Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN	*cdkscreen;
   CDKLABEL	*demo;
   WINDOW	*cursesWin;
   char		*mesg[4];

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */

   /* Set the labels up. */
   mesg[0] = "</5><#UL><#HL(30)><#UR>";
   mesg[1] = "</5><#VL(10)>Hello World!<#VL(10)>";
   mesg[2] = "</5><#LL><#HL(30)><#LR>";

   /* Declare the labels. */
   demo = newCDKLabel (cdkscreen,
		       CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
		       CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
		       mesg, 3,
		       CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
		       CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', TRUE));

   setCDKLabelBackgroundAttrib (demo, COLOR_PAIR(2));

   /* Is the label null? */
   if (demo == 0)
      /* Clean up the memory. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* End curses... */

      /* Spit out a message. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the label. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Draw the CDK screen. */
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   waitCDKLabel (demo, ' ');

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKLabel (demo);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen         = 0;
   CDKTEMPLATE *widget          = 0;
   CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonWidget   = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWindow         = 0;
   char *answer                 = 0;
   char *tmp                    = 0;
   char *CDK_WIDGET_COLOR       = 0;
   char *temp                   = 0;
   chtype *holder               = 0;
   int buttonCount              = 0;
   int selection                = 0;
   int shadowHeight             = 0;
   FILE *fp                     = stderr;
   char **buttonList            = 0;
   int j1, j2;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean boxWidget;
   boolean mixPlate;
   boolean shadowWidget;
   char *buttons;
   char *defaultAnswer;
   char *label;
   char *my_overlay;
   char *outputFile;
   char *plate;
   char *title;
   int minimum;
   int xpos;
   int ypos;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "d:m:o:p:B:L:O:P:T:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   xpos            = CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER);
   ypos            = CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER);
   boxWidget       = CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE);
   shadowWidget    = CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE);
   minimum         = CDKparamValue (&params, 'm', 0);
   mixPlate        = CDKparamValue (&params, 'P', FALSE);
   defaultAnswer   = CDKparamString (&params, 'd');
   my_overlay      = CDKparamString (&params, 'o');
   plate           = CDKparamString (&params, 'p');
   buttons         = CDKparamString (&params, 'B');
   label           = CDKparamString (&params, 'L');
   outputFile      = CDKparamString (&params, 'O');
   title           = CDKparamString (&params, 'T');

   /* Make sure all the command line parameters were provided. */
   if (plate == 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* If the user asked for an output file, try to open it. */
   if (outputFile != 0)
      if ((fp = fopen (outputFile, "w")) == 0)
	 fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can not open output file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile);
	 ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWindow = initscr ();
   cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWindow);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
   if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
      wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
      wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Get the widget color background color. */
   if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)

   /* Create the template widget. */
   widget = newCDKTemplate (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos,
			    title, label,
			    plate, my_overlay,
			    boxWidget, shadowWidget);

   /* Check to make sure we created the widget. */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Shut down curses and CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
      endCDK ();

      fprintf (stderr,
	       "Error: Could not create the template field. "
	       "Is the window too small?\n");

      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Split the buttons if they supplied some. */
   if (buttons != 0)
      /* Split the button list up. */
      buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
      buttonCount = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2) buttonList);

      /* We need to create a buttonbox widget. */
      buttonWidget = newCDKButtonbox (cdkScreen,
				      getbegx (widget->win),
				      (getbegy (widget->win)
				       + widget->boxHeight - 1),
				      1, widget->boxWidth - 1,
				      0, 1, buttonCount,
				      (CDK_CSTRING2) buttonList, buttonCount,
				      A_REVERSE, boxWidget, FALSE);
      setCDKButtonboxULChar (buttonWidget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKButtonboxURChar (buttonWidget, ACS_RTEE);

       * We need to set the lower left and right
       * characters of the widget.
      setCDKTemplateLLChar (widget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKTemplateLRChar (widget, ACS_RTEE);

       * Bind the Tab key in the widget to send a
       * Tab key to the button box widget.
      bindCDKObject (vTEMPLATE, widget, KEY_TAB, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vTEMPLATE, widget, CDK_NEXT, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vTEMPLATE, widget, CDK_PREV, widgetCB, buttonWidget);

      /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
      setCDKButtonboxBackgroundColor (buttonWidget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

      /* Draw the button widget. */
      drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, boxWidget);

    * If the user asked for a shadow, we need to create one.  Do this instead
    * of using the shadow parameter because the button widget is not part of
    * the main widget and if the user asks for both buttons and a shadow, we
    * need to create a shadow big enough for both widgets.  Create the shadow
    * window using the widgets shadowWin element, so screen refreshes will draw
    * them as well.
   if (shadowWidget == TRUE)
      /* Determine the height of the shadow window. */
      shadowHeight = (buttonWidget == 0 ?
		      widget->boxHeight :
		      widget->boxHeight + buttonWidget->boxHeight - 1);

      /* Create the shadow window. */
      widget->shadowWin = newwin (shadowHeight,
				  getbegy (widget->win) + 1,
				  getbegx (widget->win) + 1);

      /* Make sure we could have created the shadow window. */
      if (widget->shadowWin != 0)
	 widget->shadow = TRUE;

	  * We force the widget and buttonWidget to be drawn so the
	  * buttonbox widget will be drawn when the widget is activated.
	  * Otherwise the shadow window will draw over the button widget.
	 drawCDKTemplate (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
	 eraseCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);
	 drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, ObjOf (buttonWidget)->box);

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
   setCDKTemplateBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

   /* If a default answer were proivded, set it in the widget. */
   if (defaultAnswer != 0)
      setCDKTemplateValue (widget, defaultAnswer);

   /* If the user asked for a minimum value, set it. */
   setCDKTemplateMin (widget, minimum);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   tmp = activateCDKTemplate (widget, 0);

   /* If the user asked for plate mixing, give it to them. */
   if (mixPlate == TRUE)
      answer = mixCDKTemplate (widget);
      answer = copyChar (tmp);

   /* If there were buttons, get the button selected. */
   if (buttonWidget != 0)
      selection = buttonWidget->currentButton;
      destroyCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);

   /* End CDK. */
   destroyCDKTemplate (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
   endCDK ();

   /* Print the value from the widget. */
   if (answer != 0)
      fprintf (fp, "%s\n", answer);
      freeChar (answer);
   fclose (fp);

   /* Exit with the button number picked. */
   ExitProgram (selection);
Esempio n. 3
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk scale widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKFSCALE *scale     = 0;
   const char *title    = "<C>Select a value";
   const char *label    = "</5>Current value";
   char temp[256];
   const char *mesg[5];
   float selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   float high;
   float inc;
   float low;

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "h:i:l:w:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   high   = myFloatParam (&params, 'h', 2.4);
   inc    = myFloatParam (&params, 'i', 0.2);
   low    = myFloatParam (&params, 'l', -1.2);

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the scale. */
   scale = newCDKFScale (cdkscreen,
			 CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			 CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			 title, label, A_NORMAL,
			 CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'w', 10),
			 low, low, high,
			 inc, (inc * (float)2.), 1,
			 CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			 CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the scale null? */
   if (scale == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Can't make the scale widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the scale. */
   selection = activateCDKFScale (scale, 0);

   /* Check the exit value of the scale widget. */
   if (scale->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (scale->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %f", selection);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKFScale (scale);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 4
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk slider widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKFSLIDER *widget	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin	= 0;
   char *title		= "<C></U>Enter a value:";
   char *label		= "</B>Current Value:";
   char temp[256], *mesg[5];
   float selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   float high;
   float inc;
   float low;

   float scale;
   int n, digits;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "h:i:l:w:p:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   digits = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'p', 0);

   scale = 1.0;
   for (n = 0; n < digits; ++n) {
      scale = scale * 10.0;

   high   = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'h', 100) / scale;
   inc    = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'i', 1) / scale;
   low    = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'l', 1) / scale;

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */

   /* Create the widget. */
   widget = newCDKFSlider (cdkscreen,
			  CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
			  CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			  title, label,
			  A_REVERSE | COLOR_PAIR (29) | ' ',
			  CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'w', 50),
			  low, low, high,
			  inc, (inc*2),
			  CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
			  CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't make the widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   selection = activateCDKFSlider (widget, 0);

   /* Check the exit value of the widget. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %.*f", digits, selection);
      mesg[0] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
      freeChar (mesg[0]);

   /* Clean up.*/
   destroyCDKFSlider (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    /* Read config file */
    clit_config *config = malloc(sizeof(clit_config));
    /* If no user info exists, intialize oauth process */


    home = malloc(sizeof(statuses));
    home->count = 0;

    CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
    CDKSCROLL *home_scroll = 0;
    WINDOW *cursesWin = 0;
    char *title = "<C><\5>Home";
    char **home_items = 0;
    int selection,count;

    char *tmpfile = get_home();
    count = load_timeline(tmpfile,home);
    home_items = malloc(count*sizeof(char *));

    CDK_PARAMS params;
    CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "cs:t:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

    cursesWin = initscr();
    cdkscreen = initCDKScreen(cursesWin);

    status *p = home->head;
    for(int i=0;i<count;++i){
            home_items[i] = p->text;
            p = p->next;
        else break;
//    count = CDKgetDirectoryContents (".", &home_items);

    home_scroll = newCDKScroll(cdkscreen,
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
                               CDKparsePosition(CDKparamString2(&params, 's', "RIGHT")),
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 0),
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', 0),
                               CDKparamString2(&params, 't', title),
                               CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : home_items,
                               CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : count,
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
                               CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));
    if(home_scroll == 0){
    if (CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c')){
        setCDKScrollItems (home_scroll, home_items, count, TRUE);
    selection = activateCDKScroll (home_scroll, 0);

    char ch = '\0';
    while((ch = getch()) != 'q'){
            case 'n':

    //CDKfreeStrings (home_items);
Esempio n. 6
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen		= 0;
   CDKVIEWER *widget		= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWindow		= 0;
   char *filename		= 0;
   char *CDK_WIDGET_COLOR	= 0;
   char *temp			= 0;
   chtype *holder		= 0;
   int answer			= 0;
   int messageLines		= -1;
   int buttonCount		= 0;
   char **messageList		= 0;
   char **buttonList		= 0;
   char tempTitle[256];
   int j1, j2;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean boxWidget;
   boolean interpret;
   boolean shadowWidget;
   boolean showInfoLine;
   char *buttons;
   char *title;
   int height;
   int width;
   int xpos;
   int ypos;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "f:il:B:T:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

   xpos            = CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER);
   ypos            = CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER);
   height          = CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 20);
   width           = CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', 60);
   boxWidget       = CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE);
   shadowWidget    = CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE);

   interpret       = CDKparamValue(&params, 'i', FALSE);
   showInfoLine    = CDKparamValue(&params, 'l', FALSE);
   filename        = CDKparamString(&params, 'f');
   buttons         = CDKparamString(&params, 'B');
   title           = CDKparamString(&params, 'T');

   /* Make sure they gave us a file to read. */
   if (filename == 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Read the file in. */
   messageLines = CDKreadFile (filename, &messageList);

   /* Check if there was an error. */
   if (messageLines == -1)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error: Could not open the file %s\n", filename);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Set up the buttons of the viewer. */
   if (buttons == 0)
      buttonList[0]	= copyChar ("OK");
      buttonList[1]	= copyChar ("Cancel");
      buttonCount	= 2;
      /* Split the button list up. */
      buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
      buttonCount = CDKcountStrings (buttonList);

   /* Set up the title of the viewer. */
   if (title == 0)
      sprintf (tempTitle, "<C>Filename: </U>%s<!U>", filename);
      title = copyChar (tempTitle);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWindow = initscr();
   cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWindow);

   /* Start color. */

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
   if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
      wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
      wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Get the widget color background color. */
   if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)

   /* Create the viewer widget. */
   widget = newCDKViewer (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos, height, width,
				buttonList, buttonCount, A_REVERSE,
				boxWidget, shadowWidget);

   /* Check to make sure we created the file viewer. */
   if (widget == 0)
      CDKfreeStrings (messageList);
      CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);

      /* Shut down curses and CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);

      fprintf (stderr, "Error: Could not create the file viewer. Is the window too small?\n");

      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
   setCDKViewerBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

   /* Set a binding for saving the info. */
   bindCDKObject (vVIEWER, widget, 'S', widgetCB, 0);

   /* Set the information needed for the viewer. */
   setCDKViewer (widget, title, messageList, messageLines,
			A_REVERSE, interpret, showInfoLine, TRUE);

   /* Activate the viewer. */
   answer = activateCDKViewer (widget, 0);

   CDKfreeStrings (messageList);
   CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);

   destroyCDKViewer (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);

   /* Exit with the button number picked. */
   ExitProgram (answer);
Esempio n. 7
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKVIEWER *example   = 0;
   CDKFSELECT *fSelect  = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin    = 0;
   const char *title    = "<C>Pick\n<C>A\n<C>File";
   const char *label    = "File: ";
   char **info          = 0;
   const char *button[5];
   const char *mesg[4];
   char *filename;
   char vTitle[256];
   char temp[256];
   int selected, lines;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   char *directory;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "d:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);
   directory = CDKparamString2 (&params, 'd', ".");

   /* Create the viewer buttons. */
   button[0] = "</5><OK><!5>";
   button[1] = "</5><Cancel><!5>";

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr ();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Get the filename. */
   fSelect = newCDKFselect (cdkscreen,
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 20),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', 65),
			    title, label, A_NORMAL, '_', A_REVERSE,
			    "</5>", "</48>", "</N>", "</N>",
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   if (fSelect == 0)
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      fprintf (stderr, "Cannot create widget\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, '?', do_help, NULL);
   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, KEY_F1, do_help, NULL);
   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, KEY_F2, do_delete, fSelect);
   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, KEY_F3, do_delete1, fSelect);
   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, KEY_F4, do_reload, fSelect);
   bindCDKObject (vFSELECT, fSelect, KEY_F5, do_undo, fSelect);

    * Set the starting directory. This is not necessary because when
    * the file selector starts it uses the present directory as a default.
   setCDKFselect (fSelect, directory, A_NORMAL, ' ', A_REVERSE,
		  "</5>", "</48>", "</N>", "</N>", ObjOf (fSelect)->box);
   myUserList = copyCharList ((const char **)getCDKFselectContents (fSelect, &userSize));
   myUndoList = (UNDO *) malloc ((size_t) userSize * sizeof (UNDO));
   undoSize = 0;

   /* Activate the file selector. */
   filename = activateCDKFselect (fSelect, 0);

   /* Check how the person exited from the widget. */
   if (fSelect->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      /* Pop up a message for the user. */
      mesg[0] = "<C>Escape hit. No file selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);

      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);

   /* Create the file viewer to view the file selected. */
   example = newCDKViewer (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, 20, -2,
			   (CDK_CSTRING2)button, 2, A_REVERSE, TRUE, FALSE);

   /* Could we create the viewer widget? */
   if (example == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Can't seem to create viewer. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);

   /* Open the file and read the contents. */
   lines = CDKreadFile (filename, &info);
   if (lines == -1)
      filename = copyChar (filename);

      destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Could not open \"%s\"\n", filename);

      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Set up the viewer title, and the contents to the widget. */
   sprintf (vTitle, "<C></B/21>Filename:<!21></22>%20s<!22!B>", filename);
   setCDKViewer (example, vTitle,
		 (CDK_CSTRING2)info, lines,

   CDKfreeStrings (info);

   /* Destroy the file selector widget. */
   destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);

   /* Activate the viewer widget. */
   selected = activateCDKViewer (example, 0);

   /* Check how the person exited from the widget. */
   if (example->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>Escape hit. No Button selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);
   else if (example->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected button %d", selected);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKViewer (example);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen         = 0;
   CDKMATRIX *widget            = 0;
   CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonWidget   = 0;
   chtype *holder               = 0;
   char *buttons                = 0;
   char *CDK_WIDGET_COLOR       = 0;
   char *temp                   = 0;
   chtype filler                = A_NORMAL | '.';
   int rows                     = -1;
   int cols                     = -1;
   int buttonCount              = 0;
   int selection                = 0;
   int shadowHeight             = 0;
   FILE *fp                     = stderr;
   char **rowTitles;
   char **colTitles;
   char **rowTemp               = 0;
   char **colTemp               = 0;
   char **kolTemp               = 0;
   char **buttonList            = 0;
   int *colWidths;
   int *colTypes;
   int count, infoLines, x, y, j1, j2;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean boxWidget;
   boolean shadowWidget;
   char *defaultValue;
   char *myColTitles;
   char *myColTypes;
   char *myColWidths;
   char *myFiller;
   char *myRowTitles;
   char *outputFile;
   char *title;
   int vrows;
   int xpos;
   int ypos;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "c:d:r:t:w:v:B:F:O:T:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   xpos         = CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER);
   ypos         = CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER);
   boxWidget    = CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE);
   shadowWidget = CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE);
   vrows        = CDKparamValue (&params, 'v', -1);
   myColTitles  = CDKparamString (&params, 'c');
   defaultValue = CDKparamString (&params, 'd');
   myRowTitles  = CDKparamString (&params, 'r');
   myColTypes   = CDKparamString (&params, 't');
   myColWidths  = CDKparamString (&params, 'w');
   buttons      = CDKparamString (&params, 'B');
   myFiller     = CDKparamString (&params, 'F');
   outputFile   = CDKparamString (&params, 'O');
   title        = CDKparamString (&params, 'T');

   /* If the user asked for an output file, try to open it. */
   if (outputFile != 0)
      if ((fp = fopen (outputFile, "w")) == 0)
	 fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can not open output file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile);
	 ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Make sure all the needed command line parameters were provided. */
   if ((myRowTitles == 0) ||
       (myColTitles == 0) ||
       (myColWidths == 0) ||
       (vrows == -1))
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Convert the char * titles to a char **, offset by one */
   rowTemp = CDKsplitString (myRowTitles, '\n');
   rows = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)rowTemp);
   rowTitles = (char **)calloc ((size_t) rows + 1, sizeof (char *));
   for (x = 0; x < rows; x++)
      rowTitles[x + 1] = rowTemp[x];

   colTemp = CDKsplitString (myColTitles, '\n');
   cols = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)colTemp);
   colTitles = (char **)calloc ((size_t) cols + 1, sizeof (char *));
   for (x = 0; x < cols; x++)
      colTitles[x + 1] = colTemp[x];

   /* Convert the column widths. */
   kolTemp = CDKsplitString (myColWidths, '\n');
   count = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)kolTemp);
   colWidths = (int *)calloc ((size_t) count + 1, sizeof (int));
   for (x = 0; x < count; x++)
      colWidths[x + 1] = atoi (kolTemp[x]);

   /* If they passed in the column types, convert them. */
   if (myColTypes != 0)
      char **ss = CDKsplitString (myColTypes, '\n');
      count = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)ss);
      colTypes = (int *)calloc ((size_t) MAXIMUM (cols, count) + 1, sizeof (int));
      for (x = 0; x < count; x++)
	 colTypes[x + 1] = char2DisplayType (ss[x]);
      CDKfreeStrings (ss);
      /* If they didn't set default values. */
      colTypes = (int *)calloc ((size_t) cols + 1, sizeof (int));
      for (x = 0; x < cols; x++)
	 colTypes[x + 1] = vMIXED;

   cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
   if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
      wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
      wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Get the widget color background color. */
   if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)

   /* If the set the filler character, set it now. */
   if (myFiller != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (myFiller, &j1, &j2);
      filler = holder[0];
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Create the matrix widget. */
   widget = newCDKMatrix (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos,
			  rows, cols, vrows, cols,
			  title, (CDK_CSTRING2)rowTitles, (CDK_CSTRING2)colTitles,
			  colWidths, colTypes, 1, 1,
			  filler, COL,
			  boxWidget, TRUE, shadowWidget);
   free (rowTitles);
   free (colTitles);

   /* Make sure we could create the widget. */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Shut down curses and CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
      endCDK ();

      fprintf (stderr,
	       "Error: Cannot create the matrix. "
	       "Is the window too small?\n");

      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

    * If the user sent in a file of default values, read it and
    * stick the values read in from the file into the matrix.
   if (defaultValue != 0)
      size_t limit = (size_t) ((rows + 1) * (cols + 1));
      char **info = (char **)calloc (limit, sizeof (char *));
      char **lineTemp = 0;

      /* Read the file. */
      infoLines = CDKreadFile (defaultValue, &lineTemp);
      if (infoLines > 0)
	 int *subSize = (int *)calloc ((size_t) infoLines + 1, sizeof (int));

	 /* For each line, split on a CTRL-V. */
	 for (x = 0; x < infoLines; x++)
	    char **ss = CDKsplitString (lineTemp[x], CTRL ('V'));
	    subSize[x + 1] = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)ss);
	    for (y = 0; y < subSize[x + 1]; y++)
	       MY_INFO (x, y) = ss[y];
	    free (ss);
	 CDKfreeStrings (lineTemp);

	 setCDKMatrixCells (widget, (CDK_CSTRING2)info, rows, cols, subSize);

	 for (x = 0; x < infoLines; x++)
	    for (y = 0; y < subSize[x + 1]; y++)
	       freeChar (MY_INFO (x, y));
	 free (info);
	 free (subSize);

   /* Split the buttons if they supplied some. */
   if (buttons != 0)
      /* Split the button list up. */
      buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
      buttonCount = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)buttonList);

      /* We need to create a buttonbox widget. */
      buttonWidget = newCDKButtonbox (cdkScreen,
				      getbegx (widget->win),
				      (getbegy (widget->win)
				       + widget->boxHeight - 1),
				      1, widget->boxWidth - 1,
				      NULL, 1, buttonCount,
				      (CDK_CSTRING2)buttonList, buttonCount,
				      A_REVERSE, boxWidget, FALSE);

      setCDKButtonboxULChar (buttonWidget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKButtonboxURChar (buttonWidget, ACS_RTEE);

       * We need to set the lower left and right
       * characters of the widget.
      setCDKMatrixLLChar (widget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKMatrixLRChar (widget, ACS_RTEE);

       * Bind the Tab key in the widget to send a
       * Tab key to the button box widget.
      bindCDKObject (vMATRIX, widget, KEY_TAB, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vMATRIX, widget, CDK_NEXT, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vMATRIX, widget, CDK_PREV, widgetCB, buttonWidget);

      /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
      setCDKButtonboxBackgroundColor (buttonWidget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

      /* Draw the button widget. */
      drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, boxWidget);

    * If the user asked for a shadow, we need to create one.  Do this instead
    * of using the shadow parameter because the button widget is not part of
    * the main widget and if the user asks for both buttons and a shadow, we
    * need to create a shadow big enough for both widgets.  Create the shadow
    * window using the widgets shadowWin element, so screen refreshes will draw
    * them as well.
   if (shadowWidget == TRUE)
      /* Determine the height of the shadow window. */
      shadowHeight = (buttonWidget == (CDKBUTTONBOX *)NULL ?
		      widget->boxHeight :
		      widget->boxHeight + buttonWidget->boxHeight - 1);

      /* Create the shadow window. */
      widget->shadowWin = newwin (shadowHeight,
				  getbegy (widget->win) + 1,
				  getbegx (widget->win) + 1);

      /* Make sure we could have created the shadow window. */
      if (widget->shadowWin != 0)
	 widget->shadow = TRUE;

	  * We force the widget and buttonWidget to be drawn so the
	  * buttonbox widget will be drawn when the widget is activated.
	  * Otherwise the shadow window will draw over the button widget.
	 drawCDKMatrix (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
	 eraseCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);
	 drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, ObjOf (buttonWidget)->box);

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
   setCDKMatrixBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

   /* Let them play. */
   activateCDKMatrix (widget, 0);

   /* Print out the matrix cells. */
   if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      for (x = 0; x < widget->rows; x++)
	 for (y = 0; y < widget->cols; y++)
	    char *data = getCDKMatrixCell (widget, x, y);
	    if (data != 0)
	       fprintf (fp, "%s%c", data, CTRL ('V'));
	       fprintf (fp, "%c", CTRL ('V'));
	 fprintf (fp, "\n");

   /* If there were buttons, get the button selected. */
   if (buttonWidget != 0)
      selection = buttonWidget->currentButton;
      destroyCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);

   /* cleanup (not really needed) */
   CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);
   free (colTypes);
   free (colWidths);

   CDKfreeStrings (rowTemp);
   CDKfreeStrings (colTemp);
   CDKfreeStrings (kolTemp);

   destroyCDKMatrix (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
   endCDK ();

   /* do this late, in case it was stderr */
   fclose (fp);

   ExitProgram (selection);
Esempio n. 9
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk selection widget.
 * Options (in addition to normal CLI parameters):
 *	-c	create the data after the widget
 *	-s SPOS	location for the scrollbar
 *	-t TEXT	title for the widget
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen		= 0;
   CDKSELECTION *selection	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin		= 0;
   char *title			= "<C></5>Pick one or more accounts.";
   char *choices[]		= {"   ", "-->"};
   char **item = 0;
   char temp[256], *mesg[200];
   struct passwd *ent;
   unsigned x, y;
   unsigned used = 0;
   unsigned count = 0;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "cs:t:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

   /* Use the account names to create a list. */
   count = 0;
   while ((ent = getpwent ()) != 0)
      used = CDKallocStrings(&item, ent->pw_name, count++, used);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Set up CDK Colors. */

   /* Create the selection list. */
   selection = newCDKSelection (cdkscreen,
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
				CDKparsePosition(CDKparamString2(&params, 's', "RIGHT")),
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 10),
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', 50),
				CDKparamString2(&params, 't', title),
				CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : item,
				CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : count,
				choices, 2,
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
				CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the selection list null? */
   if (selection == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can;t seem to create the selection list. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   if (CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c'))
      setCDKSelectionItems (selection, item, count);

   /* Activate the selection list. */
   activateCDKSelection (selection, 0);

   /* Check the exit status of the widget. */
   if (selection->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No items selected.";
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (selection->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "<C>Here are the accounts you selected.";
      y = 1;
      for (x=0; x < count; x++)
	 if (selection->selections[x] == 1)
	    sprintf (temp, "<C></5>%.*s", (int)(sizeof(temp) - 20), item[x]);
	    mesg[y++] = copyChar (temp);
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, y);

      /* Clean up. */
      for (x=1; x < y; x++)
	  freeChar (mesg[x]);

   /* Clean up. */
   CDKfreeStrings (item);
   destroyCDKSelection (selection);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 10
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk template widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen		= 0;
   CDKTEMPLATE *phoneNumber	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin		= 0;
   char *title			= "<C>Title";
   char *label			= "</5>Phone Number:<!5>";
   char *Overlay		= "</B/6>(___)<!6> </5>___-____";
   char *plate			= "(###) ###-####";
   char *info, *mixed, temp[256], *mesg[5];

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* Set up CDK*/
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */

   /* Declare the template. */
   phoneNumber = newCDKTemplate (cdkscreen,
				 CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
				 CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
				 title, label,
				 plate, Overlay,
				 CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
				 CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the template pointer null? */
   if (phoneNumber == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can;'t seem to create template. Is the window too small?");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the template. */
   info = activateCDKTemplate (phoneNumber, 0);

   /* Tell them what they typed. */
   if (phoneNumber->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information typed in.";
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (phoneNumber->exitType == vNORMAL)
      /* Mix the plate and the number. */
      mixed = mixCDKTemplate (phoneNumber);

      /* Create the message to display.				*/
      sprintf (temp, "Phone Number with out plate mixing  : %.*s", (int)(sizeof(temp) - 50), info);
      mesg[0] = copyChar (temp);
      sprintf (temp, "Phone Number with the plate mixed in: %.*s", (int)(sizeof(temp) - 50), mixed);
      mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[2] = "";
      mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 4);

      freeChar (mesg[0]);
      freeChar (mesg[1]);
      freeChar (mixed);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKTemplate (phoneNumber);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 11
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk matrix widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKMATRIX *courseList = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin    = 0;
   const char *title    = 0;
   int rows             = 8;
   int cols             = 5;
   int vrows            = 3;
   int vcols            = 5;

   bool use_coltitles;
   bool use_rowtitles;

   const char *coltitle[MY_COLS];
   const char *rowtitle[MY_COLS];
   const char *mesg[MY_COLS];

   int colwidth[MY_COLS];
   int colvalue[MY_COLS];

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "trcT:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* invert, so giving -S causes the shadow to turn off */
   params.Shadow = !params.Shadow;

   /* cancel the default title, or supply a new one */
   if (CDKparamValue (&params, 't', FALSE))
      title = 0;
   else if ((title = CDKparamString (&params, 'T')) == 0)
      title = "<C>This is the CDK\n<C>matrix widget.\n<C><#LT><#HL(30)><#RT>";

   /* allow cancelling of column and/or row titles with -c and/or -r */
   use_coltitles = !CDKparamValue (&params, 'c', FALSE);
   use_rowtitles = !CDKparamValue (&params, 'r', FALSE);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr ();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the horizontal and vertical matrix labels. */
#define set_col(n, width, string) \
   coltitle[n] = use_coltitles ? string : 0 ;\
   colwidth[n] = width ;\
   colvalue[n] = vUMIXED

   set_col (1, 7, "</B/5>Course");
   set_col (2, 7, "</B/33>Lec 1");
   set_col (3, 7, "</B/33>Lec 2");
   set_col (4, 7, "</B/33>Lec 3");
   set_col (5, 1, "</B/7>Flag");

#define set_row(n, string) \
   rowtitle[n] = use_rowtitles ? "<C></B/6>" string : 0

   set_row (1, "Course 1");
   set_row (2, "Course 2");
   set_row (3, "Course 3");
   set_row (4, "Course 4");
   set_row (5, "Course 5");
   set_row (6, "Course 6");
   set_row (7, "Course 7");
   set_row (8, "Course 8");

   /* Create the matrix object. */
   courseList = newCDKMatrix (cdkscreen,
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			      rows, cols, vrows, vcols,
			      (CDK_CSTRING2) rowtitle,
			      (CDK_CSTRING2) coltitle,
			      colwidth, colvalue,
			      -1, -1, '.',
			      COL, params.Box,

   /* Check to see if the matrix is null. */
   if (courseList == 0)
      /* Clean up. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create the matrix widget.\n");
      printf ("Is the window too small ?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the matrix. */
   activateCDKMatrix (courseList, 0);

   /* Check if the user hit escape or not. */
   if (courseList->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information passed back.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (courseList->exitType == vNORMAL)
      char temp[80];

      sprintf (temp, "Current cell (%d,%d)", courseList->crow, courseList->ccol);
      mesg[0] = "<L>You exited the matrix normally.";
      mesg[1] = temp;
      mesg[2] = "<L>To get the contents of the matrix cell, you can";
      mesg[3] = "<L>use getCDKMatrixCell():";
      mesg[4] = getCDKMatrixCell (courseList, courseList->crow, courseList->ccol);
      mesg[5] = "";
      mesg[6] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 7);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKMatrix (courseList);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 12
 * This program demonstrates the file selector and the viewer widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKVIEWER *example   = 0;
   CDKFSELECT *fSelect  = 0;
   char **info          = 0;
   const char *button[5];
   char vTitle[256];
   const char *mesg[4];
   char temp[256];
   int selected, lines;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   char *filename;		/* specify filename, bypassing fselect */
   char *directory;		/* specify starting directory for fselect */
   int interp_it;		/* interpret embedded markup */
   int link_it;			/* load file via embedded link */

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "f:d:il" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   filename     = CDKparamString (&params, 'f');
   directory    = CDKparamString2 (&params, 'd', ".");
   interp_it    = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'i', FALSE);
   link_it      = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'l', FALSE);

   /* Create the viewer buttons. */
   button[0] = "</5><OK><!5>";
   button[1] = "</5><Cancel><!5>";

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Get the filename. */
   if (filename == 0)
      const char *title = "<C>Pick\n<C>A\n<C>File";
      const char *label = "File:  ";

      fSelect = newCDKFselect (cdkscreen,
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 20),
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', 65),
			       title, label, A_NORMAL, '_', A_REVERSE,
			       "</5>", "</48>", "</N>", "</N>",
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			       CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));
      if (fSelect == 0)
	 destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	 endCDK ();

	 fprintf (stderr, "Cannot create fselect-widget\n");
	 ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

       * Set the starting directory. This is not necessary because when
       * the file selector starts it uses the present directory as a default.
      setCDKFselect (fSelect, directory, A_NORMAL, '.', A_REVERSE,
		     "</5>", "</48>", "</N>", "</N>", ObjOf (fSelect)->box);

      /* Activate the file selector. */
      filename = activateCDKFselect (fSelect, 0);

      /* Check how the person exited from the widget. */
      if (fSelect->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
	 /* Pop up a message for the user. */
	 mesg[0] = "<C>Escape hit. No file selected.";
	 mesg[1] = "";
	 mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
	 popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);

	 /* Exit CDK. */
	 destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);
	 destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	 endCDK ();
	 ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);

   /* Create the file viewer to view the file selected. */
   example = newCDKViewer (cdkscreen,
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 20),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', -2),
			   (CDK_CSTRING2)button, 2, A_REVERSE,
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Could we create the viewer widget? */
   if (example == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create viewer. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);

   if (link_it)
      info = (char **)calloc (2, sizeof (char *));
      info[0] = (char *)malloc (5 + strlen (filename));
      sprintf (info[0], "<F=%s>", filename);
      lines = -1;
      interp_it = TRUE;
      setCDKViewer (example, "reading...", 0, 0, A_REVERSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
      /* Open the file and read the contents. */
      lines = CDKreadFile (filename, &info);
      if (lines == -1)
	 endCDK ();
	 printf ("Could not open \"%s\"\n", filename);
	 ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Set up the viewer title, and the contents to the widget. */
   sprintf (vTitle, "<C></B/21>Filename:<!21></22>%20s<!22!B>", filename);
   setCDKViewer (example, vTitle,
		 (CDK_CSTRING2)info, lines,
		 A_REVERSE, interp_it, TRUE, TRUE);

   CDKfreeStrings (info);

   /* Destroy the file selector widget. */
   destroyCDKFselect (fSelect);

   /* Activate the viewer widget. */
   selected = activateCDKViewer (example, 0);

   /* Check how the person exited from the widget. */
   if (example->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>Escape hit. No Button selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);
   else if (example->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected button %d", selected);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKViewer (example);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 13
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk dialog widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKDIALOG *question  = 0;
   const char *buttons[] =
   {"</B/24>Ok", "</B16>Cancel"};
   const char *message[10];
   const char *mesg[3];
   char temp[100];
   int selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the message within the dialog box. */
   message[0] = "<C></U>Dialog Widget Demo";
   message[1] = " ";
   message[2] = "<C>The dialog widget allows the programmer to create";
   message[3] = "<C>a popup dialog box with buttons. The dialog box";
   message[4] = "<C>can contain </B/32>colours<!B!32>, </R>character attributes<!R>";
   message[5] = "<R>and even be right justified.";
   message[6] = "<L>and left.";

   /* Create the dialog box. */
   question = newCDKDialog (cdkscreen,
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			    (CDK_CSTRING2) message, 7,
			    (CDK_CSTRING2) buttons, 2,
			    COLOR_PAIR (2) | A_REVERSE,
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			    CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Check if we got a null value back. */
   if (question == 0)
      /* Shut down Cdk. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create the dialog box. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the dialog box. */
   selection = activateCDKDialog (question, 0);

   /* Tell them what was selected. */
   if (question->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No button selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (question->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected button #%d", selection);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKDialog (question);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 14
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk radio widget.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = (CDKSCREEN *) NULL;
   WINDOW *cursesWin = (WINDOW *) NULL;
   char *item[5] =
   {"Choice A", "Choice B", "Choice C"};
   char *mesg[5], temp[100];
   int selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "s:t:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr ();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Set up CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the radio list. */
   radio = newCDKRadio (cdkscreen,
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			CDKparsePosition(CDKparamString2(&params, 's', "NONE")),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 5),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', 20),
		        CDKparamString(&params, 't'),
			item, 3,
			'#' | A_REVERSE, 1,
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Check if the radio list is NULL. */
   if (radio == (CDKRADIO *) NULL)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the radio widget. ");
      printf ("Is the window too small??\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the radio list. */
   selection = activateCDKRadio (radio, (chtype *) NULL);

   /* Check the exit status of the widget. */
   if (radio->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No item selected.";
      mesg[1] = "",
	 mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (radio->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You selected the filename";
      sprintf (temp, "<C>%.*s", (int)(sizeof(temp) - 20), item[selection]);
      mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[2] = "";
      mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 4);
      freeChar (mesg[1]);

   destroyCDKRadio (radio);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 15
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk unsigned-slider widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKUSLIDER *widget   = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin    = 0;
   char title[256];
   const char *label    = "</B>Current Value:";
   const char *mesg[5];
   char temp[256];
   unsigned selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   unsigned high;
   unsigned inc;
   unsigned low;

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "h:i:l:w:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   high   = (unsigned)CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'h', 100);
   inc    = (unsigned)CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'i', 1);
   low    = (unsigned)CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'l', 1);

   sprintf (title, "<C></U>Enter a value:\nLow  %#x\nHigh %#x", low, high);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr ();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the widget. */
   widget = newCDKUSlider (cdkscreen,
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			   title, label,
			   A_REVERSE | COLOR_PAIR (29) | ' ',
			   CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'w', 50),
			   low, low, high,
			   inc, (inc * 2),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			   CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot make the widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   selection = activateCDKUSlider (widget, 0);

   /* Check the exit value of the widget. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %u", selection);
      mesg[0] = temp;
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKUSlider (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 16
 * Demonstrate a scrolling-window.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKSWINDOW *swindow	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin	= 0;
   char *title		= "<C></5>Error Log";
   char *mesg[5];

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK colors. */

   /* Create the scrolling window. */
   swindow = newCDKSwindow (cdkscreen,
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 6),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', 65),
			   title, 100,
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the window null. */
   if (swindow == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can not seem to create the scrolling window. Is the window too small??\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Draw the scrolling window. */
   drawCDKSwindow (swindow, ObjOf(swindow)->box);

   /* Load up the scrolling window. */
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C></11>TOP: This is the first line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<L></11>1: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C></11>2: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<R></11>3: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C></11>4: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<L></11>5: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C></11>6: This is another line.", BOTTOM);
   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Sleeping for 1 second.", BOTTOM);
   sleep (1);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>Done. You can now play.", BOTTOM);

   addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C>This is being added to the top.", TOP);

   /* Activate the scrolling window. */
   activateCDKSwindow (swindow, 0);

   /* Check how the user exited this widget. */
   if (swindow->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape to leave this widget.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (swindow->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit return to exit this widget.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKSwindow (swindow);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 17
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk scale widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKSCALE *widget	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin	= 0;
   char *title		= "<C>Select a value";
   char *label		= "</5>Current value";
   char temp[256], *mesg[5];
   int selection;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   int high;
   int inc;
   int low;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "h:i:l:w:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   high   = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'h', 100);
   inc    = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'i', 1);
   low    = CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'l', 0);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */

   /* Create the widget. */
   widget = newCDKScale (cdkscreen,
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			title, label,
			CDKparamNumber2(&params, 'w', 5),
			low, low, high,
			inc, (inc*2),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
			CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't make the widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   selection = activateCDKScale (widget, 0);

   /* Check the exit value of the widget. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No value selected.";
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected %d", selection);
      mesg[0] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
      freeChar (mesg[0]);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKScale (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare vars. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKHISTOGRAM *volume = 0;
   CDKHISTOGRAM *bass	= 0;
   CDKHISTOGRAM *treble = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin	= 0;
   char *volumeTitle	= "<C></5>Volume<!5>";
   char *bassTitle	= "<C></5>Bass  <!5>";
   char *trebleTitle	= "<C></5>Treble<!5>";

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean Box;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, CDK_CLI_PARAMS);
   Box = CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK Color. */

   /* Create the histogram objects. */
   volume = newCDKHistogram (cdkscreen,
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', 10),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', 10),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 1),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', -2),
			     HORIZONTAL, volumeTitle,
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));
   if (volume == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can not make volume histogram. Is the window big enough??\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   bass = newCDKHistogram (cdkscreen,
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', 10),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', 14),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 1),
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', -2),
			   HORIZONTAL, bassTitle,
			   CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));
   if (bass == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKHistogram (volume);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can not make bass histogram. Is the window big enough??\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   treble = newCDKHistogram (cdkscreen,
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', 10),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', 18),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'H', 1),
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'W', -2),
			     HORIZONTAL, trebleTitle,
			     CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));
   if (treble == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKHistogram (volume);
      destroyCDKHistogram (bass);
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a message and exit. */
      printf ("Oops. Can not make treble histogram. Is the window big enough??\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

#define BAR(a,b,c) A_BOLD, a, b, c, ' '|A_REVERSE|COLOR_PAIR(3), Box

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 6));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 3));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 7));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 8));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 1));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 9));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 10));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 7));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 10));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 1));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 8));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 3));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 3));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 3));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 3));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Set the histogram values. */
   setCDKHistogram (volume, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 10));
   setCDKHistogram (bass  , vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 10));
   setCDKHistogram (treble, vPERCENT, CENTER, BAR(0, 10, 10));
   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   sleep (4);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKHistogram (volume);
   destroyCDKHistogram (bass);
   destroyCDKHistogram (treble);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 19
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen		= 0;
   CDKENTRY *widget		= 0;
   CDKBUTTONBOX	*buttonWidget	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWindow		= 0;
   chtype *holder		= 0;
   chtype fieldAttr		= A_NORMAL;
   char *answer			= 0;
   char *CDK_WIDGET_COLOR	= 0;
   char *temp			= 0;
   char filler			= '.';
   EDisplayType dType		= vMIXED;
   int buttonCount		= 0;
   int selection		= 0;
   int shadowHeight		= 0;
   FILE *fp			= stderr;
   char **buttonList		= 0;
   int j1, j2;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean boxWidget;
   boolean shadowWidget;
   char *buttons;
   char *filename;
   char *outputFile;
   char *initValue;
   char *title;
   char *label;
   char *tempFiller;
   int maxValue;
   int fieldWidth;
   int minValue;
   int xpos;
   int ypos;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "d:f:i:m:B:F:L:M:O:T:" "X:Y:NS");

   xpos         = CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER);
   ypos         = CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER);
   boxWidget    = CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE);
   shadowWidget = CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE);

   minValue     = CDKparamValue(&params, 'm', 0);
   fieldWidth   = CDKparamValue(&params, 'f', 0);
   maxValue     = CDKparamValue(&params, 'M', 256);
   filename     = CDKparamString(&params, 'f');
   initValue    = CDKparamString(&params, 'i');
   buttons      = CDKparamString(&params, 'B');
   tempFiller   = CDKparamString(&params, 'F');
   label        = CDKparamString(&params, 'L');
   outputFile   = CDKparamString(&params, 'O');
   title        = CDKparamString(&params, 'T');

   if ((temp = CDKparamString(&params, 'd')) != 0)
      dType = char2DisplayType (temp);

   /* Make sure all the command line parameters were provided. */
   if (fieldWidth <= 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* If the user asked for an output file, try to open it. */
   if (outputFile != 0)
      if ((fp = fopen (outputFile, "w")) == 0)
	 fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can not open output file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile);
	 ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWindow = initscr();
   cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWindow);

   /* Start color. */

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
   if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
      wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
      wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Get the widget color background color. */
   if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)

   /* If the set the filler character, set it now. */
   if (tempFiller != 0)
      holder	= char2Chtype (tempFiller, &j1, &j2);
      fieldAttr	= A_ATTRIBUTES & holder[0];
      filler	= (chtype)holder[0];
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Create the entry widget. */
   widget = newCDKEntry (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos,
				title, label,
				fieldAttr, filler | fieldAttr,
				dType, fieldWidth,
				minValue, maxValue,
				boxWidget, FALSE);

   /* Check to make sure we created the dialog box. */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Shut down curses and CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);

      fprintf (stderr, "Error: Could not create the entry field. Is the window too small?\n");

      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Split the buttons if they supplied some. */
   if (buttons != 0)
      buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
      buttonCount = CDKcountStrings (buttonList);

      buttonWidget = newCDKButtonbox (cdkScreen,
					getbegx (widget->win),
					getbegy (widget->win) + widget->boxHeight - 1,
					1, widget->boxWidth - 1,
					0, 1, buttonCount,
					buttonList, buttonCount,
					A_REVERSE, boxWidget, FALSE);
      CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);

      setCDKButtonboxULChar (buttonWidget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKButtonboxURChar (buttonWidget, ACS_RTEE);

      * We need to set the lower left and right
      * characters of the entry field.
      setCDKEntryLLChar (widget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKEntryLRChar (widget, ACS_RTEE);

       * Bind the Tab key in the entry field to send a
       * Tab key to the button box widget.
      bindCDKObject (vENTRY, widget, KEY_TAB, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vENTRY, widget, CDK_NEXT, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vENTRY, widget, CDK_PREV, widgetCB, buttonWidget);

      /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
      setCDKButtonboxBackgroundColor (buttonWidget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

      /* Draw the button widget. */
      drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, boxWidget);

    * If the user asked for a shadow, we need to create one.  Do this instead
    * of using the shadow parameter because the button widget is not part of
    * the main widget and if the user asks for both buttons and a shadow, we
    * need to create a shadow big enough for both widgets.  Create the shadow
    * window using the widgets shadowWin element, so screen refreshes will draw
    * them as well.
   if (shadowWidget == TRUE)
      /* Determine the height of the shadow window. */
      shadowHeight = (buttonWidget == 0 ?
			widget->boxHeight :
			widget->boxHeight + buttonWidget->boxHeight - 1);

      /* Create the shadow window. */
      widget->shadowWin = newwin (shadowHeight,
					getbegy (widget->win) + 1,
					getbegx (widget->win) + 1);

      /* Make sure we could have created the shadow window. */
      if (widget->shadowWin != 0)
	 widget->shadow = TRUE;

	 * We force the widget and buttonWidget to be drawn so the
	 * buttonbox widget will be drawn when the widget is activated.
	 * Otherwise the shadow window will draw over the button widget.
	 drawCDKEntry (widget, ObjOf(widget)->box);
	 eraseCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);
	 drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, ObjOf(buttonWidget)->box);

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
   setCDKEntryBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

   /* If there was an initial value, set it. */
   if (initValue != 0)
      setCDKEntryValue (widget, initValue);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   answer = copyChar (activateCDKEntry (widget, 0));

   /* If there were buttons, get the button selected. */
   if (buttonWidget != 0)
      selection = buttonWidget->currentButton;
      destroyCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);

   /* End CDK. */
   destroyCDKEntry (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);

   /* Print the value from the widget. */
   if (answer != 0)
      fprintf (fp, "%s\n", answer);
      freeChar (answer);
   fclose (fp);

   /* Exit with the button number picked. */
   ExitProgram (selection);
Esempio n. 20
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk calendar widget.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen		= 0;
   CDKCALENDAR *calendar	= 0;
   const char *mesg[5];
   char temp[256];
   struct tm *dateInfo;
   time_t clck, retVal;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   char *title;
   int day;
   int month;
   int year;

    * Get the current dates and set the default values for
    * the day/month/year values for the calendar.
   time (&clck);
   dateInfo	= gmtime (&clck);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "d:m:y:t:w:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);
   day   = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'd', dateInfo->tm_mday);
   month = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'm', dateInfo->tm_mon + 1);
   year  = CDKparamNumber2 (&params, 'y', dateInfo->tm_year + 1900);
   title = CDKparamString2 (&params, 't', "<C></U>CDK Calendar Widget\n<C>Demo");

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the calendar widget. */
   calendar = newCDKCalendar (cdkscreen,
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			      title, day, month, year,
			      COLOR_PAIR (16) | A_BOLD,
			      COLOR_PAIR (24) | A_BOLD,
			      COLOR_PAIR (32) | A_BOLD,
			      COLOR_PAIR (40) | A_REVERSE,
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			      CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (calendar == 0)
      /* Clean up the memory. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* End curses... */
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create the calendar. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Create a key binding to mark days on the calendar. */
   bindCDKObject (vCALENDAR, calendar, 'm', createCalendarMarkCB, calendar);
   bindCDKObject (vCALENDAR, calendar, 'M', createCalendarMarkCB, calendar);
   bindCDKObject (vCALENDAR, calendar, 'r', removeCalendarMarkCB, calendar);
   bindCDKObject (vCALENDAR, calendar, 'R', removeCalendarMarkCB, calendar);

   calendar->weekBase = CDKparamNumber (&params, 'w');

   /* Draw the calendar widget. */
   drawCDKCalendar (calendar, ObjOf (calendar)->box);

   /* Let the user play with the widget. */
   retVal = activateCDKCalendar (calendar, 0);

   /* Check which day they selected. */
   if (calendar->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No date selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
   else if (calendar->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "You selected the following date";
      sprintf (temp, "<C></B/16>%02d/%02d/%d (dd/mm/yyyy)",
      mesg[1] = temp;
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);

   /* Clean up and exit. */
   destroyCDKCalendar (calendar);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   fflush (stdout);
   printf ("Selected Time: %s\n", ctime (&retVal));
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 21
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk itemlist widget.
 * Options (in addition to minimal CLI parameters):
 *	-c	create the data after the widget
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen		= 0;
   CDKITEMLIST *monthlist	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin		= 0;
   char *title			= "<C>Pick A Month";
   char *label			= "</U/5>Month:";
   char *info[MONTHS], temp[256], *mesg[10];
   int choice, startMonth;
   struct tm *dateInfo;
   time_t clck;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams(argc, argv, &params, "c" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

    * Get the current date and set the default month to the
    * current month.
   time (&clck);
   dateInfo	= localtime (&clck);
   startMonth	= dateInfo->tm_mon;

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK colors. */

   /* Create the choice list. */
   info[0]	= "<C></5>January";
   info[1]	= "<C></5>February";
   info[2]	= "<C></B/19>March";
   info[3]	= "<C></5>April";
   info[4]	= "<C></5>May";
   info[5]	= "<C></K/5>June";
   info[6]	= "<C></12>July";
   info[7]	= "<C></5>August";
   info[8]	= "<C></5>September";
   info[9]	= "<C></32>October";
   info[10]	= "<C></5>November";
   info[11]	= "<C></11>December";

   /* Create the itemlist widget. */
   monthlist	= newCDKItemlist (cdkscreen,
				  CDKparamValue(&params, 'X', CENTER),
				  CDKparamValue(&params, 'Y', CENTER),
				  CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : info,
				  CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c') ? 0 : MONTHS,
				  CDKparamValue(&params, 'N', TRUE),
				  CDKparamValue(&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (monthlist == 0)
      /* Clean up. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a little message. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the itemlist box. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   if (CDKparamNumber(&params, 'c'))
      setCDKItemlistValues (monthlist, info, MONTHS, 0);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   choice = activateCDKItemlist (monthlist, 0);

   /* Check how they exited from the widget. */
   if (monthlist->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No item selected.";
      mesg[1] = "";
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (ScreenOf(monthlist), mesg, 3);
   else if (monthlist->exitType == vNORMAL)
      sprintf (temp, "<C>You selected the %dth item which is", choice);
      mesg[0] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[1] = info[choice];
      mesg[2] = "";
      mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (ScreenOf(monthlist), mesg, 4);
      freeChar (mesg[0]);

   /* Clean up. */
   destroyCDKItemlist (monthlist);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 22
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen         = 0;
   CDKSLIDER *widget            = 0;
   CDKBUTTONBOX *buttonWidget   = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWindow         = 0;
   char *CDK_WIDGET_COLOR       = 0;
   char *temp                   = 0;
   chtype *holder               = 0;
   chtype fieldAttr             = A_REVERSE | ' ';
   int answer                   = 0;
   int buttonCount              = 0;
   int selection                = 0;
   int shadowHeight             = 0;
   FILE *fp                     = stderr;
   char **buttonList            = 0;
   int j1, j2, tmp;

   CDK_PARAMS params;
   boolean boxWidget;
   boolean shadowWidget;
   char *barAttribute;
   char *buttons;
   char *label;
   char *outputFile;
   char *title;
   int fieldWidth;
   int incrementStep;
   int acceleratedStep;
   int initValue;
   int lowValue;
   int highValue;
   int xpos;
   int ypos;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "a:f:h:i:l:s:B:F:L:O:T:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   xpos            = CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER);
   ypos            = CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER);
   boxWidget       = CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE);
   shadowWidget    = CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE);
   acceleratedStep = CDKparamValue (&params, 'a', -1);
   fieldWidth      = CDKparamValue (&params, 'f', 0);
   highValue       = CDKparamValue (&params, 'h', INT_MIN);
   incrementStep   = CDKparamValue (&params, 'i', 1);
   lowValue        = CDKparamValue (&params, 'l', INT_MAX);
   initValue       = CDKparamValue (&params, 's', INT_MIN);
   buttons         = CDKparamString (&params, 'B');
   barAttribute    = CDKparamString (&params, 'F');
   label           = CDKparamString (&params, 'L');
   outputFile      = CDKparamString (&params, 'O');
   title           = CDKparamString (&params, 'T');
   incrementStep   = abs (incrementStep);

   /* Make sure all the command line parameters were provided. */
   if (fieldWidth <= 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Make sure the user supplied the low/high values. */
   if ((lowValue == INT_MAX) || (highValue == INT_MIN))
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* If the user asked for an output file, try to open it. */
   if (outputFile != 0)
      if ((fp = fopen (outputFile, "w")) == 0)
	 fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can not open output file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile);
	 ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Make sure the low is lower than the high (and vice versa). */
   if (lowValue > highValue)
      tmp = lowValue;
      lowValue = highValue;
      highValue = tmp;

   /* Make sure the starting value is in range. */
   if (initValue < lowValue)
      initValue = lowValue;
   else if (initValue > highValue)
      initValue = highValue;

   /* Check if the accelerated incremnt value was set. */
   if (acceleratedStep <= 0)
      acceleratedStep = (int)((highValue - lowValue) / 10);
      acceleratedStep = MAXIMUM (1, acceleratedStep);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWindow = initscr ();
   cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWindow);

   /* Start color. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
   if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
      wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
      wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Get the widget color background color. */
   if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)

   /* Did the user ask to change the bar attribute? */
   if (barAttribute != 0)
      holder = char2Chtype (barAttribute, &j1, &j2);
      fieldAttr = holder[0];
      freeChtype (holder);

   /* Create the entry widget. */
   widget = newCDKSlider (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos,
			  title, label,
			  fieldAttr, fieldWidth,
			  initValue, lowValue, highValue,
			  incrementStep, acceleratedStep,
			  boxWidget, shadowWidget);

   /* Check to make sure we created the dialog box. */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Shut down curses and CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
      endCDK ();

      fprintf (stderr,
	       "Error: Could not create the numeric slider field. "
	       "Is the window too small?\n");

      ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);

   /* Split the buttons if they supplied some. */
   if (buttons != 0)
      /* Split the button list up. */
      buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
      buttonCount = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2) buttonList);

      /* We need to create a buttonbox widget. */
      buttonWidget = newCDKButtonbox (cdkScreen,
				      getbegx (widget->win),
				      (getbegy (widget->win)
				       + widget->boxHeight - 1),
				      1, widget->boxWidth - 1,
				      0, 1, buttonCount,
				      (CDK_CSTRING2) buttonList, buttonCount,
				      A_REVERSE, boxWidget, FALSE);
      CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);

      setCDKButtonboxULChar (buttonWidget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKButtonboxURChar (buttonWidget, ACS_RTEE);

       * We need to set the lower left and right
       * characters of the widget.
      setCDKSliderLLChar (widget, ACS_LTEE);
      setCDKSliderLRChar (widget, ACS_RTEE);

       * Bind the Tab key in the widget to send a
       * Tab key to the button box widget.
      bindCDKObject (vSLIDER, widget, KEY_TAB, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vSLIDER, widget, CDK_NEXT, widgetCB, buttonWidget);
      bindCDKObject (vSLIDER, widget, CDK_PREV, widgetCB, buttonWidget);

      /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
      setCDKButtonboxBackgroundColor (buttonWidget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

      /* Draw the button widget. */
      drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, boxWidget);

    * If the user asked for a shadow, we need to create one.  Do this instead
    * of using the shadow parameter because the button widget is not part of
    * the main widget and if the user asks for both buttons and a shadow, we
    * need to create a shadow big enough for both widgets.  Create the shadow
    * window using the widgets shadowWin element, so screen refreshes will draw
    * them as well.
   if (shadowWidget == TRUE)
      /* Determine the height of the shadow window. */
      shadowHeight = (buttonWidget == 0 ?
		      widget->boxHeight :
		      widget->boxHeight + buttonWidget->boxHeight - 1);

      /* Create the shadow window. */
      widget->shadowWin = newwin (shadowHeight,
				  getbegy (widget->win) + 1,
				  getbegx (widget->win) + 1);

      /* Make sure we could have created the shadow window. */
      if (widget->shadowWin != 0)
	 widget->shadow = TRUE;

	  * We force the widget and buttonWidget to be drawn so the
	  * buttonbox widget will be drawn when the widget is activated.
	  * Otherwise the shadow window will draw over the button widget.
	 drawCDKSlider (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
	 eraseCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);
	 drawCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget, ObjOf (buttonWidget)->box);

   /* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
   setCDKSliderBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);

   /* Activate the widget. */
   answer = activateCDKSlider (widget, 0);

   /* If there were buttons, get the button selected. */
   if (buttonWidget != 0)
      selection = buttonWidget->currentButton;
      destroyCDKButtonbox (buttonWidget);

   /* End CDK. */
   destroyCDKSlider (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
   endCDK ();

   /* Print the value from the widget. */
   fprintf (fp, "%d\n", answer);
   fclose (fp);

   /* Exit with the button selected. */
   ExitProgram (selection);
Esempio n. 23
 * This program demonstrates the Cdk radio widget.
 * Options (in addition to normal CLI parameters):
 *	-c	create the data after the widget
 *	-s SPOS	location for the scrollbar
 *	-t TEXT	title for the widget
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKRADIO *radio      = 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin    = 0;
   const char *title    = "<C></5>Select a filename";
   char **item          = 0;
   const char *mesg[5];
   char temp[256];
   int selection, count;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "cs:t:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);

   /* Use the current diretory list to fill the radio list. */
   count = CDKgetDirectoryContents (".", &item);
   if (count <= 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Cannot get directory list\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr ();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Set up CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the radio list. */
   radio = newCDKRadio (cdkscreen,
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			CDKparsePosition (CDKparamString2 (&params,
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 10),
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', 40),
			CDKparamString2 (&params, 't', title),
			CDKparamNumber (&params, 'c') ? 0 : (CDK_CSTRING2) item,
			CDKparamNumber (&params, 'c') ? 0 : count,
			'#' | A_REVERSE, 1,
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Check if the radio list is null. */
   if (radio == 0)
      /* Exit CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create the radio widget. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   if (CDKparamNumber (&params, 'c'))
      setCDKRadioItems (radio, (CDK_CSTRING2) item, count);

   /* loop until user selects a file, or cancels */
   for (;;)
      /* Activate the radio list. */
      selection = activateCDKRadio (radio, 0);

      /* Check the exit status of the widget. */
      if (radio->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
	 mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No item selected.";
	 mesg[1] = "";
	 mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
	 popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3);
      else if (radio->exitType == vNORMAL)
	 struct stat sb;

	 if (stat (item[selection], &sb) == 0
	     && (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
	    char **nitem = 0;

	    mesg[0] = "<C>You selected a directory";
	    sprintf (temp, "<C>%.*s", (int)(sizeof (temp) - 20), item[selection]);
	    mesg[1] = temp;
	    mesg[2] = "";
	    mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
	    popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 4);
	    count = CDKgetDirectoryContents (item[selection], &nitem);
	    if (count > 0)
	       CDKfreeStrings (item);
	       item = nitem;
	       if (chdir (item[selection]) == 0)
		  setCDKRadioItems (radio, (CDK_CSTRING2) item, count);
	    mesg[0] = "<C>You selected the filename";
	    sprintf (temp, "<C>%.*s", (int)(sizeof (temp) - 20), item[selection]);
	    mesg[1] = temp;
	    mesg[2] = "";
	    mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
	    popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 4);

   /* Clean up. */
   CDKfreeStrings (item);
   destroyCDKRadio (radio);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 24
int main (int argc, char **argv)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKMENTRY *widget    = 0;
   char *info           = 0;
   const char *label    = "</R>Message";
   const char *title    =
   "<C></5>Enter a message (\".\" to exit).<!5>\n"
   "<C>It can be </3>multi<!3>-line!";
   int boxWidth;

   CDK_PARAMS params;

   CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "w:h:l:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS);

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start CDK Colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Set up the multi-line entry field. */
   boxWidth = CDKparamValue (&params, 'w', 40);
   widget = newCDKMentry (cdkscreen,
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER),
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER),
			  title, label, A_BOLD, '.', vMIXED,
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'h', 5),
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'l', 20),
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE),
			  CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE));

   /* Is the object null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Shut down CDK. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create CDK object. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

   for (;;)
      info = getCdkTitle (ObjOf (widget));
      setCDKMentry (widget, info, 0, TRUE);
      free (info);

      activateCDKMentry (widget, 0);
      if (strlen (widget->info) > 1)
	 setCdkTitle (ObjOf (widget), widget->info, getmaxx (widget->win));
	 eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));
	 drawCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));

   destroyCDKMentry (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();

   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);