Esempio n. 1
void CCJSPrimitiveFBX::renderVertices(const bool textured)
    CCRenderer::CCSetRenderStates( true );

    for( int subModelIndex=0; subModelIndex<submodels.length; ++subModelIndex )
        Submodel &submodel = *submodels.list[subModelIndex];

        if( submodel.adjustedUVs != NULL )
            CCSetTexCoords( submodel.adjustedUVs );
        else if( submodel.modelUVs )
            CCSetTexCoords( submodel.modelUVs );
        GLVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, submodel.skinnedVertices, submodel.vertexCount );

        if( submodel.indices != NULL )
            for( int i=0; i<submodel.submeshes.length; ++i )
                Submesh &submesh = *submodel.submeshes.list[i];
                gRenderer->GLDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, submesh.count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &submodel.indices[submesh.offset] );
Esempio n. 2
void CCTextureManager::invalidateAllTextureHandles()
    currentGLTexture = NULL;
    totalTexturesLoaded = 0;
    totalUsedTextureSpace = 0;

    for( int i=0; i<textureHandles.length; ++i )
        CCTextureHandle *handle = textureHandles.list[i];
        if( handle->texture != NULL )
            totalUsedTextureSpace -= handle->texture->getBytes();
            delete handle->texture;
            handle->texture = NULL;

    // Load in a 1x1 white texture to use for untextured draws
    assignTextureIndex( "transparent.png", Resource_Packaged, false, true, true );
    assignTextureIndex( "white.png", Resource_Packaged, false, true, true );

    setTextureIndex( 0 );

    CCSetTexCoords( NULL );
Esempio n. 3
void CCPrimitiveObj::renderVertices(const bool textured)
	GLVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices );
    CCSetVertexAttribute( ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normals, true );
    CCSetTexCoords( textureUVs != NULL ? textureUVs : modelUVs );

	glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount );
Esempio n. 4
void CCPrimitiveObj::renderVertices(const bool textured)
    CCRenderer::CCSetRenderStates( true );

	GLVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices, vertexCount );
    CCSetVertexAttribute( ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normals, true, vertexCount );
    CCSetTexCoords( adjustedUVs != NULL ? adjustedUVs : modelUVs );

	GLDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount );
Esempio n. 5
void CCInverseTexCoords()
	static const float texCoords[] = 
		0.0f, -1.0f,
		1.0f, -1.0f,
		0.0f, 0.0f,
		1.0f, 0.0f
	CCSetTexCoords( texCoords );
Esempio n. 6
void CCDefaultTexCoords()
	static const float texCoords[] = 
		0.0f, 1.0f,
		1.0f, 1.0f,
		0.0f, 0.0f,
		1.0f, 0.0f
	CCSetTexCoords( texCoords );
Esempio n. 7
void CCTextureManager::invalidateAllTextureHandles()
    for( int i=0; i<textureHandles.length; ++i )
        CCTextureHandle *handle = textureHandles.list[i];
        if( handle->texture != NULL )
            totalUsedTextureSpace -= handle->texture->getBytes();
            delete handle->texture;
            handle->texture = NULL;

    setTextureIndex( 0 );

    CCSetTexCoords( NULL );
Esempio n. 8
void CCPrimitiveSquare::renderVertices(const bool textured)
#if defined PROFILEON
    CCProfiler profile( "CCPrimitiveSquare::renderVertices()" );

	if( customUVs != NULL )
		CCSetTexCoords( customUVs->uvs );
    GLVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices );
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4 );
Esempio n. 9
const bool CCWidgetBase::render(const bool foreground)
	if( inView && enabled && foreground == renderForeground )
		if( colour == NULL )
            static CCColour colour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f );
			CCSetColour( colour );
			CCSetColour( *colour );
		if( renderButton )
            if( textureIndex != 0 )
				gEngine->textureManager->setTextureIndex( textureIndex );
				if( customUVs != NULL )
					CCSetTexCoords( customUVs->uvs );
				gEngine->textureManager->setTextureIndex( 0 );
			CCRenderRectanglePoint( position, size.width, -size.height );
			if( renderOutline )
				if( colour == NULL )
                    static CCColour colour( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f );
					CCSetColour( colour );
                    CCColour colourObject( colour->red * 0.5f, colour->green * 0.5f, colour->blue * 0.5f, colour->alpha );
					CCSetColour( colourObject );
				CCRenderRectanglePoint( position, size.width, -size.height, true );
			if( distortEffect )
                static CCColour colour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f );
				CCSetColour( colour );
				CCRenderRectanglePoint( position, size.width + distortTarget.x, size.height + distortTarget.y );
		return true;
	return false;
void CCTextureFontPage::renderText(const char *text, const uint length, 
                                   const float x, const float y,
                                   const bool centeredX, const bool centeredY, const float size) const
    ASSERT( length < MAX_TEXT_LENGTH );


	// Find out our width so we can center the text
    CCPoint lineSize[MAX_TEXT_LINES];
    CCPoint charSize[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH];
	uint numberOfLines = 0;
	for( uint i=0; i<length; ++i )
        const Letter *letter = getLetter( text[i] );
		if( letter != NULL )
            charSize[i].x = letter->size.width * size;
            charSize[i].y = letter->size.height * size;
			// New line
			if( text[i] == 10 )
                ASSERT( numberOfLines < MAX_TEXT_LINES );
            lineSize[numberOfLines].x += charSize[i].x;
            lineSize[numberOfLines].y = MAX( lineSize[numberOfLines].y, charSize[i].y );
    CCPoint max( lineSize[0].x, lineSize[0].y );
	for( uint i=1; i<numberOfLines; ++i )
        max.x = MAX( max.x, lineSize[i].x );
        max.y += lineSize[i].y;
    CCPoint start = CCPoint( x, y );
	if( centeredX )
        start.x -= max.x * 0.5f;
	if( centeredY )
        start.y -= max.y * gEngine->renderer->aspectRatio;
    CCPoint currentStart = start;
    CCPoint currentEnd;
	CCSetTexCoords( texCoords );
	uint lineNumber = 0;
	for( uint i=0; i<length; ++i )
		const Letter *letter = getLetter( text[i] );
		if( letter != NULL )
			// Calculate end point
            currentEnd.x = currentStart.x + charSize[i].x;
            currentEnd.y = currentStart.y + charSize[i].y;
			// New line
			if( text[i] == 10 )
                currentStart.y += lineSize[lineNumber++].y;
				//currentStart.x = lineStart[lineNumber];
				texCoords[0] = letter->start.x;
				texCoords[1] = letter->start.y;
				texCoords[2] = letter->end.x;
				texCoords[3] = letter->start.y;
				texCoords[4] = letter->start.x;
				texCoords[5] = letter->end.y;
				texCoords[6] = letter->end.x;
				texCoords[7] = letter->end.y;
				CCRenderSquare2D( currentStart, currentEnd, false );
                currentStart.x += charSize[i].x;
void CCTextureFontPage::renderText3D(const char *text, const uint length,
                                     const float x, const float y, const float z,
                                     const float height, const bool centeredX) const
#if defined PROFILEON
    CCProfiler profile( "CCTextureFontPage::renderText3D()" );

    // TODO: I draw these wrong, please fix me to work with back face culling
    glCullFace( GL_FRONT );

    ASSERT( length < MAX_TEXT_LENGTH );


    // Find out our width so we can center the text
    int lineIndex = 0;
    CCPoint lineSize[MAX_TEXT_LINES];
    static CCPoint charSize[MAX_TEXT_LINES][MAX_TEXT_LENGTH];
    int characterIndex = 0;
    for( uint i=0; i<length; ++i )
        char character = text[i];
        if( character == '\n' )
            characterIndex = 0;
            ASSERT( lineIndex < MAX_TEXT_LINES );
            const Letter *letter = getLetter( character );
            if( letter != NULL )
                CCPoint &size = charSize[lineIndex][characterIndex];
                size.x = letter->size.width * height;
                size.y = letter->size.height * height;

                lineSize[lineIndex].x += size.x;
                lineSize[lineIndex].y = MAX( lineSize[lineIndex].y, size.y );

    CCPoint start( x, y );
    if( centeredX )
        start.x -= lineSize[0].x * 0.5f;
    start.y += lineSize[0].y * 0.5f;

    static CCVector3 currentStart, currentEnd;
    currentStart.x = start.x;
    currentStart.y = start.y;
    currentStart.z = -z;
    currentEnd.z = z;

    CCSetTexCoords( texCoords );
    lineIndex = 0;
    characterIndex = 0;
    for( uint i=0; i<length; ++i )
        char character = text[i];
        if( character == '\n' )
            currentStart.x = start.x;
            currentStart.y -= lineSize[lineIndex].y;
            characterIndex = 0;
            const Letter *letter = getLetter( character );
            if( letter != NULL )
                CCPoint &size = charSize[lineIndex][characterIndex];
                // Calculate end point
                currentEnd.x = currentStart.x + size.x;
                currentEnd.y = currentStart.y - size.y;

                texCoords[0] = letter->start.x;
                texCoords[1] = letter->start.y;
                texCoords[2] = letter->end.x;
                texCoords[3] = letter->start.y;
                texCoords[4] = letter->start.x;
                texCoords[5] = letter->end.y;
                texCoords[6] = letter->end.x;
                texCoords[7] = letter->end.y;

                CCRenderSquare( currentStart, currentEnd );
                currentStart.x += size.x;

    glCullFace( GL_BACK );