Esempio n. 1
**	Draw character with current color clipped into 8 bit framebuffer.
**	@param graphic	Pointer to object
**	@param gx	X offset into object
**	@param gy	Y offset into object
**	@param w	width to display
**	@param h	height to display
**	@param x	X screen position
**	@param y	Y screen position
local void VideoDrawCharClip(const Graphic* graphic,int gx,int gy,int w,int h,
	int x,int y)
    int ox,oy,ex;
Esempio n. 2
**  Draw character with current color clipped into 8 bit framebuffer.
**  @param g   Pointer to object
**  @param gx  X offset into object
**  @param gy  Y offset into object
**  @param w   width to display
**  @param h   height to display
**  @param x   X screen position
**  @param y   Y screen position
static void VideoDrawCharClip(const CGraphic &g, int gx, int gy, int w, int h,
							  int x, int y, const CFontColor &fc)
	int ox;
	int oy;
	int ex;
	CLIP_RECTANGLE_OFS(x, y, w, h, ox, oy, ex);
	VideoDrawChar(g, gx + ox, gy + oy, w, h, x, y, fc);
Esempio n. 3
**  Draw character with current color clipped into 8 bit framebuffer.
**  @param g   Pointer to object
**  @param gx  X offset into object
**  @param gy  Y offset into object
**  @param w   width to display
**  @param h   height to display
**  @param x   X screen position
**  @param y   Y screen position
static void VideoDrawCharClip(const CGraphic *g, int gx, int gy, int w, int h,
	int x, int y)
	int ox;
	int oy;
	int ex;
	CLIP_RECTANGLE_OFS(x, y, w, h, ox, oy, ex);
	VideoDrawChar(g, gx + ox, gy + oy, w, h, x, y);
	ex = ex; // make the compiler to shut up.