CKnownFile::CKnownFile(CEC_SharedFile_Tag *tag) : CECID(tag->ID()) { Init(); SetFileName(CPath(tag->FileName())); m_abyFileHash = tag->FileHash(); SetFileSize(tag->SizeFull()); m_AvailPartFrequency.insert(m_AvailPartFrequency.end(), m_iPartCount, 0); m_iUpPriorityEC = tag->Prio(); m_AICHMasterHash = tag->GetAICHHash(); m_filePath = CPath(tag->FilePath()); }
CPath CPath::JoinPaths(const CPath& other) const { if (!IsOk()) { return CPath(other); } else if (!other.IsOk()) { return CPath(*this); } CPath joinedPath; // DeepCopy shouldn't be needed, as JoinPaths results in the creation of a new string. joinedPath.m_printable = ::JoinPaths(m_printable, other.m_printable); joinedPath.m_filesystem = ::JoinPaths(m_filesystem, other.m_filesystem); return joinedPath; }
engine_t CMediaFormats::GetEngine(CString path) const { path.Trim().MakeLower(); if (!m_fRtspFileExtFirst && path.Find(_T("rtsp://")) == 0) { return m_iRtspHandler; } CString ext = CPath(path).GetExtension(); ext.MakeLower(); if (!ext.IsEmpty()) { if (path.Find(_T("rtsp://")) == 0) { if (ext == _T(".ram") || ext == _T(".rm") || ext == _T(".ra")) { return RealMedia; } if (ext == _T(".qt") || ext == _T(".mov")) { return QuickTime; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) { const CMediaFormatCategory& mfc = GetAt(i); if (mfc.FindExt(ext)) { return mfc.GetEngineType(); } } } if (m_fRtspFileExtFirst && path.Find(_T("rtsp://")) == 0) { return m_iRtspHandler; } return DirectShow; }
void CPPageExternalFilters::OnAddRegistered() { CRegFilterChooserDlg dlg(this); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { while (!dlg.m_filters.IsEmpty()) { if (FilterOverride* f = dlg.m_filters.RemoveHead()) { CAutoPtr<FilterOverride> p(f); CString name = f->name; if (f->type == FilterOverride::EXTERNAL) { if (!CPath(MakeFullPath(f->path)).FileExists()) { name += _T(" <not found!>"); } } int i = m_filters.AddString(name); m_filters.SetItemDataPtr(i, m_pFilters.AddTail(p)); m_filters.SetCheck(i, 1); if (dlg.m_filters.IsEmpty()) { m_filters.SetCurSel(i); OnLbnSelchangeList1(); } SetModified(); } } } }
CPath CPath::FromUniv(const wxString& path) { wxCharBuffer fn = wxConvISO8859_1.cWC2MB(path); return CPath(wxConvFile.cMB2WC(fn)); }
void QtSE::addFolder( void ) { QString activeFilePath = activeProjectItem->getFullPath( CPath( QDir::currentPath() ).getPath( true ) ); QDir dir( activeFilePath ); if( dir.exists() ) { bool ok = false; QString name = QInputDialog::getText( this , this->windowTitle() , "Directory Name:" , QLineEdit::Normal , "" , &ok ); if( ok ) { if( UTIL_validateFileName( name , false ) ) { if( dir.mkdir( name ) ) { CProjectTreeItem *item = new CProjectTreeItem( CProjectTreeItem::dir , activeProjectItem , QStringList( name ) ); activeProjectItem->setExpanded( true ); } else QMessageBox::warning( this , this->windowTitle() , "Unable to add directory." ); } else QMessageBox::warning( this , this->windowTitle() , "Invalid directory name." ); } } else QMessageBox::warning( this , this->windowTitle() , "Base path does not exist." ); }
void CSettingTypeApplication::Initialize( const char * /*AppName*/ ) { stdstr SettingsFile, OrigSettingsFile; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { OrigSettingsFile = SettingsFile; if (!g_Settings->LoadStringVal(SupportFile_Settings,SettingsFile) && i > 0) { break; } if (SettingsFile == OrigSettingsFile) { break; } if (m_SettingsIniFile) { delete m_SettingsIniFile; } CPath SettingsDir(CPath(SettingsFile).GetDriveDirectory(),""); if (!SettingsDir.DirectoryExists()) { SettingsDir.DirectoryCreate(); } m_SettingsIniFile = new CIniFile(SettingsFile.c_str()); } m_SettingsIniFile->SetAutoFlush(false); m_UseRegistry = g_Settings->LoadBool(Setting_UseFromRegistry); }
void CFriendList::LoadList() { CPath metfile = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("emfriends.met")); if (!metfile.FileExists()) { return; } CFile file; try { if ( file.Open(metfile) ) { if ( file.ReadUInt8() /*header*/ == MET_HEADER ) { uint32 nRecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nRecordsNumber; i++) { CFriend* Record = new CFriend(); Record->LoadFromFile(&file); m_FriendList.push_back(Record); Notify_ChatUpdateFriend(Record); } } } else { AddLogLineN(_("Failed to open friend list file 'emfriends.met' for reading!")); } } catch (const CInvalidPacket& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("Invalid entry in friend list, file may be corrupt: ") + e.what()); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("IO error while reading 'emfriends.met': ") + e.what()); } }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::Init() { // already done ? if (m_IsInit) { return; } m_IsInit = true; // init image(s) wxImageList* images = new wxImageList(16, 16); images->Add(wxBitmap(amuleSpecial(1))); images->Add(wxBitmap(amuleSpecial(2))); // Gives wxTreeCtrl ownership of the list AssignImageList(images); // Create an empty root item, which we can // safely append when creating a full path. m_root = AddRoot(wxEmptyString, IMAGE_FOLDER, -1, new CItemData(CPath())); if (!m_IsRemote) { #ifndef __WXMSW__ AddChildItem(m_root, CPath(wxT("/"))); #else // this might take awhile, so change the cursor ::wxSetCursor(*wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR); // retrieve bitmask of all drives available uint32 drives = GetLogicalDrives(); drives >>= 1; for (char drive = 'C'; drive <= 'Z'; drive++) { drives >>= 1; if (! (drives & 1)) { // skip non existant drives continue; } wxString driveStr = CFormat(wxT("%c:")) % drive; uint32 type = GetDriveType(driveStr + wxT("\\")); // skip removable/undefined drives, share only fixed or remote drives if ((type == 3 || type == 4) // fixed drive / remote drive && CPath::DirExists(driveStr)) { AddChildItem(m_root, CPath(driveStr)); } } ::wxSetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR); #endif }
static CString CombinePath(CPath p, CString fn) { if (fn.Find(':') >= 0 || fn.Find(_T("\\")) == 0) { return fn; } p.Append(CPath(fn)); return (LPCTSTR)p; }
bool CEC_Category_Tag::Apply() { bool ret = theApp->glob_prefs->UpdateCategory(GetInt(), Name(), CPath(Path()), Comment(), Color(), Prio()); if (!ret) { GetTagByName(EC_TAG_CATEGORY_PATH)->SetStringData(theApp->glob_prefs->GetCatPath(GetInt()).GetRaw()); } return ret; }
CPath CPath::add(CEdge* edge) { size_t departure = edge->e_departure; while(departure < p_arrival_time) departure += edge->e_interval; departure += edge->e_duration; return CPath(departure); }
void CSettingTypeApplication::Initialize(const char * /*AppName*/) { WriteTrace(TraceAppInit, TraceDebug, "Start"); CPath BaseDir(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(Cmd_BaseDirectory).c_str(), ""); if (!BaseDir.DirectoryExists()) { WriteTrace(TraceAppInit, TraceDebug, "BaseDir does not exist. Doing nothing."); WriteTrace(TraceAppInit, TraceDebug, "Done"); return; } stdstr SettingsFile, OrigSettingsFile; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { OrigSettingsFile = SettingsFile; if (!g_Settings->LoadStringVal(SupportFile_Settings, SettingsFile) && i > 0) { break; } if (SettingsFile == OrigSettingsFile) { break; } if (m_SettingsIniFile) { delete m_SettingsIniFile; } #ifdef _WIN32 CPath SettingsDir(CPath(SettingsFile).GetDriveDirectory(), ""); #else CPath SettingsDir(CPath(SettingsFile).GetDirectory(), ""); #endif if (!SettingsDir.DirectoryExists()) { SettingsDir.DirectoryCreate(); } m_SettingsIniFile = new CIniFile(SettingsFile.c_str()); } m_SettingsIniFile->SetAutoFlush(false); WriteTrace(TraceAppInit, TraceDebug, "Done"); }
void CLogic::handle_new( CServer &server, CCommandSource source ) { /* add connections in host if needed */ for( const INode *ancestor = &m_node; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->get_parent() ) { const node_map &siblings = server.get_siblings( *ancestor ); for( node_map::const_iterator i = siblings.begin(); i != siblings.end(); i++ ) { const INode *sibling = i->second; if( sibling != ancestor && CGuidHelper::guids_are_equal(sibling->get_interface_definition().get_module_guid(), get_connection_interface_guid( server ) ) ) { /* found a connection which might target the new node */ const INodeEndpoint *source_path = sibling->get_node_endpoint( endpoint_source_path ); const INodeEndpoint *target_path = sibling->get_node_endpoint( endpoint_target_path ); assert( source_path && target_path ); const INodeEndpoint *source_endpoint = server.find_node_endpoint( CPath( *source_path->get_value() ), ancestor->get_parent() ); const INodeEndpoint *target_endpoint = server.find_node_endpoint( CPath( *target_path->get_value() ), ancestor->get_parent() ); if( source_endpoint && target_endpoint ) { internal_id source_node_id = CNode::downcast( &source_endpoint->get_node() )->get_id(); internal_id target_node_id = CNode::downcast( &target_endpoint->get_node() )->get_id(); if( m_node.get_id() == source_node_id || m_node.get_id() == target_node_id ) { if( source_endpoint->get_endpoint_definition().is_audio_stream() && source_endpoint->get_endpoint_definition().get_stream_info()->get_direction() == CStreamInfo::OUTPUT ) { if( target_endpoint->get_endpoint_definition().is_audio_stream() && target_endpoint->get_endpoint_definition().get_stream_info()->get_direction() == CStreamInfo::INPUT ) { /* create connection in host */ connect_audio_in_host( server, *source_endpoint, *target_endpoint, true ); } } } } } } } }
bool CEC_Category_Tag::Create() { Category_Struct * category = NULL; bool ret = theApp->glob_prefs->CreateCategory(category, Name(), CPath(Path()), Comment(), Color(), Prio()); if (!ret) { GetTagByName(EC_TAG_CATEGORY_PATH)->SetStringData(theApp->glob_prefs->GetCatPath( theApp->glob_prefs->GetCatCount() - 1).GetRaw()); } return ret; }
bool pjutil::TerminatedExistingExe() { bool bTerminated = false; bool AskedUser = false; DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); HANDLE nSearch = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (nSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PROCESSENTRY32 lppe; memset(&lppe, 0, sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)); lppe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); stdstr ModuleName = CPath(CPath::MODULE_FILE).GetNameExtension(); if (Process32First(nSearch, &lppe)) { do { if (_stricmp(lppe.szExeFile, ModuleName.c_str()) != 0 || lppe.th32ProcessID == pid) { continue; } if (!AskedUser) { AskedUser = true; int res = MessageBox(NULL, stdstr_f("%s currently running\n\nTerminate pid %d now?", ModuleName.c_str(), lppe.th32ProcessID).c_str(), stdstr_f("Terminate %s",ModuleName.c_str()).c_str(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (res != IDYES) { break; } } HANDLE hHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, lppe.th32ProcessID); if (hHandle != NULL) { if (TerminateProcess(hHandle, 0)) { bTerminated = true; } else { MessageBox(NULL, stdstr_f("Failed to terminate pid %d", lppe.th32ProcessID).c_str(), stdstr_f("Terminate %s failed!",ModuleName.c_str()).c_str(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } CloseHandle(hHandle); } } while (Process32Next(nSearch, &lppe)); } CloseHandle(nSearch); } return bTerminated; }
void CMempak::LoadMempak(int32_t Control, bool Create) { stdstr MempakName; MempakName.Format("%s_Cont_%d", g_Settings->LoadStringVal(Game_GameName).c_str(), Control + 1); CPath MempakPath(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(Directory_NativeSave).c_str(), stdstr_f("%s.mpk", MempakName.c_str()).c_str()); if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Setting_UniqueSaveDir)) { MempakPath.AppendDirectory(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(Game_UniqueSaveDir).c_str()); } #ifdef _WIN32 MempakPath.NormalizePath(CPath(CPath::MODULE_DIRECTORY)); #endif if (!Create && !MempakPath.Exists()) { if (!m_Formatted[Control]) { CMempak::Format(Control); m_Formatted[Control] = true; } m_SaveExists[Control] = false; return; } if (!MempakPath.DirectoryExists()) { MempakPath.DirectoryCreate(); } bool formatMempak = !MempakPath.Exists(); m_MempakHandle[Control].Open(MempakPath, CFileBase::modeReadWrite | CFileBase::modeNoTruncate | CFileBase::modeCreate); m_MempakHandle[Control].SeekToBegin(); if (formatMempak) { if (!m_Formatted[Control]) { CMempak::Format(Control); m_Formatted[Control] = true; } m_MempakHandle[Control].Write(m_Mempaks[Control], 0x8000); } else { m_MempakHandle[Control].Read(m_Mempaks[Control], 0x8000); m_Formatted[Control] = true; } }
void CFavoriteOrganizeDlg::OnLvnGetInfoTipList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { LPNMLVGETINFOTIP pGetInfoTip = reinterpret_cast<LPNMLVGETINFOTIP>(pNMHDR); CAtlList<CString> args; ExplodeEsc(m_sl[m_tab.GetCurSel()].GetAt((POSITION)m_list.GetItemData(pGetInfoTip->iItem)), args, _T(';')); CString path = args.RemoveTail(); // Relative to drive value is always third. If less args are available that means it is not included. int rootLength = (args.GetCount() == 3 && args.RemoveTail() != _T("0")) ? CPath(path).SkipRoot() : 0; StringCchCopy(pGetInfoTip->pszText, pGetInfoTip->cchTextMax, path.Mid(rootLength)); *pResult = 0; }
CWebServer::CWebServer(CMainFrame* pMainFrame, int nPort) : m_pMainFrame(pMainFrame) , m_nPort(nPort) { m_webroot = CPath(GetProgramPath()); const CAppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); CString WebRoot = s.strWebRoot; WebRoot.Replace('/', '\\'); WebRoot.Trim(); CPath p(WebRoot); if (WebRoot.Find(_T(":\\")) < 0 && WebRoot.Find(_T("\\\\")) < 0) { m_webroot.Append(WebRoot); } else { m_webroot = p; } m_webroot.Canonicalize(); m_webroot.MakePretty(); if (!m_webroot.IsDirectory()) { m_webroot = CPath(); } CAtlList<CString> sl; Explode(s.strWebServerCGI, sl, ';'); POSITION pos = sl.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CAtlList<CString> sl2; CString ext = Explode(sl.GetNext(pos), sl2, '=', 2); if (sl2.GetCount() < 2) { continue; } m_cgi[ext] = sl2.GetTail(); } m_ThreadId = 0; m_hThread = ::CreateThread(nullptr, 0, StaticThreadProc, (LPVOID)this, 0, &m_ThreadId); }
void CFileDetailDialog::OnBnClickedApply(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { CPath fileName = CPath(CastChild(IDC_FILENAME, wxTextCtrl)->GetValue()); if (fileName.IsOk() && (fileName != m_file->GetFileName())) { if (theApp->sharedfiles->RenameFile(m_file, fileName)) { FindWindow(IDC_FNAME)->SetLabel(MakeStringEscaped(m_file->GetFileName().GetPrintable())); FindWindow(IDC_METFILE)->SetLabel(m_file->GetFullName().GetPrintable()); resetValueForFilenameTextEdit(); Layout(); } } }
bool CKnownFileList::Init() { CFile file; CPath fullpath = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + m_filename); if (!fullpath.FileExists()) { // This is perfectly normal. The file was probably either // deleted, or this is the first time running aMule. return false; } if (!file.Open(fullpath)) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("WARNING: %s cannot be opened.")) % m_filename); return false; } try { uint8 version = file.ReadUInt8(); if ((version != MET_HEADER) && (version != MET_HEADER_WITH_LARGEFILES)) { AddLogLineC(_("WARNING: Known file list corrupted, contains invalid header.")); return false; } wxMutexLocker sLock(list_mut); uint32 RecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32(); AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Reading %i known files from file format 0x%2.2x.")) % RecordsNumber % version); for (uint32 i = 0; i < RecordsNumber; i++) { CScopedPtr<CKnownFile> record; if (record->LoadFromFile(&file)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Known file read: %s")) % record->GetFileName()); Append(record.release()); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to load entry in known file list, file may be corrupt")); } } AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, wxT("Finished reading known files")); return true; } catch (const CInvalidPacket& e) { AddLogLineC(_("Invalid entry in known file list, file may be corrupt: ") + e.what()); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("IO error while reading %s file: %s")) % m_filename % e.what()); } return false; }
void CSharedFilesCtrl::OnRename( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { int item = GetNextItem( -1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED ); if ( item != -1 ) { CKnownFile* file = (CKnownFile*)GetItemData(item); wxString strNewName = ::wxGetTextFromUser( _("Enter new name for this file:"), _("File rename"), file->GetFileName().GetPrintable()); CPath newName = CPath(strNewName); if (newName.IsOk() && (newName != file->GetFileName())) { theApp->sharedfiles->RenameFile(file, newName); } } }
void CIP2Country::DownloadFinished(uint32 result) { if (result == HTTP_Success) { Disable(); // download succeeded. Switch over to new database. wxString newDat = m_DataBasePath + wxT(".download"); // Try to unpack the file, might be an archive wxWCharBuffer dataBaseName = m_DataBaseName.wc_str(); const wxChar* geoip_files[] = { dataBaseName, NULL }; if (UnpackArchive(CPath(newDat), geoip_files).second == EFT_Error) { AddLogLineC(_("Download of GeoIP.dat file failed, aborting update.")); return; } if (wxFileExists(m_DataBasePath)) { if (!wxRemoveFile(m_DataBasePath)) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to remove %s file, aborting update.")) % m_DataBaseName); return; } } if (!wxRenameFile(newDat, m_DataBasePath)) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to rename %s file, aborting update.")) % m_DataBaseName); return; } Enable(); if (m_geoip) { AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Successfully updated %s")) % m_DataBaseName); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Error updating GeoIP.dat")); } } else if (result == HTTP_Skipped) { AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Skipped download of %s, because requested file is not newer.")) % m_DataBaseName); } else { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to download %s from %s")) % m_DataBaseName % thePrefs::GetGeoIPUpdateUrl()); // if it failed and there is no database, turn it off if (!wxFileExists(m_DataBasePath)) { thePrefs::SetGeoIPEnabled(false); } } }
void CPartFileConvertDlg::OnAddFolder(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // TODO: use MuleRemoteDirSelector wxString folder = ::wxDirSelector( _("Please choose a folder to search for temporary downloads! (subfolders will be included)"), wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition, this); if (!folder.IsEmpty()) { int reply = wxMessageBox(_("Do you want the source files of succesfully imported downloads be deleted?"), _("Remove sources?"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_QUESTION, this); if (reply != wxCANCEL) { // TODO: use notification CPartFileConvert::ScanFolderToAdd(CPath(folder), (reply == wxYES)); } } }
bool CServerList::Init() { // Load Metfile bool bRes = LoadServerMet(CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("server.met"))); // insert static servers from textfile m_staticServersConfig = theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("staticservers.dat"); LoadStaticServers(); // Send the auto-update of server.met via HTTPThread requests current_url_index = 0; if ( thePrefs::AutoServerlist()) { AutoUpdate(); } m_initialized = true; return bRes; }
void CServerList::DownloadFinished(uint32 result) { if(result == HTTP_Success) { const CPath tempFilename = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("")); // curl succeeded. proceed with server.met loading LoadServerMet(tempFilename); SaveServerMet(); // So, file is loaded and merged, and also saved CPath::RemoveFile(tempFilename); AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Finished downloading the server list from %s")) % m_URLUpdate); } else if (result == HTTP_Skipped) { AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Skipped download of %s, because requested file is not newer.")) % wxT("server.met")); } else { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Failed to download %s from %s")) % wxT("server.met") % m_URLUpdate); } }
bool CCanceledFileList::Init() { CFile file; CPath fullpath = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + m_filename); if (!fullpath.FileExists()) { // This is perfectly normal. The file was probably either // deleted, or this is the first time running aMule. return false; } if (!file.Open(fullpath)) { AddLogLineM(true, CFormat(_("WARNING: %s cannot be opened.")) % m_filename); return false; } try { uint8 version = file.ReadUInt8(); if (version != CANCELEDFILE_VERSION) { AddLogLineM(true, _("WARNING: Canceled file list corrupted, contains invalid header.")); return false; } uint32 RecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32(); AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Reading %i canceled files from file format 0x%02x.")) % RecordsNumber % version); for (uint32 i = 0; i < RecordsNumber; i++) { CMD4Hash hash; file.Read(hash.GetHash(), 16); AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Canceled file read: %s")) % hash.Encode()); if (!hash.IsEmpty()) { m_canceledFileList.insert(hash); } } AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, wxT("Finished reading canceled files")); return true; } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddLogLineM(true, CFormat(_("IO error while reading %s file: %s")) % m_filename % e.what()); } return false; }
void mpc_filehash(CPlaylist& pl, CList<filehash>& fhs) { fhs.RemoveAll(); POSITION pos = pl.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CString fn = pl.GetNext(pos).m_fns.GetHead(); if (AfxGetAppSettings().m_Formats.FindExt(CPath(fn).GetExtension().MakeLower(), true)) { continue; } filehash fh; if (!mpc_filehash(fn, fh)) { continue; } fhs.AddTail(fh); } }
BOOL CPPageExternalFilters::OnInitDialog() { __super::OnInitDialog(); DragAcceptFiles(TRUE); AppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); m_pFilters.RemoveAll(); POSITION pos = s.m_filters.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CAutoPtr<FilterOverride> f(DNew FilterOverride(s.m_filters.GetNext(pos))); CString name(_T("<unknown>")); if (f->type == FilterOverride::REGISTERED) { name = CFGFilterRegistry(f->dispname).GetName(); if (name.IsEmpty()) { name = f->name + _T(" <not registered>"); } } else if (f->type == FilterOverride::EXTERNAL) { name = f->name; if (f->fTemporary) { name += _T(" <temporary>"); } if (!CPath(MakeFullPath(f->path)).FileExists()) { name += _T(" <not found!>"); } } int i = m_filters.AddString(name); m_filters.SetCheck(i, f->fDisabled ? 0 : 1); m_filters.SetItemDataPtr(i, m_pFilters.AddTail(f)); } UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
bool CLog::Open( LPCTSTR FileName, LOG_OPEN_MODE mode /* = Log_New */) { if (FileName == NULL) { return false; } CPath File(FileName); if (File.IsRelative()) { File = CPath(CPath::MODULE_DIRECTORY,FileName); } if (m_hLogFile.IsOpen()) { m_hLogFile.Close(); } ULONG nOpenFlags = CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::modeCreate; if (mode == Log_Append) { nOpenFlags |= CFile::modeNoTruncate; } if (!m_hLogFile.Open(File, nOpenFlags)) { return false; } m_FileName = (LPCTSTR)File; m_hLogFile.Seek(0,mode == Log_Append ? CFile::end : CFile::begin); #ifdef _UNICODE if(m_hLogFile.GetLength()==0) { WORD wUNICODE = 0xFEFF; m_hLogFile.Write(&wUNICODE, 2); } #endif return true; }