Esempio n. 1
extern "C" int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("tap.shift~",(method)shift_new, (method)shift_free, sizeof(t_shift), 
		(method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);

		common_symbols_init();								// Initialize TapTools

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"ratio",			0,	t_shift, attr_ratio);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"ratio",			NULL, attr_set_ratio);

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"window_size",		0,	t_shift, attr_window_size);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,	"window_size",		NULL, attr_set_window_size);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_float, 	"float", 	A_FLOAT, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_int,	 	"int", 		A_LONG, 0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_clear, 	"clear", 	0L);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)shift_assist, 	"assist", 	A_CANT, 0L); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,	"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);

    class_dspinit(c);									// Setup object's class to work with MSP
class_register(_sym_box, c); 	shift_class = c;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.convolve~", (method)HoaConvolve_new, (method)HoaConvolve_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaConvolve), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_notify,		"notify",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dblclick,    "dblclick", A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_clear,       "clear",                0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "buffer",   0, t_HoaConvolve, f_name);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "buffer",   0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "buffer",   0, "buffer~ Object Name");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "buffer",   0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "buffer",   NULL, buffer_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "buffer",   0, "");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "buffer",   1);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channel",  0, t_HoaConvolve, f_channel);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channel",  0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channel",  0, "buffer~ Object Channel");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channel",  0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channel",  NULL, channel_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channel",  0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channel",  1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "dry",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_dry);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "dry",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "dry",      0, "Dry value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "dry",      0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "dry",      NULL, dry_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "dry",      0, "0.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "dry",      1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "wet",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_wet);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "wet",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "wet",      0, "Wet value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "wet",      0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "wet",      NULL, wet_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "wet",      0, "1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "wet",      1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaConvolve_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void ext_main(void *r)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("smoov", (method)smoov_new, (method)smoov_free, sizeof(t_smoov), 0L, A_GIMME, 0); // class_new() loads our external's class into Max's memory so it can be used in a patch

	class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_bang,		"bang",		0);                 // the method it uses when it gets a bang in the left inlet
    class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_set,		"set",		A_GIMME,    0);     // the method to set and int or a float in the left inlet       (inlet 0)
	class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_int,		"int",		A_LONG,     0);     // the method for an int in the left inlet                      (inlet 0)
    class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_list,		"list",		A_GIMME,     0);    // the method for a list in the left inlet                      (inlet 0)
    class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT,    0);     // the method for a float in the left inlet                     (inlet 0)
	class_addmethod(c, (method)smoov_assist,	"assist",	A_CANT,     0);     // (optional) assistance method needs to be declared like this

    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, "active", 0, t_smoov, s_active);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "active", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "active", 0, "onoff", "Toggle smoothing");

    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "smooth", 0, t_smoov, s_smooth);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "smooth", 0, "Smoothing value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "smooth", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP(c, "smooth", 0., 1.);
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c, "force_output", 0, t_smoov, s_force_output);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "force_output", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3(c, "force_output",0,"as input","int output","float output");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "force_output", 0, "Fore output style");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	smoov_class = c;
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.delay~", (method)HoaDelay_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaDelay), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_int,		"int",		A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "ramp", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_ramp_time);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "ramp", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "ramp", 0, "Ramp time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "ramp", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "ramp", NULL, ramp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "ramp", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "compensation", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_encoding_compensation);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "compensation", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "compensation", 0, "onoff", "Encoding compensation")
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "compensation", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "compensation", NULL, comp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "compensation", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "delay", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_delay);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "delay", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "delay", 0, "Delay time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "delay", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "delay", NULL, delay_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "delay", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "diffusion", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_diffuse_factor);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "diffusion", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "diffusion", 0, "Diffusion factor");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "diffusion", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "diffusion", NULL, diff_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "diffusion", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaDelay_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
int main()
    this_class = class_new("irmeasure~",
                            (method) irmeasure_new,

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0L);

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_sweep, "sweep", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_mls, "mls", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_noise, "white", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_noise, "brown", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_noise, "pink", A_GIMME, 0L);

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_tone, "tone", A_FLOAT, A_DEFLONG, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_stop, "stop", 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_clear, "clear", 0L);

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_active_ins, "activeins", A_LONG, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_active_outs, "activeouts", A_LONG, 0L);

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_reprocess, "reprocess", 0L);

    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_extract, "extract", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_dump, "dump", A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_addmethod(this_class, (method)irmeasure_getir, "getir", A_GIMME, 0L);


    CLASS_ATTR_LONG(this_class, "absprogress", 0, t_irmeasure, abs_progress);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(this_class,"absprogress",0,"onoff","Absolute Progress");

    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(this_class, "amp", 0, t_irmeasure, amp);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(this_class,"amp", 0, "Signal Amplitude (dB)");

    CLASS_ATTR_LONG(this_class, "invamp", 0, t_irmeasure, inv_amp);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(this_class,"invamp",0,"onoff","Invert Amplitude");

    CLASS_ATTR_LONG(this_class, "bandlimit", 0, t_irmeasure, bandlimit);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(this_class,"bandlimit",0,"onoff","Bandlimit Sweep Measurements");


    class_register(CLASS_BOX, this_class);


    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.2d.decoder~", (method)hoa_decoder_new, (method)hoa_decoder_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_decoder), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.decoder~"));
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_decoder_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "autoconnect", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_send_config);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "autoconnect", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "autoconnect", 0, "onoff", "Auto connection");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "autoconnect", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "autoconnect", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "mode", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "mode", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "mode", 0, "ambisonic binaural irregular");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "mode", mode_get, mode_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "mode", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channels", channel_get, channel_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "channels", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "channels", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE           (c, "offset", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "offset", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "offset", offset_get, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c, "offset", 0, "0");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "offset", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "offset", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE   (c, "angles", 0, t_hoa_decoder, f_attr, f_attr, MAX_CHANNELS);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "angles", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "angles", angles_get, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "angles", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "angles", 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_decoder_class = c;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int C74_EXPORT main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("", (method)hoa_map_new, (method)hoa_map_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_map), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	// @method signal @digest Sources signals to encode.
	// @description If you have a single source, the first signal inlet is for the source to encode, the two other ones are to control source position at signal rate. if you have more than one single source to spatialize, all of the inputs represent a signal to encode and coordonates are given with messages.
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	// @method float @digest Set single source coordinate with messages depending on the mode.
	// @description Set single source coordinate with messages depending on the mode.
	// @marg 0 @name coord @optional 0 @type float
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	// @method float @digest Set single source coordinate with messages depending on the mode.
	// @description Set single source coordinate with messages depending on the mode.
	// @marg 0 @name coord @optional 0 @type float
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_int,         "int",		A_LONG, 0);
	// @method cartesian @digest Swith the input mode to cartesian (default).
	// @description The <m>cartesian</m> message swith the input mode to cartesian
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_cartesian,   "cartesian",A_NOTHING, 0);
	// @method polar @digest Swith the input mode to polar.
	// @description The <m>polar</m> message swith the input mode to polar
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_polar,		"polar",	A_NOTHING, 0);
	// @method list @digest Send source messages like coordinates and mute state.
	// @description Send source messages like coordinates and mute state. The list must be formatted like this : source-index input-mode radius/abscissa azimuth/ordinate to set source positions or like this : source-index 'mute' mute-state to set the mute state of a source.
	// marg 0 @name source-index @optional 0 @type int
	// marg 1 @name input-mode/mute @optional 0 @type symbol
	// marg 2 @name coord-1/mute-state @optional 0 @type float/int
	// marg 3 @name coord-2 @optional 0 @type float
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_list,        "list",				A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_assist,      "assist",			A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE           (c, "ramp", 0, t_hoa_map, f_ramp);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "ramp", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "ramp", 0, "Ramp Time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "ramp", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "ramp", NULL, ramp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "ramp", 1);
	// @description The ramp time in milliseconds.
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_map_class = c;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
extern "C" int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class* c = class_new("tap.comb~", (method)comb_new, (method)comb_free, sizeof(t_comb), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0);


	class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT, 0);

    class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_int, 				"int", A_LONG, 0L);		// Input as int
    class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_float, 				"float", A_FLOAT, 0L);	// Input as double
    class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_lp_cf,				"lpass", A_FLOAT, 0L);	// for backwards compatibility
    class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_clear,				"clear", 0L);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)comb_assist, 			"assist", A_CANT, 0L); 
    class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout, 	"dumpout", A_CANT,0);      
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stdinletinfo,			"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"feedback",			0,	t_comb, attr_feedback);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"feedback",			NULL, attr_set_feedback);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,			"autoclip",			0,	t_comb, attr_autoclip);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"autoclip",			NULL, attr_set_autoclip);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(c,			"autoclip",			0, "onoff");

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"delay",			0,	t_comb, attr_delay);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"delay",			NULL, attr_set_delay);

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"decay",			0,	t_comb, attr_decay);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"decay",			NULL, attr_set_decay);

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"buffersize",		0,	t_comb, attr_buffersize);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"buffersize",		NULL, attr_set_buffersize);

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c,		"lowpass",			0,	t_comb, attr_lowpass);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,		"lowpass",			NULL, attr_set_lowpass);
	class_dspinit(c);									// Setup object's class to work with MSP
	class_register(_sym_box, c);
	s_comb_class = c; 
Esempio n. 9
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.2d.vector~", (method)hoa_vector_new, (method)hoa_vector_free, (long)sizeof(t_hoa_vector), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	// @method signal @digest Array of channels signals.
	// @description Array of channels signals.
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_vector_dsp64,	"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_vector_assist,   "assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_vector, f_attrs);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "channels", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "channels", channels_get, channels_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "channels", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "channels", 0);
	// @description The number of channels.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE               (c, "offset", 0, t_hoa_vector, f_attrs);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "offset", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "offset", offset_get, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "offset", 0, "0");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "offset", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "offset", 0);
	// @description The offset of the channels.
    CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT_VARSIZE        (c, "angles", 0, t_hoa_vector, f_attrs, f_attrs, MAX_CHANNELS);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "angles", 0, "Planewaves");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "angles", angles_get, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "angles", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "angles", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "angles", 0, "0. 90. 180. 270.");
	// @description The angles of the channels. Angles are in degree wrapped between 0. and 360.
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	hoa_vector_class = c;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("simplejs", (method)simplejs_new, (method)simplejs_free, (long)sizeof(t_simplejs), 
				  0L /* leave NULL!! */, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)simplejs_print,			"print",		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)simplejs_doabs,			"doAbs",		A_GIMMEBACK, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "myattr", 0, t_simplejs, myattr);
	c->c_flags = CLASS_FLAG_POLYGLOT;	
	class_register(CLASS_NOBOX, c); 	
	simplejs_class = c;

	return 0;
int main (void)
    this_class = class_new ("irextract~",
							(method) irextract_new, 
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_sweep, "sweep", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_mls, "mls", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_noise, "white", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_noise, "brown", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_noise, "pink", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_clear, "clear", 0L);

	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_getir, "getir", A_GIMME, 0L);
	class_addmethod (this_class, (method)irextract_dump, "dump", A_GIMME, 0L);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(this_class, "amp", 0, t_irextract, amp); 
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(this_class,"amp", 0, "Signal Amplitude (dB)");

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(this_class, "invamp", 0, t_irextract, inv_amp); 
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(this_class,"invamp",0,"onoff","Invert Amplitude");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(this_class, "bandlimit", 0, t_irextract, bandlimit); 
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(this_class,"bandlimit",0,"onoff","Bandlimit Sweep Measurements");	
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, this_class);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 12
extern "C" void setup_hoa0x2e3d0x2emap_tilde(void)
    t_eclass* c;
    c = eclass_new("", (method)hoa_map_3D_tilde_new, (method)hoa_map_3D_tilde_free, (short)sizeof(t_hoa_map_3D_tilde), CLASS_NOINLET, A_GIMME, 0);
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	eclass_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_3D_tilde_dsp,          "dsp",      A_CANT, 0);
    eclass_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_3D_tilde_list,         "list",     A_GIMME, 0);
    eclass_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_map_3D_tilde_float,        "float",    A_FLOAT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE           (c, "ramp", 0, t_hoa_map_3D_tilde, f_ramp);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "ramp", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "ramp", 0, "Ramp Time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "ramp", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "ramp", NULL, ramp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "ramp", 1);
    eclass_register(CLASS_OBJ, c);
    hoa_map_3D_tilde_class = c;
Esempio n. 13
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("hoa.poltocar~", (method)hoa_poltocar_new, (method)hoa_poltocar_free, (short)sizeof(t_hoa_poltocar), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_poltocar_dsp64,		"dsp64",		A_CANT,  0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_poltocar_assist,		"assist",		A_CANT,	 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_poltocar_int,		"int",			A_LONG,  0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_poltocar_float,		"float",		A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_poltocar_list,		"list",			A_GIMME, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE	(c, "offset", 0, t_hoa_poltocar, f_offset);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "offset", NULL, hoa_poltocar_setattr_offset);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE		(c, "offset", 1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	hoa_poltocar_class = c;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 14
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.recomposer~", (method)HoaRecomposer_new, (method)HoaRecomposer_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaRecomposer), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_dsp64,			"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_angle,         "angles",    A_GIMME,0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_wide,          "directivities",     A_GIMME,0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_float,         "float",    A_FLOAT,0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c,"mode", 0, t_HoaRecomposer, f_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c,"mode", 0, "fixe fisheye free");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"mode", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"mode", NULL, HoaRecomposer_set_attr_mode);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"mode", 0,  "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c,"ramp", 0, t_HoaRecomposer, f_ramp_time);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"ramp", 0, "Ramp Time in milliseconds");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"ramp", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"ramp", NULL, HoaRecomposer_ramp);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"ramp", 0,  "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"ramp", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	HoaRecomposer_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Esempio n. 15
int C74_EXPORT main()
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.2d.meter~", (method)meter_new, (method)meter_free, (short)sizeof(t_meter), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.meter~"));
	jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_COLOR | JBOX_FIXWIDTH);
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_dsp64,		 "dsp64",		  A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_assist,		 "assist",		  A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_paint,		 "paint",		  A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_notify,        "notify",		  A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_getdrawparams, "getdrawparams", A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 225 225");
	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE            (c, "color", 0);
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY           (c, 0, "Appearance");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "drawledsbg", 0, t_meter, f_drawledsbg);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "drawledsbg", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL          (c, "drawledsbg", 0, "onoff", "Draw Leds Background");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "drawledsbg", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "drawledsbg", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "drawvector", 0, t_meter, f_drawvector);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "drawvector", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "drawvector", 0, "Draw Vectors");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX4           (c, "drawvector", 0, "none", "energy", "velocity", "both")
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "drawvector", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "drawvector", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "drawmborder", 0, t_meter, f_drawmborder);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "drawmborder", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "drawmborder", 0, "Draw Meter Borders");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX4           (c, "drawmborder", 0, "none", "Circles", "Axes", "both")
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "drawmborder", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "drawmborder", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE               (c, "metersize", 0, t_meter, f_metersize);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "metersize", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "metersize", 0, "Meter Circle Size");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "metersize", 0., 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "metersize", 0, "0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "metersize", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "orientation", 0, t_meter, f_direction);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "orientation", 0, "Meter Fill Orientation");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "orientation", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX            (c, "orientation", 0, "inside outside");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c,"orientation",0, "0");
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY           (c, 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "channels", 0 , t_meter, f_number_of_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "channels", NULL, number_of_channels_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "channels", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "channels", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "channels", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE       (c, "angles", 0, t_meter,f_angles_of_channels, f_number_of_channels, MAX_SPEAKER);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "angles", NULL, angles_of_channels_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "angles", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Loudspeakers");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "angles", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE               (c, "offset", 0, t_meter, f_offset_of_channels);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "offset", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "offset", 0, "0");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "offset", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "rotation", 0, t_meter, f_rotation);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "rotation", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "rotation", 0, "Rotation of Channels");
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX            (c, "rotation", 0, "clockwise anti-clockwise");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "rotation",0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "interval", 0, t_meter, f_interval);
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "interval", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "interval", 0, "Refresh Interval in Milliseconds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN           (c, "interval", 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "interval", 0, "50");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "interval", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "dbperled", 0, t_meter, f_dbperled);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "dbperled", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "dbperled", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "dbperled", 0, "DeciBels per Led");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "dbperled", 1, 12);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "dbperled", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "dbperled", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "nhotleds", 0, t_meter, f_nhotleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "nhotleds", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "nhotleds", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "nhotleds", 0, "Number of Hot Leds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "nhotleds", 0, 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "nhotleds", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "nhotleds", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "ntepidleds", 0, t_meter, f_ntepidleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "6");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "Number of Tepid Leds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "ntepidleds", 0, 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "ntepidleds", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "nwarmleds", 0, t_meter, f_nwarmleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "7");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "Number of Warm Leds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "nwarmleds", 0, 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "nwarmleds", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "numleds", 0, t_meter, f_numleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "numleds", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "numleds", 0, "8");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "numleds", 0, "Total Number of Leds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "numleds", 10, 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "numleds", 0, "12");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "numleds", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "bgcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_bg);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "bgcolor", 0, "0.76 0.76 0.76 1.");
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "bdcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_bd);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "bdcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "Border Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "bdcolor", 0, "0.7 0.7 0.7 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "mbgcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_mbg);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "Meter Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "0.61 0.61 0.61 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "coldcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_cold);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Cold Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "coldcolor", 0, "0. 0.6 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "tepidcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_tepid);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Tepid Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "0.6 0.73 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "warmcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_warm);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Warm Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "6");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "warmcolor", 0, ".85 .85 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "hotcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_hot);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Hot Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "7");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "hotcolor", 0, "1. 0.6 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "overcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_over);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "overcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "overcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "overcolor", 0, "Overload Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "overcolor", 0, "8");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "overcolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "energycolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_energy);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "energycolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "energycolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "energycolor", 0, "Energy Vector Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "energycolor", 0, "9");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "energycolor", 0, "0. 0. 1. 0.8");
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "velocitycolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_velocity);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "Velocity Vector Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "9");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 0.8");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	meter_class = c;
    s_velocity_layer    = gensym("velocity_layer");
	s_energy_layer		= gensym("energy_layer");
    s_leds_layer        = gensym("leds_layer");
    s_separator_layer   = gensym("separator_layer");
    s_skeleton_layer    = gensym("skeleton_layer");
	return 0;
void ext_main(void *r)
    t_class *c;
    c = class_new("hoa.gain~", (method)hoa_gain_new, (method)hoa_gain_free, sizeof(t_hoa_gain), (method)NULL, A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.gain~", (char *)"hoa.gain~");
    jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_FIXWIDTH | JBOX_COLOR );
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_assist,              "assist",               A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_paint,               "paint",                A_CANT, 0);
    // @method signal @digest The inputs signals to be scaled by the slider.
    // @description The inputs signals to be scaled by the slider.
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_dsp64,               "dsp64",                A_CANT, 0);
    // @method int @digest Set the value of the slider
    // @description The <m>int</m> method sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 0 @name value @optional 0 @type int
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_int,                 "int",                  A_LONG, 0);
    // @method float @digest Set the value of the slider
    // @description The <m>float</m> method sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 0 @name value @optional 0 @type int
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_float,               "float",                A_FLOAT, 0);
    // @method contextvalue @digest Set the value of the slider with DeciBels, Amplitude or MIDI value type.
    // @description Set the value of the slider with DeciBels, Amplitude or MIDI value type.
    // @marg 0 @name inputmode @optional 0 @type int @description 0 = DeciBels, 1 = 1mplitude, 2 = MIDI.
    // @marg 1 @name value @optional 0 @type float @description The slider value
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_contextValue,        "contextvalue", A_LONG, A_FLOAT, 0);
    // @method bang @digest Send current value out right outlet.
    // @description The <m>bang</m> message send current value out right outlet.
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_bang,                "bang",                         0);
    // @method set @digest Set the value of the slider without outputting slider value.
    // @description The word set, followed by a number, sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, but does not output the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 1 @name value @optional 0 @type float @description The slider value
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_set,                 "set",                  A_GIMME, 0);
    //class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_tometer,             "anything",             A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_anything,            "anything",             A_GIMME, 0);
    // @method (mouse) @digest click and drag to set the slider outlet.
    // @description Clicking and dragging with the mouse sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider’s value out the right outlet. double-click to set the slider value to <m>defvaldb</m>
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedoubleclick,    "mousedoubleclick",     A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedown,           "mousedown",            A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedragdelta,      "mousedragdelta",       A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mouseup,             "mouseup",              A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_getvalueof,          "getvalueof",           A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_setvalueof,          "setvalueof",           A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_preset,              "preset",                       0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_notify,              "notify",               A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_oksize,              "oksize",               A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c,"patching_rect",0, "0. 0. 140. 22.");
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY		(c,0,"Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "interp", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_interp);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "interp",(method)NULL,(method)hoa_gain_setattr_interp);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "interp", 0, "Ramp Time (ms)");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "interp", 0);
    // @description Ramp time in milliseconds
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"relative", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_relative);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"relative", 0, "Mousing Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX2		(c, "relative", 0, "Absolute", "Relative");
    CLASS_ATTR_BASIC			(c, "relative", 0);
    // @description Mousing can either be <b>absolute</b> or <b>relative</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"inputmode", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_inputMode);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"inputmode", 0, "Input Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3		(c, "inputmode", 0, "DeciBels", "Amplitude", "Midi");
    // @description Input mode can either be in <b>DeciBels</b>, <b>Amplitude</b> or <b>Midi</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "defvaldb", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_defaultValuedB);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "defvaldb", 0, "Default Value (dB)");
    // @description Default value in <b>DeciBels</b>, <b>Amplitude</b> or <b>Midi</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"orientation",0,t_hoa_gain,j_orientation);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"orientation",0,"Orientation");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3		(c,"orientation", 0,"Automatic", "Horizontal", "Vertical");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "orientation", 0, "Appearance");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "orientation", 0, "0");
    // @description Orientation can either be in <b>Automatic</b>, <b>Horizontal</b> or <b>Vertical</b>
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY(c, 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c, "color", 0);
    // @exclude hoa.gain~
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA_LEGACY		(c, "bgcolor", "brgb", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_brgba);
    CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS			(c,"bgcolor", "brgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c,"bgcolor",0,"0.611765 0.611765 0.611765 1.");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba", "Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_BASIC			(c, "bgcolor", 0);
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the background color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "knobcolor", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_knobcolor);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "knobcolor", 0, "rgba","Knob Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "knobcolor", 0, "0.396078 0.396078 0.396078 1.");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the knob color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "barcolor", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_barcolor);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "barcolor", 0, "rgba","Value Bar Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "barcolor", 0, "0.396078 0.396078 0.396078 0.6");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the value bar color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"relative",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"defvaldb",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"inputmode",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"interp",0,"20");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"min", 0, "Output Minimum");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"mult", 0, "Output Multiplier");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c,"floatoutput",0,"onoff","Float Output");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "relative",		0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "size",			0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "min",			0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "mult",			0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Custom");
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG				(c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_number_of_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS        (c, "channels", NULL, hoa_gain_setattr_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channels", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP		(c, "channels", 1, MAX_IO);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channels", 0, "8");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channels", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "range", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY     (c, "range", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_range, 2);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS        (c, "range", NULL, hoa_gain_setattr_range);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "range", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "range", 0, "Range (dB)");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "range", 0, "-70. 18.");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "range", 1);
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    s_hoa_gain_class = c;    
Esempio n. 17
TTErr wrapTTClassAsPdClass(TTSymbol ttblueClassName, const char* pdClassName, WrappedClassPtr* c, WrappedClassOptionsPtr options)
	TTObject		o(ttblueClassName, 1);	// Create a temporary instance of the class so that we can query it.
	TTValue			v;
	WrappedClass*	wrappedPdClass = NULL;
	TTSymbol		name;
	TTCString		nameCString = NULL;
	t_symbol*		namePdSymbol = NULL;
	TTUInt32		nameSize = 0;
	wrappedPdClass = new WrappedClass;
	wrappedPdClass->pdClassName = gensym((char*)pdClassName);
    wrappedPdClass->pdClass = eclass_new(	(char*)pdClassName,
	wrappedPdClass->ttblueClassName = ttblueClassName;
	wrappedPdClass->validityCheck = NULL;
	wrappedPdClass->validityCheckArgument = NULL;
    wrappedPdClass->options = options;

	if (!o.valid()) {
		error("Jamoma ClassWrapper failed to load %s", ttblueClassName.c_str());
		return kTTErrAllocFailed;

	for (TTUInt16 i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
		name = v[i];
        //nameSize = name->getString().length();	// TODO -- this crash on Windows...
		nameSize = strlen(name.c_str());
		nameCString = new char[nameSize+1];
        strncpy(nameCString, name.c_str(), nameSize+1);

		namePdSymbol = gensym(nameCString);
        wrappedPdClass->pdNamesToTTNames[namePdSymbol->s_name] = (t_object*)name.rawpointer();
        eclass_addmethod((t_eclass*)wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (method)wrappedClass_anything, nameCString, A_GIMME, 0);
        delete[] nameCString;
		nameCString = NULL;
	for (TTUInt16 i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
		TTAttributePtr	attr = NULL;
		name = v[i];
        //nameSize = name->getString().length();	// TODO -- this crash on Windows...
		nameSize = strlen(name.c_str());
		nameCString = new char[nameSize+1];
        strncpy(nameCString, name.c_str(), nameSize+1);
		namePdSymbol = gensym(nameCString);
		if (name == TT("maxNumChannels"))
			continue;						// don't expose these attributes to Pd users
		if (name == TT("bypass")) {
			if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("generator"), v))
				continue;					// generators don't have inputs, and so don't really provide a bypass
		o.instance()->findAttribute(name, &attr);
        wrappedPdClass->pdNamesToTTNames[namePdSymbol->s_name] = (t_object*)name.rawpointer();

		if (attr->type == kTypeFloat32)
		else if (attr->type == kTypeFloat64)
		else if (attr->type == kTypeSymbol || attr->type == kTypeString)
        //class_addattr(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, attr_offset_new(nameCString, pdType, 0, (method)wrappedClass_attrGet, (method)wrappedClass_attrSet, 0));
		// Add display styles for the Max 5 inspector
		if (attr->type == kTypeBoolean)
			CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (char*)name.c_str(), 0, (char*)"onoff");
		if (name == TT("fontFace"))
			CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(wrappedPdClass->pdClass,	(char*)"fontFace", 0, (char*)"font");
        delete[] nameCString;
		nameCString = NULL;
    eclass_addmethod(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (method)wrappedClass_dsp64, 	"dsp64",		A_CANT, 0L);
    eclass_addmethod(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (method)object_obex_dumpout, 	"dumpout",		A_CANT, 0);
    eclass_addmethod(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (method)wrappedClass_assist, 	"assist",		A_CANT, 0L);
    // eclass_addmethod(wrappedPdClass->pdClass, (method)stdinletinfo,			"inletinfo",	A_CANT, 0);
    eclass_register(CLASS_BOX, wrappedPdClass->pdClass);
	if (c)
		*c = wrappedPdClass;
    wrappedPdClasses[wrappedPdClass->pdClassName->s_name] = (t_object*)wrappedPdClass;
	return kTTErrNone;
void ext_main(void *r)
    t_class *c;
    c = class_new("hoa.2d.meter~", (method)meter_new, (method)meter_free, (short)sizeof(t_meter), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.2d.meter~", (char *)"hoa.2d.meter~");
    jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_COLOR);
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
    // @method signal @digest Array of signals to visualize.
    // @description Array of signals to visualize.
    // @marg 0 @name channel-signal @optional 0 @type signal
    class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_dsp64,		 "dsp64",		  A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_assist,		 "assist",		  A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_paint,		 "paint",		  A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method) meter_notify,        "notify",		  A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 150 150");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE            (c, "color", 0);
    /* APPEARANCE */
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY           (c, 0, "Appearance");
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "ledsbg", 0, t_meter, f_drawledsbg);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "ledsbg", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL          (c, "ledsbg", 0, "onoff", "Draw Leds Background");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "ledsbg", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "ledsbg", 1);
    // @description Draw leds background ?
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "vectors", 0, t_meter, f_drawvector);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "vectors", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "vectors", 0, "Draw Vectors");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX4           (c, "vectors", 0, "none", "energy", "velocity", "both")
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "vectors", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "vectors", 1);
    // @description The vector(s) to draw.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "mborder", 0, t_meter, f_drawmborder);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "mborder", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "mborder", 0, "Draw Meter Borders");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX4           (c, "mborder", 0, "none", "Circles", "Axes", "both")
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "mborder", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "mborder", 1);
    // @description The meter border(s) to draw.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE               (c, "metersize", 0, t_meter, f_metersize);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "metersize", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "metersize", 0, "Meter Circle Size");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "metersize", 0., 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "metersize", 0, "0.8");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "metersize", 1);
    // @description The size of the inner circle of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o>.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "orientation", 0, t_meter, f_direction);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "orientation", 0, "Meter Fill Orientation");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "orientation", 0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX            (c, "orientation", 0, "inside outside");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "orientation", 0, "0");
    // @description The filling orientation of the peak level indicators <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o>.
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY           (c, 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "channels", 0 , t_meter, f_attrs);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "channels", channels_get, channels_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "channels", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "channels", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "channels", 0, "4");
    // @description The number of displayed channel and peak level indicators.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE       (c, "angles", ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW, t_meter, f_attrs, f_attrs, MAX_UI_CHANNELS);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "angles", angles_get, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "angles", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "angles", 1);
    // @description The angles of the displayed channels and peak level indicators. Values are in degrees, wrapped between 0. and 360., so you can also set the angles with negative values.
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE               (c, "offset", 0, t_meter, f_attrs);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "offset", offset_get, offset_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "offset", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "offset", 0, "Offset of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "offset", 0, "0");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "offset", 1);
    // @description Display offset of channels and peak level indicators. the value is in degree, clipped between -180. and 180.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "rotation", 0, t_meter, f_rotation);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "rotation", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "rotation", 0, "Rotation of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX            (c, "rotation", 0, "clockwise anti-clockwise");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "rotation",0, "1");
    // @description The rotation can either be <b>clockwise</b> or <b>anti-clockwise</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "interval", 0, t_meter, f_interval);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "interval", 0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "interval", 0, "Refresh Interval in Milliseconds");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN           (c, "interval", 20);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "interval", 0, "50");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "interval", 1);
    // @description The refresh interval time in milliseconds.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "dbperled", 0, t_meter, f_dbperled);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "dbperled", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "dbperled", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "dbperled", 0, "DeciBels per Led");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "dbperled", 1, 12);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "dbperled", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "dbperled", 1);
    // @description Sets the amount of signal level in deciBels represented by each LED. By default each LED represents a 3dB change in volume from its neighboring LEDs.
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "nhotleds", 0, t_meter, f_nhotleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "nhotleds", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "nhotleds", 0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "nhotleds", 0, "Number of Hot Leds");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "nhotleds", 0, 20);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "nhotleds", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "nhotleds", 1);
    // @description Sets the total number "hot" warning LEDs displayed on the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object (corresponding to the color set by the <b>hotcolor</b> message).
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "ntepidleds", 0, t_meter, f_ntepidleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "6");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "Number of Tepid Leds");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "ntepidleds", 0, 20);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "ntepidleds", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "ntepidleds", 1);
    // @description Sets the total number "tepid" mid-range LEDs displayed on the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object (corresponding to the color set by the <b>tepidcolor</b> message).
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "nwarmleds", 0, t_meter, f_nwarmleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "7");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "Number of Warm Leds");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "nwarmleds", 0, 20);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "nwarmleds", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "nwarmleds", 1);
    // @description Sets the total number "warm" lower-mid-range LEDs displayed on the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object (corresponding to the color set by the <b>warmcolor</b> message).
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "numleds", 0, t_meter, f_numleds);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "numleds", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "numleds", 0, "8");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "numleds", 0, "Total Number of Leds");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP          (c, "numleds", 10, 20);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "numleds", 0, "12");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "numleds", 1);
    // @description The word numleds, followed by a number between 10 and 20, sets the total number of LEDs displayed on the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object. The range is 10-20 LEDs.
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "bgcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_bg);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "bgcolor", 0, "0.76 0.76 0.76 1.");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the background color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "mbgcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_mbg);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "Meter Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "mbgcolor", 0, "0.61 0.61 0.61 1.");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the filled circle background color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_ledbg);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, "Leds Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "ledbgcolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 0.05");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for leds background color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "coldcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_cold);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Cold Signal Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "coldcolor", 0, "0. 0.6 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the cold signal color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "tepidcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_tepid);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Tepid Signal Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "0.6 0.73 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the LEDs color for the lower-middle "tepid" range of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "warmcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_warm);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Warm Signal Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "6");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "warmcolor", 0, ".85 .85 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the LEDs color for upper-middle "warm" range of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "hotcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_hot);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Hot Signal Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "7");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "hotcolor", 0, "1. 0.6 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the LEDs color for the upper "hot" range of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "overloadcolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_over);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "overloadcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "overloadcolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "overloadcolor", 0, "Overload Signal Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "overloadcolor", 0, "8");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "overloadcolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the LEDs color for the "over" indicator of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "energycolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_energy);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "energycolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "energycolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "energycolor", 0, "Energy Vector Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "energycolor", 0, "9");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "energycolor", 0, "0. 0. 1. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the energy vector color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "velocitycolor", 0, t_meter, f_color_velocity);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "rgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "Velocity Vector Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "9");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "velocitycolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 0.8");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the velocity vector color of the <o>hoa.2d.meter~</o> object
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.meter~"));
    meter_class = c;
Esempio n. 19
int main(void){
	t_class *c = class_new("resdisplay", (method)rd_new, (method)rd_free, sizeof(t_rd), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_paint, "paint", A_CANT, 0); 
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_bang, "bang", 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_int, "int", A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_float, "float", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_sinusoids, "sinusoids", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_list, "list", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_clear, "clear", 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_displayrange, "displayrange", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_mousedown, "mousedown", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_mousedrag, "mousedrag", A_CANT, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)rd_notify, "notify", A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_STICKY_ATTR(c, "category", 0, "Color"); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "bgcolor", 0, t_rd, bgcolor); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "bgcolor", 0, "1. 1. 1. 1."); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba", "Background Color"); 

 	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "datacolor", 0, t_rd, datacolor); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "datacolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 1."); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "datacolor", 0, "rgba", "Data Color"); 

 	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "selectioncolor", 0, t_rd, selectioncolor); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "selectioncolor", 0, "0. 0. 1. 1."); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "selectioncolor", 0, "rgba", "Selection Color"); 

 	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "bordercolor", 0, t_rd, bordercolor); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c, "bordercolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 1."); 
 	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "bordercolor", 0, "rgba", "Border Color"); 
	CLASS_STICKY_ATTR_CLEAR(c, "category");

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "freqmin", 0, t_rd, freqmin);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "freqmin", 0, "0.0");
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "freqmax", 0, t_rd, freqmax);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "freqmax", 0, "22050.");

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "ampmin", 0, t_rd, ampmin);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "ampmin", 0, "0.0");
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "ampmax", 0, t_rd, ampmax);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "ampmax", 0, "1.0");

	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "ampmin_log", 0, t_rd, ampmin_log);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "ampmin_log", 0, "-100.");
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE(c, "ampmax_log", 0, t_rd, ampmax_log);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE(c, "ampmax_log", 0, "0.0");

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "mode", 0, t_rd, mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c, "mode", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "log", 0, t_rd, log);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, "patching_rect", 0, "0. 0. 300. 100."); 
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	rd_class = c;



	return 0;