Esempio n. 1
CdCommonCleanup (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for cleanup of a file/directory called by both
    the fsd and fsp threads.

    Cleanup is invoked whenever the last handle to a file object is closed.
    This is different than the Close operation which is invoked when the last
    reference to a file object is deleted.

    The function of cleanup is to essentially "cleanup" the file/directory
    after a user is done with it.  The Fcb/Dcb remains around (because MM
    still has the file object referenced) but is now available for another
    user to open (i.e., as far as the user is concerned the is now closed).

    See close for a more complete description of what close does.

    We do no synchronization in this routine until we get to the point
    where we modify the counts, share access and volume lock field.

    We need to update the Fcb and Vcb to show that a user handle has been closed.
    The following structures and fields are affected.


        VolumeLockFileObject - Did the user lock the volume with this file object.
        VcbState - Check if we are unlocking the volume here.
        VcbCleanup - Count of outstanding handles on the volume.
        DirNotifyQueue - If this file object has pending DirNotify Irps.


        ShareAccess - If this is a user handle.
        FcbCleanup - Count of outstanding handles on this Fcb.
        Oplock - Any outstanding oplocks on this file object.
        FileLock - Any outstanding filelocks on this file object.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation.


    PFILE_OBJECT FileObject;
    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;

    BOOLEAN SendUnlockNotification = FALSE;
    BOOLEAN AttemptTeardown;

    PVCB Vcb;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    KIRQL SavedIrql;

    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_IRP( Irp );

    //  If we were called with our file system device object instead of a
    //  volume device object, just complete this request with STATUS_SUCCESS.

    if (IrpContext->Vcb == NULL) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Get the file object out of the Irp and decode the type of open.

    FileObject = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp )->FileObject;

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext,
                                     &Ccb );

    //  No work here for either an UnopenedFile object or a StreamFileObject.

    if (TypeOfOpen <= StreamFileOpen) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Keep a local pointer to the Vcb.

    Vcb = Fcb->Vcb;
    //  Synchronise with reads while we set the cleanup complete 
    //  flag on this fileobject.  Once this flag is set,  any further
    //  reads will be rejected (CdVerifyFcbOperation)

    CdAcquireFileExclusive( IrpContext, Fcb);

    //  Set the flag in the FileObject to indicate that cleanup is complete.

    SetFlag( FileObject->Flags, FO_CLEANUP_COMPLETE );

    CdReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb);
    //  Acquire the current file.

    CdAcquireFcbExclusive( IrpContext, Fcb, FALSE );
    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {
        //  Case on the type of open that we are trying to cleanup.

        switch (TypeOfOpen) {

        case UserDirectoryOpen:

            //  Check if we need to complete any dir notify Irps on this file object.

            FsRtlNotifyCleanup( Vcb->NotifySync,
                                Ccb );


        case UserFileOpen:

            //  Coordinate the cleanup operation with the oplock state.
            //  Oplock cleanup operations can always cleanup immediately so no
            //  need to check for STATUS_PENDING.

            FsRtlCheckOplock( &Fcb->Oplock,
                              NULL );

            //  Unlock all outstanding file locks.

            if (Fcb->FileLock != NULL) {

                FsRtlFastUnlockAll( Fcb->FileLock,
                                    IoGetRequestorProcess( Irp ),
                                    NULL );

            //  Cleanup the cache map.

            CcUninitializeCacheMap( FileObject, NULL, NULL );

            //  Check the fast io state.

            CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
            Fcb->IsFastIoPossible = CdIsFastIoPossible( Fcb );
            CdUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );


        case UserVolumeOpen :


        default :

            CdBugCheck( TypeOfOpen, 0, 0 );

        //  Now lock the Vcb in order to modify the fields in the in-memory
        //  structures.

        CdLockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

        //  Decrement the cleanup counts in the Vcb and Fcb.

        CdDecrementCleanupCounts( IrpContext, Fcb );

        //  If the cleanup count hit zero and the volume is not mounted, we
        //  will want to try to spark teardown.

        AttemptTeardown = (Vcb->VcbCleanup == 0 && Vcb->VcbCondition == VcbNotMounted);

        //  If this file object has locked the volume then perform the unlock operation.
        //  We do this regardless of explicit or implicit (no share DASD open) lock.

        if (FileObject == Vcb->VolumeLockFileObject) {

            ASSERT( FlagOn( Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_LOCKED));

            IoAcquireVpbSpinLock( &SavedIrql ); 

            ClearFlag( Vcb->Vpb->Flags, VPB_LOCKED);
            ClearFlag( Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_LOCKED );
            Vcb->VolumeLockFileObject = NULL;
            SendUnlockNotification = TRUE;

            IoReleaseVpbSpinLock( SavedIrql );  

        CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

        //  We must clean up the share access at this time, since we may not
        //  get a Close call for awhile if the file was mapped through this
        //  File Object.

        IoRemoveShareAccess( FileObject, &Fcb->ShareAccess );

    } finally {

        CdReleaseFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
        if (SendUnlockNotification) {
            FsRtlNotifyVolumeEvent( FileObject, FSRTL_VOLUME_UNLOCK );

    //  If appropriate, try to spark teardown by purging the volume.  Should
    //  this very fileobject we were cleaning up be the last reason for the
    //  volume to remain, teardown will commence on completion of this Irp.
    if (AttemptTeardown) {

        CdAcquireVcbExclusive( IrpContext, Vcb, FALSE );

        try {
            CdPurgeVolume( IrpContext, Vcb, FALSE );

        } finally {

            CdReleaseVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

    //  If this is a normal termination then complete the request

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
CdCommonDirControl (
    __inout PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __inout PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This routine is the entry point for the directory control operations.  These
    are directory enumerations and directory notify calls.  We verify the
    user's handle is for a directory and then call the appropriate routine.


    Irp - Irp for this request.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - Status returned from the lower level routines.


    NTSTATUS Status;
    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;


    //  Decode the user file object and fail this request if it is not
    //  a user directory.

    if (CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext,
                            &Ccb ) != UserDirectoryOpen) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );

    //  We know this is a directory control so we'll case on the
    //  minor function, and call a internal worker routine to complete
    //  the irp.

    switch (IrpSp->MinorFunction) {


        Status = CdQueryDirectory( IrpContext, Irp, IrpSp, Fcb, Ccb );


        Status = CdNotifyChangeDirectory( IrpContext, Irp, IrpSp, Ccb );


        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST );

    return Status;
Esempio n. 3
CdCommonLockControl (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for Lock Control called by both the fsd and fsp


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation


    NTSTATUS Status;
    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;


    //  Extract and decode the type of file object we're being asked to process

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    //  If the file is not a user file open then we reject the request
    //  as an invalid parameter

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserFileOpen) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );

    //  We check whether we can proceed based on the state of the file oplocks.
    //  This call might post the irp for us.

    Status = FsRtlCheckOplock( &Fcb->Oplock,
                               NULL );

    //  If we don't get success then the oplock package completed the request.

    if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {

        return Status;

    //  Verify the Fcb.

    CdVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  If we don't have a file lock, then get one now.

    if (Fcb->FileLock == NULL) { CdCreateFileLock( IrpContext, Fcb, TRUE ); }

    //  Now call the FsRtl routine to do the actual processing of the
    //  Lock request

    Status = FsRtlProcessFileLock( Fcb->FileLock, Irp, NULL );

    //  Set the flag indicating if Fast I/O is possible

    CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
    Fcb->IsFastIoPossible = CdIsFastIoPossible( Fcb );
    CdUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Complete the request.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, NULL, Status );
    return Status;
Esempio n. 4
CdCommonWrite (
    _Inout_ PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    _Inout_ PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common entry point for NtWriteFile calls.  For synchronous requests,
    CommonWrite will complete the request in the current thread.  If not
    synchronous the request will be passed to the Fsp if there is a need to


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The result of this operation.


    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    BOOLEAN Wait;
    ULONG SynchronousIo;
    PVOID UserBuffer;

    LONGLONG StartingOffset;
    LONGLONG ByteRange;
    ULONG ByteCount;
    ULONG WriteByteCount;
    ULONG OriginalByteCount;

    BOOLEAN ReleaseFile = TRUE;

    CD_IO_CONTEXT LocalIoContext;


    //  If this is a zero length write then return SUCCESS immediately.

    if (IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length == 0) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Decode the file object and verify we support write on this.  It
    //  must be a volume file.

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    // Internal lock object is acquired if return status is STATUS_PENDING

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserVolumeOpen) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST );

    //  Examine our input parameters to determine if this is noncached and/or
    //  a paging io operation.

    Wait = BooleanFlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
    SynchronousIo = FlagOn( IrpSp->FileObject->Flags, FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO );

    //  Extract the range of the Io.

    StartingOffset = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.QuadPart;
    OriginalByteCount = ByteCount = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length;

    ByteRange = StartingOffset + ByteCount;

    //  Acquire the file shared to perform the write.

    CdAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {

        //  Verify the Fcb.  Allow writes if this is a DASD handle that is 
        //  dismounting the volume.

        if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_DISMOUNT_ON_CLOSE ))  {

            CdVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

        if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO )) {

            //  Complete the request if it begins beyond the end of file.

            if (StartingOffset >= Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) {

                try_return( Status = STATUS_END_OF_FILE );

            //  Truncate the write if it extends beyond the end of the file.

            if (ByteRange > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) {

                ByteCount = (ULONG) (Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart - StartingOffset);
                ByteRange = Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart;

        //  If we have an unaligned transfer then post this request if
        //  we can't wait.  Unaligned means that the starting offset
        //  is not on a sector boundary or the write is not integral
        //  sectors.

        WriteByteCount = BlockAlign( Fcb->Vcb, ByteCount );

        if (SectorOffset( StartingOffset ) ||
            SectorOffset( WriteByteCount ) ||
            (WriteByteCount > OriginalByteCount)) {

            if (!Wait) {

                CdRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_CANT_WAIT );

            //  Make sure we don't overwrite the buffer.

            WriteByteCount = ByteCount;

        //  Initialize the IoContext for the write.
        //  If there is a context pointer, we need to make sure it was
        //  allocated and not a stale stack pointer.

        if (IrpContext->IoContext == NULL ||
            !FlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_ALLOC_IO )) {

            //  If we can wait, use the context on the stack.  Otherwise
            //  we need to allocate one.

            if (Wait) {

                IrpContext->IoContext = &LocalIoContext;
                ClearFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_ALLOC_IO );

            } else {

                IrpContext->IoContext = CdAllocateIoContext();
                SetFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_ALLOC_IO );

        RtlZeroMemory( IrpContext->IoContext, sizeof( CD_IO_CONTEXT ) );

        //  Store whether we allocated this context structure in the structure
        //  itself.

        IrpContext->IoContext->AllocatedContext =
            BooleanFlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_ALLOC_IO );

        if (Wait) {

            KeInitializeEvent( &IrpContext->IoContext->SyncEvent,
                               FALSE );

        } else {

            IrpContext->IoContext->ResourceThreadId = ExGetCurrentResourceThread();
            IrpContext->IoContext->Resource = Fcb->Resource;
            IrpContext->IoContext->RequestedByteCount = ByteCount;

        Irp->IoStatus.Information = WriteByteCount;

        //  Set the FO_MODIFIED flag here to trigger a verify when this
        //  handle is closed.  Note that we can err on the conservative
        //  side with no problem, i.e. if we accidently do an extra
        //  verify there is no problem.

        SetFlag( IrpSp->FileObject->Flags, FO_FILE_MODIFIED );

        //  Dasd access is always non-cached. Call the Dasd write routine to
        //  perform the actual write.

        Status = CdVolumeDasdWrite( IrpContext, Fcb, StartingOffset, WriteByteCount );

        //  Don't complete this request now if STATUS_PENDING was returned.

        if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) {

            Irp = NULL;
            ReleaseFile = FALSE;

        //  Test is we should zero part of the buffer or update the
        //  synchronous file position.

        } else {

            //  Convert any unknown error code to IO_ERROR.

            if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {

                //  Set the information field to zero.

                Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;

                //  Raise if this is a user induced error.

                if (IoIsErrorUserInduced( Status )) {

                    CdRaiseStatus( IrpContext, Status );

                Status = FsRtlNormalizeNtstatus( Status, STATUS_UNEXPECTED_IO_ERROR );

            //  Check if there is any portion of the user's buffer to zero.

            } else if (WriteByteCount != ByteCount) {

                CdMapUserBuffer( IrpContext, &UserBuffer );
                SafeZeroMemory( IrpContext,
                                Add2Ptr( UserBuffer,
                                         PVOID ),
                                WriteByteCount - ByteCount );

                Irp->IoStatus.Information = ByteCount;

            //  Update the file position if this is a synchronous request.

            if (SynchronousIo && NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {

                IrpSp->FileObject->CurrentByteOffset.QuadPart = ByteRange;

    try_exit:  NOTHING;
    } finally {

        //  Release the Fcb.

        if (ReleaseFile) {

            CdReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Post the request if we got CANT_WAIT.

    if (Status == STATUS_CANT_WAIT) {

        Status = CdFsdPostRequest( IrpContext, Irp );

    //  Otherwise complete the request.

    } else {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );

    return Status;
Esempio n. 5
CdCommonClose (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This routine is the Fsd entry for the close operation.  We decode the file
    object to find the CDFS structures and type of open.  We call our internal
    worker routine to perform the actual work.  If the work wasn't completed
    then we post to one of our worker queues.  The Ccb isn't needed after this
    point so we delete the Ccb and return STATUS_SUCCESS to our caller in all


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:



    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;

    PVCB Vcb;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;
    ULONG UserReference = 0;

    BOOLEAN PotentialVcbTeardown = FALSE;
    BOOLEAN ForceDismount = FALSE;


    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_IRP( Irp );

    //  If we were called with our file system device object instead of a
    //  volume device object, just complete this request with STATUS_SUCCESS.

    if (IrpContext->Vcb == NULL) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Decode the file object to get the type of open and Fcb/Ccb.

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext,
                                     IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp )->FileObject,
                                     &Ccb );

    //  No work to do for unopened file objects.

    if (TypeOfOpen == UnopenedFileObject) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    Vcb = Fcb->Vcb;

    //  Clean up any CCB associated with this open.
    if (Ccb != NULL) {

        UserReference = 1;

        //  Was a FSCTL_DISMOUNT issued on this handle?  If so,  we need to
        //  force a dismount of the volume now.
        ForceDismount = BooleanFlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_DISMOUNT_ON_CLOSE);

        //  We can always deallocate the Ccb if present.

        CdDeleteCcb( IrpContext, Ccb );

    //  If this is the last reference to a user file or directory on a 
    //  currently mounted volume, then post it to the delayed close queue.  Note
    //  that the VcbCondition check is unsafe,  but it doesn't really matter -
    //  we just might delay the volume teardown a little by posting this close.

    if ((Vcb->VcbCondition == VcbMounted) &&
        (Fcb->FcbReference == 1) &&
        ((TypeOfOpen == UserFileOpen) ||
         (TypeOfOpen == UserDirectoryOpen))) {

        CdQueueClose( IrpContext, Fcb, UserReference, TRUE );
        IrpContext = NULL;

    //  Otherwise try to process this close.  Post to the async close queue
    //  if we can't acquire all of the resources.

    } else {

        //  If we may be dismounting this volume then acquire the CdData
        //  resource.
        //  Since we now must make volumes go away as soon as reasonable after
        //  the last user handles closes, key off of the cleanup count.  It is
        //  OK to do this more than neccesary.  Since this Fcb could be holding
        //  a number of other Fcbs (and thus their references), a simple check
        //  on reference count is not appropriate.
        //  Do an unsafe check first to avoid taking the (global) cddata lock in the 
        //  common case.

        if (((Vcb->VcbCleanup == 0) || ForceDismount) &&
            (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMounted))  {

            //  Possible.  Acquire CdData to synchronise with the remount path,  and
            //  then repeat the tests.
            //  Note that we must send the notification outside of any locks,  since 
            //  the worker that processes the notify could also be calling into our 
            //  pnp path which wants both CdData and VcbResource.  For a force dismount
            //  the volume will be marked invalid (no going back),  so we will definitely
            //  go ahead and dismount below.

            if (ForceDismount)  {
                //  Send notification.
                FsRtlNotifyVolumeEvent( IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp )->FileObject, 
                                        FSRTL_VOLUME_DISMOUNT );
            CdAcquireCdData( IrpContext );

            if (((Vcb->VcbCleanup == 0) || ForceDismount) &&
                (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMounted) &&
                (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMountInProgress) &&
                FlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_TOP_LEVEL_CDFS ))  {

                PotentialVcbTeardown = TRUE;
            else {

                //  We can't dismount this volume now,  there are other references or
                //  it's just been remounted.

                CdReleaseCdData( IrpContext);

        if (ForceDismount)  {
            //  Physically disconnect this Vcb from the device so a new mount can
            //  occur.  Vcb deletion cannot happen at this time since there is
            //  a handle on it associated with this very request,  but we'll call
            //  check for dismount again later anyway.

            CdCheckForDismount( IrpContext, Vcb, TRUE );
        //  Call the worker routine to perform the actual work.  This routine
        //  should never raise except for a fatal error.

        if (!CdCommonClosePrivate( IrpContext, Vcb, Fcb, UserReference, TRUE )) {

            //  If we didn't complete the request then post the request as needed.

            CdQueueClose( IrpContext, Fcb, UserReference, FALSE );
            IrpContext = NULL;

        //  Check whether we should be dismounting the volume and then complete
        //  the request.

        } else if (PotentialVcbTeardown) {

            CdCheckForDismount( IrpContext, Vcb, FALSE );

    //  Always complete this request with STATUS_SUCCESS.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

    if (PotentialVcbTeardown) {

        CdReleaseCdData( IrpContext );

    //  Always return STATUS_SUCCESS for closes.

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
CdCommonDevControl (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:


Return Value:


    NTSTATUS Status;

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;


    PVOID TargetBuffer;


    //  Extract and decode the file object.

    IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext,
                                     &Ccb );

    //  The only type of opens we accept are user volume opens.

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserVolumeOpen) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );

    //  If we have the TOC in the Vcb then copy it directly to the user's buffer.

    if ((IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode == IOCTL_CDROM_READ_TOC) &&
        (Fcb->Vcb->CdromToc != NULL)) {

        //  Verify the Vcb in this case to detect if the volume has changed.

        CdVerifyVcb( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb );

        if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < Fcb->Vcb->TocLength) {

            CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL );
            return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

        //  Find the buffer for this request.

        if (!FlagOn( Irp->Flags, IRP_ASSOCIATED_IRP ) &&
                   (Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer != NULL)) {

            TargetBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

        } else if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL) {

            TargetBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl( Irp->MdlAddress );

        //  If we have a buffer then perform the copy and return.

        if (TargetBuffer) {

            RtlCopyMemory( TargetBuffer, Fcb->Vcb->CdromToc, Fcb->Vcb->TocLength );

            Irp->IoStatus.Information = Fcb->Vcb->TocLength;

            CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
            return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Handle the case of the disk type ourselves.

    } else if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode == IOCTL_CDROM_DISK_TYPE) {

        //  Verify the Vcb in this case to detect if the volume has changed.

        CdVerifyVcb( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb );

        //  Check the size of the output buffer.

        if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof( CDROM_DISK_DATA )) {

            CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL );
            return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

        //  Copy the data from the Vcb.

        ((PCDROM_DISK_DATA) Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)->DiskData = Fcb->Vcb->DiskFlags;

        Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof( CDROM_DISK_DATA );
        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Get the next stack location, and copy over the stack parameter
    //  information.

    NextIrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    *NextIrpSp = *IrpSp;

    //  Set up the completion routine

    IoSetCompletionRoutine( Irp,
                            TRUE );

    //  Send the request.

    Status = IoCallDriver( IrpContext->Vcb->TargetDeviceObject, Irp );

    //  Cleanup our Irp Context.  The driver has completed the Irp.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS );

    return Status;
Esempio n. 7
CdCommonQueryVolInfo (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for querying volume information called by both
    the fsd and fsp threads.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp being processed

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation


    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    ULONG Length;

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;


    //  Reference our input parameters to make things easier

    Length = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryVolume.Length;

    //  Decode the file object and fail if this an unopened file object.

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    if (TypeOfOpen == UnopenedFileObject) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );

    //  Acquire the Vcb for this volume.

    CdAcquireVcbShared( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, FALSE );

    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {

        //  Verify the Vcb.

        CdVerifyVcb( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb );

        //  Based on the information class we'll do different actions.  Each
        //  of the procedures that we're calling fills up the output buffer
        //  if possible and returns true if it successfully filled the buffer
        //  and false if it couldn't wait for any I/O to complete.

        switch (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryVolume.FsInformationClass) {

        case FileFsSizeInformation:

            Status = CdQueryFsSizeInfo( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &Length );

        case FileFsVolumeInformation:

            Status = CdQueryFsVolumeInfo( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &Length );

        case FileFsDeviceInformation:

            Status = CdQueryFsDeviceInfo( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &Length );

        case FileFsAttributeInformation:

            Status = CdQueryFsAttributeInfo( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &Length );

        //  Set the information field to the number of bytes actually filled in

        Irp->IoStatus.Information = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryVolume.Length - Length;

    } finally {

        //  Release the Vcb.

        CdReleaseVcb( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb );

    //  Complete the request if we didn't raise.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );

    return Status;
Esempio n. 8
CdCommonSetInfo (
    __inout PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __inout PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for set file information called by both the
    fsd and fsp threads.  We only support operations which set the file position.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for this operation.



    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );



    //  Decode the file object

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    //  We only support a SetPositionInformation on a user file.

    if ((TypeOfOpen != UserFileOpen) ||
        (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.FileInformationClass != FilePositionInformation)) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
        return Status;

    //  Acquire shared access to this file.

    CdAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, Fcb );

    try {

        //  Make sure the Fcb is in a usable condition.  This
        //  will raise an error condition if the fcb is unusable

        CdVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

        Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

        //  Check if the file does not use intermediate buffering.  If it
        //  does not use intermediate buffering then the new position we're
        //  supplied must be aligned properly for the device

        if (FlagOn( IrpSp->FileObject->Flags, FO_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING ) &&
            ((Buffer->CurrentByteOffset.LowPart & Fcb->Vcb->BlockMask) != 0)) {

            try_return( NOTHING );

        //  The input parameter is fine so set the current byte offset and
        //  complete the request

        //  Lock the Fcb to provide synchronization.

        CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
        IrpSp->FileObject->CurrentByteOffset = Buffer->CurrentByteOffset;
        CdUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

    try_exit: NOTHING;
    } finally {

#pragma prefast( suppress: 28107, "prefast cannot work out that the FCB is already acquired")
        CdReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Complete the request if there was no raise.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
    return Status;
Esempio n. 9
CdCommonQueryInfo (
    __inout PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __inout PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for query file information called by both the
    fsd and fsp threads.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for this operation.


    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );

    ULONG Length;
    FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInformationClass;

    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    BOOLEAN ReleaseFcb = FALSE;


    //  Reference our input parameters to make things easier

    Length = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length;
    FileInformationClass = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.FileInformationClass;
    Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

    //  Decode the file object

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {

        //  We only support query on file and directory handles.

        switch (TypeOfOpen) {

        case UserDirectoryOpen :
        case UserFileOpen :

            //  Acquire shared access to this file.  NOTE that this could be
            //  a recursive acquire,  if we already preacquired in
            //  CdAcquireForCreateSection().

            CdAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, Fcb );
            ReleaseFcb = TRUE;

            //  Make sure we have the correct sizes for a directory.

            if (!FlagOn( Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_INITIALIZED )) {

                ASSERT( TypeOfOpen == UserDirectoryOpen );
                CdVerifyOrCreateDirStreamFile( IrpContext, Fcb);

            //  Make sure the Fcb is in a usable condition.  This will raise
            //  an error condition if the volume is unusable

            CdVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

            //  Based on the information class we'll do different
            //  actions.  Each of hte procedures that we're calling fills
            //  up the output buffer, if possible.  They will raise the
            //  status STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW for an insufficient buffer.
            //  This is considered a somewhat unusual case and is handled
            //  more cleanly with the exception mechanism rather than
            //  testing a return status value for each call.

            switch (FileInformationClass) {

            case FileAllInformation:

                //  We don't allow this operation on a file opened by file Id.

                if (FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_OPEN_BY_ID )) {

                    Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;

                //  In this case go ahead and call the individual routines to
                //  fill in the buffer.  Only the name routine will
                //  pointer to the output buffer and then call the
                //  individual routines to fill in the buffer.

                Length -= (sizeof( FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION ) +
                           sizeof( FILE_MODE_INFORMATION ) +
                           sizeof( FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION ));

                CdQueryBasicInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, &Buffer->BasicInformation, &Length );
                CdQueryStandardInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, &Buffer->StandardInformation, &Length );
                CdQueryInternalInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, &Buffer->InternalInformation, &Length );
                CdQueryEaInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, &Buffer->EaInformation, &Length );
                CdQueryPositionInfo( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Buffer->PositionInformation, &Length );
                Status = CdQueryNameInfo( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, &Buffer->NameInformation, &Length );


            case FileBasicInformation:

                CdQueryBasicInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, (PFILE_BASIC_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            case FileStandardInformation:

                CdQueryStandardInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, (PFILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            case FileInternalInformation:

                CdQueryInternalInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, (PFILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            case FileEaInformation:

                CdQueryEaInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, (PFILE_EA_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            case FilePositionInformation:

                CdQueryPositionInfo( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, (PFILE_POSITION_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            case FileNameInformation:

                //  We don't allow this operation on a file opened by file Id.

                if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_OPEN_BY_ID )) {

                    Status = CdQueryNameInfo( IrpContext, IrpSp->FileObject, (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

                } else {

                    Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;


            case FileAlternateNameInformation:

                if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_OPEN_BY_ID )) {

                    Status = CdQueryAlternateNameInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, Ccb, (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

                } else {

                    Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;


            case FileNetworkOpenInformation:

                CdQueryNetworkInfo( IrpContext, Fcb, (PFILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION) Buffer, &Length );

            default :

                Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;


        default :

            Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        //  Set the information field to the number of bytes actually filled in
        //  and then complete the request

        Irp->IoStatus.Information = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length - Length;

    } finally {

        //  Release the file.

        if (ReleaseFcb) {

#pragma prefast( suppress: 28107, "prefast cannot work out that the Fcb is acquired by this point.")
            CdReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Complete the request if we didn't raise.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );

    return Status;
Esempio n. 10
CdCommonClose (
    _Inout_ PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    _Inout_ PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This routine is the Fsd entry for the close operation.  We decode the file
    object to find the CDFS structures and type of open.  We call our internal
    worker routine to perform the actual work.  If the work wasn't completed
    then we post to one of our worker queues.  The Ccb isn't needed after this
    point so we delete the Ccb and return STATUS_SUCCESS to our caller in all


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

Return Value:



    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;

    PVCB Vcb;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;
    ULONG UserReference = 0;

    BOOLEAN PotentialVcbTeardown = FALSE;


    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_IRP( Irp );

    //  If we were called with our file system device object instead of a
    //  volume device object, just complete this request with STATUS_SUCCESS.

    if (IrpContext->Vcb == NULL) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    //  Decode the file object to get the type of open and Fcb/Ccb.

    TypeOfOpen = CdDecodeFileObject( IrpContext,
                                     IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp )->FileObject,
                                     &Ccb );

    //  No work to do for unopened file objects.

    if (TypeOfOpen == UnopenedFileObject) {

        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    Vcb = Fcb->Vcb;

    //  Clean up any CCB associated with this open.
    if (Ccb != NULL) {

        UserReference = 1;

        //  We can always deallocate the Ccb if present.

        CdDeleteCcb( IrpContext, Ccb );

    //  If this is the last reference to a user file or directory on a 
    //  currently mounted volume, then post it to the delayed close queue.  Note
    //  that the VcbCondition check is unsafe,  but it doesn't really matter -
    //  we just might delay the volume teardown a little by posting this close.

    if ((Vcb->VcbCondition == VcbMounted) &&
        (Fcb->FcbReference == 1) &&
        ((TypeOfOpen == UserFileOpen) ||
         (TypeOfOpen == UserDirectoryOpen))) {

        CdQueueClose( IrpContext, Fcb, UserReference, TRUE );
        IrpContext = NULL;

    //  Otherwise try to process this close.  Post to the async close queue
    //  if we can't acquire all of the resources.

    else {

        //  If we may be dismounting this volume then acquire the CdData
        //  resource.
        //  Since we now must make volumes go away as soon as reasonable after
        //  the last user handles closes, key off of the cleanup count.  It is
        //  OK to do this more than neccesary.  Since this Fcb could be holding
        //  a number of other Fcbs (and thus their references), a simple check
        //  on reference count is not appropriate.
        //  Do an unsafe check first to avoid taking the (global) cddata lock in the 
        //  common case.

        if ((Vcb->VcbCleanup == 0) &&
            (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMounted))  {

            //  Possible dismount.  Acquire CdData to synchronise with the remount path
            //  before looking at the vcb condition again.

            CdAcquireCdData( IrpContext );

            if ((Vcb->VcbCleanup == 0) &&
                (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMounted) &&
                (Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbMountInProgress) &&
                FlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_TOP_LEVEL_CDFS ))  {

                PotentialVcbTeardown = TRUE;
            else {

                //  We can't dismount this volume now,  there are other references or
                //  it's just been remounted.

            //  Drop the global lock if we don't need it anymore.

            if (!PotentialVcbTeardown) {

                CdReleaseCdData( IrpContext );
        //  Call the worker routine to perform the actual work.  This routine
        //  should never raise except for a fatal error.

        if (!CdCommonClosePrivate( IrpContext, Vcb, Fcb, UserReference, TRUE )) {

            //  If we didn't complete the request then post the request as needed.

            CdQueueClose( IrpContext, Fcb, UserReference, FALSE );
            IrpContext = NULL;

        //  Check whether we should be dismounting the volume and then complete
        //  the request.

        else if (PotentialVcbTeardown) {

            CdCheckForDismount( IrpContext, Vcb, FALSE );

    //  Always complete this request with STATUS_SUCCESS.

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );

    if (PotentialVcbTeardown) {

        CdReleaseCdData( IrpContext );

    //  Always return STATUS_SUCCESS for closes.

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;