   RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds;
   HDC hdc  = di.hdcDraw;

   COLORREF    colFore;
   HBRUSH      hOldBrush, hBrush;
   HPEN        hOldPen, hPen;

   // Translate m_colFore into a COLORREF type
   OleTranslateColor(m_clrFillColor, NULL, &colFore);

   // Create and select the colors to draw the circle
   hPen = (HPEN)GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
   hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, hPen);
   hBrush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
   hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hBrush);

   Ellipse(hdc, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom);

   // Create and select the brush that will be used to fill the polygon
   hBrush    = CreateSolidBrush(colFore);
   SelectObject(hdc, hBrush);

   Polygon(hdc, &m_arrPoint[0], m_nSides);

   // Select back the old pen and brush and delete the brush we created
   SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen);
   SelectObject(hdc, hOldBrush);

   return S_OK;
Esempio n. 2
void MainWindow::UpdateGraph()
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_points.size(); ++i)
		ui.m_inputPlot->graph(0)->addData(m_points[i].ro, m_points[i].sigma);

	// set axes ranges, so we see all data:
	ui.m_inputPlot->xAxis->setRange(m_minRho, m_maxRho);
	ui.m_inputPlot->yAxis->setRange(-0.1, 0.1);
Esempio n. 3
void LightFace (int surfnum)
    dface_t *f;
    lightinfo_t	l;
    int		s, t;
    int		i,j,c;
    vec3_t	total;
    int		size;
    int		lightmapwidth, lightmapsize;
    byte	*out;
    vec3_t	*light;
    int		w, h;
    int		clamp = 192;
    float	clampfactor = 0.75;

    if ( !clamp192 )
        clamp = 255;
        clampfactor = 1.0;

    f = dfaces + surfnum;

// some surfaces don't need lightmaps
    f->lightofs = -1;
    for (j=0 ; j<MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
        f->styles[j] = 255;

    if ( texinfo[f->texinfo].flags & TEX_SPECIAL)
    {   // non-lit texture

    memset (&l, 0, sizeof(l));
    l.surfnum = surfnum;
    l.face = f;

// rotate plane
    VectorCopy (dplanes[f->planenum].normal, l.facenormal);
    l.facedist = dplanes[f->planenum].dist;
    if (f->side)
        VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, l.facenormal, l.facenormal);
        l.facedist = -l.facedist;

    CalcFaceVectors (&l);
    CalcFaceExtents (&l);
    CalcPoints (&l);

    lightmapwidth = l.texsize[0]+1;

    size = lightmapwidth*(l.texsize[1]+1);
    if (size > SINGLEMAP)
        Error ("Bad lightmap size");

    for (i=0 ; i<MAXLIGHTMAPS ; i++)
        l.lightstyles[i] = 255;

// cast all lights
    l.numlightstyles = 0;
    for (i=0 ; i<numlightentities ; i++)
        SingleLightFace (&lightentities[i], &l);

    FixMinlight (&l);

    if (!l.numlightstyles)
    {   // no light hitting it

// save out the values
    for (i=0 ; i <MAXLIGHTMAPS ; i++)
        f->styles[i] = l.lightstyles[i];

    if( hicolor )
        lightmapsize = size*l.numlightstyles*3;
        lightmapsize = size * l.numlightstyles;

    out = GetFileSpace (lightmapsize);
    f->lightofs = out - filebase;

// extra filtering
    h = (l.texsize[1]+1)*2;
    w = (l.texsize[0]+1)*2;

    for (i=0 ; i< l.numlightstyles ; i++)
        if (l.lightstyles[i] == 0xff)
            Error ("Wrote empty lightmap");
        light = l.lightmaps[i];
        c = 0;
        for (t=0 ; t<=l.texsize[1] ; t++)
            for (s=0 ; s<=l.texsize[0] ; s++, c++)
                if (extrasamples)
#ifdef OLD_CODE
                    // filtered sample
                    VectorCopy( light[t*2*w+s*2], total );
                    VectorAdd( total, light[t*2*w+s*2+1], total );
                    VectorAdd( total, light[(t*2+1)*w+s*2], total );
                    VectorAdd( total, light[(t*2+1)*w+s*2+1], total );
                    VectorScale( total, 0.25, total );
                    int	u, v;
                    float	weight[3][3] =
                        {  5,  9,  5 },
                        {  9, 16,  9 },
                        {  5,  9,  5 },
                    float	divisor = 0.0;
                    for ( u = 0; u < 3; u++ )
                        for ( v = 0; v < 3; v++ )
                            if ( s+u-2>=0 && t+v-1>=0 && s+u-1 <= w && t+v-1 <= h)
                                vec3_t	sample;
                                VectorScale( light[((t*2)+(v-1))*w + ((s*2)+(u-1))], weight[u][v], sample );
                                divisor += weight[u][v];
                                VectorAdd( total, sample, total );
                    if ( divisor > 1.0 )
                        VectorScale( total, 1/divisor, total );
                    total[0] = max(total[0],0.0);
                    total[1] = max(total[1],0.0);
                    total[2] = max(total[2],0.0);
                    VectorCopy( light[ c ], total );

                // Scale
                VectorScale( total, rangescale, total );

                // Clamp
                if( hicolor )
                    for( j=0; j<3; j++ )
                        total[ j ] *= clampfactor;

                        if( total[j] > clamp)
                            total[j] = clamp;
                        else if (total[j] < 0)
                            Error ("light < 0");

                        *out++ = (byte) total[j];
                    int intensity = total[ 0 ] + total[ 1 ] + total[ 2 ];
                    if( intensity > 255 )
                        intensity = 255;
                    else if( intensity < 0 )
                        Error( "light < 0" );

                    *out++ = (byte) intensity;
Esempio n. 4
void TestLightFace (int surfnum, const vec3_t faceoffset)
	dface_t	*f;
	lightinfo_t	l;
	int		i;
//	int		j, c;
	vec3_t		point;

	f = dfaces + surfnum;

	memset (&l, 0, sizeof(l));

	strcpy (l.texname, miptex[texinfo[f->texinfo].miptex].name);

// we can speed up the checking process by ignoring any textures
// that give white light. this hasn't been done since version 0.2,
// we can get rid of it
//	FindTexlightColor (&i, &j, &c, miptex[texinfo[f->texinfo].miptex].name);
//	if (i == 255 && j == 255 && c == 255)
//		return;

	// don't even bother with sky - although we might later on if we can
	// get some kinda good sky textures going.
	if (!strncmp (l.texname, "sky", 3))

	l.surfnum = surfnum;
	l.face = f;

	/* rotate plane */

	VectorCopy (dplanes[f->planenum].normal, l.facenormal);
	l.facedist = dplanes[f->planenum].dist;
	VectorScale (l.facenormal, l.facedist, point);
	VectorAdd (point, faceoffset, point);
	l.facedist = DotProduct( point, l.facenormal );

	if (f->side)
		VectorNegate (l.facenormal, l.facenormal);
		l.facedist = -l.facedist;

	CalcFaceVectors (&l);

	// use the safe version here which will not give bad surface
	// extents on special textures
	CalcFaceExtents(&l, faceoffset, false);

	CalcPoints (&l);

	for (i = 0 ; i < num_entities ; i++)
		if (!strcmp (entities[i].classname, "light"))
			// don't test torches, flames and globes
			// they already have their own light
			TestSingleLightFace (&entities[i], &l, faceoffset);
		else if (!strncmp (entities[i].classname, "light_fluor", 11))
			// test fluoros as well
			TestSingleLightFace (&entities[i], &l, faceoffset);
Esempio n. 5
void LightFaceLIT (int surfnum, const vec3_t faceoffset)
	dface_t	*f;
	lightinfo_t	l;
	int		s, t;
	int		i, j, c;
	int		size;
	int		lightmapwidth;
	byte	*out;
	int	w;
	/* TYR - temp vars */
	vec_t		maxc;
	int		x1, x2, x3, x4;
	/* TYR - colored lights */
	vec3_t		*lightcolor;
	vec3_t		totalcolors;
	vec3_t		point;

	f = dfaces + surfnum;

	// this version already has the light offsets calculated from
	// the original lighting, so we will just reuse them.
	if (f->lightofs == -1)

	for (j = 0 ; j < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; j++)
		f->styles[j] = 255;

	if ( texinfo[f->texinfo].flags & TEX_SPECIAL)
	{	// non-lit texture

	memset (&l, 0, sizeof(l));
	l.surfnum = surfnum;
	l.face = f;

// rotate plane
	VectorCopy (dplanes[f->planenum].normal, l.facenormal);
	l.facedist = dplanes[f->planenum].dist;
	VectorScale (l.facenormal, l.facedist, point);
	VectorAdd (point, faceoffset, point);
	l.facedist = DotProduct( point, l.facenormal );

	if (f->side)
		VectorNegate (l.facenormal, l.facenormal);
		l.facedist = -l.facedist;

	CalcFaceVectors (&l);
	CalcFaceExtents (&l, faceoffset, true);
	CalcPoints (&l);

	lightmapwidth = l.texsize[0]+1;

	size = lightmapwidth*(l.texsize[1]+1);
	if (size > SINGLEMAP)
		COM_Error ("Bad lightmap size");

	for (i = 0 ; i < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; i++)
		l.lightstyles[i] = 255;

	l.numlightstyles = 0;

	strcpy (l.texname, miptex[texinfo[f->texinfo].miptex].name);

	for (i = 0 ; i < num_entities ; i++)
		if (entities[i].light)
			SingleLightFace (&entities[i], &l, faceoffset);

// minimum lighting
	FixMinlight (&l);

	if (!l.numlightstyles)
	{	// no light hitting it

// save out the values
	for (i = 0 ; i < MAXLIGHTMAPS ; i++)
		f->styles[i] = l.lightstyles[i];

	// we have to store the new light data at
	// the same offset as the old stuff...
	out = &newdlightdata[faces_ltoffset[surfnum]];

// extra filtering
	w = (l.texsize[0] + 1) * 2;

	for (i = 0 ; i < l.numlightstyles ; i++)
		if (l.lightstyles[i] == 0xff)
			COM_Error ("Wrote empty lightmap");

		lightcolor = l.lightmapcolors[i];
		c = 0;

		for (t = 0 ; t <= l.texsize[1] ; t++)
			for (s = 0 ; s <= l.texsize[0] ; s++, c++)
				if (extrasamples)
					x1 = t*2*w + s*2;
					x2 = x1 + 1;
					x3 = (t*2 + 1)*w + s*2;
					x4 = x3 + 1;

					// calculate the color
					totalcolors[0] = lightcolor[x1][0] + lightcolor[x2][0] + lightcolor[x3][0] + lightcolor[x4][0];
					totalcolors[0] *= 0.25;
					totalcolors[1] = lightcolor[x1][1] + lightcolor[x2][1] + lightcolor[x3][1] + lightcolor[x4][1];
					totalcolors[1] *= 0.25;
					totalcolors[2] = lightcolor[x1][2] + lightcolor[x2][2] + lightcolor[x3][2] + lightcolor[x4][2];
					totalcolors[2] *= 0.25;
					VectorCopy (lightcolor[c], totalcolors);

				// CSL - Scale back intensity, instead
				//	 of capping individual colors
				VectorScale (totalcolors, rangescale, totalcolors);
				maxc = 0;

				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					if (totalcolors[j] > maxc)
						maxc = totalcolors[j];
					else if (totalcolors[j] < 0)
						totalcolors[j] = 0;	// this used to be an error!!!!
				if (maxc > 255.0)
					VectorScale (totalcolors, 255.0 / maxc, totalcolors);

				// write out the lightmap in RGBA format
				*out++ = totalcolors[0];
				*out++ = totalcolors[1];
				*out++ = totalcolors[2];
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief
 * @sa FinalLightFace
void BuildFacelights (unsigned int facenum)
	dBspSurface_t* face;
	dBspPlane_t* plane;
	dBspTexinfo_t* tex;
	float* center;
	float* sdir, *tdir;
	vec3_t normal, binormal;
	vec4_t tangent;
	lightinfo_t li;
	float scale;
	int i, j, numsamples;
	facelight_t* fl;
	int* headhints;
	const int grid_type = config.soft ? 1 : 0;

	if (facenum >= MAX_MAP_FACES) {
		Com_Printf("MAX_MAP_FACES hit\n");

	face = &curTile->faces[facenum];
	plane = &curTile->planes[face->planenum];
	tex = &curTile->texinfo[face->texinfo];

	if (tex->surfaceFlags & SURF_WARP)
		return;		/* non-lit texture */

	sdir = tex->vecs[0];
	tdir = tex->vecs[1];

	/* lighting -extra antialiasing */
	if (config.extrasamples)
		numsamples = config.soft ? SOFT_SAMPLES : MAX_SAMPLES;
		numsamples = 1;


	scale = 1.0 / numsamples; /* each sample contributes this much */

	li.face = face;
	li.facedist = plane->dist;
	VectorCopy(plane->normal, li.facenormal);
	/* negate the normal and dist */
	if (face->side) {
		VectorNegate(li.facenormal, li.facenormal);
		li.facedist = -li.facedist;

	/* get the origin offset for rotating bmodels */
	VectorCopy(face_offset[facenum], li.modelorg);

	/* calculate lightmap texture mins and maxs */

	/* and the lightmap texture vectors */

	/* now generate all of the sample points */
	CalcPoints(&li, 0, 0);

	fl = &facelight[config.compile_for_day][facenum];
	fl->numsamples = li.numsurfpt;
	fl->samples    = Mem_AllocTypeN(vec3_t, fl->numsamples);
	fl->directions = Mem_AllocTypeN(vec3_t, fl->numsamples);

	center = face_extents[facenum].center;  /* center of the face */

	/* Also setup the hints.  Each hint is specific to each light source, including sunlight. */
	headhints = Mem_AllocTypeN(int, (numlights[config.compile_for_day] + 1));

	/* calculate light for each sample */
	for (i = 0; i < fl->numsamples; i++) {
		float* const sample    = fl->samples[i];    /* accumulate lighting here */
		float* const direction = fl->directions[i]; /* accumulate direction here */

		if (tex->surfaceFlags & SURF_PHONG)
			/* interpolated normal */
			SampleNormal(&li, li.surfpt[i], normal);
			/* or just plane normal */
			VectorCopy(li.facenormal, normal);

		for (j = 0; j < numsamples; j++) {  /* with antialiasing */
			vec3_t pos;

			/* add offset for supersampling */
			VectorMA(li.surfpt[i], sampleofs[grid_type][j][0] * li.step, li.textoworld[0], pos);
			VectorMA(pos, sampleofs[grid_type][j][1] * li.step, li.textoworld[1], pos);

			NudgeSamplePosition(pos, normal, center, pos);

			GatherSampleLight(pos, normal, sample, direction, scale, headhints);
		if (VectorNotEmpty(direction)) {
			vec3_t dir;

			/* normalize it */

			/* finalize the lighting direction for the sample */
			TangentVectors(normal, sdir, tdir, tangent, binormal);

			dir[0] = DotProduct(direction, tangent);
			dir[1] = DotProduct(direction, binormal);
			dir[2] = DotProduct(direction, normal);

			VectorCopy(dir, direction);

	/* Free the hints. */

	for (i = 0; i < fl->numsamples; i++) {  /* pad them */
		float* const direction = fl->directions[i];
		if (VectorEmpty(direction))
			VectorSet(direction, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	/* free the sample positions for the face */
Esempio n. 7
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
	: QMainWindow(parent)