Esempio n. 1
//------------------------- FitnessScaleBoltzmann ------------------------
//  This function applies Boltzmann scaling to a populations fitness
//  scores as described in Chapter 5.
//  The static value Temp is the boltzmann temperature which is reduced
//  each generation by a small amount. As Temp decreases the difference 
//  spread between the high and low fitnesses increases.
void CgaTSP::FitnessScaleBoltzmann(vector<SGenome> &pop)

  //reduce the temp a little each generation
  m_dBoltzmannTemp -= BOLTZMANN_DT;

  //make sure it doesn't fall below minimum value
  if (m_dBoltzmannTemp< BOLTZMANN_MIN_TEMP)
    m_dBoltzmannTemp = BOLTZMANN_MIN_TEMP;

  //first calculate the average fitness/Temp
  double divider = m_dAverageFitness/m_dBoltzmannTemp;

  //now iterate through the population and calculate the new expected
  for (int gen=0; gen<pop.size(); ++gen)
    double OldFitness = pop[gen].dFitness;

    pop[gen].dFitness = (OldFitness/m_dBoltzmannTemp)/divider;

  //recalculate values used in selection
Esempio n. 2
//	calculates the fitness of each member of the population, updates the
//	fittest, the worst, keeps a sum of the total fittness scores and the
//	average fitness score of the population (most of these stats are required
//	when we apply pre-selection fitness scaling.
void CgaTSP::CalculatePopulationsFitness()

	for (int i=0; i<m_iPopSize; ++i)

		double TourLength = m_pMap->GetTourLength(m_vecPopulation[i].vecCities);

		m_vecPopulation[i].dFitness = TourLength;
		//keep a track of the shortest route found each generation
		if (TourLength < m_dShortestRoute)
			m_dShortestRoute = TourLength;
		//keep a track of the worst tour each generation
		if (TourLength > m_dLongestRoute)
			m_dLongestRoute = TourLength;

	}//next chromo

	//Now we have calculated all the tour lengths we can assign
	//the fitness scores
	for (i=0; i<m_iPopSize; ++i)
		m_vecPopulation[i].dFitness = m_dLongestRoute - m_vecPopulation[i].dFitness;

	//calculate values used in selection

Esempio n. 3
//----------------------------- FitnessScaleSigma ------------------------
//  Scales the fitness using sigma scaling based on the equations given
//  in Chapter 5 of the book.
void CgaTSP::FitnessScaleSigma(vector<SGenome> &pop)
  double RunningTotal = 0;

  //first iterate through the population to calculate the standard
  for (int gen=0; gen<pop.size(); ++gen)
    RunningTotal += (pop[gen].dFitness - m_dAverageFitness) *
                    (pop[gen].dFitness - m_dAverageFitness);

  double variance = RunningTotal/(double)m_iPopSize;

  //standard deviation is the square root of the variance
  m_dSigma = sqrt(variance);

  //now iterate through the population to reassign the fitness scores
  for (gen=0; gen<pop.size(); ++gen)
    double OldFitness = pop[gen].dFitness;

    pop[gen].dFitness = (OldFitness - m_dAverageFitness) /
                                    (2 * m_dSigma);

  //recalculate values used in selection

Esempio n. 4
//	takes a population of chromosones and runs the algorithm through one
//	cycle.
//	Returns a new population of chromosones.
vector<SGenome> CGenAlg::Epoch(vector<SGenome> &old_pop)
	//assign the given population to the classes population
  m_vecPop = old_pop;

  //reset the appropriate variables

  //create a temporary vector to store new chromosones
	vector <SGenome> vecNewPop;

  //sort the population (for scaling and elitism)
  sort(m_vecPop.begin(), m_vecPop.end());

	//Now to add a little elitism we shall add in some copies of the
	//fittest genomes. Make sure we add an EVEN number or the roulette
  //wheel sampling will crash
	if (!(CParams::iNumCopiesElite * CParams::iNumElite % 2))
		GrabNBest(CParams::iNumElite, CParams::iNumCopiesElite, vecNewPop);

	  //--------------now to enter the GA loop

	//repeat until a new population is generated
	while (vecNewPop.size() < m_iPopSize)

    //select using tournament selection for a change
    SGenome mum = TournamentSelection(CParams::iTournamentCompetitors);
		SGenome dad = TournamentSelection(CParams::iTournamentCompetitors);

		//create some offspring via crossover
		vector<double>		baby1, baby2;

		CrossoverAtSplits(mum.vecWeights, dad.vecWeights, baby1, baby2);

		//now we mutate

		//now copy into vecNewPop population
		vecNewPop.push_back( SGenome(baby1, 0) );
		vecNewPop.push_back( SGenome(baby2, 0) );

	//finished so assign new pop back into m_vecPop
	m_vecPop = vecNewPop;

	return m_vecPop;
Esempio n. 5
//	takes a population of chromosones and runs the algorithm through one
//	 cycle.
//	Returns a new population of chromosones.
vector<Genome> GenAlg::Epoch(vector<Genome> &old_pop)
	//assign the given population to the classes population
  mPop = old_pop;

  //reset the appropriate variables

  //sort the population (for scaling and elitism)
  sort(mPop.begin(), mPop.end());

  //calculate best, worst, average and total fitness
  //create a temporary vector to store new chromosones
	vector <Genome> vecNewPop;

	//Now to add a little elitism we shall add in some copies of the
	//fittest genomes. Make sure we add an EVEN number or the roulette
  //wheel sampling will crash

	//now we enter the GA loop
	//repeat until a new population is generated
	while (vecNewPop.size() < mPopSize)
		//grab two chromosones
		Genome mum = GetChromoRoulette();
		Genome dad = GetChromoRoulette();

		//create some offspring via crossover
		vector<double>		baby1, baby2;

		Crossover(mum.weights, dad.weights, baby1, baby2);

		//now we mutate

		//now copy into vecNewPop population
		vecNewPop.push_back(Genome(baby1, 0));
		vecNewPop.push_back(Genome(baby2, 0));

	//finished so assign new pop back into m_vecPop
	mPop = vecNewPop;

	return mPop;
Esempio n. 6
//----------------------- SUSSelection -----------------------------------
//  This function performs Stochasitic Universal Sampling.
//  SUS uses N evenly spaced hands which are spun once to choose the 
//  new population. As described in chapter 5.
void CgaTSP::SUSSelection(vector<SGenome> &NewPop)
  //this algorithm relies on all the fitnesses to be positive so
  //these few lines check and adjust accordingly (in this example
  //Sigma scaling can give negative fitnesses
  if (m_dWorstFitness < 0)
    for (int gen=0; gen<m_vecPopulation.size(); ++gen)
      m_vecPopulation[gen].dFitness += fabs(m_dWorstFitness);


  int curGen = 0;
  double sum = 0;

  //NumToAdd is the amount of individuals we need to select using SUS.
  //Remember, some may have already been selected through elitism
  int NumToAdd = m_iPopSize - NewPop.size();

  //calculate the hand spacing
  double PointerGap = m_dTotalFitness/(double)NumToAdd;

  //choose a random start point for the wheel
  float ptr = RandFloat() * PointerGap;

	while (NewPop.size() < NumToAdd)
	  for(sum+=m_vecPopulation[curGen].dFitness; sum > ptr; ptr+=PointerGap)

       if( NewPop.size() == NumToAdd)

Esempio n. 7
//	This type of fitness scaling sorts the population into ascending
//	order of fitness and then simply assigns a fitness score based 
//	on its position in the ladder. (so if a genome ends up last it
//	gets score of zero, if best then it gets a score equal to the size
//	of the population. 
void CgaTSP::FitnessScaleRank(vector<SGenome> &pop)
	//sort population into ascending order
	if (!m_bSorted)
		sort(pop.begin(), pop.end());

		m_bSorted = true;

	//now assign fitness according to the genome's position on
	//this new fitness 'ladder'
	for (int i=0; i<pop.size(); i++)
		pop[i].dFitness = i;

	//recalculate values used in selection
Esempio n. 8
TArray<FGenome> GeneticAlg::Epoch(TArray<FGenome> &OldPop)
	PopArray = OldPop;
	PopArray.Sort(); //sorts Fgenomes by fitness
	TArray<FGenome> NewPop;
	if (!(NumCopiesElite * NumElites % 2))
		GrabNBest(NumElites, NumCopiesElite, NewPop);
	while (NewPop.Num() < PopulationSize)
		//grab two chromosones
		FGenome mum = GetChromoRoulette();
		FGenome dad = GetChromoRoulette();

		//create some offspring via crossover
		TArray<float>		baby1, baby2;

		CrossOver(mum.WeightsArray, dad.WeightsArray, baby1, baby2);

		//now we mutate

		//now copy into vecNewPop population
		NewPop.Add(FGenome(baby1, 0));
		NewPop.Add(FGenome(baby2, 0));

	//finished so assign new pop back into m_vecPop
	PopArray = NewPop;

	return PopArray;