Esempio n. 1
  // ================ //
  // プライベート関数 //
  // ================ //
  // メンバーをコピーする。
  void Job::ScanMember(const Job& job) {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(my_mutex_);  // ロック。

    client_ptr_ = job.client_ptr_;
    node_type_ = job.node_type_;
    pos_hash_ = job.pos_hash_;
    depth_ = job.depth_;
    level_ = job.level_;
    alpha_ = job.alpha_;
    beta_ = job.beta_;
    delta_ = job.delta_;
    pv_line_ptr_ = job.pv_line_ptr_;
    is_null_searching_ = job.is_null_searching_;
    null_reduction_ = job.null_reduction_;
    score_type_ = job.score_type_;
    material_ = job.material_;
    is_checked_ = job.is_checked_;
    num_all_moves_ = job.num_all_moves_;
    has_legal_move_ = job.has_legal_move_;
    moves_to_search_ptr_ = job.moves_to_search_ptr_;

    COPY_ARRAY(helpers_table_, job.helpers_table_);
    end_ = (job.end_ - job.helpers_table_) + helpers_table_;
    num_helpers_ = job.num_helpers_;
    maker_ptr_ = job.maker_ptr_;
    counter_ = job.counter_;
Esempio n. 2
  // ムーブ代入演算子。
  PVLine& PVLine::operator=(PVLine&& pv_line) {
    score_ = pv_line.score_;
    mate_in_ = pv_line.mate_in_;
    last_ = pv_line.last_;
    COPY_ARRAY(line_, pv_line.line_);

    return *this;
Esempio n. 3
 // ムーブコンストラクタ。
 FEN::FEN(FEN&& fen) :
 ply_(fen.ply_) {
   // 駒の配置をコピー。
   COPY_ARRAY(position_, fen.position_);
Esempio n. 4
 // メンバをコピーする。
 void Cache::ScanMember(const Cache& cache) {
   COPY_ARRAY(material_, cache.material_);
   enable_quiesce_search_ = cache.enable_quiesce_search_;
   enable_repetition_check_ = cache.enable_repetition_check_;
   enable_check_extension_ = cache.enable_check_extension_;
   ybwc_limit_depth_ = cache.ybwc_limit_depth_;
   ybwc_invalid_moves_ = cache.ybwc_invalid_moves_;
   enable_aspiration_windows_ = cache.enable_aspiration_windows_;
   aspiration_windows_limit_depth_ = cache.aspiration_windows_limit_depth_;
   aspiration_windows_delta_ = cache.aspiration_windows_delta_;
   enable_see_ = cache.enable_see_;
   enable_history_ = cache.enable_history_;
   enable_killer_ = cache.enable_killer_;
   enable_ttable_ = cache.enable_ttable_;
   enable_iid_ = cache.enable_iid_;
   iid_limit_depth_ = cache.iid_limit_depth_;
   iid_search_depth_ = cache.iid_search_depth_;
   enable_nmr_ = cache.enable_nmr_;
   nmr_limit_depth_ = cache.nmr_limit_depth_;
   nmr_search_reduction_ = cache.nmr_search_reduction_;
   nmr_reduction_ = cache.nmr_reduction_;
   enable_probcut_ = cache.enable_probcut_;
   probcut_limit_depth_ = cache.probcut_limit_depth_;
   probcut_margin_ = cache.probcut_margin_;
   probcut_search_reduction_ = cache.probcut_search_reduction_;
   enable_history_pruning_ = cache.enable_history_pruning_;
   history_pruning_limit_depth_ = cache.history_pruning_limit_depth_;
   history_pruning_threshold_ = cache.history_pruning_threshold_;
   history_pruning_reduction_ = cache.history_pruning_reduction_;
   enable_lmr_ = cache.enable_lmr_;
   lmr_limit_depth_ = cache.lmr_limit_depth_;
   COPY_ARRAY(lmr_invalid_moves_, cache.lmr_invalid_moves_);
   lmr_search_reduction_ = cache.lmr_search_reduction_;
   enable_futility_pruning_ = cache.enable_futility_pruning_;
   futility_pruning_depth_ = cache.futility_pruning_depth_;
   COPY_ARRAY(futility_pruning_margin_, cache.futility_pruning_margin_);
   COPY_ARRAY(piece_hash_value_table_, cache.piece_hash_value_table_);
   COPY_ARRAY(to_move_hash_value_table_, cache.to_move_hash_value_table_);
   COPY_ARRAY(castling_hash_value_table_, cache.castling_hash_value_table_);
   max_nodes_ = cache.max_nodes_;
   max_depth_ = cache.max_depth_;
   thinking_time_ = cache.thinking_time_;
   COPY_ARRAY(eval_cache_, cache.eval_cache_);
Esempio n. 5
  // ムーブ代入演算子。
  FEN& FEN::operator=(FEN&& fen) {
    // メンバをコピー。
    to_move_ = fen.to_move_;
    castling_rights_ = fen.castling_rights_;
    en_passant_square_ = fen.en_passant_square_;
    clock_ = fen.clock_;
    ply_ = fen.ply_;
    COPY_ARRAY(position_, fen.position_);

    return *this;
Esempio n. 6
File: attr.c Progetto: basilgor/git
struct attr_check *attr_check_dup(const struct attr_check *check)
	struct attr_check *ret;

	if (!check)
		return NULL;

	ret = attr_check_alloc();

	ret->nr = check->nr;
	ret->alloc = check->alloc;
	ALLOC_ARRAY(ret->items, ret->nr);
	COPY_ARRAY(ret->items, check->items, ret->nr);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 7
 * This is a least-significant-digit radix sort.
 * It sorts each of the "n" items in "entries" by its offset field. The "max"
 * parameter must be at least as large as the largest offset in the array,
 * and lets us quit the sort early.
static void sort_revindex(struct revindex_entry *entries, unsigned n, off_t max)
	 * We use a "digit" size of 16 bits. That keeps our memory
	 * usage reasonable, and we can generally (for a 4G or smaller
	 * packfile) quit after two rounds of radix-sorting.
#define DIGIT_SIZE (16)
#define BUCKETS (1 << DIGIT_SIZE)
	 * We want to know the bucket that a[i] will go into when we are using
	 * the digit that is N bits from the (least significant) end.
#define BUCKET_FOR(a, i, bits) (((a)[(i)].offset >> (bits)) & (BUCKETS-1))

	 * We need O(n) temporary storage. Rather than do an extra copy of the
	 * partial results into "entries", we sort back and forth between the
	 * real array and temporary storage. In each iteration of the loop, we
	 * keep track of them with alias pointers, always sorting from "from"
	 * to "to".
	struct revindex_entry *tmp, *from, *to;
	int bits;
	unsigned *pos;

	ALLOC_ARRAY(tmp, n);
	from = entries;
	to = tmp;

	 * If (max >> bits) is zero, then we know that the radix digit we are
	 * on (and any higher) will be zero for all entries, and our loop will
	 * be a no-op, as everybody lands in the same zero-th bucket.
	for (bits = 0; max >> bits; bits += DIGIT_SIZE) {
		struct revindex_entry *swap;
		unsigned i;

		memset(pos, 0, BUCKETS * sizeof(*pos));

		 * We want pos[i] to store the index of the last element that
		 * will go in bucket "i" (actually one past the last element).
		 * To do this, we first count the items that will go in each
		 * bucket, which gives us a relative offset from the last
		 * bucket. We can then cumulatively add the index from the
		 * previous bucket to get the true index.
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pos[BUCKET_FOR(from, i, bits)]++;
		for (i = 1; i < BUCKETS; i++)
			pos[i] += pos[i-1];

		 * Now we can drop the elements into their correct buckets (in
		 * our temporary array).  We iterate the pos counter backwards
		 * to avoid using an extra index to count up. And since we are
		 * going backwards there, we must also go backwards through the
		 * array itself, to keep the sort stable.
		 * Note that we use an unsigned iterator to make sure we can
		 * handle 2^32-1 objects, even on a 32-bit system. But this
		 * means we cannot use the more obvious "i >= 0" loop condition
		 * for counting backwards, and must instead check for
		 * wrap-around with UINT_MAX.
		for (i = n - 1; i != UINT_MAX; i--)
			to[--pos[BUCKET_FOR(from, i, bits)]] = from[i];

		 * Now "to" contains the most sorted list, so we swap "from" and
		 * "to" for the next iteration.
		swap = from;
		from = to;
		to = swap;

	 * If we ended with our data in the original array, great. If not,
	 * we have to move it back from the temporary storage.
	if (from != entries)
		COPY_ARRAY(entries, tmp, n);

#undef BUCKETS
Esempio n. 8
** Adds dates to a TDateList. 
** If the original date list and date list to be added are sorted, then
** the resulting date list will be sorted and duplicate dates will be
** removed. Sorting assumes ascending order ([0] < [1] etc).
** If either of the inputs are not sorted, then the resulting date list
** will not be sorted, and some duplicates may remain.
** For efficiency, we do not automatically try to sort the resulting
** date list for unsorted inputs. Sorting the date list each time appears
** to be a huge performance issue in some algorithms (where the input
** dates would all be sorted anyway).
** Note that if dl is NULL, then this will create a new date list from
** the given dates.
** Note that if numItems=0, this will copy the given date list.
TDateList* JpmcdsDateListAddDates
(TDateList *dl,          /* (I) Initial date list            */
 int         numItems,    /* (I) Number of dates to add       */
 TDate      *array)      /* (I) [numItems] Dates to be added */
    static char routine[] = "JpmcdsDateListAddDates";
    int         status    = FAILURE;

    TDateList tmp = {0, NULL};
    TDateList *result = NULL;

    REQUIRE (numItems >= 0);
    REQUIRE (dl == NULL || dl->fNumItems >= 0);

    if (dl == NULL)
        result = JpmcdsNewDateListFromDates (array, numItems);
    else if (numItems <= 0)
        result = JpmcdsCopyDateList (dl);
    else if (dl->fNumItems == 0 && numItems == 0)
        result = JpmcdsNewDateListFromDates (NULL, 0);
        int totalItems = dl->fNumItems + numItems;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;

        result = JpmcdsNewEmptyDateList (totalItems);
        if (result == NULL)
            goto done;

        while (i < dl->fNumItems && j < numItems)
            if (dl->fArray[i] == array[j])
                /* exclude duplicates */
            else if (dl->fArray[i] < array[j])
                result->fArray[k] = dl->fArray[i];
                // assert (dl->fArray[i] > array[j]);
                result->fArray[k] = array[j];

        if (i < dl->fNumItems)
            int n = dl->fNumItems - i;
            COPY_ARRAY (result->fArray+k, dl->fArray+i, TDate, n);
            k += n;

        if (j < numItems)
            int n = numItems - j;
            COPY_ARRAY (result->fArray+k, array+j, TDate, n);
            k += n;

        // assert (k == totalItems);
        result->fNumItems = totalItems;
    if (result == NULL)
        goto done;

    status = SUCCESS;


    if (status != SUCCESS)
        JpmcdsErrMsgFailure (routine);
        JpmcdsFreeDateList (result);
        result = NULL;

    return result;
Esempio n. 9
 // ムーブコンストラクタ。
 PVLine::PVLine(PVLine&& pv_line) :
 mate_in_(pv_line.mate_in_) {
   COPY_ARRAY(line_, pv_line.line_);
Esempio n. 10
// Main function ===============================================================
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  double *X, *Y, Nd, *Space, UnitSpace = 1.0;
  mwSize nX, nDX, ndimX, N, Step, nSpace;
  const mwSize *dimX;
  int    Order2 = 0;
  // Check number and type of inputs and outputs: ------------------------------
  if (nrhs == 0 || nrhs > 4) {
     mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadNInput",
                       ERR_HEAD "1 or 4 inputs required.");
  if (nlhs > 1) {
     mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadNOutput",
                       ERR_HEAD "1 output allowed.");
  if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[0]) || mxIsSparse(prhs[0])) {
     mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadTypeInput1",
                       ERR_HEAD "Input must be a full real double array.");
  // Pointers and dimension to input array: ------------------------------------
  X     = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
  nX    = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
  ndimX = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
  dimX  = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
  // Return fast on empty input matrix:
  if (nX == 0) {
     plhs[0] = COPY_ARRAY(prhs[0]);
  // Get spacing, if defined: --------------------------------------------------
  if (nrhs < 2) {  // No 2nd input defined - scalar unit spacing:
     nSpace = 1;
     Space  = &UnitSpace;
  } else {         // Get pointer to spacing vector:
     if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[1])) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadTypeInput2",
                          ERR_HEAD "2nd input [Spacing] must be a DOUBLE.");
     Space  = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
     nSpace = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
     if (nSpace == 0) {
        nSpace = 1;
        Space  = &UnitSpace;
  // Determine dimension to operate on: ----------------------------------------
  if (nrhs < 3) {
     N    = FirstNonSingeltonDim(ndimX, dimX);  // Zero based
     Step = 1;
     nDX  = dimX[N];
  } else if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[2]))  {  // 3rd input used:
     switch (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2])) {
        case 0:  // Use 1st non-singelton dim if 3rd input is []:
           N    = FirstNonSingeltonDim(ndimX, dimX);
           Step = 1;
           nDX  = dimX[N];
        case 1:  // Numerical scalar:
           Nd = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
           N  = (mwSize) Nd - 1;
           if (Nd < 1.0 || Nd != floor(Nd)) {
              mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadValueInput3",
                       ERR_HEAD "Dimension must be a positive integer scalar.");
           if (N < ndimX) {
              Step = GetStep(dimX, N);
              nDX  = dimX[N];
           } else {
              // Treat imaginated trailing dimensions as singelton, as usual in
              // Matlab:
              Step = nX;
              nDX  = 1;
           mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadSizeInput3",
                             ERR_HEAD "3rd input [Dim] must be scalar index.");
  } else {  // 2nd input is not numeric:
     mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadTypeInput3",
                       ERR_HEAD "3rd input must be scalar index.");
  // Check matching sizes of X and Spacing:
  if (nSpace != 1 && nSpace != nDX) {
     mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadSizeInput2",
             ERR_HEAD "2nd input [Spacing] does not match the dimensions.");
  // Check 4th input: ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (nrhs >= 4) {
     // "2ndOrder", but accept everything starting with "2":
     if (mxIsChar(prhs[3]) && !mxIsEmpty(prhs[3])) {
        Order2 = (*(mxChar *) mxGetData(prhs[3]) == L'2');
     } else {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(ERR_ID   "BadTypeInput4",
                          ERR_HEAD "4th input must be a string.");
  // Create output matrix: -----------------------------------------------------
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(ndimX, dimX, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
  Y      = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

  // Reply ZEROS, if the length of the processed dimension is 1:
  if (nDX == 1) {
  // Calculate the gradient: ---------------------------------------------------
  if (nSpace == 1) {         // Scalar spacing
     if (Step == 1) {        // Operate on 1st dimension
        CoreDim1Space1(X, nX, nDX, *Space, Y);
     } else {                // Step >= 1, operate on any dimension
        CoreDimNSpace1(X, Step, nX, nDX, *Space, Y);

  } else if (Order2) {       // Spacing defined as vector, 2nd order method:
     if (nX == nDX) {        // Single vector only - dynamic spacing factors:
        CoreDim1SpaceNOrder2(X, nX, nDX, Space, Y);
     } else {
        WrapSpaceNOrder2(X, Step, nX, nDX, Space, Y);
  } else {                   // Spacing defined as vector, 1st order method:
     if (nX == nDX) {        // Single vector only - dynamic spacing factors:
        CoreDim1SpaceN(X, nX, nDX, Space, Y);
     } else {
        WrapSpaceN(X, Step, nX, nDX, Space, Y);

Esempio n. 11
 // SearchParamsをキャッシュする。
 void Cache::CacheSearchParams(const SearchParams& params) {
   COPY_ARRAY(material_, params.material());
   enable_quiesce_search_ = params.enable_quiesce_search();
   enable_repetition_check_ = params.enable_repetition_check();
   enable_check_extension_ = params.enable_check_extension();
   ybwc_limit_depth_ = params.ybwc_limit_depth();
   ybwc_invalid_moves_ = params.ybwc_invalid_moves();
   enable_aspiration_windows_ = params.enable_aspiration_windows();
   aspiration_windows_limit_depth_ = params.aspiration_windows_limit_depth();
   aspiration_windows_delta_ = params.aspiration_windows_delta();
   enable_see_ = params.enable_see();
   enable_history_ = params.enable_history();
   enable_killer_ = params.enable_killer();
   enable_ttable_ = params.enable_ttable();
   enable_iid_ = params.enable_iid();
   iid_limit_depth_ = params.iid_limit_depth();
   iid_search_depth_ = params.iid_search_depth();
   enable_nmr_ = params.enable_nmr();
   nmr_limit_depth_ = params.nmr_limit_depth();
   nmr_search_reduction_ = params.nmr_search_reduction();
   nmr_reduction_ = params.nmr_reduction();
   enable_probcut_ = params.enable_probcut();
   probcut_limit_depth_ = params.probcut_limit_depth();
   probcut_margin_ = params.probcut_margin();
   probcut_search_reduction_ = params.probcut_search_reduction();
   if (params.enable_history()) {
     enable_history_pruning_ = params.enable_history_pruning();
   } else {
     enable_history_pruning_ = false;
   history_pruning_limit_depth_ = params.history_pruning_limit_depth();
   for (unsigned int num_moves = 0; num_moves < (MAX_CANDIDATES + 1);
   ++num_moves) {
     history_pruning_invalid_moves_[num_moves] =
     static_cast<int>(params.history_pruning_move_threshold() * num_moves));
   history_pruning_threshold_ = params.history_pruning_threshold() * 256.0;
   history_pruning_reduction_ = params.history_pruning_reduction();
   enable_lmr_ = params.enable_lmr();
   lmr_limit_depth_ = params.lmr_limit_depth();
   for (unsigned int num_moves = 0; num_moves < (MAX_CANDIDATES + 1);
   ++num_moves) {
     lmr_invalid_moves_[num_moves] = Util::GetMax(params.lmr_invalid_moves(),
     static_cast<int>(params.lmr_move_threshold() * num_moves));
   lmr_search_reduction_ = params.lmr_search_reduction();
   enable_futility_pruning_ = params.enable_futility_pruning();
   futility_pruning_depth_ = params.futility_pruning_depth();
   for (int depth = 0; depth < static_cast<int>(MAX_PLYS + 1); ++depth) {
     if (enable_futility_pruning_) {
       if (depth <= futility_pruning_depth_) {
         if (depth <= 0) {
           futility_pruning_margin_[depth] = params.futility_pruning_margin();
         } else {
           futility_pruning_margin_[depth] =
           params.futility_pruning_margin() * depth;
       } else {
         futility_pruning_margin_[depth] = 3 * SCORE_WIN;
     } else {
       futility_pruning_margin_[depth] = 3 * SCORE_WIN;