Esempio n. 1
OSErr InitializeConnection(Boolean readPrefs, ConnHandle* connection) {
	Handle			theStrings;
	Ptr				configString = nil;
	CMErr				err;
	CMBufferSizes	bufSizes;
	short				procID;
	StringPtr		temp = nil;	
	Str255			toolName;

	*connection = nil;
	// get a Connection Tool name

	if (readPrefs) {
		err = GetToolname(toolName);
		if (err != noErr) {
			readPrefs = false;
			//	if there is a serial tool, use that name
			PLstrcpy(toolName, "\pSerial Tool");
			procID = CMGetProcID(toolName);
			if (procID == -1) {
				//	we could not find the serial tool, use what ever is first
				err = CRMGetIndToolName(classCM, 1, toolName);
				if (err != noErr) {
					err = -1;
					return err;
	} else {
Esempio n. 2
OSErr TotalHack(CFragConnectionID connID)
	Handle				theStrings;
	CMBufferSizes		bufSizes;
	short					procID;
	Str255				toolName;
	OSErr					error;
	FSSpec				where;
	short					ref;
	char*					end;
	Ptr					tempString;
	char*					here;
	short					baud;
	Boolean				prefsChanged = false;
	THz					myZone;
	ser_t*				storage;
	gConnection = nil;

	// get a Connection Tool name
	strcpy((char *)toolName, "Apple Modem Tool");						// so try to use the Apple modem tool
	c2pstr((char *)toolName);
	end = (char *)(toolName + toolName[0] + 1);
	memset(end, '\0', 255 - toolName[0]);
	// init the CMBufferSizes variable so that Tool will init with defaults

	bufSizes[cmDataIn] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmDataOut] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmCntlIn] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmCntlOut] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmAttnIn] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmAttnOut] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmRsrvIn] = 0;
	bufSizes[cmRsrvOut] = 0;

	error = noErr;
	myZone = GetZone();
	// get a process ID for the tool
	procID = CMGetProcID(toolName);
	if (procID == -1) {
		error = -2;

	// now get a conn record set up
	if (error == noErr) {
		gConnection = CMNew(procID, cmData|cmNoMenus|cmQuiet, bufSizes, 0, 0);
		if (gConnection != nil) {
			storage = (ser_t*)NewPtrClear(sizeof(ser_t));
			storage->sConnection = gConnection;
			error = SetData(connID, (unsigned long)storage);

	return error;
Esempio n. 3
OSErr VerifyToolExists(char* toolName)
	Str255	tempName;
	short		index;
	short		result;
	OSErr		error = noErr;
	result = CMGetProcID(toolName);
	if (result == -1) {
		error = -7;

	return error;