CWBool ACEnterConfigure(int WTPIndex, CWProtocolMessage *msgPtr) { int seqNum; CWProtocolConfigureRequestValues configureRequest; CWLog("\n"); CWLog("######### Configure State #########"); if(!(CWParseConfigureRequestMessage(msgPtr->msg, msgPtr->offset, &seqNum, &configureRequest))) { /* note: we can kill our thread in case of out-of-memory * error to free some space. * we can see this just calling CWErrorGetLastErrorCode() */ return CW_FALSE; } CWLog("Configure Request Received"); if(!(CWSaveConfigureRequestMessage(&configureRequest, &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].WTPProtocolManager)))){ return CW_FALSE; } if(!(CWAssembleConfigureResponse(&(gWTPs[WTPIndex].messages), &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].messagesCount), gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, seqNum))) { return CW_FALSE; } if(!CWACSendFragments(WTPIndex)) { return CW_FALSE; } CWLog("Configure Response Sent"); /* Destroy ConfigStatePending timer */ if(!CWErr(CWTimerCancel(&(gWTPs[WTPIndex].currentTimer)))) { CWLog("%s %d [%d] CWTimerCancel Fail, close thread!",__FILE__,__LINE__,WTPIndex); //CWCloseThread(); gWTPs[WTPIndex].isRequestClose = CW_TRUE; return CW_FALSE; } /* start Change State Pending timer */ if(!CWErr(CWTimerRequest(gCWChangeStatePendingTimer, &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].thread), &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].currentTimer), CW_CRITICAL_TIMER_EXPIRED_SIGNAL))) { CWLog("%s %d [%d] CWTimerRequest Fail, close thread!",__FILE__,__LINE__,WTPIndex); //CWCloseThread(); gWTPs[WTPIndex].isRequestClose = CW_TRUE; return CW_FALSE; } //CWLog("CWTimerRequest Success !!!"); gWTPs[WTPIndex].currentState = CW_ENTER_DATA_CHECK; return CW_TRUE; }
void CWACEnterMainLoop() { struct sigaction act; CWLog("AC enters in the MAIN_LOOP"); /* set signals * all the thread we spawn will inherit these settings */ /* * BUG UMR03 * * 20/10/2009 - Donato Capitella */ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; /* called when a timer requested by the thread has expired */ act.sa_handler = CWCriticalTimerExpiredHandler; sigaction(CW_CRITICAL_TIMER_EXPIRED_SIGNAL, &act, NULL); act.sa_flags = 0; /* called when a timer requested by the thread has expired */ act.sa_handler = CWSoftTimerExpiredHandler; sigaction(CW_SOFT_TIMER_EXPIRED_SIGNAL, &act, NULL); /* signals will be unblocked by the threads that needs timers */ CWThreadSetSignals(SIG_BLOCK, 2, CW_CRITICAL_TIMER_EXPIRED_SIGNAL, CW_SOFT_TIMER_EXPIRED_SIGNAL); if(!(CWThreadCreateSpecific(&gIndexSpecific, NULL))) { CWLog("Critical Error With Thread Data"); exit(1); } CWThread thread_interface; if(!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_interface, CWInterface, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Interface Thread"); exit(1); } CW_REPEAT_FOREVER { /* CWACManageIncomingPacket will be called * when a new packet is ready to be read */ if(!CWErr(CWNetworkUnsafeMultiHomed(&gACSocket, CWACManageIncomingPacket, CW_FALSE))) exit(1); } }
/* * Manage DTLS packets. */ CW_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE CWWTPReceiveDtlsPacket(void *arg) { int readBytes; unsigned char buf[CW_BUFFER_SIZE]; CWSocket sockDTLS = (long) arg; CWNetworkLev4Address addr; char *pData; CW_REPEAT_FOREVER { if (!CWErr(CWNetworkReceiveUnsafe(sockDTLS, buf, CW_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, 0, &addr, &readBytes))) { if (CWErrorGetLastErrorCode() == CW_ERROR_INTERRUPTED) continue; break; } /* Clone data packet */ CW_CREATE_OBJECT_SIZE_ERR(pData, readBytes, { CWLog("Out Of Memory"); return NULL; } ); memcpy(pData, buf, readBytes); CWLockSafeList(gPacketReceiveList); CWAddElementToSafeListTailwitDataFlag(gPacketReceiveList, pData, readBytes, CW_FALSE); CWUnlockSafeList(gPacketReceiveList); }
__inline__ int CWACGetActiveWTPs() { int tmp; if(!CWErr(CWThreadMutexLock(&gActiveWTPsMutex))) return 0; tmp = gActiveWTPs; CWThreadMutexUnlock(&gActiveWTPsMutex); return tmp; }
int CWACSemPostForOpenSSLHack(void *s) { CWThreadTimedSem *semPtr = (CWThreadTimedSem*) s; if(!CWThreadTimedSemIsZero(semPtr)) { CWLog("This Semaphore's Value should really be 0"); /* note: we can consider setting the value to 0 and going on, * that is what we do here */ if(!CWErr(CWThreadTimedSemSetValue(semPtr, 0))) return 0; } if(!CWErr(CWThreadTimedSemPost(semPtr))) { return 0; } return 1; }
void CWCreateConnectionWithHostapdAC() { CWThread thread_ipc_with_ac_hostapd; if (!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_ipc_with_ac_hostapd, CWACipc_with_ac_hostapd, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Thread that receive command and 802.11 frame from hostapd (WTP side)"); exit(1); } }
__inline__ int CWACGetActiveWTPs() { int tmp; if(!CWErr(CWThreadMutexLock(&gActiveWTPsMutex))) { CWLog("F:%s L:%d Error locking mutex",__FILE__,__LINE__); return 0; } tmp = gActiveWTPs; CWThreadMutexUnlock(&gActiveWTPsMutex); return tmp; }
CWBool ACEnterDataCheck(int WTPIndex, CWProtocolMessage * msgPtr) { /*CWProtocolMessage *messages = NULL; */ int seqNum; CWProtocolChangeStateEventRequestValues *changeStateEvent; CWLog("\n"); CWDebugLog("######### Status Event #########"); /* Destroy ChangeStatePending timer */ if (!CWErr(CWTimerCancel(&(gWTPs[WTPIndex].currentTimer)))) { CWCloseThread(); } CW_CREATE_OBJECT_ERR(changeStateEvent, CWProtocolChangeStateEventRequestValues, return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); );
/* * Manage Discovery State */ CWStateTransition CWWTPEnterDiscovery() { int i; CWBool j; CWLog("\n"); CWLog("######### Discovery State #########"); /* reset Discovery state */ gCWDiscoveryCount = 0; CWNetworkCloseSocket(gWTPSocket); if (!CWErr(CWNetworkInitSocketClient(&gWTPSocket, NULL))) { return CW_QUIT; } /* * note: gCWACList can be freed and reallocated (reading from config file) * at each transition to the discovery state to save memory space */ for (i = 0; i < gCWACCount; i++) gCWACList[i].received = CW_FALSE; /* wait a random time */ sleep(CWRandomIntInRange(gCWDiscoveryInterval, gCWMaxDiscoveryInterval)); CW_REPEAT_FOREVER { CWBool sentSomething = CW_FALSE; /* we get no responses for a very long time */ if (gCWDiscoveryCount == gCWMaxDiscoveries) return CW_ENTER_SULKING; /* send Requests to one or more ACs */ for (i = 0; i < gCWACCount; i++) { /* if this AC hasn't responded to us... */ if (!(gCWACList[i].received)) { /* ...send a Discovery Request */ CWProtocolMessage *msgPtr = NULL; /* get sequence number (and increase it) */ gCWACList[i].seqNum = CWGetSeqNum(); if (!CWErr(CWAssembleDiscoveryRequest(&msgPtr, gCWACList[i].seqNum))) { exit(1); } CW_CREATE_OBJECT_ERR(gACInfoPtr, CWACInfoValues, return CW_QUIT; ); CWNetworkGetAddressForHost(gCWACList[i].address, &(gACInfoPtr->preferredAddress)); CWUseSockNtop(&(gACInfoPtr->preferredAddress), CWDebugLog(str); ); j = CWErr(CWNetworkSendUnsafeUnconnected(gWTPSocket, &(gACInfoPtr->preferredAddress), (*msgPtr).msg, (*msgPtr).offset)); /* * log eventual error and continue * CWUseSockNtop(&(gACInfoPtr->preferredAddress), * CWLog("WTP sends Discovery Request to: %s", str);); */ CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(*msgPtr); CW_FREE_OBJECT(msgPtr); CW_FREE_OBJECT(gACInfoPtr); /* * we sent at least one Request in this loop * (even if we got an error sending it) */ sentSomething = CW_TRUE; }
CWBool ACEnterRun(int WTPIndex, CWProtocolMessage *msgPtr, CWBool dataFlag) { CWBool toSend = CW_FALSE, timerSet = CW_TRUE; CWControlHeaderValues controlVal; CWProtocolMessage* messages = NULL; int messagesCount = 0; unsigned char StationMacAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; char string[10]; char socketctl_path_name[50]; char socketserv_path_name[50]; msgPtr->offset = 0; // cancel NeighborDeadTimer timer CWStopNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex); timerSet = CW_FALSE; if (dataFlag) { /* We have received a Data Message... now just log this event and do actions by the dataType */ CWLog("--> Received a DATA Message"); if (msgPtr->data_msgType == CW_DATA_MSG_FRAME_TYPE) { /*Retrive mac address station from msg*/ memset(StationMacAddr, 0, MAC_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(StationMacAddr, msgPtr->msg + SOURCE_ADDR_START, MAC_ADDR_LEN); int seqNum = CWGetSeqNum(); //Send a Station Configuration Request if (CWAssembleStationConfigurationRequest(&(gWTPs[WTPIndex].messages), &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].messagesCount), gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, seqNum, StationMacAddr)) { if (CWACSendAcknowledgedPacket(WTPIndex, CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_STATION_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE, seqNum)) return CW_TRUE; else CWACStopRetransmission(WTPIndex); } } else { /************************************************************ * Update 2009: * * Manage special data packets with frequency * * statistics informations. * ************************************************************/ if (msgPtr->data_msgType == CW_DATA_MSG_FREQ_STATS_TYPE) { int cells; /* How many cell are heard */ int isAck; char * freqPayload; int socketIndex, indexToSend = htonl(WTPIndex); int sizeofAckInfoUnit = CW_FREQ_ACK_SIZE; int sizeofFreqInfoUnit = CW_FREQ_CELL_INFO_PAYLOAD_SIZE; int sizeOfPayload = 0, payload_offset = 0; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Payload Management ( infos for frequency application) : * Ack Structure : | WTPIndex | Ack Value | * Freq Info Structure : | WTPIndex | Number of cells | Frequecies Info Payload | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ memcpy(&isAck, msgPtr->msg, sizeof(int)); isAck = ntohl(isAck); if (isAck == 0) { /* isnt an ack message */ memcpy(&cells, msgPtr->msg + sizeof(int), sizeof(int)); cells = ntohl(cells); sizeOfPayload = (cells * sizeofFreqInfoUnit) + (2 * sizeof(int)); } else { sizeOfPayload = sizeofAckInfoUnit; } if ((freqPayload = malloc(sizeOfPayload)) != NULL) { memset(freqPayload, 0, sizeOfPayload); memcpy(freqPayload, &indexToSend, sizeof(int)); payload_offset += sizeof(int); if (isAck == 0) { memcpy(freqPayload + payload_offset, msgPtr->msg + sizeof(int), sizeOfPayload - payload_offset); } else { memcpy(freqPayload + payload_offset, msgPtr->msg + sizeof(int), sizeOfPayload - payload_offset); } socketIndex = gWTPs[WTPIndex].applicationIndex; /**************************************************** * Forward payload to correct application * ****************************************************/ if (!CWErr(CWThreadMutexLock(&appsManager.socketMutex[socketIndex]))) { CWLog("[ACrunState]:: Error locking socket Application Mutex"); free(freqPayload); return CW_FALSE; } if (Writen(appsManager.appSocket[socketIndex], freqPayload, sizeOfPayload) < 0) { CWThreadMutexUnlock(&appsManager.socketMutex[socketIndex]); free(freqPayload); CWLog("[ACrunState]:: Error writing Message To Application"); return CW_FALSE; } CWThreadMutexUnlock(&appsManager.socketMutex[socketIndex]); free(freqPayload); } else CWLog("[ACrunState]:: Malloc error (payload to frequency application"); } if (msgPtr->data_msgType == CW_DATA_MSG_STATS_TYPE) { if (!UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].data_stats_sock) { //Init Socket only the first time when the function is called if ((UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].data_stats_sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { CWDebugLog("Error creating socket for data send"); return CW_FALSE; } memset(&(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].clntaddr), (int) NULL, sizeof(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].clntaddr)); UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].clntaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; //make unix socket client path name by index i snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%d", WTPIndex); string[sizeof(string) - 1] = 0; strcpy(socketctl_path_name, SOCKET_PATH_AC); strcat(socketctl_path_name, string); strcpy(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].clntaddr.sun_path, socketctl_path_name); unlink(socketctl_path_name); memset(&(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr), (int) NULL, sizeof(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr)); UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; //make unix socket server path name by index i strcpy(socketserv_path_name, SOCKET_PATH_RECV_AGENT); strcat(socketserv_path_name, string); strcpy(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr.sun_path, socketserv_path_name); CWDebugLog("%s\t%s", socketserv_path_name, socketctl_path_name); //fflush(stdout); } int nbytes; int totalBytesToSend = 0; bcopy((char*) msgPtr->msg, (char*) &totalBytesToSend, sizeof(unsigned int)); totalBytesToSend = ntohl(totalBytesToSend); int pDataLen = totalBytesToSend; //len of Monitoring Data //CWDebugLog("\n%s\t%s", socketserv_path_name, socketctl_path_name); CWDebugLog("Total bytes to send %d", totalBytesToSend); //Send data stats from AC thread to monitor client over unix socket nbytes = sendto(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].data_stats_sock, msgPtr->msg, pDataLen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr), sizeof(UnixSocksArray[WTPIndex].servaddr)); if (nbytes < 0) { CWDebugLog("Error sending data over socket"); perror("send error"); return CW_FALSE; } } } return CW_TRUE; } if (!(CWACParseGenericRunMessage(WTPIndex, msgPtr, &controlVal))) { /* Two possible errors: WRONG_ARG and INVALID_FORMAT * In the second case we have an unexpected response: ignore the * message and log the event. */ return CW_FALSE; } switch (controlVal.messageTypeValue) { case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_CONFIGURE_UPDATE_RESPONSE: { CWProtocolResultCode resultCode; /*Update 2009: Store Protocol specific response data*/ CWProtocolVendorSpecificValues* protocolValues = NULL; if (!(CWParseConfigurationUpdateResponseMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &resultCode, &protocolValues))) return CW_FALSE; CWACStopRetransmission(WTPIndex); if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWDebugLog("CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer returned false"); CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWDebugLog("CWStartNeighborDeadTimer returned false"); CWCloseThread(); } } //CWSaveConfigurationUpdateResponseMessage(resultCode, WTPIndex, protocolValues); if (resultCode == CW_PROTOCOL_SUCCESS) { CWDebugLog("Result Success for Configuration update!!"); //gWTPs[WTPIndex].isRequestClose = CW_TRUE; //CWSignalThreadCondition(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceWait); } /*if (gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceCommandProgress == CW_TRUE) { CWThreadMutexLock(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceMutex); gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceResult = 1; gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceCommandProgress = CW_FALSE; CWSignalThreadCondition(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceComplete); CWThreadMutexUnlock(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceMutex); }*/ break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_CHANGE_STATE_EVENT_REQUEST: { CWProtocolChangeStateEventRequestValues *valuesPtr; if (!(CWParseChangeStateEventRequestMessage2(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &valuesPtr))) return CW_FALSE; if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (!(CWSaveChangeStateEventRequestMessage(valuesPtr, &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].WTPProtocolManager)))) return CW_FALSE; if (!(CWAssembleChangeStateEventResponse(&messages, &messagesCount, gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, controlVal.seqNum))) return CW_FALSE; toSend = CW_TRUE; break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_ECHO_REQUEST: { if (!(CWParseEchoRequestMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen))) return CW_FALSE; if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (!(CWAssembleEchoResponse(&messages, &messagesCount, gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, controlVal.seqNum))) return CW_FALSE; toSend = CW_TRUE; break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_STATION_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE: { CWProtocolResultCode resultCode; if (!(CWParseStationConfigurationResponseMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &resultCode))) return CW_FALSE; CWACStopRetransmission(WTPIndex); if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } //CWSaveStationConfigurationResponseMessage(resultCode, WTPIndex); <-- Must be Implemented ???? break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_CLEAR_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE: { CWProtocolResultCode resultCode; if (!(CWParseClearConfigurationResponseMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &resultCode))) return CW_FALSE; CWACStopRetransmission(WTPIndex); if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceCommandProgress == CW_TRUE) { CWThreadMutexLock(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceMutex); gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceResult = 1; gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceCommandProgress = CW_FALSE; CWSignalThreadCondition(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceComplete); CWThreadMutexUnlock(&gWTPs[WTPIndex].interfaceMutex); } break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_DATA_TRANSFER_REQUEST: { CWProtocolWTPDataTransferRequestValues valuesPtr; if (!(CWParseWTPDataTransferRequestMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &valuesPtr))) return CW_FALSE; if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (!(CWAssembleWTPDataTransferResponse(&messages, &messagesCount, gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, controlVal.seqNum))) return CW_FALSE; toSend = CW_TRUE; break; } case CW_MSG_TYPE_VALUE_WTP_EVENT_REQUEST: { CWProtocolWTPEventRequestValues valuesPtr; if (!(CWParseWTPEventRequestMessage(msgPtr, controlVal.msgElemsLen, &valuesPtr))) return CW_FALSE; if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (!(CWSaveWTPEventRequestMessage(&valuesPtr, &(gWTPs[WTPIndex].WTPProtocolManager)))) return CW_FALSE; if (!(CWAssembleWTPEventResponse(&messages, &messagesCount, gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, controlVal.seqNum))) return CW_FALSE; toSend = CW_TRUE; break; } default: /* * We have an unexpected request and we have to send * a corresponding response containing a failure result code */ CWLog("--> Not valid Request in Run State... we send a failure Response"); if (timerSet) { if (!CWRestartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } else { if (!CWStartNeighborDeadTimer(WTPIndex)) { CWCloseThread(); } } if (!(CWAssembleUnrecognizedMessageResponse(&messages, &messagesCount, gWTPs[WTPIndex].pathMTU, controlVal.seqNum, controlVal.messageTypeValue + 1))) return CW_FALSE; toSend = CW_TRUE; /*return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Message not valid in Run State");*/ } if (toSend) { int i; CWDebugLog("There is something so send..."); if (messages == NULL) return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); for (i = 0; i < messagesCount; i++) { #ifdef CW_NO_DTLS if(!CWNetworkSendUnsafeUnconnected(gWTPs[WTPIndex].socket, &gWTPs[WTPIndex].address, messages[i].msg, messages[i].offset) ) { #else if (!(CWSecuritySend(gWTPs[WTPIndex].session, messages[i].msg, messages[i].offset))) { #endif CWFreeMessageFragments(messages, messagesCount); CW_FREE_OBJECT(messages); return CW_FALSE; } } CWFreeMessageFragments(messages, messagesCount); CW_FREE_OBJECT(messages); } gWTPs[WTPIndex].currentState = CW_ENTER_RUN; gWTPs[WTPIndex].subState = CW_WAITING_REQUEST; CWDebugLog("Coming out of ACEnterRun.."); return CW_TRUE; } CWBool CWACParseGenericRunMessage(int WTPIndex, CWProtocolMessage *msg, CWControlHeaderValues* controlVal) { if (msg == NULL || controlVal == NULL) return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); if (!(CWParseControlHeader(msg, controlVal))) /* will be handled by the caller */ return CW_FALSE; /* skip timestamp */ controlVal->msgElemsLen -= CW_CONTROL_HEADER_OFFSET_FOR_MSG_ELEMS; /* Check if it is a request */ if (controlVal->messageTypeValue % 2 == 1) { return CW_TRUE; } if ((gWTPs[WTPIndex].responseSeqNum != controlVal->seqNum) || (gWTPs[WTPIndex].responseType != controlVal->messageTypeValue)) { CWDebugLog("gWTPs: %d\n", gWTPs[WTPIndex].responseSeqNum); CWDebugLog("controlVal: %d\n", controlVal->seqNum); CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Seq Num or Msg Type not valid!"); return CW_FALSE; } return CW_TRUE; } /*Update 2009: Added vendValues to include a response payload (to pass response data)*/ CWBool CWParseConfigurationUpdateResponseMessage(CWProtocolMessage* msgPtr, int len, CWProtocolResultCode* resultCode, CWProtocolVendorSpecificValues** vendValues) { int offsetTillMessages; if (msgPtr == NULL || resultCode == NULL) return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); if ((msgPtr->msg) == NULL) return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_WRONG_ARG, NULL); offsetTillMessages = msgPtr->offset; CWLog("Parsing Configuration Update Response..."); /* parse message elements */ while ((msgPtr->offset - offsetTillMessages) < len) { unsigned short int elemType = 0; unsigned short int elemLen = 0; CWParseFormatMsgElem(msgPtr, &elemType, &elemLen); switch (elemType) { case CW_MSG_ELEMENT_RESULT_CODE_CW_TYPE: *resultCode = CWProtocolRetrieve32(msgPtr); break; /*Update 2009: Added case to implement conf update response with payload*/ case CW_MSG_ELEMENT_RESULT_CODE_CW_TYPE_WITH_PAYLOAD: { int payloadSize = 0; CW_CREATE_OBJECT_ERR(*vendValues, CWProtocolVendorSpecificValues, return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);); *resultCode = CWProtocolRetrieve32(msgPtr); if (CWProtocolRetrieve16(msgPtr) != CW_MSG_ELEMENT_VENDOR_SPEC_PAYLOAD_CW_TYPE) /*For now, we only have UCI payloads, so we will accept only vendor payloads for protocol data*/ return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Unrecognized Message Element in Configuration Update Response"); (*vendValues)->vendorPayloadType = CWProtocolRetrieve16(msgPtr); switch ((*vendValues)->vendorPayloadType) { case CW_MSG_ELEMENT_VENDOR_SPEC_PAYLOAD_UCI: payloadSize = CWProtocolRetrieve32(msgPtr); if (payloadSize != 0) { (*vendValues)->payload = (void *) CWProtocolRetrieveStr(msgPtr, payloadSize); } else (*vendValues)->payload = NULL; break; case CW_MSG_ELEMENT_VENDOR_SPEC_PAYLOAD_WUM: payloadSize = CWProtocolRetrieve32(msgPtr); if (payloadSize <= 0) { /* Payload can't be zero here, * at least the message type must be specified */ return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Unrecognized Message Element in Configuration Update Response"); } (*vendValues)->payload = (void *) CWProtocolRetrieveRawBytes(msgPtr, payloadSize); break; default: return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Unrecognized Message Element in Configuration Update Response"); break; } } break; default: return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Unrecognized Message Element in Configuration Update Response"); break; } }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { /* Daemon Mode */ pid_t pid; if (argc <= 1) printf("Usage: WTP working_path\n"); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) exit(1); else if (pid != 0) exit(0); else { setsid(); if (chdir(argv[1]) != 0){ printf("chdir Faile\n"); exit(1); } fclose(stdout); } CWStateTransition nextState = CW_ENTER_DISCOVERY; CWLogInitFile(WTP_LOG_FILE_NAME); #ifndef CW_SINGLE_THREAD CWDebugLog("Use Threads"); #else CWDebugLog("Don't Use Threads"); #endif CWErrorHandlingInitLib(); if(!CWParseSettingsFile()){ CWLog("Can't start WTP"); exit(1); } /* Capwap receive packets list */ if (!CWErr(CWCreateSafeList(&gPacketReceiveList))) { CWLog("Can't start WTP"); exit(1); } /* Capwap receive frame list */ if (!CWErr(CWCreateSafeList(&gFrameList))) { CWLog("Can't start WTP"); exit(1); } CWCreateThreadMutex(&gInterfaceMutex); CWSetMutexSafeList(gPacketReceiveList, &gInterfaceMutex); CWSetMutexSafeList(gFrameList, &gInterfaceMutex); CWCreateThreadCondition(&gInterfaceWait); CWSetConditionSafeList(gPacketReceiveList, &gInterfaceWait); CWSetConditionSafeList(gFrameList, &gInterfaceWait); CWLog("Starting WTP..."); CWRandomInitLib(); CWThreadSetSignals(SIG_BLOCK, 1, SIGALRM); if (timer_init() == 0) { CWLog("Can't init timer module"); exit(1); } #ifdef CW_NO_DTLS if( !CWErr(CWWTPLoadConfiguration()) ) { #else if( !CWErr(CWSecurityInitLib()) || !CWErr(CWWTPLoadConfiguration()) ) { #endif CWLog("Can't start WTP"); exit(1); } CWDebugLog("Init WTP Radio Info"); if(!CWWTPInitConfiguration()) { CWLog("Error Init Configuration"); exit(1); } #ifdef SOFTMAC CWThread thread_ipc_with_wtp_hostapd; if(!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_ipc_with_wtp_hostapd, CWWTPThread_read_data_from_hostapd, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Thread that receive command and 802.11 frame from hostapd (WTP side)"); exit(1); } #endif CWThread thread_receiveFrame; if(!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_receiveFrame, CWWTPReceiveFrame, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Thread that receive binding frame"); exit(1); } CWThread thread_receiveStats; if(!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_receiveStats, CWWTPReceiveStats, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Thread that receive stats on monitoring interface"); exit(1); } /**************************************** * 2009 Update: * * Spawn Frequency Stats * * Receiver Thread * ****************************************/ CWThread thread_receiveFreqStats; if(!CWErr(CWCreateThread(&thread_receiveFreqStats, CWWTPReceiveFreqStats, NULL))) { CWLog("Error starting Thread that receive frequency stats on monitoring interface"); exit(1); } /* if AC address is given jump Discovery and use this address for Joining */ if(gWTPForceACAddress != NULL) nextState = CW_ENTER_JOIN; /* start CAPWAP state machine */ CW_REPEAT_FOREVER { switch(nextState) { case CW_ENTER_DISCOVERY: nextState = CWWTPEnterDiscovery(); break; case CW_ENTER_SULKING: nextState = CWWTPEnterSulking(); break; case CW_ENTER_JOIN: nextState = CWWTPEnterJoin(); break; case CW_ENTER_CONFIGURE: nextState = CWWTPEnterConfigure(); break; case CW_ENTER_DATA_CHECK: nextState = CWWTPEnterDataCheck(); break; case CW_ENTER_RUN: nextState = CWWTPEnterRun(); break; case CW_ENTER_RESET: /* * CWStopHeartbeatTimer(); * CWStopNeighborDeadTimer(); * CWNetworkCloseSocket(gWTPSocket); * CWSecurityDestroySession(gWTPSession); * CWSecurityDestroyContext(gWTPSecurityContext); * gWTPSecurityContext = NULL; * gWTPSession = NULL; */ nextState = CW_ENTER_DISCOVERY; break; case CW_QUIT: CWWTPDestroy(); return 0; } } } __inline__ unsigned int CWGetSeqNum() { static unsigned int seqNum = 0; if (seqNum==CW_MAX_SEQ_NUM) seqNum=0; else seqNum++; return seqNum; } __inline__ int CWGetFragmentID() { static int fragID = 0; return fragID++; } /* * Parses config file and inits WTP configuration. */ CWBool CWWTPLoadConfiguration() { int i; CWLog("WTP Loads Configuration"); /* get saved preferences */ if(!CWErr(CWParseConfigFile())) { CWLog("Can't Read Config File"); exit(1); } if(gCWACCount == 0) return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_NEED_RESOURCE, "No AC Configured"); CW_CREATE_ARRAY_ERR(gCWACList, gCWACCount, CWACDescriptor, return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);); for(i = 0; i < gCWACCount; i++) { CWDebugLog("Init Configuration for AC at %s", gCWACAddresses[i]); CW_CREATE_STRING_FROM_STRING_ERR(gCWACList[i].address, gCWACAddresses[i], return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);); }
CWBool CWWTPSendAcknowledgedPacket(int seqNum, CWList msgElemlist, CWBool (assembleFunc)(CWProtocolMessage **, int *, int, int, CWList), CWBool (parseFunc)(char*, int, int, void*), CWBool (saveFunc)(void*), void *valuesPtr) { CWProtocolMessage *messages = NULL; CWProtocolMessage msg; int fragmentsNum = 0, i; struct timespec timewait; int gTimeToSleep = gCWRetransmitTimer; int gMaxTimeToSleep = CW_ECHO_INTERVAL_DEFAULT/2; msg.msg = NULL; if(!(assembleFunc(&messages, &fragmentsNum, gWTPPathMTU, seqNum, msgElemlist))) { goto cw_failure; } gWTPRetransmissionCount= 0; while(gWTPRetransmissionCount < gCWMaxRetransmit) { CWDebugLog("Transmission Num:%d", gWTPRetransmissionCount); for(i = 0; i < fragmentsNum; i++) { #ifdef CW_NO_DTLS if(!CWNetworkSendUnsafeConnected(gWTPSocket, messages[i].msg, messages[i].offset)) #else if(!CWSecuritySend(gWTPSession, messages[i].msg, messages[i].offset)) #endif { CWDebugLog("Failure sending Request"); goto cw_failure; } } timewait.tv_sec = time(0) + gTimeToSleep; timewait.tv_nsec = 0; CW_REPEAT_FOREVER { CWThreadMutexLock(&gInterfaceMutex); if (CWGetCountElementFromSafeList(gPacketReceiveList) > 0) CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_SUCCESS, NULL); else { if (CWErr(CWWaitThreadConditionTimeout(&gInterfaceWait, &gInterfaceMutex, &timewait))) CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_SUCCESS, NULL); } CWThreadMutexUnlock(&gInterfaceMutex); switch(CWErrorGetLastErrorCode()) { case CW_ERROR_TIME_EXPIRED: { gWTPRetransmissionCount++; goto cw_continue_external_loop; break; } case CW_ERROR_SUCCESS: { /* there's something to read */ if(!(CWReceiveMessage(&msg))) { CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(msg); CWDebugLog("Failure Receiving Response"); goto cw_failure; } if(!(parseFunc(msg.msg, msg.offset, seqNum, valuesPtr))) { if(CWErrorGetLastErrorCode() != CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT) { CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(msg); CWDebugLog("Failure Parsing Response"); goto cw_failure; } else { CWErrorHandleLast(); { gWTPRetransmissionCount++; goto cw_continue_external_loop; } break; } } if((saveFunc(valuesPtr))) { goto cw_success; } else { if(CWErrorGetLastErrorCode() != CW_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT) { CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(msg); CWDebugLog("Failure Saving Response"); goto cw_failure; } } break; } case CW_ERROR_INTERRUPTED: { gWTPRetransmissionCount++; goto cw_continue_external_loop; break; } default: { CWErrorHandleLast(); CWDebugLog("Failure"); goto cw_failure; break; } } } cw_continue_external_loop: CWDebugLog("Retransmission time is over"); gTimeToSleep<<=1; if ( gTimeToSleep > gMaxTimeToSleep ) gTimeToSleep = gMaxTimeToSleep; } /* too many retransmissions */ return CWErrorRaise(CW_ERROR_NEED_RESOURCE, "Peer Dead"); cw_success: for(i = 0; i < fragmentsNum; i++) { CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(messages[i]); } CW_FREE_OBJECT(messages); CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(msg); return CW_TRUE; cw_failure: if(messages != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < fragmentsNum; i++) { CW_FREE_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE(messages[i]); } CW_FREE_OBJECT(messages); } CWDebugLog("Failure"); return CW_FALSE; }
void CWACInit() { int i; CWNetworkLev4Address *addresses = NULL; struct sockaddr_in *IPv4Addresses = NULL; CWLogInitFile(AC_LOG_FILE_NAME); #ifndef CW_SINGLE_THREAD CWDebugLog("Use Threads"); #else CWDebugLog("Don't Use Threads"); #endif CWErrorHandlingInitLib(); if(!CWParseSettingsFile()) { CWLog("Can't start AC"); exit(1); } CWLog("Starting AC"); CWThreadSetSignals(SIG_BLOCK, 1, SIGALRM); if (timer_init() == 0) { CWLog("Can't init timer module"); exit(1); } if(!CWErr(CWParseConfigFile()) || #ifndef CW_NO_DTLS !CWErr(CWSecurityInitLib()) || #endif !CWErr(CWNetworkInitSocketServerMultiHomed(&gACSocket, CW_CONTROL_PORT, gMulticastGroups, gMulticastGroupsCount)) || !CWErr(CWNetworkGetInterfaceAddresses(&gACSocket, &addresses, &IPv4Addresses)) || !CWErr(CWCreateThreadMutex(&gWTPsMutex)) || !CWErr(CWCreateThreadMutex(&gActiveWTPsMutex))) { /* error starting */ CWLog("Can't start AC"); exit(1); } #ifndef CW_NO_DTLS if(gACDescriptorSecurity == CW_X509_CERTIFICATE) { if(!CWErr(CWSecurityInitContext(&gACSecurityContext, "root.pem", "server.pem", "prova", CW_FALSE, CWACSemPostForOpenSSLHack))) { CWLog("Can't start AC"); exit(1); } } else { /* preshared */ if(!CWErr(CWSecurityInitContext(&gACSecurityContext, NULL, NULL, NULL, CW_FALSE, CWACSemPostForOpenSSLHack))) { CWLog("Can't start AC"); exit(1); } } #endif CW_FREE_OBJECTS_ARRAY(gMulticastGroups, gMulticastGroupsCount); for(i = 0; i < CW_MAX_WTP; i++) { gWTPs[i].isNotFree = CW_FALSE; } /* store network interface's addresses */ gInterfacesCount = CWNetworkCountInterfaceAddresses(&gACSocket); CWLog("Found %d Network Interface(s)", gInterfacesCount); if (gInterfacesCount<=0){ CWLog("Can't start AC"); exit(1); } CW_CREATE_ARRAY_ERR(gInterfaces, gInterfacesCount, CWProtocolNetworkInterface, CWLog("Out of Memory"); return;);