Esempio n. 1
 * Converts a file path into a unique registry location for cert storage
 * @param  filePath     The input file path to get a registry path from
 * @param  registryPath A buffer to write the registry path to, must 
 *                      be of size in WCHARs MAX_PATH + 1
 * @return TRUE if successful
CalculateRegistryPathFromFilePath(const LPCWSTR filePath, 
                                  LPWSTR registryPath)
  size_t filePathLen = wcslen(filePath); 
  if (!filePathLen) {
    return FALSE;

  // If the file path ends in a slash, ignore that character
  if (filePath[filePathLen -1] == L'\\' || 
      filePath[filePathLen - 1] == L'/') {

  // Copy in the full path into our own buffer.
  // Copying in the extra slash is OK because we calculate the hash
  // based on the filePathLen which excludes the slash.
  // +2 to account for the possibly trailing slash and the null terminator.
  WCHAR *lowercasePath = new WCHAR[filePathLen + 2];
  memset(lowercasePath, 0, (filePathLen + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
  wcsncpy(lowercasePath, filePath, filePathLen + 1);

  BYTE *hash;
  DWORD hashSize = 0;
  if (!CalculateMD5(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lowercasePath), 
                    filePathLen * 2, 
                    &hash, hashSize)) {
    delete[] lowercasePath;
    return FALSE;
  delete[] lowercasePath;

  LPCWSTR baseRegPath = L"SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\"
  wcsncpy(registryPath, baseRegPath, MAX_PATH);
  BinaryDataToHexString(hash, hashSize, 
                        registryPath + wcslen(baseRegPath));
  delete[] hash;
  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
bool C3DODisk::FillSignatures(FILE *Handle)
	// Calculate the start and end skip sectors.
	int	iStartSkip = (m_iSignatureStart)& 0xFFFFFFF0;
	int	iEndSkip = (m_iSignatureStart)+(s_iSignatureSize / 2048);

	if ((iEndSkip & 0xF) != 0)
		iEndSkip &= 0xFFFFFFF0;
		iEndSkip += 0x10;

	// Seek to the start of the cdrom
	fseek(Handle, 0, SEEK_SET);

	BYTE	*pSignatures = m_pSignatures;

	int	iSignatures = m_iSectorCount;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iSignatures * 2048; iLoop += 16 * 2048)
		BYTE	Buffer[16 * 2048];

		fread(Buffer, 2048, 16, Handle);

		int	iSector = iLoop / 2048;

		// Do not calculate MD5 for the disk label, sector 0xE0(?), or the signature sectors.
		// 0x80E0 is sometimes ignored
		if (0 == iSector || 0xE0 == iSector || 0x80F0 == iSector || (iSector >= iStartSkip && iSector < iEndSkip))
			memset(pSignatures, 0, 16);

			CalculateMD5(Buffer, 16 * 2048, pSignatures);

		pSignatures += 16;

	// Clear out the sector after the signatures
	memset(pSignatures, 0, 2048);

	// Advance to the RSA area.
	pSignatures += 2048 - 64;

	// Calculate MD5 on the signatures
	BYTE	uSignatureMD5[16];

	CalculateMD5(m_pSignatures, m_iSignatureSize - 64, uSignatureMD5);

	// Convert MD5 to a string
	char	szSignatureMD5[64];

	szSignatureMD5[0] = 0;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uSignatureMD5); ++iLoop)
		char	szHexDigits[4];

		sprintf(szHexDigits, "%02X", uSignatureMD5[iLoop]);

		strcat(szSignatureMD5, szHexDigits);

	printf("Signatures MD5 value is %s\n\n", szSignatureMD5);

	// Calcute RSA on the MD5.
	CalculateRSA(szSignatureMD5, pSignatures);

	printf("Signatures RDS value is ");

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 64; ++iLoop)
		printf("%02X", pSignatures[iLoop]);


	return	true;
Esempio n. 3
bool C3DODisk::UpdateBannerChecksum(FILE *Handle)
	printf("Calculating the banner checksum...\n\n");

	int	iBannerSize = -1;
	int	iBannerOffset = -1;

	int	iRomTagsSize = (int)m_vRomTags.size();

	// Find banner screen
	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iRomTagsSize; ++iLoop)
		if (0x14 == m_vRomTags[iLoop].TagType)
			iBannerSize = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Length;
			iBannerOffset = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Offset * 2048;


	if (-1 == iBannerSize)
		printf("Unable to find a banner screen rom tag entry\n");

		return	false;

	BYTE	*pBannerBuffer = new BYTE[iBannerSize - 64];

	if (NULL == pBannerBuffer)
		printf("Unable to allocate memory for the banner screen\n");

		return	false;

	fseek(Handle, iBannerOffset, SEEK_SET);

	fread(pBannerBuffer, 1, iBannerSize - 64, Handle);

	BYTE	uBannerMD5[16];

	CalculateMD5(pBannerBuffer, iBannerSize - 64, uBannerMD5);

	// Banner MD5 value
	char	szBannerMD5[64];

	szBannerMD5[0] = 0;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uBannerMD5); ++iLoop)
		char	szHexDigits[4];

		sprintf(szHexDigits, "%02X", uBannerMD5[iLoop]);

		strcat(szBannerMD5, szHexDigits);

	printf("Banner MD5 value is %s\n\n", szBannerMD5);

	// Banner RSA value
	BYTE	uBannerRSA[64];

	CalculateRSA(szBannerMD5, uBannerRSA);

	printf("Banner RDS value is ");

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uBannerRSA); ++iLoop)
		printf("%02X", uBannerRSA[iLoop]);


	delete[] pBannerBuffer;

	printf("Writing the banner checksum...\n\n");

	fseek(Handle, iBannerOffset + iBannerSize - 64, SEEK_SET);

	fwrite(uBannerRSA, 1, 64, Handle);

	return	true;
Esempio n. 4
bool C3DODisk::CalculateBootChecksum(FILE *Handle)
	int	iRomTagsSize = (int)m_vRomTags.size();
	int iDataSize = s_iDiskLabelSize;

	printf("\nCollecting data for boot checksum...\n\n");

	// Add in the size of the rom tags
	iDataSize += iRomTagsSize * s_iRomTagSize;

	// Add in the size of the boot code
	iDataSize += m_iBootCodeSize;

	BYTE	*pBootCode = new BYTE[iDataSize];

	if (NULL == pBootCode)
		printf("Unable to allocated enough memory for the boot checksum files\n");

		return	false;

	int	iReadOffset = 0;

	// Read the disk label
	fseek(Handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&pBootCode[iReadOffset], s_iDiskLabelSize, 1, Handle);
	iReadOffset += s_iDiskLabelSize;

	// Read the rom tags
	fseek(Handle, s_iRomTagOffset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&pBootCode[iReadOffset], iRomTagsSize * s_iRomTagSize, 1, Handle);
	iReadOffset += iRomTagsSize * s_iRomTagSize;

	// Read boot code
	fseek(Handle, m_iBootCodeStart * 2048, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&pBootCode[iReadOffset], m_iBootCodeSize, 1, Handle);
	iReadOffset += m_iBootCodeSize;

	assert(iReadOffset == iDataSize);

	BYTE	uBootMD5[16];

	CalculateMD5(pBootCode, iDataSize, uBootMD5);

	// Boot MD5 value
	char	szBootMD5[64];

	szBootMD5[0] = 0;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uBootMD5); ++iLoop)
		char	szHexDigits[4];

		sprintf(szHexDigits, "%02X", uBootMD5[iLoop]);

		strcat(szBootMD5, szHexDigits);

	printf("Boot MD5 value is %s\n\n", szBootMD5);

	CalculateRSA(szBootMD5, m_uBootRSA);

	printf("Boot RDS value is ");

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(m_uBootRSA); ++iLoop)
		printf("%02X", m_uBootRSA[iLoop]);


	delete[] pBootCode;

	return	true;
Esempio n. 5
bool C3DODisk::CalculateMiscCodeChecksum(FILE *Handle)
	int	iRomTagsSize = (int)m_vRomTags.size();

	printf("\nCalculating misc_code checksum...\n\n");

	int	iMiscCodeSize = -1;
	int	iMiscCodeOffset;

	// Find misc_code
	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iRomTagsSize; ++iLoop)
		if (0x10 == m_vRomTags[iLoop].TagType)
			iMiscCodeSize = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Length;
			iMiscCodeOffset = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Offset * 2048;


	if (-1 == iMiscCodeSize)
		printf("Unable to find a misc_code rom tag entry\n");

		return	false;

	BYTE	*pMiscCode = new BYTE[iMiscCodeSize];

	if (NULL == pMiscCode)
		printf("Unable to allocated enough memory for the misc_code files\n");

		return	false;

	// Read misc_code
	fseek(Handle, iMiscCodeOffset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(pMiscCode, iMiscCodeSize, 1, Handle);

	BYTE	uMiscMD5[16];

	CalculateMD5(pMiscCode, iMiscCodeSize - 64, uMiscMD5);

	// Misc MD5 value
	char	szMiscMD5[64];

	szMiscMD5[0] = 0;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uMiscMD5); ++iLoop)
		char	szHexDigits[4];

		sprintf(szHexDigits, "%02X", uMiscMD5[iLoop]);

		strcat(szMiscMD5, szHexDigits);

	printf("misc_code MD5 value is %s\n\n", szMiscMD5);

	BYTE	uMiscRSA[64];

	CalculateRSA(szMiscMD5, uMiscRSA, true);

	printf("misc_code RDS value is ");

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uMiscRSA); ++iLoop)
		printf("%02X", uMiscRSA[iLoop]);


	delete[] pMiscCode;

	printf("Writing misc_code checksum...\n\n");

	fseek(Handle, iMiscCodeOffset + iMiscCodeSize - 64, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(uMiscRSA, 1, 64, Handle);

	return	true;
Esempio n. 6
bool C3DODisk::CalculateBootCodeChecksum(FILE *Handle)
	int	iRomTagsSize = (int)m_vRomTags.size();

	printf("\nCalculating boot_code checksum...\n\n");

	m_iBootCodeSize = -1;

	// Find boot_code
	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < iRomTagsSize; ++iLoop)
		if (0x0D == m_vRomTags[iLoop].TagType)
			m_iBootCodeStart = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Offset;
			m_iBootCodeSize = m_vRomTags[iLoop].Length;


	if (-1 == m_iBootCodeSize)
		printf("Unable to find a boot_code rom tag entry\n");

		return	false;

	BYTE	*pBootCode = new BYTE[m_iBootCodeSize];

	if (NULL == pBootCode)
		printf("Unable to allocated enough memory for the boot_code files\n");

		return	false;

	// Read boot_code
	fseek(Handle, m_iBootCodeStart * 2048, SEEK_SET);
	fread(pBootCode, m_iBootCodeSize, 1, Handle);

	BYTE	uBootMD5[16];

	CalculateMD5(pBootCode, m_iBootCodeSize - 64, uBootMD5);

	// Boot MD5 value
	char	szBootMD5[64];

	szBootMD5[0] = 0;

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(uBootMD5); ++iLoop)
		char	szHexDigits[4];

		sprintf(szHexDigits, "%02X", uBootMD5[iLoop]);

		strcat(szBootMD5, szHexDigits);

	printf("boot_code MD5 value is %s\n\n", szBootMD5);

	CalculateRSA(szBootMD5, m_uBootRSA, true);

	printf("boot_code RDS value is ");

	for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < sizeof(m_uBootRSA); ++iLoop)
		printf("%02X", m_uBootRSA[iLoop]);


	delete[] pBootCode;

	printf("Writing boot_code checksum...\n");

	fseek(Handle, m_iBootCodeStart * 2048 + m_iBootCodeSize - 64, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(m_uBootRSA, 1, 64, Handle);

	return	true;
Esempio n. 7
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get file snap shot
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	HANDLE hFile;
	BOOL calculateHash = TRUE;
	BOOL found = FALSE;

	// Full dir/file name is already given
	// Extra local block to reduce stack usage due to recursive calls
		LPTSTR lpszFindFileName;
		lpszFindFileName = NULL;
		// Get father file data if not already provided (=called from FileShot)
		// lpFatherFC only equals "C:\" and is called once at start
		if (NULL == lpFatherFC) 
			// Check if file is to be GENERIC excluded
			if ((NULL == lpszFullName)
				|| (((TCHAR)'.' == lpszFullName[0])  // fast exclusion for 99% of the cases
				&& ((0 == _tcscmp(lpszFullName, TEXT(".")))
				|| (0 == _tcscmp(lpszFullName, TEXT("..")))))) {
			// Create new file content
			lpFatherFC = MYALLOC0(sizeof(FILECONTENT));

			// Set file name length
			lpFatherFC->cchFileName = _tcslen(lpszFullName);
			// Copy file name to new buffer for directory search and more
			lpszFindFileName = MYALLOC((lpFatherFC->cchFileName + 4 + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));  // +4 for "\*.*" search when directory (later in routine)
			_tcscpy(lpszFindFileName, lpszFullName);
			// Special case if root dir of a drive was specified, needs trailing backslash otherwise current dir of that drive is used
			if ((TCHAR)':' == lpszFindFileName[lpFatherFC->cchFileName - 1]) {
				lpszFindFileName[lpFatherFC->cchFileName] = (TCHAR)'\\';
				lpszFindFileName[lpFatherFC->cchFileName + 1] = (TCHAR)'\0';
			//printf("lpszFullName: %ws\n", lpszFullName);
			//printf("lpszFindFileName: %ws\n", lpszFindFileName);

			hFile = FindFirstFile(lpszFullName, &FindData);
			if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) {
			else {
				// Workaround for some cases in Windows Vista and later
				ZeroMemory(&FindData, sizeof(FindData));
				if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) {
					BOOL bResult;

					bResult = GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, &FileInformation);
					if (bResult) {
						FindData.dwFileAttributes = FileInformation.dwFileAttributes;
						FindData.ftCreationTime = FileInformation.ftCreationTime;
						FindData.ftLastAccessTime = FileInformation.ftLastAccessTime;
						FindData.ftLastWriteTime = FileInformation.ftLastWriteTime;
						FindData.nFileSizeHigh = FileInformation.nFileSizeHigh;
						FindData.nFileSizeLow = FileInformation.nFileSizeLow;
					else {
						FindData.dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(lpszFullName);
						if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == FindData.dwFileAttributes) {
							FindData.dwFileAttributes = 0;
						bResult = GetFileTime(hFile, &FindData.ftCreationTime, &FindData.ftLastAccessTime, &FindData.ftLastWriteTime);
						if (!bResult) {
							FindData.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime = 0;
							FindData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime = 0;
							FindData.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime = 0;
							FindData.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime = 0;
							FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime = 0;
							FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime = 0;
						FindData.nFileSizeLow = GetFileSize(hFile, &FindData.nFileSizeHigh);
						if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == FindData.nFileSizeLow) {
							FindData.nFileSizeHigh = 0;
							FindData.nFileSizeLow = 0;

			// Remove previously added backslash (if any)
			lpszFindFileName[lpFatherFC->cchFileName] = (TCHAR)'\0';

			// Copy pointer to current file into caller's pointer
			if (NULL != lplpCaller) {
				*lplpCaller = lpFatherFC;
			// Increase dir/file count
			if (ISFILE(FindData.dwFileAttributes)) {
			else {

			// Copy file name
			lpFatherFC->lpszFileName = MYALLOC((lpFatherFC->cchFileName + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
			_tcscpy(lpFatherFC->lpszFileName, lpszFullName);

			// Copy file data
			lpFatherFC->nWriteDateTimeLow = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
			lpFatherFC->nWriteDateTimeHigh = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
			lpFatherFC->nAccessDateTimeLow = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
			lpFatherFC->nAccessDateTimeHigh = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
			lpFatherFC->nFileSizeLow = FindData.nFileSizeLow;
			lpFatherFC->nFileSizeHigh = FindData.nFileSizeHigh;
			lpFatherFC->nFileAttributes = FindData.dwFileAttributes;

			// Set "lpFirstSubFC" pointer for storing the first child's pointer
			lplpCaller = &lpFatherFC->lpFirstSubFC;

		// If father is a file, then leave (=special case when called from FileShot)
		if (ISFILE(lpFatherFC->nFileAttributes)) {
			if (NULL != lpszFindFileName) {

		// Process all entries of directory
		// a) Create search pattern and start search
		if (NULL == lpszFindFileName) {
			lpszFindFileName = lpszFullName;
		_tcscat(lpszFindFileName, TEXT("\\*.*"));
		hFile = FindFirstFile(lpszFindFileName, &FindData);
		if (lpszFindFileName != lpszFullName) {
	}  // End of extra local block
	if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) {  
		// error: nothing in dir, no access, etc.
		//printf(">>> ERROR: fileshot.c: getFileSnap: INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: %ws\n", lpszFullName);
	// b) process entry then find next
	do {
		lpszFullName = NULL;
		//BOOL calculateHash = TRUE;
		//BOOL found = FALSE;

		// Check if file is to be GENERIC excluded (dot dirs)
		if ((NULL == FindData.cFileName)
			|| (((TCHAR)'.' == FindData.cFileName[0])  // fast exclusion for 99% of the cases
			&& ((0 == _tcscmp(FindData.cFileName, TEXT(".")))
			|| (0 == _tcscmp(FindData.cFileName, TEXT("..")))))) {
			continue;  // ignore this entry and continue with next file

		// Create new file content
		// Set father of current key
		lpFC->lpFatherFC = lpFatherFC;
		// Set file name length
		lpFC->cchFileName = _tcslen(FindData.cFileName);

		// Allocate memory copy file name to FILECONTENT
		lpFC->lpszFileName = MYALLOC0((lpFC->cchFileName + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
		_tcscpy(lpFC->lpszFileName, FindData.cFileName);

		// Static blacklist for directories
		if (ISDIR(FindData.dwFileAttributes))
			if (performStaticBlacklisting)
				LPTSTR lpszFullPath;
				lpszFullPath = GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4);

				found = TrieSearchPath(blacklistDIRS->children, lpszFullPath);
				if (found)

					// Increase value count for display purposes
					// Ignore this entry and continue with next brother value

		// Check if the file system entry is a symbolic link
		// If so, skip as it actually resides somewhere else on the file system!
		if (ISSYM(FindData.dwFileAttributes)) {
			if (ISFILE(FindData.dwFileAttributes)) {
			else {

		// Blacklisting implementation for files		
		if (ISFILE(FindData.dwFileAttributes))
			if (dwBlacklist == 1)
				// First snapshot, therefore populate the Trie (Prefix Tree)
				// Get the full file path
				LPTSTR lpszFullPath;
				lpszFullPath = GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4);

				// Add full path to file blacklist prefix tree, then free path
				TrieAdd(&blacklistFILES, lpszFullPath);

				// Increase value count for display purposes

				// Ignore this entry and continue with next brother value
			else if (dwBlacklist == 2)
				// Not the first snapshot, so either:
				// 1) If blacklisting enabled: Ignore file if its in the blacklist
				// 2) If hashing enabled (and not blacklisting): Mark file as not to be hashed
				LPTSTR lpszFullPath;
				lpszFullPath = GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4);
				found = TrieSearchPath(blacklistFILES->children, lpszFullPath);
				if (found)
					if (performDynamicBlacklisting)

						// Increase value count for display purposes

						// Ignore this entry and continue with next brother value
					if (performSHA1Hashing || performMD5Hashing)
						calculateHash = FALSE;
		// Copy pointer to current file into caller's pointer
		if (NULL != lplpCaller) {
			*lplpCaller = lpFC;

		// Increase dir/file count
		if (ISFILE(FindData.dwFileAttributes)) {
		else {

		// Copy file data
		lpFC->nWriteDateTimeLow = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
		lpFC->nWriteDateTimeHigh = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
		lpFC->nAccessDateTimeLow = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
		lpFC->nAccessDateTimeHigh = FindData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
		lpFC->nFileSizeLow = FindData.nFileSizeLow;
		lpFC->nFileSizeHigh = FindData.nFileSizeHigh;
		lpFC->nFileAttributes = FindData.dwFileAttributes;

		// Calculate file hash (computationally intensive!)
		// This should only be executed in the following scenarios:
		// 1) If the file system entry is a data file 
		// 2) If the data file is not blacklisted (previously known)
		if (ISFILE(FindData.dwFileAttributes))
			if (dwBlacklist == 2 && calculateHash) {
			    if (performSHA1Hashing)
				    lpFC->cchSHA1 = 40;
				    lpFC->lpszSHA1 = MYALLOC((lpFC->cchSHA1 + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
				    _tcscpy(lpFC->lpszSHA1, CalculateSHA1(GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4)));
                if (performMD5Hashing)
				    lpFC->cchMD5 = 32;
				    lpFC->lpszMD5 = MYALLOC((lpFC->cchMD5 + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
				    _tcscpy(lpFC->lpszMD5, CalculateMD5(GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4)));
				if (performMD5BlockHashing)
					LPMD5BLOCK theMD5Block = CalculateMD5Blocks(GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4), dwHashBlockSize);
					lpFC->lpMD5Block = MYALLOC0(sizeof(MD5BLOCK));
					lpFC->lpMD5Block = theMD5Block;

		// Print file system shot status
		if ((dwBlacklist == 2 && performDynamicBlacklisting) || (performStaticBlacklisting)) {
			printf("  > Dirs: %d  Files: %d  Blacklisted Dirs: %d  Blacklisted Files: %d\r", lpShot->stCounts.cDirs, 
		else {
			printf("  > Dirs: %d  Files: %d\r", lpShot->stCounts.cDirs, lpShot->stCounts.cFiles);

		// ATTENTION!!! FindData will be INVALID from this point on, due to recursive calls
		// If the entry is a directory, then do a recursive call for it
		// Pass this entry as father and "lpFirstSubFC" pointer for storing the first child's pointer
		if (ISDIR(lpFC->nFileAttributes)) {
			if (NULL == lpszFullName) {
				lpszFullName = GetWholeFileName(lpFC, 4);  // +4 for "\*.*" search (in recursive call)
			GetFilesSnap(lpShot, lpszFullName, lpFC, &lpFC->lpFirstSubFC);

		if (NULL != lpszFullName) {

		// Set "lpBrotherFC" pointer for storing the next brother's pointer
		lplpCaller = &lpFC->lpBrotherFC;
	} while (FindNextFile(hFile, &FindData));
Esempio n. 8
	// Getting the check-sum only once on start-up
	_openholdem_MD5 = CalculateMD5(PathOfExecutable());