Esempio n. 1
CmpDereferenceKeyControlBlockWithLock(IN PCM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK Kcb,
                                      IN BOOLEAN LockHeldExclusively)
            "%s - Dereferencing KCB: %p\n", __FUNCTION__, Kcb);

    /* Sanity check */

    /* Check if this is the last reference */
    if ((InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&Kcb->RefCount) & 0xFFFF) == 0)
        /* Sanity check */
        ASSERT((CmpIsKcbLockedExclusive(Kcb) == TRUE) ||
               (CmpTestRegistryLockExclusive() == TRUE));

        /* Check if we should do a direct delete */
        if (((CmpHoldLazyFlush) &&
                !(Kcb->ExtFlags & CM_KCB_SYM_LINK_FOUND) &&
                !(Kcb->Flags & KEY_SYM_LINK)) ||
                (Kcb->ExtFlags & CM_KCB_NO_DELAY_CLOSE) ||
            /* Clean up the KCB*/
            CmpCleanUpKcbCacheWithLock(Kcb, LockHeldExclusively);
            /* Otherwise, use delayed close */
            CmpAddToDelayedClose(Kcb, LockHeldExclusively);
Esempio n. 2
CmpDereferenceKeyControlBlock(IN PCM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK Kcb)
    LONG OldRefCount, NewRefCount;
    ULONG ConvKey;
            "%s - Dereferencing KCB: %p\n", __FUNCTION__, Kcb);

    /* Get the ref count and update it */
    OldRefCount = *(PLONG)&Kcb->RefCount;
    NewRefCount = OldRefCount - 1;

    /* Check if we still have references */
    if ((NewRefCount & 0xFFFF) > 0)
        /* Do the dereference */
        if (InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG)&Kcb->RefCount,
                                       OldRefCount) == OldRefCount)
            /* We'de done */

    /* Save the key */
    ConvKey = Kcb->ConvKey;

    /* Do the dereference inside the lock */
    CmpDereferenceKeyControlBlockWithLock(Kcb, FALSE);
Esempio n. 3
CmpReferenceKeyControlBlock(IN PCM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK Kcb)
            "%s - Referencing KCB: %p\n", __FUNCTION__, Kcb);

    /* Check if this is the KCB's first reference */
    if (Kcb->RefCount == 0)
        /* Check if the KCB is locked in shared mode */
        if (!CmpIsKcbLockedExclusive(Kcb))
            /* Convert it to exclusive */
            if (!CmpTryToConvertKcbSharedToExclusive(Kcb))
                /* Set the delayed close index so that we can be ignored */
                Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex = 1;

                /* Increase the reference count while we release the lock */

                /* Go from shared to exclusive */

                /* Decrement the reference count; the lock is now held again */

                /* Check if we still control the index */
                if (Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex == 1)
                    /* Reset it */
                    Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex = 0;
                    /* Sanity check */
                    ASSERT((Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex == CmpDelayedCloseSize) ||
                           (Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex == 0));

    /* Increase the reference count */
    if ((InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&Kcb->RefCount) & 0xFFFF) == 0)
        /* We've overflown to 64K references, bail out */
        return FALSE;

    /* Check if this was the last close index */
    if (!Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex)
        /* Check if the KCB is locked in shared mode */
        if (!CmpIsKcbLockedExclusive(Kcb))
            /* Convert it to exclusive */
            if (!CmpTryToConvertKcbSharedToExclusive(Kcb))
                /* Go from shared to exclusive */

        /* If we're still the last entry, remove us */
        if (!Kcb->DelayedCloseIndex) CmpRemoveFromDelayedClose(Kcb);

    /* Return success */
    return TRUE;
    /// <summary>
    ///     The method that is called when a thread proxy starts executing a particular context.  The thread proxy which executes
    ///     the context is set in SetProxy before entering the dispatch loop and must be saved and returned on a call to the GetProxy method.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pDispatchState">
    ///     The state under which this IExecutionContext is being dispatched.
    /// </param>
    void UMSSchedulingContext::Dispatch(DispatchState * pDispatchState)
        const int PASS_COUNT_BEFORE_SLEEP_NORMAL = 1;

        CONCRT_COREASSERT(m_pThreadProxy != NULL); 

#if defined(_DEBUG)
        DWORD fromBits = 0;
#endif // _DEBUG
            int pass = 0;
            UMSThreadInternalContext *pPreviousContext = static_cast<UMSThreadInternalContext *> (m_pBoundVProc->GetExecutingContext());
            ScheduleGroupSegmentBase *pSegment = (pPreviousContext == NULL ? m_pBoundVProc->m_pStartingSegment : pPreviousContext->m_pSegment);

            // **************************************************
            // READ THIS:
            // Yet another incredibly subtle point about where we get suspended..  There are times in the scheduling context's
            // dispatch loop where we can't find work (the critical context is blocked, etc...) and we want to run through a
            // Deactivate pass in order to put the vproc to sleep much as we do with an ordinary search for work in the dispatch loop.  The unfortunate thing
            // is that there's another context which thinks it this is its exclusive purview.  We aren't going to try to maintain a complex state machine to
            // be able to restore his expected state, so we spin if that's the case.
            // Ordinarily, you might think that we can simply check m_pBoundVProc->IsAvailable, however, there might be a race on that such as what follows:
            // - Context 1 on vproc A makes the vproc available and then blocks
            // - Context 2 on vproc B claims exclusive ownership of the virtual processor (it suspends, takes a while, take your pick)
            // - We get in here and see the virtual processor as not available so we think we're safe to make it available
            // - We make the context available
            // - Context 3 on vproc C claims exclusive ownership of the virtual processor (now 2 contexts think they have exclusive ownership)
            // There are other potential races as well.  What we really need to know is if there IS a context in the dispatch loop that has made the virtual
            // processor available.  It doesn't necessarily need to be pPreviousContext because the original context might have critically blocked in that region
            // and we might be running someone else.  Hence the rule -- you **MUST** stay in a critical region between the call to MakeAvailable and the call to Deactivate
            // without exception.  No other MakeAvailable is permitted.  Once we know what the critical context is, we can check it to see if IT thinks IT has flagged
            // the virtual processor.  That check must come **BEFORE** the call to MakeAvailable and must be fenced by the time m_fAvailable is set to true.
            // **************************************************

            bool fOriginallyAvailable = false;
            bool fMadeAvailable = false;


            UMSThreadInternalContext::BlockingType blockingType = UMSThreadInternalContext::BlockingNormal;
            CriticalRegionType type = OutsideCriticalRegion;

            // If someone explicitly switched back to the primary, don't do the UMS blocked bit.  Instead, just conduct the search from
            // the primary for runnables or invoke the reserved context as appropriate. This is accomplished by the fact that affinitize would clear
            // the executing proxy.
            if (pPreviousContext != NULL)
                VCMTRACE(MTRACE_EVT_UMSBLOCKED, pPreviousContext, m_pBoundVProc, NULL);

                CONCRT_COREASSERT(pPreviousContext->UNSAFE_CurrentVirtualProcessor() == m_pBoundVProc);
                CONCRT_COREASSERT(pPreviousContext->m_pThreadProxy != NULL);
#if defined(_DEBUG)
                // If the context UMS blocks while it's holding a UMS blocked context prior to the switch, we can deadlock in a variety of ways.
                // Assert this instead of relying on stress to ferret this out.
                CONCRT_COREASSERT((pPreviousContext->GetDebugBits() & CTX_DEBUGBIT_HOLDINGUMSBLOCKEDCONTEXT) == 0);
#endif // _DEBUG
                type = pPreviousContext->GetCriticalRegionType();


            CONCRT_COREASSERT(type != InsideHyperCriticalRegion);

            if (m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext != NULL)
                // Only 1 context can be inside the critical region at a time
                CONCRT_COREASSERT(pPreviousContext->GetCriticalRegionType() == OutsideCriticalRegion);
            else if (type != OutsideCriticalRegion)
                // A thread/context inside a critical region blocked
                CONCRT_COREASSERT(m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext == NULL);
                VCMTRACE(MTRACE_EVT_CRITICALBLOCK, pPreviousContext, m_pBoundVProc, NULL);
                m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext = pPreviousContext;
                blockingType = UMSThreadInternalContext::BlockingCritical;

            bool fCritical = (m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext != NULL);

            // Any context which made a virtual processor available darn well better be in a critical region until they claim it again.
            UMSThreadInternalContext *pCriticalContext = m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext;
            CONCRT_COREASSERT(!fOriginallyAvailable || pCriticalContext != NULL);

            if (pCriticalContext != NULL && pCriticalContext->m_fIsVisibleVirtualProcessor)
                fOriginallyAvailable = true;

            // pSegment might be NULL because we've looped around,  because someone blocked during a context recycling
            // after we've already NULL'd the group out.  In any of these cases, we go to the anonymous schedule group to start the search.
            if (pSegment == NULL)
                pSegment = m_pBoundVProc->GetOwningRing()->GetAnonymousScheduleGroupSegment();

            if (pPreviousContext != NULL)

            // The push context comes first (it is what the vproc was started with).  We do *NOT* push to idle vprocs -- only to inactive ones.
            InternalContextBase *pContext = m_pBoundVProc->m_pPushContext;
            m_pBoundVProc->m_pPushContext = NULL;

            while (pContext == NULL)
                if (m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext != NULL)
                    // Sweep the completion list if we are waiting for a critical context.
                    // Otherwise the search for runnable would do the sweep.

                    // The critical context is **ALWAYS** first priority -- no matter what!  Since we are the only thread that picks up critical contexts
                    // due to SFW happening in a critical region, there's no CAS.  We simply can clear the flag when appropriate.
                    if (m_pBoundVProc->m_fCriticalIsReady)
                        pContext = m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext;
                        m_pBoundVProc->m_fCriticalIsReady = FALSE;
                        m_pBoundVProc->m_pCriticalContext = NULL;

#if defined(_DEBUG)
#endif // _DEBUG
                        CONCRT_COREASSERT(pContext != NULL);

                // Next priority is searching for contexts to run.  
                if (pContext == NULL)
                    // We need to do a full search for runnables.  This means all scheduling rings, nodes, LRCs, etc...  The reason for this is subtle.  Normally,
                    // if we can't quickly find something to run, we switch to the reserved context which is a real search context and everyone is happy (we keep the virtual
                    // processor active).  The only time we'll put the virtual processor to sleep HERE is when there's a critical context blocked or there are no reserved
                    // contexts.
                    // You might think we're okay to do that because the wakings there explicitly notify us.  Unfortunately, those special contexts might be blocked
                    // on a lock held by an ARBITRARY context.  That ARBITRARY context might have been moved to a runnables list in a different scheduling ring/node by
                    // the MoveCompletionListToRunnables above.  Therefore, we must do a FULL search for runnables here across all rings.
                    WorkItem work;
                    if (m_pBoundVProc->SearchForWork(&work, pSegment, false, WorkItem::WorkItemTypeContext))
                        pContext = work.GetContext();
#if defined(_DEBUG)
                        CMTRACE(MTRACE_EVT_SFW_FOUNDBY, pContext, m_pBoundVProc, NULL);

#endif // _DEBUG


                // If we could not find anyone to run by this point, we're stuck having to create a new SFW context.  This should only happen
                // if we're **NOT** critically blocked.
                if (!fCritical && pContext == NULL)
                    pContext = m_pScheduler->GetReservedContext();
                    if (pContext == NULL)
                        pContext->PrepareForUse(m_pScheduler->GetAnonymousScheduleGroupSegment(), NULL, false);

#if defined(_DEBUG)
#endif // _DEBUG

                if (pPreviousContext != NULL)
                    // After one time through the search loop from the source, let go of the previous context.  This means we can no longer originate
                    // a search from the source group.  We cannot place a reference here because removing it might entail a deletion from the ListArray
                    // which cannot happen on the primary.  Just search outward from the anonymous schedule group if we cannot find anything the first time
                    // through 
                    if (pContext == NULL)
                        pSegment = m_pBoundVProc->GetOwningRing()->GetAnonymousScheduleGroupSegment();

                    SetUMSBlocked(pPreviousContext, pDispatchState->m_fIsPreviousContextAsynchronouslyBlocked);
                    pPreviousContext = NULL;

                if (pContext == NULL)
                    // Make a series of passes through the "special SFW" above and then put the virtual processor to sleep.
                    if (pass == passes)
                        // Make the virtual processor available and perform a flush.  We need to make one more loop to "search for work"
                        // as it's entirely possible we raced with a wake notification on the critical context or reserved context list event.
                        // It's also entirely possible that a context in its last SFW loop after making the virtual processor available UMS triggered and got us
                        // back here.  In that case, we need to remember this because special handling is required.  Instead of having a horribly complex state 
                        // machine to manage this particular race, we simply don't Deactivate here and instead, we poll.  Much safer.
                        if (!fOriginallyAvailable)
                            fMadeAvailable = true;

                        // Currently safe because this is simply a flush that doesn't restore any state or wait on any events.
                    else if (pass > passes)
                        // Because we're not running on a context, we cannot participate in finalization and yet we are putting this virtual processor
                        // to sleep.  In order to do that safely, we must have a guarantee that something will wake *US* up.  That basically means that
                        // we have a special context blocked -- either a critically blocked context or waiting on reserved context event.

                        // Put the virtual processor to sleep for real.  If we wake up for *ANY* reason (doesn't matter if it's the completion notification
                        // or not), loop back up and perform another SFW.
                        if (!fOriginallyAvailable)
                            if (!m_pBoundVProc->Deactivate(this))
                                // This indicates that something came back on the completion list.  We really do want to do a FULL SFW here.  We need to claim
                                // ownership of the VProc.


                            fMadeAvailable = false;
                            // In order to avoid horrible race conditions with the context which made this virtual processor available, we simply sleep, loop back
                            // up and check again.
                            // MINIMIZE blocking between MakeAvailable and Deactivate within the dispatch loop.  This path has a big performance penalty.
                            // Also -- NEVER  release the critical region between those paths (see above).

                        pass = 0;

            // If we made the virtual processor available, we need to make it not so right now -- we're going to execute a context.
            if (fMadeAvailable)


#if defined(_DEBUG)
#endif // _DEBUG
            m_pThreadProxy->SwitchTo(pContext, Blocking);

            // If we get here, it indicates that the SwitchTo failed as a result of the underlying thread blocking asynchronously (e.g.: it was suspended or
            // had a kernel APC running atop it when we tried to SwitchTo it).  In this case, just go back up and pick another runnable.  There's one absolutely
            // critical thing here.  We affinitized the vproc to pContext.  It isn't executing pContext and never was.  The execute failed because of a thread
            // suspension, kernel APC, etc...  After looping back, we *CANNOT* rely on vproc relative fields.  We simply pick another context on the basis of 
            // information we already know and switch.
            // On success, SwitchTo will snap out our stack (such is the way of the world on the UMS primary).
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#endif // _DEBUG

