bool CIwGameUITextView::UpdateBinding(unsigned int element_name, CIwGameXomlVariable* var) { // Two way binding for Zoom (passes the value back to the variable) if (PrevZoom != Zoom) { if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::Zoom_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) var->setValue(CIwGameString(Zoom).c_str()); // Write Value back to bound variable else if (var->Type == VT_Int) var->setValue(CIwGameString((int)Zoom).c_str()); // Write Value back to bound variable return true; } } if (!var->Modified || var->getValue().IsEmpty()) return false; if (CIwGameUILabel::UpdateBinding(element_name, var)) return true; if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::Zoom_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) setZoom(((CIwGameXomlVariableFloat*)var)->NativeValue); else if (var->Type == VT_Int) setZoom((float)((CIwGameXomlVariableInt*)var)->NativeValue); #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Incorrect binding variable type, expected float or int for Zoom"); #endif // _DEBUG } else if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::MinZoom_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) setMinZoom(((CIwGameXomlVariableFloat*)var)->NativeValue); #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Incorrect binding variable type, expected float for MinZoom"); #endif // _DEBUG } else if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::MaxZoom_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) setMaxZoom(((CIwGameXomlVariableFloat*)var)->NativeValue); #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Incorrect binding variable type, expected float for MaxZoom"); #endif // _DEBUG } else return false; return true; }
bool CIwGameImage::Init(void* memory_file, int memory_file_size) { CIwGameFile file; if (file.Open(memory_file, memory_file_size)) { // Load the image CIwImage image; image.ReadFile((s3eFile*)file.getFileHandle()); // if required format is different then convert it if (FormatSet && image.GetFormat() != Format) { CIwImage* new_image = ConvertToFormat(image, Format); Image2D = Iw2DCreateImage(*new_image); delete new_image; } else Image2D = Iw2DCreateImage(image); if (FilterSet) setFilter(Filter); if (Image2D == NULL || image.GetFormat() == CIwImage::FORMAT_UNDEFINED) { #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameImage::Init() - Could not create image!"); #endif // _DEBUG return false; } else { Width = Image2D->GetWidth(); Height = Image2D->GetHeight(); #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Size = ", CIwGameString(memory_file_size).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Width = ", CIwGameString(Width).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Height = ", CIwGameString(Height).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Bit depth = ", CIwGameString(image.GetBitDepth()).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Format = ", CIwGameString(image.GetFormat()).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG } } // Sanity check if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0 || Width > 16384 || Height > 16384) return false; State = State_Loaded; return true; }
// // // // VServ specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdVServ() { // Get device surface dimensions Width = IwGxGetScreenWidth(); Height = IwGxGetScreenHeight(); // Build M2M request URI string RequestURI = ""; CIwGameString urlencoded; RequestURI += "zoneid="; RequestURI += ApplicationID; RequestURI += "&im="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UDID); RequestURI += "&ic="; RequestURI += s3eDeviceGetString(S3E_DEVICE_LOCALE); RequestURI += "&app=1"; RequestURI += "&ts=1"; RequestURI += "&ua="; urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); RequestURI += urlencoded; if (Width != 0) { RequestURI += "&sw="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(Width); } if (Height != 0) { RequestURI += "&sh="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(Height); } if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += ExtraInfo; } AdRequest.setGET(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Accept", "application/xml"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", "0"); AdRequest.setBody(""); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
// // // // MillennialMedia specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdMillennialMedia() { // Build M2M request URI string //RequestURI = ""; RequestURI = ""; CIwGameString urlencoded; RequestURI += "apid="; RequestURI += ApplicationID; RequestURI += "&auid="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UDID); RequestURI += "&ua="; urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); RequestURI += urlencoded; // RequestURI += "&mode=test"; // RequestURI += "&uip="; // RequestURI += IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->getIPAddress(); if (UserAge != 0) { RequestURI += "&age="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UserAge); } if (UserGender != GenderInvalid) { if (UserGender == GenderFemale) RequestURI += "&gender=female"; else RequestURI += "&gender=male"; } if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += ExtraInfo; } AdRequest.setGET(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Accept", "application/xml"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", "0"); AdRequest.setBody(""); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
// // // // AdFonic specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdAdFonic() { // Get device surface dimensions Width = IwGxGetScreenWidth(); Height = IwGxGetScreenHeight(); CIwGameString urlencoded; RequestURI = ""; RequestURI += ApplicationID; RequestURI += "?"; RequestURI += ""; urlencoded.URLEncode(CIwGameString(UDID).c_str()); RequestURI += urlencoded; RequestURI += "&s.test=0"; RequestURI += "&t.format=xml"; if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += ExtraInfo; } AdRequest.setGET(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.setBody(""); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
void CIwGameXmlParser::ShowError(eXMLParserError error, int pos) const { #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS s3eDebugOutputString(GetErrorString(error)); s3eDebugOutputString(" at line "); CIwGameString num = CIwGameString(m_pDataInput->GetLineNumber(pos)); s3eDebugOutputString(num.c_str()); #endif }
void CIwGameAds::AdReceived(CIwGameHttpRequest* request, int error) { // If there wwas an error then set the error if (error != 0) { IW_GAME_ADS->setError(ErrorHttp); IW_GAME_ADS->setErrorString("Http error"); #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameAds::AdReceived(): ", CIwGameString(error).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG NotifyAdAvailable(); } else { #if defined(_DEBUG) if (request->getContentLength() > 4096) memcpy(g_HttpResponse, request->getContent().c_str(), 4096); else memcpy(g_HttpResponse, request->getContent().c_str(), request->getContentLength()); g_HttpResponse[request->getContentLength()] = 0; CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::AdReceived(): *************"); CIwGameError::LogError((const char*)&g_HttpResponse[0]); CIwGameError::LogError("****************************"); #endif // _DEBUG // Replace html chars request->getContent().ReplaceHTMLCodes(); if (!ExtractAd(AdInfo, request->getContent())) { #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameAds::AdReceived(): Invalid ad data"); #endif // _DEBUG Error = ErrorInvalidAdData; NotifyAdAvailable(); return; } if (!HtmlAds && !TextAds && AdInfo.ImageURI.GetLength() != 0) { // Download the banner ad image RequestBannerImage(AdInfo); } else { #if defined(_DEBUG) if (AdInfo.ImageURI.GetLength() == 0) { CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameAds::AdReceived(): Content length is 0!"); } #endif // _DEBUG NotifyAdAvailable(); } } }
bool CIwGameUISlider::UpdateBinding(unsigned int element_name, CIwGameXomlVariable* var) { // Two way binding for Value (passes the value back to the variable) if (ThumbChanged) { if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::Value_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) var->setValue(CIwGameString(Value).c_str()); // Write Value back to bound variable return true; } } if (!var->Modified || var->getValue().IsEmpty()) return false; if (CIwGameUIBase::UpdateBinding(element_name, var)) return true; if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::SliderSize_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Int) SliderSize = ((CIwGameXomlVariableInt*)var)->NativeValue; #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Slider Incorrect binding variable type, expected int for SliderSize"); #endif // _DEBUG } else if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::Value_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Float) setValue(((CIwGameXomlVariableFloat*)var)->NativeValue); #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Slider Incorrect binding variable type, expected float for Value"); #endif // _DEBUG } else if (element_name == CIwGameXomlNames::ValueRange_Hash) { if (var->Type == VT_Vec2) ValueRange = ((CIwGameXomlVariableVec2*)var)->NativeValue; #if defined(_DEBUG) else CIwGameError::LogError("Warning: Slider Incorrect binding variable type, expected vec2 for ValueRange"); #endif // _DEBUG } else return false; return true; }
// // // // MobFox specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdMobFox() { // Build request URI string RequestURI = ""; CIwGameString body; CIwGameString urlencoded; body = "rt=api"; body += "&u="; urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); body += urlencoded; body += "&i="; body += IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->getIPAddress(); body += "&o="; body += CIwGameString(UDID); body += "&m=live"; body += "&s="; body += ApplicationID; if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { body += ExtraInfo; } AdRequest.setPOST(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", CIwGameString(body.GetLength()).c_str()); AdRequest.setBody(body.c_str()); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
void CIwGameFile::FileReceived(CIwGameHttpRequest* request, int error) { // If there wwas an error then set the error if (error != 0) { Error = ErrorHttp; #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameFile::FileReceived(): ", CIwGameString(error).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG } // Open the file Open((void*)request->getContent().c_str(), request->getContentLength()); // Notify caller that the file is available NotifyAvailable(); }
// // // // Mojiva specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdMojiva() { // Build M2M request URI string RequestURI = ""; CIwGameString urlencoded; RequestURI += "zone="; RequestURI += ApplicationID; RequestURI += "&ip="; RequestURI += IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->getIPAddress(); urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); RequestURI += urlencoded; RequestURI += "&udid="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UDID); if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += ExtraInfo; } /* CIwGameString local = s3eDeviceGetString(S3E_DEVICE_LOCALE); int pos = local.Contains('_'); if (pos >= 0) { // Strip language and underscore local.setString(local.c_str() + pos + 1, 2); local.ToUpper(); body += "&country="; body += local; }*/ /* if (UserAge != 0) { body += "&age="; body += CIwGameString(UserAge); } if (UserGender != GenderInvalid) { if (UserGender == GenderFemale) body += "&gender=F"; else body += "&gender=M"; } if (!UserKeywords.IsEmpty()) { body += "&keywords="; body += UserKeywords; }*/ AdRequest.setGET(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", "0"); AdRequest.setBody(""); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
// // // // ImMobi specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdInMobi() { // Build M2M request URI string RequestURI = ""; // Live // RequestURI = ""; // Test int slotSize = (int)SlotSize; CIwGameString body; CIwGameString urlencoded; body = "mk-siteid="; body += ApplicationID; body += "&mk-carrier="; body += IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->getIPAddress(); body += "&h-user-agent="; urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); urlencoded.ToLower(); body += urlencoded; body += "&u-id="; body += CIwGameString(UDID); body += "&d-localization="; urlencoded.URLEncode(s3eDeviceGetString(S3E_DEVICE_LOCALE)); urlencoded.ToLower(); body += urlencoded; // body += "&d-netType=wifi"; body += "&d-netType=carrier"; body += "&mk-ad-slot="; body += CIwGameString(slotSize); body += "&mk-version=pr-SPEC-CTATA-20130111"; if (UserAge != 0) { body += "&u-age="; body += CIwGameString(UserAge); } if (UserGender != GenderInvalid) { if (UserGender == GenderFemale) body += "&u-gender=f"; else body += "&u-gender=m"; } if (!UserGPSLocation.IsEmpty()) { body += "&u-latlong="; body += UserGPSLocation; } if (!UserKeywords.IsEmpty()) { body += "&u-interests="; body += UserKeywords; } if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { body += ExtraInfo; } // body.ToLower(); AdRequest.setPOST(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("X-Mkhoj-SiteID", ApplicationID.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", CIwGameString(body.GetLength()).c_str()); AdRequest.setBody(body.c_str()); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
// // // // Inner-Active specific implementation // // // bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdInnerActive() { // Get device surface dimensions Width = IwGxGetScreenWidth(); Height = IwGxGetScreenHeight(); // Build M2M request URI string if (!HtmlAds) RequestURI = ""; else RequestURI = ""; RequestURI += "aid="; RequestURI += ApplicationID; RequestURI += "&po="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(PortalIDs[PortalType]); RequestURI += "&v="; RequestURI += Version; RequestURI += "&cid="; RequestURI += ClientID; RequestURI += "&hid="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UDID); if (Width != 0) { RequestURI += "&w="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(Width); } if (Height != 0) { RequestURI += "&h="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(Height); } if (UserAge != 0) { RequestURI += "&a="; RequestURI += CIwGameString(UserAge); } if (UserGender != GenderInvalid) { if (UserGender == GenderFemale) RequestURI += "&g=f"; else RequestURI += "&g=m"; } if (!UserLocation.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += "&l="; RequestURI += UserLocation; } if (!Category.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += "&c="; RequestURI += Category; } if (!UserGPSLocation.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += "&lg="; RequestURI += UserGPSLocation; } if (!UserMobileNumber.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += "&mn="; RequestURI += UserMobileNumber; } if (!UserKeywords.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += "&k="; RequestURI += UserKeywords; } if (!SlotSize == 0) { CIwGameString width; CIwGameString height; switch (SlotSize) { case 2: width = "168"; height = "28"; break; case 3: width = "216"; height = "36"; break; case 4: width = "300"; height = "50"; break; case 10: width = "300"; height = "250"; break; case 11: width = "728"; height = "90"; break; case 14: width = "320"; height = "480"; break; case 15: width = "320"; height = "50"; break; default: break; } RequestURI += "&ow="; RequestURI += width; RequestURI += "&oh="; RequestURI += height; } if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { RequestURI += ExtraInfo; } AdRequest.setGET(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.setBody(""); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", "0"); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
void CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived(CIwGameHttpRequest* request, int error) { s3eDebugOutputString("Ad image received"); // If there wwas an error then set the error if (error != 0) { IW_GAME_ADS->setError(ErrorHttpImage); IW_GAME_ADS->setErrorString("Http error retrieving image"); #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived(): ", CIwGameString(error).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG } else { eIwGameImageFormat format = GetImageFormatFromHeader(); if (format == ImageFormatInvalid) { Error = ErrorInvalidImage; ErrorString = "Invalid image format"; } else { Error = ErrorNone; ErrorString = ""; AdInfo.ImageFormat = format; #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived() - Image format - ", CIwGameString((int)format).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived() - Image URL - ", AdInfo.ImageURI.c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived() - Link URL - ", AdInfo.LinkURI.c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG // Delete previous image (if any) if (AdInfo.Image != NULL) { delete AdInfo.Image; AdInfo.Image = NULL; } // Create new banner image AdInfo.Image = new CIwGameImage(); if (!AdInfo.Image->Init((void*)request->getContent().c_str(), request->getContentLength())) { #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::AdImageReceived() - Could hot create image!"); #endif // _DEBUG Error = ErrorInvalidImage; ErrorString = "Invalid image format"; delete AdInfo.Image; AdInfo.Image = NULL; } else { CIwGameError::LogError("Info: Image Width - ", CIwGameString(AdInfo.Image->getWidth()).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: Image Height - ", CIwGameString(AdInfo.Image->getHeight()).c_str()); } } } NotifyAdAvailable(); }
bool CIwGameAds::RequestAd(eAdProvider provider, bool reset_mediator) { #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::RequestAd()"); #endif // _DEBUG #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: Busy, cant request ad - Elapsed = ", CIwGameString((int)BusyTimer.GetElapsedTime()).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG // Dont allow request if busy already collecting ad or timeout has not occured if (BusyTimer.hasStarted()) { return false; } // If we have an attached mediator then get details from the mediator if (Mediator != NULL) { // reset the mediator if (reset_mediator) Mediator->reset(); // Set up custom ad request from mediator CIwGameAdsParty* party = Mediator->getNextAdParty(); if (party != NULL) { provider = party-> Provider; ApplicationID = party-> ApplicationID; IOSAppID = party-> IOSAppID; AndroidAppID = party -> AndroidAppID; BBAppID = party -> BBAppID; WP8AppID = party -> WP8AppID; OtherID = party->OtherID; ExtraInfo = party->ExtraInfo; } } switch (OperatingSystem) { case S3E_OS_ID_OSX: if (!IOSAppID.IsEmpty()) { ApplicationID = IOSAppID; } break; case S3E_OS_ID_ANDROID: if (!AndroidAppID.IsEmpty()) { ApplicationID = AndroidAppID; } break; case S3E_OS_ID_QNX: if (!BBAppID.IsEmpty()) { ApplicationID = BBAppID; } break; case S3E_OS_ID_WP8: if (!WP8AppID.IsEmpty()) { ApplicationID = WP8AppID; } break; } // Reset error Error = ErrorNone; ErrorString = ""; AdAvailable = false; AdProvider = provider; switch (AdProvider) { case InnerActive: RequestAdInnerActive(); break; case AdFonic: RequestAdAdFonic(); break; case VServ: RequestAdVServ(); break; case Mojiva: RequestAdMojiva(); break; case MillennialMedia: RequestAdMillennialMedia(); break; case AdModa: RequestAdAdModa(); break; case InMobi: RequestAdInMobi(); break; #if defined(_AD_DO_NOT_USE_) case MobClix: RequestAdMobClix(); break; case MobFox: RequestAdMobFox(); break; case Madvertise: RequestAdMadvertise(); break; case KomliMobile: RequestAdKomliMobile(); break; #endif // _AD_DO_NOT_USE_ } #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameAds::RequestAd() with URL: ", RequestURI.c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG return true; }
bool CIwGameAds::RequestAdMadvertise() { // Build M2M request URI string RequestURI = ""; RequestURI += ApplicationID; CIwGameString body; CIwGameString urlencoded; body += "ua="; urlencoded.URLEncode(UserAgent.c_str()); body += urlencoded; // body += "&ip="; // body += IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->getIPAddress(); body += "&requester=madvertise_api"; body += "&version=api_2.1"; body += "&unique_device_id="; body += CIwGameString(UDID); if (!ExtraInfo.IsEmpty()) { body += ExtraInfo; } /* CIwGameString local = s3eDeviceGetString(S3E_DEVICE_LOCALE); int pos = local.Contains('_'); if (pos >= 0) { // Strip language and underscore local.setString(local.c_str() + pos + 1, 2); local.ToUpper(); body += "&country="; body += local; }*/ if (UserAge != 0) { body += "&age="; body += CIwGameString(UserAge); } if (UserGender != GenderInvalid) { if (UserGender == GenderFemale) body += "&gender=F"; else body += "&gender=M"; } if (!UserKeywords.IsEmpty()) { body += "&keywords="; body += UserKeywords; } AdRequest.setPOST(); AdRequest.setURI(RequestURI.c_str()); AdRequest.setContentAvailableCallback(&AdInfoRetrievedCallback, NULL); AdRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent.c_str()); AdRequest.SetHeader("Accept", "application/xml"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); AdRequest.SetHeader("Content-Length", CIwGameString(body.GetLength()).c_str()); AdRequest.setBody(body.c_str()); IW_GAME_HTTP_MANAGER->AddRequest(&AdRequest); BusyTimer.setDuration(IW_GAME_ADS_TIMEOUT); return true; }
eXMLParserError CIwGameXmlParser::Parse(CIwGameXmlNode* parent) { CIwList<CIwGameXmlNode*>* parent_stack = new CIwList<CIwGameXmlNode*>(); parent_stack->push_back(parent); int count = NextFreePoolTagIndex; int tag_index = 0; char* c_data = m_pDataInput->getData(); parent = parent_stack->back(); while (tag_index < MarkerCount) { if (parent == NULL) break; CIwGameXmlTagMarker* marker = Marker + tag_index; const char* data = c_data + marker->Start; int len = marker->Length; if (*data == '<' && *(data + len - 1) == '>') { if (*(data + 1) == '/') { // Found an end tag, check that name matches parents int et_offset = 0; int et_len = GetNextWord(data + 2, et_offset); if (et_len <= 0) { CIwGameError::LogError("CIwGameXmlParser::Parse - Invalid close tag"); return eXMLParserError_InvalidTag; } if (!parent->Name.Compare(data + et_offset + 2, et_len)) { CIwGameError::LogError("CIwGameXmlParser::Parse - Mismatched end tag - ", parent->Name.c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("CIwGameXmlParser::Parse - Instead found - ", CIwGameString(data, et_offset + 2, et_len).c_str()); return eXMLParserError_MismatchedEndTag; } for (CIwList<CIwGameXmlNode*>::iterator it = parent_stack->begin(); it != parent_stack->end(); it++) { CIwGameXmlNode* node = *it; if (node == parent) { parent_stack->erase(it); parent = parent_stack->back(); break; } } tag_index++; } else { // Create a node CIwGameXmlNode* node = AllocNode(); int offset; int nlen = GetNextWord(data + 1, offset); if (nlen <= 0) return eXMLParserError_InvalidTag; node->Name.setString(data + offset + 1, nlen); if ((len - 2) > nlen) ParseAttributes(data + offset + nlen + 1, len - nlen - offset - 1, node); parent->AddChild(node); if (*(data + len - 2) != '/') // Self closing tags dont get added as parents { parent_stack->push_back(node); // Found an inner tag so push parent parent = parent_stack->back(); } // Check next line to see if it is a tag or a value tag_index++; if (tag_index != (NextFreePoolTagIndex - 1)) { CIwGameXmlTagMarker* marker2 = Marker + tag_index; const char* data2 = c_data + marker2->Start; int len2 = marker2->Length; if (*data2 != '<') { // Found a value node->Value.setString(data2, len2); node->HasValue = true; } } } } else tag_index++; } parent_stack->clear(); delete parent_stack; return eXMLParserError_None; }
CIwGameString CIwGameString::getSubString(int start, int max_chars) { if ((start + max_chars) > Length) max_chars -= (start + max_chars) - Length; return CIwGameString(Data, start, max_chars); }