ATSUFontID coretext_font_to_atsufontid(void *p_font) { bool t_success; t_success = true; CTFontRef t_ctfont; t_ctfont = NULL; if (t_success) { t_ctfont = (CTFontRef)p_font; t_success = t_ctfont != NULL; } char t_name[256]; if (t_success) { CFStringRef t_cfname; t_cfname = CTFontCopyPostScriptName(t_ctfont); t_success = t_cfname != NULL && CFStringGetCString(t_cfname, t_name, 256, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); if (t_cfname != NULL) CFRelease(t_cfname); } ATSUFontID t_font_id; t_font_id = 0; if (t_success) { uint32_t t_name_length; t_name_length = MCCStringLength(t_name); t_success = ATSUFindFontFromName(t_name, t_name_length, kFontPostscriptName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &t_font_id) == noErr; } return t_font_id; }
void sdl_osd_interface::init(running_machine &machine) { // call our parent osd_interface::init(machine); sdl_options &options = downcast<sdl_options &>(machine.options()); const char *stemp; // Switchres if (machine.options().modeline()) switchres_modeline_setup(machine); // determine if we are benchmarking, and adjust options appropriately int bench = options.bench(); astring error_string; if (bench > 0) { options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(OPTION_SOUND, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(SDLOPTION_VIDEO, "none", OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); options.set_value(OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN, bench, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string); assert(!error_string); } // Some driver options - must be before audio init! stemp = options.audio_driver(); if (stemp != NULL && strcmp(stemp, SDLOPTVAL_AUTO) != 0) { mame_printf_verbose("Setting SDL audiodriver '%s' ...\n", stemp); osd_setenv(SDLENV_AUDIODRIVER, stemp, 1); } stemp = options.video_driver(); if (stemp != NULL && strcmp(stemp, SDLOPTVAL_AUTO) != 0) { mame_printf_verbose("Setting SDL videodriver '%s' ...\n", stemp); osd_setenv(SDLENV_VIDEODRIVER, stemp, 1); } #if (SDLMAME_SDL2) stemp = options.render_driver(); if (stemp != NULL && strcmp(stemp, SDLOPTVAL_AUTO) != 0) { mame_printf_verbose("Setting SDL renderdriver '%s' ...\n", stemp); //osd_setenv(SDLENV_RENDERDRIVER, stemp, 1); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, stemp); } #endif /* Set the SDL environment variable for drivers wanting to load the * lib at startup. */ #if USE_OPENGL /* FIXME: move lib loading code from drawogl.c here */ stemp = options.gl_lib(); if (stemp != NULL && strcmp(stemp, SDLOPTVAL_AUTO) != 0) { osd_setenv("SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER", stemp, 1); mame_printf_verbose("Setting SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER = '%s' ...\n", stemp); } #endif /* get number of processors */ stemp = options.numprocessors(); osd_num_processors = 0; if (strcmp(stemp, "auto") != 0) { osd_num_processors = atoi(stemp); if (osd_num_processors < 1) { mame_printf_warning("Warning: numprocessors < 1 doesn't make much sense. Assuming auto ...\n"); osd_num_processors = 0; } } /* Initialize SDL */ if (!SDLMAME_INIT_IN_WORKER_THREAD) { #if (SDLMAME_SDL2) if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_AUDIO| SDL_INIT_VIDEO| SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK|SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE)) { #else if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_AUDIO| SDL_INIT_VIDEO| SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK|SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE)) { #endif mame_printf_error("Could not initialize SDL %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } osd_sdl_info(); } // must be before sdlvideo_init! machine.add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(osd_exit), &machine)); defines_verbose(); if (!SDLMAME_HAS_DEBUGGER) if (machine.debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED) { mame_printf_error("sdlmame: -debug not supported on X11-less builds\n\n"); osd_exit(machine); exit(-1); } if (sdlvideo_init(machine)) { osd_exit(machine); mame_printf_error("sdlvideo_init: Initialization failed!\n\n\n"); fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout); exit(-1); } sdlinput_init(machine); sdlaudio_init(machine); sdloutput_init(machine); #ifdef SDLMAME_NETWORK sdlnetdev_init(machine); #endif if (options.oslog()) machine.add_logerror_callback(output_oslog); /* now setup watchdog */ int watchdog_timeout = options.watchdog(); int str = options.seconds_to_run(); /* only enable watchdog if seconds_to_run is enabled *and* relatively short (time taken from ui.c) */ if ((watchdog_timeout != 0) && (str > 0) && (str < 60*5 )) { m_watchdog = auto_alloc(machine, watchdog); m_watchdog->setTimeout(watchdog_timeout); } #if (SDLMAME_SDL2) SDL_EventState(SDL_TEXTINPUT, SDL_TRUE); #else SDL_EnableUNICODE(SDL_TRUE); #endif } #ifdef SDLMAME_UNIX #define POINT_SIZE 144.0 #ifdef SDLMAME_MACOSX #define EXTRA_HEIGHT 1.0 #define EXTRA_WIDTH 1.15 //------------------------------------------------- // font_open - attempt to "open" a handle to the // font with the given name //------------------------------------------------- osd_font sdl_osd_interface::font_open(const char *_name, int &height) { CFStringRef font_name = NULL; CTFontRef ct_font = NULL; CTFontDescriptorRef font_descriptor; CGAffineTransform affine_transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity; astring name(_name); if (name == "default") { name = "LucidaGrande"; } /* handle bdf fonts in the core */ if (name.len() > 4) if (name.makeupper().substr(name.len()-4,4) == ".BDF" ) return NULL; font_name = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, _name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); if( font_name != NULL ) { font_descriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize( font_name, POINT_SIZE ); if( font_descriptor != NULL ) { ct_font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor( font_descriptor, POINT_SIZE, &affine_transform ); CFRelease( font_descriptor ); } } CFRelease( font_name ); if (!ct_font) { printf("WARNING: Couldn't find/open font %s, using MAME default\n", name.cstr()); return NULL; } CFStringRef real_name = CTFontCopyPostScriptName( ct_font ); char real_name_c_string[255]; CFStringGetCString ( real_name, real_name_c_string, 255, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); mame_printf_verbose("Matching font: %s\n", real_name_c_string); CFRelease( real_name ); CGFloat line_height = 0.0; line_height += CTFontGetAscent(ct_font); line_height += CTFontGetDescent(ct_font); line_height += CTFontGetLeading(ct_font); height = ceilf(line_height * EXTRA_HEIGHT); return (osd_font)ct_font; }
CPDF_Font* CPDF_Document::AddMacFont(CTFontRef pFont, FX_BOOL bVert, FX_BOOL bTranslateName) { CTFontRef font = (CTFontRef)pFont; CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor = CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(font); if (descriptor == NULL) { return NULL; } CFX_ByteString basefont; FX_BOOL bCJK = FALSE; int flags = 0, italicangle = 0, ascend = 0, descend = 0, capheight = 0, bbox[4]; FXSYS_memset32(bbox, 0, sizeof(int) * 4); CFArrayRef languages = (CFArrayRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(descriptor, kCTFontLanguagesAttribute); if (languages == NULL) { CFRelease(descriptor); return NULL; } CFX_DWordArray charSets; charSets.Add(FXFONT_CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET); charSets.Add(FXFONT_GB2312_CHARSET); charSets.Add(FXFONT_HANGEUL_CHARSET); charSets.Add(FXFONT_SHIFTJIS_CHARSET); if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { bCJK = TRUE; } CFRelease(descriptor); CFDictionaryRef traits = (CFDictionaryRef)CTFontCopyTraits(font); if (traits == NULL) { CFRelease(languages); return NULL; } CFNumberRef sybolicTrait = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait); CTFontSymbolicTraits trait = 0; CFNumberGetValue(sybolicTrait, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &trait); if (trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) { flags |= PDFFONT_ITALIC; } if (trait & kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) { flags |= PDFFONT_FIXEDPITCH; } if (trait & kCTFontModernSerifsClass) { flags |= PDFFONT_SERIF; } if (trait & kCTFontScriptsClass) { flags |= PDFFONT_SCRIPT; } CFNumberRef weightTrait = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontWeightTrait); Float32 weight = 0; CFNumberGetValue(weightTrait, kCFNumberFloat32Type, &weight); italicangle = CTFontGetSlantAngle(font); ascend = CTFontGetAscent(font); descend = CTFontGetDescent(font); capheight = CTFontGetCapHeight(font); CGRect box = CTFontGetBoundingBox(font); bbox[0] = box.origin.x; bbox[1] = box.origin.y; bbox[2] = box.origin.x + box.size.width; bbox[3] = box.origin.y + box.size.height; if (bTranslateName && bCJK) { CFStringRef postName = CTFontCopyPostScriptName(font); _CFString2CFXByteString(postName, basefont); CFRelease(postName); } if (basefont.IsEmpty()) { CFStringRef fullName = CTFontCopyFullName(font); _CFString2CFXByteString(fullName, basefont); CFRelease(fullName); } basefont.Replace(" ", ""); CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = NULL; CPDF_Dictionary* pBaseDict = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pFontDict = pBaseDict; if (!bCJK) { charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_ANSI_CHARSET); charSets.Add(FXFONT_DEFAULT_CHARSET); charSets.Add(FXFONT_SYMBOL_CHARSET); if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_SYMBOL_CHARSET); if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { flags |= PDFFONT_SYMBOLIC; } else { flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC; } pBaseDict->SetAtName(FX_BSTRC("Encoding"), "WinAnsiEncoding"); } else { flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC; int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_FX_CharsetUnicodes / sizeof(FX_CharsetUnicodes); i ++) { charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(g_FX_CharsetUnicodes[i].m_Charset); if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { break; } } if (i < sizeof g_FX_CharsetUnicodes / sizeof(FX_CharsetUnicodes)) { CPDF_Dictionary* pEncoding = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pEncoding->SetAtName(FX_BSTRC("BaseEncoding"), "WinAnsiEncoding"); CPDF_Array* pArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array; pArray->AddInteger(128); const FX_WCHAR* pUnicodes = g_FX_CharsetUnicodes[i].m_pUnicodes; for (int j = 0; j < 128; j ++) { CFX_ByteString name = PDF_AdobeNameFromUnicode(pUnicodes[j]); if (name.IsEmpty()) { pArray->AddName(FX_BSTRC(".notdef")); } else { pArray->AddName(name); } } pEncoding->SetAt(FX_BSTRC("Differences"), pArray); AddIndirectObject(pEncoding); pBaseDict->SetAtReference(FX_BSTRC("Encoding"), this, pEncoding); } } if (weight > 0.0 && trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) { basefont += ",BoldItalic"; } else if (weight > 0.0) { basefont += ",Bold"; } else if (trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) { basefont += ",Italic"; } pBaseDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "TrueType"); pBaseDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont); pBaseDict->SetAtNumber("FirstChar", 32); pBaseDict->SetAtNumber("LastChar", 255); int char_widths[224]; FX_GetCharWidth(font, 32, 255, char_widths); CPDF_Array* pWidths = FX_NEW CPDF_Array; for (int i = 0; i < 224; i ++) { pWidths->AddInteger(char_widths[i]); } pBaseDict->SetAt("Widths", pWidths); } else { flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC; CPDF_Array* pArray = NULL; pFontDict = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; CFX_ByteString cmap; CFX_ByteString ordering; int supplement; FX_BOOL bFound = FALSE; CPDF_Array* pWidthArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array; charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET); if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { cmap = bVert ? "ETenms-B5-V" : "ETenms-B5-H"; ordering = "CNS1"; supplement = 4; pWidthArray->AddInteger(1); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7e, pWidthArray); bFound = TRUE; } charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_GB2312_CHARSET); if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { cmap = bVert ? "GBK-EUC-V" : "GBK-EUC-H"; ordering = "GB1", supplement = 2; pWidthArray->AddInteger(7716); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x20, pWidthArray); pWidthArray->AddInteger(814); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x21, 0x7e, pWidthArray); bFound = TRUE; } charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_HANGEUL_CHARSET); if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { cmap = bVert ? "KSCms-UHC-V" : "KSCms-UHC-H"; ordering = "Korea1"; supplement = 2; pWidthArray->AddInteger(1); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7e, pWidthArray); bFound = TRUE; } charSets.RemoveAll(); charSets.Add(FXFONT_SHIFTJIS_CHARSET); if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) { cmap = bVert ? "90ms-RKSJ-V" : "90ms-RKSJ-H"; ordering = "Japan1"; supplement = 5; pWidthArray->AddInteger(231); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7d, pWidthArray); pWidthArray->AddInteger(326); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0xa0, 0xa0, pWidthArray); pWidthArray->AddInteger(327); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0xa1, 0xdf, pWidthArray); pWidthArray->AddInteger(631); _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x7e, 0x7e, pWidthArray); } pBaseDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "Type0"); pBaseDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont); pBaseDict->SetAtName("Encoding", cmap); pFontDict->SetAt("W", pWidthArray); pFontDict->SetAtName("Type", "Font"); pFontDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "CIDFontType2"); pFontDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont); CPDF_Dictionary* pCIDSysInfo = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pCIDSysInfo->SetAtString("Registry", "Adobe"); pCIDSysInfo->SetAtString("Ordering", ordering); pCIDSysInfo->SetAtInteger("Supplement", supplement); pFontDict->SetAt("CIDSystemInfo", pCIDSysInfo); pArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array; pBaseDict->SetAt("DescendantFonts", pArray); AddIndirectObject(pFontDict); pArray->AddReference(this, pFontDict); } AddIndirectObject(pBaseDict); CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDesc = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pFontDesc->SetAtName("Type", "FontDescriptor"); pFontDesc->SetAtName("FontName", basefont); pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Flags", flags); CPDF_Array* pBBox = FX_NEW CPDF_Array; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { pBBox->AddInteger(bbox[i]); } pFontDesc->SetAt("FontBBox", pBBox); pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("ItalicAngle", italicangle); pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Ascent", ascend); pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Descent", descend); pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("CapHeight", capheight); CGFloat fStemV = 0; int16_t min_width = SHRT_MAX; static const UniChar stem_chars[] = {'i', 'I', '!', '1'}; const size_t count = sizeof(stem_chars) / sizeof(stem_chars[0]); CGGlyph glyphs[count]; CGRect boundingRects[count]; if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, stem_chars, glyphs, count)) { CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(font, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, glyphs, boundingRects, count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { int16_t width = boundingRects[i].size.width; if (width > 0 && width < min_width) { min_width = width; fStemV = min_width; } } } pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("StemV", fStemV); AddIndirectObject(pFontDesc); pFontDict->SetAtReference("FontDescriptor", this, pFontDesc); CFRelease(traits); CFRelease(languages); return LoadFont(pBaseDict); }