Esempio n. 1
CvLCMEdge* _cvConstructLCMEdge(CvLCM* pLCM,
                               CvLCMData* pLCMInputData)
    CvVoronoiEdge2D* pEdge = pLCMInputData->pedge;
    CvVoronoiSite2D* pSite = pLCMInputData->psite;
    float width = 0;

    CvLCMData LCMData;
    CvVoronoiNode2D* pNode0,*pNode1;

    CvLCMEdge* pLCMEdge = _cvCreateLCMEdge(pLCM);
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    cvStartAppendToSeq(pLCMEdge->chain,&writer );

    pNode0 = pNode1 = pLCMInputData->pnode;
    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(pNode0->pt, writer);
    width += pNode0->radius;

    for(int counter = 0;
            counter < pLCM->VoronoiDiagram->edges->total;
        pNode1 = CV_VORONOIEDGE2D_BEGINNODE(pEdge,pSite);
        if(pNode1->radius >= pLCM->maxWidth)
            goto CREATECOMPLEXNODE;

        width += pNode1->radius;
            goto LCMEDGEEXIT;

        pEdge = LCMData.pedge; pSite = LCMData.psite;
        pNode0 = pNode1;
    return NULL;

    width += LCMData.pnode->radius;

    pLCMEdge->width = width/pLCMEdge->chain->total;
    return pLCMEdge;
}//end of _cvConstructLCMEdge
Esempio n. 2
static void
icvCalcAndWritePtIndices( CvPoint** pointer, int* stack, int start, int end,
                          CvSeq* ptseq, CvSeqWriter* writer )
    CV_FUNCNAME( "icvCalcAndWritePtIndices" );


    int i, incr = start < end ? 1 : -1;
    int idx, first_idx = ptseq->first->start_index;

    for( i = start; i != end; i += incr )
        CvPoint* ptr = (CvPoint*)pointer[stack[i]];
        CvSeqBlock* block = ptseq->first;
        while( (unsigned)(idx = (int)(ptr - (CvPoint*)block->data)) >= (unsigned)block->count )
            block = block->next;
            if( block == ptseq->first )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Internal error" );
        idx += block->start_index - first_idx;
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( idx, *writer );

Esempio n. 3
Blob::copy_edges(const CvSeq* _edges)
  CV_FUNCNAME( "Blob::copy_edges" );

  //- copy the given sequence
	CvSeqReader seq_reader;
	CvSeqWriter seq_writer;
	CvPoint current_edge;
  int i;

	CV_CALL( cvStartReadSeq( _edges, &seq_reader) );
	CV_CALL( cvStartAppendToSeq( this->edges_, &seq_writer ) );

	for( i = 0; i < _edges->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM ( current_edge , seq_reader);
		CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( current_edge , seq_writer );

	CV_CALL( cvEndWriteSeq( &seq_writer ) );

Esempio n. 4
//! Calculate contour points from crack codes
t_PointList CBlobContour::GetContourPoints()
	// it is calculated?
	if( m_contourPoints != NULL )
		return m_contourPoints;

	if ( m_contour == NULL || m_contour->total <= 0 )
		return NULL;

	CvSeq *tmpPoints;
	CvSeqReader reader;
	CvSeqWriter writer;
	CvPoint actualPoint;
	CvRect boundingBox;

	// if aproximation is different than simple extern perimeter will not work
	tmpPoints = cvApproxChains( m_contour, m_parentStorage, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

	// apply an offset to contour points to recover real coordinates
	cvStartReadSeq( tmpPoints, &reader);

	m_contourPoints = cvCreateSeq( tmpPoints->flags, tmpPoints->header_size, tmpPoints->elem_size, m_parentStorage );
	cvStartAppendToSeq(m_contourPoints, &writer );

	// also calculate bounding box of the contour to allow cvPointPolygonTest
	// work correctly on the generated polygon
	boundingBox.x = boundingBox.y = 10000;
	boundingBox.width = boundingBox.height = 0;
	for( int i=0; i< tmpPoints->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( actualPoint, reader);

		actualPoint.x += m_startPoint.x;
		actualPoint.y += m_startPoint.y;

		boundingBox.x = MIN( boundingBox.x, actualPoint.x );
		boundingBox.y = MIN( boundingBox.y, actualPoint.y );
		boundingBox.width = MAX( boundingBox.width, actualPoint.x );
		boundingBox.height = MAX( boundingBox.height, actualPoint.y );
		CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( actualPoint, writer );
	cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
	cvClearSeq( tmpPoints );

	// assign calculated bounding box
	((CvContour*)m_contourPoints)->rect = boundingBox;

	return m_contourPoints;
Esempio n. 5
- FUNCTION: Assigment operator
- FUNCTIONALITY: Assigns a blob to the current 
	- src: blob to assign
	- the current blob is replaced by the src blob
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borr�
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
CBlob& CBlob::operator=(const CBlob &src )
	// si ja s� el mateix, no cal fer res
	if (this != &src)
		// Eliminar v�texs del blob 
		// i la zona de mem�ia on s�
		cvReleaseMemStorage( &m_storage );

		// creem una sequencia buida per als edges
		m_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
		edges = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2,

		// copiem les propietats del blob origen a l'actual
		etiqueta = src.etiqueta;		
		exterior = src.exterior;
		area = src.Area();
		perimeter = src.Perimeter();
		parent = src.parent;
		minx = src.minx;
		maxx = src.maxx;
		miny = src.miny;
		maxy = src.maxy;
		sumx = src.sumx;
		sumy = src.sumy;
		sumxx = src.sumxx;
		sumyy = src.sumyy;
		sumxy = src.sumxy;
		mean = src.mean;
		stddev = src.stddev;
		externPerimeter = src.externPerimeter;

		// copiem els edges del blob origen a l'actual
		CvSeqReader reader;
		CvSeqWriter writer;
		CvPoint edgeactual;
		cvStartReadSeq( src.Edges(), &reader);
		cvStartAppendToSeq( edges, &writer );

		for( int i=0; i< src.Edges()->total; i++)
			CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual ,reader);
			CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual , writer );
		cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
	return *this;
Esempio n. 6
- FUNCTION: JoinBlob
- FUNCTIONALITY: Add's external contour to current external contour
	- blob: blob from which extract the added external contour
	- true if no error ocurred
- RESTRICTIONS: Only external contours are added
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borràs
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
void CBlob::JoinBlob( CBlob *blob )
	CvSeqWriter writer;
	CvSeqReader reader;
	t_chainCode chainCode;

	cvStartAppendToSeq( m_externalContour.GetChainCode(), &writer );
	cvStartReadSeq( blob->GetExternalContour()->GetChainCode(), &reader );

	for (int i = 0; i < blob->GetExternalContour()->GetChainCode()->total; i++ )
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( chainCode, reader );
		CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( chainCode, writer );
	cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

Esempio n. 7
- FUNCTION: CopyEdges
- FUNCTIONALITY: Adds the blob edges to destination
	- destination: where to add the edges
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borr�
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
void CBlob::CopyEdges( CBlob &destination ) const
	CvSeqReader reader;
	CvSeqWriter writer;
	CvPoint edgeactual;
	cvStartReadSeq( edges, &reader);
	cvStartAppendToSeq( destination.Edges(), &writer );

	for( int i=0; i<edges->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual ,reader);
		CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual , writer );
	cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
Esempio n. 8
- FUNCTIONALITY: Copy constructor
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borr�
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
CBlob::CBlob( const CBlob &src )
	// copiem les propietats del blob origen a l'actual
	etiqueta = src.etiqueta;		
	exterior = src.exterior;
	area = src.Area();
	perimeter = src.Perimeter();
	parent = src.parent;
	minx = src.minx;
	maxx = src.maxx;
	miny = src.miny;
	maxy = src.maxy;
	sumx = src.sumx;
	sumy = src.sumy;
	sumxx = src.sumxx;
	sumyy = src.sumyy;
	sumxy = src.sumxy;
	mean = src.mean;
	stddev = src.stddev;
	externPerimeter = src.externPerimeter;

	// copiem els edges del blob origen a l'actual
	CvSeqReader reader;
	CvSeqWriter writer;
	CvPoint edgeactual;
	// creem una sequencia buida per als edges
	m_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
	edges = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2,

	cvStartReadSeq( src.Edges(), &reader);
	cvStartAppendToSeq( edges, &writer );

	for( int i=0; i< src.Edges()->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual ,reader);
		CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( edgeactual , writer );
	cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
Esempio n. 9
Blob::filter(int x_min, int y_min, int x_max, int y_max)
  CvMemStorage* new_storage = 0;
  CvSeq*        new_edges = 0;

  CV_FUNCNAME( "Blob::filter" );
  CV_CALL( new_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0) );
  CV_CALL( new_edges   = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT | CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE, 
                                     sizeof(CvPoint) , 
                                     new_storage) );

	CvSeqReader seq_reader;
	CvSeqWriter seq_writer;
	CvPoint current_edge;
  int i;

	CV_CALL( cvStartReadSeq( this->edges_, &seq_reader) );
	CV_CALL( cvStartAppendToSeq( new_edges, &seq_writer ) );

	for( i = 0; i < this->edges_->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM ( current_edge , seq_reader);
    if ( current_edge.x >= x_min
         && current_edge.y >= y_min
         && current_edge.x <= x_max
         && current_edge.y <= y_max )
      CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( current_edge , seq_writer);

	CV_CALL( cvEndWriteSeq( &seq_writer ) );
Esempio n. 10
*   This function compute intermediate polygon between contour1 and contour2
*   Correspondence between points of contours specify by corr
*   param = [0,1];  0 correspondence to contour1, 1 - contour2
CvSeq* icvBlendContours(CvSeq* contour1,
                        CvSeq* contour2,
                        CvSeq* corr,
                        double param,
                        CvMemStorage* storage)
    int j;

    CvSeqWriter writer01;
    CvSeqReader reader01;

    int Ni,Nj;              // size of contours
    int i;                  // counter

    CvPoint* point1;        // array of first contour point
    CvPoint* point2;        // array of second contour point

    CvPoint point_output;   // intermediate storage of ouput point

    int corr_point;

    // Create output sequence.
    CvSeq* output = cvCreateSeq(0,
                                storage );

    // Find size of contours.
    Ni = contour1->total + 1;
    Nj = contour2->total + 1;

    point1 = (CvPoint* )malloc( Ni*sizeof(CvPoint) );
    point2 = (CvPoint* )malloc( Nj*sizeof(CvPoint) );

    // Initialize arrays of point
    cvCvtSeqToArray( contour1, point1, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
    cvCvtSeqToArray( contour2, point2, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );

    // First and last point mast be equal.
    point1[Ni-1] = point1[0];
    point2[Nj-1] = point2[0];

    // Initializes process of writing to sequence.
    cvStartAppendToSeq( output, &writer01);

    i = Ni-1; //correspondence to points of contour1
    for( ; corr; corr = corr->h_next )
        //Initializes process of sequential reading from sequence
        cvStartReadSeq( corr, &reader01, 0 );

        for(j=0; j < corr->total; j++)
            // Read element from sequence.
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( corr_point, reader01 );

            // Compute point of intermediate polygon.
            point_output.x = cvRound(point1[i].x + param*( point2[corr_point].x - point1[i].x ));
            point_output.y = cvRound(point1[i].y + param*( point2[corr_point].y - point1[i].y ));

            // Write element to sequence.
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( point_output, writer01 );
    // Updates sequence header.
    cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer01 );

    return output;
Esempio n. 11
static CvStatus CV_STDCALL
icvFindHandRegion( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count,
                   CvSeq * indexs,
                   float *line, CvSize2D32f size, int flag,
                   CvPoint3D32f * center,
                   CvMemStorage * storage, CvSeq ** numbers )

/*    IppmVect32f sub, cros;   */
    float *sub, *cros;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvSeqReader reader;

    CvStatus status;
    int nbins = 20, i, l, i_point, left, right;
    int *bin_counts = 0;        //  pointer to the point's counter in the bickets
    int low_count;              //  low threshold

    CvPoint *tmp_number = 0, *pt;
    float value, vmin, vmax, vl, bsize, vc;
    float hand_length, hand_length2, hand_left, hand_right;
    float threshold, threshold2;
    float *vv = 0;
    float a[3];

    status = CV_OK;

    hand_length = size.width;
    hand_length2 = hand_length / 2;

    threshold = (float) (size.height * 3 / 5.);
    threshold2 = threshold * threshold;

/*    low_count = count/nbins;     */
    low_count = (int) (count / 60.);

    assert( points != NULL && line != NULL );
    if( points == NULL || line == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    assert( count > 5 );
    if( count < 5 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

    assert( flag == 0 || flag == 1 );
    if( flag != 0 && flag != 1 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

/*  create vectors         */
    sub = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    cros = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    if( sub == NULL || cros == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's projections on the line    */
    vv = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));

    if( vv == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
    bin_counts = (int *) cvAlloc( nbins * sizeof( int ));

    if( bin_counts == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;
    memset( bin_counts, 0, nbins * sizeof( int ));

    cvStartReadSeq( indexs, &reader, 0 );

/*  alloc memory for the temporale point's numbers      */
    tmp_number = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( CvPoint ));
    if( tmp_number == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

/*  find min and max point's projection on the line     */
    vmin = 1000;
    vmax = -1000;
    i_point = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        icvSubVector_32f ((IppmVect32f )&points[i], (IppmVect32f )&line[3], sub, 3);

        icvCrossProduct2L_32f ((IppmVect32f )&line[0], sub, cros);

        sub[0] = points[i].x - line[3];
        sub[1] = points[i].y - line[4];
        sub[2] = points[i].z - line[5];
        a[0] = sub[0] * line[1] - sub[1] * line[0];
        a[1] = sub[1] * line[2] - sub[2] * line[1];
        a[2] = sub[2] * line[0] - sub[0] * line[2];

/*      if(IPPI_NORM_L22 ( cros ) < threshold2)    */
        if( _CV_NORM_L22( a ) < threshold2 )
            value = (float)icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3 );
            if( value > vmax )
                vmax = value;
            if( value < vmin )
                vmin = value;

            vv[i_point] = value;

            pt = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( indexs, i );
            tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;

/*  compute the length of one bucket             */
    vl = vmax - vmin;
    bsize = vl / nbins;

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket   */
    for( i = 0; i < i_point; i++ )
        l = cvRound( (vv[i] - vmin) / bsize );

    *numbers = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof( CvSeq ), sizeof( CvPoint ), storage );
    assert( numbers != 0 );
    if( numbers == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

    cvStartAppendToSeq( *numbers, &writer );

    if( flag == 0 )
/*  find the leftmost bucket           */
        for( l = 0; l < nbins; l++ )
            if( bin_counts[l] > low_count )
        left = l;

/*  compute center point of the left hand     */
        hand_left = vmin + left * bsize;
        vc = hand_left + hand_length2;
        hand_right = hand_left + hand_length;
/*  find the rightmost bucket                */
        for( l = nbins - 1; l >= 0; l-- )
            if( bin_counts[l] > low_count )
        right = l;

/*  compute center point of the right hand    */
        hand_right = vmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsize;
        vc = hand_right - hand_length2;
        hand_left = hand_right - hand_length;

    icvScaleVector_32f( &line[0], sub, 3, vc );
    icvAddVector_32f( &line[3], sub, (float *) center, 3 );

/*  select hand's points and calculate mean value     */

    //ss.x = ss.y = ss.z = 0;
    for( l = 0; l < i_point; l++ )
        if( vv[l] >= hand_left && vv[l] <= hand_right )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp_number[l], writer );


    cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    if( tmp_number != NULL )
        cvFree( &tmp_number );
    if( bin_counts != NULL )
        cvFree( &bin_counts );
    if( vv != NULL )
        cvFree( &vv );
    if( sub != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (sub);
    if( cros != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (cros);

    return status;

Esempio n. 12
static CvStatus CV_STDCALL
icvFindHandRegionA( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count,
                    CvSeq * indexs,
                    float *line, CvSize2D32f size, int jc,
                    CvPoint3D32f * center,
                    CvMemStorage * storage, CvSeq ** numbers )

/*    IppmVect32f sub, cros;   */
    float *sub, *cros;
    float eps = (float) 0.01;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvSeqReader reader;

    CvStatus status;
    float gor[3] = { 1, 0, 0 };
    float ver[3] = { 0, 1, 0 };

    int nbins = 20, i, l, i_point, left, right, jmin, jmax, jl;
    int j_left, j_right;
    int *bin_counts = 0;        //  pointer to the point's counter in the bickets

//    int *bin_countsj = 0;   //  pointer to the index's counter in the bickets
    int low_count;              //  low threshold

    CvPoint *tmp_number = 0, *pt;
    float value, vmin, vmax, vl, bsize, bsizej, vc, vcl, vcr;
    double v_ver, v_gor;
    float hand_length, hand_length2, hand_left, hand_right;
    float threshold, threshold2;
    float *vv = 0;
    float a[3];
    char log;

    status = CV_OK;

    hand_length = size.width;
    hand_length2 = hand_length / 2;

    threshold = (float) (size.height * 3 / 5.);
    threshold2 = threshold * threshold;

/*    low_count = count/nbins;     */
    low_count = (int) (count / 60.);

    assert( points != NULL && line != NULL );
    if( points == NULL || line == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    assert( count > 5 );
    if( count < 5 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

/*  create vectors         */
    sub = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    cros = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    if( sub == NULL || cros == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's projections on the line    */
    vv = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));

    if( vv == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
    bin_counts = (int *) cvAlloc( nbins * sizeof( int ));

    if( bin_counts == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;
    memset( bin_counts, 0, nbins * sizeof( int ));

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
//    bin_countsj = (int*) icvAlloc(nbins*sizeof(int));
//    if(bin_countsj == NULL) {status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR; goto M_END;}
//    memset(bin_countsj,0,nbins*sizeof(int));

    cvStartReadSeq( indexs, &reader, 0 );

/*  alloc memory for the temporale point's numbers      */
    tmp_number = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( CvPoint ));
    if( tmp_number == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

/*  find min and max point's projection on the line     */
    vmin = 1000;
    vmax = -1000;
    jmin = 1000;
    jmax = -1000;
    i_point = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        icvSubVector_32f ((IppmVect32f )&points[i], (IppmVect32f )&line[3], sub, 3);

        icvCrossProduct2L_32f ((IppmVect32f )&line[0], sub, cros);

        sub[0] = points[i].x - line[3];
        sub[1] = points[i].y - line[4];
        sub[2] = points[i].z - line[5];

//      if(fabs(sub[0])<eps||fabs(sub[1])<eps||fabs(sub[2])<eps) continue;

        a[0] = sub[0] * line[1] - sub[1] * line[0];
        a[1] = sub[1] * line[2] - sub[2] * line[1];
        a[2] = sub[2] * line[0] - sub[0] * line[2];

        v_gor = icvDotProduct_32f( gor, &line[0], 3 );
        v_ver = icvDotProduct_32f( ver, &line[0], 3 );

        if( v_ver > v_gor )
            log = true;
            log = false;

/*      if(IPPI_NORM_L22 ( cros ) < threshold2)    */
        if(fabs(a[0])<eps && fabs(a[1])<eps && fabs(a[2])<eps)
            icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3, &value);
            if(value > vmax) vmax = value;
            if(value < vmin) vmin = value;

            vv[i_point] = value;

            pt = (CvPoint* )icvGetSeqElem ( indexs, i, 0);

            if(pt->x > jmax) jmax = pt->x;
            if(pt->x < jmin) jmin = pt->x;

            tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;
            if( _CV_NORM_L32( a ) < threshold2 )
                value = (float)icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3 );
                if( value > vmax )
                    vmax = value;
                if( value < vmin )
                    vmin = value;

                vv[i_point] = value;

                pt = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( indexs, i );

                if( !log )
                    if( pt->x > jmax )
                        jmax = pt->x;
                    if( pt->x < jmin )
                        jmin = pt->x;
                    if( pt->y > jmax )
                        jmax = pt->y;
                    if( pt->y < jmin )
                        jmin = pt->y;

                tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;

/*  compute the length of one bucket along the line        */
    vl = vmax - vmin;

/*  examining on the arm's existence  */
    if( vl < eps )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    bsize = vl / nbins;

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket along the line  */
    for( i = 0; i < i_point; i++ )
        l = cvRound( (vv[i] - vmin) / bsize );

    /*  compute the length of one bucket along the X axe        */
    jl = jmax - jmin;
    if( jl <= 1 )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    bsizej = (float) (jl / (nbins + 0.));

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket along the X axe */
//    for(i=0;i<i_point;i++)
//    {
//        l = cvRound((tmp_number[i].x - jmin)/bsizej);
//        bin_countsj[l]++;
//    }

    left = right = -1;

/*  find the leftmost and the rightmost buckets           */
    for( l = 0; l < nbins; l++ )
        if( bin_counts[l] > low_count && left == -1 )
            left = l;
        else if( bin_counts[l] > low_count && left >= 0 )
            right = l;


/*  compute center point of the left hand     */
    if( left == -1 && right == -1 )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    hand_left = vmin + left * bsize;
    j_left = (int) (jmin + left * bsizej);

    vcl = hand_left + hand_length2;

/*  compute center point of the right hand    */
    hand_right = vmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsize;
    vcr = hand_right - hand_length2;

    j_right = (int) (jmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsizej);

    j_left = abs( j_left - jc );
    j_right = abs( j_right - jc );

    if( j_left <= j_right )
        hand_right = hand_left + hand_length;
        vc = vcl;
        hand_left = hand_right - hand_length;
        vc = vcr;

    icvScaleVector_32f( &line[0], sub, 3, vc );
    icvAddVector_32f( &line[3], sub, (float *) center, 3 );

/*  select hand's points and calculate mean value     */
    *numbers = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof( CvSeq ), sizeof( CvPoint ), storage );
    assert( *numbers != 0 );
    if( *numbers == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

    cvStartAppendToSeq( *numbers, &writer );

    for( l = 0; l < i_point; l++ )
        if( vv[l] >= hand_left && vv[l] <= hand_right )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp_number[l], writer );


    cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    if( tmp_number != NULL )
        cvFree( &tmp_number );
//    if(bin_countsj != NULL) cvFree( &bin_countsj );
    if( bin_counts != NULL )
        cvFree( &bin_counts );

    if( vv != NULL )
        cvFree( &vv );

    if( sub != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (sub);
    if( cros != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (cros);

    return status;
Esempio n. 13
//makes vertical list of segments for 1 contour
CvSeq* icvCutContourRaster(CvSeq* current, CvMemStorage* storage, IplImage* image /*tmp image*/) {
    //iplSet(image, 0 ); // this can cause double edges if two contours have common edge
    // for example if object is circle with 1 pixel width
    // to remove such problem - remove this iplSet

    //approx contour by single edges
    CvSeqReader reader;
    CvSeqWriter writer;

    int writing = 0;
    cvStartReadSeq(current, &reader, 0);
    //below line just to avoid warning
    cvStartWriteSeq(current->flags, sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer);

    CvSeq* output = 0;
    CvSeq* tail = 0;

    //first pass through contour - compute number of branches at every point
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < current->total; i++) {
        CvPoint cur;

        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(cur, reader);

        //mark point
        ((uchar*)image->imageData)[image->widthStep * cur.y + cur.x]++;
        assert(((uchar*)image->imageData)[image->widthStep* cur.y + cur.x] != 255);


    //second pass - create separate edges
    for (i = 0; i < current->total; i++) {
        CvPoint cur;

        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(cur, reader);

        //get pixel at this point
        uchar flag = image->imageData[image->widthStep * cur.y + cur.x];
        if (flag != 255 && flag < 3) {  //
            if (!writing) {
                cvStartWriteSeq(current->flags, sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer);
                writing = 1 ;

            //mark point
            if (flag < 3) { ((uchar*)image->imageData)[image->widthStep* cur.y + cur.x] = 255; }
            //add it to another seq
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(cur, writer);

        } else {
            //exclude this point from contour
            if (writing) {
                CvSeq* newseq = cvEndWriteSeq(&writer);
                writing = 0;

                if (tail) {
                    tail->v_next = newseq;
                    newseq->v_prev = tail;
                    tail = newseq;
                } else {
                    output = tail = newseq;

    if (writing) {   //if were not self intersections
        CvSeq* newseq = cvEndWriteSeq(&writer);
        writing = 0;

        if (tail) {
            tail->v_next = newseq;
            newseq->v_prev = tail;
            tail = newseq;
        } else {
            output = tail = newseq;

    return output;

Esempio n. 14
//    Name: icvContourFromContourTree
//    Purpose:
//    reconstracts contour from binary tree representation  
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//      tree   -  pointer to the input binary tree representation 
//      storage - pointer to the current storage block
//      contour - pointer to output contour object.
//      criteria - criteria for the definition threshold value
//                 for the contour reconstracting (level or precision)
cvContourFromContourTree( const CvContourTree*  tree,
                          CvMemStorage*  storage,
                          CvTermCriteria  criteria )
    CvSeq* contour = 0;
    _CvTrianAttr **ptr_buf = 0;     /*  pointer to the pointer's buffer  */
    int *level_buf = 0;
    int i_buf;

    int lpt;
    double area_all;
    double threshold;
    int cur_level;
    int level;
    int seq_flags;
    char log_iter, log_eps;
    int out_hearder_size;
    _CvTrianAttr *tree_one = 0, tree_root;  /*  current vertex  */

    CvSeqReader reader;
    CvSeqWriter writer;



    if( !tree )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POLYGON_TREE( tree ))

    criteria = cvCheckTermCriteria( criteria, 0., 100 );

    lpt = tree->total;
    ptr_buf = NULL;
    level_buf = NULL;
    i_buf = 0;
    cur_level = 0;
    log_iter = (char) (criteria.type == CV_TERMCRIT_ITER ||
                       (criteria.type == CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS));
    log_eps = (char) (criteria.type == CV_TERMCRIT_EPS ||
                      (criteria.type == CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS));

    cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq *) tree, &reader, 0 );

    out_hearder_size = sizeof( CvContour );

    seq_flags = CV_SEQ_POLYGON;
    cvStartWriteSeq( seq_flags, out_hearder_size, sizeof( CvPoint ), storage, &writer );

    ptr_buf = (_CvTrianAttr **) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));
    if( ptr_buf == NULL )
    if( log_iter )
        level_buf = (int *) cvAlloc( lpt * (sizeof( int )));

        if( level_buf == NULL )

    memset( ptr_buf, 0, lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));

/*     write the first tree root's point as a start point of the result contour  */
    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree->p1, writer );
/*     write the second tree root"s point into buffer    */

/*     read the root of the tree   */
    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( tree_root, reader );

    tree_one = &tree_root;
    area_all = tree_one->area;

    if( log_eps )
        threshold = criteria.epsilon * area_all;
        threshold = 10 * area_all;

    if( log_iter )
        level = criteria.max_iter;
        level = -1;

/*  contour from binary tree constraction    */
    while( i_buf >= 0 )
        if( tree_one != NULL && (cur_level <= level || tree_one->area >= threshold) )
/*   go to left sub tree for the vertex and save pointer to the right vertex   */
/*   into the buffer     */
            ptr_buf[i_buf] = tree_one;
            if( log_iter )
                level_buf[i_buf] = cur_level;
            tree_one = tree_one->next_v1;
            if( i_buf >= 0 )
                CvPoint pt = ptr_buf[i_buf]->pt;
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );
                tree_one = ptr_buf[i_buf]->next_v2;
                if( log_iter )
                    cur_level = level_buf[i_buf] + 1;

    contour = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
    cvBoundingRect( contour, 1 );


    cvFree( &level_buf );
    cvFree( &ptr_buf );

    return contour;
Esempio n. 15
- FUNCIÓ: ExternPerimeter
- FUNCIONALITAT: Get extern perimeter (perimeter touching image borders)
	- maskImage: if != NULL, counts maskImage black pixels as external pixels and contour points touching
				 them are counted as external contour points.
	- xBorder: true to consider blobs touching horizontal borders as extern
	- yBorder: true to consider blobs touching vertical borders as extern
- AUTOR: rborras
- DATA DE CREACIÓ: 2008/05/05
- MODIFICACIÓ: Data. Autor. Descripció.
- NOTA: If CBlobContour::GetContourPoints aproximates contours with a method different that NONE,
		this function will not give correct results
double CBlob::ExternPerimeter( IplImage *maskImage, bool xBorder /* = true */, bool yBorder /* = true */)
	t_PointList externContour, externalPoints;
	CvSeqReader reader;
	CvSeqWriter writer;
	CvPoint actualPoint, previousPoint;
	bool find = false;
	int i,j;
	int delta = 0;
	// it is calculated?
	if( m_externPerimeter != -1 )
		return m_externPerimeter;

	// get contour pixels
	externContour = m_externalContour.GetContourPoints();

	m_externPerimeter = 0;

	// there are contour pixels?
	if( externContour == NULL )
		return m_externPerimeter;

	cvStartReadSeq( externContour, &reader);

	// create a sequence with the external points of the blob
	externalPoints = cvCreateSeq( externContour->flags, externContour->header_size, externContour->elem_size, 
								  m_storage );
	cvStartAppendToSeq( externalPoints, &writer );
	previousPoint.x = -1;

	// which contour pixels touch border?
	for( j=0; j< externContour->total; j++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( actualPoint, reader);

		find = false;

		// pixel is touching border?
		if ( xBorder & ((actualPoint.x == 0) || (actualPoint.x == m_originalImageSize.width - 1 )) ||
			 yBorder & ((actualPoint.y == 0) || (actualPoint.y == m_originalImageSize.height - 1 )))
			find = true;
			if( maskImage != NULL )
				// verify if some of 8-connected neighbours is black in mask
				char *pMask;
				pMask = (maskImage->imageData + actualPoint.x - 1 + (actualPoint.y - 1) * maskImage->widthStep);
				for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++, pMask++ )
					if(*pMask == 0 && !find ) 
						find = true;
					pMask = (maskImage->imageData + actualPoint.x - 1 + (actualPoint.y ) * maskImage->widthStep);
					for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++, pMask++ )
						if(*pMask == 0 && !find ) 
							find = true;
					pMask = (maskImage->imageData + actualPoint.x - 1 + (actualPoint.y + 1) * maskImage->widthStep);

					for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++, pMask++ )
						if(*pMask == 0 && !find ) 
							find = true;

		if( find )
			if( previousPoint.x > 0 )
				delta = abs(previousPoint.x - actualPoint.x) + abs(previousPoint.y - actualPoint.y);

			// calculate separately each external contour segment 
			if( delta > 2 )
				cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
				m_externPerimeter += cvArcLength( externalPoints, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 0 );
				cvClearSeq( externalPoints );
				cvStartAppendToSeq( externalPoints, &writer );
				delta = 0;
				previousPoint.x = -1;

			CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( actualPoint, writer );
			previousPoint = actualPoint;

	cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

	m_externPerimeter += cvArcLength( externalPoints, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 0 );

	cvClearSeq( externalPoints );

	// divide by two because external points have one side inside the blob and the other outside
	// Perimeter of external points counts both sides, so it must be divided
	m_externPerimeter /= 2.0;
	return m_externPerimeter;
Esempio n. 16
static CvSeq*
icvGetComponent(uchar* img, int step, CvRect rect,
CvMemStorage* storage) {
    const char nbd = 4;
    int  deltas[16];
    int  x, y;
    CvSeq* exterior = 0;
    char* ptr;

    /* initialize local state */
    CV_INIT_3X3_DELTAS(deltas, step, 1);
    memcpy(deltas + 8, deltas, 8 * sizeof(deltas[0]));

    ptr = (char*)(img + step * rect.y);
    rect.width += rect.x;
    rect.height += rect.y;

    for (y = rect.y; y < rect.height; y++, ptr += step) {
        int prev = ptr[rect.x - 1] & -2;

        for (x = rect.x; x < rect.width; x++) {
            int p = ptr[x] & -2;

            //assert( exterior || ((p | prev) & -4) == 0 );

            if (p != prev) {
                CvSeq* seq = 0;
                int is_hole = 0;
                CvSeqWriter  writer;
                char*  i0, *i1, *i3, *i4 = 0;
                int  prev_s = -1, s, s_end;
                CvPoint pt = { x, y };

                if (!(prev == 0 && p == 2)) {   /* if not external contour */
                    /* check hole */
                    if (p != 0 || prev < 1) {
                        prev = p;

                    is_hole = 1;
                    if (!exterior) {
                        return 0;

                cvStartWriteSeq(CV_SEQ_CONTOUR | (is_hole ? CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE : 0),
                sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer);
                s_end = s = is_hole ? 0 : 4;
                i0 = ptr + x - is_hole;

                do {
                    s = (s - 1) & 7;
                    i1 = i0 + deltas[s];
                    if ((*i1 & -2) != 0) {
                } while (s != s_end);

                if (s == s_end) {           /* single pixel domain */
                    *i0 = (char)(nbd | -128);
                    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(pt, writer);
                } else {
                    i3 = i0;
                    prev_s = s ^ 4;

                    /* follow border */
                    for (;;) {
                        s_end = s;

                        for (;;) {
                            i4 = i3 + deltas[++s];
                            if ((*i4 & -2) != 0) {
                        s &= 7;

                        /* check "right" bound */
                        if ((unsigned)(s - 1) < (unsigned) s_end) {
                            *i3 = (char)(nbd | -128);
                        } else if (*i3 > 0) {
                            *i3 = nbd;

                        if (s != prev_s) {
                            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(pt, writer);
                            prev_s = s;

                        pt.x += icvCodeDeltas[s].x;
                        pt.y += icvCodeDeltas[s].y;

                        if (i4 == i0 && i3 == i1) {

                        i3 = i4;
                        s = (s + 4) & 7;
                    }                       /* end of border following loop */

                seq = cvEndWriteSeq(&writer);
                cvContourBoundingRect(seq, 1);

                if (!is_hole) {
                    exterior = seq;
                } else {
                    seq->v_prev = exterior;
                    seq->h_next = exterior->v_next;
                    if (seq->h_next) {
                        seq->h_next->h_prev = seq;
                    exterior->v_next = seq;

                prev = ptr[x] & -2;

    return exterior;
Esempio n. 17
cvConvexHull2( const CvArr* array, void* hull_storage,
               int orientation, int return_points )
    union { CvContour* c; CvSeq* s; } hull;
    CvPoint** pointer = 0;
    CvPoint2D32f** pointerf = 0;
    int* stack = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConvexHull2" );

    hull.s = 0;


    CvMat* mat = 0;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvContour contour_header;
    union { CvContour c; CvSeq s; } hull_header;
    CvSeqBlock block, hullblock;
    CvSeq* ptseq = 0;
    CvSeq* hullseq = 0;
    int is_float;
    int* t_stack;
    int t_count;
    int i, miny_ind = 0, maxy_ind = 0, total;
    int hulltype;
    int stop_idx;
    sklansky_func sklansky;

    if( CV_IS_SEQ( array ))
        ptseq = (CvSeq*)array;
        if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( ptseq ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported sequence type" );
        if( hull_storage == 0 )
            hull_storage = ptseq->storage;
        CV_CALL( ptseq = cvPointSeqFromMat(
            CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, array, &contour_header, &block ));

    if( CV_IS_STORAGE( hull_storage ))
        if( return_points )
            CV_CALL( hullseq = cvCreateSeq(
                sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint),(CvMemStorage*)hull_storage ));
            CV_CALL( hullseq = cvCreateSeq(
                sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint*), (CvMemStorage*)hull_storage ));
        if( !CV_IS_MAT( hull_storage ))
            CV_ERROR(CV_StsBadArg, "Destination must be valid memory storage or matrix");

        mat = (CvMat*)hull_storage;

        if( mat->cols != 1 && mat->rows != 1 || !CV_IS_MAT_CONT(mat->type))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
            "The hull matrix should be continuous and have a single row or a single column" );

        if( mat->cols + mat->rows - 1 < ptseq->total )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "The hull matrix size might be not enough to fit the hull" );

        if( CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) != CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq) &&
            CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) != CV_32SC1 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
            "The hull matrix must have the same type as input or 32sC1 (integers)" );

        CV_CALL( hullseq = cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray(
            sizeof(contour_header), CV_ELEM_SIZE(mat->type), mat->data.ptr,
            mat->cols + mat->rows - 1, &hull_header.s, &hullblock ));

        cvClearSeq( hullseq );

    total = ptseq->total;
    if( total == 0 )
        if( mat )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize,
            "Point sequence can not be empty if the output is matrix" );

    cvStartAppendToSeq( hullseq, &writer );

    is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq) == CV_32FC2;
    hulltype = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(hullseq);
    sklansky = !is_float ? (sklansky_func)icvSklansky_32s :

    CV_CALL( pointer = (CvPoint**)cvAlloc( ptseq->total*sizeof(pointer[0]) ));
    CV_CALL( stack = (int*)cvAlloc( (ptseq->total + 2)*sizeof(stack[0]) ));
    pointerf = (CvPoint2D32f**)pointer;

    cvStartReadSeq( ptseq, &reader );

    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        pointer[i] = (CvPoint*)reader.ptr;
        CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( ptseq->elem_size, reader );

    // sort the point set by x-coordinate, find min and max y
    if( !is_float )
        icvSortPointsByPointers_32s( pointer, total, 0 );
        for( i = 1; i < total; i++ )
            int y = pointer[i]->y;
            if( pointer[miny_ind]->y > y )
                miny_ind = i;
            if( pointer[maxy_ind]->y < y )
                maxy_ind = i;
        icvSortPointsByPointers_32f( pointerf, total, 0 );
        for( i = 1; i < total; i++ )
            float y = pointerf[i]->y;
            if( pointerf[miny_ind]->y > y )
                miny_ind = i;
            if( pointerf[maxy_ind]->y < y )
                maxy_ind = i;

    if( pointer[0]->x == pointer[total-1]->x &&
        pointer[0]->y == pointer[total-1]->y )
        if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[0], writer );
        else if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_INDEX )
            int index = 0;
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( index, writer );
            CvPoint pt = pointer[0][0];
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );
        goto finish_hull;

    /*upper half */
        int *tl_stack = stack;
        int tl_count = sklansky( pointer, 0, maxy_ind, tl_stack, -1, 1 );
        int *tr_stack = tl_stack + tl_count;
        int tr_count = sklansky( pointer, ptseq->total - 1, maxy_ind, tr_stack, -1, -1 );

        /* gather upper part of convex hull to output */
        if( orientation == CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE )
            CV_SWAP( tl_stack, tr_stack, t_stack );
            CV_SWAP( tl_count, tr_count, t_count );

        if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT )
            for( i = 0; i < tl_count - 1; i++ )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[tl_stack[i]], writer );

            for( i = tr_count - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[tr_stack[i]], writer );
        else if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_INDEX )
            CV_CALL( icvCalcAndWritePtIndices( pointer, tl_stack,
                                               0, tl_count-1, ptseq, &writer ));
            CV_CALL( icvCalcAndWritePtIndices( pointer, tr_stack,
                                               tr_count-1, 0, ptseq, &writer ));
            for( i = 0; i < tl_count - 1; i++ )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[tl_stack[i]][0], writer );

            for( i = tr_count - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[tr_stack[i]][0], writer );
        stop_idx = tr_count > 2 ? tr_stack[1] : tl_count > 2 ? tl_stack[tl_count - 2] : -1;

    /* lower half */
        int *bl_stack = stack;
        int bl_count = sklansky( pointer, 0, miny_ind, bl_stack, 1, -1 );
        int *br_stack = stack + bl_count;
        int br_count = sklansky( pointer, ptseq->total - 1, miny_ind, br_stack, 1, 1 );

        if( orientation != CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE )
            CV_SWAP( bl_stack, br_stack, t_stack );
            CV_SWAP( bl_count, br_count, t_count );

        if( stop_idx >= 0 )
            int check_idx = bl_count > 2 ? bl_stack[1] :
                            bl_count + br_count > 2 ? br_stack[2-bl_count] : -1;
            if( check_idx == stop_idx || check_idx >= 0 &&
                pointer[check_idx]->x == pointer[stop_idx]->x &&
                pointer[check_idx]->y == pointer[stop_idx]->y )
                /* if all the points lie on the same line, then
                   the bottom part of the convex hull is the mirrored top part
                   (except the exteme points).*/
                bl_count = MIN( bl_count, 2 );
                br_count = MIN( br_count, 2 );

        if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT )
            for( i = 0; i < bl_count - 1; i++ )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[bl_stack[i]], writer );

            for( i = br_count - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[br_stack[i]], writer );
        else if( hulltype == CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_INDEX )
            CV_CALL( icvCalcAndWritePtIndices( pointer, bl_stack,
                                               0, bl_count-1, ptseq, &writer ));
            CV_CALL( icvCalcAndWritePtIndices( pointer, br_stack,
                                               br_count-1, 0, ptseq, &writer ));
            for( i = 0; i < bl_count - 1; i++ )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[bl_stack[i]][0], writer );

            for( i = br_count - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pointer[br_stack[i]][0], writer );

    CV_CALL( cvEndWriteSeq( &writer ));

    if( mat )
        if( mat->rows > mat->cols )
            mat->rows = hullseq->total;
            mat->cols = hullseq->total;
        hull.s = hullseq;
        hull.c->rect = cvBoundingRect( ptseq,
            ptseq->header_size < (int)sizeof(CvContour) ||
            &ptseq->flags == &contour_header.flags );

        /*if( ptseq != (CvSeq*)&contour_header )
            hullseq->v_prev = ptseq;*/


    cvFree( &pointer );
    cvFree( &stack );

    return hull.s;
Esempio n. 18
CvLCMNode* _cvConstructLCMComplexNode(CvLCM* pLCM,
                                      CvLCMEdge* pLCMEdge,
                                      CvLCMData* pLCMInputData)
    CvLCMNode* pLCMNode;
    CvLCMEdge* pLCMEdge_prev = NULL;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvVoronoiSite2D* pSite, *pSite_first, *pSite_last;
    CvVoronoiEdge2D* pEdge, *pEdge_stop;
    CvVoronoiNode2D* pNode0, *pNode1;
    CvLCMData LCMOutputData;
    CvLCMComplexNodeData LCMCCNData;
    int index = 0;

    pLCMNode = _cvCreateLCMNode(pLCM);
    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(LCMCCNData.site_last_pt, writer);

        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(, writer );
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(LCMCCNData.site_first_pt, writer );

    pSite_first = LCMCCNData.site_first; 
    pSite_last = LCMCCNData.site_last;
    pEdge = LCMCCNData.edge;

    for(pSite = pSite_first; 
        pSite != pSite_last;
        pSite = CV_NEXT_VORONOISITE2D(pSite),
        pEdge_stop = CV_FIRST_VORONOIEDGE2D(pSite);
        for(;pEdge && pEdge != pEdge_stop;
             pEdge = CV_PREV_VORONOIEDGE2D(pEdge,pSite))
            pNode0 = CV_VORONOIEDGE2D_BEGINNODE(pEdge,pSite);
            pNode1 = CV_VORONOIEDGE2D_ENDNODE(pEdge,pSite);
            if(pNode0->radius <= pLCM->maxWidth && pNode1->radius <= pLCM->maxWidth)
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(LCMCCNData.site_first_pt, writer);
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(, writer );
                pLCMEdge = _cvConstructLCMEdge(pLCM,&LCMOutputData);
                _cvAttachLCMEdgeToLCMNode(pLCMNode,pLCMEdge,pLCMEdge_prev,index - 1,0);
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(LCMCCNData.site_last_pt, writer);

                pSite = CV_TWIN_VORONOISITE2D(pSite,pEdge);
                pEdge_stop = CV_FIRST_VORONOIEDGE2D(pSite);
                if(pSite == pSite_last)
        if(pSite == pSite_last)

        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(pSite->node[1]->pt, writer);

        pLCMEdge_prev->next[(pLCMEdge_prev == (CvLCMEdge*)pLCMNode->first)] = pLCMNode->first;
    return pLCMNode;
}//end of _cvConstructLCMComplexNode
Esempio n. 19
static CvStatus
icvFindDominantPointsIPAN( CvSeq * contour,
                           CvMemStorage * storage,
                           CvSeq ** corners, int dmin2, int dmax2, int dneigh2, float amax )
    CvStatus status = CV_OK;

    /* variables */
    int n = contour->total;

    float *sharpness;
    float *distance;
    icvPointInfo *ptInf;

    int i, j, k;

    CvSeqWriter writer;

    float mincos = (float) cos( 3.14159265359 * amax / 180 );

    /* check bad arguments */
    if( contour == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
    if( storage == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
    if( corners == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
    if( dmin2 < 0 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
    if( dmax2 < dmin2 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
    if( (dneigh2 > dmax2) || (dneigh2 < 0) )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
    if( (amax < 0) || (amax > 180) )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;

    sharpness = (float *) cvAlloc( n * sizeof( float ));
    distance = (float *) cvAlloc( n * sizeof( float ));

    ptInf = (icvPointInfo *) cvAlloc( n * sizeof( icvPointInfo ));

/*                                 First pass                                            */

    if( CV_IS_SEQ_CHAIN_CONTOUR( contour ))
        CvChainPtReader reader;

        cvStartReadChainPoints( (CvChain *) contour, &reader );

        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            CV_READ_CHAIN_POINT( ptInf[i].pt, reader );
    else if( CV_IS_SEQ_POLYGON( contour ))
        CvSeqReader reader;

        cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, 0 );

        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( ptInf[i].pt, reader );
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        /* find nearest suitable points
           which satisfy distance constraint >dmin */
        int left_near = 0;
        int right_near = 0;
        int left_far, right_far;

        float dist_l = 0;
        float dist_r = 0;

        int i_plus = 0;
        int i_minus = 0;

        float max_cos_alpha;

        /* find  right minimum */
        while( dist_r < dmin2 )
            float dx, dy;
            int ind;

            if( i_plus >= n )
                goto error;

            right_near = i_plus;

            if( dist_r < dneigh2 )
                ptInf[i].right_neigh = i_plus;


            ind = (i + i_plus) % n;
            dx = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.x - ptInf[ind].pt.x);
            dy = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.y - ptInf[ind].pt.y);
            dist_r = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        /* find right maximum */
        while( dist_r <= dmax2 )
            float dx, dy;
            int ind;

            if( i_plus >= n )
                goto error;

            distance[(i + i_plus) % n] = cvSqrt( dist_r );

            if( dist_r < dneigh2 )
                ptInf[i].right_neigh = i_plus;


            right_far = i_plus;

            ind = (i + i_plus) % n;

            dx = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.x - ptInf[ind].pt.x);
            dy = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.y - ptInf[ind].pt.y);
            dist_r = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        right_far = i_plus;

        /* left minimum */
        while( dist_l < dmin2 )
            float dx, dy;
            int ind;

            if( i_minus <= -n )
                goto error;

            left_near = i_minus;

            if( dist_l < dneigh2 )
                ptInf[i].left_neigh = i_minus;


            ind = i + i_minus;
            ind = (ind < 0) ? (n + ind) : ind;

            dx = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.x - ptInf[ind].pt.x);
            dy = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.y - ptInf[ind].pt.y);
            dist_l = dx * dx + dy * dy;

        /* find left maximum */
        while( dist_l <= dmax2 )
            float dx, dy;
            int ind;

            if( i_minus <= -n )
                goto error;

            ind = i + i_minus;
            ind = (ind < 0) ? (n + ind) : ind;

            distance[ind] = cvSqrt( dist_l );

            if( dist_l < dneigh2 )
                ptInf[i].left_neigh = i_minus;


            left_far = i_minus;

            ind = i + i_minus;
            ind = (ind < 0) ? (n + ind) : ind;

            dx = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.x - ptInf[ind].pt.x);
            dy = (float) (ptInf[i].pt.y - ptInf[ind].pt.y);
            dist_l = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        left_far = i_minus;

        if( (i_plus - i_minus) > n + 2 )
            goto error;

        max_cos_alpha = -1;
        for( j = left_far + 1; j < left_near; j++ )
            float dx, dy;
            float a, a2;
            int leftind = i + j;

            leftind = (leftind < 0) ? (n + leftind) : leftind;

            a = distance[leftind];
            a2 = a * a;

            for( k = right_near + 1; k < right_far; k++ )
                int ind = (i + k) % n;
                float c2, cosalpha;
                float b = distance[ind];
                float b2 = b * b;

                /* compute cosinus */
                dx = (float) (ptInf[leftind].pt.x - ptInf[ind].pt.x);
                dy = (float) (ptInf[leftind].pt.y - ptInf[ind].pt.y);

                c2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                cosalpha = (a2 + b2 - c2) / (2 * a * b);

                max_cos_alpha = MAX( max_cos_alpha, cosalpha );

                if( max_cos_alpha < mincos )
                    max_cos_alpha = -1;

                sharpness[i] = max_cos_alpha;
/*                                 Second pass                                           */

    cvStartWriteSeq( (contour->flags & ~CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_MASK) | CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_INDEX,
                     sizeof( CvSeq ), sizeof( int ), storage, &writer );

    /* second pass - nonmaxima suppression */
    /* neighborhood of point < dneigh2 */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int suppressed = 0;
        if( sharpness[i] == -1 )

        for( j = 1; (j <= ptInf[i].right_neigh) && (suppressed == 0); j++ )
            if( sharpness[i] < sharpness[(i + j) % n] )
                suppressed = 1;

        for( j = -1; (j >= ptInf[i].left_neigh) && (suppressed == 0); j-- )
            int ind = i + j;

            ind = (ind < 0) ? (n + ind) : ind;
            if( sharpness[i] < sharpness[ind] )
                suppressed = 1;

        if( !suppressed )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( i, writer );

    *corners = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    cvFree( &sharpness );
    cvFree( &distance );
    cvFree( &ptInf );

    return status;

    /* dmax is so big (more than contour diameter)
       that algorithm could become infinite cycle */
    cvFree( &sharpness );
    cvFree( &distance );
    cvFree( &ptInf );

    return CV_BADRANGE_ERR;
Esempio n. 20
  void Gesture1::trackMarker (IplImage* destImg, CvPoint _r, CvPoint _b, CvPoint _g, CvPoint _y) {
    // find tissue box!
    CvPoint* objPoints = objectDetector->detect(destImg);

    // draw
    world->Step(1.0F/6.0F, 10, 10);
    cvLine(destImg, cvPoint(0,HEIGHT), cvPoint(1000,HEIGHT), CV_RGB(0,255,0), 3);
    for (b2Body* b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext()) {
      //printf("**draw body\n");
      Box2DData* userData = (Box2DData*)b->GetUserData();
      if (userData != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(userData->type, "Circle") == 0) {
          //b2Vec2 v = b->GetWorldCenter();
          b2Vec2 v = b->GetPosition();
          //printf("** x=%f y=%f r=%f\n", v.x, v.y, userData->radius);
          CvPoint center = cvPoint(v.x*WORLD_SCALE, v.y*WORLD_SCALE);
          cvCircle(destImg, center, userData->radius*WORLD_SCALE, CV_RGB(255,0,0), -1);
        } else if (strcmp(userData->type, "Box") == 0) {
    if (objPoints != NULL) {
      printf("construct body\n");
      b2PolygonShape cs;
      b2Vec2 vertices[4] = {
        b2Vec2((float)(objPoints[0].x)/WORLD_SCALE, (float)(objPoints[0].y)/WORLD_SCALE),
        b2Vec2((float)(objPoints[1].x)/WORLD_SCALE, (float)(objPoints[1].y)/WORLD_SCALE),
        b2Vec2((float)(objPoints[2].x)/WORLD_SCALE, (float)(objPoints[2].y)/WORLD_SCALE),
        b2Vec2((float)(objPoints[3].x)/WORLD_SCALE, (float)(objPoints[3].y)/WORLD_SCALE)
      cs.Set(vertices, 4);
      b2BodyDef bd;
      //bd.type = b2_staticBody;
      Box2DData* obj = new Box2DData();
      strcpy(obj->type, "Box");
      bd.userData = obj;
      b2Body* body1 = world->CreateBody(&bd);
      body1->CreateFixture(&cs, 0.0f);

    if (_r.x < 0) return;
    Point2D r = toPoint2D(_r);
    // if marker is not moving for a while, reset the path
    int len = path.size();
    if (len > KEEP_MAX) {
    int nearCount = 0;
    int actual = min(KEEP_COUNT, len);
     for(int i=0; i<actual; i++){
     Point2D p = path[len-1-i];
     double d = dist(p, r);
     //printf("dist=%f\n", d);
     if (d < NEAR_THRESHOLD) ++nearCount;
     if (nearCount > (double)actual * DONT_MOVE_THRESHOLD_RATE) {
     // marker is not moving, so clear the path

    // decide if we should recognize
    time_t current;
    double interval = difftime(current, lastTime);
    printf("interval=%f\n", interval);
    if (interval < INTERVAL_SEC) return;

    len = path.size();
    if (len < 5) return;

    RecognitionResult res = g.recognize(path);
    printf("%s:%f\n",, res.score);
    if ( == "Circle" && res.score > SCORE_THRESHOLD) {
      printf("##circle detect##\n");
      // convert to vector<Point2D> to CvSeq<CvPoint>
      CvSeqWriter writer;
      CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
      cvStartWriteSeq( CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer);
      for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        CvPoint pt = toCvPoint(path[i]);
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM(pt, writer);
      CvSeq* seq = cvEndWriteSeq(&writer);
      CvBox2D ellipse = cvFitEllipse2(seq);
      float radius = std::min(ellipse.size.width, ellipse.size.height)/(4.0F*WORLD_SCALE);
      cvEllipseBox(destImg, ellipse, CV_RGB(0,255,255), -1);

      // add Box2D object
        b2CircleShape cs;
        cs.m_radius = radius;
        printf(" x=%f y=%f radius:%f\n",,, radius);
        b2BodyDef bd;
        bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
        Box2DData* obj = new Box2DData();
        strcpy(obj->type, "Circle");
        obj->radius = radius;
        bd.userData = obj;
        b2Body* body1 = world->CreateBody(&bd);
        b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
        fixtureDef.shape = &cs;
        fixtureDef.density = 1.0f;
        fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f;
        fixtureDef.restitution = 0.6f;


      //cvEllipseBox(destImg, ellipse, CV_RGB(125,125,255));
Esempio n. 21
//    Name: icvCreateContourTree
//    Purpose:
//    Create binary tree representation for the contour 
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//      contour - pointer to input contour object.
//      storage - pointer to the current storage block
//      tree   -  output pointer to the binary tree representation 
//      threshold - threshold for the binary tree building 
static CvStatus
icvCreateContourTree( const CvSeq * contour, CvMemStorage * storage,
                      CvContourTree ** tree, double threshold )
    CvPoint *pt_p;              /*  pointer to previos points   */
    CvPoint *pt_n;              /*  pointer to next points      */
    CvPoint *pt1, *pt2;         /*  pointer to current points   */

    CvPoint t, tp1, tp2, tp3, tn1, tn2, tn3;
    int lpt, flag, i, j, i_tree, j_1, j_3, i_buf;
    double s, sp1, sp2, sn1, sn2, s_c, sp1_c, sp2_c, sn1_c, sn2_c, h, hp1, hp2, hn1, hn2,
        a, ap1, ap2, an1, an2, b, bp1, bp2, bn1, bn2;
    double a_s_c, a_sp1_c;

    _CvTrianAttr **ptr_p, **ptr_n, **ptr1, **ptr2;      /*  pointers to pointers of triangles  */
    _CvTrianAttr *cur_adr;

    int *num_p, *num_n, *num1, *num2;   /*   numbers of input contour points   */
    int nm, nmp1, nmp2, nmp3, nmn1, nmn2, nmn3;
    int seq_flags = 1, i_end, prev_null, prev2_null;
    double koef = 1.5;
    double eps = 1.e-7;
    double e;
    CvStatus status;
    int hearder_size;
    _CvTrianAttr tree_one, tree_two, *tree_end, *tree_root;

    CvSeqWriter writer;

    assert( contour != NULL && contour->total >= 4 );
    status = CV_OK;

    if( contour == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
    if( contour->total < 4 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;

    if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POLYGON( contour ))
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

/*   Convert Sequence to array    */
    lpt = contour->total;
    pt_p = pt_n = NULL;
    num_p = num_n = NULL;
    ptr_p = ptr_n = ptr1 = ptr2 = NULL;
    tree_end = NULL;

    pt_p = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( CvPoint ));
    pt_n = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( CvPoint ));

    num_p = (int *) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( int ));
    num_n = (int *) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( int ));

    hearder_size = sizeof( CvContourTree );
    seq_flags = CV_SEQ_POLYGON_TREE;
    cvStartWriteSeq( seq_flags, hearder_size, sizeof( _CvTrianAttr ), storage, &writer );

    ptr_p = (_CvTrianAttr **) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));
    ptr_n = (_CvTrianAttr **) cvAlloc( lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));

    memset( ptr_p, 0, lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));
    memset( ptr_n, 0, lpt * sizeof( _CvTrianAttr * ));

    if( pt_p == NULL || pt_n == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
    if( ptr_p == NULL || ptr_n == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*     write fild for the binary tree root   */
/*  start_writer = writer;   */ = = 0;
    tree_one.sign = 0;
    tree_one.area = 0;
    tree_one.r1 = tree_one.r2 = 0;
    tree_one.next_v1 = tree_one.next_v2 = tree_one.prev_v = NULL;

    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
    tree_root = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

    if( cvCvtSeqToArray( contour, (char *) pt_p ) == (char *) contour )
        return CV_BADPOINT_ERR;

    for( i = 0; i < lpt; i++ )
        num_p[i] = i;

    i = lpt;
    flag = 0;
    i_tree = 0;
    e = 20.;                    /*  initial threshold value   */
    ptr1 = ptr_p;
    ptr2 = ptr_n;
    pt1 = pt_p;
    pt2 = pt_n;
    num1 = num_p;
    num2 = num_n;
/*  binary tree constraction    */
    while( i > 4 )
        if( flag == 0 )
            ptr1 = ptr_p;
            ptr2 = ptr_n;
            pt1 = pt_p;
            pt2 = pt_n;
            num1 = num_p;
            num2 = num_n;
            flag = 1;
            ptr1 = ptr_n;
            ptr2 = ptr_p;
            pt1 = pt_n;
            pt2 = pt_p;
            num1 = num_n;
            num2 = num_p;
            flag = 0;
        t = pt1[0];
        nm = num1[0];
        tp1 = pt1[i - 1];
        nmp1 = num1[i - 1];
        tp2 = pt1[i - 2];
        nmp2 = num1[i - 2];
        tp3 = pt1[i - 3];
        nmp3 = num1[i - 3];
        tn1 = pt1[1];
        nmn1 = num1[1];
        tn2 = pt1[2];
        nmn2 = num1[2];

        i_buf = 0;
        i_end = -1;
        CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                        icvCalcTriAttr( contour, t, tp1, nmp1, tn1, nmn1, &s, &s_c, &h, &a,
                                        &b ));
        CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                        icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tp1, tp2, nmp2, t, nm, &sp1, &sp1_c, &hp1,
                                        &ap1, &bp1 ));
        CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                        icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tp2, tp3, nmp3, tp1, nmp1, &sp2, &sp2_c, &hp2,
                                        &ap2, &bp2 ));
        CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                        icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tn1, t, nm, tn2, nmn2, &sn1, &sn1_c, &hn1,
                                        &an1, &bn1 ));

        j_3 = 3;
        prev_null = prev2_null = 0;
        for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
            tn3 = pt1[j_3];
            nmn3 = num1[j_3];
            if( j == 0 )
                j_1 = i - 1;
                j_1 = j - 1;

            CV_MATCH_CHECK( status, icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tn2, tn1, nmn1, tn3, nmn3,
                                                    &sn2, &sn2_c, &hn2, &an2, &bn2 ));

            if( (s_c < sp1_c && s_c < sp2_c && s_c <= sn1_c && s_c <= sn2_c && s_c < e) ||
                (s_c == sp1_c && s_c <= sp2_c || s_c == sp2_c && s_c <= sp1_c) && s_c <= sn1_c
                && s_c <= sn2_c && s_c < e && j > 1 && prev2_null == 0 || (s_c < eps && j > 0
                                                                           && prev_null == 0) )

                prev_null = prev2_null = 1;
                if( s_c < threshold )
                    if( ptr1[j_1] == NULL && ptr1[j] == NULL )
                        if( i_buf > 0 )
                            ptr2[i_buf - 1] = NULL;
                            i_end = 0;
/*   form next vertex  */
               = t;
                        tree_one.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( s ));
                        tree_one.r1 = h / a;
                        tree_one.r2 = b / a;
                        tree_one.area = fabs( s );
                        tree_one.next_v1 = ptr1[j_1];
                        tree_one.next_v2 = ptr1[j];

                        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
                        cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

                        if( ptr1[j_1] != NULL )
                            ptr1[j_1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
                        if( ptr1[j] != NULL )
                            ptr1[j]->prev_v = cur_adr;

                        if( i_buf > 0 )
                            ptr2[i_buf - 1] = cur_adr;
                            tree_end = (_CvTrianAttr *) writer.ptr;
                            i_end = 1;
/*   form next vertex    */
           = t;
                    tree_one.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( s ));
                    tree_one.area = fabs( s );
                    tree_one.r1 = h / a;
                    tree_one.r2 = b / a;
                    tree_one.next_v1 = ptr1[j_1];
                    tree_one.next_v2 = ptr1[j];

                    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
                    cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

                    if( ptr1[j_1] != NULL )
                        ptr1[j_1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
                    if( ptr1[j] != NULL )
                        ptr1[j]->prev_v = cur_adr;

                    if( i_buf > 0 )
                        ptr2[i_buf - 1] = cur_adr;
                        tree_end = cur_adr;
                        i_end = 1;
/*   the current triangle is'not LMIAT    */
                prev_null = 0;
                switch (prev2_null)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                        prev2_null = 2;
                case 2:
                        prev2_null = 0;
                if( j != i - 1 || i_end == -1 )
                    ptr2[i_buf] = ptr1[j];
                else if( i_end == 0 )
                    ptr2[i_buf] = NULL;
                    ptr2[i_buf] = tree_end;
                pt2[i_buf] = t;
                num2[i_buf] = num1[j];
/*    go to next vertex    */
            tp3 = tp2;
            tp2 = tp1;
            tp1 = t;
            t = tn1;
            tn1 = tn2;
            tn2 = tn3;
            nmp3 = nmp2;
            nmp2 = nmp1;
            nmp1 = nm;
            nm = nmn1;
            nmn1 = nmn2;
            nmn2 = nmn3;

            sp2 = sp1;
            sp1 = s;
            s = sn1;
            sn1 = sn2;
            sp2_c = sp1_c;
            sp1_c = s_c;
            s_c = sn1_c;
            sn1_c = sn2_c;

            ap2 = ap1;
            ap1 = a;
            a = an1;
            an1 = an2;
            bp2 = bp1;
            bp1 = b;
            b = bn1;
            bn1 = bn2;
            hp2 = hp1;
            hp1 = h;
            h = hn1;
            hn1 = hn2;
            if( j_3 >= i )
                j_3 = 0;

        i = i_buf;
        e = e * koef;

/*  constract tree root  */
    if( i != 4 )
        return CV_BADFACTOR_ERR;

    t = pt2[0];
    tn1 = pt2[1];
    tn2 = pt2[2];
    tp1 = pt2[3];
    nm = num2[0];
    nmn1 = num2[1];
    nmn2 = num2[2];
    nmp1 = num2[3];
/*   first pair of the triangles   */
    CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                    icvCalcTriAttr( contour, t, tp1, nmp1, tn1, nmn1, &s, &s_c, &h, &a, &b ));
    CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                    icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tn2, tn1, nmn1, tp1, nmp1, &sn2, &sn2_c, &hn2,
                                    &an2, &bn2 ));
/*   second pair of the triangles   */
    CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                    icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tn1, t, nm, tn2, nmn2, &sn1, &sn1_c, &hn1, &an1,
                                    &bn1 ));
    CV_MATCH_CHECK( status,
                    icvCalcTriAttr( contour, tp1, tn2, nmn2, t, nm, &sp1, &sp1_c, &hp1, &ap1,
                                    &bp1 ));

    a_s_c = fabs( s_c - sn2_c );
    a_sp1_c = fabs( sp1_c - sn1_c );

    if( a_s_c > a_sp1_c )
/*   form child vertexs for the root     */
    { = t;
        tree_one.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( s ));
        tree_one.area = fabs( s );
        tree_one.r1 = h / a;
        tree_one.r2 = b / a;
        tree_one.next_v1 = ptr2[3];
        tree_one.next_v2 = ptr2[0]; = tn2;
        tree_two.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( sn2 ));
        tree_two.area = fabs( sn2 );
        tree_two.r1 = hn2 / an2;
        tree_two.r2 = bn2 / an2;
        tree_two.next_v1 = ptr2[1];
        tree_two.next_v2 = ptr2[2];

        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
        cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

        if( s_c > sn2_c )
            if( ptr2[3] != NULL )
                ptr2[3]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[0] != NULL )
                ptr2[0]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[0] = cur_adr;


            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_two, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[1] != NULL )
                ptr2[1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[2] != NULL )
                ptr2[2]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[1] = cur_adr;


            pt1[0] = tp1;
            pt1[1] = tn1;
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_two, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[1] != NULL )
                ptr2[1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[2] != NULL )
                ptr2[2]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[0] = cur_adr;


            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[3] != NULL )
                ptr2[3]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[0] != NULL )
                ptr2[0]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[1] = cur_adr;


            pt1[0] = tn1;
            pt1[1] = tp1;
    { = tp1;
        tree_one.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( sp1 ));
        tree_one.area = fabs( sp1 );
        tree_one.r1 = hp1 / ap1;
        tree_one.r2 = bp1 / ap1;
        tree_one.next_v1 = ptr2[2];
        tree_one.next_v2 = ptr2[3]; = tn1;
        tree_two.sign = (char) (CV_SIGN( sn1 ));
        tree_two.area = fabs( sn1 );
        tree_two.r1 = hn1 / an1;
        tree_two.r2 = bn1 / an1;
        tree_two.next_v1 = ptr2[0];
        tree_two.next_v2 = ptr2[1];

        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
        cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

        if( sp1_c > sn1_c )
            if( ptr2[2] != NULL )
                ptr2[2]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[3] != NULL )
                ptr2[3]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[0] = cur_adr;


            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_two, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[0] != NULL )
                ptr2[0]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[1] != NULL )
                ptr2[1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[1] = cur_adr;


            pt1[0] = tn2;
            pt1[1] = t;
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_two, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[0] != NULL )
                ptr2[0]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[1] != NULL )
                ptr2[1]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[0] = cur_adr;


            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tree_one, writer );
            cur_adr = (_CvTrianAttr *) (writer.ptr - writer.seq->elem_size);

            if( ptr2[2] != NULL )
                ptr2[2]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            if( ptr2[3] != NULL )
                ptr2[3]->prev_v = cur_adr;
            ptr1[1] = cur_adr;


            pt1[0] = t;
            pt1[1] = tn2;


/*    form root   */
    s = cvContourArea( contour );

    tree_root->pt = pt1[1];
    tree_root->sign = 0;
    tree_root->area = fabs( s );
    tree_root->r1 = 0;
    tree_root->r2 = 0;
    tree_root->next_v1 = ptr1[0];
    tree_root->next_v2 = ptr1[1];
    tree_root->prev_v = NULL;

    ptr1[0]->prev_v = (_CvTrianAttr *) tree_root;
    ptr1[1]->prev_v = (_CvTrianAttr *) tree_root;

/*     write binary tree root   */
/*    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM (tree_one, start_writer);   */
/*  create Sequence hearder     */
    *((CvSeq **) tree) = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
/*   write points for the main segment into sequence header   */
    (*tree)->p1 = pt1[0];


    cvFree( &ptr_n );
    cvFree( &ptr_p );
    cvFree( &num_n );
    cvFree( &num_p );
    cvFree( &pt_n );
    cvFree( &pt_p );

    return status;
Esempio n. 22
void icvCalcContoursCorrespondence(CvSeq* contour1,
                                   CvSeq* contour2,
                                   CvSeq** corr,
                                   CvMemStorage* storage)
    int i,j;                    // counter of cycles
    int Ni,Nj;                  // size of contours
    _CvWork** W;                // graph for search minimum of work

    CvPoint* point1;            // array of first contour point
    CvPoint* point2;            // array of second contour point
    CvPoint2D32f* edges1;       // array of first contour edge
    CvPoint2D32f* edges2;       // array of second contour edge

    //CvPoint null_edge = {0,0};    //
    CvPoint2D32f small_edge;
    //double inf;                   // infinity

    CvSeq* corr01;
    CvSeqWriter writer;

    char path;                  //

    // Find size of contours
    Ni = contour1->total + 1;
    Nj = contour2->total + 1;

    // Create arrays
    W = (_CvWork**)malloc(sizeof(_CvWork*)*Ni);
    for(i=0; i<Ni; i++)
        W[i] = (_CvWork*)malloc(sizeof(_CvWork)*Nj);

    point1 = (CvPoint* )malloc( Ni*sizeof(CvPoint) );
    point2 = (CvPoint* )malloc( Nj*sizeof(CvPoint) );
    edges1 = (CvPoint2D32f* )malloc( (Ni-1)*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f) );
    edges2 = (CvPoint2D32f* )malloc( (Nj-1)*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f) );

    // Initialize arrays of point
    cvCvtSeqToArray( contour1, point1, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
    cvCvtSeqToArray( contour2, point2, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );

    point1[Ni-1] = point1[0];
    point2[Nj-1] = point2[0];

    for(i=0; i<Ni-1; i++)
        edges1[i].x = (float)( point1[i+1].x - point1[i].x );
        edges1[i].y = (float)( point1[i+1].y - point1[i].y );

    for(i=0; i<Nj-1; i++)
        edges2[i].x = (float)( point2[i+1].x - point2[i].x );
        edges2[i].y = (float)( point2[i+1].y - point2[i].y );

    // Find infinity constant

//Find min path in graph

    W[0][0].w_east      = 0;
    W[0][0].w_south     = 0;
    W[0][0].w_southeast = 0;

    W[1][1].w_southeast = _cvStretchingWork( &edges1[0], &edges2[0] );
    W[1][1].w_east = inf;
    W[1][1].w_south = inf;
    W[1][1].path_se = PATH_TO_SE;

    W[0][1].w_south =  _cvStretchingWork( &null_edge, &edges2[0] );
    W[0][1].path_s = 3;
    W[1][0].w_east =  _cvStretchingWork( &edges2[0], &null_edge );
    W[1][0].path_e = PATH_TO_E;

    for( i=1; i<Ni; i++ )
        W[i][0].w_south     = inf;
        W[i][0].w_southeast = inf;

    for(j=1; j<Nj; j++)
        W[0][j].w_east      = inf;
        W[0][j].w_southeast = inf;

    for(i=2; i<Ni; i++)
        W[i][j].w_east = W[i-1][j].w_east;
        W[i][j].w_east = W[i][j].w_east /*+
            _cvBendingWork( &edges1[i-2], &edges1[i-1], &null_edge, &null_edge, NULL )*/;
        W[i][j].w_east = W[i][j].w_east + _cvStretchingWork( &edges2[i-1], &null_edge );
        W[i][j].path_e = PATH_TO_E;

        W[i][j].w_south = inf;

        _cvWorkEast (i, j, W, edges1, edges2);

        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i-1][j-1].w_east;
        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i][j].w_southeast + _cvStretchingWork( &edges1[i-1], &edges2[j-1] );

        small_edge.x = NULL_EDGE*edges1[i-2].x;
        small_edge.y = NULL_EDGE*edges1[i-2].y;

        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i][j].w_southeast +
                              _cvBendingWork( &edges1[i-2], &edges1[i-1], /*&null_edge*/&small_edge, &edges2[j-1]/*, &edges2[Nj-2]*/);

        W[i][j].path_se = PATH_TO_E;

    for(j=2; j<Nj; j++)
        W[i][j].w_south = W[i][j-1].w_south;
        W[i][j].w_south = W[i][j].w_south + _cvStretchingWork( &null_edge, &edges2[j-1] );
        W[i][j].w_south = W[i][j].w_south /*+
            _cvBendingWork( &null_edge, &null_edge, &edges2[j-2], &edges2[j-1], NULL )*/;
        W[i][j].path_s = 3;

        W[i][j].w_east= inf;

        _cvWorkSouth(i, j, W, edges1, edges2);

        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i-1][j-1].w_south;
        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i][j].w_southeast + _cvStretchingWork( &edges1[i-1], &edges2[j-1] );

        small_edge.x = NULL_EDGE*edges2[j-2].x;
        small_edge.y = NULL_EDGE*edges2[j-2].y;

        W[i][j].w_southeast = W[i][j].w_southeast +
                              _cvBendingWork( /*&null_edge*/&small_edge, &edges1[i-1], &edges2[j-2], &edges2[j-1]/*, &edges1[Ni-2]*/);
        W[i][j].path_se = 3;

    for(i=2; i<Ni; i++)
        for(j=2; j<Nj; j++)
            _cvWorkEast     (i, j, W, edges1, edges2);
            _cvWorkSouthEast(i, j, W, edges1, edges2);
            _cvWorkSouth    (i, j, W, edges1, edges2);


    *corr = cvCreateSeq(0,
                        storage );

    corr01 = *corr;
    cvStartAppendToSeq( corr01, &writer );
    if( W[i][j].w_east > W[i][j].w_southeast )
        if( W[i][j].w_southeast > W[i][j].w_south )
            path = 3;
            path = PATH_TO_SE;
        if( W[i][j].w_east < W[i][j].w_south )
            path = PATH_TO_E;
            path = 3;
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( j, writer );

        switch( path )
        case PATH_TO_E:
            path = W[i][j].path_e;
            cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer );
            corr01->h_next = cvCreateSeq(   0,
                                            storage );
            corr01 = corr01->h_next;
            cvStartAppendToSeq( corr01, &writer );

        case PATH_TO_SE:
            path = W[i][j].path_se;
            cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer );
            corr01->h_next = cvCreateSeq(   0,
                                            storage );
            corr01 = corr01->h_next;
            cvStartAppendToSeq( corr01, &writer );

        case 3:
            path = W[i][j].path_s;

    } while( (i>=0) && (j>=0) );
    cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer );

    // Free memory
    for(i=1; i<Ni; i++)
Esempio n. 23
cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* array, CvMemStorage* storage )
    CvMemStorage* temp_storage = 0;
    CvBox2D box;
    CvPoint2D32f* points = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvMinAreaRect2" );

    memset(&box, 0, sizeof(box));


    int i, n;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    CvContour contour_header;
    CvSeqBlock block;
    CvSeq* ptseq = (CvSeq*)array;
    CvPoint2D32f out[3];

    if( CV_IS_SEQ(ptseq) )
        if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET(ptseq) &&
            (CV_SEQ_KIND(ptseq) != CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE || !CV_IS_SEQ_CONVEX(ptseq) ||
            CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq) != CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
                "Input sequence must consist of 2d points or pointers to 2d points" );
        if( !storage )
            storage = ptseq->storage;
        CV_CALL( ptseq = cvPointSeqFromMat(
            CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, array, &contour_header, &block ));

    if( storage )
        CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateChildMemStorage( storage ));
        CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(1 << 10));

    if( !CV_IS_SEQ_CONVEX( ptseq ))
        CV_CALL( ptseq = cvConvexHull2( ptseq, temp_storage, CV_CLOCKWISE, 1 ));
    else if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( ptseq ))
        CvSeqWriter writer;
        if( !CV_IS_SEQ(ptseq->v_prev) || !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET(ptseq->v_prev))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
            "Convex hull must have valid pointer to point sequence stored in v_prev" );
        cvStartReadSeq( ptseq, &reader );
        cvStartWriteSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE|CV_SEQ_FLAG_CONVEX|CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq->v_prev),
                         sizeof(CvContour), CV_ELEM_SIZE(ptseq->v_prev->flags),
                         temp_storage, &writer );
        for( i = 0; i < ptseq->total; i++ )
            CvPoint pt = **(CvPoint**)(reader.ptr);
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );

        ptseq = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    n = ptseq->total;

    CV_CALL( points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc( n*sizeof(points[0]) ));
    cvStartReadSeq( ptseq, &reader );

    if( CV_SEQ_ELTYPE( ptseq ) == CV_32SC2 )
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            CvPoint pt;
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader );
            points[i].x = (float)pt.x;
            points[i].y = (float)pt.y;
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( points[i], reader );
    if( n > 2 )
        icvRotatingCalipers( points, n, CV_CALIPERS_MINAREARECT, (float*)out ); = out[0].x + (out[1].x + out[2].x)*0.5f; = out[0].y + (out[1].y + out[2].y)*0.5f;
        box.size.height = (float)sqrt((double)out[1].x*out[1].x + (double)out[1].y*out[1].y);
        box.size.width = (float)sqrt((double)out[2].x*out[2].x + (double)out[2].y*out[2].y);
        box.angle = (float)atan2( -(double)out[1].y, (double)out[1].x );
    else if( n == 2 )
    { = (points[0].x + points[1].x)*0.5f; = (points[0].y + points[1].y)*0.5f;
        double dx = points[1].x - points[0].x;
        double dy = points[1].y - points[0].y;
        box.size.height = (float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
        box.size.width = 0;
        box.angle = (float)atan2( -dy, dx );
        if( n == 1 )
   = points[0];

    box.angle = (float)(box.angle*180/CV_PI);


    cvReleaseMemStorage( &temp_storage );
    cvFree( &points );

    return box;
Esempio n. 24
static int
icvFindContoursInInterval( const CvArr* src,
                           /*int minValue, int maxValue,*/
                           CvMemStorage* storage,
                           CvSeq** result,
                           int contourHeaderSize )
    int count = 0;
    CvMemStorage* storage00 = 0;
    CvMemStorage* storage01 = 0;
    CvSeq* first = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "icvFindContoursInInterval" );


    int i, j, k, n;

    uchar*  src_data = 0;
    int  img_step = 0;
    CvSize  img_size;

    int  connect_flag;
    int  lower_total;
    int  upper_total;
    int  all_total;

    CvSeq*  runs;
    CvLinkedRunPoint  tmp;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  tmp_prev;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  upper_line = 0;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  lower_line = 0;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  last_elem;

    CvLinkedRunPoint*  upper_run = 0;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  lower_run = 0;
    CvLinkedRunPoint*  prev_point = 0;

    CvSeqWriter  writer_ext;
    CvSeqWriter  writer_int;
    CvSeqWriter  writer;
    CvSeqReader  reader;

    CvSeq* external_contours;
    CvSeq* internal_contours;
    CvSeq* prev = 0;

    if( !storage )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL storage pointer" );

    if( !result )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL double CvSeq pointer" );

    if( contourHeaderSize < (int)sizeof(CvContour))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "Contour header size must be >= sizeof(CvContour)" );

    CV_CALL( storage00 = cvCreateChildMemStorage(storage));
    CV_CALL( storage01 = cvCreateChildMemStorage(storage));

        CvMat stub, *mat;

        CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( src, &stub ));
        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR(mat))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Input array must be 8uC1 or 8sC1" );
        src_data = mat->data.ptr;
        img_step = mat->step;
        img_size = cvGetMatSize( mat );

    // Create temporary sequences
    runs = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvLinkedRunPoint), storage00 );
    cvStartAppendToSeq( runs, &writer );

    cvStartWriteSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvLinkedRunPoint*), storage01, &writer_ext );
    cvStartWriteSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvLinkedRunPoint*), storage01, &writer_int );

    tmp_prev = &(tmp);
    tmp_prev->next = 0;
    tmp_prev->link = 0;
    // First line. None of runs is binded = 0;
    i = 0;
    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp, writer );
    upper_line = (CvLinkedRunPoint*)CV_GET_WRITTEN_ELEM( writer );
    tmp_prev = upper_line;
    for( j = 0; j < img_size.width; )
        for( ; j < img_size.width && !ICV_IS_COMPONENT_POINT(src_data[j]); j++ )
        if( j == img_size.width )
            break; = j;
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp, writer );
        tmp_prev->next = (CvLinkedRunPoint*)CV_GET_WRITTEN_ELEM( writer );
        tmp_prev = tmp_prev->next;

        for( ; j < img_size.width && ICV_IS_COMPONENT_POINT(src_data[j]); j++ )
            ; = j-1;
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp, writer );
        tmp_prev->next = (CvLinkedRunPoint*)CV_GET_WRITTEN_ELEM( writer );
        tmp_prev->link = tmp_prev->next;
        // First point of contour
        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp_prev, writer_ext );
        tmp_prev = tmp_prev->next;
    cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer );
    upper_line = upper_line->next;
    upper_total = runs->total - 1;
    last_elem = tmp_prev;
    tmp_prev->next = 0;
    for( i = 1; i < img_size.height; i++ )
//------// Find runs in next line
        src_data += img_step; = i;
        all_total = runs->total;
        for( j = 0; j < img_size.width; )
            for( ; j < img_size.width && !ICV_IS_COMPONENT_POINT(src_data[j]); j++ )
            if( j == img_size.width ) break;

   = j;
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp, writer );
            tmp_prev->next = (CvLinkedRunPoint*)CV_GET_WRITTEN_ELEM( writer );
            tmp_prev = tmp_prev->next;

            for( ; j < img_size.width && ICV_IS_COMPONENT_POINT(src_data[j]); j++ )

   = j-1;
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp, writer );
            tmp_prev = tmp_prev->next = (CvLinkedRunPoint*)CV_GET_WRITTEN_ELEM( writer );
        cvFlushSeqWriter( &writer );
        lower_line = last_elem->next;
        lower_total = runs->total - all_total;
        last_elem = tmp_prev;
        tmp_prev->next = 0;
//------// Find links between runs of lower_line and upper_line
        upper_run = upper_line;
        lower_run = lower_line;
        connect_flag = ICV_SINGLE;

        for( k = 0, n = 0; k < upper_total/2 && n < lower_total/2; )
            switch( connect_flag )
            case ICV_SINGLE:
                if( upper_run->next->pt.x < lower_run->next->pt.x )
                    if( upper_run->next->pt.x >= lower_run->pt.x  -1 )
                        lower_run->link = upper_run;
                        connect_flag = ICV_CONNECTING_ABOVE;
                        prev_point = upper_run->next;
                        upper_run->next->link = upper_run;
                    upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
                    if( upper_run->pt.x <= lower_run->next->pt.x  +1 )
                        lower_run->link = upper_run;
                        connect_flag = ICV_CONNECTING_BELOW;
                        prev_point = lower_run->next;
                        lower_run->link = lower_run->next;
                        // First point of contour
                        CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( lower_run, writer_ext );
                    lower_run = lower_run->next->next;
            case ICV_CONNECTING_ABOVE:
                if( upper_run->pt.x > lower_run->next->pt.x +1 )
                    prev_point->link = lower_run->next;
                    connect_flag = ICV_SINGLE;
                    lower_run = lower_run->next->next;
                    prev_point->link = upper_run;
                    if( upper_run->next->pt.x < lower_run->next->pt.x )
                        prev_point = upper_run->next;
                        upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
                        connect_flag = ICV_CONNECTING_BELOW;
                        prev_point = lower_run->next;
                        lower_run = lower_run->next->next;
            case ICV_CONNECTING_BELOW:
                if( lower_run->pt.x > upper_run->next->pt.x +1 )
                    upper_run->next->link = prev_point;
                    connect_flag = ICV_SINGLE;
                    upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
                    // First point of contour
                    CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( lower_run, writer_int );

                    lower_run->link = prev_point;
                    if( lower_run->next->pt.x < upper_run->next->pt.x )
                        prev_point = lower_run->next;
                        lower_run = lower_run->next->next;
                        connect_flag = ICV_CONNECTING_ABOVE;
                        prev_point = upper_run->next;
                        upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
        }// k, n

        for( ; n < lower_total/2; n++ )
            if( connect_flag != ICV_SINGLE )
                prev_point->link = lower_run->next;
                connect_flag = ICV_SINGLE;
                lower_run = lower_run->next->next;
            lower_run->link = lower_run->next;

            //First point of contour
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( lower_run, writer_ext );

            lower_run = lower_run->next->next;

        for( ; k < upper_total/2; k++ )
            if( connect_flag != ICV_SINGLE )
                upper_run->next->link = prev_point;
                connect_flag = ICV_SINGLE;
                upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
            upper_run->next->link = upper_run;
            upper_run = upper_run->next->next;
        upper_line = lower_line;
        upper_total = lower_total;

    upper_run = upper_line;

    //the last line of image
    for( k = 0; k < upper_total/2; k++ )
        upper_run->next->link = upper_run;
        upper_run = upper_run->next->next;

//------//Find end read contours
    external_contours = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer_ext );
    internal_contours = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer_int );

    for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
        CvSeq* contours = k == 0 ? external_contours : internal_contours;

        cvStartReadSeq( contours, &reader );

        for( j = 0; j < contours->total; j++, count++ )
            CvLinkedRunPoint* p_temp;
            CvLinkedRunPoint* p00;
            CvLinkedRunPoint* p01;
            CvSeq* contour;

            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( p00, reader );
            p01 = p00;

            if( !p00->link )

                             contourHeaderSize, sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer );
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( p00->pt, writer );
                p_temp = p00;
                p00 = p00->link;
                p_temp->link = 0;
            while( p00 != p01 );

            contour = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );
            cvBoundingRect( contour, 1 );

            if( k != 0 )
                contour->flags |= CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE;

            if( !first )
                prev = first = contour;
                contour->h_prev = prev;
                prev = prev->h_next = contour;


    if( !first )
        count = -1;

    if( result )
        *result = first;


    return count;
Esempio n. 25
static CvStatus
icvFetchContourEx( char*                ptr, 
                   int                  step,
                   CvPoint              pt, 
                   CvSeq*               contour,
                   int  _method, 
                   int                  nbd,
                   CvRect*              _rect )
    int         deltas[16];
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    char        *i0 = ptr, *i1, *i3, *i4;
    CvRect      rect;
    int         prev_s = -1, s, s_end;
    int         method = _method - 1;

    assert( (unsigned) _method <= CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    assert( 1 < nbd && nbd < 128 );

    /* initialize local state */
    CV_INIT_3X3_DELTAS( deltas, step, 1 );
    memcpy( deltas + 8, deltas, 8 * sizeof( deltas[0] ));

    /* initialize writer */
    cvStartAppendToSeq( contour, &writer );

    if( method < 0 )
        ((CvChain *)contour)->origin = pt;

    rect.x = rect.width = pt.x;
    rect.y = rect.height = pt.y;

    s_end = s = CV_IS_SEQ_HOLE( contour ) ? 0 : 4;

        s = (s - 1) & 7;
        i1 = i0 + deltas[s];
        if( *i1 != 0 )
    while( s != s_end );

    if( s == s_end )            /* single pixel domain */
        *i0 = (char) (nbd | 0x80);
        if( method >= 0 )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );
        i3 = i0;

        prev_s = s ^ 4;

        /* follow border */
        for( ;; )
            s_end = s;

            for( ;; )
                i4 = i3 + deltas[++s];
                if( *i4 != 0 )
            s &= 7;

            /* check "right" bound */
            if( (unsigned) (s - 1) < (unsigned) s_end )
                *i3 = (char) (nbd | 0x80);
            else if( *i3 == 1 )
                *i3 = (char) nbd;

            if( method < 0 )
                char _s = (char) s;
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( _s, writer );
            else if( s != prev_s || method == 0 )
                CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );

            if( s != prev_s )
                /* update bounds */
                if( pt.x < rect.x )
                    rect.x = pt.x;
                else if( pt.x > rect.width )
                    rect.width = pt.x;

                if( pt.y < rect.y )
                    rect.y = pt.y;
                else if( pt.y > rect.height )
                    rect.height = pt.y;

            prev_s = s;
            pt.x += icvCodeDeltas[s].x;
            pt.y += icvCodeDeltas[s].y;

            if( i4 == i0 && i3 == i1 )  break;

            i3 = i4;
            s = (s + 4) & 7;
        }                       /* end of border following loop */

    rect.width -= rect.x - 1;
    rect.height -= rect.y - 1;

    cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    if( _method != CV_CHAIN_CODE )
        ((CvContour*)contour)->rect = rect;

    assert( writer.seq->total == 0 && writer.seq->first == 0 ||
            writer.seq->total > writer.seq->first->count ||
            (writer.seq->first->prev == writer.seq->first &&
             writer.seq->first->next == writer.seq->first) );

    if( _rect )  *_rect = rect;

    return CV_OK;
Esempio n. 26
static int fmaConvexHullContour(void* prm)
    long lErrors = 0;     
    static int  read_param = 0;
    int i,j;
    CvRect rect;
    int minx = 1000000, maxx = -10000;
    int miny = 1000000, maxy = -10000;
    long lParam = (long)prm;

    CvPoint* points;
    CvPoint** pointers;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvSeqReader reader;

    CvSeq* contour;
    CvSeq* hull = NULL;
    CvMemStorage* storage;

        /* Reading test-parameters */
        trslRead( &lNumPoints, "4096", "Maximal number of points" ); 
        trslRead( &lLoopsProp, "100", "Loops" ); 

    storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    cvClearMemStorage( storage );
    points =  (CvPoint*)icvAlloc( lNumPoints * sizeof(CvPoint) );
    pointers = (CvPoint**)icvAlloc( lNumPoints * sizeof(CvPoint*) );
    for( j = 0; j < lLoopsProp; j++ )
        int numpts;
        /* Allocating points */
        cvStartWriteSeq( CV_SEQ_SIMPLE_POLYGON , sizeof(CvSeq),
                                sizeof(CvPoint), storage, &writer );

        ats1iInitRandom( 5, lNumPoints, &numpts, 1 );
        /* init points */
        ats1iInitRandom( 5, 1024, &lScreenSize, 1 );
        for( i = 0; i < numpts ; i++ )
            CvPoint pt;
            ats1iInitRandom( 0, lScreenSize, (int*)&pt, 2 );
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( pt, writer );
            minx = MIN(pt.x, minx );
            maxx = MAX(pt.x, maxx );
            miny = MIN(pt.y, miny );
            maxy = MAX(pt.y, maxy );  
        contour = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

        rect.x = minx;
        rect.y = miny;
        rect.width = maxx- minx + 1;
        rect.height = maxy- miny + 1;
        switch (lParam)
        case APPROX:
            hull = cvContourConvexHullApprox( contour, 1, CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE,
                                                    storage );   
        case EXACT:
            hull = cvContourConvexHull( contour,CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE,
                                                    storage );   
        }/*switch */

        /* check errors */
        cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, 0 );
        for( i = 0; i < contour->total; i++ )
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( points[i], reader );
        cvStartReadSeq( hull, &reader, 0 );
        for( i = 0; i < hull->total; i++ )
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pointers[i], reader );

        cvClearMemStorage( storage );

        lErrors += atsCheckConvexHullP( points, contour->total, pointers, hull->total,
                                       CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE );
    } /* for */

   if( lErrors == 0 ) return trsResult( TRS_OK, "No errors fixed for this test" );
   else return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Total fixed %d errors", lErrors );
