Esempio n. 1
 * CG_ColorForHealth
CG_ColorForHealth(Vec4 hcolor)

		cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_SHIELD], hcolor);
Esempio n. 2
void CG_ColorForHealth( vec4_t hcolor ) {

	CG_GetColorForHealth( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH], 
		cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR], hcolor );
Esempio n. 3
void CG_DrawNewTeamInfo(rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y, float scale, vector4 *color, qhandle_t shader) {
	int			i, j, count, xx;
	const char	*p;
	vector4		hcolor;
	float		pwidth, lwidth, maxx, leftOver, len, y;
	clientInfo_t *ci;
	const gitem_t	*item;

	// max player name width
	pwidth = 0;
	count = (numSortedTeamPlayers > 8) ? 8 : numSortedTeamPlayers;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		ci = cgs.clientinfo + sortedTeamPlayers[i];
		if ( ci->infoValid && ci->team == cg.snap->ps.persistent[PERS_TEAM]) {
			len = CG_Text_Width( ci->name, scale, 0);
			if (len > pwidth)
				pwidth = (float)len;

	// max location name width
	lwidth = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) {
		p = CG_ConfigString(CS_LOCATIONS + i);
		if (p && *p) {
			len = CG_Text_Width(p, scale, 0);
			if (len > lwidth)
				lwidth = (float)len;

	y = rect->y;

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		ci = cgs.clientinfo + sortedTeamPlayers[i];
		if ( ci->infoValid && ci->team == cg.snap->ps.persistent[PERS_TEAM]) {

			xx = (int)rect->x + 1;
			for (j = 0; j <= PW_NUM_POWERUPS; j++) {
				if (ci->powerups & (1 << j)) {

					item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( j );

					if (item) {
						CG_DrawPic( (float)xx, y, PIC_WIDTH, PIC_WIDTH, trap->R_RegisterShader( item->icon ) );
						xx += PIC_WIDTH;

			// FIXME: max of 3 powerups shown properly
			xx = (int)rect->x + (PIC_WIDTH * 3) + 2;

			CG_GetColorForHealth( ci->health, ci->armor, &hcolor );
			CG_DrawPic( (float)xx, y + 1, PIC_WIDTH - 2, PIC_WIDTH - 2, );

			//Com_sprintf (st, sizeof(st), "%3i %3i", ci->health,	ci->armor);
			//CG_Text_Paint(xx, y + text_y, scale, hcolor, st, 0, 0); 

			// draw weapon icon
			xx += PIC_WIDTH + 1;

			// weapon used is not that useful, use the space for task
#if 0
			if ( cg_weapons[ci->curWeapon].weaponIcon ) {
				CG_DrawPic( xx, y, PIC_WIDTH, PIC_WIDTH, cg_weapons[ci->curWeapon].weaponIcon );
			} else {
				CG_DrawPic( xx, y, PIC_WIDTH, PIC_WIDTH, );


			leftOver = rect->w - xx;
			maxx = xx + leftOver / 3;

			CG_Text_Paint_Limit(&maxx, (float)xx, y + text_y, scale, color, ci->name, 0, 0); 

			p = CG_ConfigString(CS_LOCATIONS + ci->location);
			if (!p || !*p) {
				p = "unknown";

			xx += (int)(leftOver/3 + 2);
			maxx = rect->w - 4;

			CG_Text_Paint_Limit(&maxx, (float)xx, y + text_y, scale, color, p, 0, 0); 
			y += text_y + 2;
			if ( y + text_y + 2 > rect->y + rect->h ) {

Esempio n. 4
void CG_ColorForHealth( vec4_t hcolor ) {

	CG_GetColorForHealth( cg.cur_ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH], 
		cg.cur_ps->stats[STAT_ARMOR], hcolor );