Esempio n. 1
   void ckcov_c ( ConstSpiceChar    * ck,
                  SpiceInt            idcode,
                  SpiceBoolean        needav,
                  ConstSpiceChar    * level,
                  SpiceDouble         tol,
                  ConstSpiceChar    * timsys,
                  SpiceCell         * cover   ) 

   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   ck         I   Name of CK file. 
   idcode     I   ID code of object. 
   needav     I   Flag indicating whether angular velocity is needed. 
   level      I   Coverage level:  "SEGMENT" OR "INTERVAL". 
   tol        I   Tolerance in ticks. 
   timsys     I   Time system used to represent coverage. 
   cover     I/O  Window giving coverage for `idcode'. 
   ck             is the name of a C-kernel. 
   idcode         is the integer ID code of an object, normally a
                  spacecraft structure or instrument, for which
                  pointing data are expected to exist in the specified
                  CK file.
   needav         is a logical variable indicating whether only
                  segments having angular velocity are to be considered
                  when determining coverage.  When `needav' is
                  SPICETRUE, segments without angular velocity don't
                  contribute to the coverage window; when `needav' is
                  SPICEFALSE, all segments for `idcode' may contribute
                  to the coverage window.
   level          is the level (granularity) at which the coverage 
                  is examined.  Allowed values and corresponding 
                  meanings are: 
                     "SEGMENT"    The output coverage window contains
                                  intervals defined by the start and
                                  stop times of segments for the object
                                  designated by `idcode'.
                     "INTERVAL"   The output coverage window contains
                                  interpolation intervals of segments
                                  for the object designated by
                                  `idcode'.  For type 1 segments, which
                                  don't have interpolation intervals,
                                  each epoch associated with a pointing
                                  instance is treated as a singleton
                                  interval; these intervals are added
                                  to the coverage window.

                                  All interpolation intervals are
                                  considered to lie within the segment
                                  bounds for the purpose of this
                                  summary:  if an interpolation
                                  interval extends beyond the segment
                                  coverage interval, only its
                                  intersection with the segment
                                  coverage interval is considered to
                                  contribute to the total coverage.
   tol            is a tolerance value expressed in ticks of the
                  spacecraft clock associated with IDCODE.  Before each
                  interval is inserted into the coverage window, the
                  interval is intersected with the segment coverage
                  interval, then if the intersection is non-empty, it
                  is expanded by `tol': the left endpoint of the
                  intersection interval is reduced by `tol' and the
                  right endpoint is increased by `tol'. Adjusted
                  interval endpoints, when expressed as encoded SCLK,
                  never are less than zero ticks.  Any intervals that
                  overlap as a result of the expansion are merged.
                  The coverage window returned when tol > 0 indicates
                  the coverage provided by the file to the CK readers
                  ckgpav_c and ckgp_c when that value of `tol' is
                  passed to them as an input.
   timsys         is a string indicating the time system used in the
                  output coverage window.  `timsys' may have the
                      "SCLK"    Elements of `cover' are expressed in 
                                encoded SCLK ("ticks"), where the 
                                clock is associated with the object 
                                designated by `idcode'. 
                      "TDB"     Elements of `cover' are expressed as 
                                seconds past J2000 TDB. 
   cover          is an initialized CSPICE window data structure.
                  `cover' optionally may contain coverage data on
                  input; on output, the data already present in `cover'
                  will be combined with coverage found for the object
                  designated by `idcode' in the file `ck'.
                  If `cover' contains no data on input, its size and
                  cardinality still must be initialized.
   cover          is a CSPICE window data structure which represents
                  the merged coverage for `idcode'. When the coverage
                  level is "INTERVAL", this is the set of time
                  intervals for which data for `idcode' are present in
                  the file `ck', merged with the set of time intervals
                  present in `cover' on input.  The merged coverage is
                  represented as the union of one or more disjoint time
                  intervals.  The window `cover' contains the pairs of
                  endpoints of these intervals.
                  When the coverage level is "SEGMENT", `cover' is
                  computed in a manner similar to that described above,
                  but the coverage intervals used in the computation
                  are those of segments rather than interpolation
                  intervals within segments.  
                  When `tol' is > 0, the intervals comprising the
                  coverage window for `idcode' are expanded by `tol'
                  and any intervals overlapping as a result are merged.
                  The resulting window is returned in `cover'. The
                  expanded window in no case extends beyond the segment
                  bounds in either direction by more than `tol'.
                  The interval endpoints contained in `cover' are
                  encoded spacecraft clock times if `timsys' is "SCLK";
                  otherwise the times are converted from encoded
                  spacecraft clock to seconds past J2000 TDB.
                  See the Examples section below for a complete example
                  program showing how to retrieve the endpoints from
   1)  If the input file has transfer format, the error  
       SPICE(INVALIDFORMAT) is signaled. 
   2)  If the input file is not a transfer file but has architecture 
       other than DAF, the error SPICE(BADARCHTYPE) is signaled. 
   3)  If the input file is a binary DAF file of type other than 
       CK, the error SPICE(BADFILETYPE) is signaled. 
   4)  If the CK file cannot be opened or read, the error will 
       be diagnosed by routines called by this routine. The output 
       window will not be modified. 
   5)  If the size of the output window argument `cover' is 
       insufficient to contain the actual number of intervals in the 
       coverage window for `idcode', the error will be diagnosed by 
       routines called by this routine.   
   6)  If `tol' is negative, the error SPICE(VALUEOUTOFRANGE) is 
   7)  If `level' is not recognized, the error SPICE(INVALIDOPTION) 
       is signaled. 
   8)  If `timsys' is not recognized, the error SPICE(INVALIDOPTION) 
       is signaled. 
   9)  If a time conversion error occurs, the error will be  
       diagnosed by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 
   10) If the output time system is TDB, the CK subsystem must be 
       able to map `idcode' to the ID code of the associated 
       spacecraft clock.  If this mapping cannot be performed, the 
       error will be diagnosed by a routine in the call tree of this 
   11) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if any of the input
       strings `ck', `level', or `timsys' do not contain at least one
       character, since such an input string cannot be converted to a
       Fortran-style string in this case.
   12) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if the if any of the input
       strings `ck', `level', or `timsys' are null.

   This routine reads a C-kernel. 
   If the output time system is "TDB", then a leapseconds kernel 
   and an SCLK kernel for the spacecraft clock associated with 
   `idcode' must be loaded before this routine is called. 
   If the ID code of the clock associated with `idcode' is not  
   equal to  
      idcode / 1000 
   then the kernel variable  
   must be present in the kernel pool to identify the clock 
   associated with `idcode'.  This variable must contain the ID code 
   to be used for conversion between SCLK and TDB. Normally this 
   variable is provided in a text kernel loaded via furnsh_c. 
   This routine provides an API via which applications can determine 
   the coverage a specified CK file provides for a specified 
   1)  Display the interval-level coverage for each object in a
       specified CK file. Use tolerance of zero ticks. Do not request
       angular velocity. Express the results in the TDB time system.
       Find the set of objects in the file. Loop over the contents of
       the ID code set:  find the coverage for each item in the set and
       display the coverage.

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include "SpiceUsr.h"

          int main()

             Local parameters
             #define  FILSIZ         256
             #define  MAXIV          100000
             #define  WINSIZ         ( 2 * MAXIV )
             #define  TIMLEN         51
             #define  MAXOBJ         1000

             Local variables
             SPICEDOUBLE_CELL        ( cover, WINSIZ );
             SPICEINT_CELL           ( ids,   MAXOBJ );

             SpiceChar               ck      [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               lsk     [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               sclk    [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               timstr  [ TIMLEN ];

             SpiceDouble             b;
             SpiceDouble             e;

             SpiceInt                i;
             SpiceInt                j;
             SpiceInt                niv;
             SpiceInt                obj;

             Load a leapseconds kernel and SCLK kernel for output time
             conversion.  Note that we assume a single spacecraft clock is
             associated with all of the objects in the CK.
             prompt_c ( "Name of leapseconds kernel > ", FILSIZ, lsk );
             furnsh_c ( lsk );

             prompt_c ( "Name of SCLK kernel        > ", FILSIZ, sclk );
             furnsh_c ( sclk );

             Get name of CK file.
             prompt_c ( "Name of CK file            > ", FILSIZ, ck );

             Find the set of objects in the CK file. 
             ckobj_c ( ck, &ids );

             We want to display the coverage for each object. Loop over
             the contents of the ID code set, find the coverage for
             each item in the set, and display the coverage.
             for ( i = 0;  i < card_c( &ids );  i++  )
                Find the coverage window for the current object. 
                Empty the coverage window each time so we don't
                include data for the previous object.
                obj  =  SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I( &ids, i );

                scard_c ( 0,  &cover );  
                ckcov_c ( ck,          obj,  SPICEFALSE, 
                          "INTERVAL",  0.0,  "TDB",       &cover );

                Get the number of intervals in the coverage window.
                niv = wncard_c( &cover );

                Display a simple banner.
                printf ( "%s\n", "========================================" );

                printf ( "Coverage for object %ld\n", obj );

                Convert the coverage interval start and stop times to TDB
                calendar strings.
                for ( j = 0;  j < niv;  j++  )
                   Get the endpoints of the jth interval.
                   wnfetd_c ( &cover, j, &b, &e );

                   Convert the endpoints to TDB calendar
                   format time strings and display them.
                   timout_c ( b, 
                              "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                              timstr                                    );

                   printf ( "\n"
                            "Interval:  %ld\n"
                            "Start:     %s\n",
                            timstr            );

                   timout_c ( e, 
                              "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                              timstr                                    );
                   printf ( "Stop:      %s\n", timstr );

                printf ( "%s\n", "========================================" );

             return ( 0 );

   2)  Find the segment-level coverage for the object designated by
       IDCODE provided by the set of CK files loaded via a metakernel.
       (The metakernel must also specify leapseconds and SCLK kernels.)
       Use tolerance of zero ticks. Do not request angular velocity.
       Express the results in the TDB time system.

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include "SpiceUsr.h"

          int main()

             Local parameters
             #define  FILSIZ         256
             #define  LNSIZE         81 
             #define  MAXCOV         100000
             #define  WINSIZ         ( 2 * MAXCOV )
             #define  TIMLEN         51

             Local variables
             SPICEDOUBLE_CELL        ( cover, WINSIZ );

             SpiceBoolean            found;

             SpiceChar               file    [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               idch    [ LNSIZE ];
             SpiceChar               meta    [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               source  [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               timstr  [ TIMLEN ];
             SpiceChar               type    [ LNSIZE ];

             SpiceDouble             b;
             SpiceDouble             e;

             SpiceInt                count;
             SpiceInt                handle;
             SpiceInt                i;
             SpiceInt                idcode;
             SpiceInt                niv;

             Prompt for the metakernel name; load the metakernel.
             The metakernel lists the CK files whose coverage
             for `idcode' we'd like to determine.  The metakernel
             must also specify a leapseconds kernel and an SCLK
             kernel for the clock associated with `idcode'.
             prompt_c ( "Name of metakernel > ", FILSIZ, meta );
             furnsh_c ( meta );

             Get the ID code of interest. 
             prompt_c ( "Enter ID code      > ", LNSIZE, idch );
             prsint_c ( idch,  &idcode );

             Find out how many kernels are loaded.  Loop over the
             kernels:  for each loaded CK file, add its coverage
             for `idcode', if any, to the coverage window.
             ktotal_c ( "CK", &count );

             for ( i = 0;  i < count;  i++  )
                kdata_c  ( i,           "CK",     FILSIZ,  
                           LNSIZE,      FILSIZ,   file,  
                           type,        source,   &handle,     &found );

                ckcov_c  ( file,        idcode,   SPICEFALSE,
                           "SEGMENT",   0.0,      "TDB",       &cover );

             Display results. 

             Get the number of intervals in the coverage window.
             niv = wncard_c( &cover );

             Display a simple banner.
             printf ( "\nCoverage for object %ld\n", idcode );

             Convert the coverage interval start and stop times to TDB
             calendar strings.
             for ( i = 0;  i < niv;  i++  )
                Get the endpoints of the ith interval.
                wnfetd_c ( &cover, i, &b, &e );

                Convert the endpoints to TDB calendar
                format time strings and display them.
                timout_c ( b, 
                           "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                           timstr                                  );

                printf ( "\n"
                         "Interval:  %ld\n"
                         "Start:     %s\n",
                         timstr            );

                timout_c ( e, 
                           "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                           timstr                                  );
                printf ( "Stop:      %s\n", timstr );

             return ( 0 );

   1) When this routine is used to accumulate coverage for `idcode' 
      provided by multiple CK files, the inputs `needav', `level', `tol', 
      and `timsys'  must have the same values for all files in order 
      for the result to be meaningful. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 30-NOV-2007 (NJB)

       Corrected bug in first example program in header:
       program now empties result window prior to collecting
       data for each object. Updated examples to use wncard_c 
       rather than card_c. Updated second example to demonstrate
       segment-level summary capability.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 07-JAN-2005 (NJB)

   get coverage window for ck object 

{ /* Begin ckcov_c */

   Local variables 
   logical                 need;

   Participate in error tracing.
   if ( return_c() )
   chkin_c ( "ckcov_c" );

   Check the input string `ck' to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ckcov_c", ck );
   Check the input string `level' to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ckcov_c", level );

   Check the input string `timsys' to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "ckcov_c", timsys );

   Make sure cell data type is d.p. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_STANDARD, "ckcov_c", SPICE_DP, cover );

   Initialize the cell if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( cover );   

   Call the f2c'd Fortran routine.
   need = needav;

   ckcov_ ( ( char       * ) ck,
            ( integer    * ) &idcode,
            ( logical    * ) &need,
            ( char       * ) level,
            ( doublereal * ) &tol,
            ( char       * ) timsys,
            ( doublereal * ) (cover->base),
            ( ftnlen       ) strlen(ck),
            ( ftnlen       ) strlen(level),
            ( ftnlen       ) strlen(timsys)  );

   Sync the output cell. 
   if ( !failed_c() )
      zzsynccl_c ( F2C, cover );

   chkout_c ( "ckcov_c" );

} /* End ckcov_c */
Esempio n. 2
   void pckcov_c ( ConstSpiceChar   * pck,
                   SpiceInt           idcode,
                   SpiceCell        * cover   ) 

   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   pck        I   Name of PCK file. 
   idcode     I   Class ID code of PCK reference frame. 
   cover     I/O  Window giving coverage in `pck' for `idcode'. 
   pck            is the name of a binary PCK file.
   idcode         is the integer frame class ID code of a PCK reference
                  frame for which data are expected to exist in the
                  specified PCK file.
   cover          is an initialized CSPICE window data structure.
                  `cover' optionally may contain coverage data on
                  input; on output, the data already present in `cover'
                  will be combined with coverage found for the
                  reference frame designated by `idcode' in the file
                  If `cover' contains no data on input, its size and
                  cardinality still must be initialized.
   cover          is a CSPICE window data structure which represents
                  the merged coverage for the reference frame having
                  frame class ID `idcode'. This is the set of time
                  intervals for which data for `idcode' are present in
                  the file `pck', merged with the set of time intervals
                  present in `cover' on input.  The merged coverage is
                  represented as the union of one or more disjoint time
                  intervals. The window `cover' contains the pairs of
                  endpoints of these intervals.
                  The interval endpoints contained in `cover' are 
                  ephemeris times, expressed as seconds past J2000 
                  See the Examples section below for a complete 
                  example program showing how to retrieve the 
                  endpoints from `cover'. 
   1)  If the input file has transfer format, the error  
       SPICE(INVALIDFORMAT) is signaled. 
   2)  If the input file is not a transfer file but has architecture 
       other than DAF, the error SPICE(BADARCHTYPE) is signaled. 
   3)  If the input file is a binary DAF file of type other than 
       PCK, the error SPICE(BADFILETYPE) is signaled. 
   4)  If the PCK file cannot be opened or read, the error will 
       be diagnosed by routines called by this routine. The output 
       window will not be modified. 
   5)  If the size of the output window argument COVER is 
       insufficient to contain the actual number of intervals in the 
       coverage window for IDCODE, the error will be diagnosed by 
       routines called by this routine.   
   6)  The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if the input
       string `pck' does not contain at least one character, since the
       input string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string in
       this case.
   7)  The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if the input string
       pointer `pck' is null.

   This routine reads a PCK file. 
   This routine provides an API via which applications can determine 
   the coverage a specified PCK file provides for a specified 
   PCK class reference frame. 
   1)  This example demonstrates combined usage of pckcov_c and the 
       related PCK utility pckfrm_c. 
       Display the coverage for each object in a specified PCK file. 
       Find the set of objects in the file; for each object, find 
       and display the coverage. 

          #include <stdio.h>
          #include "SpiceUsr.h"

          int main()
             Local parameters
             #define  FILSIZ         256
             #define  MAXIV          1000
             #define  WINSIZ         ( 2 * MAXIV )
             #define  TIMLEN         51
             #define  MAXOBJ         1000

             Local variables
             SPICEDOUBLE_CELL        ( cover, WINSIZ );
             SPICEINT_CELL           ( ids,   MAXOBJ );

             SpiceChar               lsk     [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               pck     [ FILSIZ ];
             SpiceChar               timstr  [ TIMLEN ];

             SpiceDouble             b;
             SpiceDouble             e;

             SpiceInt                i;
             SpiceInt                j;
             SpiceInt                niv;
             SpiceInt                obj;

             Load a leapseconds kernel for output time conversion.
             PCKCOV itself does not require a leapseconds kernel.
             prompt_c ( "Name of leapseconds kernel > ", FILSIZ, lsk );
             furnsh_c ( lsk );

             Get name of PCK file.
             prompt_c ( "Name of PCK file           > ", FILSIZ, pck    );

             Find the set of frames in the PCK file. 
             pckfrm_c ( pck, &ids );

             We want to display the coverage for each frame. Loop over
             the contents of the ID code set, find the coverage for
             each item in the set, and display the coverage.
             for ( i = 0;  i < card_c( &ids );  i++  )
                Find the coverage window for the current frame. 
                Empty the coverage window each time so we don't
                include data for the previous frame.
                obj  =  SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I( &ids, i );

                scard_c  ( 0,        &cover );
                pckcov_c ( pck, obj, &cover );

                Get the number of intervals in the coverage window.
                niv = wncard_c ( &cover );

                Display a simple banner.
                printf ( "%s\n", "========================================" );

                printf ( "Coverage for frame %ld\n", obj );

                Convert the coverage interval start and stop times to TDB
                calendar strings.
                for ( j = 0;  j < niv;  j++  )
                   Get the endpoints of the jth interval.
                   wnfetd_c ( &cover, j, &b, &e );

                   Convert the endpoints to TDB calendar
                   format time strings and display them.
                   timout_c ( b, 
                              "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                              timstr                                  );

                   printf ( "\n"
                            "Interval:  %ld\n"
                            "Start:     %s\n",
                            timstr            );

                   timout_c ( e, 
                              "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                              timstr                                  );
                   printf ( "Stop:      %s\n", timstr );


             return ( 0 );

   2) Find the coverage for the frame designated by `idcode' 
      provided by the set of PCK files loaded via a metakernel. 
      (The metakernel must also specify a leapseconds kernel.) 
         #include <stdio.h>
         #include "SpiceUsr.h"

         int main()

            Local parameters
            #define  FILSIZ         256
            #define  LNSIZE         81 
            #define  MAXCOV         100000
            #define  WINSIZ         ( 2 * MAXCOV )
            #define  TIMLEN         51

            Local variables
            SPICEDOUBLE_CELL        ( cover, WINSIZ );

            SpiceBoolean            found;

            SpiceChar               file    [ FILSIZ ];
            SpiceChar               idch    [ LNSIZE ];
            SpiceChar               meta    [ FILSIZ ];
            SpiceChar               source  [ FILSIZ ];
            SpiceChar               timstr  [ TIMLEN ];
            SpiceChar               type    [ LNSIZE ];

            SpiceDouble             b;
            SpiceDouble             e;

            SpiceInt                count;
            SpiceInt                handle;
            SpiceInt                i;
            SpiceInt                idcode;
            SpiceInt                niv;

            Prompt for the metakernel name; load the metakernel.
            The metakernel lists the PCK files whose coverage
            for `idcode' we'd like to determine.  The metakernel
            must also specify a leapseconds kernel.
            prompt_c ( "Name of metakernel > ", FILSIZ, meta );
            furnsh_c ( meta );

            Get the ID code of interest. 
            prompt_c ( "Enter ID code      > ", LNSIZE, idch );
            prsint_c ( idch,  &idcode );

            Find out how many kernels are loaded.  Loop over the
            kernels:  for each loaded PCK file, add its coverage
            for `idcode', if any, to the coverage window.
            ktotal_c ( "PCK", &count );

            for ( i = 0;  i < count;  i++  )
               kdata_c  ( i,     "PCK",   FILSIZ,  LNSIZE,   FILSIZ, 
                          file,  type,    source,  &handle,  &found );

               pckcov_c ( file,  idcode,  &cover );

            Display results. 

            Get the number of intervals in the coverage window.
            niv = wncard_c ( &cover );

            Display a simple banner.
            printf ( "\nCoverage for frame %ld\n", idcode );

            Convert the coverage interval start and stop times to TDB
            calendar strings.
            for ( i = 0;  i < niv;  i++  )
               Get the endpoints of the ith interval.
               wnfetd_c ( &cover, i, &b, &e );

               Convert the endpoints to TDB calendar
               format time strings and display them.
               timout_c ( b, 
                          "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                          timstr                                  );

               printf ( "\n"
                        "Interval:  %ld\n"
                        "Start:     %s\n",
                        timstr            );

               timout_c ( e, 
                          "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB",  
                          timstr                                  );
               printf ( "Stop:      %s\n", timstr );

            return ( 0 );

   1) If an error occurs while this routine is updating the window 
      `cover', the window may be corrupted. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 01-JUL-2014 (NJB)

       Updated index entries.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 30-NOV-2007 (NJB)

   get coverage window for binary pck reference frame
   get coverage start and stop time for binary pck frame 


{ /* Begin pckcov_c */

   Participate in error tracing.
   if ( return_c() )
   chkin_c ( "pckcov_c" );

   Check the input string `pck' to make sure the pointer is non-null 
   and the string length is non-zero.
   CHKFSTR ( CHK_STANDARD, "pckcov_c", pck );
   Make sure cell data type is d.p. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_STANDARD, "pckcov_c", SPICE_DP, cover );

   Initialize the cell if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( cover );   

   Call the f2c'd Fortran routine.
   pckcov_ ( ( char       * ) pck,
             ( integer    * ) &idcode,
             ( doublereal * ) (cover->base),
             ( ftnlen       ) strlen(pck)   );

   Sync the output cell. 
   if ( !failed_c() )
      zzsynccl_c ( F2C, cover );

   chkout_c ( "pckcov_c" );

} /* End pckcov_c */
Esempio n. 3
   void wninsd_c ( SpiceDouble     left,
                   SpiceDouble     right,
                   SpiceCell     * window ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   right      I   Left, right endpoints of new interval. 
   window    I,O  Input, output window. 
   right       are the left and right endpoints of the interval 
               to be inserted. 

   window      on input, is a CSPICE window containing zero or more 
               window must be declared as a double precision

   window      on output, is the original window following the 
               insertion of the interval from left to right. 
   1) If the input window does not have double precision type,
      the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.

   2) If left is greater than right, the error SPICE(BADENDPOINTS) is 
   3) If the insertion of the interval causes an excess of elements, 
      the error SPICE(WINDOWEXCESS) is signaled. 
   This routine inserts the interval from left to right into the 
   input window. If the new interval overlaps any of the intervals 
   in the window, the intervals are merged. Thus, the cardinality 
   of the input window can actually decrease as the result of an 
   insertion. However, because inserting an interval that is 
   disjoint from the other intervals in the window can increase the 
   cardinality of the window, the routine signals an error. 
   No other CSPICE unary window routine can increase the number of
   intervals in the input window.

    Let window contain the intervals 
       [ 1, 3 ]  [ 7, 11 ]  [ 23, 27 ] 
    Then the following series of calls 
       wninsd_c ( 5.0,  5.0, &window )                  (1) 
       wninsd_c ( 4.0,  8.0, &window )                  (2) 
       wninsd_c ( 0.0, 30.0, &window )                  (3) 
    produces the following series of windows 

       [ 1,  3 ]  [ 5,  5 ]  [  7, 11 ]  [ 23, 27 ]     (1) 
       [ 1,  3 ]  [ 4, 11 ]  [ 23, 27 ]                 (2) 
       [ 0, 30 ]                                        (3) 
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   K.R. Gehringer  (JPL) 
   H.A. Neilan     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 29-JUL-2002 (NJB) (KRG) (HAN) (WLT) (IMU)

   insert an interval into a d.p. window 

{ /* Begin wninsd_c */

   Standard SPICE error handling. 

   if ( return_c() )
   chkin_c ( "wninsd_c" );

   Make sure cell data type is d.p. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_STANDARD, "wninsd_c", SPICE_DP, window );

   Initialize the cell if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( window );

   Let the f2c'd routine do the work. 
   wninsd_ ( (doublereal * )  &left,
             (doublereal * )  &right,
             (doublereal * )  (window->base) );

   Sync the output cell. 
   if ( !failed_c() )
      zzsynccl_c ( F2C, window );

   chkout_c ( "wninsd_c" );

} /* End wninsd_c */
Esempio n. 4
   void insrtc_c ( ConstSpiceChar  * item,
                   SpiceCell       * set   )


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   item       I   Item to be inserted. 
   set       I/O  Insertion set. 
   item        is an item which is to be inserted into the specified
               set. item may or may not already be an element of the
               set.  Trailing blanks in item are not significant.

   set         is a CSPICE set.  set must be declared as a character

               On input, set  may or may not contain the input item 
               as an element. 

   set         on output contains the union of the input set and 
               the singleton set containing the input item.
   1) If the input set argument is a SpiceCell of type other than
      character, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.

   2) If the insertion of the element into the set causes an excess 
      of elements, the error SPICE(SETEXCESS) is signaled. 
   3) If the input set argument does not qualify as a CSPICE set, 
      the error SPICE(NOTASET) will be signaled.  CSPICE sets have
      their data elements sorted in increasing order and contain
      no duplicate data elements.

   4) If the input string pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER)
      is signaled.

   1) In the following example, the element "PLUTO" is removed from 
      the character set planets and inserted into the character set 

         #include "SpiceUsr.h"
         Declare the sets with string length NAMLEN and with maximum
         number of elements MAXSIZ.
         SPICECHAR_CELL ( planets,   MAXSIZ, NAMLEN );
         SPICECHAR_CELL ( asteroids, MAXSIZ, NAMLEN );
         removc_c ( "PLUTO", &planets   );
         insrtc_c ( "PLUTO", &asteroids ); 

      If "PLUTO" is not an element of planets, then the contents of 
      planets are not changed. Similarly, if "PLUTO" is already an 
      element of asteroids, the contents of asteroids remain unchanged. 

      Because inserting an element into a set can increase the 
      cardinality of the set, an error may occur in the insertion 
   1)  String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
       trailing blanks in the input set or key value are ignored.
       This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
       the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
       Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
       C library functions strcmp and strncmp.

   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   C.A. Curzon     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 2.1.0, 07-MAR-2009 (NJB)

       This file now includes the header file f2cMang.h.
       This header supports name mangling of f2c library

   -CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 01-NOV-2005 (NJB)
       Bug fix:  when the item to be inserted would, after
       truncation to the set's string length, match an item
       already in the set, no insertion is performed.  Previously
       the truncated string was inserted, corrupting the set.

       Long error message was updated to include size of
       set into which insertion was attempted.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 21-AUG-2002 (NJB) (CAC) (WLT) (IMU)

   insert an item into a character set 
   f2c library utility prototypes 
   extern integer   s_cmp  (char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb ); 

   Local macros 
   #define ARRAY( i )    (  (SpiceChar *)(set->data) + (i)*(set->length)  )

   local variables
   SpiceBoolean            inSet;

   SpiceChar             * cdata;

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt                loc;
   SpiceInt                slen;

   Use discovery check-in. 

   Check the input string pointer to make sure it's not null.
   CHKPTR ( CHK_DISCOVER, "insrtc_c", item );

   Make sure we're working with a character cell. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "insrtc_c", SPICE_CHR, set );

   Make sure the input cell is a set.
   CELLISSETCHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "insrtc_c", set );

   Initialize the set if it's not already initialized.
   CELLINIT ( set );

   Let slen be the effective string length of the input item.
   Characters beyond the string length of the set are ignored.
   slen = mini_c ( 2, set->length, strlen(item) );

   Is the item already in the set? If not, it needs to be inserted.
   cdata =  (SpiceChar *) (set->data);

   The following call will give the location of the last element
   less than or equal to the item to be inserted.  If the item
   differs from an element of the set only in characters that would
   be truncated, no insertion will occur.  Even in this case, the
   insertion point `loc' returned by lstlec_c will be correct.
   loc   =  lstlec_c ( item,  set->card,  set->length,  cdata );

   inSet =     (  loc  >  -1  ) 

            && (  s_cmp( (SpiceChar *)item,  ARRAY(loc), 
                          slen,              strlen(ARRAY(loc)) ) == 0  );
   if ( inSet )

   It's an error if the set has no room left. 
   if ( set->card == set->size )
      chkin_c  ( "insrtc_c"                                       );
      setmsg_c ( "An element could not be inserted into the set "
                 "due to lack of space; set size is #."           );
      errint_c ( "#", set->size                                   );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(SETEXCESS)"                               );
      chkout_c ( "insrtc_c"                                       );

   Make room by moving the items that come after index loc in the set. 
   Insert the item after index loc.
   for (  i = (set->card);   i > (loc+1);   i--  )
      SPICE_CELL_SET_C( ARRAY(i-1), i, set );

   This insertion macro will truncate the item to be inserted, if 
   necessary.  The input item will be null-terminated.
   SPICE_CELL_SET_C( item, loc+1, set );

   Increment the set's cardinality.
   (set->card) ++;

Esempio n. 5
   void wnfild_c ( SpiceDouble     small,
                   SpiceCell     * window ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   small      I   Limiting measure of small gaps. 
   window    I,O  Window to be filled. 

   small       is the limiting measure of the small gaps to be 
               filled. Adjacent intervals separated by gaps of 
               measure less than or equal to small are merged. 

   window      on input, is a window containing zero or more 

               window must be declared as a double precision SpiceCell.
   window      on output, is the original window, after adjacent 
               intervals separated by small gaps have been merged. 
   1) If the input window does not have double precision type,
      the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.

   2) If small is less than or equal to zero, this routine has 
      no effect on the window.
   This routine removes small gaps between adjacent intervals 
   by merging intervals separated by gaps of measure less than 
   or equal to the limiting measure small. 
   Let window contain the intervals 

      [ 1, 3 ]  [ 7, 11 ]  [ 23, 27 ]  [ 29, 29 ] 

   Then the following series of calls 

      wnfild_c (  1, &window );                        (1) 
      wnfild_c (  2, &window );                        (2) 
      wnfild_c (  3, &window );                        (3) 
      wnfild_c ( 12, &window );                        (4) 

   produces the following series of windows 

      [ 1,  3 ]  [ 7, 11 ]  [ 23, 27 ]  [ 29, 29 ]     (1) 
      [ 1,  3 ]  [ 7, 11 ]  [ 23, 29 ]                 (2) 
      [ 1,  3 ]  [ 7, 11 ]  [ 23, 29 ]                 (3) 
      [ 1, 29 ]                                        (4) 

   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   H.A. Neilan     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 27-JUL-2007 (EDW)
      Changed gap size in Examples (4) from 10 to 12 to correct 
      erroneous example.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 29-JUL-2002 (NJB) (HAN) (WLT) (IMU)

   fill small gaps in a d.p. window 

{ /* Begin wnfild_c */

   Use discovery check-in.
   Make sure cell data type is d.p. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "wnfild_c", SPICE_DP, window );

   Initialize the cell if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( window );

   Let the f2c'd routine do the work. 
   wnfild_ ( (doublereal * )  &small,
             (doublereal * )  (window->base) );

   Sync the output cell. 
   zzsynccl_c ( F2C, window );

} /* End wnfild_c */
Esempio n. 6
   void insrti_c ( SpiceInt        item,
                   SpiceCell     * set  )


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   item       I   Item to be inserted. 
   set       I/O  Insertion set. 
   item        is an item which is to be inserted into the 
               specified set. item may or may not already 
               be an element of the set. 

   set         is a CSPICE set.  set must be declared as an integer

               On input, set  may or may not contain the input item 
               as an element. 

   set         on output contains the union of the input set and 
               the singleton set containing the input item.
   1) If the input set argument is a SpiceCell of type other than
      integer, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.

   2) If the insertion of the element into the set causes an excess 
      of elements, the error SPICE(SETEXCESS) is signaled. 
   3) If the input set argument does not qualify as a CSPICE set, 
      the error SPICE(NOTASET) will be signaled.  CSPICE sets have
      their data elements sorted in increasing order and contain
      no duplicate data elements.

   1) In the following example, the NAIF ID code of Pluto is removed from 
      the integer set planets and inserted into the integer set 

         #include "SpiceUsr.h"
         Declare the sets with maximum number of elements MAXSIZ.
         SPICEINT_CELL ( planets,   MAXSIZ );
         SPICEINT_CELL ( asteroids, MAXSIZ );
         removi_c ( 999, &planets   );
         insrti_c ( 999, &asteroids ); 

      If 999 is not an element of planets, then the contents of 
      planets are not changed. Similarly, if 999 is already an 
      element of asteroids, the contents of asteroids remain unchanged. 


   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   C.A. Curzon     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 01-NOV-2005 (NJB)

       Long error message was updated to include size of
       set into which insertion was attempted.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 07-AUG-2002 (NJB) (CAC) (WLT) (IMU)

   insert an item into an integer set 
   local variables
   SpiceBoolean            inSet;
   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt              * idata;
   SpiceInt                loc;

   Use discovery check-in. 
   Make sure we're working with an integer cell. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "insrti_c", SPICE_INT, set );

   idata = (SpiceInt *) (set->data);

   Make sure the cell is really a set. 
   CELLISSETCHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "insrti_c", set );
   Initialize the set if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( set );
   Is the item already in the set? If not, it needs to be inserted.
   loc   =  lstlei_c ( item,  set->card,  idata );

   inSet =  (  loc  >  -1  ) && ( item == idata[loc] );
   if ( inSet )

   It's an error if the set has no room left. 
   if ( set->card == set->size )
      chkin_c  ( "insrti_c"                                       );
      setmsg_c ( "An element could not be inserted into the set "
                 "due to lack of space; set size is #."           );
      errint_c ( "#", set->size                                   );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(SETEXCESS)"                               );
      chkout_c ( "insrti_c"                                       );

   Make room by moving the items that come after item in the set. 
   Insert the item after index loc.
   for (  i = (set->card);   i > loc+1;   i--  )
      idata[i] = idata[i-1];

   idata[loc+1] = item;

   Increment the set's cardinality.
   (set->card) ++;

   Sync the set. 
   zzsynccl_c ( C2F, set );
Esempio n. 7
   void removd_c ( SpiceDouble     item,
                   SpiceCell     * set  )


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   item       I   Item to be removed. 
   set       I/O  Removal set. 
   item        is an item which is to be removed from the specified
               set. item may or may not already be an element of the

   set         is a CSPICE set.  set must be declared as a double
               precision SpiceCell.
               On input, set may or may not contain the input item 
               as an element. 
   set         on output contains the difference of the input set and
               the input item. If the item is not an element of the
               set, the set is not changed.
   1) If the input set argument is a SpiceCell of type other than
      double precision, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.
   2) If the input set argument does not qualify as a CSPICE set, 
      the error SPICE(NOTASET) will be signaled.  CSPICE sets have
      their data elements sorted in increasing order and contain
      no duplicate data elements.
   1) In the following code fragment, a list of camera exposure
      durations are taken from the array expList and inserted into the
      set expDur.

      We then update the set by removing the element 30.0 and 
      inserting 20.0 in its place.

         #include "SpiceUsr.h"
         The number of list items is NLIST.
         SpiceDouble        expList[NLIST] = 
                               0.5, 2.0, 0.5, 30.0, 0.01, 30.0 

         Declare the set with maximum number of elements MAXSIZ.
         SPICEDOUBLE_CELL ( expDur,   MAXSIZ );
         for ( i = 0;  i < NLIST;  i++ )
            insrtd_c ( expList[i], &expDur );
         At this point expDur contains the set

           { 0.01, 0.5, 2.0, 30.0 }

         Update the exposure set by replacing 30.0 with 20.0.
         removd_c ( 30.0, &expDur );
         insrtd_c ( 20.0, &expDur ); 


   N.J. Bachman    (JPL) 
   C.A. Curzon     (JPL) 
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   I.M. Underwood  (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 07-AUG-2002 (NJB) (CAC) (WLT) (IMU)

   remove an item from a d.p. set 
   local variables
   SpiceBoolean            inSet;

   SpiceDouble           * ddata;
   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceInt                loc;

   Use discovery check-in. 

   Make sure we're working with a double precision cell. 
   CELLTYPECHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "removd_c", SPICE_DP, set );

   ddata = (SpiceDouble *) (set->data);

   Make sure the cell is really a set. 
   CELLISSETCHK ( CHK_DISCOVER, "removd_c", set );

   Initialize the set if necessary. 
   CELLINIT ( set );

   Is the item in the set? If not, we're done now.
   loc   =  lstled_c ( item,  set->card,  ddata );

   inSet =  (  loc  >  -1  ) && ( item == ddata[loc] );
   if ( !inSet )

   Shift the set's contents to overwrite the slot at index loc.
   for (  i = loc;   i < (set->card) - 1;   i++  )
      ddata[i] = ddata[i+1];

   Decrement the set's cardinality.
   (set->card) --;

   Sync the set. 
   zzsynccl_c ( C2F, set );