char* cf_parse_cmd_line(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; CONF_ITEM *cf; option_index = optind = 0; #ifdef WII return NULL; #endif while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopt, longopt, &option_index)) != EOF) { //if (c != 0) { // printf("c=%d\n",c); cf = cf_get_item_by_val(c&0xFFF); if (cf) { cf->flags |= CF_SETBYCMD; // printf("flags %s set on cmd line\n", cf->name); switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: CF_VAL(cf) = atoi(optarg); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: if (c & 0x1000) CF_BOOL(cf) = 0; else CF_BOOL(cf) = 1; break; case CFT_STRING: strcpy(CF_STR(cf), optarg); //printf("conf %s %s\n",CF_STR(cf),optarg); break; case CFT_ARRAY: read_array(CF_ARRAY(cf), optarg, CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; case CFT_ACTION_ARG: strcpy(CF_STR(cf), optarg); if (cf->action) { exit(cf->action(cf)); } break; case CFT_ACTION: if (cf->action) { exit(cf->action(cf)); } break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: /* TODO */ break; } //} } } cf_cache_conf(); if (optind >= argc) return NULL; return strdup(argv[optind]); }
void cf_reset_to_default(void) { int i,j; CONF_ITEM *cf; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cf_hash[i].nb_item; j++) { cf = cf_hash[i].conf[j]; if (cf && !cf->modified && !(cf->flags & CF_SETBYCMD)) { switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: CF_VAL(cf) = cf->data.dt_int.default_val; break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: CF_BOOL(cf) = cf->data.dt_bool.default_bool; break; case CFT_STRING: CF_STR(cf)=rstrcpy(CF_STR(cf), cf->data.dt_str.default_str, 254); break; case CFT_ARRAY: memcpy(cf->data.dt_array.array, cf->data.dt_array.default_array, CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf) * sizeof (int)); //read_array(CF_ARRAY(cf), val, CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; default: break; } } } } }
void reset_frame_skip(void) { static Uint8 init=0; if (!init) { autoframeskip=CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("autoframeskip")); show_fps=CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("showfps")); sleep_idle=CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("sleepidle")); init=1; } init_tv.tv_usec = 0; init_tv.tv_sec = 0; skip_next_frame = 0; init_frame_skip = 1; if (conf.pal) CPU_FPS=50; F = (uclock_t) ((double) TICKS_PER_SEC / CPU_FPS); }
void cf_cache_conf(void) { char *country; char *system; /* cache some frequently used conf item */ // printf("Update Conf Cache, sample rate=%d -> %d\n",conf.sample_rate,CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("samplerate"))); conf.rendermode = CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("rendermode")); conf.vpad_alpha = CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("vpad_alpha")); conf.wiimote = CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("wiimote")); conf.sound = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("sound")); conf.vsync = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("vsync")); conf.sample_rate = CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("samplerate")); conf.debug = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("debug")); conf.raster = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("raster")); conf.pal = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("pal")); conf.autoframeskip = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("autoframeskip")); conf.show_fps = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("showfps")); conf.sleep_idle = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("sleepidle")); conf.screen320 = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("screen320")); #ifdef GP2X conf.accurate940 = CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("940sync")); #endif country = CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("country")); system = CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("system")); if (!strcmp(system, "unibios")) { conf.system = SYS_UNIBIOS; } else { if (!strcmp(system, "home")) { conf.system = SYS_HOME; } else { conf.system = SYS_ARCADE; } } if (!strcmp(country, "japan")) { = CTY_JAPAN; } else if (!strcmp(country, "usa")) { = CTY_USA; } else if (!strcmp(country, "asia")) { = CTY_ASIA; } else { = CTY_EUROPE; } }
SDL_bool main_gngeo_gui(void) { if (desktop==NULL) init_gngeo_gui(); if (conf.sound) SDL_PauseAudio(1); /* disable interpolation */ interpolation=SDL_FALSE; //SDL_ShowCursor(1); gui_main_loop(desktop/*,conf.res_x,conf.res_y*/); //SDL_ShowCursor(0); /* reinit interpolation */ interpolation=CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("interpolation")); if (conf.sound) SDL_PauseAudio(0); reset_frame_skip(); // printf("Quitemu=%d\n",quit_emu); return quit_emu; }
void init_sdl(void /*char *rom_name*/) { int surface_type = (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("hwsurface"))? SDL_HWSURFACE : SDL_SWSURFACE); char *nomouse = getenv("SDL_NOMOUSE"); SDL_Surface *icon; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE); #ifdef GP2X atexit(gp2x_quit); #else atexit(SDL_Quit); #endif if (screen_init() == SDL_FALSE) { printf("Screen initialization failed.\n"); exit(-1); } buffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(surface_type, 352, 256, 16, 0xF800, 0x7E0, 0x1F, 0); SDL_FillRect(buffer,NULL,SDL_MapRGB(buffer->format,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5)); fontbuf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(font_image.pixel_data, font_image.width, font_image.height , 24, font_image.width * 3, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0); SDL_SetColorKey(fontbuf,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,SDL_MapRGB(fontbuf->format,0xFF,0,0xFF)); fontbuf=SDL_DisplayFormat(fontbuf); icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(gngeo_icon.pixel_data, gngeo_icon.width, gngeo_icon.height, gngeo_icon.bytes_per_pixel*8, gngeo_icon.width * gngeo_icon.bytes_per_pixel, 0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0); SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon,NULL); calculate_hotkey_bitmasks(); init_event(); //if (nomouse == NULL) //SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); }
int frame_skip(int init) { static int f2skip; static uclock_t sec = 0; static uclock_t rfd; static uclock_t target; static int nbFrame = 0; static unsigned int nbFrame_moy = 0; static int nbFrame_min = 1000; static int nbFrame_max = 0; static int skpFrm = 0; static int count = 0; static int moy=60; if (init_frame_skip) { init_frame_skip = 0; target = get_ticks(); bench = (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("bench")) ? 1/*get_ticks()*/ : 0); nbFrame = 0; //f2skip=0; //skpFrm=0; sec = 0; return 0; } target += F; if (f2skip > 0 ) { f2skip--; skpFrm++; return 1; } else skpFrm = 0; // printf("%d %d\n",conf.autoframeskip,conf.show_fps); rfd = get_ticks(); if (gTurboMode) { target=get_ticks(); f2skip=MAX_FRAMESKIP; } else { if (conf.autoframeskip) { if (rfd < target && f2skip == 0) { while (get_ticks() < target) { #ifndef WIN32 if (conf.sleep_idle) { usleep(5); } #endif } } else { f2skip = (rfd - target) / (double) F; if (f2skip > MAX_FRAMESKIP) { f2skip = MAX_FRAMESKIP; reset_frame_skip(); } // printf("Skip %d frame(s) %lu %lu\n",f2skip,target,rfd); } } } nbFrame++; nbFrame_moy++; if (conf.show_fps) { if (get_ticks() - sec >= TICKS_PER_SEC) { //printf("%d\n",nbFrame); if (bench) { if (nbFrame_min>nbFrame) nbFrame_min=nbFrame; if (nbFrame_max<nbFrame) nbFrame_max=nbFrame; count++; moy=nbFrame_moy/(float)count; if (count==30) count=0; sprintf(fps_str, "%d %d %d %d\n", nbFrame-1,nbFrame_min-1,nbFrame_max-1,moy-1); } else { sprintf(fps_str, "%2d", nbFrame-1); } nbFrame = 0; sec = get_ticks(); } } return 0; }
bool cf_open_file(char *filename) { /* if filename==NULL, we use the default one: $HOME/.gngeo/gngeorc */ FILE *f; int i = 0; char *buf=NULL; char *name=NULL, *ptr; CONF_ITEM *cf; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (! f) { printf("ERROR: Unable to open %s\n",filename); return false; } buf=calloc(8192,sizeof(char)); while (!feof(f)) { i = 0; my_fgets(buf, 8190, f); if (discard_line(buf)) continue; ptr=get_token(buf, " =", &name); cf = cf_get_item_by_name(name); if (cf && !(cf->flags & CF_SETBYCMD) && (!cf->modified)) { switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: CF_VAL(cf) = atoi(ptr); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: CF_BOOL(cf) = (strcasecmp(ptr, "true") == 0 ? true : false); break; case CFT_STRING: printf("ST: %s\n",ptr); CF_STR(cf)=rstrcpy(CF_STR(cf), ptr, 8190); break; case CFT_ARRAY: read_array(CF_ARRAY(cf), ptr, CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: /* action are not available in the conf file */ break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: CF_STR_ARRAY(cf) = read_str_array(ptr, &CF_STR_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; } } else { /*printf("Unknow option %s\n",name);*/ /* unknow option...*/ } } if (name) free(name); if (buf) free(buf); cf_cache_conf(); return true; }
bool cf_save_file(char *filename, int flags) { char *conf_file = NULL; char *conf_file_dst; FILE *f; FILE *f_dst; int i = 0, j, a; char buf[512]; char *name=NULL, *ptr; CONF_ITEM *cf; if (! sstrlen(filename)) conf_file=cf_default_path(conf_file, "gngeorc", ""); else conf_file=rstrcpy(conf_file, filename, 1024); conf_file_dst = alloca(strlen(conf_file) + 4); sprintf(conf_file_dst, "%s.t", conf_file); if ((f_dst = fopen(conf_file_dst, "w")) == 0) { //printf("Unable to open %s\n",conf_file); if (conf_file) free(conf_file); return false; } if ((f = fopen(conf_file, "rb"))) { //printf("Loading current .cf\n"); while (!feof(f)) { i = 0; my_fgets(buf, 510, f); if (discard_line(buf)) { fprintf(f_dst, "%s\n", buf); continue; } //this is an odd approach, seeks to replace existing config //items in the order they exist in config file? ptr=get_token(buf, " ", &name); cf = cf_get_item_by_name(name); if (cf) { if (cf->modified) { cf->modified = 0; switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %d\n", cf->name, CF_VAL(cf)); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: if (CF_BOOL(cf)) fprintf(f_dst, "%s true\n", cf->name); else fprintf(f_dst, "%s false\n", cf->name); break; case CFT_STRING: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %s\n", cf->name, CF_STR(cf)); break; case CFT_ARRAY: fprintf(f_dst, "%s ", cf->name); for (a = 0; a < CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf) - 1; a++) fprintf(f_dst, "%d,", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); fprintf(f_dst, "%d\n", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: printf("TODO: Save CFT_STR_ARRAY\n"); break; } } else fprintf(f_dst, "%s\n", buf); } } fclose(f); } /* Now save options that were not in the previous file */ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cf_hash[i].nb_item; j++) { cf = cf_hash[i].conf[j]; //printf("Option %s %d\n",cf->name,cf->modified); if (cf->modified!=0) { cf->modified=0; switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %d\n", cf->name, CF_VAL(cf)); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: if (CF_BOOL(cf)) fprintf(f_dst, "%s true\n", cf->name); else fprintf(f_dst, "%s false\n", cf->name); break; case CFT_STRING: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %s\n", cf->name, CF_STR(cf)); break; case CFT_ARRAY: fprintf(f_dst, "%s ", cf->name); for (a = 0; a < CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf) - 1; a++) fprintf(f_dst, "%d,", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); fprintf(f_dst, "%d\n", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: /* action are not available in the conf file */ break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: printf("TODO: Save CFT_STR_ARRAY\n"); break; } } } } fclose(f_dst); remove(conf_file); rename(conf_file_dst, conf_file); if (name) free(name); if (conf_file) free(conf_file); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *rom_name; #ifdef __AMIGA__ BPTR file_lock = GetProgramDir(); SetProgramDir(file_lock); #endif signal(SIGSEGV, catch_me); #ifdef WII // SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE); fatInitDefault(); #endif cf_init(); /* must be the first thing to do */ cf_init_cmd_line(); cf_open_file(NULL); /* Open Default configuration file */ rom_name=cf_parse_cmd_line(argc,argv); /* print effect/blitter list if asked by user */ if (!strcmp(CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("effect")),"help")) { print_effect_list(); exit(0); } if (!strcmp(CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("blitter")),"help")) { print_blitter_list(); exit(0); } init_sdl(); /* GP2X stuff */ #ifdef GP2X gp2x_init(); #endif if (gn_init_skin()!=SDL_TRUE) { printf("Can't load skin...\n"); exit(1); } reset_frame_skip(); if (conf.debug) conf.sound=0; /* Launch the specified game, or the rom browser if no game was specified*/ if (!rom_name) { // rom_browser_menu(); run_menu(); printf("GAME %s\n",; if ( return 0; } else { if (init_game(rom_name)!=SDL_TRUE) { printf("Can't init %s...\n",rom_name); exit(1); } } /* If asked, do a .gno dump and exit*/ if (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("dump"))) { char dump[8+4+1]; sprintf(dump,"%s.gno",rom_name); dr_save_gno(&memory.rom,dump); close_game(); return 0; } if (conf.debug) debug_loop(); else main_loop(); close_game(); return 0; }
void setup_misc_patch(char *name) { sram_protection_hack = -1; if (!strcmp(name,"fatfury3") || !strcmp(name,"samsho3") || !strcmp(name,"samsho3a") || !strcmp(name,"samsho4") || !strcmp(name,"aof3") || !strcmp(name,"rbff1") || !strcmp(name,"rbffspec") || !strcmp(name,"kof95") || !strcmp(name,"kof96") || !strcmp(name,"kof96h") || !strcmp(name,"kof97") || !strcmp(name,"kof97a") || !strcmp(name,"kof97pls") || !strcmp(name,"kof98") || !strcmp(name,"kof98k") || !strcmp(name,"kof98n") || !strcmp(name,"kof99") || !strcmp(name,"kof99a") || !strcmp(name,"kof99e") || !strcmp(name,"kof99n") || !strcmp(name,"kof99p") || !strcmp(name,"kof2000") || !strcmp(name,"kof2000n") || !strcmp(name,"kizuna") || !strcmp(name,"lastblad") || !strcmp(name,"lastblda") || !strcmp(name,"lastbld2") || !strcmp(name,"rbff2") || !strcmp(name,"rbff2a") || !strcmp(name,"mslug2") || !strcmp(name,"mslug3") || !strcmp(name,"garou") || !strcmp(name,"garouo") || !strcmp(name,"garoup")) sram_protection_hack = 0x100; if (!strcmp(name, "pulstar")) sram_protection_hack = 0x35a; if (!strcmp(name, "ssideki")) { WRITE_WORD_ROM(&memory.cpu[0x2240], 0x4e71); } if (!strcmp(name, "fatfury3")) { WRITE_WORD_ROM(memory.cpu, 0x0010); } /* Many mgd2 dump have a strange initial PC, so as some MVS */ if ((!strcmp(name, "aodk")) || (!strcmp(name, "bjourney")) || (!strcmp(name, "maglord")) || (!strcmp(name, "mosyougi")) || (!strcmp(name, "twinspri")) || (!strcmp(name, "whp")) || (conf.rom_type == MGD2) || (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("forcepc"))) ) { Uint8 *RAM = memory.cpu; WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[4], 0x00c0); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[6], 0x0402); } if (!strcmp(name, "mslugx")) { /* patch out protection checks */ int i; Uint8 *RAM = memory.cpu; for (i = 0; i < memory.cpu_size; i += 2) { if ((READ_WORD_ROM(&RAM[i + 0]) == 0x0243) && (READ_WORD_ROM(&RAM[i + 2]) == 0x0001) && /* andi.w #$1, D3 */ (READ_WORD_ROM(&RAM[i + 4]) == 0x6600)) { /* bne xxxx */ WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[i + 4], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[i + 6], 0x4e71); } } WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3bdc], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3bde], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3be0], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3c0c], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3c0e], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3c10], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3c36], 0x4e71); WRITE_WORD_ROM(&RAM[0x3c38], 0x4e71); } }
void main_loop(void) { int neo_emu_done = 0; int m68k_overclk=CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("68kclock")); int z80_overclk=CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("z80clock")); int nb_frames=0; Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice = (m68k_overclk==0?200000:200000+(m68k_overclk*200000/100.0)); Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline = cpu_68k_timeslice/262.0; Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice = (z80_overclk==0?73333:73333+(z80_overclk*73333/100.0)); Uint32 tm_cycle=0; Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace = cpu_z80_timeslice / (float) nb_interlace; char ksym_code[5]; Uint16 scancode, i, a; char input_buf[20]; Uint8 show_keysym=0; int invert_joy=CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("invertjoy")); int x, y; for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) { for (y = 0; y < BUTTON_MAX; y++) { joy_button[x][y] = 0; } } reset_frame_skip(); my_timer(); /* printf("\tCpuspeed: %d\n",cpu_68k_timeslice); printf("\t%s\n",&memory.cpu[0x100]); printf("\tNGH = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x108])); printf("\tSSN = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x114])); */ int loop_count = 0; while (!neo_emu_done) { if (conf.test_switch == 1) conf.test_switch = 0; neo_emu_done = read_input(joy_button, 0); // update the internal representation of keyslot update_p1_key(); update_p2_key(); update_start(); update_coin(); if (slow_motion) usleep(100); if (conf.sound) { /* run z80 */ for (i = 0; i < nb_interlace; i++) { cpu_z80_run(cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace); my_timer(); } } if (!conf.debug) { /* run m68k */ if (conf.raster) { for (i = 0; i < 261; i++) { tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); if (update_scanline()) { cpu_68k_interrupt(2); } } tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); update_screen(); cpu_68k_interrupt(1); } else { tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice-tm_cycle); a = neo_interrupt(); /* state handling (we save/load before interrupt) */ state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); if (a) cpu_68k_interrupt(a); } ogc_update_stream(); } else { /* we are in debug mode -> we are just here for event handling */ neo_emu_done=1; } } ogc_close_audio(); }
bool cf_open_file(char *filename) { /* if filename==NULL, we use the default one: $HOME/Documents/gngeorc */ char *conf_file = filename; FILE *f; int i = 0; char buf[512]; char name[32]; char val[255]; CONF_ITEM *cf; if (!conf_file) { #ifdef EMBEDDED_FS int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen(ROOTPATH"conf/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, ROOTPATH"conf/gngeorc"); #elif __AMIGA__ int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen("/PROGDIR/data/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, "/PROGDIR/data/gngeorc"); #else int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen(getenv("HOME")) + strlen("/Documents/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, "%s/Documents/gngeorc", getenv("HOME")); #endif } if ((f = fopen(conf_file, "rb")) == 0) { //printf("Unable to open %s\n",conf_file); return false; } while (!feof(f)) { i = 0; my_fgets(buf, 510, f); if (discard_line(buf)) continue; /* TODO: Verify this on Win32 */ sscanf(buf, "%s %s", name, val); //sscanf(buf, "%s ", name); //strncpy(val,buf+strlen(name)+1,254); // printf("%s|%s|\n",name,val); cf = cf_get_item_by_name(name); if (cf && !(cf->flags & CF_SETBYCMD) && (!cf->modified)) { // printf("Option %s\n",cf->name); switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: CF_VAL(cf) = atoi(val); // printf("got val: %d\n",CF_VAL(cf)); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: CF_BOOL(cf) = (strcasecmp(val, "true") == 0 ? true : false); break; case CFT_STRING: strncpy(CF_STR(cf), val, 254); break; case CFT_ARRAY: read_array(CF_ARRAY(cf), val, CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: /* action are not available in the conf file */ break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: CF_STR_ARRAY(cf) = read_str_array(val, &CF_STR_ARRAY_SIZE(cf)); break; } } else { /*printf("Unknow option %s\n",name);*/ /* unknow option...*/ } } cf_cache_conf(); return true; }
bool cf_save_file(char *filename, int flags) { char *conf_file = filename; char *conf_file_dst; FILE *f; FILE *f_dst; int i = 0, j, a; char buf[512]; char name[32]; char val[255]; CONF_ITEM *cf; if (!conf_file) { #ifdef EMBEDDED_FS int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen(ROOTPATH"conf/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, ROOTPATH"conf/gngeorc"); #elif __AMIGA__ int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen("/PROGDIR/data/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, "/PROGDIR/data/gngeorc"); #else /* POSIX */ int len = strlen("gngeorc") + strlen(getenv("HOME")) + strlen("/Documents/") + 1; conf_file = (char *) alloca(len * sizeof (char)); sprintf(conf_file, "%s/Documents/gngeorc", getenv("HOME")); #endif } conf_file_dst = alloca(strlen(conf_file) + 4); sprintf(conf_file_dst, "%s.t", conf_file); if ((f_dst = fopen(conf_file_dst, "w")) == 0) { //printf("Unable to open %s\n",conf_file); return false; } if ((f = fopen(conf_file, "rb"))) { //printf("Loading current .cf\n"); while (!feof(f)) { i = 0; my_fgets(buf, 510, f); if (discard_line(buf)) { fprintf(f_dst, "%s\n", buf); continue; } //sscanf(buf, "%s %s", name, val); sscanf(buf, "%s ", name); strncpy(val, buf + strlen(name) + 1, 254); cf = cf_get_item_by_name(name); if (cf) { if (cf->modified) { cf->modified = 0; switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %d\n", cf->name, CF_VAL(cf)); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: if (CF_BOOL(cf)) fprintf(f_dst, "%s true\n", cf->name); else fprintf(f_dst, "%s false\n", cf->name); break; case CFT_STRING: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %s\n", cf->name, CF_STR(cf)); break; case CFT_ARRAY: fprintf(f_dst, "%s ", cf->name); for (a = 0; a < CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf) - 1; a++) fprintf(f_dst, "%d,", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); fprintf(f_dst, "%d\n", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: printf("TODO: Save CFT_STR_ARRAY\n"); break; } } else fprintf(f_dst, "%s\n", buf); } } fclose(f); } /* Now save options that were not in the previous file */ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cf_hash[i].nb_item; j++) { cf = cf_hash[i].conf[j]; //printf("Option %s %d\n",cf->name,cf->modified); if (cf->modified!=0) { cf->modified=0; switch (cf->type) { case CFT_INT: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %d\n", cf->name, CF_VAL(cf)); break; case CFT_BOOLEAN: if (CF_BOOL(cf)) fprintf(f_dst, "%s true\n", cf->name); else fprintf(f_dst, "%s false\n", cf->name); break; case CFT_STRING: fprintf(f_dst, "%s %s\n", cf->name, CF_STR(cf)); break; case CFT_ARRAY: fprintf(f_dst, "%s ", cf->name); for (a = 0; a < CF_ARRAY_SIZE(cf) - 1; a++) fprintf(f_dst, "%d,", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); fprintf(f_dst, "%d\n", CF_ARRAY(cf)[a]); break; case CFT_ACTION: case CFT_ACTION_ARG: /* action are not available in the conf file */ break; case CFT_STR_ARRAY: printf("TODO: Save CFT_STR_ARRAY\n"); break; } } } } fclose(f_dst); remove(conf_file); rename(conf_file_dst, conf_file); return true; }
SDL_bool dr_load_game(DRIVER *dr,char *name) { unzFile *gz; int i; LIST *l; char *zip=get_zip_name(name); gz = unzOpen(zip); free(zip); if (gz==NULL) { return SDL_FALSE; } if (dr->special_bios) { memory.bios=malloc(dr->bios.size); memory.bios_size=dr->bios.size; if (!dr_load_section(gz,dr->bios,memory.bios)) return SDL_FALSE; } for (i=0;i<SEC_MAX;i++) { int s=dr->section[i].size; Uint8 *current_buf=NULL; //if (dr->section[i].item==NULL) continue; if (s==0) continue; // printf("%p %d \n",dr->section[i].item,i); switch (i) { case SEC_CPU: memory.cpu = malloc(s); current_buf = memory.cpu; memory.cpu_size = s; break; case SEC_SFIX: memory.sfix_game = malloc(s); memory.fix_game_usage = malloc(s >> 5); current_buf = memory.sfix_game; memory.sfix_size = s; break; case SEC_SM1: memory.sm1 = malloc(s); current_buf = memory.sm1; memory.sm1_size = s; break; case SEC_SOUND1: memory.sound1 = malloc(s); memory.sound1_size = s; current_buf = memory.sound1; break; case SEC_SOUND2: memory.sound2 = malloc(s); memory.sound2_size = s; current_buf = memory.sound2; break; case SEC_GFX: memory.gfx = malloc(s); //printf("Alloc %x for GFX: %p\n",s,memory.gfx); memory.gfx_size = s; current_buf = memory.gfx; memory.pen_usage = malloc((s >> 7) * sizeof(int)); memset(memory.pen_usage, 0, (s >> 7) * sizeof(int)); memory.nb_of_tiles = s >> 7; break; /* TODO: Crypted rom */ default: break; } if (!dr_load_section(gz,dr->section[i],current_buf)) return SDL_FALSE; } unzClose(gz); /* TODO: Use directly the driver value insteed of recopying them */>name; conf.rom_type=dr->rom_type; conf.special_bios=dr->special_bios; conf.extra_xor=dr->xor; set_bankswitchers(dr->banksw_type); for(i=0;i<6;i++) memory.bksw_unscramble[i]=dr->banksw_unscramble[i]; for(i=0;i<64;i++) memory.bksw_offset[i]=dr->banksw_off[i]; if (conf.rom_type == MGD2) { create_progress_bar("Convert MGD2"); convert_mgd2_tiles(memory.gfx, memory.gfx_size); convert_mgd2_tiles(memory.gfx, memory.gfx_size); terminate_progress_bar(); } if (conf.rom_type == MVS_CMC42) { create_progress_bar("Decrypt GFX "); kof99_neogeo_gfx_decrypt(conf.extra_xor); terminate_progress_bar(); } if (conf.rom_type == MVS_CMC50) { create_progress_bar("Decrypt GFX "); kof2000_neogeo_gfx_decrypt(conf.extra_xor); terminate_progress_bar(); } convert_all_char(memory.sfix_game, memory.sfix_size, memory.fix_game_usage); if (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("convtile"))) { create_progress_bar("Convert tile"); for (i = 0; i < memory.nb_of_tiles; i++) { convert_tile(i); if (i%100==0) update_progress_bar(i,memory.nb_of_tiles); } terminate_progress_bar(); } if (memory.sound2 == NULL) { memory.sound2 = memory.sound1; memory.sound2_size = memory.sound1_size; } //backup neogeo game vectors memcpy(memory.game_vector,memory.cpu,0x80); printf(" \r"); return SDL_TRUE; }
void main_loop(void) { int neo_emu_done = 0; int overclk=CF_VAL(cf_get_item_by_name("overclock")); Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice = (overclk==0?200000:200000+(overclk*200000/100.0)); Uint32 cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline = cpu_68k_timeslice/262.0; // Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice = 100000; Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice = 73333; Uint32 tm_cycle=0; /* Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice=66666; // is it 4Mhz or 6Mhz ???? 4 seems to work fine.... UPDATE: it's clear now that it's 6Mhz -> kof96 presentation */ Uint32 cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace = cpu_z80_timeslice / (float) nb_interlace; char ksym_code[5]; SDL_Event event; Uint16 scancode, i, a; char input_buf[20]; Uint8 show_keysym=0; CONF_ITEM* item = cf_get_item_by_name("invertjoy"); int invert_joy = 0; if (item) invert_joy=CF_BOOL(item); reset_frame_skip(); my_timer(); //printf("Cpuspeed: %d\n",cpu_68k_timeslice); /* printf("%s\n",&memory.cpu[0x100]); printf("NGH = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x108])); printf("SSN = %04x\n",READ_WORD(&memory.cpu[0x114])); */ while (!neo_emu_done) { if (conf.test_switch == 1) conf.test_switch = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: joy_axe[event.jaxis.which][event.jaxis.axis] = event.jaxis.value; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jaxis.axis); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: switch (event.jhat.value) { case SDL_HAT_CENTERED: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_UP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_DOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFT: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHT: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 0; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; break; case SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = 32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFTUP: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = -32767; break; case SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN: joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which]] = -32767; joy_axe[event.jhat.which][(event.jhat.hat * 2) + joy_numaxes[event.jhat.which] + 1] = 32767; break; } if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jhat.hat); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: joy_button[event.jbutton.which][event.jbutton.button] = 1; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", event.jbutton.button); draw_message(ksym_code); } break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: joy_button[event.jbutton.which][event.jbutton.button] = 0; break; case SDL_KEYUP: if (player) { switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case 273: key[264] = 0; break; case 275: key[274] = 0; break; case 274: key[261] = 0; break; case 276: key[260] = 0; break; case 122: key[108] = 0; break; case 120: key[59] = 0; break; case 97: key[111] = 0; break; case 115: key[112] = 0; break; case 49: key[50] = 0; break; case 51: key[52] = 0; break; default: key[event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; break; } } else key[event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: scancode = event.key.keysym.sym; if (show_keysym) { sprintf(ksym_code, "%d", scancode); draw_message(ksym_code); } if (player) { switch(scancode) { case 273: key[264] = 1; break; case 275: key[274] = 1; break; case 274: key[261] = 1; break; case 276: key[260] = 1; break; case 122: key[108] = 1; break; case 120: key[59] = 1; break; case 97: key[111] = 1; break; case 115: key[112] = 1; break; case 49: key[50] = 1; break; case 51: key[52] = 1; break; default: key[scancode] = 1; break; } } else key[scancode] = 1; switch (scancode) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: neo_emu_done = 1; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ shutdown = 1; #endif break; // ESC /* case SDLK_TAB: main_gngeo_gui(); break; */ case SDLK_F1: draw_message("Reset"); //neogeo_init(); cpu_68k_reset(); break; case SDLK_F2: take_screenshot(); draw_message("Screenshot saved"); break; case SDLK_F3: draw_message("Test Switch ON"); conf.test_switch = 1; break; case SDLK_F5: show_fps ^= SDL_TRUE; break; case SDLK_F4: show_keysym = 1 - show_keysym; if (show_keysym) draw_message("Show keysym code : ON"); else draw_message("Show keysym code : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F6: slow_motion = 1 - slow_motion; if (slow_motion) draw_message("SlowMotion : ON"); else { draw_message("SlowMotion : OFF"); reset_frame_skip(); } break; case SDLK_F7: //screen_set_effect("scanline"); if (conf.debug) { dbg_step = 1; } break; case SDLK_F8: { int val; char *endptr; text_input("Save to slot [0-999]? ",16,227,input_buf,3); val=strtol(input_buf,&endptr,10); if (input_buf != endptr) { pending_save_state=val+1; } } break; case SDLK_F9: { int val; char *endptr; text_input("Load from slot [0-999]? ",16,227,input_buf,3); val=strtol(input_buf,&endptr,10); if (input_buf != endptr) { pending_load_state=val+1; } } break; case SDLK_F10: autoframeskip ^= SDL_TRUE; if (autoframeskip) { reset_frame_skip(); draw_message("AutoFrameSkip : ON"); } else draw_message("AutoFrameSkip : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F11: sleep_idle ^= SDL_TRUE; if (sleep_idle) draw_message("Sleep idle : ON"); else draw_message("Sleep idle : OFF"); break; case SDLK_F12: screen_fullscreen(); break; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ case SDLK_F13: neo_emu_done = 1; break; case SDLK_F14: if (player) { key[52] = 0; key[50] = 0; key[112] = 0; key[111] = 0; key[59] = 0; key[108] = 0; key[260] = 0; key[261] = 0; key[274] = 0; key[264] = 0; } player = !player; break; #endif } break; case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: conf.res_x=event.resize.w; conf.res_y=event.resize.h; screen_resize(event.resize.w, event.resize.h); break; case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if ( & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) { if (! { int J; SDL_PauseAudio(1); while (1) { usleep(10000); if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT) { if ( & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) { if ( break; } } else if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { neo_emu_done = 1; break; } } } SDL_PauseAudio(0); reset_frame_skip(); } } break; case SDL_USEREVENT: reset_frame_skip(); break; case SDL_QUIT: neo_emu_done = 1; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ shutdown = 1; #endif break; default: break; } } /* update the internal representation of keyslot */ update_p1_key(); update_p2_key(); update_start(); update_coin(); if (slow_motion) SDL_Delay(100); if (conf.sound) { PROFILER_START(PROF_Z80); for (i = 0; i < nb_interlace; i++) { cpu_z80_run(cpu_z80_timeslice_interlace); my_timer(); } PROFILER_STOP(PROF_Z80); } /* else my_timer();*/ if (!conf.debug) { if (conf.raster) { for (i = 0; i < 261; i++) { tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); if (update_scanline()) cpu_68k_interrupt(2); } tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice_scanline-tm_cycle); state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); update_screen(); cpu_68k_interrupt(1); } else { PROFILER_START(PROF_68K); tm_cycle=cpu_68k_run(cpu_68k_timeslice-tm_cycle); PROFILER_STOP(PROF_68K); a = neo_interrupt(); /* state handling (we save/load before interrupt) */ state_handling(pending_save_state,pending_load_state); if (a) { cpu_68k_interrupt(a); } } } else { /* we arre in debug mode -> we are just here for event handling */ neo_emu_done=1; } #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER profiler_show_stat(); #endif PROFILER_START(PROF_ALL); } }