ssize_t DJFindLine(const DynamicArray *lines, const char *stanza, const char *name) { ssize_t i = DJFindStanza(lines, stanza); if(i == -1) return -1; for(; i < lines->size; i++) { PCSTR line = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem((DynamicArray*)lines, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); while (*line != '\0' && isspace((int)*line)) line++; if(strncmp(line, name, strlen(name))) continue; line += strlen(name); while (*line != '\0' && isspace((int)*line)) line++; if(*line != '=') continue; return i; } return -1; }
ssize_t CTArrayFindString(DynamicArray* array, PCSTR find) { size_t i; for(i = 0; i < array->size; i++) { if(!strcmp(*(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem(array, i, sizeof(PCSTR)), find)) return i; } return -1; }
DWORD DJGetOptionValue(const DynamicArray *lines, PCSTR stanza, PCSTR name, PSTR *value) { DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; ssize_t i = DJFindLine(lines, stanza, name); PCSTR line; PSTR _value = NULL; *value = NULL; if(i == -1) GCE(ceError = ERROR_NOT_FOUND); line = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem((DynamicArray*)lines, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); while (*line != '\0' && isspace((int)*line)) line++; line += strlen(name); while (*line != '\0' && isspace((int)*line)) line++; if(*line != '=') { GCE(ceError = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); } line++; GCE(ceError = CTStrdup(line, &_value)); CTStripWhitespace(_value); /* Remove the quotes around the value, if they exist */ if(CTStrStartsWith(_value, "\"") && CTStrEndsWith(_value, "\"")) { size_t len = strlen(_value); memmove(_value, _value + 1, len - 2 ); _value[len - 2 ] = '\0'; } *value = _value; _value = NULL; cleanup: CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(_value); return ceError; }
ssize_t DJFindStanza(const DynamicArray *lines, PCSTR name) { ssize_t i; size_t namelen = strlen(name); for(i = 0; i < lines->size; i++) { PCSTR line = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem((DynamicArray*)lines, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); while (*line != '\0' && isspace((int)*line)) line++; if(!strncmp(line, name, namelen) && line[namelen] == ':') return i; } return -1; }
DWORD DJSetOptionValue(DynamicArray *lines, PCSTR stanza, PCSTR name, PCSTR value) { ssize_t index; PSTR newLine = NULL; DWORD ceError = ERROR_SUCCESS; if(strchr(value, ' ')) { /* Fixes bug 5564 */ GCE(ceError = CTAllocateStringPrintf(&newLine, "\t%s = \"%s\"\n", name, value)); } else GCE(ceError = CTAllocateStringPrintf(&newLine, "\t%s = %s\n", name, value)); index = DJFindLine(lines, stanza, name); if(index == -1) { index = DJFindStanza(lines, stanza); if(index == -1) GCE(ceError = ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION); index++; } else { CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(*(PSTR *)CTArrayGetItem((DynamicArray*)lines, index, sizeof(PSTR))); GCE(ceError = CTArrayRemove((DynamicArray *)lines, index, sizeof(PSTR), 1)); } GCE(ceError = CTArrayInsert((DynamicArray *)lines, index, sizeof(PSTR), &newLine, 1)); cleanup: return ceError; }
void DoLeaveNew(int argc, char **argv, int columns, LWException **exc) { JoinProcessOptions options; BOOLEAN advanced = FALSE; BOOLEAN preview = FALSE; DynamicArray enableModules, disableModules, ignoreModules; DynamicArray detailModules; size_t i; PSTR moduleDetails = NULL; PSTR wrapped = NULL; int passwordIndex = -1; DJZeroJoinProcessOptions(&options); memset(&enableModules, 0, sizeof(enableModules)); memset(&disableModules, 0, sizeof(disableModules)); memset(&ignoreModules, 0, sizeof(ignoreModules)); memset(&detailModules, 0, sizeof(detailModules)); while(argc > 0 && CTStrStartsWith(argv[0], "--")) { if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--advanced")) advanced = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--preview")) preview = TRUE; else if(argc < 2) { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--enable")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&enableModules, sizeof(PCSTR *), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--disable")) { if(!strcmp(argv[1], "ssh")){ options.ignoreSsh = TRUE; } else { options.ignoreSsh = FALSE; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&disableModules, sizeof(PCSTR *), &argv[1], 1)); } argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ignore")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&ignoreModules, sizeof(PCSTR *), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--details")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&detailModules, sizeof(PCSTR *), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--multiple")) { options.enableMultipleJoins = TRUE; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[1], &options.domainName)); argv++; argc--; } else { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } argv++; argc--; } if(argc == 2) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[1], &options.password)); passwordIndex = 1; } else if(argc > 2) { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } options.joiningDomain = FALSE; DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with %d arg(s) to the leave command:", argc); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { DJ_LOG_INFO(" [%s]", i == passwordIndex ? "<password>" : argv[i]); } if(argc > 0) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[0], &options.username)); } options.warningCallback = PrintWarning; options.showTraces = advanced; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, DJGetComputerName(&options.computerName)); LW_TRY(exc, DJInitModuleStates(&options, &LW_EXC)); for(i = 0; i < enableModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &enableModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&disableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&ignoreModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being ignored and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, EnableModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < disableModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &disableModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&enableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&ignoreModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and ignored", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, DisableModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < ignoreModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &ignoreModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&enableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being ignored and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&disableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being ignored and disabled", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, IgnoreModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < detailModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &detailModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); ModuleState *state = DJGetModuleStateByName(&options, module); if(state == NULL) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Unable to find module.", "Please check the spelling of '%s'. This module cannot be found", module); goto cleanup; } PrintModuleState(state); } if(detailModules.size > 0) { PrintStateKey(); } for(i = 0; i < detailModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &detailModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); ModuleState *state = DJGetModuleStateByName(&options, module); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(moduleDetails); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(wrapped); LW_TRY(exc, moduleDetails = state->module->GetChangeDescription(&options, &LW_EXC)); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTWordWrap(moduleDetails, &wrapped, 4, columns)); fprintf(stdout, "\nDetails for '%s':\n%s\n", state->module->longName, wrapped); } if(detailModules.size > 0) goto cleanup; LW_TRY(exc, PrintJoinHeader(&options, &LW_EXC)); if(preview) { PrintModuleStates(advanced, &options); if(!advanced) LW_TRY(exc, DJCheckRequiredEnabled(&options, &LW_EXC)); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJCheckRequiredEnabled(&options, &LW_EXC)); if (options.username != NULL && IsNullOrEmptyString(options.password)) { CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(options.password); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, FillMissingPassword(options.username, &options.password)); } LW_TRY(exc, DJRunJoinProcess(&options, &LW_EXC)); fprintf(stdout, "SUCCESS\n"); cleanup: DJFreeJoinProcessOptions(&options); CTArrayFree(&enableModules); CTArrayFree(&disableModules); CTArrayFree(&ignoreModules); CTArrayFree(&detailModules); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(moduleDetails); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(wrapped); }
void DoJoin(int argc, char **argv, int columns, LWException **exc) { JoinProcessOptions options; BOOLEAN advanced = FALSE; BOOLEAN preview = FALSE; DynamicArray enableModules, disableModules, ignoreModules; DynamicArray detailModules; size_t i; int passwordIndex = -1; PSTR moduleDetails = NULL; PSTR wrapped = NULL; DJZeroJoinProcessOptions(&options); memset(&enableModules, 0, sizeof(enableModules)); memset(&disableModules, 0, sizeof(disableModules)); memset(&ignoreModules, 0, sizeof(ignoreModules)); memset(&detailModules, 0, sizeof(detailModules)); while(argc > 0 && CTStrStartsWith(argv[0], "--")) { if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--advanced")) advanced = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--preview")) preview = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ignore-firewall-ntp")) { printf("Warning: --ignore-firewall-ntp is deprecated. This behavior is now default.\n"); } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ignore-pam")) options.ignorePam = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--notimesync")) options.disableTimeSync = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--multiple")) options.enableMultipleJoins = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--nohosts")) { PCSTR module = "hostname"; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&disableModules, sizeof(PCSTR), &module, 1)); } else if(argc < 2) { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--enable")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&enableModules, sizeof(PCSTR), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--disable")) { if(!strcmp(argv[1], "ssh")){ options.ignoreSsh = TRUE; } else { options.ignoreSsh = FALSE; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&disableModules, sizeof(PCSTR), &argv[1], 1)); } argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ignore")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&ignoreModules, sizeof(PCSTR), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--details")) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTArrayAppend(&detailModules, sizeof(PCSTR), &argv[1], 1)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ou")) { DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with option --ou %s", argv[1]); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(options.ouName); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[1], &options.ouName)); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--uac-flags")) { DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with option --uac-flags %s", argv[1]); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(options.ouName); options.uacFlags = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--assumeDefaultDomain")) { DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with option --assumeDefaultDomain"); options.setAssumeDefaultDomain = TRUE; if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "yes") || !strcasecmp(argv[1], "true") || !strcasecmp(argv[1], "on")) { options.assumeDefaultDomain = TRUE; } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "no") || !strcasecmp(argv[1], "false") || !strcasecmp(argv[1], "off")) { options.assumeDefaultDomain = FALSE; } else { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } argv++; argc--; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--userDomainPrefix")) { DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with option --userDomainPrefix %s", argv[1]); options.setAssumeDefaultDomain = TRUE; options.assumeDefaultDomain = TRUE; CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(options.userDomainPrefix); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[1], &options.userDomainPrefix)); CTStrToUpper(options.userDomainPrefix); argv++; argc--; } else { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } argv++; argc--; } if(argc == 3) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[2], &options.password)); passwordIndex = 2; } // The join username is not required in preview or details mode. else if(argc == 1 && (preview || detailModules.size != 0) ) ; else if(argc != 2) { LW_RAISE(exc, LW_ERROR_SHOW_USAGE); goto cleanup; } options.joiningDomain = TRUE; DJ_LOG_INFO("Domainjoin invoked with %d arg(s) to the join command:", argc); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { DJ_LOG_INFO(" [%s]", i == passwordIndex ? "<password>" : argv[i]); } LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup( argv[0], &options.domainName)); if(argc > 1) { LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTStrdup(argv[1], &options.username)); } options.warningCallback = PrintWarning; options.showTraces = advanced; LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, DJGetComputerName(&options.computerName)); LW_TRY(exc, DJInitModuleStates(&options, &LW_EXC)); for(i = 0; i < enableModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &enableModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&disableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&ignoreModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being ignored and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, EnableModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < disableModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &disableModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&enableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&ignoreModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being ignored and enabled", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, DisableModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < ignoreModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &ignoreModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); if(CTArrayFindString(&enableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being enabled and ignored", module); goto cleanup; } if(CTArrayFindString(&disableModules, module) != -1) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Module already specified", "The module '%s' is listed as being disabled and ignored", module); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJSetModuleDisposition(&options, module, IgnoreModule, &LW_EXC)); } for(i = 0; i < detailModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &detailModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); ModuleState *state = DJGetModuleStateByName(&options, module); if(state == NULL) { LW_RAISE_EX(exc, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Unable to find module.", "Please check the spelling of '%s'. This module cannot be found", module); goto cleanup; } PrintModuleState(state); } if(detailModules.size > 0) { PrintStateKey(); } for(i = 0; i < detailModules.size; i++) { PCSTR module = *(PCSTR *)CTArrayGetItem( &detailModules, i, sizeof(PCSTR)); ModuleState *state = DJGetModuleStateByName(&options, module); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(moduleDetails); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(wrapped); LW_TRY(exc, moduleDetails = state->module->GetChangeDescription(&options, &LW_EXC)); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, CTWordWrap(moduleDetails, &wrapped, 4, columns)); fprintf(stdout, "\nDetails for '%s':\n%s\n", state->module->longName, wrapped); } if(detailModules.size > 0) goto cleanup; LW_TRY(exc, PrintJoinHeader(&options, &LW_EXC)); if(preview) { PrintModuleStates(advanced, &options); if(!advanced) LW_TRY(exc, DJCheckRequiredEnabled(&options, &LW_EXC)); goto cleanup; } LW_TRY(exc, DJCheckRequiredEnabled(&options, &LW_EXC)); if (IsNullOrEmptyString(options.password)) { CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(options.password); LW_CLEANUP_CTERR(exc, FillMissingPassword(options.username, &options.password)); } LW_TRY(exc, DJRunJoinProcess(&options, &LW_EXC)); fprintf(stdout, "SUCCESS\n"); cleanup: DJFreeJoinProcessOptions(&options); CTArrayFree(&enableModules); CTArrayFree(&disableModules); CTArrayFree(&ignoreModules); CTArrayFree(&detailModules); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(moduleDetails); CT_SAFE_FREE_STRING(wrapped); }