Esempio n. 1
void CM_TestInLeaf (int leafnum)
	int			k;
	int			brushnum;
	cleaf_t		*leaf;
	cbrush_t	*b;

	leaf = &map_leafs[leafnum];

	if ( !(leaf->contents & trace_contents))

	/* trace line against all brushes in the leaf */
	for (k=0 ; k<leaf->numleafbrushes ; k++)
		brushnum = map_leafbrushes[leaf->firstleafbrush+k];
		b = &map_brushes[brushnum];

		if (b->checkcount == checkcount)
			continue; /* already checked this brush in another leaf */

		b->checkcount = checkcount;

		if ( !(b->contents & trace_contents))

		CM_TestBoxInBrush (trace_mins, trace_maxs, trace_start, &trace_trace, b);

		if (!trace_trace.fraction)

Esempio n. 2
void CM_TestInLeaf(traceWork_t *tw, cLeaf_t *leaf)
	int      k;
	int      brushnum;
	cbrush_t *b;

	// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
	for (k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++)
		brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush + k];
		b        = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
		if (b->checkcount == cm.checkcount)
			continue;   // already checked this brush in another leaf
		b->checkcount = cm.checkcount;

		if (!(b->contents & tw->contents))

		CM_TestBoxInBrush(tw, b);
		if (tw->trace.allsolid)

	// test against all patches
	if (!cm_noCurves->integer)
		cPatch_t *patch;

		for (k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++)
			patch = cm.surfaces[cm.leafsurfaces[leaf->firstLeafSurface + k]];
			if (!patch)
			if (patch->checkcount == cm.checkcount)
				continue;   // already checked this brush in another leaf
			patch->checkcount = cm.checkcount;

			if (!(patch->contents & tw->contents))

			if (CM_PositionTestInPatchCollide(tw, patch->pc))
				tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
				tw->trace.fraction   = 0;

Esempio n. 3
static void CM_TestInLeaf( traceWork_t* tw, const cLeaf_t* leaf )
	int			k;
	int			brushnum;
	cbrush_t	*b;
	cPatch_t	*patch;

	// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
	for (k=0 ; k<leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++) {
		brushnum = cm.leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush+k];
		b = &cm.brushes[brushnum];
		if (b->checkcount == cm.checkcount) {
			continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
		b->checkcount = cm.checkcount;

		if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents)) {
		CM_TestBoxInBrush( tw, b );
		if ( tw->trace.allsolid ) {

	// test against all patches
#ifdef BSPC
	if (1) {
	if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
#endif //BSPC
		for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
			patch = cm.surfaces[ cm.leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
			if ( !patch ) {
			if ( patch->checkcount == cm.checkcount ) {
				continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
			patch->checkcount = cm.checkcount;

			if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents)) {
			if ( CM_PositionTestInPatchCollide( tw, patch->pc ) ) {
				tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
				tw->trace.fraction = 0;
				tw->trace.contents = patch->contents;


capsule inside capsule check
void CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, clipHandle_t model ) {
	int i;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	vec3_t top, bottom;
	vec3_t p1, p2, tmp;
	vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
	float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, r;

	CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);

	VectorAdd(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, top);
	VectorSubtract(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, bottom);
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
		symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
		symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
	halfwidth = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 0 ];
	halfheight = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 2 ];
	radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
	offs = halfheight - radius;

	r = Square(tw->sphere.radius + radius);
	// check if any of the spheres overlap
	VectorCopy(offset, p1);
	p1[2] += offs;
	VectorSubtract(p1, top, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		tw->trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorSubtract(p1, bottom, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		tw->trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorCopy(offset, p2);
	p2[2] -= offs;
	VectorSubtract(p2, top, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		tw->trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorSubtract(p2, bottom, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		tw->trace.fraction = 0;
	// if between cylinder up and lower bounds
	if ( (top[2] >= p1[2] && top[2] <= p2[2]) ||
		(bottom[2] >= p1[2] && bottom[2] <= p2[2]) ) {
		// 2d coordinates
		top[2] = p1[2] = 0;
		// if the cylinders overlap
		VectorSubtract(top, p1, tmp);
		if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
			tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
			tw->trace.fraction = 0;
Esempio n. 4
void CM_TestInLeaf( traceWork_t *tw, cLeaf_t *leaf, clipMap_t *local ) {
	int			k;
	int			brushnum;
	cbrush_t	*b;
	cPatch_t	*patch;

	// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
	for (k=0 ; k<leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++) {
		brushnum = local->leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush+k];
		b = &local->brushes[brushnum];
		if (b->checkcount == local->checkcount) {
			continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
		b->checkcount = local->checkcount;

		if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents)) {
#ifndef BSPC
#ifndef _XBOX	// Removing terrain from Xbox
		if (com_terrainPhysics->integer && cmg.landScape && (b->contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN) )
			// Invalidate the checkcount for terrain as the terrain brush has to be processed
			// many times.

			CM_TraceThroughTerrain( tw, tw->trace, b );
			// If inside a terrain brush don't bother with regular brush collision

		CM_TestBoxInBrush( tw, b );
		if ( tw->trace.allsolid ) {

	// test against all patches
#ifdef BSPC
	if (1) {
	if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
#endif //BSPC
		for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
			int index = CM_GetSurfaceIndex(leaf->firstLeafSurface + k);
			patch = cmg.surfaces[ index ];
			patch = local->surfaces[ local->leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
			if ( !patch ) {
			if ( patch->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
				continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
			patch->checkcount = local->checkcount;

			if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents)) {
			if ( CM_PositionTestInPatchCollide( tw, patch->pc ) ) {
				tw->trace.startsolid = tw->trace.allsolid = qtrue;
				tw->trace.fraction = 0;
				tw->trace.contents = patch->contents;

void CM_PositionTest( traceWork_t *tw ) {
	int		leafs[MAX_POSITION_LEAFS];
	int		i;
	leafList_t	ll;

	// identify the leafs we are touching
	VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->size[0], ll.bounds[0] );
	VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->size[1], ll.bounds[1] );

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
		ll.bounds[0][i] -= 1;
		ll.bounds[1][i] += 1;

	ll.count = 0;
	ll.maxcount = MAX_POSITION_LEAFS;
	ll.list = leafs;
	ll.storeLeafs = CM_StoreLeafs;
	ll.lastLeaf = 0;
	ll.overflowed = qfalse;


	CM_BoxLeafnums_r( &ll, 0 );


	// test the contents of the leafs
	for (i=0 ; i < ll.count ; i++) {
		CM_TestInLeaf( tw, &cmg.leafs[leafs[i]], &cmg );
		if ( tw->trace.allsolid ) {
Esempio n. 5
void CM_TestInLeaf( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cLeaf_t *leaf, clipMap_t *local )
	int			k;
	int			brushnum;
	cbrush_t	*b;
	cPatch_t	*patch;

	// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
	for (k=0 ; k<leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++) {
		brushnum = local->leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush+k];
		b = &local->brushes[brushnum];
		if (b->checkcount == local->checkcount) {
			continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
		b->checkcount = local->checkcount;

		if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents)) {

#ifndef BSPC
		if (com_terrainPhysics->integer && cmg.landScape && (b->contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN) )
			// Invalidate the checkcount for terrain as the terrain brush has to be processed
			// many times.

			CM_TraceThroughTerrain( tw, trace, b );
			// If inside a terrain brush don't bother with regular brush collision
		CM_TestBoxInBrush( tw, trace, b );
		if ( trace.allsolid ) {

	// test against all patches
#ifdef BSPC
	if (1) {
	if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
#endif //BSPC
		for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
			patch = local->surfaces[ local->leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
			if ( !patch ) {
			if ( patch->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
				continue;	// already checked this brush in another leaf
			patch->checkcount = local->checkcount;

			if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents)) {

			if ( CM_PositionTestInPatchCollide( tw, patch->pc ) ) {
				trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
				trace.fraction = 0;
				trace.contents = patch->contents;


capsule inside capsule check
void CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipHandle_t model ) {
	int i;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	vec3_t top, bottom;
	vec3_t p1, p2, tmp;
	vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
	float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, r;

	CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);

	VectorAdd(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, top);
	VectorSubtract(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, bottom);
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
		symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
		symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
	halfwidth = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 0 ];
	halfheight = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 2 ];
	radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
	offs = halfheight - radius;

	r = Square(tw->sphere.radius + radius);
	// check if any of the spheres overlap
	VectorCopy(offset, p1);
	p1[2] += offs;
	VectorSubtract(p1, top, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorSubtract(p1, bottom, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorCopy(offset, p2);
	p2[2] -= offs;
	VectorSubtract(p2, top, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		trace.fraction = 0;
	VectorSubtract(p2, bottom, tmp);
	if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
		trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
		trace.fraction = 0;
	// if between cylinder up and lower bounds
	if ( (top[2] >= p1[2] && top[2] <= p2[2]) ||
		(bottom[2] >= p1[2] && bottom[2] <= p2[2]) ) {
		// 2d coordinates
		top[2] = p1[2] = 0;
		// if the cylinders overlap
		VectorSubtract(top, p1, tmp);
		if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
			trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
			trace.fraction = 0;