Esempio n. 1
void RD_SubproblemSolver::GetOptimalityCut( Real_T &value, Real_T *grad, // )
	Int_T n, const Scenario &Scen )
	assert( grad != NULL );

	//	Time to generate an optimality cut g_omega such that:
	//		g_omega = - Transp( T_omega ) * pi_opt
	//	where
	//		g_omega				is the gradient,
	//		Transp( T_omega )	is technology matrix transpose and
	//		pi_opt				is the vector of optimal dual variables.
	CalculateGradient( grad, n, y, Scen );

	//	Compute the duality gap - verify the objective value in this manner.
	assert( DualityGap() < 1e-6 );
	value = Result;
Esempio n. 2
/// Main solving loop.
/// Loops over all valid frames and performs IK solving.
void IKSolver::SolveLoop()
	// clear saved frame data

	int maxFrames = mModel->mOpenedC3dFile->GetFrameCount();

#ifdef _DEBUG
	std::ofstream logFile("logs/loop_log.txt");

	logFile << "Num Frames: " << maxFrames << std::endl << std::endl;

	//std::ofstream dofFile("logs/dofs.txt");

	// loop over all valid frames
	// this is limited by the number of frames in the constraint file, but it can also be
	// limited by a max iteration parameter set for the solver
	for (int frameCounter = 0; frameCounter < maxFrames /*&& frameCounter < mMaxNumFrames*/; frameCounter++)
		std::cout << "Starting frame " << frameCounter << std::endl;
		// calculate constraint values
		// evaluate objective function
		double objectiveFunction = EvaluateObjectiveFunction(frameCounter);

		// various variables for our main loop
		double localStepSize = mStepSize;
		double localEpsilon = mEpsilon;
		int iterations = 0;
		int decreaseStepCounter = 0;

		// main solving loop
		while (objectiveFunction > localEpsilon )//&& iterations < mMaxIterations)
#ifdef _DEBUG
			// print out some information every 30 frames
			if (iterations % mPrintFrequency == 0)
				std::cout << "Iteration " << iterations << "\tObjective: " << objectiveFunction 
							<< "\tStep: " << localStepSize << "\tEpsilon: " << localEpsilon << std::endl;
#ifdef _DEBUG
			if (iterations % mPrintFrequency == 0)
				logFile << "Frame: " << frameCounter << std::endl;
				logFile << "Iteration: " << iterations << std::endl;
				logFile << "Step Size: " << localStepSize << std::endl;
				logFile << "Epsilon: " << localEpsilon << std::endl;
				logFile << "Objective Function: " << objectiveFunction << std::endl;

			// calculate gradient
			Vecd gradient = CalculateGradient(frameCounter);

			// get old dofs
			Vecd oldDofs;

			// move dofs
			Vecd newDofs = oldDofs - localStepSize * gradient;

			// update dofs

#ifdef _DEBUG
			if (iterations % mPrintFrequency == 0)
				logFile << "Gradient: " << gradient << std::endl;
				logFile << "Old Dofs: " << oldDofs << std::endl;
				logFile << "New Dofs: " << newDofs << std::endl;
				logFile << std::endl;

			// calculate new constraint values
			// calculate new objective function value
			double newObjectiveFunction = EvaluateObjectiveFunction(frameCounter);
			// make sure we always decrease so that we don't get stuck in some infinite loop
			if (newObjectiveFunction < objectiveFunction)
				// adaptive step size
				// if difference between objective functions is greater than epsilon
				// and certain number of iterations have passed, increase step size
				if (newObjectiveFunction > mEpsilon &&
					iterations > 0 && iterations % mStepIncreaseFrequency == 0)
					localStepSize *= mStepIncreaseFactor;
#ifdef _DEBUG
					std::cout << "Increased step size to " << localStepSize << std::endl;

				objectiveFunction = newObjectiveFunction;
				// count how many times we've decrease step this frame

				// decrease step size
				localStepSize /= mStepDecreaseFactor;
#ifdef _DEBUG
				std::cout << "Decreased step size to " << localStepSize << std::endl;
				// based on how many times we've had to decrease the step, choose different options
				if (decreaseStepCounter < mMaxIterations)
					// reset to old dofs and try again
				else if (decreaseStepCounter < mEpsilonIncreaseFrequency*mMaxIterations)
					// try increasing epsilon
					localEpsilon *= mEpsilonIncreaseFactor;
#ifdef _DEBUG
					std::cout << "Increased epsilon to " << localEpsilon << std::endl;

					// reset to old dofs and try again
					// at this point, give up; it isn't worth it
					objectiveFunction = 0.0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
					std::cout << "Too many iterations; moving on..." << std::endl;

			// update iteration counter

		UI->mFrameCounter_cou->value(frameCounter);	// update frame counter

		SaveDofs(frameCounter);	// save dofs for later playback
#ifdef _DEBUG
		// commented out because it slows things down more than really necessary
		// and same info can be placed into main log file
		// write dofs to file
		//Vecd dofs;

		//dofFile << frameCounter << std::endl << dofs << std::endl << std::endl;

		UI->mGLWindow->flush();	// update screen

		std::cout << "Ending frame " << frameCounter;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		std::cout << " after " << iterations << " iterations";
		std::cout << std::endl;


#ifdef _DEBUG

Esempio n. 3
ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh * MarchingCubes(SMarchingCubesVolume & Volume)

	ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh * Mesh = new ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh();
	int CurrentBuffer = 0;
	Mesh->Vertices.reserve(1 << 14);
	Mesh->Triangles.reserve(1 << 11);

	ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh::SVertex Vertices[12];

	vec3i VertexIndices[8] =
		vec3i(0, 0, 0),
		vec3i(1, 0, 0),
		vec3i(1, 0, 1),
		vec3i(0, 0, 1),
		vec3i(0, 1, 0),
		vec3i(1, 1, 0),
		vec3i(1, 1, 1),
		vec3i(0, 1, 1),

	for (s32 z = 0; z < Volume.Dimensions.Z - 1; ++ z)
	for (s32 y = 0; y < Volume.Dimensions.Y - 1; ++ y)
	for (s32 x = 0; x < Volume.Dimensions.X - 1; ++ x)
		int Lookup = 0;

		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[0]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=   1;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[1]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=   2;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[2]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=   4;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[3]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=   8;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[4]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=  16;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[5]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=  32;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[6]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |=  64;
		if ((Volume.Get(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[7]).Value <= 0)) Lookup |= 128;

		auto Interpolate = [&](vec3i const & v1, vec3i const & v2) -> ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh::SVertex
			//static CColorTable ColorTable;

			ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh::SVertex v;
			f32 const d1 = Volume.Get(v1).Value;
			f32 const d2 = Volume.Get(v2).Value;
			f32 ratio = d1 / (d2 - d1);
			if (ratio <= 0.f)
				ratio += 1.f;

			v.Position =
				vec3f(v1) * (ratio) +
				vec3f(v2) * (1.f - ratio);
			//v.Color = ColorTable.Get(
			//	Volume.Get(v1x, v1y, v1z).Color * (ratio) +
			//	Volume.Get(v2x, v2y, v2z).Color * (1.f - ratio));
			v.Normal =
				Normalize(Volume.Get(v1).Gradient) * (ratio) +
				Normalize(Volume.Get(v2).Gradient) * (1.f - ratio);

			//f32 const valp1 = Volume.Get(v1).Value;
			//f32 const valp2 = Volume.Get(v2).Value;

			//vec3f p1 = vec3f(v1);
			//vec3f p2 = vec3f(v2);

			//float mu;

			//if (abs(0 - valp1) < 0.00001)
			//	return(p1);
			//if (abs(0 - valp2) < 0.00001)
			//	return(p2);
			//if (abs(valp1 - valp2) < 0.00001)
			//	return(p1);
			//mu = (0 - valp1) / (valp2 - valp1);
			//v.Position.X = p1.X + mu * (p2.X - p1.X);
			//v.Position.Y = p1.Y + mu * (p2.Y - p1.Y);
			//v.Position.Z = p1.Z + mu * (p2.Z - p1.Z);

			return v;

		u32 EdgeTableLookup = EdgeTable[Lookup];
		if (EdgeTable[Lookup] != 0)
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 1)    Vertices[0]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[0], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[1]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 2)    Vertices[1]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[1], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[2]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 4)    Vertices[2]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[2], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[3]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 8)    Vertices[3]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[3], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[0]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 16)   Vertices[4]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[4], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[5]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 32)   Vertices[5]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[5], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[6]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 64)   Vertices[6]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[6], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[7]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 128)  Vertices[7]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[7], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[4]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 256)  Vertices[8]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[0], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[4]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 512)  Vertices[9]  = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[1], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[5]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 1024) Vertices[10] = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[2], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[6]);
			if (EdgeTable[Lookup] & 2048) Vertices[11] = Interpolate(vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[3], vec3i(x, y, z) + VertexIndices[7]);

			for (u32 i = 0; TriTable[Lookup][i] != -1; i += 3)
				for (u32 j = i; j < (i+3); ++ j)

				ion::Scene::CSimpleMesh::STriangle Tri;
				Tri.Indices[0] = (uint) Mesh->Vertices.size() - 3;
				Tri.Indices[1] = (uint) Mesh->Vertices.size() - 2;
				Tri.Indices[2] = (uint) Mesh->Vertices.size() - 1;

	return Mesh;
Esempio n. 4
void RD_SubproblemSolver::GetFeasibilityCut( Real_T &value, Real_T *grad, // )
	Int_T n, const Scenario &Scen )
	assert( grad != NULL );

	//	Here we generate a feasibility cut. For that purpose we need to know
	//	which row of the constraint matrix was most infeasible and what was the
	//	infeasibility.

	//	Find the most violated constraint corresponding to a non-zero basic
	//	artificial variable. Put the index in 'infrow'.
	Int_T infrow = -1;
	value = 0.0;

	for( Int_T j = Int_T( LP.GetStructN() + LP.GetSlackN() ); j < N; j++ )
		if( VarType[j] & VT_ARTIF && x[j] > FEASIBILITY_TOL )
			if( x[j] > value && A2B[j] >= 0 )
				infrow = A2B[j];
				value = x[j];

	//	It is possible that the problem is infeasible, but all artificial
	//	variables (some of them have non-zero values) are non-basic. In such
	//	case a dual optimal solution to the first stage problem ('y_t') is
	//	used to generate the cut.
	if( infrow < 0 )
#ifndef NDEBUG
		Bool_T found = False;

		for( Int_T i = 0; i < M; i++ )
			if( IsNonZero( y_t[i] ) )
				found = True;
		if( !found )
			FatalError( "Internal error when generating a feasibility cut." );
		for( Int_T j = Int_T( LP.GetStructN() + LP.GetSlackN() ); j < N; j++ )
			value += fabs( x[j] );
		CalculateGradient( grad, n, y_t, Scen );
		//	Extract the appropriate row of the basis inverse into "pi" vector.
		//	Use "mark" work vector as a work space for sparsity pattern.
		WorkVector<Real_T> pi( M );
		WorkVector<Int_T> mark( M );

		pi.Fill( 0.0, M );	mark.Fill( 0, M );
		pi[ infrow ] = 1.0;	mark[ infrow ] = 1;
		B->SparseBTRAN( pi, mark );

		CalculateGradient( grad, n, pi, Scen );