCpu + myConfig.bShowRam + myConfig.bShowSwap + myConfig.bShowNvidia + myConfig.bShowCpuTemp + myConfig.bShowFanSpeed;
	if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_SYSMONITOR_GAUGE)
		memset (&aGaugeAttr, 0, sizeof (CairoGaugeAttribute));
		pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (&aGaugeAttr);
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "gauge";
		pRenderAttr->iRotateTheme = myConfig.iRotateTheme;
		aGaugeAttr.cThemePath = myConfig.cGThemePath;
	else if (myConfig.iDisplayType == CD_SYSMONITOR_GRAPH)
		memset (&aGraphAttr, 0, sizeof (CairoGraphAttribute));
		pRenderAttr = CAIRO_DATA_RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE (&aGraphAttr);
		pRenderAttr->cModelName = "graph";
		int w, h;
		pRenderAttr->iMemorySize = (w > 1 ? w : 32);  // fWidth peut etre <= 1 en mode desklet au chargement.
		aGraphAttr.iType = myConfig.iGraphType;
		aGraphAttr.bMixGraphs = myConfig.bMixGraph;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < iNbValues; i ++)
			memcpy (&fHighColor[3*i], myConfig.fHigholor, 3*sizeof (double));
			memcpy (&fLowColor[3*i], myConfig.fLowColor, 3*sizeof (double));
		aGraphAttr.fHighColor = fHighColor;
		aGraphAttr.fLowColor = fLowColor;
		memcpy (aGraphAttr.fBackGroundColor, myConfig.fBgColor, 4*sizeof (double));

	pRenderAttr->iLatencyTime = myConfig.iCheckInterval * 1000 * myConfig.fSmoothFactor;
	pRenderAttr->iNbValues = iNbValues;
	if (myConfig.iInfoDisplay == CAIRO_DOCK_INFO_ON_ICON)
		pRenderAttr->bWriteValues = TRUE;
		pRenderAttr->format_value = (CairoDataRendererFormatValueFunc)cd_sysmonitor_format_value;
		pRenderAttr->pFormatData = myApplet;
	const gchar *labels[6] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
	int i = 0;
	if (myConfig.bShowCpu)
		labels[i++] = "CPU";
	if (myConfig.bShowRam)
		labels[i++] = "RAM";
	if (myConfig.bShowSwap)
		labels[i++] = "SWAP";
	if (myConfig.bShowNvidia)
		labels[i++] = "GPU";
	if (myConfig.bShowCpuTemp)
		labels[i++] = "TEMP";
	if (myConfig.bShowFanSpeed)
		labels[i++] = "FAN";
	pRenderAttr->cLabels = (gchar **)labels;