Esempio n. 1
/* inline */ void
XC(fast_fzeta)(const FLOAT x, const int nspin, const int order, FLOAT * fz){

  FLOAT aa, bb, aa2, bb2;

  if(nspin != XC_UNPOLARIZED){
    aa = CBRT(1.0 + x);
    bb = CBRT(1.0 - x);
    aa2 = aa*aa;
    bb2 = bb*bb;
    fz[0] = (aa2*aa2 + bb2*bb2 - 2.0)/FZETAFACTOR;
    if(order < 1) return;
    fz[1] = (aa - bb)*(4.0/3.0)/FZETAFACTOR;
    if(order < 2) return;
    fz[2] = ((4.0/9.0)/FZETAFACTOR)*(ABS(x)==1.0 ? (FLT_MAX) : (pow(1.0 + (x), -2.0/3.0) + pow(1.0 - (x), -2.0/3.0)));
    if(order < 3) return;
    fz[3] = (-(8.0/27.0)/FZETAFACTOR)*(ABS(x)==1.0 ? (FLT_MAX) : (pow(1.0 + (x), -5.0/3.0) - pow(1.0 - (x), -5.0/3.0)));
  } else {
    fz[0] = 0.0;
    fz[1] = 0.0;
    fz[2] = (8.0/9.0)/FZETAFACTOR;
    fz[3] = 0.0;
Esempio n. 2
/* initialization */
static void
init_vwn_constants(vwn_consts_type *X)
  int i;

  X->A[2] = -1.0/(6.0*M_PI*M_PI);
  for(i=0; i<3; i++){
    X->Q[i] = SQRT(4.0*X->c[i] - X->b[i]*X->b[i]);
  X->fpp = 4.0/(9.0*(CBRT(2.0) - 1));
Esempio n. 3
inline TPoint2<TYPE> DistortPointR1(const TPoint2<TYPE>& pt, const REAL& k1) {
	if (k1 == 0)
		return pt;
	const REAL y(pt.y == 0 ? REAL(1.e-12) : REAL(pt.y));
	const REAL t2(y*y);
	const REAL t3(t2*t2*t2);
	const REAL t4(pt.x*pt.x);
	const REAL t7(k1*(t2+t4));
	const REAL t9(1.0/t7);
	const REAL t10(t2*t9*y*0.5);
	const REAL t11(t3*t9*t9*(0.25+t9/27.0));
	#ifndef _RELEASE
	TPoint2<TYPE> upt;
	if (k1 > 0) {
		const REAL t17(CBRT(t10+SQRT(t11)));
		const REAL t18(t17-t2*t9/(t17*3));
		#ifndef _RELEASE
		upt =
			TPoint2<TYPE>(TYPE(t18*pt.x/y), TYPE(t18));
	} else {
Esempio n. 4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"

#define XC_GGA_X_AM05         120 /* Armiento & Mattsson 05 exchange                */

static inline void 
func(const XC(func_type) *p, int order, FLOAT x, 
     FLOAT *f, FLOAT *dfdx, FLOAT *d2fdx2)
  const FLOAT am05_c      = 0.7168;
  const FLOAT am05_alpha  = 2.804;

  const FLOAT z_tt_factor = POW(CBRT(4.0/3.0) * 2.0*M_PI/3.0, 4);

  FLOAT ss, ss2, lam_x, dlam_x, d2lam_x;
  FLOAT ww, z_t, z_t2, z_tt, fx_b, xx, flaa_1, flaa_2, flaa;
  FLOAT dww, dz_t, dz_tt, dfx_b, dxx, dflaa_1, dflaa_2, dflaa;
  FLOAT d2ww, d2z_t, d2z_tt, d2fx_b, d2xx, d2flaa_1, d2flaa_2, d2flaa;;

  if(x < p->info->min_grad){
    *f    = 1.0;

  ss  = X2S*x;
  ss2 = ss*ss;

  lam_x  = POW(ss, 1.5)/(2.0*SQRT(6.0));
#include <stdio.h>
#include "util.h"

 Wigner's parametrization from the low density limit

#define XC_LDA_C_GOMBAS  24   /* Gombas parametrization       */

static inline void 
func(const XC(func_type) *p, XC(lda_work_t) *r)
  static FLOAT a1=-0.0357, a2=0.0562, b1=-0.0311, b2=2.39;
  FLOAT t1, t2, cnst_rs, x;
  cnst_rs = CBRT(4.0*M_PI/3.0);
  x = cnst_rs*r->rs[1];

  t1 = 1.0 + a2*x;
  t2 = x + b2;

  r->zk = a1/t1 + b1*LOG(t2/x);

  if(r->order < 1) return;

  r->dedrs = -a1*a2/(t1*t1) - b1*b2/(x*t2);
  r->dedrs*= cnst_rs;
  r->dedz  = 0.0;

  if(r->order < 2) return;
Esempio n. 6
int cubic(double A[4], double X[3], int* L)
	const double PI = 3.1415926535897932;
	const double THIRD = 1./3.;
	double U[3],W, P, Q, DIS, PHI;
	int i;

	//define cubic root as statement function
	// In C, the function is defined outside of the cubic fct

	// ====determine the degree of the polynomial ====

	if (A[3] != 0.0)
		//cubic problem
		W = A[2]/A[3]*THIRD;
		P = pow((A[1]/A[3]*THIRD - (W*W)), 3);
		Q = -.5*(2.0*(W*W*W)-(A[1]*W-A[0])/A[3] );
		DIS = (Q*Q)+P;
		if ( DIS < 0.0 )
			//three real solutions!
			//Confine the argument of ACOS to the interval [-1;1]!
			PHI = acos(min(1.0,max(-1.0,Q/sqrt(-P))));
			for (i=0;i<3;i++)	U[i] = P*cos((PHI+2*((double)i)*PI)*THIRD)-W;
			X[0] = min(U[0], min(U[1], U[2]));
			X[1] = max(min(U[0], U[1]),max( min(U[0], U[2]), min(U[1], U[2])));
			X[2] = max(U[0], max(U[1], U[2]));
			*L = 3;
			// only one real solution!
			DIS = sqrt(DIS);
			X[0] = CBRT(Q+DIS)+CBRT(Q-DIS)-W;
	else if (A[2] != 0.0)
		// quadratic problem
		P = 0.5*A[1]/A[2];
		DIS = (P*P)-A[0]/A[2];
		if (DIS > 0.0)
			// 2 real solutions
			const double sq_dis = sqrt(DIS);
			X[0] = -P - sq_dis;
			X[1] = -P + sq_dis;
			// no real solution
	else if (A[1] != 0.0)
		//linear equation
		X[0] =A[0]/A[1];
		//no equation
 //     ==== perform one step of a newton iteration in order to minimize
 //          round-off errors ====
	for (i=0;i<*L;i++)
		X[i] = X[i] - (A[0]+X[i]*(A[1]+X[i]*(A[2]+X[i]*A[3])))/(A[1]+X[i]*(2.0*A[2]+X[i]*3.0*A[3]));
	//	printf("\n X inside cubic %.15e\n", X[i]);

	return 0;
static FLOAT pw91_nu, pw91_beta;
static const FLOAT
  pw91_C_c0  = 4.235e-3, 
  pw91_alpha = 0.09;

static void 
gga_c_pw91_init(XC(func_type) *p)
  p->n_func_aux  = 1;
  p->func_aux    = (XC(func_type) **) malloc(1*sizeof(XC(func_type) *));
  p->func_aux[0] = (XC(func_type) *)  malloc(  sizeof(XC(func_type)));

  XC(func_init)(p->func_aux[0], XC_LDA_C_PW, p->nspin);

  pw91_nu   = 16.0/M_PI * CBRT(3.0*M_PI*M_PI);
  pw91_beta = pw91_nu*pw91_C_c0;

static void
A_eq14(int order, FLOAT ec, FLOAT g, FLOAT *A, 
       FLOAT *dAec, FLOAT *dAg,
       FLOAT *d2Aec2, FLOAT *d2Ag2, FLOAT *d2Aecg)
  FLOAT xx, expxx, g2, g3;
  FLOAT dAdxx, dxxdec, dxxdg;
  FLOAT d2Adxx2, d2xxdecg, d2xxdg2;

  g2 = g*g;
  g3 = g*g2;
Esempio n. 8
unsigned int Math::solveCubic(DOUBLE coeffs[4], DOUBLE roots[3])
    unsigned int    nb = 0;

    /* x^3 + A * x^2 + B * x + C = 0 */

    DOUBLE  A = coeffs[2] / coeffs[3];
    DOUBLE  B = coeffs[1] / coeffs[3];
    DOUBLE  C = coeffs[0] / coeffs[3];

    /* transform to x^3 + p * x + q = 0 */

    DOUBLE  sqrd_A = A * A;
    DOUBLE  p = 1.0 / 3.0 * (-1.0 / 3.0 * sqrd_A + B);
    DOUBLE  q = 1.0 / 2.0 * (2.0 / 27.0 * A * sqrd_A - 1.0 / 3.0 * A * B + C);

    /* use Cardano's formula */

    DOUBLE  cardano_p = p * p * p;
    DOUBLE  delta = q * q + cardano_p;

    if (IS_ZERO(delta))
        if (IS_ZERO(q))
            roots[0] = 0;
            nb = 1;
            DOUBLE  u = CBRT(-q);

            roots[0] = 2 * u;
            roots[1] = -u;
            nb = 2;
    else if (delta < 0.0)
        DOUBLE  phi = 1.0 / 3.0 * acos(-q / sqrt(-cardano_p));
        DOUBLE  t = 2.0 * sqrt(-p);

        roots[0] = t * cos(phi);
        roots[1] = -t * cos(phi + M_PI / 3);
        roots[2] = -t * cos(phi - M_PI / 3);
        nb = 3;
        DOUBLE  sqrt_delta = sqrt(delta);

        roots[0] = cbrt(sqrt_delta - q) - cbrt(sqrt_delta + q);
        nb = 1;

    /* retransform to original equation */

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb; i++)
        roots[i] -= 1.0 / 3.0 * A;
    return (nb);
Esempio n. 9
#include "util.h"

#define XC_GGA_X_KT1          145 /* Keal and Tozer version 1             */
#define XC_GGA_XC_KT2         146 /* Keal and Tozer version 2             */

#define HEADER 3

static inline void 
func(const XC(gga_type) *p, int order, FLOAT x, FLOAT ds,
     FLOAT *f, FLOAT *dfdx, FLOAT *lvrho)
  FLOAT gamma = -0.006, delta = 0.1;

  FLOAT dd, n13, n43;

  n13 = CBRT(ds);
  n43 = ds*n13;
  dd  = 1.0/(n43 + delta);
  *f = 1.0 - gamma/X_FACTOR_C * x*x * n43*dd;

  if(order < 1) return;

  *dfdx  = - gamma/X_FACTOR_C * 2.0*x * n43*dd;
  *lvrho = - gamma/X_FACTOR_C * x*x * (4.0/3.0)*n13 * delta * dd*dd;

  if(order < 2) return;

  /* to be done */